1 //===--- ASTTypeTraits.h ----------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
2 //
3 // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4 // See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
5 // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
6 //
7 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
8 //
9 //  Provides a dynamic type identifier and a dynamically typed node container
10 //  that can be used to store an AST base node at runtime in the same storage in
11 //  a type safe way.
12 //
13 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
18 #include "clang/AST/ASTFwd.h"
19 #include "clang/AST/Decl.h"
20 #include "clang/AST/NestedNameSpecifier.h"
21 #include "clang/AST/OpenMPClause.h"
22 #include "clang/AST/Stmt.h"
23 #include "clang/AST/TemplateBase.h"
24 #include "clang/AST/TypeLoc.h"
25 #include "clang/Basic/LLVM.h"
26 #include "llvm/ADT/DenseMapInfo.h"
27 #include "llvm/Support/AlignOf.h"
29 namespace llvm {
31 class raw_ostream;
33 }
35 namespace clang {
37 struct PrintingPolicy;
39 namespace ast_type_traits {
41 /// Defines how we descend a level in the AST when we pass
42 /// through expressions.
43 enum TraversalKind {
44   /// Will traverse all child nodes.
45   TK_AsIs,
47   /// Will not traverse implicit casts and parentheses.
48   /// Corresponds to Expr::IgnoreParenImpCasts()
49   TK_IgnoreImplicitCastsAndParentheses
50 };
52 /// Kind identifier.
53 ///
54 /// It can be constructed from any node kind and allows for runtime type
55 /// hierarchy checks.
56 /// Use getFromNodeKind<T>() to construct them.
57 class ASTNodeKind {
58 public:
59   /// Empty identifier. It matches nothing.
ASTNodeKind()60   ASTNodeKind() : KindId(NKI_None) {}
62   /// Construct an identifier for T.
63   template <class T>
getFromNodeKind()64   static ASTNodeKind getFromNodeKind() {
65     return ASTNodeKind(KindToKindId<T>::Id);
66   }
68   /// \{
69   /// Construct an identifier for the dynamic type of the node
70   static ASTNodeKind getFromNode(const Decl &D);
71   static ASTNodeKind getFromNode(const Stmt &S);
72   static ASTNodeKind getFromNode(const Type &T);
73   static ASTNodeKind getFromNode(const OMPClause &C);
74   /// \}
76   /// Returns \c true if \c this and \c Other represent the same kind.
isSame(ASTNodeKind Other)77   bool isSame(ASTNodeKind Other) const {
78     return KindId != NKI_None && KindId == Other.KindId;
79   }
81   /// Returns \c true only for the default \c ASTNodeKind()
isNone()82   bool isNone() const { return KindId == NKI_None; }
84   /// Returns \c true if \c this is a base kind of (or same as) \c Other.
85   /// \param Distance If non-null, used to return the distance between \c this
86   /// and \c Other in the class hierarchy.
87   bool isBaseOf(ASTNodeKind Other, unsigned *Distance = nullptr) const;
89   /// String representation of the kind.
90   StringRef asStringRef() const;
92   /// Strict weak ordering for ASTNodeKind.
93   bool operator<(const ASTNodeKind &Other) const {
94     return KindId < Other.KindId;
95   }
97   /// Return the most derived type between \p Kind1 and \p Kind2.
98   ///
99   /// Return ASTNodeKind() if they are not related.
100   static ASTNodeKind getMostDerivedType(ASTNodeKind Kind1, ASTNodeKind Kind2);
102   /// Return the most derived common ancestor between Kind1 and Kind2.
103   ///
104   /// Return ASTNodeKind() if they are not related.
105   static ASTNodeKind getMostDerivedCommonAncestor(ASTNodeKind Kind1,
106                                                   ASTNodeKind Kind2);
108   /// Hooks for using ASTNodeKind as a key in a DenseMap.
109   struct DenseMapInfo {
110     // ASTNodeKind() is a good empty key because it is represented as a 0.
getEmptyKeyDenseMapInfo111     static inline ASTNodeKind getEmptyKey() { return ASTNodeKind(); }
112     // NKI_NumberOfKinds is not a valid value, so it is good for a
113     // tombstone key.
getTombstoneKeyDenseMapInfo114     static inline ASTNodeKind getTombstoneKey() {
115       return ASTNodeKind(NKI_NumberOfKinds);
116     }
getHashValueDenseMapInfo117     static unsigned getHashValue(const ASTNodeKind &Val) { return Val.KindId; }
isEqualDenseMapInfo118     static bool isEqual(const ASTNodeKind &LHS, const ASTNodeKind &RHS) {
119       return LHS.KindId == RHS.KindId;
120     }
121   };
123   /// Check if the given ASTNodeKind identifies a type that offers pointer
124   /// identity. This is useful for the fast path in DynTypedNode.
hasPointerIdentity()125   bool hasPointerIdentity() const {
126     return KindId > NKI_LastKindWithoutPointerIdentity;
127   }
129 private:
130   /// Kind ids.
131   ///
132   /// Includes all possible base and derived kinds.
133   enum NodeKindId {
134     NKI_None,
135     NKI_TemplateArgument,
136     NKI_TemplateName,
137     NKI_NestedNameSpecifierLoc,
138     NKI_QualType,
139     NKI_TypeLoc,
140     NKI_LastKindWithoutPointerIdentity = NKI_TypeLoc,
141     NKI_CXXCtorInitializer,
142     NKI_NestedNameSpecifier,
143     NKI_Decl,
144 #define DECL(DERIVED, BASE) NKI_##DERIVED##Decl,
145 #include "clang/AST/DeclNodes.inc"
146     NKI_Stmt,
148 #include "clang/AST/StmtNodes.inc"
149     NKI_Type,
150 #define TYPE(DERIVED, BASE) NKI_##DERIVED##Type,
151 #include "clang/AST/TypeNodes.def"
152     NKI_OMPClause,
153 #define OPENMP_CLAUSE(TextualSpelling, Class) NKI_##Class,
154 #include "clang/Basic/OpenMPKinds.def"
155     NKI_NumberOfKinds
156   };
158   /// Use getFromNodeKind<T>() to construct the kind.
ASTNodeKind(NodeKindId KindId)159   ASTNodeKind(NodeKindId KindId) : KindId(KindId) {}
161   /// Returns \c true if \c Base is a base kind of (or same as) \c
162   ///   Derived.
163   /// \param Distance If non-null, used to return the distance between \c Base
164   /// and \c Derived in the class hierarchy.
165   static bool isBaseOf(NodeKindId Base, NodeKindId Derived, unsigned *Distance);
167   /// Helper meta-function to convert a kind T to its enum value.
168   ///
169   /// This struct is specialized below for all known kinds.
170   template <class T> struct KindToKindId {
171     static const NodeKindId Id = NKI_None;
172   };
173   template <class T>
174   struct KindToKindId<const T> : KindToKindId<T> {};
176   /// Per kind info.
177   struct KindInfo {
178     /// The id of the parent kind, or None if it has no parent.
179     NodeKindId ParentId;
180     /// Name of the kind.
181     const char *Name;
182   };
183   static const KindInfo AllKindInfo[NKI_NumberOfKinds];
185   NodeKindId KindId;
186 };
188 #define KIND_TO_KIND_ID(Class)                                                 \
189   template <> struct ASTNodeKind::KindToKindId<Class> {                        \
190     static const NodeKindId Id = NKI_##Class;                                  \
191   };
192 KIND_TO_KIND_ID(CXXCtorInitializer)
193 KIND_TO_KIND_ID(TemplateArgument)
194 KIND_TO_KIND_ID(TemplateName)
195 KIND_TO_KIND_ID(NestedNameSpecifier)
196 KIND_TO_KIND_ID(NestedNameSpecifierLoc)
197 KIND_TO_KIND_ID(QualType)
198 KIND_TO_KIND_ID(TypeLoc)
204 #include "clang/AST/DeclNodes.inc"
206 #include "clang/AST/StmtNodes.inc"
208 #include "clang/AST/TypeNodes.def"
209 #define OPENMP_CLAUSE(TextualSpelling, Class) KIND_TO_KIND_ID(Class)
210 #include "clang/Basic/OpenMPKinds.def"
211 #undef KIND_TO_KIND_ID
213 inline raw_ostream &operator<<(raw_ostream &OS, ASTNodeKind K) {
214   OS << K.asStringRef();
215   return OS;
216 }
218 /// A dynamically typed AST node container.
219 ///
220 /// Stores an AST node in a type safe way. This allows writing code that
221 /// works with different kinds of AST nodes, despite the fact that they don't
222 /// have a common base class.
223 ///
224 /// Use \c create(Node) to create a \c DynTypedNode from an AST node,
225 /// and \c get<T>() to retrieve the node as type T if the types match.
226 ///
227 /// See \c ASTNodeKind for which node base types are currently supported;
228 /// You can create DynTypedNodes for all nodes in the inheritance hierarchy of
229 /// the supported base types.
230 class DynTypedNode {
231 public:
232   /// Creates a \c DynTypedNode from \c Node.
233   template <typename T>
234   static DynTypedNode create(const T &Node) {
235     return BaseConverter<T>::create(Node);
236   }
238   /// Retrieve the stored node as type \c T.
239   ///
240   /// Returns NULL if the stored node does not have a type that is
241   /// convertible to \c T.
242   ///
243   /// For types that have identity via their pointer in the AST
244   /// (like \c Stmt, \c Decl, \c Type and \c NestedNameSpecifier) the returned
245   /// pointer points to the referenced AST node.
246   /// For other types (like \c QualType) the value is stored directly
247   /// in the \c DynTypedNode, and the returned pointer points at
248   /// the storage inside DynTypedNode. For those nodes, do not
249   /// use the pointer outside the scope of the DynTypedNode.
250   template <typename T>
251   const T *get() const {
252     return BaseConverter<T>::get(NodeKind, Storage.buffer);
253   }
255   /// Retrieve the stored node as type \c T.
256   ///
257   /// Similar to \c get(), but asserts that the type is what we are expecting.
258   template <typename T>
259   const T &getUnchecked() const {
260     return BaseConverter<T>::getUnchecked(NodeKind, Storage.buffer);
261   }
263   ASTNodeKind getNodeKind() const { return NodeKind; }
265   /// Returns a pointer that identifies the stored AST node.
266   ///
267   /// Note that this is not supported by all AST nodes. For AST nodes
268   /// that don't have a pointer-defined identity inside the AST, this
269   /// method returns NULL.
270   const void *getMemoizationData() const {
271     return NodeKind.hasPointerIdentity()
272                ? *reinterpret_cast<void *const *>(Storage.buffer)
273                : nullptr;
274   }
276   /// Prints the node to the given output stream.
277   void print(llvm::raw_ostream &OS, const PrintingPolicy &PP) const;
279   /// Dumps the node to the given output stream.
280   void dump(llvm::raw_ostream &OS, SourceManager &SM) const;
282   /// For nodes which represent textual entities in the source code,
283   /// return their SourceRange.  For all other nodes, return SourceRange().
284   SourceRange getSourceRange() const;
286   /// @{
287   /// Imposes an order on \c DynTypedNode.
288   ///
289   /// Supports comparison of nodes that support memoization.
290   /// FIXME: Implement comparison for other node types (currently
291   /// only Stmt, Decl, Type and NestedNameSpecifier return memoization data).
292   bool operator<(const DynTypedNode &Other) const {
293     if (!NodeKind.isSame(Other.NodeKind))
294       return NodeKind < Other.NodeKind;
296     if (ASTNodeKind::getFromNodeKind<QualType>().isSame(NodeKind))
297       return getUnchecked<QualType>().getAsOpaquePtr() <
298              Other.getUnchecked<QualType>().getAsOpaquePtr();
300     if (ASTNodeKind::getFromNodeKind<TypeLoc>().isSame(NodeKind)) {
301       auto TLA = getUnchecked<TypeLoc>();
302       auto TLB = Other.getUnchecked<TypeLoc>();
303       return std::make_pair(TLA.getType().getAsOpaquePtr(),
304                             TLA.getOpaqueData()) <
305              std::make_pair(TLB.getType().getAsOpaquePtr(),
306                             TLB.getOpaqueData());
307     }
309     if (ASTNodeKind::getFromNodeKind<NestedNameSpecifierLoc>().isSame(
310             NodeKind)) {
311       auto NNSLA = getUnchecked<NestedNameSpecifierLoc>();
312       auto NNSLB = Other.getUnchecked<NestedNameSpecifierLoc>();
313       return std::make_pair(NNSLA.getNestedNameSpecifier(),
314                             NNSLA.getOpaqueData()) <
315              std::make_pair(NNSLB.getNestedNameSpecifier(),
316                             NNSLB.getOpaqueData());
317     }
319     assert(getMemoizationData() && Other.getMemoizationData());
320     return getMemoizationData() < Other.getMemoizationData();
321   }
322   bool operator==(const DynTypedNode &Other) const {
323     // DynTypedNode::create() stores the exact kind of the node in NodeKind.
324     // If they contain the same node, their NodeKind must be the same.
325     if (!NodeKind.isSame(Other.NodeKind))
326       return false;
328     // FIXME: Implement for other types.
329     if (ASTNodeKind::getFromNodeKind<QualType>().isSame(NodeKind))
330       return getUnchecked<QualType>() == Other.getUnchecked<QualType>();
332     if (ASTNodeKind::getFromNodeKind<TypeLoc>().isSame(NodeKind))
333       return getUnchecked<TypeLoc>() == Other.getUnchecked<TypeLoc>();
335     if (ASTNodeKind::getFromNodeKind<NestedNameSpecifierLoc>().isSame(NodeKind))
336       return getUnchecked<NestedNameSpecifierLoc>() ==
337              Other.getUnchecked<NestedNameSpecifierLoc>();
339     assert(getMemoizationData() && Other.getMemoizationData());
340     return getMemoizationData() == Other.getMemoizationData();
341   }
342   bool operator!=(const DynTypedNode &Other) const {
343     return !operator==(Other);
344   }
345   /// @}
347   /// Hooks for using DynTypedNode as a key in a DenseMap.
348   struct DenseMapInfo {
349     static inline DynTypedNode getEmptyKey() {
350       DynTypedNode Node;
351       Node.NodeKind = ASTNodeKind::DenseMapInfo::getEmptyKey();
352       return Node;
353     }
354     static inline DynTypedNode getTombstoneKey() {
355       DynTypedNode Node;
356       Node.NodeKind = ASTNodeKind::DenseMapInfo::getTombstoneKey();
357       return Node;
358     }
359     static unsigned getHashValue(const DynTypedNode &Val) {
360       // FIXME: Add hashing support for the remaining types.
361       if (ASTNodeKind::getFromNodeKind<TypeLoc>().isSame(Val.NodeKind)) {
362         auto TL = Val.getUnchecked<TypeLoc>();
363         return llvm::hash_combine(TL.getType().getAsOpaquePtr(),
364                                   TL.getOpaqueData());
365       }
367       if (ASTNodeKind::getFromNodeKind<NestedNameSpecifierLoc>().isSame(
368               Val.NodeKind)) {
369         auto NNSL = Val.getUnchecked<NestedNameSpecifierLoc>();
370         return llvm::hash_combine(NNSL.getNestedNameSpecifier(),
371                                   NNSL.getOpaqueData());
372       }
374       assert(Val.getMemoizationData());
375       return llvm::hash_value(Val.getMemoizationData());
376     }
377     static bool isEqual(const DynTypedNode &LHS, const DynTypedNode &RHS) {
378       auto Empty = ASTNodeKind::DenseMapInfo::getEmptyKey();
379       auto TombStone = ASTNodeKind::DenseMapInfo::getTombstoneKey();
380       return (ASTNodeKind::DenseMapInfo::isEqual(LHS.NodeKind, Empty) &&
381               ASTNodeKind::DenseMapInfo::isEqual(RHS.NodeKind, Empty)) ||
382              (ASTNodeKind::DenseMapInfo::isEqual(LHS.NodeKind, TombStone) &&
383               ASTNodeKind::DenseMapInfo::isEqual(RHS.NodeKind, TombStone)) ||
384              LHS == RHS;
385     }
386   };
388 private:
389   /// Takes care of converting from and to \c T.
390   template <typename T, typename EnablerT = void> struct BaseConverter;
392   /// Converter that uses dyn_cast<T> from a stored BaseT*.
393   template <typename T, typename BaseT> struct DynCastPtrConverter {
394     static const T *get(ASTNodeKind NodeKind, const char Storage[]) {
395       if (ASTNodeKind::getFromNodeKind<T>().isBaseOf(NodeKind))
396         return &getUnchecked(NodeKind, Storage);
397       return nullptr;
398     }
399     static const T &getUnchecked(ASTNodeKind NodeKind, const char Storage[]) {
400       assert(ASTNodeKind::getFromNodeKind<T>().isBaseOf(NodeKind));
401       return *cast<T>(static_cast<const BaseT *>(
402           *reinterpret_cast<const void *const *>(Storage)));
403     }
404     static DynTypedNode create(const BaseT &Node) {
405       DynTypedNode Result;
406       Result.NodeKind = ASTNodeKind::getFromNode(Node);
407       new (Result.Storage.buffer) const void *(&Node);
408       return Result;
409     }
410   };
412   /// Converter that stores T* (by pointer).
413   template <typename T> struct PtrConverter {
414     static const T *get(ASTNodeKind NodeKind, const char Storage[]) {
415       if (ASTNodeKind::getFromNodeKind<T>().isSame(NodeKind))
416         return &getUnchecked(NodeKind, Storage);
417       return nullptr;
418     }
419     static const T &getUnchecked(ASTNodeKind NodeKind, const char Storage[]) {
420       assert(ASTNodeKind::getFromNodeKind<T>().isSame(NodeKind));
421       return *static_cast<const T *>(
422           *reinterpret_cast<const void *const *>(Storage));
423     }
424     static DynTypedNode create(const T &Node) {
425       DynTypedNode Result;
426       Result.NodeKind = ASTNodeKind::getFromNodeKind<T>();
427       new (Result.Storage.buffer) const void *(&Node);
428       return Result;
429     }
430   };
432   /// Converter that stores T (by value).
433   template <typename T> struct ValueConverter {
434     static const T *get(ASTNodeKind NodeKind, const char Storage[]) {
435       if (ASTNodeKind::getFromNodeKind<T>().isSame(NodeKind))
436         return reinterpret_cast<const T *>(Storage);
437       return nullptr;
438     }
439     static const T &getUnchecked(ASTNodeKind NodeKind, const char Storage[]) {
440       assert(ASTNodeKind::getFromNodeKind<T>().isSame(NodeKind));
441       return *reinterpret_cast<const T *>(Storage);
442     }
443     static DynTypedNode create(const T &Node) {
444       DynTypedNode Result;
445       Result.NodeKind = ASTNodeKind::getFromNodeKind<T>();
446       new (Result.Storage.buffer) T(Node);
447       return Result;
448     }
449   };
451   ASTNodeKind NodeKind;
453   /// Stores the data of the node.
454   ///
455   /// Note that we can store \c Decls, \c Stmts, \c Types,
456   /// \c NestedNameSpecifiers and \c CXXCtorInitializer by pointer as they are
457   /// guaranteed to be unique pointers pointing to dedicated storage in the AST.
458   /// \c QualTypes, \c NestedNameSpecifierLocs, \c TypeLocs and
459   /// \c TemplateArguments on the other hand do not have storage or unique
460   /// pointers and thus need to be stored by value.
461   llvm::AlignedCharArrayUnion<const void *, TemplateArgument,
462                               NestedNameSpecifierLoc, QualType,
463                               TypeLoc> Storage;
464 };
466 template <typename T>
467 struct DynTypedNode::BaseConverter<
468     T, typename std::enable_if<std::is_base_of<Decl, T>::value>::type>
469     : public DynCastPtrConverter<T, Decl> {};
471 template <typename T>
472 struct DynTypedNode::BaseConverter<
473     T, typename std::enable_if<std::is_base_of<Stmt, T>::value>::type>
474     : public DynCastPtrConverter<T, Stmt> {};
476 template <typename T>
477 struct DynTypedNode::BaseConverter<
478     T, typename std::enable_if<std::is_base_of<Type, T>::value>::type>
479     : public DynCastPtrConverter<T, Type> {};
481 template <typename T>
482 struct DynTypedNode::BaseConverter<
483     T, typename std::enable_if<std::is_base_of<OMPClause, T>::value>::type>
484     : public DynCastPtrConverter<T, OMPClause> {};
486 template <>
487 struct DynTypedNode::BaseConverter<
488     NestedNameSpecifier, void> : public PtrConverter<NestedNameSpecifier> {};
490 template <>
491 struct DynTypedNode::BaseConverter<
492     CXXCtorInitializer, void> : public PtrConverter<CXXCtorInitializer> {};
494 template <>
495 struct DynTypedNode::BaseConverter<
496     TemplateArgument, void> : public ValueConverter<TemplateArgument> {};
498 template <>
499 struct DynTypedNode::BaseConverter<
500     TemplateName, void> : public ValueConverter<TemplateName> {};
502 template <>
503 struct DynTypedNode::BaseConverter<
504     NestedNameSpecifierLoc,
505     void> : public ValueConverter<NestedNameSpecifierLoc> {};
507 template <>
508 struct DynTypedNode::BaseConverter<QualType,
509                                    void> : public ValueConverter<QualType> {};
511 template <>
512 struct DynTypedNode::BaseConverter<
513     TypeLoc, void> : public ValueConverter<TypeLoc> {};
515 // The only operation we allow on unsupported types is \c get.
516 // This allows to conveniently use \c DynTypedNode when having an arbitrary
517 // AST node that is not supported, but prevents misuse - a user cannot create
518 // a DynTypedNode from arbitrary types.
519 template <typename T, typename EnablerT> struct DynTypedNode::BaseConverter {
520   static const T *get(ASTNodeKind NodeKind, const char Storage[]) {
521     return NULL;
522   }
523 };
525 } // end namespace ast_type_traits
526 } // end namespace clang
528 namespace llvm {
530 template <>
531 struct DenseMapInfo<clang::ast_type_traits::ASTNodeKind>
532     : clang::ast_type_traits::ASTNodeKind::DenseMapInfo {};
534 template <>
535 struct DenseMapInfo<clang::ast_type_traits::DynTypedNode>
536     : clang::ast_type_traits::DynTypedNode::DenseMapInfo {};
538 }  // end namespace llvm
540 #endif