1 #region Copyright & License
2 //
3 // Copyright 2001-2005 The Apache Software Foundation
4 //
5 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
6 // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
7 // You may obtain a copy of the License at
8 //
9 // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
10 //
11 // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
12 // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
13 // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
14 // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
15 // limitations under the License.
16 //
17 #endregion
19 // .NET Compact Framework 1.0 has no support for reading assembly attributes
20 // and uses the CompactRepositorySelector instead
21 #if !NETCF
23 using System;
24 using System.Collections;
25 using System.Configuration;
26 using System.Reflection;
28 using log4net.Config;
29 using log4net.Util;
30 using log4net.Repository;
32 namespace log4net.Core
33 {
34 	/// <summary>
35 	/// The default implementation of the <see cref="IRepositorySelector"/> interface.
36 	/// </summary>
37 	/// <remarks>
38 	/// <para>
39 	/// Uses attributes defined on the calling assembly to determine how to
40 	/// configure the hierarchy for the repository.
41 	/// </para>
42 	/// </remarks>
43 	/// <author>Nicko Cadell</author>
44 	/// <author>Gert Driesen</author>
45 	public class DefaultRepositorySelector : IRepositorySelector
46 	{
47 		#region Public Events
49 		/// <summary>
50 		/// Event to notify that a logger repository has been created.
51 		/// </summary>
52 		/// <value>
53 		/// Event to notify that a logger repository has been created.
54 		/// </value>
55 		/// <remarks>
56 		/// <para>
57 		/// Event raised when a new repository is created.
58 		/// The event source will be this selector. The event args will
59 		/// be a <see cref="LoggerRepositoryCreationEventArgs"/> which
60 		/// holds the newly created <see cref="ILoggerRepository"/>.
61 		/// </para>
62 		/// </remarks>
63 		public event LoggerRepositoryCreationEventHandler LoggerRepositoryCreatedEvent
64 		{
65 			add { m_loggerRepositoryCreatedEvent += value; }
66 			remove { m_loggerRepositoryCreatedEvent -= value; }
67 		}
69 		#endregion Public Events
71 		#region Public Instance Constructors
73 		/// <summary>
74 		/// Creates a new repository selector.
75 		/// </summary>
76 		/// <param name="defaultRepositoryType">The type of the repositories to create, must implement <see cref="ILoggerRepository"/></param>
77 		/// <remarks>
78 		/// <para>
79 		/// Create an new repository selector.
80 		/// The default type for repositories must be specified,
81 		/// an appropriate value would be <see cref="log4net.Repository.Hierarchy.Hierarchy"/>.
82 		/// </para>
83 		/// </remarks>
84 		/// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException"><paramref name="defaultRepositoryType"/> is <see langword="null" />.</exception>
85 		/// <exception cref="ArgumentOutOfRangeException"><paramref name="defaultRepositoryType"/> does not implement <see cref="ILoggerRepository"/>.</exception>
DefaultRepositorySelector(Type defaultRepositoryType)86 		public DefaultRepositorySelector(Type defaultRepositoryType)
87 		{
88 			if (defaultRepositoryType == null)
89 			{
90 				throw new ArgumentNullException("defaultRepositoryType");
91 			}
93 			// Check that the type is a repository
94 			if (! (typeof(ILoggerRepository).IsAssignableFrom(defaultRepositoryType)) )
95 			{
96 				throw log4net.Util.SystemInfo.CreateArgumentOutOfRangeException("defaultRepositoryType", defaultRepositoryType, "Parameter: defaultRepositoryType, Value: [" + defaultRepositoryType + "] out of range. Argument must implement the ILoggerRepository interface");
97 			}
99 			m_defaultRepositoryType = defaultRepositoryType;
101 			LogLog.Debug("DefaultRepositorySelector: defaultRepositoryType [" + m_defaultRepositoryType + "]");
102 		}
104 		#endregion Public Instance Constructors
106 		#region Implementation of IRepositorySelector
108 		/// <summary>
109 		/// Gets the <see cref="ILoggerRepository"/> for the specified assembly.
110 		/// </summary>
111 		/// <param name="repositoryAssembly">The assembly use to lookup the <see cref="ILoggerRepository"/>.</param>
112 		/// <remarks>
113 		/// <para>
114 		/// The type of the <see cref="ILoggerRepository"/> created and the repository
115 		/// to create can be overridden by specifying the <see cref="log4net.Config.RepositoryAttribute"/>
116 		/// attribute on the <paramref name="repositoryAssembly"/>.
117 		/// </para>
118 		/// <para>
119 		/// The default values are to use the <see cref="log4net.Repository.Hierarchy.Hierarchy"/>
120 		/// implementation of the <see cref="ILoggerRepository"/> interface and to use the
121 		/// <see cref="AssemblyName.Name"/> as the name of the repository.
122 		/// </para>
123 		/// <para>
124 		/// The <see cref="ILoggerRepository"/> created will be automatically configured using
125 		/// any <see cref="log4net.Config.ConfiguratorAttribute"/> attributes defined on
126 		/// the <paramref name="repositoryAssembly"/>.
127 		/// </para>
128 		/// </remarks>
129 		/// <returns>The <see cref="ILoggerRepository"/> for the assembly</returns>
130 		/// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException"><paramref name="repositoryAssembly"/> is <see langword="null" />.</exception>
GetRepository(Assembly repositoryAssembly)131 		public ILoggerRepository GetRepository(Assembly repositoryAssembly)
132 		{
133 			if (repositoryAssembly == null)
134 			{
135 				throw new ArgumentNullException("repositoryAssembly");
136 			}
137 			return CreateRepository(repositoryAssembly, m_defaultRepositoryType);
138 		}
140 		/// <summary>
141 		/// Gets the <see cref="ILoggerRepository"/> for the specified repository.
142 		/// </summary>
143 		/// <param name="repositoryName">The repository to use to lookup the <see cref="ILoggerRepository"/>.</param>
144 		/// <returns>The <see cref="ILoggerRepository"/> for the specified repository.</returns>
145 		/// <remarks>
146 		/// <para>
147 		/// Returns the named repository. If <paramref name="repositoryName"/> is <c>null</c>
148 		/// a <see cref="ArgumentNullException"/> is thrown. If the repository
149 		/// does not exist a <see cref="LogException"/> is thrown.
150 		/// </para>
151 		/// <para>
152 		/// Use <see cref="CreateRepository(string, Type)"/> to create a repository.
153 		/// </para>
154 		/// </remarks>
155 		/// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException"><paramref name="repositoryName"/> is <see langword="null" />.</exception>
156 		/// <exception cref="LogException"><paramref name="repositoryName"/> does not exist.</exception>
GetRepository(string repositoryName)157 		public ILoggerRepository GetRepository(string repositoryName)
158 		{
159 			if (repositoryName == null)
160 			{
161 				throw new ArgumentNullException("repositoryName");
162 			}
164 			lock(this)
165 			{
166 				// Lookup in map
167 				ILoggerRepository rep = m_name2repositoryMap[repositoryName] as ILoggerRepository;
168 				if (rep == null)
169 				{
170 					throw new LogException("Repository [" + repositoryName + "] is NOT defined.");
171 				}
172 				return rep;
173 			}
174 		}
176 		/// <summary>
177 		/// Create a new repository for the assembly specified
178 		/// </summary>
179 		/// <param name="repositoryAssembly">the assembly to use to create the repository to associate with the <see cref="ILoggerRepository"/>.</param>
180 		/// <param name="repositoryType">The type of repository to create, must implement <see cref="ILoggerRepository"/>.</param>
181 		/// <returns>The repository created.</returns>
182 		/// <remarks>
183 		/// <para>
184 		/// The <see cref="ILoggerRepository"/> created will be associated with the repository
185 		/// specified such that a call to <see cref="GetRepository(Assembly)"/> with the
186 		/// same assembly specified will return the same repository instance.
187 		/// </para>
188 		/// <para>
189 		/// The type of the <see cref="ILoggerRepository"/> created and
190 		/// the repository to create can be overridden by specifying the
191 		/// <see cref="log4net.Config.RepositoryAttribute"/> attribute on the
192 		/// <paramref name="repositoryAssembly"/>.  The default values are to use the
193 		/// <paramref name="repositoryType"/> implementation of the
194 		/// <see cref="ILoggerRepository"/> interface and to use the
195 		/// <see cref="AssemblyName.Name"/> as the name of the repository.
196 		/// </para>
197 		/// <para>
198 		/// The <see cref="ILoggerRepository"/> created will be automatically
199 		/// configured using any <see cref="log4net.Config.ConfiguratorAttribute"/>
200 		/// attributes defined on the <paramref name="repositoryAssembly"/>.
201 		/// </para>
202 		/// <para>
203 		/// If a repository for the <paramref name="repositoryAssembly"/> already exists
204 		/// that repository will be returned. An error will not be raised and that
205 		/// repository may be of a different type to that specified in <paramref name="repositoryType"/>.
206 		/// Also the <see cref="log4net.Config.RepositoryAttribute"/> attribute on the
207 		/// assembly may be used to override the repository type specified in
208 		/// <paramref name="repositoryType"/>.
209 		/// </para>
210 		/// </remarks>
211 		/// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException"><paramref name="repositoryAssembly"/> is <see langword="null" />.</exception>
CreateRepository(Assembly repositoryAssembly, Type repositoryType)212 		public ILoggerRepository CreateRepository(Assembly repositoryAssembly, Type repositoryType)
213 		{
214 			return CreateRepository(repositoryAssembly, repositoryType, DefaultRepositoryName, true);
215 		}
217 		/// <summary>
218 		/// Creates a new repository for the assembly specified.
219 		/// </summary>
220 		/// <param name="repositoryAssembly">the assembly to use to create the repository to associate with the <see cref="ILoggerRepository"/>.</param>
221 		/// <param name="repositoryType">The type of repository to create, must implement <see cref="ILoggerRepository"/>.</param>
222 		/// <param name="repositoryName">The name to assign to the created repository</param>
223 		/// <param name="readAssemblyAttributes">Set to <c>true</c> to read and apply the assembly attributes</param>
224 		/// <returns>The repository created.</returns>
225 		/// <remarks>
226 		/// <para>
227 		/// The <see cref="ILoggerRepository"/> created will be associated with the repository
228 		/// specified such that a call to <see cref="GetRepository(Assembly)"/> with the
229 		/// same assembly specified will return the same repository instance.
230 		/// </para>
231 		/// <para>
232 		/// The type of the <see cref="ILoggerRepository"/> created and
233 		/// the repository to create can be overridden by specifying the
234 		/// <see cref="log4net.Config.RepositoryAttribute"/> attribute on the
235 		/// <paramref name="repositoryAssembly"/>.  The default values are to use the
236 		/// <paramref name="repositoryType"/> implementation of the
237 		/// <see cref="ILoggerRepository"/> interface and to use the
238 		/// <see cref="AssemblyName.Name"/> as the name of the repository.
239 		/// </para>
240 		/// <para>
241 		/// The <see cref="ILoggerRepository"/> created will be automatically
242 		/// configured using any <see cref="log4net.Config.ConfiguratorAttribute"/>
243 		/// attributes defined on the <paramref name="repositoryAssembly"/>.
244 		/// </para>
245 		/// <para>
246 		/// If a repository for the <paramref name="repositoryAssembly"/> already exists
247 		/// that repository will be returned. An error will not be raised and that
248 		/// repository may be of a different type to that specified in <paramref name="repositoryType"/>.
249 		/// Also the <see cref="log4net.Config.RepositoryAttribute"/> attribute on the
250 		/// assembly may be used to override the repository type specified in
251 		/// <paramref name="repositoryType"/>.
252 		/// </para>
253 		/// </remarks>
254 		/// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException"><paramref name="repositoryAssembly"/> is <see langword="null" />.</exception>
CreateRepository(Assembly repositoryAssembly, Type repositoryType, string repositoryName, bool readAssemblyAttributes)255 		public ILoggerRepository CreateRepository(Assembly repositoryAssembly, Type repositoryType, string repositoryName, bool readAssemblyAttributes)
256 		{
257 			if (repositoryAssembly == null)
258 			{
259 				throw new ArgumentNullException("repositoryAssembly");
260 			}
262 			// If the type is not set then use the default type
263 			if (repositoryType == null)
264 			{
265 				repositoryType = m_defaultRepositoryType;
266 			}
268 			lock(this)
269 			{
270 				// Lookup in map
271 				ILoggerRepository rep = m_assembly2repositoryMap[repositoryAssembly] as ILoggerRepository;
272 				if (rep == null)
273 				{
274 					// Not found, therefore create
275 					LogLog.Debug("DefaultRepositorySelector: Creating repository for assembly [" + repositoryAssembly + "]");
277 					// Must specify defaults
278 					string actualRepositoryName = repositoryName;
279 					Type actualRepositoryType = repositoryType;
281 					if (readAssemblyAttributes)
282 					{
283 						// Get the repository and type from the assembly attributes
284 						GetInfoForAssembly(repositoryAssembly, ref actualRepositoryName, ref actualRepositoryType);
285 					}
287 					LogLog.Debug("DefaultRepositorySelector: Assembly [" + repositoryAssembly + "] using repository [" + actualRepositoryName + "] and repository type [" + actualRepositoryType + "]");
289 					// Lookup the repository in the map (as this may already be defined)
290 					rep = m_name2repositoryMap[actualRepositoryName] as ILoggerRepository;
291 					if (rep == null)
292 					{
293 						// Create the repository
294 						rep = CreateRepository(actualRepositoryName, actualRepositoryType);
296 						if (readAssemblyAttributes)
297 						{
298 							try
299 							{
300 								// Look for aliasing attributes
301 								LoadAliases(repositoryAssembly, rep);
303 								// Look for plugins defined on the assembly
304 								LoadPlugins(repositoryAssembly, rep);
306 								// Configure the repository using the assembly attributes
307 								ConfigureRepository(repositoryAssembly, rep);
308 							}
309 							catch (Exception ex)
310 							{
311 								LogLog.Error("DefaultRepositorySelector: Failed to configure repository [" + actualRepositoryName + "] from assembly attributes.", ex);
312 							}
313 						}
314 					}
315 					else
316 					{
317 						LogLog.Debug("DefaultRepositorySelector: repository [" + actualRepositoryName + "] already exists, using repository type [" + rep.GetType().FullName + "]");
319 						if (readAssemblyAttributes)
320 						{
321 							try
322 							{
323 								// Look for plugins defined on the assembly
324 								LoadPlugins(repositoryAssembly, rep);
325 							}
326 							catch (Exception ex)
327 							{
328 								LogLog.Error("DefaultRepositorySelector: Failed to configure repository [" + actualRepositoryName + "] from assembly attributes.", ex);
329 							}
330 						}
331 					}
332 					m_assembly2repositoryMap[repositoryAssembly] = rep;
333 				}
334 				return rep;
335 			}
336 		}
338 		/// <summary>
339 		/// Creates a new repository for the specified repository.
340 		/// </summary>
341 		/// <param name="repositoryName">The repository to associate with the <see cref="ILoggerRepository"/>.</param>
342 		/// <param name="repositoryType">The type of repository to create, must implement <see cref="ILoggerRepository"/>.
343 		/// If this param is <see langword="null" /> then the default repository type is used.</param>
344 		/// <returns>The new repository.</returns>
345 		/// <remarks>
346 		/// <para>
347 		/// The <see cref="ILoggerRepository"/> created will be associated with the repository
348 		/// specified such that a call to <see cref="GetRepository(string)"/> with the
349 		/// same repository specified will return the same repository instance.
350 		/// </para>
351 		/// </remarks>
352 		/// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException"><paramref name="repositoryName"/> is <see langword="null" />.</exception>
353 		/// <exception cref="LogException"><paramref name="repositoryName"/> already exists.</exception>
CreateRepository(string repositoryName, Type repositoryType)354 		public ILoggerRepository CreateRepository(string repositoryName, Type repositoryType)
355 		{
356 			if (repositoryName == null)
357 			{
358 				throw new ArgumentNullException("repositoryName");
359 			}
361 			// If the type is not set then use the default type
362 			if (repositoryType == null)
363 			{
364 				repositoryType = m_defaultRepositoryType;
365 			}
367 			lock(this)
368 			{
369 				ILoggerRepository rep = null;
371 				// First check that the repository does not exist
372 				rep = m_name2repositoryMap[repositoryName] as ILoggerRepository;
373 				if (rep != null)
374 				{
375 					throw new LogException("Repository [" + repositoryName + "] is already defined. Repositories cannot be redefined.");
376 				}
377 				else
378 				{
379 					// Lookup an alias before trying to create the new repository
380 					ILoggerRepository aliasedRepository = m_alias2repositoryMap[repositoryName] as ILoggerRepository;
381 					if (aliasedRepository != null)
382 					{
383 						// Found an alias
385 						// Check repository type
386 						if (aliasedRepository.GetType() == repositoryType)
387 						{
388 							// Repository type is compatible
389 							LogLog.Debug("DefaultRepositorySelector: Aliasing repository [" + repositoryName + "] to existing repository [" + aliasedRepository.Name + "]");
390 							rep = aliasedRepository;
392 							// Store in map
393 							m_name2repositoryMap[repositoryName] = rep;
394 						}
395 						else
396 						{
397 							// Invalid repository type for alias
398 							LogLog.Error("DefaultRepositorySelector: Failed to alias repository [" + repositoryName + "] to existing repository ["+aliasedRepository.Name+"]. Requested repository type ["+repositoryType.FullName+"] is not compatible with existing type [" + aliasedRepository.GetType().FullName + "]");
400 							// We now drop through to create the repository without aliasing
401 						}
402 					}
404 					// If we could not find an alias
405 					if (rep == null)
406 					{
407 						LogLog.Debug("DefaultRepositorySelector: Creating repository [" + repositoryName + "] using type [" + repositoryType + "]");
409 						// Call the no arg constructor for the repositoryType
410 						rep = (ILoggerRepository)Activator.CreateInstance(repositoryType);
412 						// Set the name of the repository
413 						rep.Name = repositoryName;
415 						// Store in map
416 						m_name2repositoryMap[repositoryName] = rep;
418 						// Notify listeners that the repository has been created
419 						OnLoggerRepositoryCreatedEvent(rep);
420 					}
421 				}
423 				return rep;
424 			}
425 		}
427 		/// <summary>
428 		/// Test if a named repository exists
429 		/// </summary>
430 		/// <param name="repositoryName">the named repository to check</param>
431 		/// <returns><c>true</c> if the repository exists</returns>
432 		/// <remarks>
433 		/// <para>
434 		/// Test if a named repository exists. Use <see cref="CreateRepository(string, Type)"/>
435 		/// to create a new repository and <see cref="GetRepository(string)"/> to retrieve
436 		/// a repository.
437 		/// </para>
438 		/// </remarks>
ExistsRepository(string repositoryName)439 		public bool ExistsRepository(string repositoryName)
440 		{
441 			lock(this)
442 			{
443 				return m_name2repositoryMap.ContainsKey(repositoryName);
444 			}
445 		}
447 		/// <summary>
448 		/// Gets a list of <see cref="ILoggerRepository"/> objects
449 		/// </summary>
450 		/// <returns>an array of all known <see cref="ILoggerRepository"/> objects</returns>
451 		/// <remarks>
452 		/// <para>
453 		/// Gets an array of all of the repositories created by this selector.
454 		/// </para>
455 		/// </remarks>
GetAllRepositories()456 		public ILoggerRepository[] GetAllRepositories()
457 		{
458 			lock(this)
459 			{
460 				ICollection reps = m_name2repositoryMap.Values;
461 				ILoggerRepository[] all = new ILoggerRepository[reps.Count];
462 				reps.CopyTo(all, 0);
463 				return all;
464 			}
465 		}
467 		#endregion Implementation of IRepositorySelector
469 		#region Public Instance Methods
471 		/// <summary>
472 		/// Aliases a repository to an existing repository.
473 		/// </summary>
474 		/// <param name="repositoryAlias">The repository to alias.</param>
475 		/// <param name="repositoryTarget">The repository that the repository is aliased to.</param>
476 		/// <remarks>
477 		/// <para>
478 		/// The repository specified will be aliased to the repository when created.
479 		/// The repository must not already exist.
480 		/// </para>
481 		/// <para>
482 		/// When the repository is created it must utilize the same repository type as
483 		/// the repository it is aliased to, otherwise the aliasing will fail.
484 		/// </para>
485 		/// </remarks>
486 		/// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">
487 		///	<para><paramref name="repositoryAlias" /> is <see langword="null" />.</para>
488 		///	<para>-or-</para>
489 		///	<para><paramref name="repositoryTarget" /> is <see langword="null" />.</para>
490 		/// </exception>
AliasRepository(string repositoryAlias, ILoggerRepository repositoryTarget)491 		public void AliasRepository(string repositoryAlias, ILoggerRepository repositoryTarget)
492 		{
493 			if (repositoryAlias == null)
494 			{
495 				throw new ArgumentNullException("repositoryAlias");
496 			}
497 			if (repositoryTarget == null)
498 			{
499 				throw new ArgumentNullException("repositoryTarget");
500 			}
502 			lock(this)
503 			{
504 				// Check if the alias is already set
505 				if (m_alias2repositoryMap.Contains(repositoryAlias))
506 				{
507 					// Check if this is a duplicate of the current alias
508 					if (repositoryTarget != ((ILoggerRepository)m_alias2repositoryMap[repositoryAlias]))
509 					{
510 						// Cannot redefine existing alias
511 						throw new InvalidOperationException("Repository [" + repositoryAlias + "] is already aliased to repository [" + ((ILoggerRepository)m_alias2repositoryMap[repositoryAlias]).Name + "]. Aliases cannot be redefined.");
512 					}
513 				}
514 					// Check if the alias is already mapped to a repository
515 				else if (m_name2repositoryMap.Contains(repositoryAlias))
516 				{
517 					// Check if this is a duplicate of the current mapping
518 					if ( repositoryTarget != ((ILoggerRepository)m_name2repositoryMap[repositoryAlias]) )
519 					{
520 						// Cannot define alias for already mapped repository
521 						throw new InvalidOperationException("Repository [" + repositoryAlias + "] already exists and cannot be aliased to repository [" + repositoryTarget.Name + "].");
522 					}
523 				}
524 				else
525 				{
526 					// Set the alias
527 					m_alias2repositoryMap[repositoryAlias] = repositoryTarget;
528 				}
529 			}
530 		}
532 		#endregion Public Instance Methods
534 		#region Protected Instance Methods
536 		/// <summary>
537 		/// Notifies the registered listeners that the repository has been created.
538 		/// </summary>
539 		/// <param name="repository">The repository that has been created.</param>
540 		/// <remarks>
541 		/// <para>
542 		/// Raises the <see cref="LoggerRepositoryCreatedEvent"/> event.
543 		/// </para>
544 		/// </remarks>
OnLoggerRepositoryCreatedEvent(ILoggerRepository repository)545 		protected virtual void OnLoggerRepositoryCreatedEvent(ILoggerRepository repository)
546 		{
547 			LoggerRepositoryCreationEventHandler handler = m_loggerRepositoryCreatedEvent;
548 			if (handler != null)
549 			{
550 				handler(this, new LoggerRepositoryCreationEventArgs(repository));
551 			}
552 		}
554 		#endregion Protected Instance Methods
556 		#region Private Instance Methods
558 		/// <summary>
559 		/// Gets the repository name and repository type for the specified assembly.
560 		/// </summary>
561 		/// <param name="assembly">The assembly that has a <see cref="log4net.Config.RepositoryAttribute"/>.</param>
562 		/// <param name="repositoryName">in/out param to hold the repository name to use for the assembly, caller should set this to the default value before calling.</param>
563 		/// <param name="repositoryType">in/out param to hold the type of the repository to create for the assembly, caller should set this to the default value before calling.</param>
564 		/// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException"><paramref name="assembly" /> is <see langword="null" />.</exception>
GetInfoForAssembly(Assembly assembly, ref string repositoryName, ref Type repositoryType)565 		private void GetInfoForAssembly(Assembly assembly, ref string repositoryName, ref Type repositoryType)
566 		{
567 			if (assembly == null)
568 			{
569 				throw new ArgumentNullException("assembly");
570 			}
572 			try
573 			{
574 				LogLog.Debug("DefaultRepositorySelector: Assembly [" + assembly.FullName + "] Loaded From [" + SystemInfo.AssemblyLocationInfo(assembly) + "]");
575 			}
576 			catch
577 			{
578 				// Ignore exception from debug call
579 			}
581 			try
582 			{
583 				// Look for the RepositoryAttribute on the assembly
584 				object[] repositoryAttributes = Attribute.GetCustomAttributes(assembly, typeof(log4net.Config.RepositoryAttribute), false);
585 				if (repositoryAttributes == null || repositoryAttributes.Length == 0)
586 				{
587 					// This is not a problem, but its nice to know what is going on.
588 					LogLog.Debug("DefaultRepositorySelector: Assembly [" + assembly + "] does not have a RepositoryAttribute specified.");
589 				}
590 				else
591 				{
592 					if (repositoryAttributes.Length > 1)
593 					{
594 						LogLog.Error("DefaultRepositorySelector: Assembly [" + assembly + "] has multiple log4net.Config.RepositoryAttribute assembly attributes. Only using first occurrence.");
595 					}
597 					log4net.Config.RepositoryAttribute domAttr = repositoryAttributes[0] as log4net.Config.RepositoryAttribute;
599 					if (domAttr == null)
600 					{
601 						LogLog.Error("DefaultRepositorySelector: Assembly [" + assembly + "] has a RepositoryAttribute but it does not!.");
602 					}
603 					else
604 					{
605 						// If the Name property is set then override the default
606 						if (domAttr.Name != null)
607 						{
608 							repositoryName = domAttr.Name;
609 						}
611 						// If the RepositoryType property is set then override the default
612 						if (domAttr.RepositoryType != null)
613 						{
614 							// Check that the type is a repository
615 							if (typeof(ILoggerRepository).IsAssignableFrom(domAttr.RepositoryType))
616 							{
617 								repositoryType = domAttr.RepositoryType;
618 							}
619 							else
620 							{
621 								LogLog.Error("DefaultRepositorySelector: Repository Type [" + domAttr.RepositoryType + "] must implement the ILoggerRepository interface.");
622 							}
623 						}
624 					}
625 				}
626 			}
627 			catch (Exception ex)
628 			{
629 				LogLog.Error("DefaultRepositorySelector: Unhandled exception in GetInfoForAssembly", ex);
630 			}
631 		}
633 		/// <summary>
634 		/// Configures the repository using information from the assembly.
635 		/// </summary>
636 		/// <param name="assembly">The assembly containing <see cref="log4net.Config.ConfiguratorAttribute"/>
637 		/// attributes which define the configuration for the repository.</param>
638 		/// <param name="repository">The repository to configure.</param>
639 		/// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">
640 		///	<para><paramref name="assembly" /> is <see langword="null" />.</para>
641 		///	<para>-or-</para>
642 		///	<para><paramref name="repository" /> is <see langword="null" />.</para>
643 		/// </exception>
ConfigureRepository(Assembly assembly, ILoggerRepository repository)644 		private void ConfigureRepository(Assembly assembly, ILoggerRepository repository)
645 		{
646 			if (assembly == null)
647 			{
648 				throw new ArgumentNullException("assembly");
649 			}
650 			if (repository == null)
651 			{
652 				throw new ArgumentNullException("repository");
653 			}
655 			// Look for the Configurator attributes (e.g. XmlConfiguratorAttribute) on the assembly
656 			object[] configAttributes = Attribute.GetCustomAttributes(assembly, typeof(log4net.Config.ConfiguratorAttribute), false);
657 			if (configAttributes != null && configAttributes.Length > 0)
658 			{
659 				// Sort the ConfiguratorAttributes in priority order
660 				Array.Sort(configAttributes);
662 				// Delegate to the attribute the job of configuring the repository
663 				foreach(log4net.Config.ConfiguratorAttribute configAttr in configAttributes)
664 				{
665 					if (configAttr != null)
666 					{
667 						try
668 						{
669 							configAttr.Configure(assembly, repository);
670 						}
671 						catch (Exception ex)
672 						{
673 							LogLog.Error("DefaultRepositorySelector: Exception calling ["+configAttr.GetType().FullName+"] .Configure method.", ex);
674 						}
675 					}
676 				}
677 			}
679 			if (repository.Name == DefaultRepositoryName)
680 			{
681 				// Try to configure the default repository using an AppSettings specified config file
682 				// Do this even if the repository has been configured (or claims to be), this allows overriding
683 				// of the default config files etc, if that is required.
685 				string repositoryConfigFile = SystemInfo.GetAppSetting("log4net.Config");
686 				if (repositoryConfigFile != null && repositoryConfigFile.Length > 0)
687 				{
688 					string applicationBaseDirectory = null;
689 					try
690 					{
691 						applicationBaseDirectory = SystemInfo.ApplicationBaseDirectory;
692 					}
693 					catch(Exception ex)
694 					{
695 						LogLog.Warn("DefaultRepositorySelector: Exception getting ApplicationBaseDirectory. appSettings log4net.Config path ["+repositoryConfigFile+"] will be treated as an absolute URI", ex);
696 					}
698 					// As we are not going to watch the config file it is easiest to just resolve it as a
699 					// URI and pass that to the Configurator
700 					Uri repositoryConfigUri = null;
701 					try
702 					{
703 						if (applicationBaseDirectory != null)
704 						{
705 							// Resolve the config path relative to the application base directory URI
706 							repositoryConfigUri = new Uri(new Uri(applicationBaseDirectory), repositoryConfigFile);
707 						}
708 						else
709 						{
710 							repositoryConfigUri = new Uri(repositoryConfigFile);
711 						}
712 					}
713 					catch(Exception ex)
714 					{
715 						LogLog.Error("DefaultRepositorySelector: Exception while parsing log4net.Config file path ["+repositoryConfigFile+"]", ex);
716 					}
718 					if (repositoryConfigUri != null)
719 					{
720 						LogLog.Debug("DefaultRepositorySelector: Loading configuration for default repository from AppSettings specified Config URI ["+repositoryConfigUri.ToString()+"]");
722 						try
723 						{
724 							// TODO: Support other types of configurator
725 							XmlConfigurator.Configure(repository, repositoryConfigUri);
726 						}
727 						catch (Exception ex)
728 						{
729 							LogLog.Error("DefaultRepositorySelector: Exception calling XmlConfigurator.Configure method with ConfigUri ["+repositoryConfigUri+"]", ex);
730 						}
731 					}
732 				}
733 			}
734 		}
736 		/// <summary>
737 		/// Loads the attribute defined plugins on the assembly.
738 		/// </summary>
739 		/// <param name="assembly">The assembly that contains the attributes.</param>
740 		/// <param name="repository">The repository to add the plugins to.</param>
741 		/// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">
742 		///	<para><paramref name="assembly" /> is <see langword="null" />.</para>
743 		///	<para>-or-</para>
744 		///	<para><paramref name="repository" /> is <see langword="null" />.</para>
745 		/// </exception>
LoadPlugins(Assembly assembly, ILoggerRepository repository)746 		private void LoadPlugins(Assembly assembly, ILoggerRepository repository)
747 		{
748 			if (assembly == null)
749 			{
750 				throw new ArgumentNullException("assembly");
751 			}
752 			if (repository == null)
753 			{
754 				throw new ArgumentNullException("repository");
755 			}
757 			// Look for the PluginAttribute on the assembly
758 			object[] configAttributes = Attribute.GetCustomAttributes(assembly, typeof(log4net.Config.PluginAttribute), false);
759 			if (configAttributes != null && configAttributes.Length > 0)
760 			{
761 				foreach(log4net.Plugin.IPluginFactory configAttr in configAttributes)
762 				{
763 					try
764 					{
765 						// Create the plugin and add it to the repository
766 						repository.PluginMap.Add(configAttr.CreatePlugin());
767 					}
768 					catch(Exception ex)
769 					{
770 						LogLog.Error("DefaultRepositorySelector: Failed to create plugin. Attribute [" + configAttr.ToString() + "]", ex);
771 					}
772 				}
773 			}
774 		}
776 		/// <summary>
777 		/// Loads the attribute defined aliases on the assembly.
778 		/// </summary>
779 		/// <param name="assembly">The assembly that contains the attributes.</param>
780 		/// <param name="repository">The repository to alias to.</param>
781 		/// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">
782 		///	<para><paramref name="assembly" /> is <see langword="null" />.</para>
783 		///	<para>-or-</para>
784 		///	<para><paramref name="repository" /> is <see langword="null" />.</para>
785 		/// </exception>
LoadAliases(Assembly assembly, ILoggerRepository repository)786 		private void LoadAliases(Assembly assembly, ILoggerRepository repository)
787 		{
788 			if (assembly == null)
789 			{
790 				throw new ArgumentNullException("assembly");
791 			}
792 			if (repository == null)
793 			{
794 				throw new ArgumentNullException("repository");
795 			}
797 			// Look for the AliasRepositoryAttribute on the assembly
798 			object[] configAttributes = Attribute.GetCustomAttributes(assembly, typeof(log4net.Config.AliasRepositoryAttribute), false);
799 			if (configAttributes != null && configAttributes.Length > 0)
800 			{
801 				foreach(log4net.Config.AliasRepositoryAttribute configAttr in configAttributes)
802 				{
803 					try
804 					{
805 						AliasRepository(configAttr.Name, repository);
806 					}
807 					catch(Exception ex)
808 					{
809 						LogLog.Error("DefaultRepositorySelector: Failed to alias repository [" + configAttr.Name + "]", ex);
810 					}
811 				}
812 			}
813 		}
815 		#endregion Private Instance Methods
817 		#region Private Static Fields
819 		private const string DefaultRepositoryName = "log4net-default-repository";
821 		#endregion Private Static Fields
823 		#region Private Instance Fields
825 		private readonly Hashtable m_name2repositoryMap = new Hashtable();
826 		private readonly Hashtable m_assembly2repositoryMap = new Hashtable();
827 		private readonly Hashtable m_alias2repositoryMap = new Hashtable();
828 		private readonly Type m_defaultRepositoryType;
830 		private event LoggerRepositoryCreationEventHandler m_loggerRepositoryCreatedEvent;
832 		#endregion Private Instance Fields
833 	}
834 }
836 #endif // !NETCF