1# B/Graph.pm
2# Copyright (C) 1997, 1998, 2000 Stephen McCamant. All rights reserved.
3# This program is free software; you can redistribute and/or modifiy it
4# under the same terms as Perl itself.
5package B::Graph;
6$VERSION = "0.51";
8use 5.004; # Some 5.003_??s might work; most recently tested w/5.005
9use B qw(class main_start main_root main_cv sv_undef svref_2object ppname);
10use B::Asmdata qw(@specialsv_name);
12use strict;
14my %nodes; # addr => have we printed it?
15my @edges; # [from => to, line, type]
16my @todo; # nodes to print
17my($addrs, $type, $style, $sv_shape, $dump_svs, $dump_stashes, $filegvs,
18   $seqs, $types, $float, $targlinks);
19use vars '@padnames'; # should be my(), but I want to use local() on it
21sub ad {
22    return $ {$_[0]};
25sub max {
26    my($m) = $_[0];
27    my $x;
28    for $x (@_) {
29	$m = $x if $x > $m;
30    }
31    return $m;
34sub proclaim_node {
35    return unless @_;
36    if ($type eq "vcg") {
37	my(@lines) = ();
38	my($title, $shape, $color);
39	for my $l (@_) {
40	    my(@l) = @$l;
41	    if ($l[0] eq "title") {
42		$title = $l[1];
43	    } elsif ($l[0] eq "color") {
44		$color = ('white', 'lightgrey', 'lightblue', 'lightred',
45		   'lightgreen', 'lightyellow', 'orange', 'cyan',
46		   'lightmagenta', 'yellow', 'green', 'aquamarine',
47		   'khaki')[$l[1]];
48	    } elsif ($l[0] eq "shape") {
49		$shape = $l[1];
50	    } elsif ($l[0] eq "text") {
51		push @lines, $l[1];
52	    } elsif ($l[0] eq "link") {
53		$l[3] = 0 unless defined $l[3];
54		if ($l[2]) {
55		    unless ($float and $l[3] == 1 || $l[3] == 2) {
56			if ($addrs) {
57			    push @lines, "$l[1]: " . sprintf("%x", $l[2]);
58			} else {
59			    push @lines, "$l[1]";
60			}
61		    }
62		    push @edges, [$title, $l[2], scalar(@lines), $l[3]]
63			unless @lines > 55;
64		}
65	    } elsif ($l[0] eq "val") {
66		push @lines, "$l[1]: $l[2]" if $l[2];
67	    } elsif ($l[0] eq "sval") {
68		my($v) = $l[2];
69		if (defined $v) {
70		    $v =~ s/([\x00-\x1f\"\x80-\xff])/
71		            "\\\\x" . sprintf("%x", ord($1))/eg;
72		    $v = substr($v,0,10) . "..." . substr($v, -10)
73			if length $v > 23;
74		    push @lines, qq/$l[1]: '$v'/;
75		} else {
76		    push @lines, "$l[1]: undef";
77		}
78	    } else {
79		die "unknown node info type: $l[0] (@_)!\n";
80	    }
81	}
83	print "node: { ";
84	print qq'title: "$title" ';
85	print qq'color: $color ' if $color;
86	print qq'shape: $shape ' if $shape;
87	print qq'label: "', join("\n", @lines), '"';
88	print "}\n\n";
89    } elsif ($type eq "dot") {
90	my(@lines) = ();
91	my($title, $shape, $color);
92	for my $l (@_) {
93	    my(@l) = @$l;
94	    if ($l[0] eq "title") {
95		$title = $l[1];
96	    } elsif ($l[0] eq "color") {
97		$color = ('black', 'gray50', 'navyblue', 'red',
98		   'darkgreen', 'brown', 'magenta4',
99		   'blue', 'dodgerblue', 'orange', 'darkgreen', 'blue',
100		   'khaki4')[$l[1]];
101	    } elsif ($l[0] eq "shape") {
102	    } elsif ($l[0] eq "text") {
103		push @lines, $l[1];
104	    } elsif ($l[0] eq "link") {
105		$l[3] = 0 unless defined $l[3];
106		if ($l[2]) {
107		    unless ($float and $l[3] == 1 || $l[3] == 2) {
108			if ($addrs) {
109			    push @lines, "$l[1]: " . sprintf("%x", $l[2]);
110			} else {
111			    push @lines, "$l[1]";
112			}
113		    }
114		    push @edges, [$title, $l[2], scalar(@lines), $l[3]];
115		}
116	    } elsif ($l[0] eq "val") {
117		push @lines, "$l[1]: $l[2]" if $l[2];
118	    } elsif ($l[0] eq "sval") {
119		my($v) = $l[2];
120		if (defined $v) {
121		    $v =~ s/([\x00-\x1f\"\x80-\xff<>])/
122		            "\\\\x" . sprintf("%x", ord($1))/eg;
123		    $v = substr($v,0,10) . "..." . substr($v, -10)
124			if length $v > 23;
125		    push @lines, qq/$l[1]: '$v'/;
126		} else {
127		    push @lines, "$l[1]: undef";
128		}
129	    } else {
130		die "unknown node info type: $l[0] (@_)!\n";
131	    }
132	}
133	for my $i (1 .. $#lines) {
134	    $lines[$i] = "<p" . ($i + 1) . ">" . $lines[$i];
135	}
136	print "n$title [";
137	print qq'color=$color,' if $color;
138	print qq'label="', join("|", @lines), '"';
139	print "];\n";
140    } elsif ($type eq "text") {
141	my(@lines) = ();
142#	print "@_\n";
143	my($title);
144	for my $l (@_) {
145	    my(@l) = @$l;
146	    if ($l[0] eq "title") {
147		$title = $l[1];
148	    } elsif ($l[0] eq "text") {
149		push @lines, $l[1];
150	    } elsif ($l[0] eq "link") {
151		if ($l[1] and $l[2] and defined($l[3])) {
152		    push @lines, "$l[1] -> $l[2] ($l[3])";
153		    push @edges, [$title, $l[2], scalar(@lines), $l[3]];
154		}
155	    } elsif ($l[0] eq "val") {
156		push @lines, "$l[1]: $l[2]" if $l[2];
157	    } elsif ($l[0] eq "sval") {
158		my($v) = $l[2];
159		if (defined $v) {
160		    $v =~ s/([\x00-\x1f\"\x80-\xff])/
161		            "\\\\x" . sprintf("%x", ord($1))/eg;
162		    $v = substr($v,0,10) . "..." . substr($v, -10)
163			if length $v > 23;
164		    push @lines, qq/$l[1]: '$v'/;
165		} else {
166		    push @lines, "$l[1]: undef";
167		}
168	    } elsif ($l[0] eq "color" or $l[0] eq "shape") {
169	    } else {
170		die "unknown node info type: $l[0] (@_)!\n";
171	    }
172	}
173	my($m) = max(map(length $_, @lines));
174	my($l);
175	for $l (@lines) {
176	    $l = "|" . $l . (" " x ($m - length($l))) . "|";
177	}
178	unshift @lines, "-" x ($m + 2);
179#	substr($lines[0], ($m + 2 - length $title)/2,
180#	       length $title) = $title;
181	print join("\n", @lines), "\n", "-" x ($m + 2), "\n\n";
182    }
185sub proclaim_edge {
186    my $anchor = !($float and $_[3] == 1 || $_[3] == 2);
187    if ($type eq "vcg") {
188	print 'edge: { sourcename: "', $_[0], '"',
189	      ' targetname: "', $_[1], '"',
190	      ($anchor ? (' anchor: ', $_[2] || 1) : ()),
191	      [[" priority: 5 class: 1",
192		" priority: 0 color: cyan class: 2",
193		" priority: 0 color: pink class: 3",
194		" priority: 5 color: lightgrey class: 4",
195	        " priority: 0 color: lightred class: 5"],
196	       [" priority: 0 color: lightgrey class: 1",
197		" priority: 0 color: cyan class: 2",
198		" priority: 10 color: magenta thickness: 8 arrowsize: 20"
199		. " class: 3",
200		" priority: 0 color: lightgrey class: 4",
201	        " priority: 0 color: red thickness: 8 arrowsize: 20"
202		. " class: 5"]]->
203		    [$style][$_[3] || 0],
204	      qq'}\n';
205    } elsif ($type eq "dot") {
206	print 'n', $_[0], (($anchor && $_[2]) ? ':p' . $_[2] : ""),
207	      ' -> n', $_[1], " ",
208	      [["[weight=5]",
209		"[constraint=false,color=cyan]",
210		"[constraint=false,color=pink]",
211		"[weight=5,color=lightgrey]",
212	        "[constraint=false,color=red]"],
213	       ["[color=lightgrey]",
214		"[color=cyan]",
215		"[weight=10,color=magenta,style=bold]",
216		"[color=lightgrey]",
217	        "[weight=10,color=red,style=bold]"]
218	       ]->[$style][$_[3] || 0], ";\n";
219    } elsif ($type eq "text") {
220	print "$_[0].$_[2] -> $_[1] ($_[3])\n";
221    }
225sub node {
226    push @todo, [@_];
229sub op_flags {
230    my($x) = @_;
231    my(@v);
232    push @v, "V" if ($x & 3) == 1;
233    push @v, "S" if ($x & 3) == 2;
234    push @v, "L" if ($x & 3) == 3;
235    push @v, "K" if $x & 4;
236    push @v, "P" if $x & 8;
237    push @v, "R" if $x & 16;
238    push @v, "M" if $x & 32;
239    push @v, "T" if $x & 64;
240    push @v, "*" if $x & 128;
241    return join("", @v);
244sub op_common {
245    my($op) = @_;
246    if ($style) {
247	node($op->next->graph) if ad($op->next);
248    } else {
249	if ($op->flags & 4 and class($op) ne "OP") { # OPf_KIDS
250	    my $kid;
251	    for ($kid = $op->first; $$kid; $kid = $kid->sibling) {
252		node($kid->graph);
253	    }
254	}
255    }
256    my($n) = substr(ppname($op->type), 3);
257    my($null) = $n eq "null";
258    my(@targ);
259    if ($null or !$op->targ) {
260	@targ = ();
261    } elsif ($op->targ) {
262	if ($targlinks and $padnames[$op->targ]) {
263	    @targ = ['link', 'targ', $padnames[$op->targ], 3];
264	} else {
265	    @targ = ['val', 'targ', $op->targ];
266	}
267    }
268    return (
269	    ['title' => $$op],
270	    ['color' => {'OP' => 0, 'UNOP' => 1, 'BINOP' => 2,
271			 'LOGOP' => 3, 'CONDOP' => 4, 'LISTOP' => 5,
272			 'PMOP' => 6, 'COP' => 7, 'SVOP' => 8,
273			 'PVOP' => 9, 'GVOP' => 10,
274			 'LOOP' => 12}->{class($op)} || 0],
275	    ['text', join("", $n, " (", class($op), ")")],
276	    ($null ? ['text', " was " . substr(ppname($op->targ), 3)] : ()),
277	    ($addrs ? ['text', sprintf("%x", $$op)] : ()),
278	    ($types ? ['val', "type", $op->type] : ()),
279	    ['sval', "flags", op_flags($op->flags)],
280	    ['link', "next", ad($op->next), 2 + 3*($n eq "cond_expr")],
281	    ['link', "sibling", ad($op->sibling), 1],
282	    @targ,
283	    ($seqs ? ['val', "seq", $op->seq] : ()),
284	    ['val', "private", $op->private],
285	    );
288sub B::OP::graph {
289    my ($op) = @_;
290    return if $nodes{$$op}++;
291    return op_common($op);
294sub B::UNOP::graph {
295    my ($op) = @_;
296    return if $nodes{$$op}++;
297    my(@l) = op_common($op);
298    push @l, ['link', "first", ad($op->first), 0];
299    if (ad($op->first) and ad($op->first->sibling)) {
300	my($kid) = $op->first->sibling;
301	while ($$kid) {
302	    push @l, ['link', "(stepchild)", $$kid, 3];
303	    $kid = $kid->sibling;
304	}
305    }
306    return @l;
309sub B::BINOP::graph {
310    my ($op) = @_;
311    return if $nodes{$$op}++;
312    return (op_common($op),
313	    ['link', "first", ad($op->first), 0],
314	    ['link', "last", ad($op->last), 0],
315	    );
318sub B::LOGOP::graph {
319    my ($op) = @_;
320    return if $nodes{$$op}++;
321    my(@l) = op_common($op);
322    push @l, ['link', "first", ad($op->first), 0];
323    if (ad($op->first) and ad($op->first->sibling)) {
324	my($kid) = $op->first->sibling;
325	while ($$kid) {
326	    push @l, ['link', "(child)", $$kid, 3];
327	    $kid = $kid->sibling;
328	}
329    }
330    node($op->other->graph) if $style;
331    push @l, ['link', "other", ad($op->other), 4];
332    return @l;
335sub B::CONDOP::graph {
336    my ($op) = @_;
337    return if $nodes{$$op}++;
338    my(@l) = op_common($op);
339    if ($style) {
340	node($op->true->graph);
341	node($op->false->graph);
342    }
343    push @l, ['link', "first", ad($op->first), 0];
344    if (ad($op->first)) {
345	my($kid) = $op->first->sibling;
346	while (class($kid) ne "NULL") {
347	    push @l, ['link', "(child)", $$kid, 3];
348	    $kid = $kid->sibling;
349	}
350    }
351    push @l, (['link', "true", ad($op->true), 4],
352	      ['link', "false", ad($op->false), 4],
353	     );
354    return @l;
357sub B::LISTOP::graph {
358    my ($op) = @_;
359    return if $nodes{$$op}++;
360    my(@l) = op_common($op);
361    push @l, ['link', "first", ad($op->first), 0];
362    push @l, ['val', "children", $op->children];
363    if (ad($op->first)) {
364	my($kid) = $op->first->sibling;
365	while (class($kid) ne "NULL" and ad($kid->sibling)) {
366	    push @l, ['link', "(child)", $$kid, 3];
367	    $kid = $kid->sibling;
368	}
369    }
370    push @l, ['link', "last", ad($op->last), 0];
371    return @l;
374sub B::LOOP::graph {
375    my ($op) = @_;
376    return if $nodes{$$op}++;
377    my(@l) = op_common($op);
378    push @l, ['link', "first", ad($op->first), 0];
379    push @l, ['val', "children", $op->children];
380    if (ad($op->first)) {
381	my($kid) = $op->first->sibling;
382	while (class($kid) ne "NULL" and ad($kid->sibling)) {
383	    push @l, ['link', "(child)", $$kid, 3];
384	    $kid = $kid->sibling;
385	}
386    }
387    push @l, (['link', "last", ad($op->last), 0],
388	      ['link', "lastop", ad($op->lastop), 4],
389	      ['link', "redoop", ad($op->redoop), 4],
390	      ['link', "nextop", ad($op->nextop), 4],
391	      );
392    node($op->redoop->graph);
393    node($op->nextop->graph);
394    node($op->lastop->graph);
395    return @l;
399sub B::PMOP::graph {
400    my ($op) = @_;
401    return if $nodes{$$op}++;
402    my(@l) = (op_common($op),
403	      ['link', "first", ad($op->first), 0],
404	      ['link', "last", ad($op->last), 0],
405	      ['val', "children", $op->children],
406	      ['link', "pmreplroot", ad($op->pmreplroot), 0],
407	      ['link', "pmreplstart", ad($op->pmreplstart), 4],
408	      ['link', "pmnext", ad($op->pmnext), 0],
409	      ['sval', "precomp", $op->precomp],
410	      ['val', "pmflags", $op->pmflags],
411	      );
412    if ($style) {
413	node($op->pmreplstart->graph);
414    } else {
415	node($op->pmreplroot->graph);
416    }
417    return @l;
420sub B::COP::graph {
421    my ($op) = @_;
422    return if $nodes{$$op}++;
423    my $filegv;
424    $filegv = $op->filegv if $filegvs;
425    my(@l) = (op_common($op),
426	      ['val', "label", $op->label],
427	      ($dump_stashes ? ['link', "stash", ad($op->stash), 0] : ()),
428	      ($filegvs ? ['link', "filegv", $$filegv, 0] : ()),
429	      ['val', "cop_seq", $op->cop_seq],
430	      ['val', "arybase", $op->arybase],
431	      ['val', "line", $op->line],
432	      );
433    node($filegv->graph) if $filegvs;
434    return @l;
437sub B::SVOP::graph {
438    my ($op) = @_;
439    return if $nodes{$$op}++;
440    my(@l) = (op_common($op),
441	      ['link', "sv", ad($op->sv), 0],
442	      );
443    node($op->sv->graph);
444    return @l;
447sub B::PVOP::graph {
448    my ($op) = @_;
449    return if $nodes{$$op}++;
450    return (op_common($op),
451	    ['sval', 'pv', $op->pv],
452	    );
455sub B::GVOP::graph {
456    my ($op) = @_;
457    return if $nodes{$$op}++;
458    my(@l) = (op_common($op),
459	      ['link', "gv", ad($op->gv), 0],
460	      );
461    node($op->gv->graph);
462    return @l;
465sub sv_flags {
466    my($x) = @_;
467    my(@v);
468    push @v, "Pb" if $x & 0x100;
469    push @v, "Pt" if $x & 0x200;
470    push @v, "Pm" if $x & 0x400;
471    push @v, "T" if $x & 0x800;
472    push @v, "O" if $x & 0x1000;
473    push @v, "Mg" if $x & 0x2000;
474    push @v, "Ms" if $x & 0x4000;
475    push @v, "Mr" if $x & 0x8000;
476    push @v, "I" if $x & 0x10000;
477    push @v, "N" if $x & 0x20000;
478    push @v, "P" if $x & 0x40000;
479    push @v, "R" if $x & 0x80000;
480    push @v, "F" if $x & 0x100000;
481    push @v, "L" if $x & 0x200000;
482    push @v, "B" if $x & 0x400000;
483    push @v, "Ro" if $x & 0x800000;
484    push @v, "i" if $x & 0x1000000;
485    push @v, "n" if $x & 0x2000000;
486    push @v, "p" if $x & 0x4000000;
487    push @v, "S" if $x & 0x8000000;
488    push @v, "V" if $x & 0x10000000;
489    return join("", @v);
492sub sv_magic {
493    my($sv) = @_;
494    my(@l) = ();
495    foreach my $mg ($sv->MAGIC) {
496	push @l, (['text', 'MAGIC'],
497		  ['sval', ' TYPE', $mg->TYPE],
498		  ['val', ' PRIVATE', $mg->PRIVATE],
499		  ['val', ' FLAGS', $mg->FLAGS],
500		  ['link', ' OBJ', ad($mg->OBJ)],
501		  );
502	push @l, ['sval', ' PTR', $mg->PTR] unless $mg->TYPE eq "s";
503	node($mg->OBJ->graph);
504    }
505    return @l;
508sub sv_common {
509    my($sv) = @_;
510    my(@l);
511    @l = (['shape', $sv_shape],
512	  ['title', $$sv],
513	  ['color', {'SV' => 0, 'PV' => 1, 'IV' => 2, 'NV' => 3,
514		     'RV' => 4, 'PVIV' => 5, 'PVNV' => 6, 'AV' => 7,
515		     'HV' => 8, 'GV' => 9, 'CV' => 10, 'BM' => 11,
516		     'PVLV' => 12, 'PVMG' => 6, 'IO' => 5}
517	   ->{class($sv)} || 0],
518	  ['text', class($sv) . ($addrs ? " " . sprintf("%x",$$sv) : "")],
519	  ['val', 'REFCNT', $sv->REFCNT],
520	  ['sval', 'FLAGS', sv_flags($sv->FLAGS)],
521	  );
522    push @l, sv_magic($sv) if ($sv->FLAGS & 0xff) >= 7;
523    return @l;
526sub B::SV::graph {
527    my ($sv) = @_;
528    return unless $$sv;
529    return unless $dump_svs;
530    return if $nodes{$$sv}++;
531    return sv_common($sv);
534sub B::RV::graph {
535    my($sv) = @_;
536    return unless $dump_svs;
537    return if $nodes{$$sv}++;
538    node($sv->RV->graph);
539    return (sv_common($sv),
540	    ['link', 'RV', ad($sv->RV), 0],
541	    );
544sub pv_common {
545    my($sv) = @_;
546    my(@l) = sv_common($sv);
547    my($pv) = $sv->PV;
548    if (defined $pv) {
549	push @l, ['sval', 'PVX', $pv];
550	push @l, ['val', 'CUR', length($pv)];
551    }
552    return @l;
555sub B::PV::graph {
556    my ($sv) = @_;
557    return unless $dump_svs;
558    return if $nodes{$$sv}++;
559    return pv_common($sv);
562sub B::IV::graph {
563    my ($sv) = @_;
564    return unless $dump_svs;
565    return if $nodes{$$sv}++;
566    return (sv_common($sv), ['val', 'IVX', $sv->IVX]);
569sub B::NV::graph {
570    my ($sv) = @_;
571    return unless $dump_svs;
572    return if $nodes{$$sv}++;
573    return (sv_common($sv),
574	    ['val', 'IVX', $sv->IVX],
575	    ['val', 'NVX', $sv->NVX],
576	    );
579sub B::PVIV::graph {
580    my ($sv) = @_;
581    return unless $dump_svs;
582    return if $nodes{$$sv}++;
583    return (pv_common($sv), ['val', 'IVX', $sv->IVX]);
586sub pvnv_common
588    my($sv) = @_;
589    return (pv_common($sv),
590	    ['val', 'IVX', $sv->IVX],
591	    ['val', 'NVX', $sv->NVX],
592	    );
595sub B::PVNV::graph {
596    my ($sv) = @_;
597    return unless $dump_svs;
598    return if $nodes{$$sv}++;
599    return pvnv_common($sv);
602sub B::PVLV::graph {
603    my ($sv) = @_;
604    return unless $dump_svs;
605    return if $nodes{$$sv}++;
606    return (pvnv_common($sv),
607	    ['val', 'LvTARGOFF', $sv->TARGOFF],
608	    ['val', 'LvTARGLEN', $sv->TARGLEN],
609	    ['sval', 'LvTYPE', chr($sv->TYPE)],
610	    );
613sub B::BM::graph {
614    my ($sv) = @_;
615    return unless $dump_svs;
616    return if $nodes{$$sv}++;
617    return (pvnv_common($sv),
618	    ['val', 'BmUSEFUL', $sv->USEFUL],
619	    ['val', 'BmPREVIOUS', $sv->PREVIOUS],
620	    ['sval', 'BmRARE', chr($sv->RARE)],
621	    );
624sub fill_pad {
625    my($cv) = @_;
626    return map(ad($_), ($cv->PADLIST->ARRAY)[0]->ARRAY);
629sub B::CV::graph {
630    my ($sv) = @_;
631    return unless $dump_svs;
632    my($stash) = $sv->STASH;
633    my($start) = $sv->START;
634    my($root) = $sv->ROOT;
635    my($padlist) = $sv->PADLIST;
636    my($gv) = $sv->GV;
637    my $filegv = "";
638    $filegv = $sv->FILEGV if $filegvs;
639    return if $nodes{$$sv}++;
640    local(@padnames) = fill_pad($sv) if $targlinks;
641    node($start->graph) if $start;
642    node($root->graph) if $root;
643    node($gv->graph) if $gv;
644    node($filegv->graph) if $filegv;
645    node($padlist->graph) if $padlist;
646    node($stash->graph) if $stash and $dump_stashes;
647    node($sv->OUTSIDE->graph) if $sv->OUTSIDE;
648    return (pvnv_common($sv),
649	    ($dump_stashes ? ['link', 'STASH', $$stash, 0] : ()),
650	    ['link', 'START', $$start, 2],
651	    ['link', 'ROOT', $$root, 0],
652	    ['link', 'GV', $$gv, 0],
653	    ($filegvs ? ['link', 'FILEGV', $$filegv, 0] : ()),
654	    ['val', 'DEPTH',$sv->DEPTH, 0],
655	    ['link', 'PADLIST', $$padlist, 0],
656	    ['link', 'OUTSIDE', ad($sv->OUTSIDE), 0],
657	    );
660sub B::AV::graph {
661    my ($av) = @_;
662    return unless $dump_svs;
663    my(@array) = $av->ARRAY;
664    return if $nodes{$$av}++;
665    my($n) = 0;
666    my(@l) = sv_common($av);
667    push @l, ['text', 'ARRAY:'];
668    foreach (@array) {
669	push @l, ['link', $n++, $$_, 0];
670    }
671    push @l, (['val', 'FILL', scalar(@array)],
672	      ['val', 'MAX', $av->MAX],
673	      ['val', 'OFF', $av->OFF],
674	      ['val', 'AvFLAGS', $av->AvFLAGS]
675	      );
676    map(node($_->graph), @array);
677    return @l;
680sub B::HV::graph {
681    my ($hv) = @_;
682    return unless $dump_svs;
683    my(@array) = $hv->ARRAY;
684    my($k, $v, @values);
685    return if $nodes{$$hv}++;
686    my(@l) = sv_common($hv);
687    push @l, ['text', "ARRAY:"];
688    while (@array) {
689	($k, $v) = (shift(@array), shift(@array));
690	$k = "''" if $k eq '"';
691	next if $k =~ /_</ or $k =~ /::/;
692	if ($v) {
693	    push @l, ['link', "$k => ", $$v, 0];
694	} else {
695	    push @l, ['text', "$k => $$v"];
696	}
697	push @values, $v;
698    }
699    push @l, (['val', 'FILL', $hv->FILL],
700	      ['val', 'MAX', $hv->MAX],
701	      ['val', 'KEYS', $hv->KEYS],
702	      ['val', 'RITER', $hv->RITER],
703	      ['val', 'NAME', $hv->NAME],
704	      ['link', 'PMROOT', ad($hv->PMROOT), 0]
705	      );
706    node($hv->PMROOT->graph) if $hv->PMROOT;
707    map(node($_->graph), @values);
708    return @l;
712sub B::GV::graph {
713    my ($gv) = @_;
714    return unless $dump_svs;
715    my ($sv) = $gv->SV;
716    my ($av) = $gv->AV;
717    my ($cv) = $gv->CV;
718    return if $nodes{$$gv}++;
719    my(@l) = sv_common($gv);
720    my($name) = $gv->NAME;
721    $name = "''" if $name eq '"';
722    push @l, (['sval', 'NAME', $name],
723	      ($dump_stashes ? ['link', 'STASH', ad($gv->STASH), 0] : ()),
724	      ['link', 'SV', $$sv, 0],
725	      ['val', 'GvREFCNT', $gv->GvREFCNT],
726	      ['link', 'FORM', ad($gv->FORM)],
727	      ['link', 'AV', $$av, 0],
728	      ['link', 'HV', ad($gv->HV), 0],
729	      ['link', 'EGV', ad($gv->EGV), 0],
730	      ['link', 'CV', $$cv, 0],
731	      ['link', 'IO', ad($gv->IO), 0],
732	      ['val', 'CVGEN', $gv->CVGEN],
733	      ['val', 'LINE', $gv->LINE],
734	      ($filegvs ? ['link', 'FILEGV', ad($gv->FILEGV), 0] : ()),
735	      ['val', 'GvFLAGS', $gv->GvFLAGS],
736	      );
737    node($sv->graph) if $sv;
738    node($av->graph) if $av;
739    node($cv->graph) if $cv;
740    node($gv->HV->graph) if $gv->HV;
741    node($gv->IO->graph) if $gv->IO;
742    node($gv->STASH->graph) if $gv->STASH and $dump_stashes;
743    node($gv->EGV->graph) if $gv->EGV;
744    return @l;
747sub B::IO::graph {
748    my $sv = shift;
749    return unless $dump_svs;
750    return if $nodes{$$sv}++;
751    my(@l) = sv_common($sv);
752    push @l, (['val', 'LINES', $sv->LINES],
753	      ['val', 'PAGE', $sv->PAGE],
754	      ['val', 'PAGE_LEN', $sv->PAGE_LEN],
755	      ['val', 'LINES_LEFT', $sv->LINES_LEFT],
756	      ['sval', 'TOP_NAME', $sv->TOP_NAME],
757	      ['link', 'TOP_GV', ad($sv->TOP_GV)],
758	      ['sval', 'FMT_NAME', $sv->FMT_NAME],
759	      ['link', 'FMT_GV', ad($sv->FMT_GV)],
760	      ['sval', 'BOTTOM_NAME', $sv->BOTTOM_NAME],
761	      ['link', 'BOTTOM_GV', ad($sv->BOTTOM_GV)],
762	      ['val', 'SUBPROCESS', $sv->SUBPROCESS],
763	      );
764    node($sv->TOP_GV->graph) if $sv->TOP_GV;
765    node($sv->FMT_GV->graph) if $sv->FMT_GV;
766    node($sv->BOTTOM_GV->graph) if $sv->BOTTOM_GV;
767    return @l;
770sub B::SPECIAL::graph {
771    my $sv = shift;
772    return unless $dump_svs;
773    return if $nodes{$$sv}++;
774    return (['shape', $sv_shape],
775	    ['title', $$sv],
776	    ['text', $specialsv_name[$$sv]],
777	    );
780sub B::NULL::graph {
781    my($sv) = shift;
782    return unless $dump_svs;
783    return if $nodes{$$sv}++;
784    return (['shape', $sv_shape],
785	    ['title', $$sv],
786	    ['text', ($type eq "text" ? "   NULL   " : "NULL")],
787	    );
790sub compile {
791    my($arg, $opt);
792    my(@objs);
793    $style = 0;
794    $dump_stashes = 0;
795    $dump_svs = 1;
796    $filegvs = 0;
797    $sv_shape = 'ellipse';
798    $addrs = 0;
799    $type = 'text';
800    $seqs = 0;
801    $types = 0;
802    $float = 0;
803    $targlinks = 0;
804    for $arg (@_) {
805	if (substr($arg, 0, 1) eq "-") {
806	    $opt = lc $arg;
807	    $opt =~ tr/_-//d;
808	    if ($opt eq "stashes") {
809		$dump_stashes = 1;
810	    } elsif ($opt eq "nostashes") {
811		$dump_stashes = 0;
812	    } elsif ($opt eq "compileorder") {
813		$style = 0;
814	    } elsif ($opt eq "runorder") {
815		$style = 1;
816	    } elsif ($opt eq "svs") {
817		$dump_svs = 1;
818	    } elsif ($opt eq "nosvs") {
819		$dump_svs = 0;
820	    } elsif ($opt eq "ellipses") {
821		$sv_shape = 'ellipse';
822	    } elsif ($opt eq "rhombs") {
823		$sv_shape = 'rhomb';
824	    } elsif ($opt eq "text") {
825		$type = 'text';
826	    } elsif ($opt eq "vcg") {
827		$type = 'vcg';
828	    } elsif ($opt eq "dot") {
829		$type = 'dot';
830	    } elsif ($opt eq "addrs") {
831		$addrs = 1;
832	    } elsif ($opt eq "noaddrs") {
833		$addrs = 0;
834	    } elsif ($opt eq "filegvs") {
835		if ($] >= 5.005_63) {
836		    warn "fileGVs aren't available in this version of Perl\n";
837		} else {
838		    $filegvs = 1;
839		}
840	    } elsif ($opt eq "nofilegvs") {
841		$filegvs = 0;
842	    } elsif ($opt eq "seqs") {
843		$seqs = 1;
844	    } elsif ($opt eq "noseqs") {
845		$seqs = 0;
846	    } elsif ($opt eq "types") {
847		$types = 1;
848	    } elsif ($opt eq "notypes") {
849		$types = 0;
850	    } elsif ($opt eq "float") {
851		$float = 1;
852	    } elsif ($opt eq "nofloat") {
853		$float = 0;
854	    } elsif ($opt eq "targlinks") {
855		$targlinks = 1;
856	    } elsif ($opt eq "notarglinks") {
857		$targlinks = 0;
858	    }
859	} else {
860	    no strict 'refs';
861	    push @objs, \*{"main::$arg"};
862	}
863    }
865    if ($type eq "vcg") {
866	print "graph: {\n";
867	print "layout_downfactor: 10\n";
868	print "layout_upfactor:   1\n";
869	print "layout_nearfactor: 5\n";
870	print "layoutalgorithm: dfs\n";
871	print qq'classname 1: "regular"\n';
872	print qq'classname 2: "sibling"\n';
873	print qq'classname 3: "next"\n';
874	print qq'classname 4: "fake"\n';
875	print qq'classname 5: "nextish"\n\n';
876    } elsif ($type eq "dot") {
877	my($pname) = $0;
878	$pname = "(cmdline)" if $pname eq "-e";
879	print "digraph \"$pname\" {\n";
880	print "rankdir=LR;\nnode [shape=record];\nedge [color=black];\n";
881    }
882    return sub {
883	if (@objs) {
884	    if ($dump_svs) {
885		map(unshift(@todo, [svref_2object($_)->graph]), @objs);
886	    } else {
887		foreach my $obj (@objs) {
888		    my $cv;
889		    { no strict 'refs';
890		      $cv = svref_2object(*{*$obj}{CODE}); }
891		    if ($style == 0) {
892			node($cv->ROOT->graph);
893			unshift @todo, [$cv->START->graph];
894		    } else {
895			node($cv->START->graph);
896			unshift @todo, [$cv->ROOT->graph];
897		    }
898		}
899	    }
900	} else {
901	    @padnames = fill_pad(main_cv) if $targlinks;
902	    if ($style) {
903		node((main_root)->graph);
904		unshift @todo, [(main_start)->graph];
905	    } else {
906		node((main_start)->graph);
907		unshift @todo, [(main_root)->graph];
908	    }
909	    node((main_cv)->graph);
910	}
911	my($n);
912	proclaim_node(@$n) while $n = shift @todo;
913	my($e);
914	for $e (@edges) {
915	    if (exists $nodes{$e->[0]} and exists $nodes{$e->[1]}) {
916		proclaim_edge(@$e);
917	    }
918	    else {
919		# print STDERR "$e->[0] =/=> $e->[1]\n";
920	    }
921	}
922	print "}\n" if $type eq "vcg" or $type eq "dot";
923	%nodes = @edges = @todo = ();
924    }
931=head1 NAME
933B::Graph - Perl compiler backend to produce graphs of OP trees
935=head1 SYNOPSIS
937  perl -MO=Graph,-text prog.pl >graph.txt
939  perl -MO=Graph,-vcg prog.pl >graph.vcg
940  xvcg graph.vcg
942  perl -MO=Graph,-dot prog.pl | dot -Tps >graph.ps
946This module is a backend to the perl compiler (B::*) which, instead of
947outputting bytecode or C based on perl's compiled version of a program,
948writes descriptions in graph-description languages specifying graphs that
949show the program's structure. It currently generates descriptions for the
950VCG tool (C<http://www.cs.uni-sb.de/RW/users/sander/html/gsvcg1.html>) and
951Dot (part of the graph visualization toolkit from AT&T:
952C<http://www.research.att.com/sw/tools/graphviz/>). It also can produce
953plain text output (which is more useful for debugging the module itself than
954anything else, though you might be able to make cut the nodes out and make
955a mobile or something similar).
957=head1 OPTIONS
959Like any other compiler backend, this module needs to be invoked using the
960C<O> module to run correctly:
962  perl -MO=Graph,-opt,-opt,-opt program.pl
963  OR
964  perl -MO=Graph,-opt,obj -e 'BEGIN {$obj = ["hi"]}; print $obj'
965  OR EVEN
966  perl -e 'use O qw(Graph -opt obj obj); print "hi!\n";'
968C<Obj> is the name of a perl variable whose contents will be examined.
969It can't be a my() variable, and it shouldn't have a prefix symbol
970('$@^*'), though you can specify a package -- the name will be used to
971look up a GV, whose various fields will lead to the scalar, array, and
972other values that correspond to the named variable. If no object is
973specified, the whole main program, including the CV that points to its
974pad, will be displayed.
976Each of the the C<opt>s can come from one of the following (each set is
977mutually exclusive; case and underscores are insignificant):
979=head2 -text, -vcg, -dot
981Produce output of the appropriate type. The default is '-text', which isn't
982useful for much of anything (it does draw some nice ASCII boxes, though).
984=head2 -addrs, -no_addrs
986Each of the nodes on the graph produced corresponds to a C structure that
987has an address and includes pointers to other structures. The module uses
988these addresses to decide how to draw edges, but it makes the graph more
989compact if they aren't printed. The default is '-no_addrs'.
991=head2 -compile_order, -run_order
993The collection of OPs that perl compiles a script into has two different
994layers of structure. It has a tree structure which corresponds roughly
995to the synactic nesting of constructs in the source text, and a
996roughly linked-list representation, essentially a postorder traversal
997of this tree, which is used at runtime to decide what to do next.
998The graph can be drawn to emphasize one structure or the other. The former,
999'compile_order', is the default, as it tends to lead to graphs with aspect
1000ratios close to those of standard paper.
1002=head2 -SVs, -no_SVs
1004If OPs represent a program's compiled code, SVs represent its data. This
1005includes literal numbers and strings (IVs, NVs, PVs, PVIVs, and PVNVs),
1006regular arrays, hashes, and references (AVs, HVs, and RVs), but also the
1007structures that correspond to individual variables (special HVs for symbol
1008tables and GVs to represent values within them, and special AVs that hold
1009my() variables (as well as compiler temporaries)), structures that keep
1010track of code (CVs), and a variety of others. The default is to display
1011all these too, to give a complete picture, but if you aren't in a holistic
1012mood, you can make them disappear.
1014=head2 -ellipses, -rhombs
1016The module tries to give the nodes representing SVs a different shape from
1017those of OPs. OPs are usually rectangular, so two obvious shapes for SVs
1018are ellipses and rhombuses (stretched diamonds). This option currently only
1019makes a difference for VCG (ellipse is the default).
1021=head2 -stashes, -no_stashes
1023The hashes that perl uses to represent symbol tables are called 'stashes'.
1024Since every GV has a pointer back to its stash, it's virtually inevitable
1025for the links in a graph to lead to the main stash. Unfortunately stashes,
1026especially the main one, can be quite big, and lead to forests of other
1027structures -- there's one GV and another SV for each magic variable, plus
1028all of @INC and %ENV, and so on. To prevent information overload, then,
1029the display of stashes is disabled by default.
1031=head2 -fileGVs, -no_fileGVs
1033Another kind graph element that can be annoying are the pointers from
1034every GV and COP (a kind of OP that occurs for every statement) to the
1035GV that represents the file from which that code came (used for error
1036messages). By default, these links aren't shown, to keep them from
1037cluttering the graph. Also, perl's internal interfaces changed in a
1038recent version, so in perl 5.005_63 or later you can't see the fileGVs at
1041=head2 -SEQs, -no_SEQs
1043As it is visited in the peephole optimization phase, each OP gets a
1044sequence number, which is currently used by anything (except the peephole
1045optimizer, to avoid visiting OPs twice). If you want to see these, ask
1046for them. (COPs have their own sequence numbers too, but they're more
1047interesting to look at -- for instance, they're used to bound the lifetimes
1048of lexicals).
1050=head2 -types, -no_types
1052B::Graph always gives the type of each OP symbolically ('entersub'), but
1053it can also print the numeric value of the type field, if you want.
1054The default is no_types.
1056=head2 -float, -no_float
1058Almost every OP has an op_next and an op_sibling pointer, and B::Graph
1059colors them distinctively (pink and light blue, respectively). Because of
1060this, it isn't strictly necessary to 'anchor' the arrow on a line in
1061the OP's box saying 'op_next'. The float option lets the graph layout
1062engine start these arrows wherever it wants, which can sometimes lead to a
1063more pleasing layout, at the expense of being less obvious. The
1064default is not to float.
1066=head2 -targlinks, -no_targlinks
1068Lexical (my()) variables and temporary values used by individual OPs
1069are stored in 'pads', per-code arrays linked to the CV. OPs store
1070indexes into these arrays in the 'op_targ' field, but B::Graph can
1071often also draw links directly from the OP to the SV that stores the
1072name of the variable. These links don't correspond to any real pointers,
1073however, and they can make the graph more complicated, so they are
1074disabled by default.
1078=head2 SvFLAGS abbreviations
1080    Pb     SVs_PADBUSY   reserved for tmp or my already
1081    Pt     SVs_PADTMP    in use as tmp
1082    Pm     SVs_PADMY     in use a "my" variable
1083    T      SVs_TEMP      string is stealable?
1084    O      SVs_OBJECT    is "blessed"
1085    Mg     SVs_GMG       has magical get method
1086    Ms     SVs_SMG       has magical set method
1087    Mr     SVs_RMG       has random magical methods
1088    I      SVf_IOK       has valid public integer value
1089    N      SVf_NOK       has valid public numeric (float) value
1090    P      SVf_POK       has valid public pointer (string) value
1091    R      SVf_ROK       has a valid reference pointer
1092    F      SVf_FAKE      glob or lexical is just a copy
1093    L      SVf_OOK       has valid offset value (mnemonic: lvalue)
1094    B      SVf_BREAK     refcnt is artificially low
1095    Ro     SVf_READONLY  may not be modified
1096    i      SVp_IOK       has valid non-public integer value
1097    n      SVp_NOK       has valid non-public numeric value
1098    p      SVp_POK       has valid non-public pointer value
1099    S      SVp_SCREAM    has been studied?
1100    V      SVf_AMAGIC    has magical overloaded methods
1102=head2 op_flags abbreviations
1104    V      OPf_WANT_VOID    Want nothing (void context)
1105    S      OPf_WANT_SCALAR  Want single value (scalar context)
1106    L      OPf_WANT_LIST    Want list of any length (list context)
1107    K      OPf_KIDS         There is a firstborn child.
1108    P      OPf_PARENS       This operator was parenthesized.
1109                             (Or block needs explicit scope entry.)
1110    R      OPf_REF          Certified reference.
1111                             (Return container, not containee).
1112    M      OPf_MOD          Will modify (lvalue).
1113    T      OPf_STACKED      Some arg is arriving on the stack.
1114    *      OPf_SPECIAL      Do something weird for this op (see op.h)
1116=head1 BUGS
1118VCG has a problem with boxes that have more than about 55 arrows
1119coming out of them, so with large arrays and hashes B::Graph will
1120stop outputting edges and some boxes may be disconnected.
1122=head1 AUTHOR
1124Stephen McCamant <smcc@CSUA.Berkeley.EDU>
1126=head1 SEE ALSO
1128L<dot(1)>, L<xvcg(1)>, L<perl(1)>, L<perlguts(1)>.
1130If you like B::Graph, you might also be interested in Gisle Aas's
1131PerlGuts Illustrated, at C<http://gisle.aas.no/perl/illguts/>.