1-- PragmAda Reusable Component (PragmARC)
2-- Copyright (C) 2014 by PragmAda Software Engineering.  All rights reserved.
3-- **************************************************************************
5-- Rational numbers bounded only by Integer'Last and available memory
7-- History:
8-- 2014 Apr 01     J. Carter          V1.0--Initial release
10with Ada.Strings.Fixed;
11with Ada.Strings.Unbounded;
13package body PragmARC.Rational_Numbers is
14   function GCD (Left : Unbounded_Integer; Right : Unbounded_Integer) return Unbounded_Integer;
15   -- Greatest common divisor; signs are ignored
17   function LCM (Left : Unbounded_Integer; Right : Unbounded_Integer) return Unbounded_Integer;
18   -- Least common multiple; signs are ignored
20   procedure Simplify (Value : in out Rational);
21   -- Changes Value to have the smallest (absolute) values that represent the same rational number
22   -- 2/4 becomes 1/2
24   function Compose
25      (Numerator : PragmARC.Unbounded_Integers.Unbounded_Integer; Denominator : PragmARC.Unbounded_Integers.Unbounded_Integer)
26   return Rational is
27      Result : Rational := (Numerator => Numerator, Denominator => Denominator);
28   begin -- Compose
29      if Numerator < UI0 then
30         if Denominator < UI0 then
31            Result := (Numerator => abs Numerator, Denominator => abs Denominator);
32         end if;
33         -- Else signs are OK
34      elsif Denominator < UI0 then
35         if Numerator > UI0 then
36            Result := (Numerator => -Numerator, Denominator => abs Denominator);
37         end if;
38         -- Else Numerator is zero and Simplify will adjust the denominator
39      else
40         null; -- Signs are OK
41      end if;
43      Simplify (Value => Result);
45      return Result;
46   end Compose;
48   procedure Decompose (Value       : in     Rational;
49                        Numerator   :    out PragmARC.Unbounded_Integers.Unbounded_Integer;
50                        Denominator :    out PragmARC.Unbounded_Integers.Unbounded_Integer)
51   is
52      -- Empty declarative part
53   begin -- Decompose
54      Numerator := Value.Numerator;
55      Denominator := Value.Denominator;
56   end Decompose;
58   function "+" (Right : Rational) return Rational is
59      -- Empty declarative part
60   begin -- "+"
61      return Right;
62   end "+";
64   function "-" (Right : Rational) return Rational is
65      -- Empty declarative part
66   begin -- "-"
67      return (Numerator => -Right.Numerator, Denominator => Right.Denominator);
68   end "-";
70   function "abs" (Right : Rational) return Rational is
71      -- Empty declarative part
72   begin -- "abs"
73      return (Numerator => abs Right.Numerator, Denominator => Right.Denominator);
74   end "abs";
76   function "+" (Left : Rational; Right : Rational) return Rational is
77      M  : Unbounded_Integer;
78      LN : Unbounded_Integer;
79      RN : Unbounded_Integer;
80   begin -- "+"
81      if Left.Denominator = Right.Denominator then
82         return Compose (Left.Numerator + Right.Numerator, Left.Denominator);
83      end if;
85      M := LCM (Left.Denominator, Right.Denominator);
86      LN := Left.Numerator  * M / Left.Denominator;
87      RN := Right.Numerator * M / Right.Denominator;
89      return Compose (LN + RN, M);
90   end "+";
92   function "-" (Left : Rational; Right : Rational) return Rational is
93      -- Empty declarative part
94   begin -- "-"
95      return Left + (-Right);
96   end "-";
98   function "*" (Left : Rational; Right : Rational) return Rational is
99      -- Empty declarative part
100   begin -- "*"
101      return Compose (Left.Numerator * Right.Numerator, Left.Denominator * Right.Denominator);
102   end "*";
104   function "/" (Left : Rational; Right : Rational) return Rational is
105      -- Empty declarative part
106   begin -- "/"
107      if Right = Zero then
108         raise Constraint_Error with "Division by zero";
109      end if;
111      if Right < Zero then
112         return Compose (Left.Numerator * (-Right.Denominator), Left.Denominator * (abs Right.Numerator) );
113      end if;
115      return Compose (Left.Numerator * Right.Denominator, Left.Denominator * Right.Numerator);
116   end "/";
118   function "**" (Left : Rational; Right : Natural) return Rational is
119      Result : Rational := Left;
120      Work   : Rational := Left;
121   begin -- "**"`
122      if Right = 0 then
123         return One;
124      end if;
126      if Right = 1 then
127         return Left;
128      end if;
130      if Left = Zero then
131         return Zero;
132      end if;
134      Calculate : declare -- This is O(log Right)
135         Power : Natural := Right - 1;
136      begin -- Calculate
137         Multiply : loop
138            exit Multiply when Power = 0;
140            if Power rem 2 = 0 then -- X ** (2 * P) = (X ** 2) ** P
141               Work := Work * Work;
142               Power := Power / 2;
143            else
144               Result := Work * Result;
145               Power := Power - 1;
146            end if;
147         end loop Multiply;
148      end Calculate;
150      return Result;
151   end "**";
153   function ">"  (Left : Rational; Right : Rational) return Boolean is
154      M : Unbounded_Integer;
155   begin -- ">"
156      if Left.Denominator = Right.Denominator then
157         return Left.Numerator > Right.Numerator;
158      end if;
160      if Left.Numerator < UI0 then
161         if Right.Numerator >= UI0 then
162            return False;
163         end if;
164      elsif Right.Numerator < UI0 then
165         return True;
166      else
167         null;
168      end if;
170       -- Signs are the same
172      M := LCM (Left.Denominator, Right.Denominator);
174      return Unbounded_Integer'(Left.Numerator * M / Left.Denominator) > Right.Numerator * M / Right.Denominator;
175   end ">";
177   function "<"  (Left : Rational; Right : Rational) return Boolean is
178      -- Empty declarative part
179   begin -- "<"
180      return Right > Left;
181   end "<";
183   function ">=" (Left : Rational; Right : Rational) return Boolean is
184      -- Empty declarative part
185   begin -- ">="
186      return not (Right > Left);
187   end ">=";
189   function "<=" (Left : Rational; Right : Rational) return Boolean is
190      -- Empty declarative part
191   begin -- "<="
192      return not (Left > Right);
193   end "<=";
195   function Image (Value : Rational; As_Fraction : Boolean := False; Base : Base_Number := 10; Decorated : Boolean := False)
196   return String is
197      Ten : constant Unbounded_Integer := To_Unbounded_Integer (10);
199      Work   : Unbounded_Integer := abs Value.Numerator;
200      Q      : Unbounded_Integer;
201      Result : Ada.Strings.Unbounded.Unbounded_String;
203      use Ada.Strings.Unbounded;
204   begin -- Image
205      if As_Fraction then
206         return Image (Value.Numerator,   Unbounded_Integers.Base_Number (Base), Decorated) & '/' &
207                Image (Value.Denominator, Unbounded_Integers.Base_Number (Base), Decorated);
208      end if;
210      if Value.Numerator < UI0 then
211         Append (Source => Result, New_Item => '-');
212      end if;
214      Q := Work / Value.Denominator;
216      Append (Source => Result, New_Item => Image (Q) & '.');
218      Work := Work - Q * Value.Denominator;
220      if Work = UI0 then
221         return To_String (Result) & '0';
222      end if;
224      Zeros : loop
225         exit Zeros when Q /= UI0;
227         Work := Ten * Work;
228         Q := Work / Value.Denominator;
229         Append (Source => Result, New_Item => Image (Q) );
230         Work := Work - Q * Value.Denominator;
231      end loop Zeros;
233      Count : for I in 1 .. 1_000 loop
234         exit Count when Work = UI0;
236         Work := Ten * Work;
237         Q := Work / Value.Denominator;
238         Append (Source => Result, New_Item => Image (Q) );
239         Work := Work - Q * Value.Denominator;
240      end loop Count;
242      return To_String (Result);
243   end Image;
245   function Value (Image : String) return Rational is
246      Slash : constant Natural := Ada.Strings.Fixed.Index (Image, "/");
247      Dot   : constant Natural := Ada.Strings.Fixed.Index (Image, ".");
248      Hash  : constant Natural := Ada.Strings.Fixed.Index (Image, "#");
250      Result : Rational;
251   begin -- Value
252      if Slash > 0 then
253         return Compose (Value (Image (Image'First .. Slash - 1) ), Value (Image (Slash + 1 .. Image'Last) ) );
254      end if;
256      if Dot = 0 then
257         return (Numerator => Value (Image), Denominator => UI1);
258      end if;
260      if Dot = Image'Last then
261         return (Numerator => Value (Image (Image'First .. Image'Last - 1) ), Denominator => UI1);
262      end if;
264      if Hash = 0 then
265         return Compose (Value (Image (Image'First .. Dot - 1) & Image (Dot + 1 .. Image'Last) ),
266                         Value ('1' & (1 .. Image'Last - Dot => '0') ) );
267      end if;
269      return Compose (Value (Image (Image'First .. Dot - 1) & Image (Dot + 1 .. Image'Last) ),
270                      Value (Image (Image'First .. Hash) & '1' & (1 .. Image'Last - Dot - 1 => '0') & '#') );
271   end Value;
273   function GCD (Left : Unbounded_Integer; Right : Unbounded_Integer) return Unbounded_Integer is
274      Min       : Unbounded_Integer := abs Left;
275      Max       : Unbounded_Integer := abs Right;
276      Remainder : Unbounded_Integer;
277   begin -- GCD
278      if Max < Min then
279         Remainder := Min;
280         Min := Max;
281         Max := Remainder;
282      end if; -- Now Min <= Max
284      Reduce : loop
285         if Min <= UI0 then
286            return Max;
287         end if;
289         Remainder := Max rem Min;
290         Max := Min;
291         Min := Remainder;
292      end loop Reduce;
293   end GCD;
295   function LCM (Left : Unbounded_Integer; Right : Unbounded_Integer) return Unbounded_Integer is
296      -- Empty declarative part
297   begin -- LCM
298      return (abs Left * (abs Right) ) / GCD (Left, Right);
299   end LCM;
301   procedure Simplify (Value : in out Rational) is
302      D : Unbounded_Integer;
303   begin -- Simplify
304      if Value.Numerator = UI0 then
305         if Value.Denominator = UI0 then
306            raise Constraint_Error with "Division by zero";
307         end if;
309         Value := Zero;
311         return;
312      end if;
314      D := GCD (Value.Numerator, Value.Denominator);
316      Value := (Numerator => Value.Numerator / D, Denominator => Value.Denominator / D);
317   end Simplify;
318end PragmARC.Rational_Numbers;
320-- This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
321-- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
322-- Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version.
323-- This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH
324-- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
325-- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
326-- for more details. Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite
327-- 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
329-- As a special exception, if other files instantiate generics from this
330-- unit, or you link this unit with other files to produce an executable,
331-- this unit does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be
332-- covered by the GNU General Public License. This exception does not
333-- however invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be
334-- covered by the GNU Public License.