1#!/usr/bin/env python3
3# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
4from __future__ import division
5from __future__ import print_function
6import traceback
7from math import pi, exp, atan, log, tan, sqrt
8import sys
9import os
10import json
11import threading
12from ast import literal_eval
13from collections import OrderedDict
14from asciimatics.event import KeyboardEvent
15from asciimatics.renderers import ColourImageFile
16from asciimatics.widgets import Effect, Button, Text, Layout, Frame, Divider, PopUpDialog
17from asciimatics.scene import Scene
18from asciimatics.screen import Screen
19from asciimatics.exceptions import ResizeScreenError, StopApplication, InvalidFields
21    import mapbox_vector_tile
22    import requests
23    from google.protobuf.message import DecodeError
24except ImportError:
25    print("Run `pip install mapbox-vector-tile protobuf requests` to fix your dependencies.")
26    print("See https://github.com/Toblerity/Shapely#installing-shapely-16b2 for Shapely install.")
27    sys.exit(0)
29# Global constants for the applications
30# Replace `_KEY` with the free one that you get from signing up with www.mapbox.com
31_KEY = ""
33    "http://a.tiles.mapbox.com/v4/mapbox.mapbox-streets-v7/{}/{}/{}.mvt?access_token={}"
34_IMAGE_URL = \
35    "https://api.mapbox.com/styles/v1/mapbox/satellite-v9/tiles/256/{}/{}/{}?access_token={}"
36_START_SIZE = 64
41_CACHE_SIZE = 180
42_HELP = """
43You can moved around using the cursor keys.  To jump to any location in the world, press Enter and \
44then fill in the longitude and latitude of the location and press 'OK'.
46To zoom in and out use '+'/'-'.  To zoom all the way in/out, press '9'/'0'.
48To swap between satellite and vector views, press 'T'.  To quit, press 'Q'.
52class EnterLocation(Frame):
53    """Form to enter a new desired location to display on the map."""
54    def __init__(self, screen, longitude, latitude, on_ok):
55        super(EnterLocation, self).__init__(
56            screen, 7, 40, data={"long": str(longitude), "lat": str(latitude)}, name="loc",
57            title="Enter New Location", is_modal=True)
58        self._on_ok = on_ok
59        layout = Layout([1, 18, 1])
60        self.add_layout(layout)
61        layout.add_widget(Divider(draw_line=False), 1)
62        layout.add_widget(Text(label="Longitude:", name="long", validator=r"^[-]?\d+?\.\d+?$"), 1)
63        layout.add_widget(Text(label="Latitude:", name="lat", validator=r"^[-]?\d+?\.\d+?$"), 1)
64        layout.add_widget(Divider(draw_line=False), 1)
65        layout2 = Layout([1, 1, 1])
66        self.add_layout(layout2)
67        layout2.add_widget(Button("OK", self._ok), 1)
68        layout2.add_widget(Button("Cancel", self._cancel), 2)
69        self.fix()
71    def _ok(self):
72        try:
73            self.save(validate=True)
74        except InvalidFields:
75            return
76        self._on_ok(self)
77        self._scene.remove_effect(self)
79    def _cancel(self):
80        self._scene.remove_effect(self)
83class Map(Effect):
84    """Effect to display a satellite image or vector map of the world."""
86    # Colour palettes
87    _256_PALETTE = {
88        "landuse": 193,
89        "water": 153,
90        "waterway": 153,
91        "marine_label": 12,
92        "admin": 7,
93        "country_label": 9,
94        "state_label": 1,
95        "place_label": 0,
96        "building": 252,
97        "road": 15,
98        "poi_label": 8
99    }
100    _16_PALETTE = {
101        "landuse": Screen.COLOUR_GREEN,
102        "water": Screen.COLOUR_BLUE,
103        "waterway": Screen.COLOUR_BLUE,
104        "marine_label": Screen.COLOUR_BLUE,
105        "admin": Screen.COLOUR_WHITE,
106        "country_label": Screen.COLOUR_RED,
107        "state_label": Screen.COLOUR_RED,
108        "place_label": Screen.COLOUR_YELLOW,
109        "building": Screen.COLOUR_WHITE,
110        "road": Screen.COLOUR_WHITE,
111        "poi_label": Screen.COLOUR_RED
112    }
114    def __init__(self, screen):
115        super(Map, self).__init__(screen)
116        # Current state of the map
117        self._screen = screen
118        self._zoom = 0
119        self._latitude = 51.4778
120        self._longitude = -0.0015
121        self._tiles = OrderedDict()
122        self._size = _START_SIZE
123        self._satellite = False
125        # Desired viewing location and animation flags
126        self._desired_zoom = self._zoom
127        self._desired_latitude = self._latitude
128        self._desired_longitude = self._longitude
129        self._next_update = 100000
131        # State for the background thread which reads in the tiles
132        self._running = True
133        self._updated = threading.Event()
134        self._updated.set()
135        self._oops = None
136        self._thread = threading.Thread(target=self._get_tiles)
137        self._thread.daemon = True
138        self._thread.start()
140    def _scale_coords(self, x, y, extent, xo, yo):
141        """Convert from tile coordinates to "pixels" - i.e. text characters."""
142        return xo + (x * self._size * 2 / extent), yo + ((extent - y) * self._size / extent)
144    def _convert_longitude(self, longitude):
145        """Convert from longitude to the x position in overall map."""
146        return int((180 + longitude) * (2 ** self._zoom) * self._size / 360)
148    def _convert_latitude(self, latitude):
149        """Convert from latitude to the y position in overall map."""
150        return int((180 - (180 / pi * log(tan(
151            pi / 4 + latitude * pi / 360)))) * (2 ** self._zoom) * self._size / 360)
153    def _inc_lat(self, latitude, delta):
154        """Shift the latitude by the required number of pixels (i.e. text lines)."""
155        y = self._convert_latitude(latitude)
156        y += delta
157        return 360 / pi * atan(
158            exp((180 - y * 360 / (2 ** self._zoom) / self._size) * pi / 180)) - 90
160    def _get_satellite_tile(self, x_tile, y_tile, z_tile):
161        """Load up a single satellite image tile."""
162        cache_file = "mapscache/{}.{}.{}.jpg".format(z_tile, x_tile, y_tile)
163        if cache_file not in self._tiles:
164            if not os.path.isfile(cache_file):
165                url = _IMAGE_URL.format(z_tile, x_tile, y_tile, _KEY)
166                data = requests.get(url).content
167                with open(cache_file, 'wb') as f:
168                    f.write(data)
169            self._tiles[cache_file] = [
170                x_tile, y_tile, z_tile,
171                ColourImageFile(self._screen, cache_file, height=_START_SIZE, dither=True,
172                                uni=self._screen.unicode_aware),
173                True]
174            if len(self._tiles) > _CACHE_SIZE:
175                self._tiles.popitem(False)
176            self._screen.force_update()
178    def _get_vector_tile(self, x_tile, y_tile, z_tile):
179        """Load up a single vector tile."""
180        cache_file = "mapscache/{}.{}.{}.json".format(z_tile, x_tile, y_tile)
181        if cache_file not in self._tiles:
182            if os.path.isfile(cache_file):
183                with open(cache_file, 'rb') as f:
184                    tile = json.loads(f.read().decode('utf-8'))
185            else:
186                url = _VECTOR_URL.format(z_tile, x_tile, y_tile, _KEY)
187                data = requests.get(url).content
188                try:
189                    tile = mapbox_vector_tile.decode(data)
190                    with open(cache_file, mode='w') as f:
191                        json.dump(literal_eval(repr(tile)), f)
192                except DecodeError:
193                    tile = None
194            if tile:
195                self._tiles[cache_file] = [x_tile, y_tile, z_tile, tile, False]
196                if len(self._tiles) > _CACHE_SIZE:
197                    self._tiles.popitem(False)
198                self._screen.force_update()
200    def _get_tiles(self):
201        """Background thread to download map tiles as required."""
202        while self._running:
203            self._updated.wait()
204            self._updated.clear()
206            # Save off current view and find the nearest tile.
207            satellite = self._satellite
208            zoom = self._zoom
209            size = self._size
210            n = 2 ** zoom
211            x_offset = self._convert_longitude(self._longitude)
212            y_offset = self._convert_latitude(self._latitude)
214            # Get the visible tiles around that location - getting most relevant first
215            for x, y, z in [(0, 0, 0), (1, 0, 0), (0, 1, 0), (-1, 0, 0), (0, -1, 0),
216                            (0, 0, -1), (0, 0, 1),
217                            (1, 1, 0), (1, -1, 0), (-1, -1, 0), (-1, 1, 0)]:
218                # Restart if we've already zoomed to another level
219                if self._zoom != zoom:
220                    break
222                # Don't get tile if it falls off the grid
223                x_tile = int(x_offset // size) + x
224                y_tile = int(y_offset // size) + y
225                z_tile = zoom + z
226                if (x_tile < 0 or x_tile >= n or y_tile < 0 or y_tile >= n or
227                        z_tile < 0 or z_tile > 20):
228                    continue
229                # noinspection PyBroadException
230                try:
232                    # Don't bother rendering if the tile is not visible
233                    top = y_tile * size - y_offset + self._screen.height // 2
234                    left = (x_tile * size - x_offset + self._screen.width // 4) * 2
235                    if z == 0 and (left > self._screen.width or left + self._size * 2 < 0 or
236                                   top > self._screen.height or top + self._size < 0):
237                        continue
239                    if satellite:
240                        self._get_satellite_tile(x_tile, y_tile, z_tile)
241                    else:
242                        self._get_vector_tile(x_tile, y_tile, z_tile)
243                # pylint: disable=broad-except
244                except Exception:
245                    self._oops = "{} - tile loc: {} {} {}".format(
246                        traceback.format_exc(), x_tile, y_tile, z_tile)
248                # Generally refresh screen after we've downloaded everything
249                self._screen.force_update()
251    def _get_features(self):
252        """Decide which layers to render based on current zoom level and view type."""
253        if self._satellite:
254            return [("water", [], [])]
255        elif self._zoom <= 2:
256            return [
257                ("water", [], []),
258                ("marine_label", [], [1]),
259            ]
260        elif self._zoom <= 7:
261            return [
262                ("admin", [], []),
263                ("water", [], []),
264                ("road", ["motorway"], []),
265                ("country_label", [], []),
266                ("marine_label", [], [1]),
267                ("state_label", [], []),
268                ("place_label", [], ["city", "town"]),
269            ]
270        elif self._zoom <= 10:
271            return [
272                ("admin", [], []),
273                ("water", [], []),
274                ("road", ["motorway", "motorway_link", "trunk"], []),
275                ("country_label", [], []),
276                ("marine_label", [], [1]),
277                ("state_label", [], []),
278                ("place_label", [], ["city", "town"]),
279            ]
280        else:
281            return [
282                ("landuse", ["agriculture", "grass", "park"], []),
283                ("water", [], []),
284                ("waterway", ["river", "canal"], []),
285                ("building", [], []),
286                ("road",
287                 ["motorway", "motorway_link", "trunk", "primary", "secondary"]
288                 if self._zoom <= 14 else
289                 ["motorway", "motorway_link", "trunk", "primary", "secondary", "tertiary",
290                  "link", "street", "tunnel"],
291                 []),
292                ("poi_label", [], []),
293            ]
295    def _draw_lines_internal(self, coords, colour, bg):
296        """Helper to draw lines connecting a set of nodes that are scaled for the Screen."""
297        for i, (x, y) in enumerate(coords):
298            if i == 0:
299                self._screen.move(x, y)
300            else:
301                self._screen.draw(x, y, colour=colour, bg=bg, thin=True)
303    def _draw_polygons(self, feature, bg, colour, extent, polygons, xo, yo):
304        """Draw a set of polygons from a vector tile."""
305        coords = []
306        for polygon in polygons:
307            coords.append([self._scale_coords(x, y, extent, xo, yo) for x, y in polygon])
308        # Polygons are expensive to draw and the buildings layer is huge - so we convert to
309        # lines in order to process updates fast enough to animate.
310        if "type" in feature["properties"] and "building" in feature["properties"]["type"]:
311            for line in coords:
312                self._draw_lines_internal(line, colour, bg)
313        else:
314            self._screen.fill_polygon(coords, colour=colour, bg=bg)
316    def _draw_lines(self, bg, colour, extent, line, xo, yo):
317        """Draw a set of lines from a vector tile."""
318        coords = [self._scale_coords(x, y, extent, xo, yo) for x, y in line]
319        self._draw_lines_internal(coords, colour, bg)
321    def _draw_feature(self, feature, extent, colour, bg, xo, yo):
322        """Draw a single feature from a layer in a vector tile."""
323        geometry = feature["geometry"]
324        if geometry["type"] == "Polygon":
325            self._draw_polygons(feature, bg, colour, extent, geometry["coordinates"], xo, yo)
326        elif feature["geometry"]["type"] == "MultiPolygon":
327            for multi_polygon in geometry["coordinates"]:
328                self._draw_polygons(feature, bg, colour, extent, multi_polygon, xo, yo)
329        elif feature["geometry"]["type"] == "LineString":
330            self._draw_lines(bg, colour, extent, geometry["coordinates"], xo, yo)
331        elif feature["geometry"]["type"] == "MultiLineString":
332            for line in geometry["coordinates"]:
333                self._draw_lines(bg, colour, extent, line, xo, yo)
334        elif feature["geometry"]["type"] == "Point":
335            x, y = self._scale_coords(
336                geometry["coordinates"][0], geometry["coordinates"][1], extent, xo, yo)
337            text = u" {} ".format(feature["properties"]["name_en"])
338            self._screen.print_at(text, int(x - len(text) / 2), int(y), colour=colour, bg=bg)
340    def _draw_tile_layer(self, tile, layer_name, c_filters, colour, t_filters, x, y, bg):
341        """Draw the visible geometry in the specified map tile."""
342        # Don't bother rendering if the tile is not visible
343        left = (x + self._screen.width // 4) * 2
344        top = y + self._screen.height // 2
345        if (left > self._screen.width or left + self._size * 2 < 0 or
346                top > self._screen.height or top + self._size < 0):
347            return 0
349        # Not all layers are available in every tile.
350        try:
351            _layer = tile[layer_name]
352            _extent = float(_layer["extent"])
353        except KeyError:
354            return 0
356        for _feature in _layer["features"]:
357            try:
358                if c_filters and _feature["properties"]["class"] not in c_filters:
359                    continue
360                if (t_filters and _feature["type"] not in t_filters and
361                        _feature["properties"]["type"] not in t_filters):
362                    continue
363                self._draw_feature(
364                    _feature, _extent, colour, bg,
365                    (x + self._screen.width // 4) * 2, y + self._screen.height // 2)
366            except KeyError:
367                pass
368        return 1
370    def _draw_satellite_tile(self, tile, x, y):
371        """Draw a satellite image tile to screen."""
372        image, colours = tile.rendered_text
373        for (i, line) in enumerate(image):
374            self._screen.paint(line, x, y + i, colour_map=colours[i])
375        return 1
377    def _draw_tiles(self, x_offset, y_offset, bg):
378        """Render all visible tiles a layer at a time."""
379        count = 0
380        for layer_name, c_filters, t_filters in self._get_features():
381            colour = (self._256_PALETTE[layer_name]
382                      if self._screen.colours >= 256 else self._16_PALETTE[layer_name])
383            for x, y, z, tile, satellite in sorted(self._tiles.values(), key=lambda k: k[0]):
384                # Don't draw the wrong type or zoom of tile.
385                if satellite != self._satellite or z != self._zoom:
386                    continue
388                # Convert tile location into pixels and draw the tile.
389                x *= self._size
390                y *= self._size
391                if satellite:
392                    count += self._draw_satellite_tile(
393                        tile,
394                        int((x-x_offset + self._screen.width // 4) * 2),
395                        int(y-y_offset + self._screen.height // 2))
396                else:
397                    count += self._draw_tile_layer(tile, layer_name, c_filters, colour, t_filters,
398                                                   x - x_offset, y - y_offset, bg)
399        return count
401    def _zoom_map(self, zoom_out=True):
402        """Animate the zoom in/out as appropriate for the displayed map tile."""
403        size_step = 1 / _ZOOM_STEP if zoom_out else _ZOOM_STEP
404        self._next_update = 1
405        if self._satellite:
406            size_step **= _ZOOM_ANIMATION_STEPS
407        self._size *= size_step
408        if self._size <= _ZOOM_OUT_SIZE:
409            if self._zoom > 0:
410                self._zoom -= 1
411                self._size = _START_SIZE
412            else:
413                self._size = _ZOOM_OUT_SIZE
414        elif self._size >= _ZOOM_IN_SIZE:
415            if self._zoom < 20:
416                self._zoom += 1
417                self._size = _START_SIZE
418            else:
419                self._size = _ZOOM_IN_SIZE
421    def _move_to_desired_location(self):
422        """Animate movement to desired location on map."""
423        self._next_update = 100000
424        x_start = self._convert_longitude(self._longitude)
425        y_start = self._convert_latitude(self._latitude)
426        x_end = self._convert_longitude(self._desired_longitude)
427        y_end = self._convert_latitude(self._desired_latitude)
428        if sqrt((x_end - x_start) ** 2 + (y_end - y_start) ** 2) > _START_SIZE // 4:
429            self._zoom_map(True)
430        elif self._zoom != self._desired_zoom:
431            self._zoom_map(self._desired_zoom < self._zoom)
432        if self._longitude != self._desired_longitude:
433            self._next_update = 1
434            if self._desired_longitude < self._longitude:
435                self._longitude = max(self._longitude - 360 / 2 ** self._zoom / self._size * 2,
436                                      self._desired_longitude)
437            else:
438                self._longitude = min(self._longitude + 360 / 2 ** self._zoom / self._size * 2,
439                                      self._desired_longitude)
440        if self._latitude != self._desired_latitude:
441            self._next_update = 1
442            if self._desired_latitude < self._latitude:
443                self._latitude = max(self._inc_lat(self._latitude, 2), self._desired_latitude)
444            else:
445                self._latitude = min(self._inc_lat(self._latitude, -2), self._desired_latitude)
446        if self._next_update == 1:
447            self._updated.set()
449    def _update(self, frame_no):
450        """Draw the latest set of tiles to the Screen."""
451        # Check for any fatal errors from the background thread and quit if we hit anything.
452        if self._oops:
453            raise RuntimeError(self._oops)
455        # Calculate new positions for animated movement.
456        self._move_to_desired_location()
458        # Re-draw the tiles - if we have any suitable ones downloaded.
459        count = 0
460        x_offset = self._convert_longitude(self._longitude)
461        y_offset = self._convert_latitude(self._latitude)
462        if self._tiles:
463            # Clear the area first.
464            bg = 253 if self._screen.unicode_aware and self._screen.colours >= 256 else 0
465            for y in range(self._screen.height):
466                self._screen.print_at("." * self._screen.width, 0, y, colour=bg, bg=bg)
468            # Now draw all the available tiles.
469            count = self._draw_tiles(x_offset, y_offset, bg)
471        # Just a few pointers on what the user should do...
472        if count == 0:
473            self._screen.centre(" Loading - please wait... ", self._screen.height // 2, 1)
475        self._screen.centre("Press '?' for help.", 0, 1)
476        if _KEY == "":
477            footer = "Using local cached data - go to https://www.mapbox.com/ and get a free key."
478        else:
479            footer = u"Zoom: {} Location: {:.6}, {:.6} Maps: © Mapbox, © OpenStreetMap".format(
480                self._zoom, self._longitude, self._latitude)
481        self._screen.centre(footer, self._screen.height - 1, 1)
483        return count
485    def process_event(self, event):
486        """User input for the main map view."""
487        if isinstance(event, KeyboardEvent):
488            if event.key_code in [Screen.ctrl("m"), Screen.ctrl("j")]:
489                self._scene.add_effect(
490                    EnterLocation(
491                        self._screen, self._longitude, self._latitude, self._on_new_location))
492            elif event.key_code in [ord('q'), ord('Q'), Screen.ctrl("c")]:
493                raise StopApplication("User quit")
494            elif event.key_code in [ord('t'), ord('T')]:
495                self._satellite = not self._satellite
496                if self._satellite:
497                    self._size = _START_SIZE
498            elif event.key_code == ord("?"):
499                self._scene.add_effect(PopUpDialog(self._screen, _HELP, ["OK"]))
500            elif event.key_code == ord("+") and self._zoom <= 20:
501                if self._desired_zoom < 20:
502                    self._desired_zoom += 1
503            elif event.key_code == ord("-") and self._zoom >= 0:
504                if self._desired_zoom > 0:
505                    self._desired_zoom -= 1
506            elif event.key_code == ord("0"):
507                self._desired_zoom = 0
508            elif event.key_code == ord("9"):
509                self._desired_zoom = 20
510            elif event.key_code == Screen.KEY_LEFT:
511                self._desired_longitude -= 360 / 2 ** self._zoom / self._size * 10
512            elif event.key_code == Screen.KEY_RIGHT:
513                self._desired_longitude += 360 / 2 ** self._zoom / self._size * 10
514            elif event.key_code == Screen.KEY_UP:
515                self._desired_latitude = self._inc_lat(self._desired_latitude, -self._size / 10)
516            elif event.key_code == Screen.KEY_DOWN:
517                self._desired_latitude = self._inc_lat(self._desired_latitude, self._size / 10)
518            else:
519                return
521            # Trigger a reload of the tiles and redraw map
522            self._updated.set()
523            self._screen.force_update()
525    def _on_new_location(self, form):
526        """Set a new desired location entered in the pop-up form."""
527        self._desired_longitude = float(form.data["long"])
528        self._desired_latitude = float(form.data["lat"])
529        self._desired_zoom = 13
530        self._screen.force_update()
532    # noinspection PyUnusedLocal
533    # pylint: disable=unused-argument
534    def clone(self, new_screen, new_scene):
535        # On resize, there will be a new Map - kill the thread in this one.
536        self._running = False
537        self._updated.set()
539    @property
540    def frame_update_count(self):
541        # Only redraw if required - as determined by the update logic.
542        return self._next_update
544    @property
545    def stop_frame(self):
546        # No specific end point for this Effect.  Carry on running forever.
547        return 0
549    def reset(self):
550        # Nothing special to do.  Just need this to satisfy the ABC.
551        pass
554def demo(screen, scene):
555    screen.play([Scene([Map(screen)], -1)], stop_on_resize=True, start_scene=scene)
558if __name__ == "__main__":
559    last_scene = None
560    while True:
561        try:
562            Screen.wrapper(demo, catch_interrupt=False, arguments=[last_scene])
563            sys.exit(0)
564        except ResizeScreenError as e:
565            last_scene = e.scene