1# coding=utf-8
2# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
3# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
4# Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
5# Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
6# Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is regenerated.
7# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
9from enum import Enum, EnumMeta
10from six import with_metaclass
12class _CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta(EnumMeta):
13    def __getitem__(self, name):
14        return super().__getitem__(name.upper())
16    def __getattr__(cls, name):
17        """Return the enum member matching `name`
18        We use __getattr__ instead of descriptors or inserting into the enum
19        class' __dict__ in order to support `name` and `value` being both
20        properties for enum members (which live in the class' __dict__) and
21        enum members themselves.
22        """
23        try:
24            return cls._member_map_[name.upper()]
25        except KeyError:
26            raise AttributeError(name)
29class AvailabilitySetSkuTypes(with_metaclass(_CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta, str, Enum)):
30    """Specifies the sku of an Availability Set. Use 'Aligned' for virtual machines with managed disks
31    and 'Classic' for virtual machines with unmanaged disks. Default value is 'Classic'.
32    """
34    CLASSIC = "Classic"
35    ALIGNED = "Aligned"
37class CachingTypes(with_metaclass(_CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta, str, Enum)):
38    """Specifies the caching requirements. :code:`<br>`:code:`<br>` Possible values are:
39    :code:`<br>`:code:`<br>` **None** :code:`<br>`:code:`<br>` **ReadOnly**
40    :code:`<br>`:code:`<br>` **ReadWrite** :code:`<br>`:code:`<br>` Default: **None for Standard
41    storage. ReadOnly for Premium storage**
42    """
44    NONE = "None"
45    READ_ONLY = "ReadOnly"
46    READ_WRITE = "ReadWrite"
48class DedicatedHostLicenseTypes(with_metaclass(_CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta, str, Enum)):
49    """Specifies the software license type that will be applied to the VMs deployed on the dedicated
50    host. :code:`<br>`:code:`<br>` Possible values are: :code:`<br>`:code:`<br>` **None**
51    :code:`<br>`:code:`<br>` **Windows_Server_Hybrid** :code:`<br>`:code:`<br>`
52    **Windows_Server_Perpetual** :code:`<br>`:code:`<br>` Default: **None**
53    """
55    NONE = "None"
56    WINDOWS_SERVER_HYBRID = "Windows_Server_Hybrid"
57    WINDOWS_SERVER_PERPETUAL = "Windows_Server_Perpetual"
59class DiffDiskOptions(with_metaclass(_CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta, str, Enum)):
60    """Specifies the ephemeral disk option for operating system disk.
61    """
63    LOCAL = "Local"
65class DiffDiskPlacement(with_metaclass(_CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta, str, Enum)):
66    """Specifies the ephemeral disk placement for operating system disk. This property can be used by
67    user in the request to choose the location i.e, cache disk or resource disk space for Ephemeral
68    OS disk provisioning. For more information on Ephemeral OS disk size requirements, please refer
69    Ephemeral OS disk size requirements for Windows VM at
70    https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/virtual-machines/windows/ephemeral-os-disks#size-requirements
71    and Linux VM at
72    https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/virtual-machines/linux/ephemeral-os-disks#size-requirements
73    """
75    CACHE_DISK = "CacheDisk"
76    RESOURCE_DISK = "ResourceDisk"
78class DiskCreateOptionTypes(with_metaclass(_CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta, str, Enum)):
79    """Specifies how the virtual machine should be created.:code:`<br>`:code:`<br>` Possible values
80    are::code:`<br>`:code:`<br>` **Attach** \u2013 This value is used when you are using a
81    specialized disk to create the virtual machine.:code:`<br>`:code:`<br>` **FromImage** \u2013
82    This value is used when you are using an image to create the virtual machine. If you are using
83    a platform image, you also use the imageReference element described above. If you are using a
84    marketplace image, you  also use the plan element previously described.
85    """
87    FROM_IMAGE = "FromImage"
88    EMPTY = "Empty"
89    ATTACH = "Attach"
91class ExecutionState(with_metaclass(_CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta, str, Enum)):
92    """Script execution status.
93    """
95    UNKNOWN = "Unknown"
96    PENDING = "Pending"
97    RUNNING = "Running"
98    FAILED = "Failed"
99    SUCCEEDED = "Succeeded"
100    TIMED_OUT = "TimedOut"
101    CANCELED = "Canceled"
103class HyperVGenerationType(with_metaclass(_CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta, str, Enum)):
104    """Specifies the HyperVGeneration Type associated with a resource
105    """
107    V1 = "V1"
108    V2 = "V2"
110class HyperVGenerationTypes(with_metaclass(_CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta, str, Enum)):
111    """Specifies the HyperVGeneration Type
112    """
114    V1 = "V1"
115    V2 = "V2"
117class InGuestPatchMode(with_metaclass(_CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta, str, Enum)):
118    """Specifies the mode of in-guest patching to IaaS virtual machine.:code:`<br />`:code:`<br />`
119    Possible values are::code:`<br />`:code:`<br />` **Manual** - You  control the application of
120    patches to a virtual machine. You do this by applying patches manually inside the VM. In this
121    mode, automatic updates are disabled; the property WindowsConfiguration.enableAutomaticUpdates
122    must be false:code:`<br />`:code:`<br />` **AutomaticByOS** - The virtual machine will
123    automatically be updated by the OS. The property WindowsConfiguration.enableAutomaticUpdates
124    must be true. :code:`<br />`:code:`<br />` **AutomaticByPlatform** - the virtual machine will
125    automatically updated by the platform. The properties provisionVMAgent and
126    WindowsConfiguration.enableAutomaticUpdates must be true
127    """
129    MANUAL = "Manual"
130    AUTOMATIC_BY_OS = "AutomaticByOS"
131    AUTOMATIC_BY_PLATFORM = "AutomaticByPlatform"
133class IntervalInMins(with_metaclass(_CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta, str, Enum)):
134    """Interval value in minutes used to create LogAnalytics call rate logs.
135    """
137    THREE_MINS = "ThreeMins"
138    FIVE_MINS = "FiveMins"
139    THIRTY_MINS = "ThirtyMins"
140    SIXTY_MINS = "SixtyMins"
142class IPVersion(with_metaclass(_CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta, str, Enum)):
143    """Available from Api-Version 2017-03-30 onwards, it represents whether the specific
144    ipconfiguration is IPv4 or IPv6. Default is taken as IPv4.  Possible values are: 'IPv4' and
145    'IPv6'.
146    """
148    I_PV4 = "IPv4"
149    I_PV6 = "IPv6"
151class MaintenanceOperationResultCodeTypes(with_metaclass(_CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta, str, Enum)):
152    """The Last Maintenance Operation Result Code.
153    """
155    NONE = "None"
156    RETRY_LATER = "RetryLater"
157    MAINTENANCE_ABORTED = "MaintenanceAborted"
158    MAINTENANCE_COMPLETED = "MaintenanceCompleted"
160class OperatingSystemStateTypes(with_metaclass(_CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta, str, Enum)):
161    """The OS State.
162    """
164    #: Generalized image. Needs to be provisioned during deployment time.
165    GENERALIZED = "Generalized"
166    #: Specialized image. Contains already provisioned OS Disk.
167    SPECIALIZED = "Specialized"
169class OperatingSystemTypes(with_metaclass(_CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta, str, Enum)):
170    """The operating system of the osDiskImage.
171    """
173    WINDOWS = "Windows"
174    LINUX = "Linux"
176class OrchestrationServiceNames(with_metaclass(_CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta, str, Enum)):
177    """The name of the service.
178    """
180    AUTOMATIC_REPAIRS = "AutomaticRepairs"
181    DUMMY_ORCHESTRATION_SERVICE_NAME = "DummyOrchestrationServiceName"
183class OrchestrationServiceState(with_metaclass(_CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta, str, Enum)):
184    """The current state of the service.
185    """
187    NOT_RUNNING = "NotRunning"
188    RUNNING = "Running"
189    SUSPENDED = "Suspended"
191class OrchestrationServiceStateAction(with_metaclass(_CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta, str, Enum)):
192    """The action to be performed.
193    """
195    RESUME = "Resume"
196    SUSPEND = "Suspend"
198class PatchAssessmentState(with_metaclass(_CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta, str, Enum)):
199    """Describes the outcome of an install operation for a given patch.
200    """
202    INSTALLED = "Installed"
203    FAILED = "Failed"
204    EXCLUDED = "Excluded"
205    NOT_SELECTED = "NotSelected"
206    PENDING = "Pending"
207    AVAILABLE = "Available"
209class PatchOperationStatus(with_metaclass(_CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta, str, Enum)):
210    """The overall success or failure status of the operation. It remains "InProgress" until the
211    operation completes. At that point it will become "Failed", "Succeeded", or
212    "CompletedWithWarnings."
213    """
215    IN_PROGRESS = "InProgress"
216    FAILED = "Failed"
217    SUCCEEDED = "Succeeded"
218    COMPLETED_WITH_WARNINGS = "CompletedWithWarnings"
220class ProtocolTypes(with_metaclass(_CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta, str, Enum)):
221    """Specifies the protocol of WinRM listener. :code:`<br>`:code:`<br>` Possible values are:
222    :code:`<br>`\ **http** :code:`<br>`:code:`<br>` **https**
223    """
225    HTTP = "Http"
226    HTTPS = "Https"
228class ProximityPlacementGroupType(with_metaclass(_CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta, str, Enum)):
229    """Specifies the type of the proximity placement group. :code:`<br>`:code:`<br>` Possible values
230    are: :code:`<br>`:code:`<br>` **Standard** : Co-locate resources within an Azure region or
231    Availability Zone. :code:`<br>`:code:`<br>` **Ultra** : For future use.
232    """
234    STANDARD = "Standard"
235    ULTRA = "Ultra"
237class RebootStatus(with_metaclass(_CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta, str, Enum)):
238    """The reboot status of the machine after the patch operation. It will be in "NotNeeded" status if
239    reboot is not needed after the patch operation. "Required" will be the status once the patch is
240    applied and machine is required to reboot. "Started" will be the reboot status when the machine
241    has started to reboot. "Failed" will be the status if the machine is failed to reboot.
242    "Completed" will be the status once the machine is rebooted successfully
243    """
245    NOT_NEEDED = "NotNeeded"
246    REQUIRED = "Required"
247    STARTED = "Started"
248    FAILED = "Failed"
249    COMPLETED = "Completed"
251class ResourceIdentityType(with_metaclass(_CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta, str, Enum)):
252    """The type of identity used for the virtual machine. The type 'SystemAssigned, UserAssigned'
253    includes both an implicitly created identity and a set of user assigned identities. The type
254    'None' will remove any identities from the virtual machine.
255    """
257    SYSTEM_ASSIGNED = "SystemAssigned"
258    USER_ASSIGNED = "UserAssigned"
259    SYSTEM_ASSIGNED_USER_ASSIGNED = "SystemAssigned, UserAssigned"
260    NONE = "None"
262class RollingUpgradeActionType(with_metaclass(_CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta, str, Enum)):
263    """The last action performed on the rolling upgrade.
264    """
266    START = "Start"
267    CANCEL = "Cancel"
269class RollingUpgradeStatusCode(with_metaclass(_CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta, str, Enum)):
270    """Code indicating the current status of the upgrade.
271    """
273    ROLLING_FORWARD = "RollingForward"
274    CANCELLED = "Cancelled"
275    COMPLETED = "Completed"
276    FAULTED = "Faulted"
278class SettingNames(with_metaclass(_CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta, str, Enum)):
279    """Specifies the name of the setting to which the content applies. Possible values are:
280    FirstLogonCommands and AutoLogon.
281    """
283    AUTO_LOGON = "AutoLogon"
284    FIRST_LOGON_COMMANDS = "FirstLogonCommands"
286class SoftwareUpdateRebootBehavior(with_metaclass(_CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta, str, Enum)):
287    """Describes the reboot requirements of the patch.
288    """
290    NEVER_REBOOTS = "NeverReboots"
291    ALWAYS_REQUIRES_REBOOT = "AlwaysRequiresReboot"
292    CAN_REQUEST_REBOOT = "CanRequestReboot"
294class StatusLevelTypes(with_metaclass(_CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta, str, Enum)):
295    """The level code.
296    """
298    INFO = "Info"
299    WARNING = "Warning"
300    ERROR = "Error"
302class StorageAccountTypes(with_metaclass(_CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta, str, Enum)):
303    """Specifies the storage account type for the managed disk. NOTE: UltraSSD_LRS can only be used
304    with data disks. It cannot be used with OS Disk. Standard_LRS uses Standard HDD.
305    StandardSSD_LRS uses Standard SSD. Premium_LRS uses Premium SSD. UltraSSD_LRS uses Ultra disk.
306    For more information regarding disks supported for Windows Virtual Machines, refer to
307    https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/virtual-machines/windows/disks-types and, for Linux
308    Virtual Machines, refer to
309    https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/virtual-machines/linux/disks-types
310    """
312    STANDARD_LRS = "Standard_LRS"
313    PREMIUM_LRS = "Premium_LRS"
314    STANDARD_SSD_LRS = "StandardSSD_LRS"
315    ULTRA_SSD_LRS = "UltraSSD_LRS"
317class UpgradeMode(with_metaclass(_CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta, str, Enum)):
318    """Specifies the mode of an upgrade to virtual machines in the scale set.:code:`<br />`:code:`<br
319    />` Possible values are::code:`<br />`:code:`<br />` **Manual** - You  control the application
320    of updates to virtual machines in the scale set. You do this by using the manualUpgrade
321    action.:code:`<br />`:code:`<br />` **Automatic** - All virtual machines in the scale set are
322    automatically updated at the same time.
323    """
325    AUTOMATIC = "Automatic"
326    MANUAL = "Manual"
327    ROLLING = "Rolling"
329class UpgradeOperationInvoker(with_metaclass(_CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta, str, Enum)):
330    """Invoker of the Upgrade Operation
331    """
333    UNKNOWN = "Unknown"
334    USER = "User"
335    PLATFORM = "Platform"
337class UpgradeState(with_metaclass(_CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta, str, Enum)):
338    """Code indicating the current status of the upgrade.
339    """
341    ROLLING_FORWARD = "RollingForward"
342    CANCELLED = "Cancelled"
343    COMPLETED = "Completed"
344    FAULTED = "Faulted"
346class VirtualMachineEvictionPolicyTypes(with_metaclass(_CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta, str, Enum)):
347    """Specifies the eviction policy for the Azure Spot VM/VMSS
348    """
350    DEALLOCATE = "Deallocate"
351    DELETE = "Delete"
353class VirtualMachinePriorityTypes(with_metaclass(_CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta, str, Enum)):
354    """Specifies the priority for a standalone virtual machine or the virtual machines in the scale
355    set. :code:`<br>`:code:`<br>` 'Low' enum will be deprecated in the future, please use 'Spot' as
356    the enum to deploy Azure Spot VM/VMSS.
357    """
359    REGULAR = "Regular"
360    LOW = "Low"
361    SPOT = "Spot"
363class VirtualMachineScaleSetScaleInRules(with_metaclass(_CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta, str, Enum)):
365    DEFAULT = "Default"
366    OLDEST_VM = "OldestVM"
367    NEWEST_VM = "NewestVM"
369class VirtualMachineScaleSetSkuScaleType(with_metaclass(_CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta, str, Enum)):
370    """The scale type applicable to the sku.
371    """
373    AUTOMATIC = "Automatic"
374    NONE = "None"
376class VirtualMachineSizeTypes(with_metaclass(_CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta, str, Enum)):
377    """Specifies the size of the virtual machine. For more information about virtual machine sizes,
378    see `Sizes for virtual machines
379    <https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/virtual-machines/sizes>`_. :code:`<br>`:code:`<br>` The
380    available VM sizes depend on region and availability set. For a list of available sizes use
381    these APIs:  :code:`<br>`:code:`<br>` `List all available virtual machine sizes in an
382    availability set
383    <https://docs.microsoft.com/rest/api/compute/availabilitysets/listavailablesizes>`_
384    :code:`<br>`:code:`<br>` `List all available virtual machine sizes in a region
385    <https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/compute/resourceskus/list>`_
386    :code:`<br>`:code:`<br>` `List all available virtual machine sizes for resizing
387    <https://docs.microsoft.com/rest/api/compute/virtualmachines/listavailablesizes>`_.
388    :code:`<br>`:code:`<br>` This list of sizes is no longer updated and the
389    **VirtualMachineSizeTypes** string constants will be removed from the subsequent REST API
390    specification. Use `List all available virtual machine sizes in a region
391    <https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/compute/resourceskus/list>`_ to get the latest
392    sizes.
393    """
395    BASIC_A0 = "Basic_A0"
396    BASIC_A1 = "Basic_A1"
397    BASIC_A2 = "Basic_A2"
398    BASIC_A3 = "Basic_A3"
399    BASIC_A4 = "Basic_A4"
400    STANDARD_A0 = "Standard_A0"
401    STANDARD_A1 = "Standard_A1"
402    STANDARD_A2 = "Standard_A2"
403    STANDARD_A3 = "Standard_A3"
404    STANDARD_A4 = "Standard_A4"
405    STANDARD_A5 = "Standard_A5"
406    STANDARD_A6 = "Standard_A6"
407    STANDARD_A7 = "Standard_A7"
408    STANDARD_A8 = "Standard_A8"
409    STANDARD_A9 = "Standard_A9"
410    STANDARD_A10 = "Standard_A10"
411    STANDARD_A11 = "Standard_A11"
412    STANDARD_A1_V2 = "Standard_A1_v2"
413    STANDARD_A2_V2 = "Standard_A2_v2"
414    STANDARD_A4_V2 = "Standard_A4_v2"
415    STANDARD_A8_V2 = "Standard_A8_v2"
416    STANDARD_A2_M_V2 = "Standard_A2m_v2"
417    STANDARD_A4_M_V2 = "Standard_A4m_v2"
418    STANDARD_A8_M_V2 = "Standard_A8m_v2"
419    STANDARD_B1_S = "Standard_B1s"
420    STANDARD_B1_MS = "Standard_B1ms"
421    STANDARD_B2_S = "Standard_B2s"
422    STANDARD_B2_MS = "Standard_B2ms"
423    STANDARD_B4_MS = "Standard_B4ms"
424    STANDARD_B8_MS = "Standard_B8ms"
425    STANDARD_D1 = "Standard_D1"
426    STANDARD_D2 = "Standard_D2"
427    STANDARD_D3 = "Standard_D3"
428    STANDARD_D4 = "Standard_D4"
429    STANDARD_D11 = "Standard_D11"
430    STANDARD_D12 = "Standard_D12"
431    STANDARD_D13 = "Standard_D13"
432    STANDARD_D14 = "Standard_D14"
433    STANDARD_D1_V2 = "Standard_D1_v2"
434    STANDARD_D2_V2 = "Standard_D2_v2"
435    STANDARD_D3_V2 = "Standard_D3_v2"
436    STANDARD_D4_V2 = "Standard_D4_v2"
437    STANDARD_D5_V2 = "Standard_D5_v2"
438    STANDARD_D2_V3 = "Standard_D2_v3"
439    STANDARD_D4_V3 = "Standard_D4_v3"
440    STANDARD_D8_V3 = "Standard_D8_v3"
441    STANDARD_D16_V3 = "Standard_D16_v3"
442    STANDARD_D32_V3 = "Standard_D32_v3"
443    STANDARD_D64_V3 = "Standard_D64_v3"
444    STANDARD_D2_S_V3 = "Standard_D2s_v3"
445    STANDARD_D4_S_V3 = "Standard_D4s_v3"
446    STANDARD_D8_S_V3 = "Standard_D8s_v3"
447    STANDARD_D16_S_V3 = "Standard_D16s_v3"
448    STANDARD_D32_S_V3 = "Standard_D32s_v3"
449    STANDARD_D64_S_V3 = "Standard_D64s_v3"
450    STANDARD_D11_V2 = "Standard_D11_v2"
451    STANDARD_D12_V2 = "Standard_D12_v2"
452    STANDARD_D13_V2 = "Standard_D13_v2"
453    STANDARD_D14_V2 = "Standard_D14_v2"
454    STANDARD_D15_V2 = "Standard_D15_v2"
455    STANDARD_DS1 = "Standard_DS1"
456    STANDARD_DS2 = "Standard_DS2"
457    STANDARD_DS3 = "Standard_DS3"
458    STANDARD_DS4 = "Standard_DS4"
459    STANDARD_DS11 = "Standard_DS11"
460    STANDARD_DS12 = "Standard_DS12"
461    STANDARD_DS13 = "Standard_DS13"
462    STANDARD_DS14 = "Standard_DS14"
463    STANDARD_DS1_V2 = "Standard_DS1_v2"
464    STANDARD_DS2_V2 = "Standard_DS2_v2"
465    STANDARD_DS3_V2 = "Standard_DS3_v2"
466    STANDARD_DS4_V2 = "Standard_DS4_v2"
467    STANDARD_DS5_V2 = "Standard_DS5_v2"
468    STANDARD_DS11_V2 = "Standard_DS11_v2"
469    STANDARD_DS12_V2 = "Standard_DS12_v2"
470    STANDARD_DS13_V2 = "Standard_DS13_v2"
471    STANDARD_DS14_V2 = "Standard_DS14_v2"
472    STANDARD_DS15_V2 = "Standard_DS15_v2"
473    STANDARD_DS13_4_V2 = "Standard_DS13-4_v2"
474    STANDARD_DS13_2_V2 = "Standard_DS13-2_v2"
475    STANDARD_DS14_8_V2 = "Standard_DS14-8_v2"
476    STANDARD_DS14_4_V2 = "Standard_DS14-4_v2"
477    STANDARD_E2_V3 = "Standard_E2_v3"
478    STANDARD_E4_V3 = "Standard_E4_v3"
479    STANDARD_E8_V3 = "Standard_E8_v3"
480    STANDARD_E16_V3 = "Standard_E16_v3"
481    STANDARD_E32_V3 = "Standard_E32_v3"
482    STANDARD_E64_V3 = "Standard_E64_v3"
483    STANDARD_E2_S_V3 = "Standard_E2s_v3"
484    STANDARD_E4_S_V3 = "Standard_E4s_v3"
485    STANDARD_E8_S_V3 = "Standard_E8s_v3"
486    STANDARD_E16_S_V3 = "Standard_E16s_v3"
487    STANDARD_E32_S_V3 = "Standard_E32s_v3"
488    STANDARD_E64_S_V3 = "Standard_E64s_v3"
489    STANDARD_E32_16_V3 = "Standard_E32-16_v3"
490    STANDARD_E32_8_S_V3 = "Standard_E32-8s_v3"
491    STANDARD_E64_32_S_V3 = "Standard_E64-32s_v3"
492    STANDARD_E64_16_S_V3 = "Standard_E64-16s_v3"
493    STANDARD_F1 = "Standard_F1"
494    STANDARD_F2 = "Standard_F2"
495    STANDARD_F4 = "Standard_F4"
496    STANDARD_F8 = "Standard_F8"
497    STANDARD_F16 = "Standard_F16"
498    STANDARD_F1_S = "Standard_F1s"
499    STANDARD_F2_S = "Standard_F2s"
500    STANDARD_F4_S = "Standard_F4s"
501    STANDARD_F8_S = "Standard_F8s"
502    STANDARD_F16_S = "Standard_F16s"
503    STANDARD_F2_S_V2 = "Standard_F2s_v2"
504    STANDARD_F4_S_V2 = "Standard_F4s_v2"
505    STANDARD_F8_S_V2 = "Standard_F8s_v2"
506    STANDARD_F16_S_V2 = "Standard_F16s_v2"
507    STANDARD_F32_S_V2 = "Standard_F32s_v2"
508    STANDARD_F64_S_V2 = "Standard_F64s_v2"
509    STANDARD_F72_S_V2 = "Standard_F72s_v2"
510    STANDARD_G1 = "Standard_G1"
511    STANDARD_G2 = "Standard_G2"
512    STANDARD_G3 = "Standard_G3"
513    STANDARD_G4 = "Standard_G4"
514    STANDARD_G5 = "Standard_G5"
515    STANDARD_GS1 = "Standard_GS1"
516    STANDARD_GS2 = "Standard_GS2"
517    STANDARD_GS3 = "Standard_GS3"
518    STANDARD_GS4 = "Standard_GS4"
519    STANDARD_GS5 = "Standard_GS5"
520    STANDARD_GS4_8 = "Standard_GS4-8"
521    STANDARD_GS4_4 = "Standard_GS4-4"
522    STANDARD_GS5_16 = "Standard_GS5-16"
523    STANDARD_GS5_8 = "Standard_GS5-8"
524    STANDARD_H8 = "Standard_H8"
525    STANDARD_H16 = "Standard_H16"
526    STANDARD_H8_M = "Standard_H8m"
527    STANDARD_H16_M = "Standard_H16m"
528    STANDARD_H16_R = "Standard_H16r"
529    STANDARD_H16_MR = "Standard_H16mr"
530    STANDARD_L4_S = "Standard_L4s"
531    STANDARD_L8_S = "Standard_L8s"
532    STANDARD_L16_S = "Standard_L16s"
533    STANDARD_L32_S = "Standard_L32s"
534    STANDARD_M64_S = "Standard_M64s"
535    STANDARD_M64_MS = "Standard_M64ms"
536    STANDARD_M128_S = "Standard_M128s"
537    STANDARD_M128_MS = "Standard_M128ms"
538    STANDARD_M64_32_MS = "Standard_M64-32ms"
539    STANDARD_M64_16_MS = "Standard_M64-16ms"
540    STANDARD_M128_64_MS = "Standard_M128-64ms"
541    STANDARD_M128_32_MS = "Standard_M128-32ms"
542    STANDARD_NC6 = "Standard_NC6"
543    STANDARD_NC12 = "Standard_NC12"
544    STANDARD_NC24 = "Standard_NC24"
545    STANDARD_NC24_R = "Standard_NC24r"
546    STANDARD_NC6_S_V2 = "Standard_NC6s_v2"
547    STANDARD_NC12_S_V2 = "Standard_NC12s_v2"
548    STANDARD_NC24_S_V2 = "Standard_NC24s_v2"
549    STANDARD_NC24_RS_V2 = "Standard_NC24rs_v2"
550    STANDARD_NC6_S_V3 = "Standard_NC6s_v3"
551    STANDARD_NC12_S_V3 = "Standard_NC12s_v3"
552    STANDARD_NC24_S_V3 = "Standard_NC24s_v3"
553    STANDARD_NC24_RS_V3 = "Standard_NC24rs_v3"
554    STANDARD_ND6_S = "Standard_ND6s"
555    STANDARD_ND12_S = "Standard_ND12s"
556    STANDARD_ND24_S = "Standard_ND24s"
557    STANDARD_ND24_RS = "Standard_ND24rs"
558    STANDARD_NV6 = "Standard_NV6"
559    STANDARD_NV12 = "Standard_NV12"
560    STANDARD_NV24 = "Standard_NV24"
562class VmDiskTypes(with_metaclass(_CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta, str, Enum)):
563    """VM disk types which are disallowed.
564    """
566    NONE = "None"
567    UNMANAGED = "Unmanaged"