1# Copyright 2016 Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
3# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). You
4# may not use this file except in compliance with the License. A copy of
5# the License is located at
7# http://aws.amazon.com/apache2.0/
9# or in the "license" file accompanying this file. This file is
11# ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific
12# language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
13"""Internal module to help with normalizing botocore client args.
15This module (and all function/classes within this module) should be
16considered internal, and *not* a public API.
19import copy
20import logging
21import socket
23import botocore.exceptions
24import botocore.serialize
25import botocore.utils
26from botocore.signers import RequestSigner
27from botocore.config import Config
28from botocore.endpoint import EndpointCreator
31logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
35    'legacy',
36    'regional',
39    'ap-northeast-1',
40    'ap-south-1',
41    'ap-southeast-1',
42    'ap-southeast-2',
43    'aws-global',
44    'ca-central-1',
45    'eu-central-1',
46    'eu-north-1',
47    'eu-west-1',
48    'eu-west-2',
49    'eu-west-3',
50    'sa-east-1',
51    'us-east-1',
52    'us-east-2',
53    'us-west-1',
54    'us-west-2',
58class ClientArgsCreator(object):
59    def __init__(self, event_emitter, user_agent, response_parser_factory,
60                 loader, exceptions_factory, config_store):
61        self._event_emitter = event_emitter
62        self._user_agent = user_agent
63        self._response_parser_factory = response_parser_factory
64        self._loader = loader
65        self._exceptions_factory = exceptions_factory
66        self._config_store = config_store
68    def get_client_args(self, service_model, region_name, is_secure,
69                        endpoint_url, verify, credentials, scoped_config,
70                        client_config, endpoint_bridge):
71        final_args = self.compute_client_args(
72            service_model, client_config, endpoint_bridge, region_name,
73            endpoint_url, is_secure, scoped_config)
75        service_name = final_args['service_name'] # noqa
76        parameter_validation = final_args['parameter_validation']
77        endpoint_config = final_args['endpoint_config']
78        protocol = final_args['protocol']
79        config_kwargs = final_args['config_kwargs']
80        s3_config = final_args['s3_config']
81        partition = endpoint_config['metadata'].get('partition', None)
82        socket_options = final_args['socket_options']
84        signing_region = endpoint_config['signing_region']
85        endpoint_region_name = endpoint_config['region_name']
87        event_emitter = copy.copy(self._event_emitter)
88        signer = RequestSigner(
89            service_model.service_id, signing_region,
90            endpoint_config['signing_name'],
91            endpoint_config['signature_version'],
92            credentials, event_emitter
93        )
95        config_kwargs['s3'] = s3_config
96        new_config = Config(**config_kwargs)
97        endpoint_creator = EndpointCreator(event_emitter)
99        endpoint = endpoint_creator.create_endpoint(
100            service_model, region_name=endpoint_region_name,
101            endpoint_url=endpoint_config['endpoint_url'], verify=verify,
102            response_parser_factory=self._response_parser_factory,
103            max_pool_connections=new_config.max_pool_connections,
104            proxies=new_config.proxies,
105            timeout=(new_config.connect_timeout, new_config.read_timeout),
106            socket_options=socket_options,
107            client_cert=new_config.client_cert,
108            proxies_config=new_config.proxies_config)
110        serializer = botocore.serialize.create_serializer(
111            protocol, parameter_validation)
112        response_parser = botocore.parsers.create_parser(protocol)
113        return {
114            'serializer': serializer,
115            'endpoint': endpoint,
116            'response_parser': response_parser,
117            'event_emitter': event_emitter,
118            'request_signer': signer,
119            'service_model': service_model,
120            'loader': self._loader,
121            'client_config': new_config,
122            'partition': partition,
123            'exceptions_factory': self._exceptions_factory
124        }
126    def compute_client_args(self, service_model, client_config,
127                            endpoint_bridge, region_name, endpoint_url,
128                            is_secure, scoped_config):
129        service_name = service_model.endpoint_prefix
130        protocol = service_model.metadata['protocol']
131        parameter_validation = True
132        if client_config and not client_config.parameter_validation:
133            parameter_validation = False
134        elif scoped_config:
135            raw_value = scoped_config.get('parameter_validation')
136            if raw_value is not None:
137                parameter_validation = botocore.utils.ensure_boolean(raw_value)
139        # Override the user agent if specified in the client config.
140        user_agent = self._user_agent
141        if client_config is not None:
142            if client_config.user_agent is not None:
143                user_agent = client_config.user_agent
144            if client_config.user_agent_extra is not None:
145                user_agent += ' %s' % client_config.user_agent_extra
147        s3_config = self.compute_s3_config(client_config)
148        endpoint_config = self._compute_endpoint_config(
149            service_name=service_name,
150            region_name=region_name,
151            endpoint_url=endpoint_url,
152            is_secure=is_secure,
153            endpoint_bridge=endpoint_bridge,
154            s3_config=s3_config,
155        )
156        # Create a new client config to be passed to the client based
157        # on the final values. We do not want the user to be able
158        # to try to modify an existing client with a client config.
159        config_kwargs = dict(
160            region_name=endpoint_config['region_name'],
161            signature_version=endpoint_config['signature_version'],
162            user_agent=user_agent)
163        if client_config is not None:
164            config_kwargs.update(
165                connect_timeout=client_config.connect_timeout,
166                read_timeout=client_config.read_timeout,
167                max_pool_connections=client_config.max_pool_connections,
168                proxies=client_config.proxies,
169                proxies_config=client_config.proxies_config,
170                retries=client_config.retries,
171                client_cert=client_config.client_cert,
172                inject_host_prefix=client_config.inject_host_prefix,
173            )
174        self._compute_retry_config(config_kwargs)
175        s3_config = self.compute_s3_config(client_config)
176        return {
177            'service_name': service_name,
178            'parameter_validation': parameter_validation,
179            'user_agent': user_agent,
180            'endpoint_config': endpoint_config,
181            'protocol': protocol,
182            'config_kwargs': config_kwargs,
183            's3_config': s3_config,
184            'socket_options': self._compute_socket_options(scoped_config)
185        }
187    def compute_s3_config(self, client_config):
188        s3_configuration = self._config_store.get_config_variable('s3')
190        # Next specific client config values takes precedence over
191        # specific values in the scoped config.
192        if client_config is not None:
193            if client_config.s3 is not None:
194                if s3_configuration is None:
195                    s3_configuration = client_config.s3
196                else:
197                    # The current s3_configuration dictionary may be
198                    # from a source that only should be read from so
199                    # we want to be safe and just make a copy of it to modify
200                    # before it actually gets updated.
201                    s3_configuration = s3_configuration.copy()
202                    s3_configuration.update(client_config.s3)
204        return s3_configuration
206    def _compute_endpoint_config(self, service_name, region_name, endpoint_url,
207                                 is_secure, endpoint_bridge, s3_config):
208        resolve_endpoint_kwargs = {
209            'service_name': service_name,
210            'region_name': region_name,
211            'endpoint_url': endpoint_url,
212            'is_secure': is_secure,
213            'endpoint_bridge': endpoint_bridge,
214        }
215        if service_name == 's3':
216            return self._compute_s3_endpoint_config(
217                s3_config=s3_config, **resolve_endpoint_kwargs)
218        if service_name == 'sts':
219            return self._compute_sts_endpoint_config(**resolve_endpoint_kwargs)
220        return self._resolve_endpoint(**resolve_endpoint_kwargs)
222    def _compute_s3_endpoint_config(self, s3_config,
223                                    **resolve_endpoint_kwargs):
224        force_s3_global = self._should_force_s3_global(
225            resolve_endpoint_kwargs['region_name'], s3_config)
226        if force_s3_global:
227            resolve_endpoint_kwargs['region_name'] = None
228        endpoint_config = self._resolve_endpoint(**resolve_endpoint_kwargs)
229        self._set_region_if_custom_s3_endpoint(
230            endpoint_config, resolve_endpoint_kwargs['endpoint_bridge'])
231        # For backwards compatibility reasons, we want to make sure the
232        # client.meta.region_name will remain us-east-1 if we forced the
233        # endpoint to be the global region. Specifically, if this value
234        # changes to aws-global, it breaks logic where a user is checking
235        # for us-east-1 as the global endpoint such as in creating buckets.
236        if force_s3_global and endpoint_config['region_name'] == 'aws-global':
237            endpoint_config['region_name'] = 'us-east-1'
238        return endpoint_config
240    def _should_force_s3_global(self, region_name, s3_config):
241        s3_regional_config = 'legacy'
242        if s3_config and 'us_east_1_regional_endpoint' in s3_config:
243            s3_regional_config = s3_config['us_east_1_regional_endpoint']
244            self._validate_s3_regional_config(s3_regional_config)
245        return (
246            s3_regional_config == 'legacy' and
247            region_name in ['us-east-1', None]
248        )
250    def _validate_s3_regional_config(self, config_val):
251        if config_val not in VALID_REGIONAL_ENDPOINTS_CONFIG:
252            raise botocore.exceptions.\
253                InvalidS3UsEast1RegionalEndpointConfigError(
254                    s3_us_east_1_regional_endpoint_config=config_val)
256    def _set_region_if_custom_s3_endpoint(self, endpoint_config,
257                                          endpoint_bridge):
258        # If a user is providing a custom URL, the endpoint resolver will
259        # refuse to infer a signing region. If we want to default to s3v4,
260        # we have to account for this.
261        if endpoint_config['signing_region'] is None \
262                and endpoint_config['region_name'] is None:
263            endpoint = endpoint_bridge.resolve('s3')
264            endpoint_config['signing_region'] = endpoint['signing_region']
265            endpoint_config['region_name'] = endpoint['region_name']
267    def _compute_sts_endpoint_config(self, **resolve_endpoint_kwargs):
268        endpoint_config = self._resolve_endpoint(**resolve_endpoint_kwargs)
269        if self._should_set_global_sts_endpoint(
270                resolve_endpoint_kwargs['region_name'],
271                resolve_endpoint_kwargs['endpoint_url']):
272            self._set_global_sts_endpoint(
273                endpoint_config, resolve_endpoint_kwargs['is_secure'])
274        return endpoint_config
276    def _should_set_global_sts_endpoint(self, region_name, endpoint_url):
277        if endpoint_url:
278            return False
279        return (
280            self._get_sts_regional_endpoints_config() == 'legacy' and
281            region_name in LEGACY_GLOBAL_STS_REGIONS
282        )
284    def _get_sts_regional_endpoints_config(self):
285        sts_regional_endpoints_config = self._config_store.get_config_variable(
286            'sts_regional_endpoints')
287        if not sts_regional_endpoints_config:
288            sts_regional_endpoints_config = 'legacy'
289        if sts_regional_endpoints_config not in \
291            raise botocore.exceptions.InvalidSTSRegionalEndpointsConfigError(
292                sts_regional_endpoints_config=sts_regional_endpoints_config)
293        return sts_regional_endpoints_config
295    def _set_global_sts_endpoint(self, endpoint_config, is_secure):
296        scheme = 'https' if is_secure else 'http'
297        endpoint_config['endpoint_url'] = '%s://sts.amazonaws.com' % scheme
298        endpoint_config['signing_region'] = 'us-east-1'
300    def _resolve_endpoint(self, service_name, region_name,
301                          endpoint_url, is_secure, endpoint_bridge):
302        return endpoint_bridge.resolve(
303            service_name, region_name, endpoint_url, is_secure)
305    def _compute_socket_options(self, scoped_config):
306        # This disables Nagle's algorithm and is the default socket options
307        # in urllib3.
308        socket_options = [(socket.IPPROTO_TCP, socket.TCP_NODELAY, 1)]
309        if scoped_config:
310            # Enables TCP Keepalive if specified in shared config file.
311            if self._ensure_boolean(scoped_config.get('tcp_keepalive', False)):
312                socket_options.append(
313                    (socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_KEEPALIVE, 1))
314        return socket_options
316    def _compute_retry_config(self, config_kwargs):
317        self._compute_retry_max_attempts(config_kwargs)
318        self._compute_retry_mode(config_kwargs)
320    def _compute_retry_max_attempts(self, config_kwargs):
321        # There's a pre-existing max_attempts client config value that actually
322        # means max *retry* attempts.  There's also a `max_attempts` we pull
323        # from the config store that means *total attempts*, which includes the
324        # intitial request.  We can't change what `max_attempts` means in
325        # client config so we try to normalize everything to a new
326        # "total_max_attempts" variable.  We ensure that after this, the only
327        # configuration for "max attempts" is the 'total_max_attempts' key.
328        # An explicitly provided max_attempts in the client config
329        # overrides everything.
330        retries = config_kwargs.get('retries')
331        if retries is not None:
332            if 'total_max_attempts' in retries:
333                retries.pop('max_attempts', None)
334                return
335            if 'max_attempts' in retries:
336                value = retries.pop('max_attempts')
337                # client config max_attempts means total retries so we
338                # have to add one for 'total_max_attempts' to account
339                # for the initial request.
340                retries['total_max_attempts'] = value + 1
341                return
342        # Otherwise we'll check the config store which checks env vars,
343        # config files, etc.  There is no default value for max_attempts
344        # so if this returns None and we don't set a default value here.
345        max_attempts = self._config_store.get_config_variable('max_attempts')
346        if max_attempts is not None:
347            if retries is None:
348                retries = {}
349                config_kwargs['retries'] = retries
350            retries['total_max_attempts'] = max_attempts
352    def _compute_retry_mode(self, config_kwargs):
353        retries = config_kwargs.get('retries')
354        if retries is None:
355            retries = {}
356            config_kwargs['retries'] = retries
357        elif 'mode' in retries:
358            # If there's a retry mode explicitly set in the client config
359            # that overrides everything.
360            return
361        retry_mode = self._config_store.get_config_variable('retry_mode')
362        if retry_mode is None:
363            retry_mode = 'legacy'
364        retries['mode'] = retry_mode
366    def _ensure_boolean(self, val):
367        if isinstance(val, bool):
368            return val
369        else:
370            return val.lower() == 'true'