1 // Created on: 1993-07-22
2 // Created by: Isabelle GRIGNON
3 // Copyright (c) 1993-1999 Matra Datavision
4 // Copyright (c) 1999-2014 OPEN CASCADE SAS
5 //
6 // This file is part of Open CASCADE Technology software library.
7 //
8 // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
9 // the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 as published
10 // by the Free Software Foundation, with special exception defined in the file
11 // OCCT_LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt. Consult the file LICENSE_LGPL_21.txt included in OCCT
12 // distribution for complete text of the license and disclaimer of any warranty.
13 //
14 // Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of Open CASCADE
15 // commercial license or contractual agreement.
17 #ifndef _BRepBndLib_HeaderFile
18 #define _BRepBndLib_HeaderFile
20 #include <Standard.hxx>
21 #include <Standard_DefineAlloc.hxx>
22 #include <Standard_Handle.hxx>
24 #include <Standard_Boolean.hxx>
25 class TopoDS_Shape;
26 class Bnd_Box;
27 class Bnd_OBB;
30 //! This package provides the bounding boxes for curves
31 //! and surfaces from BRepAdaptor.
32 //! Functions to add a topological shape to a bounding box
33 class BRepBndLib
34 {
35 public:
40   //! Adds the shape S to the bounding box B.
41   //! More precisely are successively added to B:
42   //! -   each face of S; the triangulation of the face is used if it exists,
43   //! -   then each edge of S which does not belong to a face,
44   //! the polygon of the edge is used if it exists
45   //! -   and last each vertex of S which does not belong to an edge.
46   //! After each elementary operation, the bounding box B is
47   //! enlarged by the tolerance value of the relative sub-shape.
48   //! When working with the triangulation of a face this value of
49   //! enlargement is the sum of the triangulation deflection and
50   //! the face tolerance. When working with the
51   //! polygon of an edge this value of enlargement is
52   //! the sum of the polygon deflection and the edge tolerance.
53   //! Warning
54   //! -   This algorithm is time consuming if triangulation has not
55   //! been inserted inside the data structure of the shape S.
56   //! -   The resulting bounding box may be somewhat larger than the object.
57   Standard_EXPORT static void Add (const TopoDS_Shape& S, Bnd_Box& B, const Standard_Boolean useTriangulation = Standard_True);
59   //! Adds the shape S to the bounding box B.
60   //! This is a quick algorithm but only works if the shape S is
61   //! composed of polygonal planar faces, as is the case if S is
62   //! an approached polyhedral representation of an exact
63   //! shape. Pay particular attention to this because this
64   //! condition is not checked and, if it not respected, an error
65   //! may occur in the algorithm for which the bounding box is built.
66   //! Note that the resulting bounding box is not enlarged by the
67   //! tolerance value of the sub-shapes as is the case with the
68   //! Add function. So the added part of the resulting bounding
69   //! box is closer to the shape S.
70   Standard_EXPORT static void AddClose (const TopoDS_Shape& S, Bnd_Box& B);
72   //! Adds the shape S to the bounding box B.
73   //! This algorith builds precise bounding box,
74   //! which differs from exact geometry boundaries of shape only on shape entities tolerances
75   //! Algorithm is the same as for method Add(..), but uses more precise methods for building boxes
76   //! for geometry objects.
77   //! If useShapeTolerance = True, bounding box is enlardged by shape tolerances and
78   //! these tolerances are used for numerical methods of bounding box size calculations,
79   //! otherwise bounding box is built according to sizes of uderlined geometrical entities,
80   //! numerical calculation use tolerance Precision::Confusion().
81   Standard_EXPORT static void AddOptimal (const TopoDS_Shape& S, Bnd_Box& B,
82                                           const Standard_Boolean useTriangulation = Standard_True,
83                                           const Standard_Boolean useShapeTolerance = Standard_False);
86   //! Computes the Oriented Bounding box for the shape <theS>.
87   //! Two independent methods of computation are implemented:
88   //! first method based on set of points (so, it demands the
89   //! triangulated shape or shape with planar faces and linear edges).
90   //! The second method is based on use of inertia axes and is called
91   //! if use of the first method is impossible.
92   //! If theIsTriangulationUsed == FALSE then the triangulation will
93   //! be ignored at all.
94   //! If theIsShapeToleranceUsed == TRUE then resulting box will be
95   //! extended on the tolerance of the shape.
96   //! theIsOptimal flag defines whether to look for the more tight
97   //! OBB for the cost of performance or not.
98   Standard_EXPORT static
99     void AddOBB(const TopoDS_Shape& theS,
100                 Bnd_OBB& theOBB,
101                 const Standard_Boolean theIsTriangulationUsed = Standard_True,
102                 const Standard_Boolean theIsOptimal = Standard_False,
103                 const Standard_Boolean theIsShapeToleranceUsed = Standard_True);
105 protected:
111 private:
117 };
125 #endif // _BRepBndLib_HeaderFile