1#!/usr/bin/env python
3#  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
4#  not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
5#  a copy of the License at
7#       http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9#  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
10#  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
11#  WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
12#  License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
13#  under the License.
15import argparse
16import os
17import textwrap
19from six import StringIO
20from unittest import mock
22from cliff.formatters import table
23from cliff.tests import base
24from cliff.tests import test_columns
27class args(object):
28    def __init__(self, max_width=0, print_empty=False, fit_width=False):
29        self.fit_width = fit_width
30        if max_width > 0:
31            self.max_width = max_width
32        else:
33            # Envvar is only taken into account iff CLI parameter not given
34            self.max_width = int(os.environ.get('CLIFF_MAX_TERM_WIDTH', 0))
35        self.print_empty = print_empty
38def _table_tester_helper(tags, data, extra_args=None):
39    """Get table output as a string, formatted according to
40    CLI arguments, environment variables and terminal size
42    tags - tuple of strings for data tags (column headers or fields)
43    data - tuple of strings for single data row
44         - list of tuples of strings for multiple rows of data
45    extra_args - an instance of class args
46               - a list of strings for CLI arguments
47    """
48    sf = table.TableFormatter()
50    if extra_args is None:
51        # Default to no CLI arguments
52        parsed_args = args()
53    elif type(extra_args) == args:
54        # Use the given CLI arguments
55        parsed_args = extra_args
56    else:
57        # Parse arguments as if passed on the command-line
58        parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Testing...')
59        sf.add_argument_group(parser)
60        parsed_args = parser.parse_args(extra_args)
62    output = StringIO()
63    emitter = sf.emit_list if type(data) is list else sf.emit_one
64    emitter(tags, data, output, parsed_args)
65    return output.getvalue()
68class TestTableFormatter(base.TestBase):
70    @mock.patch('cliff.utils.terminal_width')
71    def test(self, tw):
72        tw.return_value = 80
73        c = ('a', 'b', 'c', 'd')
74        d = ('A', 'B', 'C', 'test\rcarriage\r\nreturn')
75        expected = textwrap.dedent('''\
76        +-------+---------------+
77        | Field | Value         |
78        +-------+---------------+
79        | a     | A             |
80        | b     | B             |
81        | c     | C             |
82        | d     | test carriage |
83        |       | return        |
84        +-------+---------------+
85        ''')
86        self.assertEqual(expected, _table_tester_helper(c, d))
89class TestTerminalWidth(base.TestBase):
91    # Multi-line output when width is restricted to 42 columns
92    expected_ml_val = textwrap.dedent('''\
93    +-------+--------------------------------+
94    | Field | Value                          |
95    +-------+--------------------------------+
96    | a     | A                              |
97    | b     | B                              |
98    | c     | C                              |
99    | d     | dddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd |
100    |       | dddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd |
101    |       | ddddddddddddddddd              |
102    +-------+--------------------------------+
103    ''')
105    # Multi-line output when width is restricted to 80 columns
106    expected_ml_80_val = textwrap.dedent('''\
107    +-------+----------------------------------------------------------------------+
108    | Field | Value                                                                |
109    +-------+----------------------------------------------------------------------+
110    | a     | A                                                                    |
111    | b     | B                                                                    |
112    | c     | C                                                                    |
113    | d     | dddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd |
114    |       | ddddddddd                                                            |
115    +-------+----------------------------------------------------------------------+
116    ''')  # noqa
118    # Single-line output, for when no line length restriction apply
119    expected_sl_val = textwrap.dedent('''\
120    +-------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
121    | Field | Value                                                                         |
122    +-------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
123    | a     | A                                                                             |
124    | b     | B                                                                             |
125    | c     | C                                                                             |
126    | d     | ddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd |
127    +-------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
128    ''')  # noqa
130    @mock.patch('cliff.utils.terminal_width')
131    def test_table_formatter_no_cli_param(self, tw):
132        tw.return_value = 80
133        c = ('a', 'b', 'c', 'd')
134        d = ('A', 'B', 'C', 'd' * 77)
135        self.assertEqual(
136            self.expected_ml_80_val,
137            _table_tester_helper(c, d, extra_args=args(fit_width=True)),
138        )
140    @mock.patch('cliff.utils.terminal_width')
141    def test_table_formatter_cli_param(self, tw):
142        tw.return_value = 80
143        c = ('a', 'b', 'c', 'd')
144        d = ('A', 'B', 'C', 'd' * 77)
145        self.assertEqual(
146            self.expected_ml_val,
147            _table_tester_helper(c, d, extra_args=['--max-width', '42']),
148        )
150    @mock.patch('cliff.utils.terminal_width')
151    def test_table_formatter_no_cli_param_unlimited_tw(self, tw):
152        tw.return_value = 0
153        c = ('a', 'b', 'c', 'd')
154        d = ('A', 'B', 'C', 'd' * 77)
155        # output should not be wrapped to multiple lines
156        self.assertEqual(
157            self.expected_sl_val,
158            _table_tester_helper(c, d, extra_args=args()),
159        )
161    @mock.patch('cliff.utils.terminal_width')
162    def test_table_formatter_cli_param_unlimited_tw(self, tw):
163        tw.return_value = 0
164        c = ('a', 'b', 'c', 'd')
165        d = ('A', 'B', 'C', 'd' * 77)
166        self.assertEqual(
167            self.expected_ml_val,
168            _table_tester_helper(c, d, extra_args=['--max-width', '42']),
169        )
171    @mock.patch('cliff.utils.terminal_width')
172    @mock.patch.dict(os.environ, {'CLIFF_MAX_TERM_WIDTH': '666'})
173    def test_table_formatter_cli_param_envvar_big(self, tw):
174        tw.return_value = 80
175        c = ('a', 'b', 'c', 'd')
176        d = ('A', 'B', 'C', 'd' * 77)
177        self.assertEqual(
178            self.expected_ml_val,
179            _table_tester_helper(c, d, extra_args=['--max-width', '42']),
180        )
182    @mock.patch('cliff.utils.terminal_width')
183    @mock.patch.dict(os.environ, {'CLIFF_MAX_TERM_WIDTH': '23'})
184    def test_table_formatter_cli_param_envvar_tiny(self, tw):
185        tw.return_value = 80
186        c = ('a', 'b', 'c', 'd')
187        d = ('A', 'B', 'C', 'd' * 77)
188        self.assertEqual(
189            self.expected_ml_val,
190            _table_tester_helper(c, d, extra_args=['--max-width', '42']),
191        )
194class TestMaxWidth(base.TestBase):
196    expected_80 = textwrap.dedent('''\
197    +--------------------------+---------------------------------------------+
198    | Field                    | Value                                       |
199    +--------------------------+---------------------------------------------+
200    | field_name               | the value                                   |
201    | a_really_long_field_name | a value significantly longer than the field |
202    +--------------------------+---------------------------------------------+
203    ''')
205    @mock.patch('cliff.utils.terminal_width')
206    def test_80(self, tw):
207        tw.return_value = 80
208        c = ('field_name', 'a_really_long_field_name')
209        d = ('the value', 'a value significantly longer than the field')
210        self.assertEqual(self.expected_80, _table_tester_helper(c, d))
212    @mock.patch('cliff.utils.terminal_width')
213    def test_70(self, tw):
214        # resize value column
215        tw.return_value = 70
216        c = ('field_name', 'a_really_long_field_name')
217        d = ('the value', 'a value significantly longer than the field')
218        expected = textwrap.dedent('''\
219        +--------------------------+-----------------------------------------+
220        | Field                    | Value                                   |
221        +--------------------------+-----------------------------------------+
222        | field_name               | the value                               |
223        | a_really_long_field_name | a value significantly longer than the   |
224        |                          | field                                   |
225        +--------------------------+-----------------------------------------+
226        ''')
227        self.assertEqual(
228            expected,
229            _table_tester_helper(c, d, extra_args=['--fit-width']),
230        )
232    @mock.patch('cliff.utils.terminal_width')
233    def test_50(self, tw):
234        # resize both columns
235        tw.return_value = 50
236        c = ('field_name', 'a_really_long_field_name')
237        d = ('the value', 'a value significantly longer than the field')
238        expected = textwrap.dedent('''\
239        +-----------------------+------------------------+
240        | Field                 | Value                  |
241        +-----------------------+------------------------+
242        | field_name            | the value              |
243        | a_really_long_field_n | a value significantly  |
244        | ame                   | longer than the field  |
245        +-----------------------+------------------------+
246        ''')
247        self.assertEqual(
248            expected,
249            _table_tester_helper(c, d, extra_args=['--fit-width']),
250        )
252    @mock.patch('cliff.utils.terminal_width')
253    def test_10(self, tw):
254        # resize all columns limited by min_width=16
255        tw.return_value = 10
256        c = ('field_name', 'a_really_long_field_name')
257        d = ('the value', 'a value significantly longer than the field')
258        expected = textwrap.dedent('''\
259        +------------------+------------------+
260        | Field            | Value            |
261        +------------------+------------------+
262        | field_name       | the value        |
263        | a_really_long_fi | a value          |
264        | eld_name         | significantly    |
265        |                  | longer than the  |
266        |                  | field            |
267        +------------------+------------------+
268        ''')
269        self.assertEqual(
270            expected,
271            _table_tester_helper(c, d, extra_args=['--fit-width']),
272        )
275class TestListFormatter(base.TestBase):
277    _col_names = ('one', 'two', 'three')
278    _col_data = [(
279        'one one one one one',
280        'two two two two',
281        'three three')]
283    _expected_mv = {
284        80: textwrap.dedent('''\
285        +---------------------+-----------------+-------------+
286        | one                 | two             | three       |
287        +---------------------+-----------------+-------------+
288        | one one one one one | two two two two | three three |
289        +---------------------+-----------------+-------------+
290        '''),
292        50: textwrap.dedent('''\
293        +----------------+-----------------+-------------+
294        | one            | two             | three       |
295        +----------------+-----------------+-------------+
296        | one one one    | two two two two | three three |
297        | one one        |                 |             |
298        +----------------+-----------------+-------------+
299        '''),
301        47: textwrap.dedent('''\
302        +---------------+---------------+-------------+
303        | one           | two           | three       |
304        +---------------+---------------+-------------+
305        | one one one   | two two two   | three three |
306        | one one       | two           |             |
307        +---------------+---------------+-------------+
308        '''),
310        45: textwrap.dedent('''\
311        +--------------+--------------+-------------+
312        | one          | two          | three       |
313        +--------------+--------------+-------------+
314        | one one one  | two two two  | three three |
315        | one one      | two          |             |
316        +--------------+--------------+-------------+
317        '''),
319        40: textwrap.dedent('''\
320        +------------+------------+------------+
321        | one        | two        | three      |
322        +------------+------------+------------+
323        | one one    | two two    | three      |
324        | one one    | two two    | three      |
325        | one        |            |            |
326        +------------+------------+------------+
327        '''),
329        10: textwrap.dedent('''\
330        +----------+----------+----------+
331        | one      | two      | three    |
332        +----------+----------+----------+
333        | one one  | two two  | three    |
334        | one one  | two two  | three    |
335        | one      |          |          |
336        +----------+----------+----------+
337        '''),
338    }
340    @mock.patch('cliff.utils.terminal_width')
341    def test_table_list_formatter(self, tw):
342        tw.return_value = 80
343        c = ('a', 'b', 'c')
344        d1 = ('A', 'B', 'C')
345        d2 = ('D', 'E', 'test\rcarriage\r\nreturn')
346        data = [d1, d2]
347        expected = textwrap.dedent('''\
348        +---+---+---------------+
349        | a | b | c             |
350        +---+---+---------------+
351        | A | B | C             |
352        | D | E | test carriage |
353        |   |   | return        |
354        +---+---+---------------+
355        ''')
356        self.assertEqual(expected, _table_tester_helper(c, data))
358    @mock.patch('cliff.utils.terminal_width')
359    def test_table_formatter_formattable_column(self, tw):
360        tw.return_value = 0
361        c = ('a', 'b', 'c', 'd')
362        d = ('A', 'B', 'C', test_columns.FauxColumn(['the', 'value']))
363        expected = textwrap.dedent('''\
364        +-------+---------------------------------------------+
365        | Field | Value                                       |
366        +-------+---------------------------------------------+
367        | a     | A                                           |
368        | b     | B                                           |
369        | c     | C                                           |
370        | d     | I made this string myself: ['the', 'value'] |
371        +-------+---------------------------------------------+
372        ''')
373        self.assertEqual(expected, _table_tester_helper(c, d))
375    @mock.patch('cliff.utils.terminal_width')
376    def test_formattable_column(self, tw):
377        tw.return_value = 80
378        c = ('a', 'b', 'c')
379        d1 = ('A', 'B', test_columns.FauxColumn(['the', 'value']))
380        data = [d1]
381        expected = textwrap.dedent('''\
382        +---+---+---------------------------------------------+
383        | a | b | c                                           |
384        +---+---+---------------------------------------------+
385        | A | B | I made this string myself: ['the', 'value'] |
386        +---+---+---------------------------------------------+
387        ''')
388        self.assertEqual(expected, _table_tester_helper(c, data))
390    @mock.patch('cliff.utils.terminal_width')
391    def test_max_width_80(self, tw):
392        # no resize
393        width = tw.return_value = 80
394        self.assertEqual(
395            self._expected_mv[width],
396            _table_tester_helper(self._col_names, self._col_data),
397        )
399    @mock.patch('cliff.utils.terminal_width')
400    def test_max_width_50(self, tw):
401        # resize 1 column
402        width = tw.return_value = 50
403        actual = _table_tester_helper(self._col_names, self._col_data,
404                                      extra_args=['--fit-width'])
405        self.assertEqual(self._expected_mv[width], actual)
406        self.assertEqual(width, len(actual.splitlines()[0]))
408    @mock.patch('cliff.utils.terminal_width')
409    def test_max_width_45(self, tw):
410        # resize 2 columns
411        width = tw.return_value = 45
412        actual = _table_tester_helper(self._col_names, self._col_data,
413                                      extra_args=['--fit-width'])
414        self.assertEqual(self._expected_mv[width], actual)
415        self.assertEqual(width, len(actual.splitlines()[0]))
417    @mock.patch('cliff.utils.terminal_width')
418    def test_max_width_40(self, tw):
419        # resize all columns
420        width = tw.return_value = 40
421        actual = _table_tester_helper(self._col_names, self._col_data,
422                                      extra_args=['--fit-width'])
423        self.assertEqual(self._expected_mv[width], actual)
424        self.assertEqual(width, len(actual.splitlines()[0]))
426    @mock.patch('cliff.utils.terminal_width')
427    def test_max_width_10(self, tw):
428        # resize all columns limited by min_width=8
429        width = tw.return_value = 10
430        actual = _table_tester_helper(self._col_names, self._col_data,
431                                      extra_args=['--fit-width'])
432        self.assertEqual(self._expected_mv[width], actual)
433        # 3 columns each 8 wide, plus table spacing and borders
434        expected_width = 11 * 3 + 1
435        self.assertEqual(expected_width, len(actual.splitlines()[0]))
437    # Force a wide terminal by overriding its width with envvar
438    @mock.patch('cliff.utils.terminal_width')
439    @mock.patch.dict(os.environ, {'CLIFF_MAX_TERM_WIDTH': '666'})
440    def test_max_width_and_envvar_max(self, tw):
441        # no resize
442        tw.return_value = 80
443        self.assertEqual(
444            self._expected_mv[80],
445            _table_tester_helper(self._col_names, self._col_data),
446        )
448        # resize 1 column
449        tw.return_value = 50
450        self.assertEqual(
451            self._expected_mv[80],
452            _table_tester_helper(self._col_names, self._col_data),
453        )
455        # resize 2 columns
456        tw.return_value = 45
457        self.assertEqual(
458            self._expected_mv[80],
459            _table_tester_helper(self._col_names, self._col_data),
460        )
462        # resize all columns
463        tw.return_value = 40
464        self.assertEqual(
465            self._expected_mv[80],
466            _table_tester_helper(self._col_names, self._col_data),
467        )
469        # resize all columns limited by min_width=8
470        tw.return_value = 10
471        self.assertEqual(
472            self._expected_mv[80],
473            _table_tester_helper(self._col_names, self._col_data),
474        )
476    # Force a narrow terminal by overriding its width with envvar
477    @mock.patch('cliff.utils.terminal_width')
478    @mock.patch.dict(os.environ, {'CLIFF_MAX_TERM_WIDTH': '47'})
479    def test_max_width_and_envvar_mid(self, tw):
480        # no resize
481        tw.return_value = 80
482        self.assertEqual(
483            self._expected_mv[47],
484            _table_tester_helper(self._col_names, self._col_data),
485        )
487        # resize 1 column
488        tw.return_value = 50
489        actual = _table_tester_helper(self._col_names, self._col_data)
490        self.assertEqual(self._expected_mv[47], actual)
491        self.assertEqual(47, len(actual.splitlines()[0]))
493        # resize 2 columns
494        tw.return_value = 45
495        actual = _table_tester_helper(self._col_names, self._col_data)
496        self.assertEqual(self._expected_mv[47], actual)
497        self.assertEqual(47, len(actual.splitlines()[0]))
499        # resize all columns
500        tw.return_value = 40
501        actual = _table_tester_helper(self._col_names, self._col_data)
502        self.assertEqual(self._expected_mv[47], actual)
503        self.assertEqual(47, len(actual.splitlines()[0]))
505        # resize all columns limited by min_width=8
506        tw.return_value = 10
507        actual = _table_tester_helper(self._col_names, self._col_data)
508        self.assertEqual(self._expected_mv[47], actual)
509        self.assertEqual(47, len(actual.splitlines()[0]))
511    @mock.patch.dict(os.environ, {'CLIFF_MAX_TERM_WIDTH': '80'})
512    def test_env_maxwidth_noresize(self):
513        # no resize
514        self.assertEqual(
515            self._expected_mv[80],
516            _table_tester_helper(self._col_names, self._col_data),
517        )
519    @mock.patch.dict(os.environ, {'CLIFF_MAX_TERM_WIDTH': '50'})
520    def test_env_maxwidth_resize_one(self):
521        # resize 1 column
522        actual = _table_tester_helper(self._col_names, self._col_data)
523        self.assertEqual(self._expected_mv[50], actual)
524        self.assertEqual(50, len(actual.splitlines()[0]))
526    @mock.patch.dict(os.environ, {'CLIFF_MAX_TERM_WIDTH': '45'})
527    def test_env_maxwidth_resize_two(self):
528        # resize 2 columns
529        actual = _table_tester_helper(self._col_names, self._col_data)
530        self.assertEqual(self._expected_mv[45], actual)
531        self.assertEqual(45, len(actual.splitlines()[0]))
533    @mock.patch.dict(os.environ, {'CLIFF_MAX_TERM_WIDTH': '40'})
534    def test_env_maxwidth_resize_all(self):
535        # resize all columns
536        actual = _table_tester_helper(self._col_names, self._col_data)
537        self.assertEqual(self._expected_mv[40], actual)
538        self.assertEqual(40, len(actual.splitlines()[0]))
540    @mock.patch.dict(os.environ, {'CLIFF_MAX_TERM_WIDTH': '8'})
541    def test_env_maxwidth_resize_all_tiny(self):
542        # resize all columns limited by min_width=8
543        actual = _table_tester_helper(self._col_names, self._col_data)
544        self.assertEqual(self._expected_mv[10], actual)
545        # 3 columns each 8 wide, plus table spacing and borders
546        expected_width = 11 * 3 + 1
547        self.assertEqual(expected_width, len(actual.splitlines()[0]))
549    @mock.patch.dict(os.environ, {'CLIFF_MAX_TERM_WIDTH': '42'})
550    def test_env_maxwidth_args_big(self):
551        self.assertEqual(
552            self._expected_mv[80],
553            _table_tester_helper(self._col_names, self._col_data,
554                                 extra_args=args(666)),
555        )
557    @mock.patch.dict(os.environ, {'CLIFF_MAX_TERM_WIDTH': '42'})
558    def test_env_maxwidth_args_tiny(self):
559        self.assertEqual(
560            self._expected_mv[40],
561            _table_tester_helper(self._col_names, self._col_data,
562                                 extra_args=args(40)),
563        )
565    @mock.patch('cliff.utils.terminal_width')
566    def test_empty(self, tw):
567        tw.return_value = 80
568        c = ('a', 'b', 'c')
569        data = []
570        expected = '\n'
571        self.assertEqual(expected, _table_tester_helper(c, data))
573    @mock.patch('cliff.utils.terminal_width')
574    def test_empty_table(self, tw):
575        tw.return_value = 80
576        c = ('a', 'b', 'c')
577        data = []
578        expected = textwrap.dedent('''\
579        +---+---+---+
580        | a | b | c |
581        +---+---+---+
582        +---+---+---+
583        ''')
584        self.assertEqual(
585            expected,
586            _table_tester_helper(c, data,
587                                 extra_args=['--print-empty']),
588        )
591class TestFieldWidths(base.TestBase):
593    def test(self):
594        tf = table.TableFormatter
595        self.assertEqual(
596            {
597                'a': 1,
598                'b': 2,
599                'c': 3,
600                'd': 10
601            },
602            tf._field_widths(
603                ('a', 'b', 'c', 'd'),
604                '+---+----+-----+------------+'),
605        )
607    def test_zero(self):
608        tf = table.TableFormatter
609        self.assertEqual(
610            {
611                'a': 0,
612                'b': 0,
613                'c': 0
614            },
615            tf._field_widths(
616                ('a', 'b', 'c'),
617                '+--+-++'),
618        )
620    def test_info(self):
621        tf = table.TableFormatter
622        self.assertEqual((49, 4), (tf._width_info(80, 10)))
623        self.assertEqual((76, 76), (tf._width_info(80, 1)))
624        self.assertEqual((79, 0), (tf._width_info(80, 0)))
625        self.assertEqual((0, 0), (tf._width_info(0, 80)))