3The primary :mod:`graphql` package includes everything you need to define a GraphQL
4schema and fulfill GraphQL requests.
6GraphQL-core provides a reference implementation for the GraphQL specification
7but is also a useful utility for operating on GraphQL files and building sophisticated
10This top-level package exports a general purpose function for fulfilling all steps
11of the GraphQL specification in a single operation, but also includes utilities
12for every part of the GraphQL specification:
14  - Parsing the GraphQL language.
15  - Building a GraphQL type schema.
16  - Validating a GraphQL request against a type schema.
17  - Executing a GraphQL request against a type schema.
19This also includes utility functions for operating on GraphQL types and GraphQL
20documents to facilitate building tools.
22You may also import from each sub-package directly. For example, the following two
23import statements are equivalent::
25    from graphql import parse
26    from graphql.language import parse
28The sub-packages of GraphQL-core 3 are:
30  - :mod:`graphql.language`: Parse and operate on the GraphQL language.
31  - :mod:`graphql.type`: Define GraphQL types and schema.
32  - :mod:`graphql.validation`: The Validation phase of fulfilling a GraphQL result.
33  - :mod:`graphql.execution`: The Execution phase of fulfilling a GraphQL request.
34  - :mod:`graphql.error`: Creating and formatting GraphQL errors.
35  - :mod:`graphql.utilities`:
36    Common useful computations upon the GraphQL language and type objects.
37  - :mod:`graphql.subscription`: Subscribe to data updates.
40# The GraphQL-core 3 and GraphQL.js version info.
42from .version import version, version_info, version_js, version_info_js
44# The primary entry point into fulfilling a GraphQL request.
46from .graphql import graphql, graphql_sync
48# Create and operate on GraphQL type definitions and schema.
49from .type import (
50    # Definitions
51    GraphQLSchema,
52    GraphQLDirective,
53    GraphQLScalarType,
54    GraphQLObjectType,
55    GraphQLInterfaceType,
56    GraphQLUnionType,
57    GraphQLEnumType,
58    GraphQLInputObjectType,
59    GraphQLList,
60    GraphQLNonNull,
61    # Standard GraphQL Scalars
62    specified_scalar_types,
63    GraphQLInt,
64    GraphQLFloat,
65    GraphQLString,
66    GraphQLBoolean,
67    GraphQLID,
68    # Built-in Directives defined by the Spec
69    specified_directives,
70    GraphQLIncludeDirective,
71    GraphQLSkipDirective,
72    GraphQLDeprecatedDirective,
73    GraphQLSpecifiedByDirective,
74    # "Enum" of Type Kinds
75    TypeKind,
76    # Constant Deprecation Reason
78    # GraphQL Types for introspection.
79    introspection_types,
80    # Meta-field definitions.
81    SchemaMetaFieldDef,
82    TypeMetaFieldDef,
83    TypeNameMetaFieldDef,
84    # Predicates
85    is_schema,
86    is_directive,
87    is_type,
88    is_scalar_type,
89    is_object_type,
90    is_interface_type,
91    is_union_type,
92    is_enum_type,
93    is_input_object_type,
94    is_list_type,
95    is_non_null_type,
96    is_input_type,
97    is_output_type,
98    is_leaf_type,
99    is_composite_type,
100    is_abstract_type,
101    is_wrapping_type,
102    is_nullable_type,
103    is_named_type,
104    is_required_argument,
105    is_required_input_field,
106    is_specified_scalar_type,
107    is_introspection_type,
108    is_specified_directive,
109    # Assertions
110    assert_schema,
111    assert_directive,
112    assert_type,
113    assert_scalar_type,
114    assert_object_type,
115    assert_interface_type,
116    assert_union_type,
117    assert_enum_type,
118    assert_input_object_type,
119    assert_list_type,
120    assert_non_null_type,
121    assert_input_type,
122    assert_output_type,
123    assert_leaf_type,
124    assert_composite_type,
125    assert_abstract_type,
126    assert_wrapping_type,
127    assert_nullable_type,
128    assert_named_type,
129    # Un-modifiers
130    get_nullable_type,
131    get_named_type,
132    # Validate GraphQL schema.
133    validate_schema,
134    assert_valid_schema,
135    # Types
136    GraphQLType,
137    GraphQLInputType,
138    GraphQLOutputType,
139    GraphQLLeafType,
140    GraphQLCompositeType,
141    GraphQLAbstractType,
142    GraphQLWrappingType,
143    GraphQLNullableType,
144    GraphQLNamedType,
145    Thunk,
146    GraphQLArgument,
147    GraphQLArgumentMap,
148    GraphQLEnumValue,
149    GraphQLEnumValueMap,
150    GraphQLField,
151    GraphQLFieldMap,
152    GraphQLFieldResolver,
153    GraphQLInputField,
154    GraphQLInputFieldMap,
155    GraphQLScalarSerializer,
156    GraphQLScalarValueParser,
157    GraphQLScalarLiteralParser,
158    GraphQLIsTypeOfFn,
159    GraphQLResolveInfo,
160    ResponsePath,
161    GraphQLTypeResolver,
164# Parse and operate on GraphQL language source files.
165from .language import (
166    Source,
167    get_location,
168    # Print source location
169    print_location,
170    print_source_location,
171    # Lex
172    Lexer,
173    TokenKind,
174    # Parse
175    parse,
176    parse_value,
177    parse_type,
178    # Print
179    print_ast,
180    # Visit
181    visit,
182    ParallelVisitor,
183    Visitor,
184    VisitorAction,
185    BREAK,
186    SKIP,
187    REMOVE,
188    IDLE,
189    DirectiveLocation,
190    # Predicates
191    is_definition_node,
192    is_executable_definition_node,
193    is_selection_node,
194    is_value_node,
195    is_type_node,
196    is_type_system_definition_node,
197    is_type_definition_node,
198    is_type_system_extension_node,
199    is_type_extension_node,
200    # Types
201    SourceLocation,
202    Location,
203    Token,
204    # AST nodes
205    Node,
206    # Each kind of AST node
207    NameNode,
208    DocumentNode,
209    DefinitionNode,
210    ExecutableDefinitionNode,
211    OperationDefinitionNode,
212    OperationType,
213    VariableDefinitionNode,
214    VariableNode,
215    SelectionSetNode,
216    SelectionNode,
217    FieldNode,
218    ArgumentNode,
219    FragmentSpreadNode,
220    InlineFragmentNode,
221    FragmentDefinitionNode,
222    ValueNode,
223    IntValueNode,
224    FloatValueNode,
225    StringValueNode,
226    BooleanValueNode,
227    NullValueNode,
228    EnumValueNode,
229    ListValueNode,
230    ObjectValueNode,
231    ObjectFieldNode,
232    DirectiveNode,
233    TypeNode,
234    NamedTypeNode,
235    ListTypeNode,
236    NonNullTypeNode,
237    TypeSystemDefinitionNode,
238    SchemaDefinitionNode,
239    OperationTypeDefinitionNode,
240    TypeDefinitionNode,
241    ScalarTypeDefinitionNode,
242    ObjectTypeDefinitionNode,
243    FieldDefinitionNode,
244    InputValueDefinitionNode,
245    InterfaceTypeDefinitionNode,
246    UnionTypeDefinitionNode,
247    EnumTypeDefinitionNode,
248    EnumValueDefinitionNode,
249    InputObjectTypeDefinitionNode,
250    DirectiveDefinitionNode,
251    TypeSystemExtensionNode,
252    SchemaExtensionNode,
253    TypeExtensionNode,
254    ScalarTypeExtensionNode,
255    ObjectTypeExtensionNode,
256    InterfaceTypeExtensionNode,
257    UnionTypeExtensionNode,
258    EnumTypeExtensionNode,
259    InputObjectTypeExtensionNode,
262# Execute GraphQL documents.
263from .execution import (
264    execute,
265    execute_sync,
266    default_field_resolver,
267    default_type_resolver,
268    get_directive_values,
269    # Types
270    ExecutionContext,
271    ExecutionResult,
272    # Middleware
273    Middleware,
274    MiddlewareManager,
277from .subscription import subscribe, create_source_event_stream, MapAsyncIterator
280# Validate GraphQL queries.
281from .validation import (
282    validate,
283    ValidationContext,
284    ValidationRule,
285    ASTValidationRule,
286    SDLValidationRule,
287    # All validation rules in the GraphQL Specification.
288    specified_rules,
289    # Individual validation rules.
290    ExecutableDefinitionsRule,
291    FieldsOnCorrectTypeRule,
292    FragmentsOnCompositeTypesRule,
293    KnownArgumentNamesRule,
294    KnownDirectivesRule,
295    KnownFragmentNamesRule,
296    KnownTypeNamesRule,
297    LoneAnonymousOperationRule,
298    NoFragmentCyclesRule,
299    NoUndefinedVariablesRule,
300    NoUnusedFragmentsRule,
301    NoUnusedVariablesRule,
302    OverlappingFieldsCanBeMergedRule,
303    PossibleFragmentSpreadsRule,
304    ProvidedRequiredArgumentsRule,
305    ScalarLeafsRule,
306    SingleFieldSubscriptionsRule,
307    UniqueArgumentNamesRule,
308    UniqueDirectivesPerLocationRule,
309    UniqueFragmentNamesRule,
310    UniqueInputFieldNamesRule,
311    UniqueOperationNamesRule,
312    UniqueVariableNamesRule,
313    ValuesOfCorrectTypeRule,
314    VariablesAreInputTypesRule,
315    VariablesInAllowedPositionRule,
316    # SDL-specific validation rules
317    LoneSchemaDefinitionRule,
318    UniqueOperationTypesRule,
319    UniqueTypeNamesRule,
320    UniqueEnumValueNamesRule,
321    UniqueFieldDefinitionNamesRule,
322    UniqueDirectiveNamesRule,
323    PossibleTypeExtensionsRule,
324    # Custom validation rules
325    NoDeprecatedCustomRule,
326    NoSchemaIntrospectionCustomRule,
329# Create, format, and print GraphQL errors.
330from .error import (
331    GraphQLError,
332    GraphQLSyntaxError,
333    located_error,
334    format_error,
335    print_error,
338# Utilities for operating on GraphQL type schema and parsed sources.
339from .utilities import (
340    # Produce the GraphQL query recommended for a full schema introspection.
341    # Accepts optional IntrospectionOptions.
342    get_introspection_query,
343    # Get the target Operation from a Document.
344    get_operation_ast,
345    # Get the Type for the target Operation AST.
346    get_operation_root_type,
347    # Convert a GraphQLSchema to an IntrospectionQuery.
348    introspection_from_schema,
349    # Build a GraphQLSchema from an introspection result.
350    build_client_schema,
351    # Build a GraphQLSchema from a parsed GraphQL Schema language AST.
352    build_ast_schema,
353    # Build a GraphQLSchema from a GraphQL schema language document.
354    build_schema,
355    # @deprecated: Get the description from a schema AST node.
356    get_description,
357    # Extend an existing GraphQLSchema from a parsed GraphQL Schema language AST.
358    extend_schema,
359    # Sort a GraphQLSchema.
360    lexicographic_sort_schema,
361    # Print a GraphQLSchema to GraphQL Schema language.
362    print_schema,
363    # Print a GraphQLType to GraphQL Schema language.
364    print_type,
365    # Prints the built-in introspection schema in the Schema Language format.
366    print_introspection_schema,
367    # Create a GraphQLType from a GraphQL language AST.
368    type_from_ast,
369    # Create a Python value from a GraphQL language AST with a Type.
370    value_from_ast,
371    # Create a Python value from a GraphQL language AST without a Type.
372    value_from_ast_untyped,
373    # Create a GraphQL language AST from a Python value.
374    ast_from_value,
375    # A helper to use within recursive-descent visitors which need to be aware of the
376    # GraphQL type system.
377    TypeInfo,
378    TypeInfoVisitor,
379    # Coerce a Python value to a GraphQL type, or produce errors.
380    coerce_input_value,
381    # Concatenates multiple ASTs together.
382    concat_ast,
383    # Separate an AST into an AST per Operation.
384    separate_operations,
385    # Strip characters that are not significant to the validity or execution
386    # of a GraphQL document.
387    strip_ignored_characters,
388    # Comparators for types
389    is_equal_type,
390    is_type_sub_type_of,
391    do_types_overlap,
392    # Assert a string is a valid GraphQL name.
393    assert_valid_name,
394    # Determine if a string is a valid GraphQL name.
395    is_valid_name_error,
396    # Compare two GraphQLSchemas and detect breaking changes.
397    BreakingChange,
398    BreakingChangeType,
399    DangerousChange,
400    DangerousChangeType,
401    find_breaking_changes,
402    find_dangerous_changes,
403    # Report all deprecated usages within a GraphQL document (deprecated).
404    find_deprecated_usages,
407# Utilities for compatibility with the Python language.
408from .pyutils import Undefined, UndefinedType
410INVALID = Undefined  # deprecated alias
412# The GraphQL-core version info.
413__version__ = version
414__version_info__ = version_info
416# The GraphQL.js version info.
417__version_js__ = version_js
418__version_info_js__ = version_info_js
421__all__ = [
422    "version",
423    "version_info",
424    "version_js",
425    "version_info_js",
426    "graphql",
427    "graphql_sync",
428    "GraphQLSchema",
429    "GraphQLDirective",
430    "GraphQLScalarType",
431    "GraphQLObjectType",
432    "GraphQLInterfaceType",
433    "GraphQLUnionType",
434    "GraphQLEnumType",
435    "GraphQLInputObjectType",
436    "GraphQLList",
437    "GraphQLNonNull",
438    "specified_scalar_types",
439    "GraphQLInt",
440    "GraphQLFloat",
441    "GraphQLString",
442    "GraphQLBoolean",
443    "GraphQLID",
444    "specified_directives",
445    "GraphQLIncludeDirective",
446    "GraphQLSkipDirective",
447    "GraphQLDeprecatedDirective",
448    "GraphQLSpecifiedByDirective",
449    "TypeKind",
451    "introspection_types",
452    "SchemaMetaFieldDef",
453    "TypeMetaFieldDef",
454    "TypeNameMetaFieldDef",
455    "is_schema",
456    "is_directive",
457    "is_type",
458    "is_scalar_type",
459    "is_object_type",
460    "is_interface_type",
461    "is_union_type",
462    "is_enum_type",
463    "is_input_object_type",
464    "is_list_type",
465    "is_non_null_type",
466    "is_input_type",
467    "is_output_type",
468    "is_leaf_type",
469    "is_composite_type",
470    "is_abstract_type",
471    "is_wrapping_type",
472    "is_nullable_type",
473    "is_named_type",
474    "is_required_argument",
475    "is_required_input_field",
476    "is_specified_scalar_type",
477    "is_introspection_type",
478    "is_specified_directive",
479    "assert_schema",
480    "assert_directive",
481    "assert_type",
482    "assert_scalar_type",
483    "assert_object_type",
484    "assert_interface_type",
485    "assert_union_type",
486    "assert_enum_type",
487    "assert_input_object_type",
488    "assert_list_type",
489    "assert_non_null_type",
490    "assert_input_type",
491    "assert_output_type",
492    "assert_leaf_type",
493    "assert_composite_type",
494    "assert_abstract_type",
495    "assert_wrapping_type",
496    "assert_nullable_type",
497    "assert_named_type",
498    "get_nullable_type",
499    "get_named_type",
500    "validate_schema",
501    "assert_valid_schema",
502    "GraphQLType",
503    "GraphQLInputType",
504    "GraphQLOutputType",
505    "GraphQLLeafType",
506    "GraphQLCompositeType",
507    "GraphQLAbstractType",
508    "GraphQLWrappingType",
509    "GraphQLNullableType",
510    "GraphQLNamedType",
511    "Thunk",
512    "GraphQLArgument",
513    "GraphQLArgumentMap",
514    "GraphQLEnumValue",
515    "GraphQLEnumValueMap",
516    "GraphQLField",
517    "GraphQLFieldMap",
518    "GraphQLFieldResolver",
519    "GraphQLInputField",
520    "GraphQLInputFieldMap",
521    "GraphQLScalarSerializer",
522    "GraphQLScalarValueParser",
523    "GraphQLScalarLiteralParser",
524    "GraphQLIsTypeOfFn",
525    "GraphQLResolveInfo",
526    "ResponsePath",
527    "GraphQLTypeResolver",
528    "Source",
529    "get_location",
530    "print_location",
531    "print_source_location",
532    "Lexer",
533    "TokenKind",
534    "parse",
535    "parse_value",
536    "parse_type",
537    "print_ast",
538    "visit",
539    "ParallelVisitor",
540    "TypeInfoVisitor",
541    "Visitor",
542    "VisitorAction",
543    "BREAK",
544    "SKIP",
545    "REMOVE",
546    "IDLE",
547    "DirectiveLocation",
548    "is_definition_node",
549    "is_executable_definition_node",
550    "is_selection_node",
551    "is_value_node",
552    "is_type_node",
553    "is_type_system_definition_node",
554    "is_type_definition_node",
555    "is_type_system_extension_node",
556    "is_type_extension_node",
557    "SourceLocation",
558    "Location",
559    "Token",
560    "Node",
561    "NameNode",
562    "DocumentNode",
563    "DefinitionNode",
564    "ExecutableDefinitionNode",
565    "OperationDefinitionNode",
566    "OperationType",
567    "VariableDefinitionNode",
568    "VariableNode",
569    "SelectionSetNode",
570    "SelectionNode",
571    "FieldNode",
572    "ArgumentNode",
573    "FragmentSpreadNode",
574    "InlineFragmentNode",
575    "FragmentDefinitionNode",
576    "ValueNode",
577    "IntValueNode",
578    "FloatValueNode",
579    "StringValueNode",
580    "BooleanValueNode",
581    "NullValueNode",
582    "EnumValueNode",
583    "ListValueNode",
584    "ObjectValueNode",
585    "ObjectFieldNode",
586    "DirectiveNode",
587    "TypeNode",
588    "NamedTypeNode",
589    "ListTypeNode",
590    "NonNullTypeNode",
591    "TypeSystemDefinitionNode",
592    "SchemaDefinitionNode",
593    "OperationTypeDefinitionNode",
594    "TypeDefinitionNode",
595    "ScalarTypeDefinitionNode",
596    "ObjectTypeDefinitionNode",
597    "FieldDefinitionNode",
598    "InputValueDefinitionNode",
599    "InterfaceTypeDefinitionNode",
600    "UnionTypeDefinitionNode",
601    "EnumTypeDefinitionNode",
602    "EnumValueDefinitionNode",
603    "InputObjectTypeDefinitionNode",
604    "DirectiveDefinitionNode",
605    "TypeSystemExtensionNode",
606    "SchemaExtensionNode",
607    "TypeExtensionNode",
608    "ScalarTypeExtensionNode",
609    "ObjectTypeExtensionNode",
610    "InterfaceTypeExtensionNode",
611    "UnionTypeExtensionNode",
612    "EnumTypeExtensionNode",
613    "InputObjectTypeExtensionNode",
614    "execute",
615    "execute_sync",
616    "default_field_resolver",
617    "default_type_resolver",
618    "get_directive_values",
619    "ExecutionContext",
620    "ExecutionResult",
621    "Middleware",
622    "MiddlewareManager",
623    "subscribe",
624    "create_source_event_stream",
625    "MapAsyncIterator",
626    "validate",
627    "ValidationContext",
628    "ValidationRule",
629    "ASTValidationRule",
630    "SDLValidationRule",
631    "specified_rules",
632    "ExecutableDefinitionsRule",
633    "FieldsOnCorrectTypeRule",
634    "FragmentsOnCompositeTypesRule",
635    "KnownArgumentNamesRule",
636    "KnownDirectivesRule",
637    "KnownFragmentNamesRule",
638    "KnownTypeNamesRule",
639    "LoneAnonymousOperationRule",
640    "NoFragmentCyclesRule",
641    "NoUndefinedVariablesRule",
642    "NoUnusedFragmentsRule",
643    "NoUnusedVariablesRule",
644    "OverlappingFieldsCanBeMergedRule",
645    "PossibleFragmentSpreadsRule",
646    "ProvidedRequiredArgumentsRule",
647    "ScalarLeafsRule",
648    "SingleFieldSubscriptionsRule",
649    "UniqueArgumentNamesRule",
650    "UniqueDirectivesPerLocationRule",
651    "UniqueFragmentNamesRule",
652    "UniqueInputFieldNamesRule",
653    "UniqueOperationNamesRule",
654    "UniqueVariableNamesRule",
655    "ValuesOfCorrectTypeRule",
656    "VariablesAreInputTypesRule",
657    "VariablesInAllowedPositionRule",
658    "LoneSchemaDefinitionRule",
659    "UniqueOperationTypesRule",
660    "UniqueTypeNamesRule",
661    "UniqueEnumValueNamesRule",
662    "UniqueFieldDefinitionNamesRule",
663    "UniqueDirectiveNamesRule",
664    "PossibleTypeExtensionsRule",
665    "NoDeprecatedCustomRule",
666    "NoSchemaIntrospectionCustomRule",
667    "GraphQLError",
668    "GraphQLSyntaxError",
669    "located_error",
670    "format_error",
671    "print_error",
672    "get_introspection_query",
673    "get_operation_ast",
674    "get_operation_root_type",
675    "introspection_from_schema",
676    "build_client_schema",
677    "build_ast_schema",
678    "build_schema",
679    "get_description",
680    "extend_schema",
681    "lexicographic_sort_schema",
682    "print_schema",
683    "print_type",
684    "print_introspection_schema",
685    "type_from_ast",
686    "value_from_ast",
687    "value_from_ast_untyped",
688    "ast_from_value",
689    "TypeInfo",
690    "coerce_input_value",
691    "concat_ast",
692    "separate_operations",
693    "strip_ignored_characters",
694    "is_equal_type",
695    "is_type_sub_type_of",
696    "do_types_overlap",
697    "assert_valid_name",
698    "is_valid_name_error",
699    "find_breaking_changes",
700    "find_dangerous_changes",
701    "find_deprecated_usages",
702    "BreakingChange",
703    "BreakingChangeType",
704    "DangerousChange",
705    "DangerousChangeType",
706    "Undefined",
707    "UndefinedType",