1 // Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format
2 // Copyright 2008 Google Inc.  All rights reserved.
3 // https://developers.google.com/protocol-buffers/
4 //
5 // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
6 // modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
7 // met:
8 //
9 //     * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
10 // notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
11 //     * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
12 // copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer
13 // in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
14 // distribution.
15 //     * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its
16 // contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
17 // this software without specific prior written permission.
18 //
31 // Author: kenton@google.com (Kenton Varda)
32 //         atenasio@google.com (Chris Atenasio) (ZigZag transform)
33 //         wink@google.com (Wink Saville) (refactored from wire_format.h)
34 //  Based on original Protocol Buffers design by
35 //  Sanjay Ghemawat, Jeff Dean, and others.
36 //
37 // This header is logically internal, but is made public because it is used
38 // from protocol-compiler-generated code, which may reside in other components.
43 #include <string>
45 #include <google/protobuf/stubs/common.h>
46 #include <google/protobuf/stubs/logging.h>
47 #include <google/protobuf/io/coded_stream.h>
48 #include <google/protobuf/arenastring.h>
49 #include <google/protobuf/message_lite.h>
50 #include <google/protobuf/port.h>
51 #include <google/protobuf/repeated_field.h>
52 #include <google/protobuf/stubs/casts.h>
54 // Do UTF-8 validation on string type in Debug build only
55 #ifndef NDEBUG
57 #endif
59 // Avoid conflict with iOS where <ConditionalMacros.h> #defines TYPE_BOOL.
60 //
61 // If some one needs the macro TYPE_BOOL in a file that includes this header,
62 // it's possible to bring it back using push/pop_macro as follows.
63 //
64 // #pragma push_macro("TYPE_BOOL")
65 // #include this header and/or all headers that need the macro to be undefined.
66 // #pragma pop_macro("TYPE_BOOL")
67 #undef TYPE_BOOL
69 #include <google/protobuf/port_def.inc>
71 namespace google {
72 namespace protobuf {
73 namespace internal {
75 // This class is for internal use by the protocol buffer library and by
76 // protocol-compiler-generated message classes.  It must not be called
77 // directly by clients.
78 //
79 // This class contains helpers for implementing the binary protocol buffer
80 // wire format without the need for reflection. Use WireFormat when using
81 // reflection.
82 //
83 // This class is really a namespace that contains only static methods.
84 class PROTOBUF_EXPORT WireFormatLite {
85  public:
86   // -----------------------------------------------------------------
87   // Helper constants and functions related to the format.  These are
88   // mostly meant for internal and generated code to use.
90   // The wire format is composed of a sequence of tag/value pairs, each
91   // of which contains the value of one field (or one element of a repeated
92   // field).  Each tag is encoded as a varint.  The lower bits of the tag
93   // identify its wire type, which specifies the format of the data to follow.
94   // The rest of the bits contain the field number.  Each type of field (as
95   // declared by FieldDescriptor::Type, in descriptor.h) maps to one of
96   // these wire types.  Immediately following each tag is the field's value,
97   // encoded in the format specified by the wire type.  Because the tag
98   // identifies the encoding of this data, it is possible to skip
99   // unrecognized fields for forwards compatibility.
101   enum WireType {
102     WIRETYPE_VARINT = 0,
103     WIRETYPE_FIXED64 = 1,
107     WIRETYPE_FIXED32 = 5,
108   };
110   // Lite alternative to FieldDescriptor::Type.  Must be kept in sync.
111   enum FieldType {
112     TYPE_DOUBLE = 1,
113     TYPE_FLOAT = 2,
114     TYPE_INT64 = 3,
115     TYPE_UINT64 = 4,
116     TYPE_INT32 = 5,
117     TYPE_FIXED64 = 6,
118     TYPE_FIXED32 = 7,
119     TYPE_BOOL = 8,
120     TYPE_STRING = 9,
121     TYPE_GROUP = 10,
122     TYPE_MESSAGE = 11,
123     TYPE_BYTES = 12,
124     TYPE_UINT32 = 13,
125     TYPE_ENUM = 14,
126     TYPE_SFIXED32 = 15,
127     TYPE_SFIXED64 = 16,
128     TYPE_SINT32 = 17,
129     TYPE_SINT64 = 18,
130     MAX_FIELD_TYPE = 18,
131   };
133   // Lite alternative to FieldDescriptor::CppType.  Must be kept in sync.
134   enum CppType {
135     CPPTYPE_INT32 = 1,
136     CPPTYPE_INT64 = 2,
137     CPPTYPE_UINT32 = 3,
138     CPPTYPE_UINT64 = 4,
139     CPPTYPE_DOUBLE = 5,
140     CPPTYPE_FLOAT = 6,
141     CPPTYPE_BOOL = 7,
142     CPPTYPE_ENUM = 8,
143     CPPTYPE_STRING = 9,
144     CPPTYPE_MESSAGE = 10,
145     MAX_CPPTYPE = 10,
146   };
148   // Helper method to get the CppType for a particular Type.
149   static CppType FieldTypeToCppType(FieldType type);
151   // Given a FieldDescriptor::Type return its WireType
WireTypeForFieldType(WireFormatLite::FieldType type)152   static inline WireFormatLite::WireType WireTypeForFieldType(
153       WireFormatLite::FieldType type) {
154     return kWireTypeForFieldType[type];
155   }
157   // Number of bits in a tag which identify the wire type.
158   static constexpr int kTagTypeBits = 3;
159   // Mask for those bits.
160   static constexpr uint32_t kTagTypeMask = (1 << kTagTypeBits) - 1;
162   // Helper functions for encoding and decoding tags.  (Inlined below and in
163   // _inl.h)
164   //
165   // This is different from MakeTag(field->number(), field->type()) in the
166   // case of packed repeated fields.
167   constexpr static uint32_t MakeTag(int field_number, WireType type);
168   static WireType GetTagWireType(uint32_t tag);
169   static int GetTagFieldNumber(uint32_t tag);
171   // Compute the byte size of a tag.  For groups, this includes both the start
172   // and end tags.
173   static inline size_t TagSize(int field_number,
174                                WireFormatLite::FieldType type);
176   // Skips a field value with the given tag.  The input should start
177   // positioned immediately after the tag.  Skipped values are simply
178   // discarded, not recorded anywhere.  See WireFormat::SkipField() for a
179   // version that records to an UnknownFieldSet.
180   static bool SkipField(io::CodedInputStream* input, uint32_t tag);
182   // Skips a field value with the given tag.  The input should start
183   // positioned immediately after the tag. Skipped values are recorded to a
184   // CodedOutputStream.
185   static bool SkipField(io::CodedInputStream* input, uint32_t tag,
186                         io::CodedOutputStream* output);
188   // Reads and ignores a message from the input.  Skipped values are simply
189   // discarded, not recorded anywhere.  See WireFormat::SkipMessage() for a
190   // version that records to an UnknownFieldSet.
191   static bool SkipMessage(io::CodedInputStream* input);
193   // Reads and ignores a message from the input.  Skipped values are recorded
194   // to a CodedOutputStream.
195   static bool SkipMessage(io::CodedInputStream* input,
196                           io::CodedOutputStream* output);
198   // This macro does the same thing as WireFormatLite::MakeTag(), but the
199   // result is usable as a compile-time constant, which makes it usable
200   // as a switch case or a template input.  WireFormatLite::MakeTag() is more
201   // type-safe, though, so prefer it if possible.
203   static_cast<uint32_t>((static_cast<uint32_t>(FIELD_NUMBER) << 3) | (TYPE))
205   // These are the tags for the old MessageSet format, which was defined as:
206   //   message MessageSet {
207   //     repeated group Item = 1 {
208   //       required int32 type_id = 2;
209   //       required string message = 3;
210   //     }
211   //   }
212   static constexpr int kMessageSetItemNumber = 1;
213   static constexpr int kMessageSetTypeIdNumber = 2;
214   static constexpr int kMessageSetMessageNumber = 3;
215   static const int kMessageSetItemStartTag = GOOGLE_PROTOBUF_WIRE_FORMAT_MAKE_TAG(
216       kMessageSetItemNumber, WireFormatLite::WIRETYPE_START_GROUP);
217   static const int kMessageSetItemEndTag = GOOGLE_PROTOBUF_WIRE_FORMAT_MAKE_TAG(
218       kMessageSetItemNumber, WireFormatLite::WIRETYPE_END_GROUP);
219   static const int kMessageSetTypeIdTag = GOOGLE_PROTOBUF_WIRE_FORMAT_MAKE_TAG(
220       kMessageSetTypeIdNumber, WireFormatLite::WIRETYPE_VARINT);
221   static const int kMessageSetMessageTag = GOOGLE_PROTOBUF_WIRE_FORMAT_MAKE_TAG(
222       kMessageSetMessageNumber, WireFormatLite::WIRETYPE_LENGTH_DELIMITED);
224   // Byte size of all tags of a MessageSet::Item combined.
225   static const size_t kMessageSetItemTagsSize;
227   // Helper functions for converting between floats/doubles and IEEE-754
228   // uint32s/uint64s so that they can be written.  (Assumes your platform
229   // uses IEEE-754 floats.)
230   static uint32_t EncodeFloat(float value);
231   static float DecodeFloat(uint32_t value);
232   static uint64_t EncodeDouble(double value);
233   static double DecodeDouble(uint64_t value);
235   // Helper functions for mapping signed integers to unsigned integers in
236   // such a way that numbers with small magnitudes will encode to smaller
237   // varints.  If you simply static_cast a negative number to an unsigned
238   // number and varint-encode it, it will always take 10 bytes, defeating
239   // the purpose of varint.  So, for the "sint32" and "sint64" field types,
240   // we ZigZag-encode the values.
241   static uint32_t ZigZagEncode32(int32_t n);
242   static int32_t ZigZagDecode32(uint32_t n);
243   static uint64_t ZigZagEncode64(int64_t n);
244   static int64_t ZigZagDecode64(uint64_t n);
246   // =================================================================
247   // Methods for reading/writing individual field.
249   // Read fields, not including tags.  The assumption is that you already
250   // read the tag to determine what field to read.
252   // For primitive fields, we just use a templatized routine parameterized by
253   // the represented type and the FieldType. These are specialized with the
254   // appropriate definition for each declared type.
255   template <typename CType, enum FieldType DeclaredType>
256   PROTOBUF_NDEBUG_INLINE static bool ReadPrimitive(io::CodedInputStream* input,
257                                                    CType* value);
259   // Reads repeated primitive values, with optimizations for repeats.
260   // tag_size and tag should both be compile-time constants provided by the
261   // protocol compiler.
262   template <typename CType, enum FieldType DeclaredType>
263   PROTOBUF_NDEBUG_INLINE static bool ReadRepeatedPrimitive(
264       int tag_size, uint32_t tag, io::CodedInputStream* input,
265       RepeatedField<CType>* value);
267   // Identical to ReadRepeatedPrimitive, except will not inline the
268   // implementation.
269   template <typename CType, enum FieldType DeclaredType>
270   static bool ReadRepeatedPrimitiveNoInline(int tag_size, uint32_t tag,
271                                             io::CodedInputStream* input,
272                                             RepeatedField<CType>* value);
274   // Reads a primitive value directly from the provided buffer. It returns a
275   // pointer past the segment of data that was read.
276   //
277   // This is only implemented for the types with fixed wire size, e.g.
278   // float, double, and the (s)fixed* types.
279   template <typename CType, enum FieldType DeclaredType>
280   PROTOBUF_NDEBUG_INLINE static const uint8_t* ReadPrimitiveFromArray(
281       const uint8_t* buffer, CType* value);
283   // Reads a primitive packed field.
284   //
285   // This is only implemented for packable types.
286   template <typename CType, enum FieldType DeclaredType>
287   PROTOBUF_NDEBUG_INLINE static bool ReadPackedPrimitive(
288       io::CodedInputStream* input, RepeatedField<CType>* value);
290   // Identical to ReadPackedPrimitive, except will not inline the
291   // implementation.
292   template <typename CType, enum FieldType DeclaredType>
293   static bool ReadPackedPrimitiveNoInline(io::CodedInputStream* input,
294                                           RepeatedField<CType>* value);
296   // Read a packed enum field. If the is_valid function is not NULL, values for
297   // which is_valid(value) returns false are silently dropped.
298   static bool ReadPackedEnumNoInline(io::CodedInputStream* input,
299                                      bool (*is_valid)(int),
300                                      RepeatedField<int>* values);
302   // Read a packed enum field. If the is_valid function is not NULL, values for
303   // which is_valid(value) returns false are appended to unknown_fields_stream.
304   static bool ReadPackedEnumPreserveUnknowns(
305       io::CodedInputStream* input, int field_number, bool (*is_valid)(int),
306       io::CodedOutputStream* unknown_fields_stream, RepeatedField<int>* values);
308   // Read a string.  ReadString(..., std::string* value) requires an
309   // existing std::string.
310   static inline bool ReadString(io::CodedInputStream* input,
311                                 std::string* value);
312   // ReadString(..., std::string** p) is internal-only, and should only be
313   // called from generated code. It starts by setting *p to "new std::string" if
314   // *p == &GetEmptyStringAlreadyInited().  It then invokes
315   // ReadString(io::CodedInputStream* input, *p).  This is useful for reducing
316   // code size.
317   static inline bool ReadString(io::CodedInputStream* input, std::string** p);
318   // Analogous to ReadString().
319   static bool ReadBytes(io::CodedInputStream* input, std::string* value);
320   static bool ReadBytes(io::CodedInputStream* input, std::string** p);
322   enum Operation {
323     PARSE = 0,
324     SERIALIZE = 1,
325   };
327   // Returns true if the data is valid UTF-8.
328   static bool VerifyUtf8String(const char* data, int size, Operation op,
329                                const char* field_name);
331   template <typename MessageType>
332   static inline bool ReadGroup(int field_number, io::CodedInputStream* input,
333                                MessageType* value);
335   template <typename MessageType>
336   static inline bool ReadMessage(io::CodedInputStream* input,
337                                  MessageType* value);
339   template <typename MessageType>
ReadMessageNoVirtual(io::CodedInputStream * input,MessageType * value)340   static inline bool ReadMessageNoVirtual(io::CodedInputStream* input,
341                                           MessageType* value) {
342     return ReadMessage(input, value);
343   }
345   // Write a tag.  The Write*() functions typically include the tag, so
346   // normally there's no need to call this unless using the Write*NoTag()
347   // variants.
348   PROTOBUF_NDEBUG_INLINE static void WriteTag(int field_number, WireType type,
349                                               io::CodedOutputStream* output);
351   // Write fields, without tags.
352   PROTOBUF_NDEBUG_INLINE static void WriteInt32NoTag(
353       int32_t value, io::CodedOutputStream* output);
354   PROTOBUF_NDEBUG_INLINE static void WriteInt64NoTag(
355       int64_t value, io::CodedOutputStream* output);
356   PROTOBUF_NDEBUG_INLINE static void WriteUInt32NoTag(
357       uint32_t value, io::CodedOutputStream* output);
358   PROTOBUF_NDEBUG_INLINE static void WriteUInt64NoTag(
359       uint64_t value, io::CodedOutputStream* output);
360   PROTOBUF_NDEBUG_INLINE static void WriteSInt32NoTag(
361       int32_t value, io::CodedOutputStream* output);
362   PROTOBUF_NDEBUG_INLINE static void WriteSInt64NoTag(
363       int64_t value, io::CodedOutputStream* output);
364   PROTOBUF_NDEBUG_INLINE static void WriteFixed32NoTag(
365       uint32_t value, io::CodedOutputStream* output);
366   PROTOBUF_NDEBUG_INLINE static void WriteFixed64NoTag(
367       uint64_t value, io::CodedOutputStream* output);
368   PROTOBUF_NDEBUG_INLINE static void WriteSFixed32NoTag(
369       int32_t value, io::CodedOutputStream* output);
370   PROTOBUF_NDEBUG_INLINE static void WriteSFixed64NoTag(
371       int64_t value, io::CodedOutputStream* output);
372   PROTOBUF_NDEBUG_INLINE static void WriteFloatNoTag(
373       float value, io::CodedOutputStream* output);
374   PROTOBUF_NDEBUG_INLINE static void WriteDoubleNoTag(
375       double value, io::CodedOutputStream* output);
376   PROTOBUF_NDEBUG_INLINE static void WriteBoolNoTag(
377       bool value, io::CodedOutputStream* output);
378   PROTOBUF_NDEBUG_INLINE static void WriteEnumNoTag(
379       int value, io::CodedOutputStream* output);
381   // Write array of primitive fields, without tags
382   static void WriteFloatArray(const float* a, int n,
383                               io::CodedOutputStream* output);
384   static void WriteDoubleArray(const double* a, int n,
385                                io::CodedOutputStream* output);
386   static void WriteFixed32Array(const uint32_t* a, int n,
387                                 io::CodedOutputStream* output);
388   static void WriteFixed64Array(const uint64_t* a, int n,
389                                 io::CodedOutputStream* output);
390   static void WriteSFixed32Array(const int32_t* a, int n,
391                                  io::CodedOutputStream* output);
392   static void WriteSFixed64Array(const int64_t* a, int n,
393                                  io::CodedOutputStream* output);
394   static void WriteBoolArray(const bool* a, int n,
395                              io::CodedOutputStream* output);
397   // Write fields, including tags.
398   static void WriteInt32(int field_number, int32_t value,
399                          io::CodedOutputStream* output);
400   static void WriteInt64(int field_number, int64_t value,
401                          io::CodedOutputStream* output);
402   static void WriteUInt32(int field_number, uint32_t value,
403                           io::CodedOutputStream* output);
404   static void WriteUInt64(int field_number, uint64_t value,
405                           io::CodedOutputStream* output);
406   static void WriteSInt32(int field_number, int32_t value,
407                           io::CodedOutputStream* output);
408   static void WriteSInt64(int field_number, int64_t value,
409                           io::CodedOutputStream* output);
410   static void WriteFixed32(int field_number, uint32_t value,
411                            io::CodedOutputStream* output);
412   static void WriteFixed64(int field_number, uint64_t value,
413                            io::CodedOutputStream* output);
414   static void WriteSFixed32(int field_number, int32_t value,
415                             io::CodedOutputStream* output);
416   static void WriteSFixed64(int field_number, int64_t value,
417                             io::CodedOutputStream* output);
418   static void WriteFloat(int field_number, float value,
419                          io::CodedOutputStream* output);
420   static void WriteDouble(int field_number, double value,
421                           io::CodedOutputStream* output);
422   static void WriteBool(int field_number, bool value,
423                         io::CodedOutputStream* output);
424   static void WriteEnum(int field_number, int value,
425                         io::CodedOutputStream* output);
427   static void WriteString(int field_number, const std::string& value,
428                           io::CodedOutputStream* output);
429   static void WriteBytes(int field_number, const std::string& value,
430                          io::CodedOutputStream* output);
431   static void WriteStringMaybeAliased(int field_number,
432                                       const std::string& value,
433                                       io::CodedOutputStream* output);
434   static void WriteBytesMaybeAliased(int field_number, const std::string& value,
435                                      io::CodedOutputStream* output);
437   static void WriteGroup(int field_number, const MessageLite& value,
438                          io::CodedOutputStream* output);
439   static void WriteMessage(int field_number, const MessageLite& value,
440                            io::CodedOutputStream* output);
441   // Like above, but these will check if the output stream has enough
442   // space to write directly to a flat array.
443   static void WriteGroupMaybeToArray(int field_number, const MessageLite& value,
444                                      io::CodedOutputStream* output);
445   static void WriteMessageMaybeToArray(int field_number,
446                                        const MessageLite& value,
447                                        io::CodedOutputStream* output);
449   // Like above, but de-virtualize the call to SerializeWithCachedSizes().  The
450   // pointer must point at an instance of MessageType, *not* a subclass (or
451   // the subclass must not override SerializeWithCachedSizes()).
452   template <typename MessageType>
453   static inline void WriteGroupNoVirtual(int field_number,
454                                          const MessageType& value,
455                                          io::CodedOutputStream* output);
456   template <typename MessageType>
457   static inline void WriteMessageNoVirtual(int field_number,
458                                            const MessageType& value,
459                                            io::CodedOutputStream* output);
461   // Like above, but use only *ToArray methods of CodedOutputStream.
462   PROTOBUF_NDEBUG_INLINE static uint8_t* WriteTagToArray(int field_number,
463                                                          WireType type,
464                                                          uint8_t* target);
466   // Write fields, without tags.
467   PROTOBUF_NDEBUG_INLINE static uint8_t* WriteInt32NoTagToArray(
468       int32_t value, uint8_t* target);
469   PROTOBUF_NDEBUG_INLINE static uint8_t* WriteInt64NoTagToArray(
470       int64_t value, uint8_t* target);
471   PROTOBUF_NDEBUG_INLINE static uint8_t* WriteUInt32NoTagToArray(
472       uint32_t value, uint8_t* target);
473   PROTOBUF_NDEBUG_INLINE static uint8_t* WriteUInt64NoTagToArray(
474       uint64_t value, uint8_t* target);
475   PROTOBUF_NDEBUG_INLINE static uint8_t* WriteSInt32NoTagToArray(
476       int32_t value, uint8_t* target);
477   PROTOBUF_NDEBUG_INLINE static uint8_t* WriteSInt64NoTagToArray(
478       int64_t value, uint8_t* target);
479   PROTOBUF_NDEBUG_INLINE static uint8_t* WriteFixed32NoTagToArray(
480       uint32_t value, uint8_t* target);
481   PROTOBUF_NDEBUG_INLINE static uint8_t* WriteFixed64NoTagToArray(
482       uint64_t value, uint8_t* target);
483   PROTOBUF_NDEBUG_INLINE static uint8_t* WriteSFixed32NoTagToArray(
484       int32_t value, uint8_t* target);
485   PROTOBUF_NDEBUG_INLINE static uint8_t* WriteSFixed64NoTagToArray(
486       int64_t value, uint8_t* target);
487   PROTOBUF_NDEBUG_INLINE static uint8_t* WriteFloatNoTagToArray(
488       float value, uint8_t* target);
489   PROTOBUF_NDEBUG_INLINE static uint8_t* WriteDoubleNoTagToArray(
490       double value, uint8_t* target);
491   PROTOBUF_NDEBUG_INLINE static uint8_t* WriteBoolNoTagToArray(bool value,
492                                                                uint8_t* target);
493   PROTOBUF_NDEBUG_INLINE static uint8_t* WriteEnumNoTagToArray(int value,
494                                                                uint8_t* target);
496   // Write fields, without tags.  These require that value.size() > 0.
497   template <typename T>
498   PROTOBUF_NDEBUG_INLINE static uint8_t* WritePrimitiveNoTagToArray(
499       const RepeatedField<T>& value, uint8_t* (*Writer)(T, uint8_t*),
500       uint8_t* target);
501   template <typename T>
502   PROTOBUF_NDEBUG_INLINE static uint8_t* WriteFixedNoTagToArray(
503       const RepeatedField<T>& value, uint8_t* (*Writer)(T, uint8_t*),
504       uint8_t* target);
506   PROTOBUF_NDEBUG_INLINE static uint8_t* WriteInt32NoTagToArray(
507       const RepeatedField<int32_t>& value, uint8_t* output);
508   PROTOBUF_NDEBUG_INLINE static uint8_t* WriteInt64NoTagToArray(
509       const RepeatedField<int64_t>& value, uint8_t* output);
510   PROTOBUF_NDEBUG_INLINE static uint8_t* WriteUInt32NoTagToArray(
511       const RepeatedField<uint32_t>& value, uint8_t* output);
512   PROTOBUF_NDEBUG_INLINE static uint8_t* WriteUInt64NoTagToArray(
513       const RepeatedField<uint64_t>& value, uint8_t* output);
514   PROTOBUF_NDEBUG_INLINE static uint8_t* WriteSInt32NoTagToArray(
515       const RepeatedField<int32_t>& value, uint8_t* output);
516   PROTOBUF_NDEBUG_INLINE static uint8_t* WriteSInt64NoTagToArray(
517       const RepeatedField<int64_t>& value, uint8_t* output);
518   PROTOBUF_NDEBUG_INLINE static uint8_t* WriteFixed32NoTagToArray(
519       const RepeatedField<uint32_t>& value, uint8_t* output);
520   PROTOBUF_NDEBUG_INLINE static uint8_t* WriteFixed64NoTagToArray(
521       const RepeatedField<uint64_t>& value, uint8_t* output);
522   PROTOBUF_NDEBUG_INLINE static uint8_t* WriteSFixed32NoTagToArray(
523       const RepeatedField<int32_t>& value, uint8_t* output);
524   PROTOBUF_NDEBUG_INLINE static uint8_t* WriteSFixed64NoTagToArray(
525       const RepeatedField<int64_t>& value, uint8_t* output);
526   PROTOBUF_NDEBUG_INLINE static uint8_t* WriteFloatNoTagToArray(
527       const RepeatedField<float>& value, uint8_t* output);
528   PROTOBUF_NDEBUG_INLINE static uint8_t* WriteDoubleNoTagToArray(
529       const RepeatedField<double>& value, uint8_t* output);
530   PROTOBUF_NDEBUG_INLINE static uint8_t* WriteBoolNoTagToArray(
531       const RepeatedField<bool>& value, uint8_t* output);
532   PROTOBUF_NDEBUG_INLINE static uint8_t* WriteEnumNoTagToArray(
533       const RepeatedField<int>& value, uint8_t* output);
535   // Write fields, including tags.
536   PROTOBUF_NDEBUG_INLINE static uint8_t* WriteInt32ToArray(int field_number,
537                                                            int32_t value,
538                                                            uint8_t* target);
539   PROTOBUF_NDEBUG_INLINE static uint8_t* WriteInt64ToArray(int field_number,
540                                                            int64_t value,
541                                                            uint8_t* target);
542   PROTOBUF_NDEBUG_INLINE static uint8_t* WriteUInt32ToArray(int field_number,
543                                                             uint32_t value,
544                                                             uint8_t* target);
545   PROTOBUF_NDEBUG_INLINE static uint8_t* WriteUInt64ToArray(int field_number,
546                                                             uint64_t value,
547                                                             uint8_t* target);
548   PROTOBUF_NDEBUG_INLINE static uint8_t* WriteSInt32ToArray(int field_number,
549                                                             int32_t value,
550                                                             uint8_t* target);
551   PROTOBUF_NDEBUG_INLINE static uint8_t* WriteSInt64ToArray(int field_number,
552                                                             int64_t value,
553                                                             uint8_t* target);
554   PROTOBUF_NDEBUG_INLINE static uint8_t* WriteFixed32ToArray(int field_number,
555                                                              uint32_t value,
556                                                              uint8_t* target);
557   PROTOBUF_NDEBUG_INLINE static uint8_t* WriteFixed64ToArray(int field_number,
558                                                              uint64_t value,
559                                                              uint8_t* target);
560   PROTOBUF_NDEBUG_INLINE static uint8_t* WriteSFixed32ToArray(int field_number,
561                                                               int32_t value,
562                                                               uint8_t* target);
563   PROTOBUF_NDEBUG_INLINE static uint8_t* WriteSFixed64ToArray(int field_number,
564                                                               int64_t value,
565                                                               uint8_t* target);
566   PROTOBUF_NDEBUG_INLINE static uint8_t* WriteFloatToArray(int field_number,
567                                                            float value,
568                                                            uint8_t* target);
569   PROTOBUF_NDEBUG_INLINE static uint8_t* WriteDoubleToArray(int field_number,
570                                                             double value,
571                                                             uint8_t* target);
572   PROTOBUF_NDEBUG_INLINE static uint8_t* WriteBoolToArray(int field_number,
573                                                           bool value,
574                                                           uint8_t* target);
575   PROTOBUF_NDEBUG_INLINE static uint8_t* WriteEnumToArray(int field_number,
576                                                           int value,
577                                                           uint8_t* target);
579   template <typename T>
580   PROTOBUF_NDEBUG_INLINE static uint8_t* WritePrimitiveToArray(
581       int field_number, const RepeatedField<T>& value,
582       uint8_t* (*Writer)(int, T, uint8_t*), uint8_t* target);
584   PROTOBUF_NDEBUG_INLINE static uint8_t* WriteInt32ToArray(
585       int field_number, const RepeatedField<int32_t>& value, uint8_t* output);
586   PROTOBUF_NDEBUG_INLINE static uint8_t* WriteInt64ToArray(
587       int field_number, const RepeatedField<int64_t>& value, uint8_t* output);
588   PROTOBUF_NDEBUG_INLINE static uint8_t* WriteUInt32ToArray(
589       int field_number, const RepeatedField<uint32_t>& value, uint8_t* output);
590   PROTOBUF_NDEBUG_INLINE static uint8_t* WriteUInt64ToArray(
591       int field_number, const RepeatedField<uint64_t>& value, uint8_t* output);
592   PROTOBUF_NDEBUG_INLINE static uint8_t* WriteSInt32ToArray(
593       int field_number, const RepeatedField<int32_t>& value, uint8_t* output);
594   PROTOBUF_NDEBUG_INLINE static uint8_t* WriteSInt64ToArray(
595       int field_number, const RepeatedField<int64_t>& value, uint8_t* output);
596   PROTOBUF_NDEBUG_INLINE static uint8_t* WriteFixed32ToArray(
597       int field_number, const RepeatedField<uint32_t>& value, uint8_t* output);
598   PROTOBUF_NDEBUG_INLINE static uint8_t* WriteFixed64ToArray(
599       int field_number, const RepeatedField<uint64_t>& value, uint8_t* output);
600   PROTOBUF_NDEBUG_INLINE static uint8_t* WriteSFixed32ToArray(
601       int field_number, const RepeatedField<int32_t>& value, uint8_t* output);
602   PROTOBUF_NDEBUG_INLINE static uint8_t* WriteSFixed64ToArray(
603       int field_number, const RepeatedField<int64_t>& value, uint8_t* output);
604   PROTOBUF_NDEBUG_INLINE static uint8_t* WriteFloatToArray(
605       int field_number, const RepeatedField<float>& value, uint8_t* output);
606   PROTOBUF_NDEBUG_INLINE static uint8_t* WriteDoubleToArray(
607       int field_number, const RepeatedField<double>& value, uint8_t* output);
608   PROTOBUF_NDEBUG_INLINE static uint8_t* WriteBoolToArray(
609       int field_number, const RepeatedField<bool>& value, uint8_t* output);
610   PROTOBUF_NDEBUG_INLINE static uint8_t* WriteEnumToArray(
611       int field_number, const RepeatedField<int>& value, uint8_t* output);
613   PROTOBUF_NDEBUG_INLINE static uint8_t* WriteStringToArray(
614       int field_number, const std::string& value, uint8_t* target);
615   PROTOBUF_NDEBUG_INLINE static uint8_t* WriteBytesToArray(
616       int field_number, const std::string& value, uint8_t* target);
618   // Whether to serialize deterministically (e.g., map keys are
619   // sorted) is a property of a CodedOutputStream, and in the process
620   // of serialization, the "ToArray" variants may be invoked.  But they don't
621   // have a CodedOutputStream available, so they get an additional parameter
622   // telling them whether to serialize deterministically.
623   template <typename MessageType>
624   PROTOBUF_NDEBUG_INLINE static uint8_t* InternalWriteGroup(
625       int field_number, const MessageType& value, uint8_t* target,
626       io::EpsCopyOutputStream* stream);
627   template <typename MessageType>
628   PROTOBUF_NDEBUG_INLINE static uint8_t* InternalWriteMessage(
629       int field_number, const MessageType& value, uint8_t* target,
630       io::EpsCopyOutputStream* stream);
632   // Like above, but de-virtualize the call to SerializeWithCachedSizes().  The
633   // pointer must point at an instance of MessageType, *not* a subclass (or
634   // the subclass must not override SerializeWithCachedSizes()).
635   template <typename MessageType>
636   PROTOBUF_NDEBUG_INLINE static uint8_t* InternalWriteGroupNoVirtualToArray(
637       int field_number, const MessageType& value, uint8_t* target);
638   template <typename MessageType>
639   PROTOBUF_NDEBUG_INLINE static uint8_t* InternalWriteMessageNoVirtualToArray(
640       int field_number, const MessageType& value, uint8_t* target);
642   // For backward-compatibility, the last four methods also have versions
643   // that are non-deterministic always.
WriteGroupToArray(int field_number,const MessageLite & value,uint8_t * target)644   PROTOBUF_NDEBUG_INLINE static uint8_t* WriteGroupToArray(
645       int field_number, const MessageLite& value, uint8_t* target) {
646     io::EpsCopyOutputStream stream(
647         target,
648         value.GetCachedSize() +
649             static_cast<int>(2 * io::CodedOutputStream::VarintSize32(
650                                      static_cast<uint32_t>(field_number) << 3)),
651         io::CodedOutputStream::IsDefaultSerializationDeterministic());
652     return InternalWriteGroup(field_number, value, target, &stream);
653   }
WriteMessageToArray(int field_number,const MessageLite & value,uint8_t * target)654   PROTOBUF_NDEBUG_INLINE static uint8_t* WriteMessageToArray(
655       int field_number, const MessageLite& value, uint8_t* target) {
656     int size = value.GetCachedSize();
657     io::EpsCopyOutputStream stream(
658         target,
659         size + static_cast<int>(io::CodedOutputStream::VarintSize32(
660                                     static_cast<uint32_t>(field_number) << 3) +
661                                 io::CodedOutputStream::VarintSize32(size)),
662         io::CodedOutputStream::IsDefaultSerializationDeterministic());
663     return InternalWriteMessage(field_number, value, target, &stream);
664   }
666   // Compute the byte size of a field.  The XxSize() functions do NOT include
667   // the tag, so you must also call TagSize().  (This is because, for repeated
668   // fields, you should only call TagSize() once and multiply it by the element
669   // count, but you may have to call XxSize() for each individual element.)
670   static inline size_t Int32Size(int32_t value);
671   static inline size_t Int64Size(int64_t value);
672   static inline size_t UInt32Size(uint32_t value);
673   static inline size_t UInt64Size(uint64_t value);
674   static inline size_t SInt32Size(int32_t value);
675   static inline size_t SInt64Size(int64_t value);
676   static inline size_t EnumSize(int value);
677   static inline size_t Int32SizePlusOne(int32_t value);
678   static inline size_t Int64SizePlusOne(int64_t value);
679   static inline size_t UInt32SizePlusOne(uint32_t value);
680   static inline size_t UInt64SizePlusOne(uint64_t value);
681   static inline size_t SInt32SizePlusOne(int32_t value);
682   static inline size_t SInt64SizePlusOne(int64_t value);
683   static inline size_t EnumSizePlusOne(int value);
685   static size_t Int32Size(const RepeatedField<int32_t>& value);
686   static size_t Int64Size(const RepeatedField<int64_t>& value);
687   static size_t UInt32Size(const RepeatedField<uint32_t>& value);
688   static size_t UInt64Size(const RepeatedField<uint64_t>& value);
689   static size_t SInt32Size(const RepeatedField<int32_t>& value);
690   static size_t SInt64Size(const RepeatedField<int64_t>& value);
691   static size_t EnumSize(const RepeatedField<int>& value);
693   // These types always have the same size.
694   static constexpr size_t kFixed32Size = 4;
695   static constexpr size_t kFixed64Size = 8;
696   static constexpr size_t kSFixed32Size = 4;
697   static constexpr size_t kSFixed64Size = 8;
698   static constexpr size_t kFloatSize = 4;
699   static constexpr size_t kDoubleSize = 8;
700   static constexpr size_t kBoolSize = 1;
702   static inline size_t StringSize(const std::string& value);
703   static inline size_t BytesSize(const std::string& value);
705   template <typename MessageType>
706   static inline size_t GroupSize(const MessageType& value);
707   template <typename MessageType>
708   static inline size_t MessageSize(const MessageType& value);
710   // Like above, but de-virtualize the call to ByteSize().  The
711   // pointer must point at an instance of MessageType, *not* a subclass (or
712   // the subclass must not override ByteSize()).
713   template <typename MessageType>
714   static inline size_t GroupSizeNoVirtual(const MessageType& value);
715   template <typename MessageType>
716   static inline size_t MessageSizeNoVirtual(const MessageType& value);
718   // Given the length of data, calculate the byte size of the data on the
719   // wire if we encode the data as a length delimited field.
720   static inline size_t LengthDelimitedSize(size_t length);
722  private:
723   // A helper method for the repeated primitive reader. This method has
724   // optimizations for primitive types that have fixed size on the wire, and
725   // can be read using potentially faster paths.
726   template <typename CType, enum FieldType DeclaredType>
727   PROTOBUF_NDEBUG_INLINE static bool ReadRepeatedFixedSizePrimitive(
728       int tag_size, uint32_t tag, io::CodedInputStream* input,
729       RepeatedField<CType>* value);
731   // Like ReadRepeatedFixedSizePrimitive but for packed primitive fields.
732   template <typename CType, enum FieldType DeclaredType>
733   PROTOBUF_NDEBUG_INLINE static bool ReadPackedFixedSizePrimitive(
734       io::CodedInputStream* input, RepeatedField<CType>* value);
736   static const CppType kFieldTypeToCppTypeMap[];
737   static const WireFormatLite::WireType kWireTypeForFieldType[];
738   static void WriteSubMessageMaybeToArray(int size, const MessageLite& value,
739                                           io::CodedOutputStream* output);
742 };
744 // A class which deals with unknown values.  The default implementation just
745 // discards them.  WireFormat defines a subclass which writes to an
746 // UnknownFieldSet.  This class is used by ExtensionSet::ParseField(), since
747 // ExtensionSet is part of the lite library but UnknownFieldSet is not.
748 class PROTOBUF_EXPORT FieldSkipper {
749  public:
FieldSkipper()750   FieldSkipper() {}
~FieldSkipper()751   virtual ~FieldSkipper() {}
753   // Skip a field whose tag has already been consumed.
754   virtual bool SkipField(io::CodedInputStream* input, uint32_t tag);
756   // Skip an entire message or group, up to an end-group tag (which is consumed)
757   // or end-of-stream.
758   virtual bool SkipMessage(io::CodedInputStream* input);
760   // Deal with an already-parsed unrecognized enum value.  The default
761   // implementation does nothing, but the UnknownFieldSet-based implementation
762   // saves it as an unknown varint.
763   virtual void SkipUnknownEnum(int field_number, int value);
764 };
766 // Subclass of FieldSkipper which saves skipped fields to a CodedOutputStream.
768 class PROTOBUF_EXPORT CodedOutputStreamFieldSkipper : public FieldSkipper {
769  public:
CodedOutputStreamFieldSkipper(io::CodedOutputStream * unknown_fields)770   explicit CodedOutputStreamFieldSkipper(io::CodedOutputStream* unknown_fields)
771       : unknown_fields_(unknown_fields) {}
~CodedOutputStreamFieldSkipper()772   ~CodedOutputStreamFieldSkipper() override {}
774   // implements FieldSkipper -----------------------------------------
775   bool SkipField(io::CodedInputStream* input, uint32_t tag) override;
776   bool SkipMessage(io::CodedInputStream* input) override;
777   void SkipUnknownEnum(int field_number, int value) override;
779  protected:
780   io::CodedOutputStream* unknown_fields_;
781 };
783 // inline methods ====================================================
FieldTypeToCppType(FieldType type)785 inline WireFormatLite::CppType WireFormatLite::FieldTypeToCppType(
786     FieldType type) {
787   return kFieldTypeToCppTypeMap[type];
788 }
MakeTag(int field_number,WireType type)790 constexpr inline uint32_t WireFormatLite::MakeTag(int field_number,
791                                                   WireType type) {
792   return GOOGLE_PROTOBUF_WIRE_FORMAT_MAKE_TAG(field_number, type);
793 }
GetTagWireType(uint32_t tag)795 inline WireFormatLite::WireType WireFormatLite::GetTagWireType(uint32_t tag) {
796   return static_cast<WireType>(tag & kTagTypeMask);
797 }
GetTagFieldNumber(uint32_t tag)799 inline int WireFormatLite::GetTagFieldNumber(uint32_t tag) {
800   return static_cast<int>(tag >> kTagTypeBits);
801 }
TagSize(int field_number,WireFormatLite::FieldType type)803 inline size_t WireFormatLite::TagSize(int field_number,
804                                       WireFormatLite::FieldType type) {
805   size_t result = io::CodedOutputStream::VarintSize32(
806       static_cast<uint32_t>(field_number << kTagTypeBits));
807   if (type == TYPE_GROUP) {
808     // Groups have both a start and an end tag.
809     return result * 2;
810   } else {
811     return result;
812   }
813 }
EncodeFloat(float value)815 inline uint32_t WireFormatLite::EncodeFloat(float value) {
816   return bit_cast<uint32_t>(value);
817 }
DecodeFloat(uint32_t value)819 inline float WireFormatLite::DecodeFloat(uint32_t value) {
820   return bit_cast<float>(value);
821 }
EncodeDouble(double value)823 inline uint64_t WireFormatLite::EncodeDouble(double value) {
824   return bit_cast<uint64_t>(value);
825 }
DecodeDouble(uint64_t value)827 inline double WireFormatLite::DecodeDouble(uint64_t value) {
828   return bit_cast<double>(value);
829 }
831 // ZigZag Transform:  Encodes signed integers so that they can be
832 // effectively used with varint encoding.
833 //
834 // varint operates on unsigned integers, encoding smaller numbers into
835 // fewer bytes.  If you try to use it on a signed integer, it will treat
836 // this number as a very large unsigned integer, which means that even
837 // small signed numbers like -1 will take the maximum number of bytes
838 // (10) to encode.  ZigZagEncode() maps signed integers to unsigned
839 // in such a way that those with a small absolute value will have smaller
840 // encoded values, making them appropriate for encoding using varint.
841 //
842 //       int32_t ->     uint32_t
843 // -------------------------
844 //           0 ->          0
845 //          -1 ->          1
846 //           1 ->          2
847 //          -2 ->          3
848 //         ... ->        ...
849 //  2147483647 -> 4294967294
850 // -2147483648 -> 4294967295
851 //
852 //        >> encode >>
853 //        << decode <<
ZigZagEncode32(int32_t n)855 inline uint32_t WireFormatLite::ZigZagEncode32(int32_t n) {
856   // Note:  the right-shift must be arithmetic
857   // Note:  left shift must be unsigned because of overflow
858   return (static_cast<uint32_t>(n) << 1) ^ static_cast<uint32_t>(n >> 31);
859 }
ZigZagDecode32(uint32_t n)861 inline int32_t WireFormatLite::ZigZagDecode32(uint32_t n) {
862   // Note:  Using unsigned types prevent undefined behavior
863   return static_cast<int32_t>((n >> 1) ^ (~(n & 1) + 1));
864 }
ZigZagEncode64(int64_t n)866 inline uint64_t WireFormatLite::ZigZagEncode64(int64_t n) {
867   // Note:  the right-shift must be arithmetic
868   // Note:  left shift must be unsigned because of overflow
869   return (static_cast<uint64_t>(n) << 1) ^ static_cast<uint64_t>(n >> 63);
870 }
ZigZagDecode64(uint64_t n)872 inline int64_t WireFormatLite::ZigZagDecode64(uint64_t n) {
873   // Note:  Using unsigned types prevent undefined behavior
874   return static_cast<int64_t>((n >> 1) ^ (~(n & 1) + 1));
875 }
877 // String is for UTF-8 text only, but, even so, ReadString() can simply
878 // call ReadBytes().
ReadString(io::CodedInputStream * input,std::string * value)880 inline bool WireFormatLite::ReadString(io::CodedInputStream* input,
881                                        std::string* value) {
882   return ReadBytes(input, value);
883 }
ReadString(io::CodedInputStream * input,std::string ** p)885 inline bool WireFormatLite::ReadString(io::CodedInputStream* input,
886                                        std::string** p) {
887   return ReadBytes(input, p);
888 }
InternalSerializeUnknownMessageSetItemsToArray(const std::string & unknown_fields,uint8_t * target,io::EpsCopyOutputStream * stream)890 inline uint8_t* InternalSerializeUnknownMessageSetItemsToArray(
891     const std::string& unknown_fields, uint8_t* target,
892     io::EpsCopyOutputStream* stream) {
893   return stream->WriteRaw(unknown_fields.data(),
894                           static_cast<int>(unknown_fields.size()), target);
895 }
ComputeUnknownMessageSetItemsSize(const std::string & unknown_fields)897 inline size_t ComputeUnknownMessageSetItemsSize(
898     const std::string& unknown_fields) {
899   return unknown_fields.size();
900 }
902 // Implementation details of ReadPrimitive.
904 template <>
905 inline bool WireFormatLite::ReadPrimitive<int32_t, WireFormatLite::TYPE_INT32>(
906     io::CodedInputStream* input, int32_t* value) {
907   uint32_t temp;
908   if (!input->ReadVarint32(&temp)) return false;
909   *value = static_cast<int32_t>(temp);
910   return true;
911 }
912 template <>
913 inline bool WireFormatLite::ReadPrimitive<int64_t, WireFormatLite::TYPE_INT64>(
914     io::CodedInputStream* input, int64_t* value) {
915   uint64_t temp;
916   if (!input->ReadVarint64(&temp)) return false;
917   *value = static_cast<int64_t>(temp);
918   return true;
919 }
920 template <>
921 inline bool
922 WireFormatLite::ReadPrimitive<uint32_t, WireFormatLite::TYPE_UINT32>(
923     io::CodedInputStream* input, uint32_t* value) {
924   return input->ReadVarint32(value);
925 }
926 template <>
927 inline bool
928 WireFormatLite::ReadPrimitive<uint64_t, WireFormatLite::TYPE_UINT64>(
929     io::CodedInputStream* input, uint64_t* value) {
930   return input->ReadVarint64(value);
931 }
932 template <>
933 inline bool WireFormatLite::ReadPrimitive<int32_t, WireFormatLite::TYPE_SINT32>(
934     io::CodedInputStream* input, int32_t* value) {
935   uint32_t temp;
936   if (!input->ReadVarint32(&temp)) return false;
937   *value = ZigZagDecode32(temp);
938   return true;
939 }
940 template <>
941 inline bool WireFormatLite::ReadPrimitive<int64_t, WireFormatLite::TYPE_SINT64>(
942     io::CodedInputStream* input, int64_t* value) {
943   uint64_t temp;
944   if (!input->ReadVarint64(&temp)) return false;
945   *value = ZigZagDecode64(temp);
946   return true;
947 }
948 template <>
949 inline bool
950 WireFormatLite::ReadPrimitive<uint32_t, WireFormatLite::TYPE_FIXED32>(
951     io::CodedInputStream* input, uint32_t* value) {
952   return input->ReadLittleEndian32(value);
953 }
954 template <>
955 inline bool
956 WireFormatLite::ReadPrimitive<uint64_t, WireFormatLite::TYPE_FIXED64>(
957     io::CodedInputStream* input, uint64_t* value) {
958   return input->ReadLittleEndian64(value);
959 }
960 template <>
961 inline bool
962 WireFormatLite::ReadPrimitive<int32_t, WireFormatLite::TYPE_SFIXED32>(
963     io::CodedInputStream* input, int32_t* value) {
964   uint32_t temp;
965   if (!input->ReadLittleEndian32(&temp)) return false;
966   *value = static_cast<int32_t>(temp);
967   return true;
968 }
969 template <>
970 inline bool
971 WireFormatLite::ReadPrimitive<int64_t, WireFormatLite::TYPE_SFIXED64>(
972     io::CodedInputStream* input, int64_t* value) {
973   uint64_t temp;
974   if (!input->ReadLittleEndian64(&temp)) return false;
975   *value = static_cast<int64_t>(temp);
976   return true;
977 }
978 template <>
979 inline bool WireFormatLite::ReadPrimitive<float, WireFormatLite::TYPE_FLOAT>(
980     io::CodedInputStream* input, float* value) {
981   uint32_t temp;
982   if (!input->ReadLittleEndian32(&temp)) return false;
983   *value = DecodeFloat(temp);
984   return true;
985 }
986 template <>
987 inline bool WireFormatLite::ReadPrimitive<double, WireFormatLite::TYPE_DOUBLE>(
988     io::CodedInputStream* input, double* value) {
989   uint64_t temp;
990   if (!input->ReadLittleEndian64(&temp)) return false;
991   *value = DecodeDouble(temp);
992   return true;
993 }
994 template <>
995 inline bool WireFormatLite::ReadPrimitive<bool, WireFormatLite::TYPE_BOOL>(
996     io::CodedInputStream* input, bool* value) {
997   uint64_t temp;
998   if (!input->ReadVarint64(&temp)) return false;
999   *value = temp != 0;
1000   return true;
1001 }
1002 template <>
1003 inline bool WireFormatLite::ReadPrimitive<int, WireFormatLite::TYPE_ENUM>(
1004     io::CodedInputStream* input, int* value) {
1005   uint32_t temp;
1006   if (!input->ReadVarint32(&temp)) return false;
1007   *value = static_cast<int>(temp);
1008   return true;
1009 }
1011 template <>
1012 inline const uint8_t*
1013 WireFormatLite::ReadPrimitiveFromArray<uint32_t, WireFormatLite::TYPE_FIXED32>(
1014     const uint8_t* buffer, uint32_t* value) {
1015   return io::CodedInputStream::ReadLittleEndian32FromArray(buffer, value);
1016 }
1017 template <>
1018 inline const uint8_t*
1019 WireFormatLite::ReadPrimitiveFromArray<uint64_t, WireFormatLite::TYPE_FIXED64>(
1020     const uint8_t* buffer, uint64_t* value) {
1021   return io::CodedInputStream::ReadLittleEndian64FromArray(buffer, value);
1022 }
1023 template <>
1024 inline const uint8_t*
1025 WireFormatLite::ReadPrimitiveFromArray<int32_t, WireFormatLite::TYPE_SFIXED32>(
1026     const uint8_t* buffer, int32_t* value) {
1027   uint32_t temp;
1028   buffer = io::CodedInputStream::ReadLittleEndian32FromArray(buffer, &temp);
1029   *value = static_cast<int32_t>(temp);
1030   return buffer;
1031 }
1032 template <>
1033 inline const uint8_t*
1034 WireFormatLite::ReadPrimitiveFromArray<int64_t, WireFormatLite::TYPE_SFIXED64>(
1035     const uint8_t* buffer, int64_t* value) {
1036   uint64_t temp;
1037   buffer = io::CodedInputStream::ReadLittleEndian64FromArray(buffer, &temp);
1038   *value = static_cast<int64_t>(temp);
1039   return buffer;
1040 }
1041 template <>
1042 inline const uint8_t*
1043 WireFormatLite::ReadPrimitiveFromArray<float, WireFormatLite::TYPE_FLOAT>(
1044     const uint8_t* buffer, float* value) {
1045   uint32_t temp;
1046   buffer = io::CodedInputStream::ReadLittleEndian32FromArray(buffer, &temp);
1047   *value = DecodeFloat(temp);
1048   return buffer;
1049 }
1050 template <>
1051 inline const uint8_t*
1052 WireFormatLite::ReadPrimitiveFromArray<double, WireFormatLite::TYPE_DOUBLE>(
1053     const uint8_t* buffer, double* value) {
1054   uint64_t temp;
1055   buffer = io::CodedInputStream::ReadLittleEndian64FromArray(buffer, &temp);
1056   *value = DecodeDouble(temp);
1057   return buffer;
1058 }
1060 template <typename CType, enum WireFormatLite::FieldType DeclaredType>
ReadRepeatedPrimitive(int,uint32_t tag,io::CodedInputStream * input,RepeatedField<CType> * values)1061 inline bool WireFormatLite::ReadRepeatedPrimitive(
1062     int,  // tag_size, unused.
1063     uint32_t tag, io::CodedInputStream* input, RepeatedField<CType>* values) {
1064   CType value;
1065   if (!ReadPrimitive<CType, DeclaredType>(input, &value)) return false;
1066   values->Add(value);
1067   int elements_already_reserved = values->Capacity() - values->size();
1068   while (elements_already_reserved > 0 && input->ExpectTag(tag)) {
1069     if (!ReadPrimitive<CType, DeclaredType>(input, &value)) return false;
1070     values->AddAlreadyReserved(value);
1071     elements_already_reserved--;
1072   }
1073   return true;
1074 }
1076 template <typename CType, enum WireFormatLite::FieldType DeclaredType>
ReadRepeatedFixedSizePrimitive(int tag_size,uint32_t tag,io::CodedInputStream * input,RepeatedField<CType> * values)1077 inline bool WireFormatLite::ReadRepeatedFixedSizePrimitive(
1078     int tag_size, uint32_t tag, io::CodedInputStream* input,
1079     RepeatedField<CType>* values) {
1080   GOOGLE_DCHECK_EQ(UInt32Size(tag), static_cast<size_t>(tag_size));
1081   CType value;
1082   if (!ReadPrimitive<CType, DeclaredType>(input, &value)) return false;
1083   values->Add(value);
1085   // For fixed size values, repeated values can be read more quickly by
1086   // reading directly from a raw array.
1087   //
1088   // We can get a tight loop by only reading as many elements as can be
1089   // added to the RepeatedField without having to do any resizing. Additionally,
1090   // we only try to read as many elements as are available from the current
1091   // buffer space. Doing so avoids having to perform boundary checks when
1092   // reading the value: the maximum number of elements that can be read is
1093   // known outside of the loop.
1094   const void* void_pointer;
1095   int size;
1096   input->GetDirectBufferPointerInline(&void_pointer, &size);
1097   if (size > 0) {
1098     const uint8_t* buffer = reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(void_pointer);
1099     // The number of bytes each type occupies on the wire.
1100     const int per_value_size = tag_size + static_cast<int>(sizeof(value));
1102     // parentheses around (std::min) prevents macro expansion of min(...)
1103     int elements_available =
1104         (std::min)(values->Capacity() - values->size(), size / per_value_size);
1105     int num_read = 0;
1106     while (num_read < elements_available &&
1107            (buffer = io::CodedInputStream::ExpectTagFromArray(buffer, tag)) !=
1108                NULL) {
1109       buffer = ReadPrimitiveFromArray<CType, DeclaredType>(buffer, &value);
1110       values->AddAlreadyReserved(value);
1111       ++num_read;
1112     }
1113     const int read_bytes = num_read * per_value_size;
1114     if (read_bytes > 0) {
1115       input->Skip(read_bytes);
1116     }
1117   }
1118   return true;
1119 }
1121 // Specializations of ReadRepeatedPrimitive for the fixed size types, which use
1122 // the optimized code path.
1124   template <>                                                             \
1125   inline bool WireFormatLite::ReadRepeatedPrimitive<                      \
1126       CPPTYPE, WireFormatLite::DECLARED_TYPE>(                            \
1127       int tag_size, uint32_t tag, io::CodedInputStream* input,            \
1128       RepeatedField<CPPTYPE>* values) {                                   \
1129     return ReadRepeatedFixedSizePrimitive<CPPTYPE,                        \
1130                                           WireFormatLite::DECLARED_TYPE>( \
1131         tag_size, tag, input, values);                                    \
1132   }
1143 template <typename CType, enum WireFormatLite::FieldType DeclaredType>
1144 bool WireFormatLite::ReadRepeatedPrimitiveNoInline(
1145     int tag_size, uint32_t tag, io::CodedInputStream* input,
1146     RepeatedField<CType>* value) {
1147   return ReadRepeatedPrimitive<CType, DeclaredType>(tag_size, tag, input,
1148                                                     value);
1149 }
1151 template <typename CType, enum WireFormatLite::FieldType DeclaredType>
ReadPackedPrimitive(io::CodedInputStream * input,RepeatedField<CType> * values)1152 inline bool WireFormatLite::ReadPackedPrimitive(io::CodedInputStream* input,
1153                                                 RepeatedField<CType>* values) {
1154   int length;
1155   if (!input->ReadVarintSizeAsInt(&length)) return false;
1156   io::CodedInputStream::Limit limit = input->PushLimit(length);
1157   while (input->BytesUntilLimit() > 0) {
1158     CType value;
1159     if (!ReadPrimitive<CType, DeclaredType>(input, &value)) return false;
1160     values->Add(value);
1161   }
1162   input->PopLimit(limit);
1163   return true;
1164 }
1166 template <typename CType, enum WireFormatLite::FieldType DeclaredType>
ReadPackedFixedSizePrimitive(io::CodedInputStream * input,RepeatedField<CType> * values)1167 inline bool WireFormatLite::ReadPackedFixedSizePrimitive(
1168     io::CodedInputStream* input, RepeatedField<CType>* values) {
1169   int length;
1170   if (!input->ReadVarintSizeAsInt(&length)) return false;
1171   const int old_entries = values->size();
1172   const int new_entries = length / static_cast<int>(sizeof(CType));
1173   const int new_bytes = new_entries * static_cast<int>(sizeof(CType));
1174   if (new_bytes != length) return false;
1175   // We would *like* to pre-allocate the buffer to write into (for
1176   // speed), but *must* avoid performing a very large allocation due
1177   // to a malicious user-supplied "length" above.  So we have a fast
1178   // path that pre-allocates when the "length" is less than a bound.
1179   // We determine the bound by calling BytesUntilTotalBytesLimit() and
1180   // BytesUntilLimit().  These return -1 to mean "no limit set".
1181   // There are four cases:
1182   // TotalBytesLimit  Limit
1183   // -1               -1     Use slow path.
1184   // -1               >= 0   Use fast path if length <= Limit.
1185   // >= 0             -1     Use slow path.
1186   // >= 0             >= 0   Use fast path if length <= min(both limits).
1187   int64_t bytes_limit = input->BytesUntilTotalBytesLimit();
1188   if (bytes_limit == -1) {
1189     bytes_limit = input->BytesUntilLimit();
1190   } else {
1191     // parentheses around (std::min) prevents macro expansion of min(...)
1192     bytes_limit =
1193         (std::min)(bytes_limit, static_cast<int64_t>(input->BytesUntilLimit()));
1194   }
1195   if (bytes_limit >= new_bytes) {
1196     // Fast-path that pre-allocates *values to the final size.
1197 #if defined(PROTOBUF_LITTLE_ENDIAN)
1198     values->Resize(old_entries + new_entries, 0);
1199     // values->mutable_data() may change after Resize(), so do this after:
1200     void* dest = reinterpret_cast<void*>(values->mutable_data() + old_entries);
1201     if (!input->ReadRaw(dest, new_bytes)) {
1202       values->Truncate(old_entries);
1203       return false;
1204     }
1205 #else
1206     values->Reserve(old_entries + new_entries);
1207     CType value;
1208     for (int i = 0; i < new_entries; ++i) {
1209       if (!ReadPrimitive<CType, DeclaredType>(input, &value)) return false;
1210       values->AddAlreadyReserved(value);
1211     }
1212 #endif
1213   } else {
1214     // This is the slow-path case where "length" may be too large to
1215     // safely allocate.  We read as much as we can into *values
1216     // without pre-allocating "length" bytes.
1217     CType value;
1218     for (int i = 0; i < new_entries; ++i) {
1219       if (!ReadPrimitive<CType, DeclaredType>(input, &value)) return false;
1220       values->Add(value);
1221     }
1222   }
1223   return true;
1224 }
1226 // Specializations of ReadPackedPrimitive for the fixed size types, which use
1227 // an optimized code path.
1229   template <>                                                                  \
1230   inline bool                                                                  \
1231   WireFormatLite::ReadPackedPrimitive<CPPTYPE, WireFormatLite::DECLARED_TYPE>( \
1232       io::CodedInputStream * input, RepeatedField<CPPTYPE> * values) {         \
1233     return ReadPackedFixedSizePrimitive<CPPTYPE,                               \
1234                                         WireFormatLite::DECLARED_TYPE>(        \
1235         input, values);                                                        \
1236   }
1247 template <typename CType, enum WireFormatLite::FieldType DeclaredType>
1248 bool WireFormatLite::ReadPackedPrimitiveNoInline(io::CodedInputStream* input,
1249                                                  RepeatedField<CType>* values) {
1250   return ReadPackedPrimitive<CType, DeclaredType>(input, values);
1251 }
1254 template <typename MessageType>
ReadGroup(int field_number,io::CodedInputStream * input,MessageType * value)1255 inline bool WireFormatLite::ReadGroup(int field_number,
1256                                       io::CodedInputStream* input,
1257                                       MessageType* value) {
1258   if (!input->IncrementRecursionDepth()) return false;
1259   if (!value->MergePartialFromCodedStream(input)) return false;
1260   input->UnsafeDecrementRecursionDepth();
1261   // Make sure the last thing read was an end tag for this group.
1262   if (!input->LastTagWas(MakeTag(field_number, WIRETYPE_END_GROUP))) {
1263     return false;
1264   }
1265   return true;
1266 }
1267 template <typename MessageType>
ReadMessage(io::CodedInputStream * input,MessageType * value)1268 inline bool WireFormatLite::ReadMessage(io::CodedInputStream* input,
1269                                         MessageType* value) {
1270   int length;
1271   if (!input->ReadVarintSizeAsInt(&length)) return false;
1272   std::pair<io::CodedInputStream::Limit, int> p =
1273       input->IncrementRecursionDepthAndPushLimit(length);
1274   if (p.second < 0 || !value->MergePartialFromCodedStream(input)) return false;
1275   // Make sure that parsing stopped when the limit was hit, not at an endgroup
1276   // tag.
1277   return input->DecrementRecursionDepthAndPopLimit(p.first);
1278 }
1280 // ===================================================================
WriteTag(int field_number,WireType type,io::CodedOutputStream * output)1282 inline void WireFormatLite::WriteTag(int field_number, WireType type,
1283                                      io::CodedOutputStream* output) {
1284   output->WriteTag(MakeTag(field_number, type));
1285 }
WriteInt32NoTag(int32_t value,io::CodedOutputStream * output)1287 inline void WireFormatLite::WriteInt32NoTag(int32_t value,
1288                                             io::CodedOutputStream* output) {
1289   output->WriteVarint32SignExtended(value);
1290 }
WriteInt64NoTag(int64_t value,io::CodedOutputStream * output)1291 inline void WireFormatLite::WriteInt64NoTag(int64_t value,
1292                                             io::CodedOutputStream* output) {
1293   output->WriteVarint64(static_cast<uint64_t>(value));
1294 }
WriteUInt32NoTag(uint32_t value,io::CodedOutputStream * output)1295 inline void WireFormatLite::WriteUInt32NoTag(uint32_t value,
1296                                              io::CodedOutputStream* output) {
1297   output->WriteVarint32(value);
1298 }
WriteUInt64NoTag(uint64_t value,io::CodedOutputStream * output)1299 inline void WireFormatLite::WriteUInt64NoTag(uint64_t value,
1300                                              io::CodedOutputStream* output) {
1301   output->WriteVarint64(value);
1302 }
WriteSInt32NoTag(int32_t value,io::CodedOutputStream * output)1303 inline void WireFormatLite::WriteSInt32NoTag(int32_t value,
1304                                              io::CodedOutputStream* output) {
1305   output->WriteVarint32(ZigZagEncode32(value));
1306 }
WriteSInt64NoTag(int64_t value,io::CodedOutputStream * output)1307 inline void WireFormatLite::WriteSInt64NoTag(int64_t value,
1308                                              io::CodedOutputStream* output) {
1309   output->WriteVarint64(ZigZagEncode64(value));
1310 }
WriteFixed32NoTag(uint32_t value,io::CodedOutputStream * output)1311 inline void WireFormatLite::WriteFixed32NoTag(uint32_t value,
1312                                               io::CodedOutputStream* output) {
1313   output->WriteLittleEndian32(value);
1314 }
WriteFixed64NoTag(uint64_t value,io::CodedOutputStream * output)1315 inline void WireFormatLite::WriteFixed64NoTag(uint64_t value,
1316                                               io::CodedOutputStream* output) {
1317   output->WriteLittleEndian64(value);
1318 }
WriteSFixed32NoTag(int32_t value,io::CodedOutputStream * output)1319 inline void WireFormatLite::WriteSFixed32NoTag(int32_t value,
1320                                                io::CodedOutputStream* output) {
1321   output->WriteLittleEndian32(static_cast<uint32_t>(value));
1322 }
WriteSFixed64NoTag(int64_t value,io::CodedOutputStream * output)1323 inline void WireFormatLite::WriteSFixed64NoTag(int64_t value,
1324                                                io::CodedOutputStream* output) {
1325   output->WriteLittleEndian64(static_cast<uint64_t>(value));
1326 }
WriteFloatNoTag(float value,io::CodedOutputStream * output)1327 inline void WireFormatLite::WriteFloatNoTag(float value,
1328                                             io::CodedOutputStream* output) {
1329   output->WriteLittleEndian32(EncodeFloat(value));
1330 }
WriteDoubleNoTag(double value,io::CodedOutputStream * output)1331 inline void WireFormatLite::WriteDoubleNoTag(double value,
1332                                              io::CodedOutputStream* output) {
1333   output->WriteLittleEndian64(EncodeDouble(value));
1334 }
WriteBoolNoTag(bool value,io::CodedOutputStream * output)1335 inline void WireFormatLite::WriteBoolNoTag(bool value,
1336                                            io::CodedOutputStream* output) {
1337   output->WriteVarint32(value ? 1 : 0);
1338 }
WriteEnumNoTag(int value,io::CodedOutputStream * output)1339 inline void WireFormatLite::WriteEnumNoTag(int value,
1340                                            io::CodedOutputStream* output) {
1341   output->WriteVarint32SignExtended(value);
1342 }
1344 // See comment on ReadGroupNoVirtual to understand the need for this template
1345 // parameter name.
1346 template <typename MessageType_WorkAroundCppLookupDefect>
WriteGroupNoVirtual(int field_number,const MessageType_WorkAroundCppLookupDefect & value,io::CodedOutputStream * output)1347 inline void WireFormatLite::WriteGroupNoVirtual(
1348     int field_number, const MessageType_WorkAroundCppLookupDefect& value,
1349     io::CodedOutputStream* output) {
1350   WriteTag(field_number, WIRETYPE_START_GROUP, output);
1351   value.MessageType_WorkAroundCppLookupDefect::SerializeWithCachedSizes(output);
1352   WriteTag(field_number, WIRETYPE_END_GROUP, output);
1353 }
1354 template <typename MessageType_WorkAroundCppLookupDefect>
WriteMessageNoVirtual(int field_number,const MessageType_WorkAroundCppLookupDefect & value,io::CodedOutputStream * output)1355 inline void WireFormatLite::WriteMessageNoVirtual(
1356     int field_number, const MessageType_WorkAroundCppLookupDefect& value,
1357     io::CodedOutputStream* output) {
1358   WriteTag(field_number, WIRETYPE_LENGTH_DELIMITED, output);
1359   output->WriteVarint32(
1360       value.MessageType_WorkAroundCppLookupDefect::GetCachedSize());
1361   value.MessageType_WorkAroundCppLookupDefect::SerializeWithCachedSizes(output);
1362 }
1364 // ===================================================================
WriteTagToArray(int field_number,WireType type,uint8_t * target)1366 inline uint8_t* WireFormatLite::WriteTagToArray(int field_number, WireType type,
1367                                                 uint8_t* target) {
1368   return io::CodedOutputStream::WriteTagToArray(MakeTag(field_number, type),
1369                                                 target);
1370 }
WriteInt32NoTagToArray(int32_t value,uint8_t * target)1372 inline uint8_t* WireFormatLite::WriteInt32NoTagToArray(int32_t value,
1373                                                        uint8_t* target) {
1374   return io::CodedOutputStream::WriteVarint32SignExtendedToArray(value, target);
1375 }
WriteInt64NoTagToArray(int64_t value,uint8_t * target)1376 inline uint8_t* WireFormatLite::WriteInt64NoTagToArray(int64_t value,
1377                                                        uint8_t* target) {
1378   return io::CodedOutputStream::WriteVarint64ToArray(
1379       static_cast<uint64_t>(value), target);
1380 }
WriteUInt32NoTagToArray(uint32_t value,uint8_t * target)1381 inline uint8_t* WireFormatLite::WriteUInt32NoTagToArray(uint32_t value,
1382                                                         uint8_t* target) {
1383   return io::CodedOutputStream::WriteVarint32ToArray(value, target);
1384 }
WriteUInt64NoTagToArray(uint64_t value,uint8_t * target)1385 inline uint8_t* WireFormatLite::WriteUInt64NoTagToArray(uint64_t value,
1386                                                         uint8_t* target) {
1387   return io::CodedOutputStream::WriteVarint64ToArray(value, target);
1388 }
WriteSInt32NoTagToArray(int32_t value,uint8_t * target)1389 inline uint8_t* WireFormatLite::WriteSInt32NoTagToArray(int32_t value,
1390                                                         uint8_t* target) {
1391   return io::CodedOutputStream::WriteVarint32ToArray(ZigZagEncode32(value),
1392                                                      target);
1393 }
WriteSInt64NoTagToArray(int64_t value,uint8_t * target)1394 inline uint8_t* WireFormatLite::WriteSInt64NoTagToArray(int64_t value,
1395                                                         uint8_t* target) {
1396   return io::CodedOutputStream::WriteVarint64ToArray(ZigZagEncode64(value),
1397                                                      target);
1398 }
WriteFixed32NoTagToArray(uint32_t value,uint8_t * target)1399 inline uint8_t* WireFormatLite::WriteFixed32NoTagToArray(uint32_t value,
1400                                                          uint8_t* target) {
1401   return io::CodedOutputStream::WriteLittleEndian32ToArray(value, target);
1402 }
WriteFixed64NoTagToArray(uint64_t value,uint8_t * target)1403 inline uint8_t* WireFormatLite::WriteFixed64NoTagToArray(uint64_t value,
1404                                                          uint8_t* target) {
1405   return io::CodedOutputStream::WriteLittleEndian64ToArray(value, target);
1406 }
WriteSFixed32NoTagToArray(int32_t value,uint8_t * target)1407 inline uint8_t* WireFormatLite::WriteSFixed32NoTagToArray(int32_t value,
1408                                                           uint8_t* target) {
1409   return io::CodedOutputStream::WriteLittleEndian32ToArray(
1410       static_cast<uint32_t>(value), target);
1411 }
WriteSFixed64NoTagToArray(int64_t value,uint8_t * target)1412 inline uint8_t* WireFormatLite::WriteSFixed64NoTagToArray(int64_t value,
1413                                                           uint8_t* target) {
1414   return io::CodedOutputStream::WriteLittleEndian64ToArray(
1415       static_cast<uint64_t>(value), target);
1416 }
WriteFloatNoTagToArray(float value,uint8_t * target)1417 inline uint8_t* WireFormatLite::WriteFloatNoTagToArray(float value,
1418                                                        uint8_t* target) {
1419   return io::CodedOutputStream::WriteLittleEndian32ToArray(EncodeFloat(value),
1420                                                            target);
1421 }
WriteDoubleNoTagToArray(double value,uint8_t * target)1422 inline uint8_t* WireFormatLite::WriteDoubleNoTagToArray(double value,
1423                                                         uint8_t* target) {
1424   return io::CodedOutputStream::WriteLittleEndian64ToArray(EncodeDouble(value),
1425                                                            target);
1426 }
WriteBoolNoTagToArray(bool value,uint8_t * target)1427 inline uint8_t* WireFormatLite::WriteBoolNoTagToArray(bool value,
1428                                                       uint8_t* target) {
1429   return io::CodedOutputStream::WriteVarint32ToArray(value ? 1 : 0, target);
1430 }
WriteEnumNoTagToArray(int value,uint8_t * target)1431 inline uint8_t* WireFormatLite::WriteEnumNoTagToArray(int value,
1432                                                       uint8_t* target) {
1433   return io::CodedOutputStream::WriteVarint32SignExtendedToArray(value, target);
1434 }
1436 template <typename T>
WritePrimitiveNoTagToArray(const RepeatedField<T> & value,uint8_t * (* Writer)(T,uint8_t *),uint8_t * target)1437 inline uint8_t* WireFormatLite::WritePrimitiveNoTagToArray(
1438     const RepeatedField<T>& value, uint8_t* (*Writer)(T, uint8_t*),
1439     uint8_t* target) {
1440   const int n = value.size();
1441   GOOGLE_DCHECK_GT(n, 0);
1443   const T* ii = value.data();
1444   int i = 0;
1445   do {
1446     target = Writer(ii[i], target);
1447   } while (++i < n);
1449   return target;
1450 }
1452 template <typename T>
WriteFixedNoTagToArray(const RepeatedField<T> & value,uint8_t * (* Writer)(T,uint8_t *),uint8_t * target)1453 inline uint8_t* WireFormatLite::WriteFixedNoTagToArray(
1454     const RepeatedField<T>& value, uint8_t* (*Writer)(T, uint8_t*),
1455     uint8_t* target) {
1456 #if defined(PROTOBUF_LITTLE_ENDIAN)
1457   (void)Writer;
1459   const int n = value.size();
1460   GOOGLE_DCHECK_GT(n, 0);
1462   const T* ii = value.data();
1463   const int bytes = n * static_cast<int>(sizeof(ii[0]));
1464   memcpy(target, ii, static_cast<size_t>(bytes));
1465   return target + bytes;
1466 #else
1467   return WritePrimitiveNoTagToArray(value, Writer, target);
1468 #endif
1469 }
WriteInt32NoTagToArray(const RepeatedField<int32_t> & value,uint8_t * target)1471 inline uint8_t* WireFormatLite::WriteInt32NoTagToArray(
1472     const RepeatedField<int32_t>& value, uint8_t* target) {
1473   return WritePrimitiveNoTagToArray(value, WriteInt32NoTagToArray, target);
1474 }
WriteInt64NoTagToArray(const RepeatedField<int64_t> & value,uint8_t * target)1475 inline uint8_t* WireFormatLite::WriteInt64NoTagToArray(
1476     const RepeatedField<int64_t>& value, uint8_t* target) {
1477   return WritePrimitiveNoTagToArray(value, WriteInt64NoTagToArray, target);
1478 }
WriteUInt32NoTagToArray(const RepeatedField<uint32_t> & value,uint8_t * target)1479 inline uint8_t* WireFormatLite::WriteUInt32NoTagToArray(
1480     const RepeatedField<uint32_t>& value, uint8_t* target) {
1481   return WritePrimitiveNoTagToArray(value, WriteUInt32NoTagToArray, target);
1482 }
WriteUInt64NoTagToArray(const RepeatedField<uint64_t> & value,uint8_t * target)1483 inline uint8_t* WireFormatLite::WriteUInt64NoTagToArray(
1484     const RepeatedField<uint64_t>& value, uint8_t* target) {
1485   return WritePrimitiveNoTagToArray(value, WriteUInt64NoTagToArray, target);
1486 }
WriteSInt32NoTagToArray(const RepeatedField<int32_t> & value,uint8_t * target)1487 inline uint8_t* WireFormatLite::WriteSInt32NoTagToArray(
1488     const RepeatedField<int32_t>& value, uint8_t* target) {
1489   return WritePrimitiveNoTagToArray(value, WriteSInt32NoTagToArray, target);
1490 }
WriteSInt64NoTagToArray(const RepeatedField<int64_t> & value,uint8_t * target)1491 inline uint8_t* WireFormatLite::WriteSInt64NoTagToArray(
1492     const RepeatedField<int64_t>& value, uint8_t* target) {
1493   return WritePrimitiveNoTagToArray(value, WriteSInt64NoTagToArray, target);
1494 }
WriteFixed32NoTagToArray(const RepeatedField<uint32_t> & value,uint8_t * target)1495 inline uint8_t* WireFormatLite::WriteFixed32NoTagToArray(
1496     const RepeatedField<uint32_t>& value, uint8_t* target) {
1497   return WriteFixedNoTagToArray(value, WriteFixed32NoTagToArray, target);
1498 }
WriteFixed64NoTagToArray(const RepeatedField<uint64_t> & value,uint8_t * target)1499 inline uint8_t* WireFormatLite::WriteFixed64NoTagToArray(
1500     const RepeatedField<uint64_t>& value, uint8_t* target) {
1501   return WriteFixedNoTagToArray(value, WriteFixed64NoTagToArray, target);
1502 }
WriteSFixed32NoTagToArray(const RepeatedField<int32_t> & value,uint8_t * target)1503 inline uint8_t* WireFormatLite::WriteSFixed32NoTagToArray(
1504     const RepeatedField<int32_t>& value, uint8_t* target) {
1505   return WriteFixedNoTagToArray(value, WriteSFixed32NoTagToArray, target);
1506 }
WriteSFixed64NoTagToArray(const RepeatedField<int64_t> & value,uint8_t * target)1507 inline uint8_t* WireFormatLite::WriteSFixed64NoTagToArray(
1508     const RepeatedField<int64_t>& value, uint8_t* target) {
1509   return WriteFixedNoTagToArray(value, WriteSFixed64NoTagToArray, target);
1510 }
WriteFloatNoTagToArray(const RepeatedField<float> & value,uint8_t * target)1511 inline uint8_t* WireFormatLite::WriteFloatNoTagToArray(
1512     const RepeatedField<float>& value, uint8_t* target) {
1513   return WriteFixedNoTagToArray(value, WriteFloatNoTagToArray, target);
1514 }
WriteDoubleNoTagToArray(const RepeatedField<double> & value,uint8_t * target)1515 inline uint8_t* WireFormatLite::WriteDoubleNoTagToArray(
1516     const RepeatedField<double>& value, uint8_t* target) {
1517   return WriteFixedNoTagToArray(value, WriteDoubleNoTagToArray, target);
1518 }
WriteBoolNoTagToArray(const RepeatedField<bool> & value,uint8_t * target)1519 inline uint8_t* WireFormatLite::WriteBoolNoTagToArray(
1520     const RepeatedField<bool>& value, uint8_t* target) {
1521   return WritePrimitiveNoTagToArray(value, WriteBoolNoTagToArray, target);
1522 }
WriteEnumNoTagToArray(const RepeatedField<int> & value,uint8_t * target)1523 inline uint8_t* WireFormatLite::WriteEnumNoTagToArray(
1524     const RepeatedField<int>& value, uint8_t* target) {
1525   return WritePrimitiveNoTagToArray(value, WriteEnumNoTagToArray, target);
1526 }
WriteInt32ToArray(int field_number,int32_t value,uint8_t * target)1528 inline uint8_t* WireFormatLite::WriteInt32ToArray(int field_number,
1529                                                   int32_t value,
1530                                                   uint8_t* target) {
1531   target = WriteTagToArray(field_number, WIRETYPE_VARINT, target);
1532   return WriteInt32NoTagToArray(value, target);
1533 }
WriteInt64ToArray(int field_number,int64_t value,uint8_t * target)1534 inline uint8_t* WireFormatLite::WriteInt64ToArray(int field_number,
1535                                                   int64_t value,
1536                                                   uint8_t* target) {
1537   target = WriteTagToArray(field_number, WIRETYPE_VARINT, target);
1538   return WriteInt64NoTagToArray(value, target);
1539 }
WriteUInt32ToArray(int field_number,uint32_t value,uint8_t * target)1540 inline uint8_t* WireFormatLite::WriteUInt32ToArray(int field_number,
1541                                                    uint32_t value,
1542                                                    uint8_t* target) {
1543   target = WriteTagToArray(field_number, WIRETYPE_VARINT, target);
1544   return WriteUInt32NoTagToArray(value, target);
1545 }
WriteUInt64ToArray(int field_number,uint64_t value,uint8_t * target)1546 inline uint8_t* WireFormatLite::WriteUInt64ToArray(int field_number,
1547                                                    uint64_t value,
1548                                                    uint8_t* target) {
1549   target = WriteTagToArray(field_number, WIRETYPE_VARINT, target);
1550   return WriteUInt64NoTagToArray(value, target);
1551 }
WriteSInt32ToArray(int field_number,int32_t value,uint8_t * target)1552 inline uint8_t* WireFormatLite::WriteSInt32ToArray(int field_number,
1553                                                    int32_t value,
1554                                                    uint8_t* target) {
1555   target = WriteTagToArray(field_number, WIRETYPE_VARINT, target);
1556   return WriteSInt32NoTagToArray(value, target);
1557 }
WriteSInt64ToArray(int field_number,int64_t value,uint8_t * target)1558 inline uint8_t* WireFormatLite::WriteSInt64ToArray(int field_number,
1559                                                    int64_t value,
1560                                                    uint8_t* target) {
1561   target = WriteTagToArray(field_number, WIRETYPE_VARINT, target);
1562   return WriteSInt64NoTagToArray(value, target);
1563 }
WriteFixed32ToArray(int field_number,uint32_t value,uint8_t * target)1564 inline uint8_t* WireFormatLite::WriteFixed32ToArray(int field_number,
1565                                                     uint32_t value,
1566                                                     uint8_t* target) {
1567   target = WriteTagToArray(field_number, WIRETYPE_FIXED32, target);
1568   return WriteFixed32NoTagToArray(value, target);
1569 }
WriteFixed64ToArray(int field_number,uint64_t value,uint8_t * target)1570 inline uint8_t* WireFormatLite::WriteFixed64ToArray(int field_number,
1571                                                     uint64_t value,
1572                                                     uint8_t* target) {
1573   target = WriteTagToArray(field_number, WIRETYPE_FIXED64, target);
1574   return WriteFixed64NoTagToArray(value, target);
1575 }
WriteSFixed32ToArray(int field_number,int32_t value,uint8_t * target)1576 inline uint8_t* WireFormatLite::WriteSFixed32ToArray(int field_number,
1577                                                      int32_t value,
1578                                                      uint8_t* target) {
1579   target = WriteTagToArray(field_number, WIRETYPE_FIXED32, target);
1580   return WriteSFixed32NoTagToArray(value, target);
1581 }
WriteSFixed64ToArray(int field_number,int64_t value,uint8_t * target)1582 inline uint8_t* WireFormatLite::WriteSFixed64ToArray(int field_number,
1583                                                      int64_t value,
1584                                                      uint8_t* target) {
1585   target = WriteTagToArray(field_number, WIRETYPE_FIXED64, target);
1586   return WriteSFixed64NoTagToArray(value, target);
1587 }
WriteFloatToArray(int field_number,float value,uint8_t * target)1588 inline uint8_t* WireFormatLite::WriteFloatToArray(int field_number, float value,
1589                                                   uint8_t* target) {
1590   target = WriteTagToArray(field_number, WIRETYPE_FIXED32, target);
1591   return WriteFloatNoTagToArray(value, target);
1592 }
WriteDoubleToArray(int field_number,double value,uint8_t * target)1593 inline uint8_t* WireFormatLite::WriteDoubleToArray(int field_number,
1594                                                    double value,
1595                                                    uint8_t* target) {
1596   target = WriteTagToArray(field_number, WIRETYPE_FIXED64, target);
1597   return WriteDoubleNoTagToArray(value, target);
1598 }
WriteBoolToArray(int field_number,bool value,uint8_t * target)1599 inline uint8_t* WireFormatLite::WriteBoolToArray(int field_number, bool value,
1600                                                  uint8_t* target) {
1601   target = WriteTagToArray(field_number, WIRETYPE_VARINT, target);
1602   return WriteBoolNoTagToArray(value, target);
1603 }
WriteEnumToArray(int field_number,int value,uint8_t * target)1604 inline uint8_t* WireFormatLite::WriteEnumToArray(int field_number, int value,
1605                                                  uint8_t* target) {
1606   target = WriteTagToArray(field_number, WIRETYPE_VARINT, target);
1607   return WriteEnumNoTagToArray(value, target);
1608 }
1610 template <typename T>
WritePrimitiveToArray(int field_number,const RepeatedField<T> & value,uint8_t * (* Writer)(int,T,uint8_t *),uint8_t * target)1611 inline uint8_t* WireFormatLite::WritePrimitiveToArray(
1612     int field_number, const RepeatedField<T>& value,
1613     uint8_t* (*Writer)(int, T, uint8_t*), uint8_t* target) {
1614   const int n = value.size();
1615   if (n == 0) {
1616     return target;
1617   }
1619   const T* ii = value.data();
1620   int i = 0;
1621   do {
1622     target = Writer(field_number, ii[i], target);
1623   } while (++i < n);
1625   return target;
1626 }
WriteInt32ToArray(int field_number,const RepeatedField<int32_t> & value,uint8_t * target)1628 inline uint8_t* WireFormatLite::WriteInt32ToArray(
1629     int field_number, const RepeatedField<int32_t>& value, uint8_t* target) {
1630   return WritePrimitiveToArray(field_number, value, WriteInt32ToArray, target);
1631 }
WriteInt64ToArray(int field_number,const RepeatedField<int64_t> & value,uint8_t * target)1632 inline uint8_t* WireFormatLite::WriteInt64ToArray(
1633     int field_number, const RepeatedField<int64_t>& value, uint8_t* target) {
1634   return WritePrimitiveToArray(field_number, value, WriteInt64ToArray, target);
1635 }
WriteUInt32ToArray(int field_number,const RepeatedField<uint32_t> & value,uint8_t * target)1636 inline uint8_t* WireFormatLite::WriteUInt32ToArray(
1637     int field_number, const RepeatedField<uint32_t>& value, uint8_t* target) {
1638   return WritePrimitiveToArray(field_number, value, WriteUInt32ToArray, target);
1639 }
WriteUInt64ToArray(int field_number,const RepeatedField<uint64_t> & value,uint8_t * target)1640 inline uint8_t* WireFormatLite::WriteUInt64ToArray(
1641     int field_number, const RepeatedField<uint64_t>& value, uint8_t* target) {
1642   return WritePrimitiveToArray(field_number, value, WriteUInt64ToArray, target);
1643 }
WriteSInt32ToArray(int field_number,const RepeatedField<int32_t> & value,uint8_t * target)1644 inline uint8_t* WireFormatLite::WriteSInt32ToArray(
1645     int field_number, const RepeatedField<int32_t>& value, uint8_t* target) {
1646   return WritePrimitiveToArray(field_number, value, WriteSInt32ToArray, target);
1647 }
WriteSInt64ToArray(int field_number,const RepeatedField<int64_t> & value,uint8_t * target)1648 inline uint8_t* WireFormatLite::WriteSInt64ToArray(
1649     int field_number, const RepeatedField<int64_t>& value, uint8_t* target) {
1650   return WritePrimitiveToArray(field_number, value, WriteSInt64ToArray, target);
1651 }
WriteFixed32ToArray(int field_number,const RepeatedField<uint32_t> & value,uint8_t * target)1652 inline uint8_t* WireFormatLite::WriteFixed32ToArray(
1653     int field_number, const RepeatedField<uint32_t>& value, uint8_t* target) {
1654   return WritePrimitiveToArray(field_number, value, WriteFixed32ToArray,
1655                                target);
1656 }
WriteFixed64ToArray(int field_number,const RepeatedField<uint64_t> & value,uint8_t * target)1657 inline uint8_t* WireFormatLite::WriteFixed64ToArray(
1658     int field_number, const RepeatedField<uint64_t>& value, uint8_t* target) {
1659   return WritePrimitiveToArray(field_number, value, WriteFixed64ToArray,
1660                                target);
1661 }
WriteSFixed32ToArray(int field_number,const RepeatedField<int32_t> & value,uint8_t * target)1662 inline uint8_t* WireFormatLite::WriteSFixed32ToArray(
1663     int field_number, const RepeatedField<int32_t>& value, uint8_t* target) {
1664   return WritePrimitiveToArray(field_number, value, WriteSFixed32ToArray,
1665                                target);
1666 }
WriteSFixed64ToArray(int field_number,const RepeatedField<int64_t> & value,uint8_t * target)1667 inline uint8_t* WireFormatLite::WriteSFixed64ToArray(
1668     int field_number, const RepeatedField<int64_t>& value, uint8_t* target) {
1669   return WritePrimitiveToArray(field_number, value, WriteSFixed64ToArray,
1670                                target);
1671 }
WriteFloatToArray(int field_number,const RepeatedField<float> & value,uint8_t * target)1672 inline uint8_t* WireFormatLite::WriteFloatToArray(
1673     int field_number, const RepeatedField<float>& value, uint8_t* target) {
1674   return WritePrimitiveToArray(field_number, value, WriteFloatToArray, target);
1675 }
WriteDoubleToArray(int field_number,const RepeatedField<double> & value,uint8_t * target)1676 inline uint8_t* WireFormatLite::WriteDoubleToArray(
1677     int field_number, const RepeatedField<double>& value, uint8_t* target) {
1678   return WritePrimitiveToArray(field_number, value, WriteDoubleToArray, target);
1679 }
WriteBoolToArray(int field_number,const RepeatedField<bool> & value,uint8_t * target)1680 inline uint8_t* WireFormatLite::WriteBoolToArray(
1681     int field_number, const RepeatedField<bool>& value, uint8_t* target) {
1682   return WritePrimitiveToArray(field_number, value, WriteBoolToArray, target);
1683 }
WriteEnumToArray(int field_number,const RepeatedField<int> & value,uint8_t * target)1684 inline uint8_t* WireFormatLite::WriteEnumToArray(
1685     int field_number, const RepeatedField<int>& value, uint8_t* target) {
1686   return WritePrimitiveToArray(field_number, value, WriteEnumToArray, target);
1687 }
WriteStringToArray(int field_number,const std::string & value,uint8_t * target)1688 inline uint8_t* WireFormatLite::WriteStringToArray(int field_number,
1689                                                    const std::string& value,
1690                                                    uint8_t* target) {
1691   // String is for UTF-8 text only
1692   // WARNING:  In wire_format.cc, both strings and bytes are handled by
1693   //   WriteString() to avoid code duplication.  If the implementations become
1694   //   different, you will need to update that usage.
1695   target = WriteTagToArray(field_number, WIRETYPE_LENGTH_DELIMITED, target);
1696   return io::CodedOutputStream::WriteStringWithSizeToArray(value, target);
1697 }
WriteBytesToArray(int field_number,const std::string & value,uint8_t * target)1698 inline uint8_t* WireFormatLite::WriteBytesToArray(int field_number,
1699                                                   const std::string& value,
1700                                                   uint8_t* target) {
1701   target = WriteTagToArray(field_number, WIRETYPE_LENGTH_DELIMITED, target);
1702   return io::CodedOutputStream::WriteStringWithSizeToArray(value, target);
1703 }
1706 template <typename MessageType>
InternalWriteGroup(int field_number,const MessageType & value,uint8_t * target,io::EpsCopyOutputStream * stream)1707 inline uint8_t* WireFormatLite::InternalWriteGroup(
1708     int field_number, const MessageType& value, uint8_t* target,
1709     io::EpsCopyOutputStream* stream) {
1710   target = WriteTagToArray(field_number, WIRETYPE_START_GROUP, target);
1711   target = value._InternalSerialize(target, stream);
1712   target = stream->EnsureSpace(target);
1713   return WriteTagToArray(field_number, WIRETYPE_END_GROUP, target);
1714 }
1715 template <typename MessageType>
InternalWriteMessage(int field_number,const MessageType & value,uint8_t * target,io::EpsCopyOutputStream * stream)1716 inline uint8_t* WireFormatLite::InternalWriteMessage(
1717     int field_number, const MessageType& value, uint8_t* target,
1718     io::EpsCopyOutputStream* stream) {
1719   target = WriteTagToArray(field_number, WIRETYPE_LENGTH_DELIMITED, target);
1720   target = io::CodedOutputStream::WriteVarint32ToArrayOutOfLine(
1721       static_cast<uint32_t>(value.GetCachedSize()), target);
1722   return value._InternalSerialize(target, stream);
1723 }
1725 // See comment on ReadGroupNoVirtual to understand the need for this template
1726 // parameter name.
1727 template <typename MessageType_WorkAroundCppLookupDefect>
InternalWriteGroupNoVirtualToArray(int field_number,const MessageType_WorkAroundCppLookupDefect & value,uint8_t * target)1728 inline uint8_t* WireFormatLite::InternalWriteGroupNoVirtualToArray(
1729     int field_number, const MessageType_WorkAroundCppLookupDefect& value,
1730     uint8_t* target) {
1731   target = WriteTagToArray(field_number, WIRETYPE_START_GROUP, target);
1732   target = value.MessageType_WorkAroundCppLookupDefect::
1733                SerializeWithCachedSizesToArray(target);
1734   return WriteTagToArray(field_number, WIRETYPE_END_GROUP, target);
1735 }
1736 template <typename MessageType_WorkAroundCppLookupDefect>
InternalWriteMessageNoVirtualToArray(int field_number,const MessageType_WorkAroundCppLookupDefect & value,uint8_t * target)1737 inline uint8_t* WireFormatLite::InternalWriteMessageNoVirtualToArray(
1738     int field_number, const MessageType_WorkAroundCppLookupDefect& value,
1739     uint8_t* target) {
1740   target = WriteTagToArray(field_number, WIRETYPE_LENGTH_DELIMITED, target);
1741   target = io::CodedOutputStream::WriteVarint32ToArray(
1742       static_cast<uint32_t>(
1743           value.MessageType_WorkAroundCppLookupDefect::GetCachedSize()),
1744       target);
1745   return value
1746       .MessageType_WorkAroundCppLookupDefect::SerializeWithCachedSizesToArray(
1747           target);
1748 }
1750 // ===================================================================
Int32Size(int32_t value)1752 inline size_t WireFormatLite::Int32Size(int32_t value) {
1753   return io::CodedOutputStream::VarintSize32SignExtended(value);
1754 }
Int64Size(int64_t value)1755 inline size_t WireFormatLite::Int64Size(int64_t value) {
1756   return io::CodedOutputStream::VarintSize64(static_cast<uint64_t>(value));
1757 }
UInt32Size(uint32_t value)1758 inline size_t WireFormatLite::UInt32Size(uint32_t value) {
1759   return io::CodedOutputStream::VarintSize32(value);
1760 }
UInt64Size(uint64_t value)1761 inline size_t WireFormatLite::UInt64Size(uint64_t value) {
1762   return io::CodedOutputStream::VarintSize64(value);
1763 }
SInt32Size(int32_t value)1764 inline size_t WireFormatLite::SInt32Size(int32_t value) {
1765   return io::CodedOutputStream::VarintSize32(ZigZagEncode32(value));
1766 }
SInt64Size(int64_t value)1767 inline size_t WireFormatLite::SInt64Size(int64_t value) {
1768   return io::CodedOutputStream::VarintSize64(ZigZagEncode64(value));
1769 }
EnumSize(int value)1770 inline size_t WireFormatLite::EnumSize(int value) {
1771   return io::CodedOutputStream::VarintSize32SignExtended(value);
1772 }
Int32SizePlusOne(int32_t value)1773 inline size_t WireFormatLite::Int32SizePlusOne(int32_t value) {
1774   return io::CodedOutputStream::VarintSize32SignExtendedPlusOne(value);
1775 }
Int64SizePlusOne(int64_t value)1776 inline size_t WireFormatLite::Int64SizePlusOne(int64_t value) {
1777   return io::CodedOutputStream::VarintSize64PlusOne(
1778       static_cast<uint64_t>(value));
1779 }
UInt32SizePlusOne(uint32_t value)1780 inline size_t WireFormatLite::UInt32SizePlusOne(uint32_t value) {
1781   return io::CodedOutputStream::VarintSize32PlusOne(value);
1782 }
UInt64SizePlusOne(uint64_t value)1783 inline size_t WireFormatLite::UInt64SizePlusOne(uint64_t value) {
1784   return io::CodedOutputStream::VarintSize64PlusOne(value);
1785 }
SInt32SizePlusOne(int32_t value)1786 inline size_t WireFormatLite::SInt32SizePlusOne(int32_t value) {
1787   return io::CodedOutputStream::VarintSize32PlusOne(ZigZagEncode32(value));
1788 }
SInt64SizePlusOne(int64_t value)1789 inline size_t WireFormatLite::SInt64SizePlusOne(int64_t value) {
1790   return io::CodedOutputStream::VarintSize64PlusOne(ZigZagEncode64(value));
1791 }
EnumSizePlusOne(int value)1792 inline size_t WireFormatLite::EnumSizePlusOne(int value) {
1793   return io::CodedOutputStream::VarintSize32SignExtendedPlusOne(value);
1794 }
StringSize(const std::string & value)1796 inline size_t WireFormatLite::StringSize(const std::string& value) {
1797   return LengthDelimitedSize(value.size());
1798 }
BytesSize(const std::string & value)1799 inline size_t WireFormatLite::BytesSize(const std::string& value) {
1800   return LengthDelimitedSize(value.size());
1801 }
1804 template <typename MessageType>
GroupSize(const MessageType & value)1805 inline size_t WireFormatLite::GroupSize(const MessageType& value) {
1806   return value.ByteSizeLong();
1807 }
1808 template <typename MessageType>
MessageSize(const MessageType & value)1809 inline size_t WireFormatLite::MessageSize(const MessageType& value) {
1810   return LengthDelimitedSize(value.ByteSizeLong());
1811 }
1813 // See comment on ReadGroupNoVirtual to understand the need for this template
1814 // parameter name.
1815 template <typename MessageType_WorkAroundCppLookupDefect>
GroupSizeNoVirtual(const MessageType_WorkAroundCppLookupDefect & value)1816 inline size_t WireFormatLite::GroupSizeNoVirtual(
1817     const MessageType_WorkAroundCppLookupDefect& value) {
1818   return value.MessageType_WorkAroundCppLookupDefect::ByteSizeLong();
1819 }
1820 template <typename MessageType_WorkAroundCppLookupDefect>
MessageSizeNoVirtual(const MessageType_WorkAroundCppLookupDefect & value)1821 inline size_t WireFormatLite::MessageSizeNoVirtual(
1822     const MessageType_WorkAroundCppLookupDefect& value) {
1823   return LengthDelimitedSize(
1824       value.MessageType_WorkAroundCppLookupDefect::ByteSizeLong());
1825 }
LengthDelimitedSize(size_t length)1827 inline size_t WireFormatLite::LengthDelimitedSize(size_t length) {
1828   // The static_cast here prevents an error in certain compiler configurations
1829   // but is not technically correct--if length is too large to fit in a uint32_t
1830   // then it will be silently truncated. We will need to fix this if we ever
1831   // decide to start supporting serialized messages greater than 2 GiB in size.
1832   return length +
1833          io::CodedOutputStream::VarintSize32(static_cast<uint32_t>(length));
1834 }
1836 template <typename MS>
ParseMessageSetItemImpl(io::CodedInputStream * input,MS ms)1837 bool ParseMessageSetItemImpl(io::CodedInputStream* input, MS ms) {
1838   // This method parses a group which should contain two fields:
1839   //   required int32 type_id = 2;
1840   //   required data message = 3;
1842   uint32_t last_type_id = 0;
1844   // If we see message data before the type_id, we'll append it to this so
1845   // we can parse it later.
1846   std::string message_data;
1848   while (true) {
1849     const uint32_t tag = input->ReadTagNoLastTag();
1850     if (tag == 0) return false;
1852     switch (tag) {
1853       case WireFormatLite::kMessageSetTypeIdTag: {
1854         uint32_t type_id;
1855         if (!input->ReadVarint32(&type_id)) return false;
1856         last_type_id = type_id;
1858         if (!message_data.empty()) {
1859           // We saw some message data before the type_id.  Have to parse it
1860           // now.
1861           io::CodedInputStream sub_input(
1862               reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(message_data.data()),
1863               static_cast<int>(message_data.size()));
1864           sub_input.SetRecursionLimit(input->RecursionBudget());
1865           if (!ms.ParseField(last_type_id, &sub_input)) {
1866             return false;
1867           }
1868           message_data.clear();
1869         }
1871         break;
1872       }
1874       case WireFormatLite::kMessageSetMessageTag: {
1875         if (last_type_id == 0) {
1876           // We haven't seen a type_id yet.  Append this data to message_data.
1877           uint32_t length;
1878           if (!input->ReadVarint32(&length)) return false;
1879           if (static_cast<int32_t>(length) < 0) return false;
1880           uint32_t size = static_cast<uint32_t>(
1881               length + io::CodedOutputStream::VarintSize32(length));
1882           message_data.resize(size);
1883           auto ptr = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(&message_data[0]);
1884           ptr = io::CodedOutputStream::WriteVarint32ToArray(length, ptr);
1885           if (!input->ReadRaw(ptr, length)) return false;
1886         } else {
1887           // Already saw type_id, so we can parse this directly.
1888           if (!ms.ParseField(last_type_id, input)) {
1889             return false;
1890           }
1891         }
1893         break;
1894       }
1896       case WireFormatLite::kMessageSetItemEndTag: {
1897         return true;
1898       }
1900       default: {
1901         if (!ms.SkipField(tag, input)) return false;
1902       }
1903     }
1904   }
1905 }
1907 }  // namespace internal
1908 }  // namespace protobuf
1909 }  // namespace google
1911 #include <google/protobuf/port_undef.inc>