2Ordered dictionary class with more flexible initialization and convenience methods.
5Modified 2007-2015 by Samuel M Smith
7Modifications CopyRight 2007-2015 by Samuel M smith
9Based on various ordered dict implementations found in the wild
12from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
14from .sixing import *
17class odict(dict):
18    """
19    Dictionary whose keys maintain the order they are added to the dict. Not
20    order they are updated.
22    Similar to the collections OrderedDict but with more flexible initialization
23    and additional methods.
25    The first key added to the dictionary is the first key in .keys()
26    Changing the value of a key does not affect the order of the key
28    """
29    __slots__ = ['_keys']
31    def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
32        self = dict.__new__(cls,*args, **kwargs)
33        self._keys = []
34        return self
36    def __init__(self, *pa, **kwa):
37        """
38        Create new empty odict
39        odict() returns new empty dictionary.
41        odict(pa1, pa2, ...) creates new dictionary from
42        pa = tuple of positional args, (pa1, pa2, ...)
44        d = {}
45        for a in pa:
46           if hasattr(a,'get'):
47              for k, v in a.items():
48                 d[k] = v
49           else:
50              for k, v in a:
51                 d[k] = v
53        if pa is a sequence of duples (k,v) then ordering is preserved
54        if pa is an ordered dictionary then ordering is preserved
55        if pa is not an ordered dictionary then ordering is not preserved
57        odict(k1 = v1, k2 = v2, ...) creates new dictionary from
59        kwa = dictionary of keyword args, {k1: v1, k2 : v2, ...}
61        d = {}
62        for k, v in kwa:
63           d[k] = v
65        in this case key ordering is not preserved due to limitation of python
66        """
67        dict.__init__(self)
69        for a in pa:
70            if hasattr(a,'get'): #positional arg is dictionary
71                for k in a:
72                    self[k] = a[k]
73            else: #positional arg is sequence of duples (k,v)
74                for k, v in a:
75                    self[k] = v
77        for k in kwa:
78            self[k] = kwa[k]
80    def __delitem__(self, key):
81        """ del x[y] """
82        dict.__delitem__(self, key)
83        self._keys.remove(key)
85    def __iter__(self):
86        """ iter(x)"""
87        for key in self._keys:
88            yield key
90    def __repr__(self):
91        """
92        odict representation
93        """
94        return ("{0}({1})".format(self.__class__.__name__,
95                                  repr(self.items())))
97    def __setitem__(self, key, val):
98        """ x[key]=val"""
99        dict.__setitem__(self, key, val)
100        if not hasattr(self, '_keys'):
101            self._keys = [key]
102        if key not in self._keys:
103            self._keys.append(key)
105    def __getnewargs__(self):
106        """
107        Needed to force __new__ which creates _keys.
108        if empty odict then __getstate__ returns empty list which is logically false so
109        __setstate__ is not called.
110        """
111        return tuple()
113    def __getstate__(self):
114        """
115        return state as items list. need this so pickle works since defined slots
116        """
117        return self.items()
119    def __setstate__(self, state):
120        """
121        restore from state items list
122        """
123        self.__init__(state)
125    def append(self, key, item):
126        """
127        D[key] = item.
128        """
129        if key in self:
130            raise KeyError('append(): key %r already in dictionary' % key)
131        self[key] = item
133    def clear(self):
134        """ Remove all items from odict"""
135        dict.clear(self)
136        self._keys = []
138    def copy(self):
139        """
140        Make a shallow copy of odict
141        """
142        items = [(key, dict.__getitem__(self, key)) for key in self._keys]
143        return self.__class__(items) #creates new odict and populates with items
145    def create(self, *pa, **kwa):
146        """
147        Create items in this odict but only if key not already existent
148        pa may be sequence of duples (k,v) or dict
149        kwa is dict of keyword arguments
150        """
151        for a in pa:
152            if hasattr(a,'get'): #positional arg is dictionary
153                for k in a:
154                    if k not in self._keys:
155                        self[k] = a[k]
156            else: #positional arg is sequence of duples (k,v)
157                for k, v in a:
158                    if k not in self._keys:
159                        self[k] = v
161        for k in kwa:
162            if k not in self._keys:
163                self[k] = kwa[k]
165    def sift(self, fields=None):
166        """
167        Return shallaw copy odict of items keyed by field name strings
168        provided in optional fields sequence in that order with each value
169        given by the associated
170        item in self
171        If fields is not provided then return odict copy of self with all
172        the fields
173        Raises KeyError if no entry for a given field name
174        """
175        if fields is None:
176            return self.copy()
178        items = [(key, dict.__getitem__(self, key)) for key in fields]
179        return self.__class__(items) #creates new odict and populates with items
181    def insert(self, index, key, val):
182        """
183        Insert val at index if key not in odict
184        """
185        if key in self:
186            raise KeyError('Key %r already exists.' % key)
187        dict.__setitem__(self, key, val)
188        self._keys.insert(index, key)
190    def items(self):
191        return [(key, dict.__getitem__(self, key)) for key in self._keys]
193    def iterkeys(self):
194        """
195        Return an iterator over the keys of odict
196        """
197        return iter(self)
199    def iteritems(self):
200        """
201        Return an iterator over the items (key, value)  of odict.
202        """
203        return ((key, dict.__getitem__(self, key)) for key in self._keys)
205    def itervalues(self):
206        """
207        Return an iterator over the values of odict.
208        """
209        return (dict.__getitem__(self, key) for key in self._keys)
211    def keys(self):
212        """
213        Return the list of keys of odict.
214        """
215        return self._keys[:]
217    def pop(self, key, *default):
218        """
219        Remove key and the associated item and return the associated value
220        If key not found return default if given otherwise raise KeyError
221        """
222        value = dict.pop(self, key, *default)
223        if key in self._keys:
224            self._keys.remove(key)
225        return value
227    def popitem(self):
228        """
229        Remove and return last item (key, value) duple
230        If odict is empty raise KeyError
231        """
232        try:
233            key = self._keys[-1]
234        except IndexError:
235            raise KeyError('Empty odict.')
236        value = dict.__getitem__(self, key)
237        del self[key]
238        return (key, value)
240    def reorder(self, other):
241        """
242        Update values in this odict based on the `other` odict.
243        Raises ValueError if other is not an odict
244        """
245        if not isinstance(other, odict):
246            raise ValueError('other must be an odict')
248        if other is self:
249            #raise ValueError('other cannot be the same odict')
250            pass #updating with self makes no changes
252        dict.update(self, other)
253        keys = self._keys
255        for key in other:
256            if key in keys:
257                keys.remove(key)
258            keys.append(key)
260    def setdefault(self, key, default=None):
261        """
262        If key in odict, return value at key
263        Otherwise set value at key to default and return default
264        """
265        value = dict.setdefault(self, key, default)
266        if key not in self._keys:
267            self._keys.append(key)
268        return value
270    def update(self, *pa, **kwa):
271        """
272        Update values in this odict
273        pa may be sequence of duples (k,v) or dict
274        kwa is dict of keyword arguments
275        """
276        for a in pa:
277            if hasattr(a,'get'): #positional arg is dictionary
278                for k in a:
279                    self[k] = a[k]
280            else: #positional arg is sequence of duples (k,v)
281                for k, v in a:
282                    self[k] = v
284        for k in kwa:
285            self[k] = kwa[k]
287    def values(self):
288        return [dict.__getitem__(self, key) for key in self._keys]
290ODict = odict  # alias
292#from . import optimize
296class lodict(odict):
297    """
298    Lowercase odict ensures that all keys are lower case.
299    """
300    def __init__(self, *pa, **kwa):
301        """
302        lodict() -> new empty lodict instance.
304            lodict(pa1, pa2, ...) where pa = tuple of positional args,
305            (pa1, pa2, ...) each paX may be  a sequence of duples (k,v) or a dict
307            lodict(k1 = v1, k2 = v2, ...) where kwa = dictionary of keyword args,
308            {k1: v1, k2 : v2, ...}
309        """
310        super(lodict, self).__init__()  # must do this first
311        self.update(*pa, **kwa)
313    def __setitem__(self, key, val):
314        """
315        Make key lowercalse then setitem
316        """
317        super(lodict, self).__setitem__(key.lower(), val)
319    def __delitem__(self, key):
320        """
321        Make key lowercase then delitem
322        """
323        super(lodict, self).__delitem__(key.lower())
325    def __contains__(self, key):
326        """
327        Make key lowercase then test for inclusion
328        """
329        return super(lodict, self).__contains__(key.lower())
331    def __getitem__(self, key):
332        """
333        Make key lowercase then getitem
334        """
335        return super(lodict, self).__getitem__(key.lower())
337    def get(self, key, default=None):
338        """
339        May key lowercase then get
340        """
341        return super(lodict, self).get(key.lower(), default)
343    def setdefault(self, key, default=None, kind=None):
344        """
345        convert key to lower and then
347        If key is in the dictionary, return the val at key
349        If not, insert key with a value of default and return default.
350        The default value of default is None.
352        kind = callable is used to cast the returned value into a specific type.
354        Exceptions are suppressed and result in the default value being set
355        """
356        try:
357            val = super(lodict, self).__getitem__(key.lower())
358            return kind(val) if kind else val
359        except Exception:
360            super(lodict, self).__setitem__(key.lower(), default)
361        return default
364    def update(self, *pa, **kwa):
365        """
366        lodict.update(pa1, pa2, ...) where pa = tuple of positional args,
367        (pa1, pa2, ...) each paX may be  a sequence of duples (k,v) or a dict
369        lodict.update(k1 = v1, k2 = v2, ...) where kwa = dictionary of keyword args,
370        {k1: v1, k2 : v2, ...}
371        """
372        d = odict()
373        for a in pa:
374            if hasattr(a, 'get'): #positional arg is dictionary
375                for k in a:
376                    d[k.lower()] = a[k]
378            else: #positional arg is sequence of duples (k,v)
379                for k, v in a:
380                    d[k.lower()] = v
382        for k in kwa:
383            d[k.lower()] = kwa[k]
385        super(lodict, self).update(d)
390class modict(odict):
391    """
392    Multiple Ordered Dictionary. Inspired by other MultiDicts in the wild.
393    Associated with each key is a list of values.
394    Setting the value of an item appends the value to the list
395    associated with the item key.
396    Getting the value of an item returns the last
397    item in the list associated with the item key.
398    It behaves like an ordered dict
399    in that the order of item insertion is remembered.
401    There are special methods available to access or replace or append to
402    the full list of values for a given item key.
403    Aliases method names to match other multidict like interfaces like
404    webob.
405    """
407    def __init__(self, *pa, **kwa):
408        """
409        modict() -> new empty modict instance.
411        modict(pa1, pa2, ...) where pa = tuple of positional args,
412        (pa1, pa2, ...) each paX may be  a sequence of duples (k,v) or a dict
414        modict(k1 = v1, k2 = v2, ...) where kwa = dictionary of keyword args,
415        {k1: v1, k2 : v2, ...}
416        """
417        super(modict, self).__init__()  # must do this first
418        self.update(*pa, **kwa)
420    def __getitem__(self, key):
421        return super(modict, self).__getitem__(key)[-1] #newest
422    def __setitem__(self, key, value):
423        self.append(key, value) #append
424    def values(self):
425        return [v[-1] for v in super(modict, self).itervalues()]
426    def listvalues(self):
427        return [v for v in super(modict, self).itervalues()]
428    def allvalues(self):
429        return [v for k, vl in super(modict, self).iteritems() for v in vl]
430    def items(self):
431        return [(k, v[-1]) for k, v in super(modict, self).iteritems()]
432    def listitems(self):
433        return [(k, v) for k, v in super(modict, self).iteritems()]
434    def allitems(self):
435        return [(k, v) for k, vl in super(modict, self).iteritems() for v in vl]
437    def itervalues(self):
438        return (v[-1] for v in super(modict, self).itervalues())
439    def iterlistvalues(self):
440        return (v for v in super(modict, self).itervalues())
441    def iterallvalues(self):
442        return (v for k, vl in super(modict, self).iteritems() for v in vl)
443    def iteritems(self):
444        return ((k, v[-1]) for k, v in super(modict, self).iteritems())
445    def iterlistitems(self):
446        return ((k, v) for k, v in super(modict, self).iteritems())
447    def iterallitems(self):
448        return ((k, v) for k, vl in super(modict, self).iteritems() for v in vl)
450    def has_key(self, key):
451        return key in self
453    def append(self, key, value):
454        """
455        Add a new value to the list of values for this key.
456        """
457        super(modict, self).setdefault(key, []).append(value)
459    def copy(self):
460        return self.__class__(self)
462    def get(self, key, default=None, index=-1, kind=None):
463        """
464        Return the most recent value for a key, that is, the last element
465        in the keyed item's value list.
467        default = value to be returned if the key is not
468            present or the type conversion fails.
469        index = index into the keyed item's value list.
470        kind = callable is used to cast the value into a specific type.
471            Exception are suppressed and result in the default value
472            to be returned.
473        """
474        try:
475            val = self[key][index]
476            return kind(val) if kind else val
477        except Exception:
478            pass
479        return default
481    def getlist(self, key):
482        """
483        Return a (possibly empty) list of values for a key.
484        """
485        return super(modict, self).get(key) or []
487    def replace(self, key, value):
488        """
489        Replace the list of values with a single item list of value.
490        """
491        super(modict, self).__setitem__(key, [value])
493    def setdefault(self, key, default=None, kind=None):
494        """
495        If key is in the dictionary, return the last (most recent) element
496        from the keyed items's value list.
498        If not, insert key with a value of default and return default.
499        The default value of default is None.
501        kind = callable is used to cast the returned value into a specific type.
503        Exceptions are suppressed and result in the default value being set
504        """
505        try:
506            val = super(modict, self).__getitem__(key)
507            return kind(val[-1]) if kind else val[-1]
508        except Exception:
509            self.append(key, default)
510        return default
513    def pop(self, key, *pa, **kwa):
514        """
515        If key exists remove and return the indexed element of the key element
516        list else return the optional following positional argument.
517        If the optional positional arg is not provided and key does not exit
518        then raise KeyError. If provided the index keyword arg determines
519        which value in the key element list to return. Default is last element.
520        """
521        index = kwa.get('index', -1)
522        try:
523            val = super(modict, self).pop(key)
524        except KeyError:
525            if pa:
526                return pa[0]
527            else:
528                raise
530        return val[index]
532    def poplist(self, key, *pa):
533        """
534        If key exists remove and return keyed item's value list,
535        else return the optional following positional argument.
536        If the optional positional arg is not provided and key does not exit
537        then raise KeyError.
539        """
540        try:
541            val = super(modict, self).pop(key)
542        except KeyError:
543            if pa:
544                return pa[0]
545            else:
546                raise
548        return val
550    def popitem(self, last=True, index=-1):
551        """
552        Return and remove a key value pair. The index determines
553        which value in the keyed item's value list to return.
554        If last is True pop in LIFO order.
555        If last is False pop in FIFO order.
556        """
557        key, val = super(modict, self).popitem(last=last)
558        return (key, val[index])
560    def poplistitem(self, last=True):
561        """
562        Return and remove a key value list pair.
563        If last is True pop in LIFO order.
564        If last is False pop in FIFO order.
565        """
566        return (super(modict, self).popitem(last=last))
568    def fromkeys(self, seq, default=None):
569        """
570        Return new modict with keys from sequence seq with values set to default
571        """
572        return modict((k, default) for k in seq)
574    def update(self, *pa, **kwa):
575        """
576        modict.update(pa1, pa2, ...) where pa = tuple of positional args,
577        (pa1, pa2, ...) each paX may be  a sequence of duples (k,v) or a dict
579        modict.update(k1 = v1, k2 = v2, ...) where kwa = dictionary of keyword args,
580        {k1: v1, k2 : v2, ...}
581        """
582        for a in pa:
583            if isinstance(a, modict): #positional arg is modict
584                for k, v in a.iterallitems():
585                    self.append(k, v)
586            elif hasattr(a, 'get'): #positional arg is dictionary
587                for k, v in a.iteritems():
588                    self.append(k, v)
589            else: #positional arg is sequence of duples (k,v)
590                for k, v in a:
591                    self.append(k, v)
593        for k,v in kwa.items():
594            self.append(k, v)
596    # aliases to mimic other multi-dict APIs
597    getone = get
598    add = append
599    popall = poplist
603def TestPickle():
604    """tests ability of odict to be pickled and unpickled
607       New-style types can provide a __getnewargs__() method that is used for protocol 2.
609       Note that last phrase about requiring protocol 2.  Your
610       example works if you add a third parameter to pickle.dump()
611       with the value of 2.  Version 2 is not default.
613    """
614    import pickle
615    import StringIO
617    x = odict([('z',1),('a',2),('r',3)])
618    s = StringIO.StringIO()
619    pickle.dump(x,s,2)
620    s.seek(0)
621    y = pickle.load(s)
622    print(x)
623    print(y)
625    #empty odict
626    x = odict()
627    s = StringIO.StringIO()
628    pickle.dump(x,s,2)
629    s.seek(0)
630    y = pickle.load(s)
631    print(x)
632    print(y)
634def Test():
635    """Self test
637    """
638    seq = [('b', 1), ('c', 2), ('a', 3)]
639    dct = {}
640    for k,v in seq:
641        dct[k] = v
643    odct = odict()
644    for k,v in seq:
645        odct[k] = v
648    print("Intialized from sequence of duples 'seq' = %s" % seq)
649    x = odict(seq)
650    print("   odict(seq) = %s" % x)
652    print("Initialized from unordered dictionary 'dct' = %s" % dct)
653    x = odict(dct)
654    print("   odict(dct) = %s" % x)
656    print("Initialized from ordered dictionary 'odct' = %s" % odct)
657    x = odict(odct)
658    print("   odict(odct) = %s" % x)
660    print("Initialized from keyword arguments 'b = 1, c = 2, a = 3'")
661    x = odict(b = 1, c = 2, a = 3)
662    print("   odict(b = 1, c = 2, a = 3) = %s" % x)
664    print("Initialized from mixed arguments")
665    x = odict(odct, seq, [('e', 4)], d = 5)
666    print("   odict(odct, seq, d = 4) = %s" % x)