1# Note: This docstring is also used by this script's command line help.
2"""A one-stop helper for desktop app to acquire an authorization code.
4It starts a web server to listen redirect_uri, waiting for auth code.
5It optionally opens a browser window to guide a human user to manually login.
6After obtaining an auth code, the web server will automatically shut down.
8import logging
9import socket
10from string import Template
12try:  # Python 3
13    from http.server import HTTPServer, BaseHTTPRequestHandler
14    from urllib.parse import urlparse, parse_qs, urlencode
15except ImportError:  # Fall back to Python 2
16    from BaseHTTPServer import HTTPServer, BaseHTTPRequestHandler
17    from urlparse import urlparse, parse_qs
18    from urllib import urlencode
21logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
24def obtain_auth_code(listen_port, auth_uri=None):  # Historically only used in testing
25    with AuthCodeReceiver(port=listen_port) as receiver:
26        return receiver.get_auth_response(
27            auth_uri=auth_uri,
28            welcome_template="""<html><body>
29                Open this link to <a href='$auth_uri'>Sign In</a>
30                (You may want to use incognito window)
31                <hr><a href='$abort_uri'>Abort</a>
32                </body></html>""",
33            ).get("code")
36def _browse(auth_uri):  # throws ImportError, possibly webbrowser.Error in future
37    import webbrowser  # Lazy import. Some distro may not have this.
38    return webbrowser.open(auth_uri)  # Use default browser. Customizable by $BROWSER
41def _qs2kv(qs):
42    """Flatten parse_qs()'s single-item lists into the item itself"""
43    return {k: v[0] if isinstance(v, list) and len(v) == 1 else v
44        for k, v in qs.items()}
47class _AuthCodeHandler(BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
48    def do_GET(self):
49        # For flexibility, we choose to not check self.path matching redirect_uri
50        #assert self.path.startswith('/THE_PATH_REGISTERED_BY_THE_APP')
51        qs = parse_qs(urlparse(self.path).query)
52        if qs.get('code') or qs.get("error"):  # So, it is an auth response
53            self.server.auth_response = _qs2kv(qs)
54            logger.debug("Got auth response: %s", self.server.auth_response)
55            template = (self.server.success_template
56                if "code" in qs else self.server.error_template)
57            self._send_full_response(
58                template.safe_substitute(**self.server.auth_response))
59            # NOTE: Don't do self.server.shutdown() here. It'll halt the server.
60        else:
61            self._send_full_response(self.server.welcome_page)
63    def _send_full_response(self, body, is_ok=True):
64        self.send_response(200 if is_ok else 400)
65        content_type = 'text/html' if body.startswith('<') else 'text/plain'
66        self.send_header('Content-type', content_type)
67        self.end_headers()
68        self.wfile.write(body.encode("utf-8"))
70    def log_message(self, format, *args):
71        logger.debug(format, *args)  # To override the default log-to-stderr behavior
74class _AuthCodeHttpServer(HTTPServer):
75    def handle_timeout(self):
76        # It will be triggered when no request comes in self.timeout seconds.
77        # See https://docs.python.org/3/library/socketserver.html#socketserver.BaseServer.handle_timeout
78        raise RuntimeError("Timeout. No auth response arrived.")  # Terminates this server
79            # We choose to not call self.server_close() here,
80            # because it would cause a socket.error exception in handle_request(),
81            # and likely end up the server being server_close() twice.
84class _AuthCodeHttpServer6(_AuthCodeHttpServer):
85    address_family = socket.AF_INET6
88class AuthCodeReceiver(object):
89    # This class has (rather than is) an _AuthCodeHttpServer, so it does not leak API
90    def __init__(self, port=None):
91        """Create a Receiver waiting for incoming auth response.
93        :param port:
94            The local web server will listen at http://...:<port>
95            You need to use the same port when you register with your app.
96            If your Identity Provider supports dynamic port, you can use port=0 here.
97            Port 0 means to use an arbitrary unused port, per this official example:
98            https://docs.python.org/2.7/library/socketserver.html#asynchronous-mixins
99        """
100        address = ""  # Hardcode, for now, Not sure what to expose, yet.
101            # Per RFC 8252 (https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc8252#section-8.3):
102            #   * Clients should listen on the loopback network interface only.
103            #     (It is not recommended to use "" shortcut to bind all addr.)
104            #   * the use of localhost is NOT RECOMMENDED.
105            #     (Use) the loopback IP literal
106            #     rather than localhost avoids inadvertently listening on network
107            #     interfaces other than the loopback interface.
108            # Note:
109            #   When this server physically listens to a specific IP (as it should),
110            #   you will still be able to specify your redirect_uri using either
111            #   IP (e.g. or localhost, whichever matches your registration.
112        Server = _AuthCodeHttpServer6 if ":" in address else _AuthCodeHttpServer
113            # TODO: But, it would treat "localhost" or "" as IPv4.
114            # If pressed, we might just expose a family parameter to caller.
115        self._server = Server((address, port or 0), _AuthCodeHandler)
117    def get_port(self):
118        """The port this server actually listening to"""
119        # https://docs.python.org/2.7/library/socketserver.html#SocketServer.BaseServer.server_address
120        return self._server.server_address[1]
122    def get_auth_response(self, auth_uri=None, timeout=None, state=None,
123            welcome_template=None, success_template=None, error_template=None,
124            auth_uri_callback=None,
125            ):
126        """Wait and return the auth response. Raise RuntimeError when timeout.
128        :param str auth_uri:
129            If provided, this function will try to open a local browser.
130        :param int timeout: In seconds. None means wait indefinitely.
131        :param str state:
132            You may provide the state you used in auth_uri,
133            then we will use it to validate incoming response.
134        :param str welcome_template:
135            If provided, your end user will see it instead of the auth_uri.
136            When present, it shall be a plaintext or html template following
137            `Python Template string syntax <https://docs.python.org/3/library/string.html#template-strings>`_,
138            and include some of these placeholders: $auth_uri and $abort_uri.
139        :param str success_template:
140            The page will be displayed when authentication was largely successful.
141            Placeholders can be any of these:
142            https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6749#section-5.1
143        :param str error_template:
144            The page will be displayed when authentication encountered error.
145            Placeholders can be any of these:
146            https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6749#section-5.2
147        :param callable auth_uri_callback:
148            A function with the shape of lambda auth_uri: ...
149            When a browser was unable to be launch, this function will be called,
150            so that the app could tell user to manually visit the auth_uri.
151        :return:
152            The auth response of the first leg of Auth Code flow,
153            typically {"code": "...", "state": "..."} or {"error": "...", ...}
154            See https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6749#section-4.1.2
155            and https://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-core-1_0.html#AuthResponse
156            Returns None when the state was mismatched, or when timeout occurred.
157        """
158        welcome_uri = "http://localhost:{p}".format(p=self.get_port())
159        abort_uri = "{loc}?error=abort".format(loc=welcome_uri)
160        logger.debug("Abort by visit %s", abort_uri)
161        self._server.welcome_page = Template(welcome_template or "").safe_substitute(
162            auth_uri=auth_uri, abort_uri=abort_uri)
163        if auth_uri:  # Now attempt to open a local browser to visit it
164            _uri = welcome_uri if welcome_template else auth_uri
165            logger.info("Open a browser on this device to visit: %s" % _uri)
166            browser_opened = False
167            try:
168                browser_opened = _browse(_uri)
169            except:  # Had to use broad except, because the potential
170                     # webbrowser.Error is purposely undefined outside of _browse().
171                # Absorb and proceed. Because browser could be manually run elsewhere.
172                logger.exception("_browse(...) unsuccessful")
173            if not browser_opened:
174                if not auth_uri_callback:
175                    logger.warning(
176                        "Found no browser in current environment. "
177                        "If this program is being run inside a container "
178                        "which has access to host network "
179                        "(i.e. started by `docker run --net=host -it ...`), "
180                        "you can use browser on host to visit the following link. "
181                        "Otherwise, this auth attempt would either timeout "
182                        "(current timeout setting is {timeout}) "
183                        "or be aborted by CTRL+C. Auth URI: {auth_uri}".format(
184                            auth_uri=_uri, timeout=timeout))
185                else:  # Then it is the auth_uri_callback()'s job to inform the user
186                    auth_uri_callback(_uri)
188        self._server.success_template = Template(success_template or
189            "Authentication completed. You can close this window now.")
190        self._server.error_template = Template(error_template or
191            "Authentication failed. $error: $error_description. ($error_uri)")
193        self._server.timeout = timeout  # Otherwise its handle_timeout() won't work
194        self._server.auth_response = {}  # Shared with _AuthCodeHandler
195        while True:
196            # Derived from
197            # https://docs.python.org/2/library/basehttpserver.html#more-examples
198            self._server.handle_request()
199            if self._server.auth_response:
200                if state and state != self._server.auth_response.get("state"):
201                    logger.debug("State mismatch. Ignoring this noise.")
202                else:
203                    break
204        return self._server.auth_response
206    def close(self):
207        """Either call this eventually; or use the entire class as context manager"""
208        self._server.server_close()
210    def __enter__(self):
211        return self
213    def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):
214        self.close()
216# Note: Manually use or test this module by:
217#       python -m path.to.this.file -h
218if __name__ == '__main__':
219    import argparse, json
220    from .oauth2 import Client
221    logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO)
222    p = parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
223        formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter,
224        description=__doc__ + "The auth code received will be shown at stdout.")
225    p.add_argument(
226        '--endpoint', help="The auth endpoint for your app.",
227        default="https://login.microsoftonline.com/common/oauth2/v2.0/authorize")
228    p.add_argument('client_id', help="The client_id of your application")
229    p.add_argument('--port', type=int, default=0, help="The port in redirect_uri")
230    p.add_argument('--host', default="", help="The host of redirect_uri")
231    p.add_argument('--scope', default=None, help="The scope list")
232    args = parser.parse_args()
233    client = Client({"authorization_endpoint": args.endpoint}, args.client_id)
234    with AuthCodeReceiver(port=args.port) as receiver:
235        flow = client.initiate_auth_code_flow(
236            scope=args.scope.split() if args.scope else None,
237            redirect_uri="http://{h}:{p}".format(h=args.host, p=receiver.get_port()),
238            )
239        print(json.dumps(receiver.get_auth_response(
240            auth_uri=flow["auth_uri"],
241            welcome_template=
242                "<a href='$auth_uri'>Sign In</a>, or <a href='$abort_uri'>Abort</a",
243            error_template="Oh no. $error",
244            success_template="Oh yeah. Got $code",
245            timeout=60,
246            state=flow["state"],  # Optional
247            ), indent=4))