1# coding: utf-8
2# Modified Work: Copyright (c) 2016, 2021, Oracle and/or its affiliates.  All rights reserved.
3# This software is dual-licensed to you under the Universal Permissive License (UPL) 1.0 as shown at https://oss.oracle.com/licenses/upl or Apache License 2.0 as shown at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0. You may choose either license.
4# Copyright 2008-2016 Andrey Petrov and contributors
6from __future__ import absolute_import
8import datetime
9import logging
10import os
11import re
12import socket
13import warnings
14from socket import error as SocketError
15from socket import timeout as SocketTimeout
17from .packages import six
18from .packages.six.moves.http_client import HTTPConnection as _HTTPConnection
19from .packages.six.moves.http_client import HTTPException  # noqa: F401
20from .util.proxy import create_proxy_ssl_context
22try:  # Compiled with SSL?
23    import ssl
25    BaseSSLError = ssl.SSLError
26except (ImportError, AttributeError):  # Platform-specific: No SSL.
27    ssl = None
29    class BaseSSLError(BaseException):
30        pass
34    # Python 3: not a no-op, we're adding this to the namespace so it can be imported.
35    ConnectionError = ConnectionError
36except NameError:
37    # Python 2
38    class ConnectionError(Exception):
39        pass
42try:  # Python 3:
43    # Not a no-op, we're adding this to the namespace so it can be imported.
44    BrokenPipeError = BrokenPipeError
45except NameError:  # Python 2:
47    class BrokenPipeError(Exception):
48        pass
51from ._collections import HTTPHeaderDict  # noqa (historical, removed in v2)
52from ._version import __version__
53from .exceptions import (
54    ConnectTimeoutError,
55    NewConnectionError,
56    SubjectAltNameWarning,
57    SystemTimeWarning,
59from .packages.ssl_match_hostname import CertificateError, match_hostname
60from .util import SKIP_HEADER, SKIPPABLE_HEADERS, connection
61from .util.ssl_ import (
62    assert_fingerprint,
63    create_urllib3_context,
64    resolve_cert_reqs,
65    resolve_ssl_version,
66    ssl_wrap_socket,
69log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
71port_by_scheme = {"http": 80, "https": 443}
73# When it comes time to update this value as a part of regular maintenance
74# (ie test_recent_date is failing) update it to ~6 months before the current date.
75RECENT_DATE = datetime.date(2020, 7, 1)
77_CONTAINS_CONTROL_CHAR_RE = re.compile(r"[^-!#$%&'*+.^_`|~0-9a-zA-Z]")
80class HTTPConnection(_HTTPConnection, object):
81    """
82    Based on :class:`http.client.HTTPConnection` but provides an extra constructor
83    backwards-compatibility layer between older and newer Pythons.
85    Additional keyword parameters are used to configure attributes of the connection.
86    Accepted parameters include:
88    - ``strict``: See the documentation on :class:`urllib3.connectionpool.HTTPConnectionPool`
89    - ``source_address``: Set the source address for the current connection.
90    - ``socket_options``: Set specific options on the underlying socket. If not specified, then
91      defaults are loaded from ``HTTPConnection.default_socket_options`` which includes disabling
92      Nagle's algorithm (sets TCP_NODELAY to 1) unless the connection is behind a proxy.
94      For example, if you wish to enable TCP Keep Alive in addition to the defaults,
95      you might pass:
97      .. code-block:: python
99         HTTPConnection.default_socket_options + [
100             (socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_KEEPALIVE, 1),
101         ]
103      Or you may want to disable the defaults by passing an empty list (e.g., ``[]``).
104    """
106    default_port = port_by_scheme["http"]
108    #: Disable Nagle's algorithm by default.
109    #: ``[(socket.IPPROTO_TCP, socket.TCP_NODELAY, 1)]``
110    default_socket_options = [(socket.IPPROTO_TCP, socket.TCP_NODELAY, 1)]
112    #: Whether this connection verifies the host's certificate.
113    is_verified = False
115    def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
116        if not six.PY2:
117            kw.pop("strict", None)
119        # Pre-set source_address.
120        self.source_address = kw.get("source_address")
122        #: The socket options provided by the user. If no options are
123        #: provided, we use the default options.
124        self.socket_options = kw.pop("socket_options", self.default_socket_options)
126        # Proxy options provided by the user.
127        self.proxy = kw.pop("proxy", None)
128        self.proxy_config = kw.pop("proxy_config", None)
130        _HTTPConnection.__init__(self, *args, **kw)
132    @property
133    def host(self):
134        """
135        Getter method to remove any trailing dots that indicate the hostname is an FQDN.
137        In general, SSL certificates don't include the trailing dot indicating a
138        fully-qualified domain name, and thus, they don't validate properly when
139        checked against a domain name that includes the dot. In addition, some
140        servers may not expect to receive the trailing dot when provided.
142        However, the hostname with trailing dot is critical to DNS resolution; doing a
143        lookup with the trailing dot will properly only resolve the appropriate FQDN,
144        whereas a lookup without a trailing dot will search the system's search domain
145        list. Thus, it's important to keep the original host around for use only in
146        those cases where it's appropriate (i.e., when doing DNS lookup to establish the
147        actual TCP connection across which we're going to send HTTP requests).
148        """
149        return self._dns_host.rstrip(".")
151    @host.setter
152    def host(self, value):
153        """
154        Setter for the `host` property.
156        We assume that only urllib3 uses the _dns_host attribute; httplib itself
157        only uses `host`, and it seems reasonable that other libraries follow suit.
158        """
159        self._dns_host = value
161    def _new_conn(self):
162        """Establish a socket connection and set nodelay settings on it.
164        :return: New socket connection.
165        """
166        extra_kw = {}
167        if self.source_address:
168            extra_kw["source_address"] = self.source_address
170        if self.socket_options:
171            extra_kw["socket_options"] = self.socket_options
173        try:
174            conn = connection.create_connection(
175                (self._dns_host, self.port), self.timeout, **extra_kw
176            )
178        except SocketTimeout:
179            raise ConnectTimeoutError(
180                self,
181                "Connection to %s timed out. (connect timeout=%s)"
182                % (self.host, self.timeout),
183            )
185        except SocketError as e:
186            raise NewConnectionError(
187                self, "Failed to establish a new connection: %s" % e
188            )
190        return conn
192    def _is_using_tunnel(self):
193        # Google App Engine's httplib does not define _tunnel_host
194        return getattr(self, "_tunnel_host", None)
196    def _prepare_conn(self, conn):
197        self.sock = conn
198        if self._is_using_tunnel():
199            # TODO: Fix tunnel so it doesn't depend on self.sock state.
200            self._tunnel()
201            # Mark this connection as not reusable
202            self.auto_open = 0
204    def connect(self):
205        conn = self._new_conn()
206        self._prepare_conn(conn)
208    def putrequest(self, method, url, *args, **kwargs):
209        """"""
210        # Empty docstring because the indentation of CPython's implementation
211        # is broken but we don't want this method in our documentation.
212        match = _CONTAINS_CONTROL_CHAR_RE.search(method)
213        if match:
214            raise ValueError(
215                "Method cannot contain non-token characters %r (found at least %r)"
216                % (method, match.group())
217            )
219        return _HTTPConnection.putrequest(self, method, url, *args, **kwargs)
221    def putheader(self, header, *values):
222        """"""
223        if not any(isinstance(v, str) and v == SKIP_HEADER for v in values):
224            _HTTPConnection.putheader(self, header, *values)
225        elif six.ensure_str(header.lower()) not in SKIPPABLE_HEADERS:
226            raise ValueError(
227                "urllib3.util.SKIP_HEADER only supports '%s'"
228                % ("', '".join(map(str.title, sorted(SKIPPABLE_HEADERS))),)
229            )
231    def request(self, method, url, body=None, headers=None):
232        if headers is None:
233            headers = {}
234        else:
235            # Avoid modifying the headers passed into .request()
236            headers = headers.copy()
237        if "user-agent" not in (six.ensure_str(k.lower()) for k in headers):
238            headers["User-Agent"] = _get_default_user_agent()
239        super(HTTPConnection, self).request(method, url, body=body, headers=headers)
241    def request_chunked(self, method, url, body=None, headers=None):
242        """
243        Alternative to the common request method, which sends the
244        body with chunked encoding and not as one block
245        """
246        headers = headers or {}
247        header_keys = set([six.ensure_str(k.lower()) for k in headers])
248        skip_accept_encoding = "accept-encoding" in header_keys
249        skip_host = "host" in header_keys
250        self.putrequest(
251            method, url, skip_accept_encoding=skip_accept_encoding, skip_host=skip_host
252        )
253        if "user-agent" not in header_keys:
254            self.putheader("User-Agent", _get_default_user_agent())
255        for header, value in headers.items():
256            self.putheader(header, value)
257        if "transfer-encoding" not in headers:
258            self.putheader("Transfer-Encoding", "chunked")
259        self.endheaders()
261        if body is not None:
262            stringish_types = six.string_types + (bytes,)
263            if isinstance(body, stringish_types):
264                body = (body,)
265            for chunk in body:
266                if not chunk:
267                    continue
268                if not isinstance(chunk, bytes):
269                    chunk = chunk.encode("utf8")
270                len_str = hex(len(chunk))[2:]
271                to_send = bytearray(len_str.encode())
272                to_send += b"\r\n"
273                to_send += chunk
274                to_send += b"\r\n"
275                self.send(to_send)
277        # After the if clause, to always have a closed body
278        self.send(b"0\r\n\r\n")
281class HTTPSConnection(HTTPConnection):
282    """
283    Many of the parameters to this constructor are passed to the underlying SSL
284    socket by means of :py:func:`urllib3.util.ssl_wrap_socket`.
285    """
287    default_port = port_by_scheme["https"]
289    cert_reqs = None
290    ca_certs = None
291    ca_cert_dir = None
292    ca_cert_data = None
293    ssl_version = None
294    assert_fingerprint = None
295    tls_in_tls_required = False
297    def __init__(
298        self,
299        host,
300        port=None,
301        key_file=None,
302        cert_file=None,
303        key_password=None,
304        strict=None,
305        timeout=socket._GLOBAL_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT,
306        ssl_context=None,
307        server_hostname=None,
308        **kw
309    ):
311        HTTPConnection.__init__(self, host, port, strict=strict, timeout=timeout, **kw)
313        self.key_file = key_file
314        self.cert_file = cert_file
315        self.key_password = key_password
316        self.ssl_context = ssl_context
317        self.server_hostname = server_hostname
319        # Required property for Google AppEngine 1.9.0 which otherwise causes
320        # HTTPS requests to go out as HTTP. (See Issue #356)
321        self._protocol = "https"
323    def set_cert(
324        self,
325        key_file=None,
326        cert_file=None,
327        cert_reqs=None,
328        key_password=None,
329        ca_certs=None,
330        assert_hostname=None,
331        assert_fingerprint=None,
332        ca_cert_dir=None,
333        ca_cert_data=None,
334    ):
335        """
336        This method should only be called once, before the connection is used.
337        """
338        # If cert_reqs is not provided we'll assume CERT_REQUIRED unless we also
339        # have an SSLContext object in which case we'll use its verify_mode.
340        if cert_reqs is None:
341            if self.ssl_context is not None:
342                cert_reqs = self.ssl_context.verify_mode
343            else:
344                cert_reqs = resolve_cert_reqs(None)
346        self.key_file = key_file
347        self.cert_file = cert_file
348        self.cert_reqs = cert_reqs
349        self.key_password = key_password
350        self.assert_hostname = assert_hostname
351        self.assert_fingerprint = assert_fingerprint
352        self.ca_certs = ca_certs and os.path.expanduser(ca_certs)
353        self.ca_cert_dir = ca_cert_dir and os.path.expanduser(ca_cert_dir)
354        self.ca_cert_data = ca_cert_data
356    def connect(self):
357        # Add certificate verification
358        conn = self._new_conn()
359        hostname = self.host
360        tls_in_tls = False
362        if self._is_using_tunnel():
363            if self.tls_in_tls_required:
364                conn = self._connect_tls_proxy(hostname, conn)
365                tls_in_tls = True
367            self.sock = conn
369            # Calls self._set_hostport(), so self.host is
370            # self._tunnel_host below.
371            self._tunnel()
372            # Mark this connection as not reusable
373            self.auto_open = 0
375            # Override the host with the one we're requesting data from.
376            hostname = self._tunnel_host
378        server_hostname = hostname
379        if self.server_hostname is not None:
380            server_hostname = self.server_hostname
382        is_time_off = datetime.date.today() < RECENT_DATE
383        if is_time_off:
384            warnings.warn(
385                (
386                    "System time is way off (before {0}). This will probably "
387                    "lead to SSL verification errors"
388                ).format(RECENT_DATE),
389                SystemTimeWarning,
390            )
392        # Wrap socket using verification with the root certs in
393        # trusted_root_certs
394        default_ssl_context = False
395        if self.ssl_context is None:
396            default_ssl_context = True
397            self.ssl_context = create_urllib3_context(
398                ssl_version=resolve_ssl_version(self.ssl_version),
399                cert_reqs=resolve_cert_reqs(self.cert_reqs),
400            )
402        context = self.ssl_context
403        context.verify_mode = resolve_cert_reqs(self.cert_reqs)
405        # Try to load OS default certs if none are given.
406        # Works well on Windows (requires Python3.4+)
407        if (
408            not self.ca_certs
409            and not self.ca_cert_dir
410            and not self.ca_cert_data
411            and default_ssl_context
412            and hasattr(context, "load_default_certs")
413        ):
414            context.load_default_certs()
416        self.sock = ssl_wrap_socket(
417            sock=conn,
418            keyfile=self.key_file,
419            certfile=self.cert_file,
420            key_password=self.key_password,
421            ca_certs=self.ca_certs,
422            ca_cert_dir=self.ca_cert_dir,
423            ca_cert_data=self.ca_cert_data,
424            server_hostname=server_hostname,
425            ssl_context=context,
426            tls_in_tls=tls_in_tls,
427        )
429        # If we're using all defaults and the connection
430        # is TLSv1 or TLSv1.1 we throw a DeprecationWarning
431        # for the host.
432        if (
433            default_ssl_context
434            and self.ssl_version is None
435            and hasattr(self.sock, "version")
436            and self.sock.version() in {"TLSv1", "TLSv1.1"}
437        ):
438            warnings.warn(
439                "Negotiating TLSv1/TLSv1.1 by default is deprecated "
440                "and will be disabled in urllib3 v2.0.0. Connecting to "
441                "'%s' with '%s' can be enabled by explicitly opting-in "
442                "with 'ssl_version'" % (self.host, self.sock.version()),
443                DeprecationWarning,
444            )
446        if self.assert_fingerprint:
447            assert_fingerprint(
448                self.sock.getpeercert(binary_form=True), self.assert_fingerprint
449            )
450        elif (
451            context.verify_mode != ssl.CERT_NONE
452            and not getattr(context, "check_hostname", False)
453            and self.assert_hostname is not False
454        ):
455            # While urllib3 attempts to always turn off hostname matching from
456            # the TLS library, this cannot always be done. So we check whether
457            # the TLS Library still thinks it's matching hostnames.
458            cert = self.sock.getpeercert()
459            if not cert.get("subjectAltName", ()):
460                warnings.warn(
461                    (
462                        "Certificate for {0} has no `subjectAltName`, falling back to check for a "
463                        "`commonName` for now. This feature is being removed by major browsers and "
464                        "deprecated by RFC 2818. (See https://github.com/urllib3/urllib3/issues/497 "
465                        "for details.)".format(hostname)
466                    ),
467                    SubjectAltNameWarning,
468                )
469            _match_hostname(cert, self.assert_hostname or server_hostname)
471        self.is_verified = (
472            context.verify_mode == ssl.CERT_REQUIRED
473            or self.assert_fingerprint is not None
474        )
476    def _connect_tls_proxy(self, hostname, conn):
477        """
478        Establish a TLS connection to the proxy using the provided SSL context.
479        """
480        proxy_config = self.proxy_config
481        ssl_context = proxy_config.ssl_context
482        if ssl_context:
483            # If the user provided a proxy context, we assume CA and client
484            # certificates have already been set
485            return ssl_wrap_socket(
486                sock=conn,
487                server_hostname=hostname,
488                ssl_context=ssl_context,
489            )
491        ssl_context = create_proxy_ssl_context(
492            self.ssl_version,
493            self.cert_reqs,
494            self.ca_certs,
495            self.ca_cert_dir,
496            self.ca_cert_data,
497        )
498        # By default urllib3's SSLContext disables `check_hostname` and uses
499        # a custom check. For proxies we're good with relying on the default
500        # verification.
501        ssl_context.check_hostname = True
503        # If no cert was provided, use only the default options for server
504        # certificate validation
505        return ssl_wrap_socket(
506            sock=conn,
507            ca_certs=self.ca_certs,
508            ca_cert_dir=self.ca_cert_dir,
509            ca_cert_data=self.ca_cert_data,
510            server_hostname=hostname,
511            ssl_context=ssl_context,
512        )
515def _match_hostname(cert, asserted_hostname):
516    try:
517        match_hostname(cert, asserted_hostname)
518    except CertificateError as e:
519        log.warning(
520            "Certificate did not match expected hostname: %s. Certificate: %s",
521            asserted_hostname,
522            cert,
523        )
524        # Add cert to exception and reraise so client code can inspect
525        # the cert when catching the exception, if they want to
526        e._peer_cert = cert
527        raise
530def _get_default_user_agent():
531    return "python-urllib3/%s" % __version__
534class DummyConnection(object):
535    """Used to detect a failed ConnectionCls import."""
537    pass
540if not ssl:
541    HTTPSConnection = DummyConnection  # noqa: F811
544VerifiedHTTPSConnection = HTTPSConnection