1import sys, os
2import shutil
3from colorama import init
4from termcolor import colored
7def define_input(proto_input_dir,git_repository_url,git_repository_token):
8    """
9    :param args: command line args
10    :type args: argparse.Namespace
11    :return: route of the inputdir
12    :type: str
13    """
14    input_dir = proto_input_dir
16    # cloning repository
18    if git_repository_url != '':
19        command = ''
20        if str(git_repository_url).lower().find("gitlab") != -1:
21            command = "git clone https://oauth2:" + git_repository_token + "@" + str(git_repository_url).replace("https://",
22                                                                                                    "").replace(
23                "http://", "")
24        elif str(git_repository_url).lower().find("github") != -1:
25            command = "git clone https://" + git_repository_token + "@" + str(git_repository_url).replace("https://", "").replace(
26                "http://", "")
27        if (command == ''):
28            raise ValueError('only support gitlab and github repositories')
29        print(command)
30        out = os.system(command + " proto_temp")
31        # change input dir for clone dir
32        input_dir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "proto_temp")
33    else:
34        input_dir = os.popen("pwd").read().rstrip("\n\r")
35        if str(proto_input_dir).startswith("./"):
36            input_dir = os.path.join(input_dir, str(proto_input_dir).replace("./", ""))
37        elif str(proto_input_dir) == '.':
38            raise ValueError('-d , --dir   args not target to root folder, locate proto \
39files in a subfolder. example: ./myProtos')
40        else:
41            input_dir = proto_input_dir
42    return str(input_dir)