1# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
3# Copyright (c) 2013-2019, PyInstaller Development Team.
5# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License with exception
6# for distributing bootloader.
8# The full license is in the file COPYING.txt, distributed with this software.
12import codecs
13import struct
15from ...compat import is_py3, text_read_mode, win32api
17# ::TODO:: #1920 revert to using pypi version
18import pefile
21# TODO implement read/write version information with pefile library.
22# PE version info doc: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms646981.aspx
23def pefile_read_version(filename):
24    """
25    Return structure like:
27    {
28        # Translation independent information.
29        # VS_FIXEDFILEINFO - Contains version information about a file. This information is language and code page independent.
30        u'FileVersion':      (1, 2, 3, 4),
31        u'ProductVersion':   (9, 10, 11, 12),
33        # PE files might contain several translations of version information.
34        # VS_VERSIONINFO - Depicts the organization of data in a file-version resource. It is the root structure that contains all other file-version information structures.
35        u'translations': {
36            'lang_id1' : {
37                u'Comments':         u'日本語, Unicode 対応.',
38                u'CompanyName':      u'your company.',
39                u'FileDescription':  u'your file desc.',
40                u'FileVersion':      u'1, 2, 3, 4',
41                u'InternalName':     u'your internal name.',
42                u'LegalCopyright':   u'your legal copyright.',
43                u'LegalTrademarks':  u'your legal trademarks.',
44                u'OriginalFilename': u'your original filename.',
45                u'PrivateBuild':     u'5, 6, 7, 8',
46                u'ProductName':      u'your product name',
47                u'ProductVersion':   u'9, 10, 11, 12',
48                u'SpecialBuild':     u'13, 14, 15, 16',
49            },
51            'lang_id2' : {
52                ...
53            }
54        }
55    }
57    Version info can contain multiple languages.
58    """
59    # TODO
60    vers = {
61        'FileVersion': (0, 0, 0, 0),
62        'ProductVersion': (0, 0, 0, 0),
63        'translations': {
64            'lang_id1': {
65                'Comments': '',
66                'CompanyName': '',
67                'FileDescription': '',
68                'FileVersion': '',
69                'InternalName': '',
70                'LegalCopyright': '',
71                'LegalTrademarks': '',
72                'OriginalFilename': '',
73                'PrivateBuild': '',
74                'ProductName': '',
75                'ProductVersion': '',
76                'SpecialBuild': '',
77            }
78        }
79    }
80    pe = pefile.PE(filename)
81    #ffi = pe.VS_FIXEDFILEINFO
82    #vers['FileVersion'] = (ffi.FileVersionMS >> 16, ffi.FileVersionMS & 0xFFFF, ffi.FileVersionLS >> 16, ffi.FileVersionLS & 0xFFFF)
83    #vers['ProductVersion'] = (ffi.ProductVersionMS >> 16, ffi.ProductVersionMS & 0xFFFF, ffi.ProductVersionLS >> 16, ffi.ProductVersionLS & 0xFFFF)
84    #print(pe.VS_FIXEDFILEINFO.FileVersionMS)
85    # TODO Only first available language is used for now.
86    #vers = pe.FileInfo[0].StringTable[0].entries
87    from pprint import pprint
88    pprint(pe.VS_FIXEDFILEINFO)
89    print(dir(pe.VS_FIXEDFILEINFO))
90    print(repr(pe.VS_FIXEDFILEINFO))
91    print(pe.dump_info())
92    pe.close()
93    return vers
97# Ensures no code from the executable is executed.
101if is_py3:
102    def getRaw(text):
103        """
104        Encodes text as UTF-16LE (Microsoft 'Unicode') for use in structs.
105        `bytes` is not allowed on Python 3.
106        """
107        return text.encode('UTF-16LE')
109    def getRaw(text):
110        """
111        Encodes text as UTF-16LE (Microsoft 'Unicode') for use in structs.
112        `unicode` is encoded to UTF-16LE, and `str` is first decoded from
113        `mbcs` before being re-encoded.
114        """
115        if isinstance(text, str):
116            text = text.decode('mbcs', errors='replace')
118        return text.encode('UTF-16LE')
121def decode(pathnm):
122    h = win32api.LoadLibraryEx(pathnm, 0, LOAD_LIBRARY_AS_DATAFILE)
123    res = win32api.EnumResourceNames(h, pefile.RESOURCE_TYPE['RT_VERSION'])
124    if not len(res):
125        return None
126    data = win32api.LoadResource(h, pefile.RESOURCE_TYPE['RT_VERSION'],
127                                 res[0])
128    vs = VSVersionInfo()
129    j = vs.fromRaw(data)
130    win32api.FreeLibrary(h)
131    return vs
134def nextDWord(offset):
135    """ Align `offset` to the next 4-byte boundary """
136    return ((offset + 3) >> 2) << 2
138if is_py3:
139    def _py3_str_compat(cls):
140        """
141        On Python 3, the special method __str__ is equivalent to the Python 2
142        method __unicode__.
143        """
144        cls.__str__ = cls.__unicode__
145        return cls
147    def _py3_str_compat(cls):
148        return cls
151class VSVersionInfo:
152    """
153    WORD  wLength;        // length of the VS_VERSION_INFO structure
154    WORD  wValueLength;   // length of the Value member
155    WORD  wType;          // 1 means text, 0 means binary
156    WCHAR szKey[];        // Contains the Unicode string "VS_VERSION_INFO".
157    WORD  Padding1[];
159    WORD  Padding2[];
160    WORD  Children[];     // zero or more StringFileInfo or VarFileInfo
161                          // structures (or both) that are children of the
162                          // current version structure.
163    """
165    def __init__(self, ffi=None, kids=None):
166        self.ffi = ffi
167        self.kids = kids or []
169    def fromRaw(self, data):
170        i, (sublen, vallen, wType, nm) = parseCommon(data)
171        #vallen is length of the ffi, typ is 0, nm is 'VS_VERSION_INFO'.
172        i = nextDWord(i)
173        # Now a VS_FIXEDFILEINFO
174        self.ffi = FixedFileInfo()
175        j = self.ffi.fromRaw(data, i)
176        i = j
177        while i < sublen:
178            j = i
179            i, (csublen, cvallen, ctyp, nm) = parseCommon(data, i)
180            if nm.strip() == u'StringFileInfo':
181                sfi = StringFileInfo()
182                k = sfi.fromRaw(csublen, cvallen, nm, data, i, j+csublen)
183                self.kids.append(sfi)
184                i = k
185            else:
186                vfi = VarFileInfo()
187                k = vfi.fromRaw(csublen, cvallen, nm, data, i, j+csublen)
188                self.kids.append(vfi)
189                i = k
190            i = j + csublen
191            i = nextDWord(i)
192        return i
194    def toRaw(self):
195        raw_name = getRaw(u'VS_VERSION_INFO')
196        rawffi = self.ffi.toRaw()
197        vallen = len(rawffi)
198        typ = 0
199        sublen = 6 + len(raw_name) + 2
200        pad = b''
201        if sublen % 4:
202            pad = b'\000\000'
203        sublen = sublen + len(pad) + vallen
204        pad2 = b''
205        if sublen % 4:
206            pad2 = b'\000\000'
207        tmp = b''.join([kid.toRaw() for kid in self.kids ])
208        sublen = sublen + len(pad2) + len(tmp)
209        return (struct.pack('hhh', sublen, vallen, typ)
210                + raw_name + b'\000\000' + pad + rawffi + pad2 + tmp)
212    def __unicode__(self, indent=u''):
213        indent = indent + u'  '
214        tmp = [kid.__unicode__(indent+u'  ')
215               for kid in self.kids]
216        tmp = u', \n'.join(tmp)
217        return (u"""# UTF-8
219# For more details about fixed file info 'ffi' see:
220# http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms646997.aspx
227""" % (indent, self.ffi.__unicode__(indent), indent, tmp, indent))
230def parseCommon(data, start=0):
231    i = start + 6
232    (wLength, wValueLength, wType) = struct.unpack('3h', data[start:i])
233    i, text = parseUString(data, i, i+wLength)
234    return i, (wLength, wValueLength, wType, text)
236def parseUString(data, start, limit):
237    i = start
238    while i < limit:
239        if data[i:i+2] == b'\000\000':
240            break
241        i += 2
242    text = data[start:i].decode('UTF-16LE')
243    i += 2
244    return i, text
247class FixedFileInfo:
248    """
249    DWORD dwSignature;        //Contains the value 0xFEEFO4BD
250    DWORD dwStrucVersion;     // binary version number of this structure.
251                              // The high-order word of this member contains
252                              // the major version number, and the low-order
253                              // word contains the minor version number.
254    DWORD dwFileVersionMS;    // most significant 32 bits of the file's binary
255                              // version number
256    DWORD dwFileVersionLS;    //
257    DWORD dwProductVersionMS; // most significant 32 bits of the binary version
258                              // number of the product with which this file was
259                              // distributed
260    DWORD dwProductVersionLS; //
261    DWORD dwFileFlagsMask;    // bitmask that specifies the valid bits in
262                              // dwFileFlags. A bit is valid only if it was
263                              // defined when the file was created.
264    DWORD dwFileFlags;        // VS_FF_DEBUG, VS_FF_PATCHED etc.
265    DWORD dwFileOS;           // VOS_NT, VOS_WINDOWS32 etc.
266    DWORD dwFileType;         // VFT_APP etc.
267    DWORD dwFileSubtype;      // 0 unless VFT_DRV or VFT_FONT or VFT_VXD
268    DWORD dwFileDateMS;
269    DWORD dwFileDateLS;
270    """
271    def __init__(self, filevers=(0, 0, 0, 0), prodvers=(0, 0, 0, 0),
272                 mask=0x3f, flags=0x0, OS=0x40004, fileType=0x1,
273                 subtype=0x0, date=(0, 0)):
274        self.sig = 0xfeef04bd
275        self.strucVersion = 0x10000
276        self.fileVersionMS = (filevers[0] << 16) | (filevers[1] & 0xffff)
277        self.fileVersionLS = (filevers[2] << 16) | (filevers[3] & 0xffff)
278        self.productVersionMS = (prodvers[0] << 16) | (prodvers[1] & 0xffff)
279        self.productVersionLS = (prodvers[2] << 16) | (prodvers[3] & 0xffff)
280        self.fileFlagsMask = mask
281        self.fileFlags = flags
282        self.fileOS = OS
283        self.fileType = fileType
284        self.fileSubtype = subtype
285        self.fileDateMS = date[0]
286        self.fileDateLS = date[1]
288    def fromRaw(self, data, i):
289        (self.sig,
290         self.strucVersion,
291         self.fileVersionMS,
292         self.fileVersionLS,
293         self.productVersionMS,
294         self.productVersionLS,
295         self.fileFlagsMask,
296         self.fileFlags,
297         self.fileOS,
298         self.fileType,
299         self.fileSubtype,
300         self.fileDateMS,
301         self.fileDateLS) = struct.unpack('13l', data[i:i+52])
302        return i+52
304    def toRaw(self):
305        return struct.pack('L12l', self.sig,
306                             self.strucVersion,
307                             self.fileVersionMS,
308                             self.fileVersionLS,
309                             self.productVersionMS,
310                             self.productVersionLS,
311                             self.fileFlagsMask,
312                             self.fileFlags,
313                             self.fileOS,
314                             self.fileType,
315                             self.fileSubtype,
316                             self.fileDateMS,
317                             self.fileDateLS)
319    def __unicode__(self, indent=u''):
320        fv = (self.fileVersionMS >> 16, self.fileVersionMS & 0xffff,
321              self.fileVersionLS >> 16, self.fileVersionLS & 0xFFFF)
322        pv = (self.productVersionMS >> 16, self.productVersionMS & 0xffff,
323              self.productVersionLS >> 16, self.productVersionLS & 0xFFFF)
324        fd = (self.fileDateMS, self.fileDateLS)
325        tmp = [u'FixedFileInfo(',
326            u'# filevers and prodvers should be always a tuple with four items: (1, 2, 3, 4)',
327            u'# Set not needed items to zero 0.',
328            u'filevers=%s,' % (fv,),
329            u'prodvers=%s,' % (pv,),
330            u"# Contains a bitmask that specifies the valid bits 'flags'r",
331            u'mask=%s,' % hex(self.fileFlagsMask),
332            u'# Contains a bitmask that specifies the Boolean attributes of the file.',
333            u'flags=%s,' % hex(self.fileFlags),
334            u'# The operating system for which this file was designed.',
335            u'# 0x4 - NT and there is no need to change it.',
336            u'OS=%s,' % hex(self.fileOS),
337            u'# The general type of file.',
338            u'# 0x1 - the file is an application.',
339            u'fileType=%s,' % hex(self.fileType),
340            u'# The function of the file.',
341            u'# 0x0 - the function is not defined for this fileType',
342            u'subtype=%s,' % hex(self.fileSubtype),
343            u'# Creation date and time stamp.',
344            u'date=%s' % (fd,),
345            u')'
346        ]
347        return (u'\n'+indent+u'  ').join(tmp)
351class StringFileInfo(object):
352    """
353    WORD        wLength;      // length of the version resource
354    WORD        wValueLength; // length of the Value member in the current
355                              // VS_VERSION_INFO structure
356    WORD        wType;        // 1 means text, 0 means binary
357    WCHAR       szKey[];      // Contains the Unicode string 'StringFileInfo'.
358    WORD        Padding[];
359    StringTable Children[];   // list of zero or more String structures
360    """
361    def __init__(self, kids=None):
362        self.name = u'StringFileInfo'
363        self.kids = kids or []
365    def fromRaw(self, sublen, vallen, name, data, i, limit):
366        self.name = name
367        while i < limit:
368            st = StringTable()
369            j = st.fromRaw(data, i, limit)
370            self.kids.append(st)
371            i = j
372        return i
374    def toRaw(self):
375        raw_name = getRaw(self.name)
376        vallen = 0
377        typ = 1
378        sublen = 6 + len(raw_name) + 2
379        pad = b''
380        if sublen % 4:
381            pad = b'\000\000'
382        tmp = b''.join([kid.toRaw() for kid in self.kids])
383        sublen = sublen + len(pad) + len(tmp)
384        return (struct.pack('hhh', sublen, vallen, typ)
385                + raw_name + b'\000\000' + pad + tmp)
387    def __unicode__(self, indent=u''):
388        newindent = indent + u'  '
389        tmp = [kid.__unicode__(newindent)
390               for kid in self.kids]
391        tmp = u', \n'.join(tmp)
392        return (u'%sStringFileInfo(\n%s[\n%s\n%s])'
393                % (indent, newindent, tmp, newindent))
397class StringTable:
398    """
399    WORD   wLength;
400    WORD   wValueLength;
401    WORD   wType;
402    WCHAR  szKey[];
403    String Children[];    // list of zero or more String structures.
404    """
405    def __init__(self, name=None, kids=None):
406        self.name = name or u''
407        self.kids = kids or []
409    def fromRaw(self, data, i, limit):
410        i, (cpsublen, cpwValueLength, cpwType, self.name) = parseCodePage(data, i, limit) # should be code page junk
411        i = nextDWord(i)
412        while i < limit:
413            ss = StringStruct()
414            j = ss.fromRaw(data, i, limit)
415            i = j
416            self.kids.append(ss)
417            i = nextDWord(i)
418        return i
420    def toRaw(self):
421        raw_name = getRaw(self.name)
422        vallen = 0
423        typ = 1
424        sublen = 6 + len(raw_name) + 2
425        tmp = []
426        for kid in self.kids:
427            raw = kid.toRaw()
428            if len(raw) % 4:
429                raw = raw + b'\000\000'
430            tmp.append(raw)
431        tmp = b''.join(tmp)
432        sublen += len(tmp)
433        return (struct.pack('hhh', sublen, vallen, typ)
434                + raw_name + b'\000\000' + tmp)
436    def __unicode__(self, indent=u''):
437        newindent = indent + u'  '
438        tmp = (u',\n%s' % newindent).join(u'%s' % (kid,) for kid in self.kids)
439        return (u"%sStringTable(\n%su'%s',\n%s[%s])"
440                % (indent, newindent, self.name, newindent, tmp))
444class StringStruct:
445    """
446    WORD   wLength;
447    WORD   wValueLength;
448    WORD   wType;
449    WCHAR  szKey[];
450    WORD   Padding[];
451    String Value[];
452    """
453    def __init__(self, name=None, val=None):
454        self.name = name or u''
455        self.val = val or u''
457    def fromRaw(self, data, i, limit):
458        i, (sublen, vallen, typ, self.name) = parseCommon(data, i)
459        limit = i + sublen
460        i = nextDWord(i)
461        i, self.val = parseUString(data, i, limit)
462        return i
464    def toRaw(self):
465        raw_name = getRaw(self.name)
466        raw_val = getRaw(self.val)
467        # TODO document the size of vallen and sublen.
468        vallen = len(raw_val) + 2
469        typ = 1
470        sublen = 6 + len(raw_name) + 2
471        pad = b''
472        if sublen % 4:
473            pad = b'\000\000'
474        sublen = sublen + len(pad) + vallen
475        abcd = (struct.pack('hhh', sublen, vallen, typ)
476                + raw_name + b'\000\000' + pad
477                + raw_val + b'\000\000')
478        return abcd
480    def __unicode__(self, indent=''):
481        return u"StringStruct(u'%s', u'%s')" % (self.name, self.val)
484def parseCodePage(data, i, limit):
485    i, (sublen, wValueLength, wType, nm) = parseCommon(data, i)
486    return i, (sublen, wValueLength, wType, nm)
490class VarFileInfo:
491    """
492    WORD  wLength;        // length of the version resource
493    WORD  wValueLength;   // length of the Value member in the current
494                          // VS_VERSION_INFO structure
495    WORD  wType;          // 1 means text, 0 means binary
496    WCHAR szKey[];        // Contains the Unicode string 'VarFileInfo'.
497    WORD  Padding[];
498    Var   Children[];     // list of zero or more Var structures
499    """
500    def __init__(self, kids=None):
501        self.kids = kids or []
503    def fromRaw(self, sublen, vallen, name, data, i, limit):
504        self.sublen = sublen
505        self.vallen = vallen
506        self.name = name
507        i = nextDWord(i)
508        while i < limit:
509            vs = VarStruct()
510            j = vs.fromRaw(data, i, limit)
511            self.kids.append(vs)
512            i = j
513        return i
515    def toRaw(self):
516        self.vallen = 0
517        self.wType = 1
518        self.name = u'VarFileInfo'
519        raw_name = getRaw(self.name)
520        sublen = 6 + len(raw_name) + 2
521        pad = b''
522        if sublen % 4:
523            pad = b'\000\000'
524        tmp = b''.join([kid.toRaw() for kid in self.kids])
525        self.sublen = sublen + len(pad) + len(tmp)
526        return (struct.pack('hhh', self.sublen, self.vallen, self.wType)
527                + raw_name + b'\000\000' + pad + tmp)
529    def __unicode__(self, indent=''):
530        return "%sVarFileInfo([%s])" % (indent, ', '.join(u'%s' % (kid,) for kid in self.kids))
534class VarStruct:
535    """
536    WORD  wLength;        // length of the version resource
537    WORD  wValueLength;   // length of the Value member in the current
538                          // VS_VERSION_INFO structure
539    WORD  wType;          // 1 means text, 0 means binary
540    WCHAR szKey[];        // Contains the Unicode string 'Translation'
541                          // or a user-defined key string value
542    WORD  Padding[];      //
543    WORD  Value[];        // list of one or more values that are language
544                          // and code-page identifiers
545    """
546    def __init__(self, name=None, kids=None):
547        self.name = name or u''
548        self.kids = kids or []
550    def fromRaw(self, data, i, limit):
551        i, (self.sublen, self.wValueLength, self.wType, self.name) = parseCommon(data, i)
552        i = nextDWord(i)
553        for j in range(0, self.wValueLength, 2):
554            kid = struct.unpack('h', data[i:i+2])[0]
555            self.kids.append(kid)
556            i += 2
557        return i
559    def toRaw(self):
560        self.wValueLength = len(self.kids) * 2
561        self.wType = 0
562        raw_name = getRaw(self.name)
563        sublen = 6 + len(raw_name) + 2
564        pad = b''
565        if sublen % 4:
566            pad = b'\000\000'
567        self.sublen = sublen + len(pad) + self.wValueLength
568        tmp = b''.join([struct.pack('h', kid) for kid in self.kids])
569        return (struct.pack('hhh', self.sublen, self.wValueLength, self.wType)
570                + raw_name + b'\000\000' + pad + tmp)
572    def __unicode__(self, indent=u''):
573        return u"VarStruct(u'%s', %r)" % (self.name, self.kids)
576def SetVersion(exenm, versionfile):
577    if isinstance(versionfile, VSVersionInfo):
578        vs = versionfile
579    else:
580        with codecs.open(versionfile, text_read_mode, 'utf-8') as fp:
581            txt = fp.read()
582        vs = eval(txt)
584    # Remember overlay
585    pe = pefile.PE(exenm, fast_load=True)
586    overlay_before = pe.get_overlay()
587    pe.close()
589    hdst = win32api.BeginUpdateResource(exenm, 0)
590    win32api.UpdateResource(hdst, pefile.RESOURCE_TYPE['RT_VERSION'], 1, vs.toRaw())
591    win32api.EndUpdateResource (hdst, 0)
593    if overlay_before:
594        # Check if the overlay is still present
595        pe = pefile.PE(exenm, fast_load=True)
596        overlay_after = pe.get_overlay()
597        pe.close()
599        # If the update removed the overlay data, re-append it
600        if not overlay_after:
601            with open(exenm, 'ab') as exef:
602                exef.write(overlay_before)