2#  subunit: extensions to python unittest to get test results from subprocesses.
3#  Copyright (C) 2011  Robert Collins <robertc@robertcollins.net>
5#  Licensed under either the Apache License, Version 2.0 or the BSD 3-clause
6#  license at the users choice. A copy of both licenses are available in the
7#  project source as Apache-2.0 and BSD. You may not use this file except in
8#  compliance with one of these two licences.
10#  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11#  distributed under these licenses is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
12#  WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.  See the
13#  license you chose for the specific language governing permissions and
14#  limitations under that license.
17import io
18import unittest
20from testtools import PlaceHolder, TestCase
21from testtools.compat import _b
22from testtools.matchers import StartsWith
23from testtools.testresult.doubles import StreamResult
25import subunit
26from subunit import run
27from subunit.run import SubunitTestRunner
30class TestSubunitTestRunner(TestCase):
32    def test_includes_timing_output(self):
33        bytestream = io.BytesIO()
34        runner = SubunitTestRunner(stream=bytestream)
35        test = PlaceHolder('name')
36        runner.run(test)
37        bytestream.seek(0)
38        eventstream = StreamResult()
39        subunit.ByteStreamToStreamResult(bytestream).run(eventstream)
40        timestamps = [event[-1] for event in eventstream._events
41            if event is not None]
42        self.assertNotEqual([], timestamps)
44    def test_enumerates_tests_before_run(self):
45        bytestream = io.BytesIO()
46        runner = SubunitTestRunner(stream=bytestream)
47        test1 = PlaceHolder('name1')
48        test2 = PlaceHolder('name2')
49        case = unittest.TestSuite([test1, test2])
50        runner.run(case)
51        bytestream.seek(0)
52        eventstream = StreamResult()
53        subunit.ByteStreamToStreamResult(bytestream).run(eventstream)
54        self.assertEqual([
55            ('status', 'name1', 'exists'),
56            ('status', 'name2', 'exists'),
57            ], [event[:3] for event in eventstream._events[:2]])
59    def test_list_errors_if_errors_from_list_test(self):
60        bytestream = io.BytesIO()
61        runner = SubunitTestRunner(stream=bytestream)
62        def list_test(test):
63            return [], ['failed import']
64        self.patch(run, 'list_test', list_test)
65        exc = self.assertRaises(SystemExit, runner.list, None)
66        self.assertEqual((2,), exc.args)
68    def test_list_includes_loader_errors(self):
69        bytestream = io.BytesIO()
70        runner = SubunitTestRunner(stream=bytestream)
71        def list_test(test):
72            return [], []
73        class Loader(object):
74            errors = ['failed import']
75        loader = Loader()
76        self.patch(run, 'list_test', list_test)
77        exc = self.assertRaises(SystemExit, runner.list, None, loader=loader)
78        self.assertEqual((2,), exc.args)
80    class FailingTest(TestCase):
81        def test_fail(self):
82            1/0
84    def test_exits_zero_when_tests_fail(self):
85        bytestream = io.BytesIO()
86        stream = io.TextIOWrapper(bytestream, encoding="utf8")
87        try:
88            self.assertEqual(None, run.main(
89                argv=["progName", "subunit.tests.test_run.TestSubunitTestRunner.FailingTest"],
90                stdout=stream))
91        except SystemExit:
92            self.fail("SystemExit raised")
93        self.assertThat(bytestream.getvalue(), StartsWith(_b('\xb3')))
95    class ExitingTest(TestCase):
96        def test_exit(self):
97            raise SystemExit(0)
99    def test_exits_nonzero_when_execution_errors(self):
100        bytestream = io.BytesIO()
101        stream = io.TextIOWrapper(bytestream, encoding="utf8")
102        exc = self.assertRaises(SystemExit, run.main,
103                argv=["progName", "subunit.tests.test_run.TestSubunitTestRunner.ExitingTest"],
104                stdout=stream)
105        self.assertEqual(0, exc.args[0])