1# -*- test-case-name: twisted.test.test_process -*-
2# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
3# See LICENSE for details.
6UNIX Process management.
8Do NOT use this module directly - use reactor.spawnProcess() instead.
10Maintainer: Itamar Shtull-Trauring
13import errno
14import gc
15import io
16import os
17import signal
18import stat
19import sys
20import traceback
21from typing import Callable, Dict, Optional
23from zope.interface import implementer
25from twisted.internet import abstract, error, fdesc
26from twisted.internet._baseprocess import BaseProcess
27from twisted.internet.interfaces import IProcessTransport
28from twisted.internet.main import CONNECTION_DONE, CONNECTION_LOST
29from twisted.python import failure, log
30from twisted.python.runtime import platform
31from twisted.python.util import switchUID
33if platform.isWindows():
34    raise ImportError(
35        "twisted.internet.process does not work on Windows. "
36        "Use the reactor.spawnProcess() API instead."
37    )
40    import pty as _pty
41except ImportError:
42    pty = None
44    pty = _pty
47    import fcntl as _fcntl
48    import termios
49except ImportError:
50    fcntl = None
52    fcntl = _fcntl
54# Some people were importing this, which is incorrect, just keeping it
55# here for backwards compatibility:
56ProcessExitedAlready = error.ProcessExitedAlready
58reapProcessHandlers: Dict[int, Callable] = {}
61def reapAllProcesses():
62    """
63    Reap all registered processes.
64    """
65    # Coerce this to a list, as reaping the process changes the dictionary and
66    # causes a "size changed during iteration" exception
67    for process in list(reapProcessHandlers.values()):
68        process.reapProcess()
71def registerReapProcessHandler(pid, process):
72    """
73    Register a process handler for the given pid, in case L{reapAllProcesses}
74    is called.
76    @param pid: the pid of the process.
77    @param process: a process handler.
78    """
79    if pid in reapProcessHandlers:
80        raise RuntimeError("Try to register an already registered process.")
81    try:
82        auxPID, status = os.waitpid(pid, os.WNOHANG)
83    except BaseException:
84        log.msg(f"Failed to reap {pid}:")
85        log.err()
87        if pid is None:
88            return
90        auxPID = None
91    if auxPID:
92        process.processEnded(status)
93    else:
94        # if auxPID is 0, there are children but none have exited
95        reapProcessHandlers[pid] = process
98def unregisterReapProcessHandler(pid, process):
99    """
100    Unregister a process handler previously registered with
101    L{registerReapProcessHandler}.
102    """
103    if not (pid in reapProcessHandlers and reapProcessHandlers[pid] == process):
104        raise RuntimeError("Try to unregister a process not registered.")
105    del reapProcessHandlers[pid]
108class ProcessWriter(abstract.FileDescriptor):
109    """
110    (Internal) Helper class to write into a Process's input pipe.
112    I am a helper which describes a selectable asynchronous writer to a
113    process's input pipe, including stdin.
115    @ivar enableReadHack: A flag which determines how readability on this
116        write descriptor will be handled.  If C{True}, then readability may
117        indicate the reader for this write descriptor has been closed (ie,
118        the connection has been lost).  If C{False}, then readability events
119        are ignored.
120    """
122    connected = 1
123    ic = 0
124    enableReadHack = False
126    def __init__(self, reactor, proc, name, fileno, forceReadHack=False):
127        """
128        Initialize, specifying a Process instance to connect to.
129        """
130        abstract.FileDescriptor.__init__(self, reactor)
131        fdesc.setNonBlocking(fileno)
132        self.proc = proc
133        self.name = name
134        self.fd = fileno
136        if not stat.S_ISFIFO(os.fstat(self.fileno()).st_mode):
137            # If the fd is not a pipe, then the read hack is never
138            # applicable.  This case arises when ProcessWriter is used by
139            # StandardIO and stdout is redirected to a normal file.
140            self.enableReadHack = False
141        elif forceReadHack:
142            self.enableReadHack = True
143        else:
144            # Detect if this fd is actually a write-only fd. If it's
145            # valid to read, don't try to detect closing via read.
146            # This really only means that we cannot detect a TTY's write
147            # pipe being closed.
148            try:
149                os.read(self.fileno(), 0)
150            except OSError:
151                # It's a write-only pipe end, enable hack
152                self.enableReadHack = True
154        if self.enableReadHack:
155            self.startReading()
157    def fileno(self):
158        """
159        Return the fileno() of my process's stdin.
160        """
161        return self.fd
163    def writeSomeData(self, data):
164        """
165        Write some data to the open process.
166        """
167        rv = fdesc.writeToFD(self.fd, data)
168        if rv == len(data) and self.enableReadHack:
169            # If the send buffer is now empty and it is necessary to monitor
170            # this descriptor for readability to detect close, try detecting
171            # readability now.
172            self.startReading()
173        return rv
175    def write(self, data):
176        self.stopReading()
177        abstract.FileDescriptor.write(self, data)
179    def doRead(self):
180        """
181        The only way a write pipe can become "readable" is at EOF, because the
182        child has closed it, and we're using a reactor which doesn't
183        distinguish between readable and closed (such as the select reactor).
185        Except that's not true on linux < 2.6.11. It has the following
186        characteristics: write pipe is completely empty => POLLOUT (writable in
187        select), write pipe is not completely empty => POLLIN (readable in
188        select), write pipe's reader closed => POLLIN|POLLERR (readable and
189        writable in select)
191        That's what this funky code is for. If linux was not broken, this
192        function could be simply "return CONNECTION_LOST".
193        """
194        if self.enableReadHack:
195            return CONNECTION_LOST
196        else:
197            self.stopReading()
199    def connectionLost(self, reason):
200        """
201        See abstract.FileDescriptor.connectionLost.
202        """
203        # At least on macOS 10.4, exiting while stdout is non-blocking can
204        # result in data loss.  For some reason putting the file descriptor
205        # back into blocking mode seems to resolve this issue.
206        fdesc.setBlocking(self.fd)
208        abstract.FileDescriptor.connectionLost(self, reason)
209        self.proc.childConnectionLost(self.name, reason)
212class ProcessReader(abstract.FileDescriptor):
213    """
214    ProcessReader
216    I am a selectable representation of a process's output pipe, such as
217    stdout and stderr.
218    """
220    connected = True
222    def __init__(self, reactor, proc, name, fileno):
223        """
224        Initialize, specifying a process to connect to.
225        """
226        abstract.FileDescriptor.__init__(self, reactor)
227        fdesc.setNonBlocking(fileno)
228        self.proc = proc
229        self.name = name
230        self.fd = fileno
231        self.startReading()
233    def fileno(self):
234        """
235        Return the fileno() of my process's stderr.
236        """
237        return self.fd
239    def writeSomeData(self, data):
240        # the only time this is actually called is after .loseConnection Any
241        # actual write attempt would fail, so we must avoid that. This hack
242        # allows us to use .loseConnection on both readers and writers.
243        assert data == b""
244        return CONNECTION_LOST
246    def doRead(self):
247        """
248        This is called when the pipe becomes readable.
249        """
250        return fdesc.readFromFD(self.fd, self.dataReceived)
252    def dataReceived(self, data):
253        self.proc.childDataReceived(self.name, data)
255    def loseConnection(self):
256        if self.connected and not self.disconnecting:
257            self.disconnecting = 1
258            self.stopReading()
259            self.reactor.callLater(
260                0, self.connectionLost, failure.Failure(CONNECTION_DONE)
261            )
263    def connectionLost(self, reason):
264        """
265        Close my end of the pipe, signal the Process (which signals the
266        ProcessProtocol).
267        """
268        abstract.FileDescriptor.connectionLost(self, reason)
269        self.proc.childConnectionLost(self.name, reason)
272class _BaseProcess(BaseProcess):
273    """
274    Base class for Process and PTYProcess.
275    """
277    status: Optional[int] = None
278    pid = None
280    def reapProcess(self):
281        """
282        Try to reap a process (without blocking) via waitpid.
284        This is called when sigchild is caught or a Process object loses its
285        "connection" (stdout is closed) This ought to result in reaping all
286        zombie processes, since it will be called twice as often as it needs
287        to be.
289        (Unfortunately, this is a slightly experimental approach, since
290        UNIX has no way to be really sure that your process is going to
291        go away w/o blocking.  I don't want to block.)
292        """
293        try:
294            try:
295                pid, status = os.waitpid(self.pid, os.WNOHANG)
296            except OSError as e:
297                if e.errno == errno.ECHILD:
298                    # no child process
299                    pid = None
300                else:
301                    raise
302        except BaseException:
303            log.msg(f"Failed to reap {self.pid}:")
304            log.err()
305            pid = None
306        if pid:
307            unregisterReapProcessHandler(pid, self)
308            self.processEnded(status)
310    def _getReason(self, status):
311        exitCode = sig = None
312        if os.WIFEXITED(status):
313            exitCode = os.WEXITSTATUS(status)
314        else:
315            sig = os.WTERMSIG(status)
316        if exitCode or sig:
317            return error.ProcessTerminated(exitCode, sig, status)
318        return error.ProcessDone(status)
320    def signalProcess(self, signalID):
321        """
322        Send the given signal C{signalID} to the process. It'll translate a
323        few signals ('HUP', 'STOP', 'INT', 'KILL', 'TERM') from a string
324        representation to its int value, otherwise it'll pass directly the
325        value provided
327        @type signalID: C{str} or C{int}
328        """
329        if signalID in ("HUP", "STOP", "INT", "KILL", "TERM"):
330            signalID = getattr(signal, f"SIG{signalID}")
331        if self.pid is None:
332            raise ProcessExitedAlready()
333        try:
334            os.kill(self.pid, signalID)
335        except OSError as e:
336            if e.errno == errno.ESRCH:
337                raise ProcessExitedAlready()
338            else:
339                raise
341    def _resetSignalDisposition(self):
342        # The Python interpreter ignores some signals, and our child
343        # process will inherit that behaviour. To have a child process
344        # that responds to signals normally, we need to reset our
345        # child process's signal handling (just) after we fork and
346        # before we execvpe.
347        for signalnum in range(1, signal.NSIG):
348            if signal.getsignal(signalnum) == signal.SIG_IGN:
349                # Reset signal handling to the default
350                signal.signal(signalnum, signal.SIG_DFL)
352    def _fork(self, path, uid, gid, executable, args, environment, **kwargs):
353        """
354        Fork and then exec sub-process.
356        @param path: the path where to run the new process.
357        @type path: L{bytes} or L{unicode}
358        @param uid: if defined, the uid used to run the new process.
359        @type uid: L{int}
360        @param gid: if defined, the gid used to run the new process.
361        @type gid: L{int}
362        @param executable: the executable to run in a new process.
363        @type executable: L{str}
364        @param args: arguments used to create the new process.
365        @type args: L{list}.
366        @param environment: environment used for the new process.
367        @type environment: L{dict}.
368        @param kwargs: keyword arguments to L{_setupChild} method.
369        """
370        collectorEnabled = gc.isenabled()
371        gc.disable()
372        try:
373            self.pid = os.fork()
374        except BaseException:
375            # Still in the parent process
376            if collectorEnabled:
377                gc.enable()
378            raise
379        else:
380            if self.pid == 0:
381                # A return value of 0 from fork() indicates that we are now
382                # executing in the child process.
384                # Do not put *ANY* code outside the try block. The child
385                # process must either exec or _exit. If it gets outside this
386                # block (due to an exception that is not handled here, but
387                # which might be handled higher up), there will be two copies
388                # of the parent running in parallel, doing all kinds of damage.
390                # After each change to this code, review it to make sure there
391                # are no exit paths.
393                try:
394                    # Stop debugging. If I am, I don't care anymore.
395                    sys.settrace(None)
396                    self._setupChild(**kwargs)
397                    self._execChild(path, uid, gid, executable, args, environment)
398                except BaseException:
399                    # If there are errors, try to write something descriptive
400                    # to stderr before exiting.
402                    # The parent's stderr isn't *necessarily* fd 2 anymore, or
403                    # even still available; however, even libc assumes that
404                    # write(2, err) is a useful thing to attempt.
406                    try:
407                        # On Python 3, print_exc takes a text stream, but
408                        # on Python 2 it still takes a byte stream.  So on
409                        # Python 3 we will wrap up the byte stream returned
410                        # by os.fdopen using TextIOWrapper.
412                        # We hard-code UTF-8 as the encoding here, rather
413                        # than looking at something like
414                        # getfilesystemencoding() or sys.stderr.encoding,
415                        # because we want an encoding that will be able to
416                        # encode the full range of code points.  We are
417                        # (most likely) talking to the parent process on
418                        # the other end of this pipe and not the filesystem
419                        # or the original sys.stderr, so there's no point
420                        # in trying to match the encoding of one of those
421                        # objects.
423                        stderr = io.TextIOWrapper(os.fdopen(2, "wb"), encoding="utf-8")
424                        msg = ("Upon execvpe {} {} in environment id {}" "\n:").format(
425                            executable, str(args), id(environment)
426                        )
427                        stderr.write(msg)
428                        traceback.print_exc(file=stderr)
429                        stderr.flush()
431                        for fd in range(3):
432                            os.close(fd)
433                    except BaseException:
434                        # Handle all errors during the error-reporting process
435                        # silently to ensure that the child terminates.
436                        pass
438                # See comment above about making sure that we reach this line
439                # of code.
440                os._exit(1)
442        # we are now in parent process
443        if collectorEnabled:
444            gc.enable()
445        self.status = -1  # this records the exit status of the child
447    def _setupChild(self, *args, **kwargs):
448        """
449        Setup the child process. Override in subclasses.
450        """
451        raise NotImplementedError()
453    def _execChild(self, path, uid, gid, executable, args, environment):
454        """
455        The exec() which is done in the forked child.
456        """
457        if path:
458            os.chdir(path)
459        if uid is not None or gid is not None:
460            if uid is None:
461                uid = os.geteuid()
462            if gid is None:
463                gid = os.getegid()
464            # set the UID before I actually exec the process
465            os.setuid(0)
466            os.setgid(0)
467            switchUID(uid, gid)
468        os.execvpe(executable, args, environment)
470    def __repr__(self) -> str:
471        """
472        String representation of a process.
473        """
474        return "<{} pid={} status={}>".format(
475            self.__class__.__name__,
476            self.pid,
477            self.status,
478        )
481class _FDDetector:
482    """
483    This class contains the logic necessary to decide which of the available
484    system techniques should be used to detect the open file descriptors for
485    the current process. The chosen technique gets monkey-patched into the
486    _listOpenFDs method of this class so that the detection only needs to occur
487    once.
489    @ivar listdir: The implementation of listdir to use. This gets overwritten
490        by the test cases.
491    @ivar getpid: The implementation of getpid to use, returns the PID of the
492        running process.
493    @ivar openfile: The implementation of open() to use, by default the Python
494        builtin.
495    """
497    # So that we can unit test this
498    listdir = os.listdir
499    getpid = os.getpid
500    openfile = open
502    def __init__(self):
503        self._implementations = [
504            self._procFDImplementation,
505            self._devFDImplementation,
506            self._fallbackFDImplementation,
507        ]
509    def _listOpenFDs(self):
510        """
511        Return an iterable of file descriptors which I{may} be open in this
512        process.
514        This will try to return the fewest possible descriptors without missing
515        any.
516        """
517        self._listOpenFDs = self._getImplementation()
518        return self._listOpenFDs()
520    def _getImplementation(self):
521        """
522        Pick a method which gives correct results for C{_listOpenFDs} in this
523        runtime environment.
525        This involves a lot of very platform-specific checks, some of which may
526        be relatively expensive.  Therefore the returned method should be saved
527        and re-used, rather than always calling this method to determine what it
528        is.
530        See the implementation for the details of how a method is selected.
531        """
532        for impl in self._implementations:
533            try:
534                before = impl()
535            except BaseException:
536                continue
537            with self.openfile("/dev/null", "r"):
538                after = impl()
539            if before != after:
540                return impl
541        # If no implementation can detect the newly opened file above, then just
542        # return the last one.  The last one should therefore always be one
543        # which makes a simple static guess which includes all possible open
544        # file descriptors, but perhaps also many other values which do not
545        # correspond to file descriptors.  For example, the scheme implemented
546        # by _fallbackFDImplementation is suitable to be the last entry.
547        return impl
549    def _devFDImplementation(self):
550        """
551        Simple implementation for systems where /dev/fd actually works.
552        See: http://www.freebsd.org/cgi/man.cgi?fdescfs
553        """
554        dname = "/dev/fd"
555        result = [int(fd) for fd in self.listdir(dname)]
556        return result
558    def _procFDImplementation(self):
559        """
560        Simple implementation for systems where /proc/pid/fd exists (we assume
561        it works).
562        """
563        dname = "/proc/%d/fd" % (self.getpid(),)
564        return [int(fd) for fd in self.listdir(dname)]
566    def _fallbackFDImplementation(self):
567        """
568        Fallback implementation where either the resource module can inform us
569        about the upper bound of how many FDs to expect, or where we just guess
570        a constant maximum if there is no resource module.
572        All possible file descriptors from 0 to that upper bound are returned
573        with no attempt to exclude invalid file descriptor values.
574        """
575        try:
576            import resource
577        except ImportError:
578            maxfds = 1024
579        else:
580            # OS-X reports 9223372036854775808. That's a lot of fds to close.
581            # OS-X should get the /dev/fd implementation instead, so mostly
582            # this check probably isn't necessary.
583            maxfds = min(1024, resource.getrlimit(resource.RLIMIT_NOFILE)[1])
584        return range(maxfds)
587detector = _FDDetector()
590def _listOpenFDs():
591    """
592    Use the global detector object to figure out which FD implementation to
593    use.
594    """
595    return detector._listOpenFDs()
599class Process(_BaseProcess):
600    """
601    An operating-system Process.
603    This represents an operating-system process with arbitrary input/output
604    pipes connected to it. Those pipes may represent standard input,
605    standard output, and standard error, or any other file descriptor.
607    On UNIX, this is implemented using fork(), exec(), pipe()
608    and fcntl(). These calls may not exist elsewhere so this
609    code is not cross-platform. (also, windows can only select
610    on sockets...)
611    """
613    debug = False
614    debug_child = False
616    status = -1
617    pid = None
619    processWriterFactory = ProcessWriter
620    processReaderFactory = ProcessReader
622    def __init__(
623        self,
624        reactor,
625        executable,
626        args,
627        environment,
628        path,
629        proto,
630        uid=None,
631        gid=None,
632        childFDs=None,
633    ):
634        """
635        Spawn an operating-system process.
637        This is where the hard work of disconnecting all currently open
638        files / forking / executing the new process happens.  (This is
639        executed automatically when a Process is instantiated.)
641        This will also run the subprocess as a given user ID and group ID, if
642        specified.  (Implementation Note: this doesn't support all the arcane
643        nuances of setXXuid on UNIX: it will assume that either your effective
644        or real UID is 0.)
645        """
646        if not proto:
647            assert "r" not in childFDs.values()
648            assert "w" not in childFDs.values()
649        _BaseProcess.__init__(self, proto)
651        self.pipes = {}
652        # keys are childFDs, we can sense them closing
653        # values are ProcessReader/ProcessWriters
655        helpers = {}
656        # keys are childFDs
657        # values are parentFDs
659        if childFDs is None:
660            childFDs = {
661                0: "w",  # we write to the child's stdin
662                1: "r",  # we read from their stdout
663                2: "r",  # and we read from their stderr
664            }
666        debug = self.debug
667        if debug:
668            print("childFDs", childFDs)
670        _openedPipes = []
672        def pipe():
673            r, w = os.pipe()
674            _openedPipes.extend([r, w])
675            return r, w
677        # fdmap.keys() are filenos of pipes that are used by the child.
678        fdmap = {}  # maps childFD to parentFD
679        try:
680            for childFD, target in childFDs.items():
681                if debug:
682                    print("[%d]" % childFD, target)
683                if target == "r":
684                    # we need a pipe that the parent can read from
685                    readFD, writeFD = pipe()
686                    if debug:
687                        print("readFD=%d, writeFD=%d" % (readFD, writeFD))
688                    fdmap[childFD] = writeFD  # child writes to this
689                    helpers[childFD] = readFD  # parent reads from this
690                elif target == "w":
691                    # we need a pipe that the parent can write to
692                    readFD, writeFD = pipe()
693                    if debug:
694                        print("readFD=%d, writeFD=%d" % (readFD, writeFD))
695                    fdmap[childFD] = readFD  # child reads from this
696                    helpers[childFD] = writeFD  # parent writes to this
697                else:
698                    assert type(target) == int, f"{target!r} should be an int"
699                    fdmap[childFD] = target  # parent ignores this
700            if debug:
701                print("fdmap", fdmap)
702            if debug:
703                print("helpers", helpers)
704            # the child only cares about fdmap.values()
706            self._fork(path, uid, gid, executable, args, environment, fdmap=fdmap)
707        except BaseException:
708            for pipe in _openedPipes:
709                os.close(pipe)
710            raise
712        # we are the parent process:
713        self.proto = proto
715        # arrange for the parent-side pipes to be read and written
716        for childFD, parentFD in helpers.items():
717            os.close(fdmap[childFD])
718            if childFDs[childFD] == "r":
719                reader = self.processReaderFactory(reactor, self, childFD, parentFD)
720                self.pipes[childFD] = reader
722            if childFDs[childFD] == "w":
723                writer = self.processWriterFactory(
724                    reactor, self, childFD, parentFD, forceReadHack=True
725                )
726                self.pipes[childFD] = writer
728        try:
729            # the 'transport' is used for some compatibility methods
730            if self.proto is not None:
731                self.proto.makeConnection(self)
732        except BaseException:
733            log.err()
735        # The reactor might not be running yet.  This might call back into
736        # processEnded synchronously, triggering an application-visible
737        # callback.  That's probably not ideal.  The replacement API for
738        # spawnProcess should improve upon this situation.
739        registerReapProcessHandler(self.pid, self)
741    def _setupChild(self, fdmap):
742        """
743        fdmap[childFD] = parentFD
745        The child wants to end up with 'childFD' attached to what used to be
746        the parent's parentFD. As an example, a bash command run like
747        'command 2>&1' would correspond to an fdmap of {0:0, 1:1, 2:1}.
748        'command >foo.txt' would be {0:0, 1:os.open('foo.txt'), 2:2}.
750        This is accomplished in two steps::
752            1. close all file descriptors that aren't values of fdmap.  This
753               means 0 .. maxfds (or just the open fds within that range, if
754               the platform supports '/proc/<pid>/fd').
756            2. for each childFD::
758                 - if fdmap[childFD] == childFD, the descriptor is already in
759                   place.  Make sure the CLOEXEC flag is not set, then delete
760                   the entry from fdmap.
762                 - if childFD is in fdmap.values(), then the target descriptor
763                   is busy. Use os.dup() to move it elsewhere, update all
764                   fdmap[childFD] items that point to it, then close the
765                   original. Then fall through to the next case.
767                 - now fdmap[childFD] is not in fdmap.values(), and is free.
768                   Use os.dup2() to move it to the right place, then close the
769                   original.
770        """
771        debug = self.debug_child
772        if debug:
773            errfd = sys.stderr
774            errfd.write("starting _setupChild\n")
776        destList = fdmap.values()
777        for fd in _listOpenFDs():
778            if fd in destList:
779                continue
780            if debug and fd == errfd.fileno():
781                continue
782            try:
783                os.close(fd)
784            except BaseException:
785                pass
787        # at this point, the only fds still open are the ones that need to
788        # be moved to their appropriate positions in the child (the targets
789        # of fdmap, i.e. fdmap.values() )
791        if debug:
792            print("fdmap", fdmap, file=errfd)
793        for child in sorted(fdmap.keys()):
794            target = fdmap[child]
795            if target == child:
796                # fd is already in place
797                if debug:
798                    print("%d already in place" % target, file=errfd)
799                fdesc._unsetCloseOnExec(child)
800            else:
801                if child in fdmap.values():
802                    # we can't replace child-fd yet, as some other mapping
803                    # still needs the fd it wants to target. We must preserve
804                    # that old fd by duping it to a new home.
805                    newtarget = os.dup(child)  # give it a safe home
806                    if debug:
807                        print("os.dup(%d) -> %d" % (child, newtarget), file=errfd)
808                    os.close(child)  # close the original
809                    for c, p in list(fdmap.items()):
810                        if p == child:
811                            fdmap[c] = newtarget  # update all pointers
812                # now it should be available
813                if debug:
814                    print("os.dup2(%d,%d)" % (target, child), file=errfd)
815                os.dup2(target, child)
817        # At this point, the child has everything it needs. We want to close
818        # everything that isn't going to be used by the child, i.e.
819        # everything not in fdmap.keys(). The only remaining fds open are
820        # those in fdmap.values().
822        # Any given fd may appear in fdmap.values() multiple times, so we
823        # need to remove duplicates first.
825        old = []
826        for fd in fdmap.values():
827            if fd not in old:
828                if fd not in fdmap.keys():
829                    old.append(fd)
830        if debug:
831            print("old", old, file=errfd)
832        for fd in old:
833            os.close(fd)
835        self._resetSignalDisposition()
837    def writeToChild(self, childFD, data):
838        self.pipes[childFD].write(data)
840    def closeChildFD(self, childFD):
841        # for writer pipes, loseConnection tries to write the remaining data
842        # out to the pipe before closing it
843        # if childFD is not in the list of pipes, assume that it is already
844        # closed
845        if childFD in self.pipes:
846            self.pipes[childFD].loseConnection()
848    def pauseProducing(self):
849        for p in self.pipes.values():
850            if isinstance(p, ProcessReader):
851                p.stopReading()
853    def resumeProducing(self):
854        for p in self.pipes.values():
855            if isinstance(p, ProcessReader):
856                p.startReading()
858    # compatibility
859    def closeStdin(self):
860        """
861        Call this to close standard input on this process.
862        """
863        self.closeChildFD(0)
865    def closeStdout(self):
866        self.closeChildFD(1)
868    def closeStderr(self):
869        self.closeChildFD(2)
871    def loseConnection(self):
872        self.closeStdin()
873        self.closeStderr()
874        self.closeStdout()
876    def write(self, data):
877        """
878        Call this to write to standard input on this process.
880        NOTE: This will silently lose data if there is no standard input.
881        """
882        if 0 in self.pipes:
883            self.pipes[0].write(data)
885    def registerProducer(self, producer, streaming):
886        """
887        Call this to register producer for standard input.
889        If there is no standard input producer.stopProducing() will
890        be called immediately.
891        """
892        if 0 in self.pipes:
893            self.pipes[0].registerProducer(producer, streaming)
894        else:
895            producer.stopProducing()
897    def unregisterProducer(self):
898        """
899        Call this to unregister producer for standard input."""
900        if 0 in self.pipes:
901            self.pipes[0].unregisterProducer()
903    def writeSequence(self, seq):
904        """
905        Call this to write to standard input on this process.
907        NOTE: This will silently lose data if there is no standard input.
908        """
909        if 0 in self.pipes:
910            self.pipes[0].writeSequence(seq)
912    def childDataReceived(self, name, data):
913        self.proto.childDataReceived(name, data)
915    def childConnectionLost(self, childFD, reason):
916        # this is called when one of the helpers (ProcessReader or
917        # ProcessWriter) notices their pipe has been closed
918        os.close(self.pipes[childFD].fileno())
919        del self.pipes[childFD]
920        try:
921            self.proto.childConnectionLost(childFD)
922        except BaseException:
923            log.err()
924        self.maybeCallProcessEnded()
926    def maybeCallProcessEnded(self):
927        # we don't call ProcessProtocol.processEnded until:
928        #  the child has terminated, AND
929        #  all writers have indicated an error status, AND
930        #  all readers have indicated EOF
931        # This insures that we've gathered all output from the process.
932        if self.pipes:
933            return
934        if not self.lostProcess:
935            self.reapProcess()
936            return
937        _BaseProcess.maybeCallProcessEnded(self)
939    def getHost(self):
940        # ITransport.getHost
941        raise NotImplementedError()
943    def getPeer(self):
944        # ITransport.getPeer
945        raise NotImplementedError()
949class PTYProcess(abstract.FileDescriptor, _BaseProcess):
950    """
951    An operating-system Process that uses PTY support.
952    """
954    status = -1
955    pid = None
957    def __init__(
958        self,
959        reactor,
960        executable,
961        args,
962        environment,
963        path,
964        proto,
965        uid=None,
966        gid=None,
967        usePTY=None,
968    ):
969        """
970        Spawn an operating-system process.
972        This is where the hard work of disconnecting all currently open
973        files / forking / executing the new process happens.  (This is
974        executed automatically when a Process is instantiated.)
976        This will also run the subprocess as a given user ID and group ID, if
977        specified.  (Implementation Note: this doesn't support all the arcane
978        nuances of setXXuid on UNIX: it will assume that either your effective
979        or real UID is 0.)
980        """
981        if pty is None and not isinstance(usePTY, (tuple, list)):
982            # no pty module and we didn't get a pty to use
983            raise NotImplementedError(
984                "cannot use PTYProcess on platforms without the pty module."
985            )
986        abstract.FileDescriptor.__init__(self, reactor)
987        _BaseProcess.__init__(self, proto)
989        if isinstance(usePTY, (tuple, list)):
990            masterfd, slavefd, _ = usePTY
991        else:
992            masterfd, slavefd = pty.openpty()
994        try:
995            self._fork(
996                path,
997                uid,
998                gid,
999                executable,
1000                args,
1001                environment,
1002                masterfd=masterfd,
1003                slavefd=slavefd,
1004            )
1005        except BaseException:
1006            if not isinstance(usePTY, (tuple, list)):
1007                os.close(masterfd)
1008                os.close(slavefd)
1009            raise
1011        # we are now in parent process:
1012        os.close(slavefd)
1013        fdesc.setNonBlocking(masterfd)
1014        self.fd = masterfd
1015        self.startReading()
1016        self.connected = 1
1017        self.status = -1
1018        try:
1019            self.proto.makeConnection(self)
1020        except BaseException:
1021            log.err()
1022        registerReapProcessHandler(self.pid, self)
1024    def _setupChild(self, masterfd, slavefd):
1025        """
1026        Set up child process after C{fork()} but before C{exec()}.
1028        This involves:
1030            - closing C{masterfd}, since it is not used in the subprocess
1032            - creating a new session with C{os.setsid}
1034            - changing the controlling terminal of the process (and the new
1035              session) to point at C{slavefd}
1037            - duplicating C{slavefd} to standard input, output, and error
1039            - closing all other open file descriptors (according to
1040              L{_listOpenFDs})
1042            - re-setting all signal handlers to C{SIG_DFL}
1044        @param masterfd: The master end of a PTY file descriptors opened with
1045            C{openpty}.
1046        @type masterfd: L{int}
1048        @param slavefd: The slave end of a PTY opened with C{openpty}.
1049        @type slavefd: L{int}
1050        """
1051        os.close(masterfd)
1052        os.setsid()
1053        fcntl.ioctl(slavefd, termios.TIOCSCTTY, "")
1055        for fd in range(3):
1056            if fd != slavefd:
1057                os.close(fd)
1059        os.dup2(slavefd, 0)  # stdin
1060        os.dup2(slavefd, 1)  # stdout
1061        os.dup2(slavefd, 2)  # stderr
1063        for fd in _listOpenFDs():
1064            if fd > 2:
1065                try:
1066                    os.close(fd)
1067                except BaseException:
1068                    pass
1070        self._resetSignalDisposition()
1072    def closeStdin(self):
1073        # PTYs do not have stdin/stdout/stderr. They only have in and out, just
1074        # like sockets. You cannot close one without closing off the entire PTY
1075        pass
1077    def closeStdout(self):
1078        pass
1080    def closeStderr(self):
1081        pass
1083    def doRead(self):
1084        """
1085        Called when my standard output stream is ready for reading.
1086        """
1087        return fdesc.readFromFD(
1088            self.fd, lambda data: self.proto.childDataReceived(1, data)
1089        )
1091    def fileno(self):
1092        """
1093        This returns the file number of standard output on this process.
1094        """
1095        return self.fd
1097    def maybeCallProcessEnded(self):
1098        # two things must happen before we call the ProcessProtocol's
1099        # processEnded method. 1: the child process must die and be reaped
1100        # (which calls our own processEnded method). 2: the child must close
1101        # their stdin/stdout/stderr fds, causing the pty to close, causing
1102        # our connectionLost method to be called. #2 can also be triggered
1103        # by calling .loseConnection().
1104        if self.lostProcess == 2:
1105            _BaseProcess.maybeCallProcessEnded(self)
1107    def connectionLost(self, reason):
1108        """
1109        I call this to clean up when one or all of my connections has died.
1110        """
1111        abstract.FileDescriptor.connectionLost(self, reason)
1112        os.close(self.fd)
1113        self.lostProcess += 1
1114        self.maybeCallProcessEnded()
1116    def writeSomeData(self, data):
1117        """
1118        Write some data to the open process.
1119        """
1120        return fdesc.writeToFD(self.fd, data)
1122    def closeChildFD(self, descriptor):
1123        # IProcessTransport
1124        raise NotImplementedError()
1126    def writeToChild(self, childFD, data):
1127        # IProcessTransport
1128        raise NotImplementedError()