1# Method Name:       <module>
2# Filename:          simple_source/01_hexstring.py
3# Argument count:    0
4# Number of locals:  0
5# Stack size:        2
6# Flags:             0x00000040 (NOFREE)
7# First Line:        6
8# Constants:
9#    0: <code object at 0xdeadbeef0000>, line 6
10#    1: 'abc'
11#    2: b'abc~\x80\x81\x82'
12#    3: None
13# Names:
14#    0: f
15#    1: AssertionError
16  6:           0 LOAD_CONST           (<code object at 0xdeadbeef0000>, line 6)
17               3 MAKE_FUNCTION        (0 default parameters)
18               6 STORE_NAME           (f)
20  9:           9 LOAD_NAME            (f)
21              12 LOAD_CONST           ('abc')
22              15 CALL_FUNCTION        (1 positional, 0 named)
23              18 LOAD_CONST           (b'abc~\x80\x81\x82')
24              21 COMPARE_OP           (==)
25              24 POP_JUMP_IF_TRUE     (to 33)
26              27 LOAD_GLOBAL          (AssertionError)
27              30 RAISE_VARARGS        (exception)
28         >>   33 LOAD_CONST           (None)
29              36 RETURN_VALUE
32# Method Name:       f
33# Filename:          simple_source/01_hexstring.py
34# Argument count:    1
35# Number of locals:  1
36# Stack size:        2
37# Flags:             0x00000043 (NOFREE | NEWLOCALS | OPTIMIZED)
38# First Line:        6
39# Constants:
40#    0: None
41#    1: b'~\x80\x81'
42#    2: b'\x82'
43# Varnames:
44#	x
45# Positional arguments:
46#	x
47  7:           0 LOAD_FAST            (x)
48               3 LOAD_CONST           (b'~\x80\x81')
49               6 BINARY_ADD
50               7 LOAD_CONST           (b'\x82')
51              10 BINARY_ADD
52              11 RETURN_VALUE