1"""Code for translating between type systems."""
3import logging
4import types
6from pytype import abstract
7from pytype import abstract_utils
8from pytype import blocks
9from pytype import class_mixin
10from pytype import datatypes
11from pytype import function
12from pytype import overlay_dict
13from pytype import mixin
14from pytype import output
15from pytype import special_builtins
16from pytype import utils
17from pytype.overlays import typing_overlay
18from pytype.pyc import loadmarshal
19from pytype.pytd import mro
20from pytype.pytd import pytd
21from pytype.pytd import pytd_utils
22from pytype.pytd.parse import parser_constants
23from pytype.typegraph import cfg
26log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
32# types not exposed as python classes
33NoneType = type(None)
34EllipsisType = type(Ellipsis)
37class IteratorType:
38  pass
41class CoroutineType:
42  pass
45class AwaitableType:
46  pass
49class AsyncGeneratorType:
50  pass
53class Converter(utils.VirtualMachineWeakrefMixin):
54  """Functions for creating the classes in abstract.py."""
56  unsolvable: abstract.Unsolvable
58  # Define this error inside Converter so that it is exposed to abstract.py
59  class TypeParameterError(Exception):
61    def __init__(self, type_param_name):
62      super().__init__(type_param_name)
63      self.type_param_name = type_param_name
65  def __init__(self, vm):
66    super().__init__(vm)
67    self.vm.convert = self  # to make constant_to_value calls below work
68    self.pytd_convert = output.Converter(vm)
70    # If set, allow construction of recursive values, setting the
71    # self-referential field to Any
72    self.recursion_allowed = False
74    self._convert_cache = {}
75    self._resolved_late_types = {}  # performance cache
77    # Initialize primitive_classes to empty to allow constant_to_value to run.
78    self.primitive_classes = ()
80    # object_type is needed to initialize the primitive class values.
81    self.object_type = self.constant_to_value(object)
83    self.unsolvable = abstract.Unsolvable(self.vm)
84    self.empty = abstract.Empty(self.vm)
85    self.no_return = typing_overlay.NoReturn(self.vm)
87    # Now fill primitive_classes with the real values using constant_to_value.
88    primitive_classes = [
89        int, float, str, bytes, object, NoneType, complex, bool, slice,
90        types.CodeType, EllipsisType, super,
91    ]
92    self.primitive_classes = {
93        v: self.constant_to_value(v) for v in primitive_classes
94    }
95    self.primitive_class_names = [
96        self._type_to_name(x) for x in self.primitive_classes]
97    self.none = abstract.ConcreteValue(None,
98                                       self.primitive_classes[NoneType],
99                                       self.vm)
100    self.true = abstract.ConcreteValue(True, self.primitive_classes[bool],
101                                       self.vm)
102    self.false = abstract.ConcreteValue(False, self.primitive_classes[bool],
103                                        self.vm)
104    self.ellipsis = abstract.ConcreteValue(
105        Ellipsis, self.primitive_classes[EllipsisType], self.vm)
107    self.primitive_class_instances = {}
108    for name, cls in self.primitive_classes.items():
109      if name == NoneType:
110        # This is possible because all None instances are the same.
111        # Without it pytype could not reason that "x is None" is always true, if
112        # x is indeed None.
113        instance = self.none
114      elif name == EllipsisType:
115        instance = self.ellipsis
116      else:
117        instance = abstract.Instance(cls, self.vm)
118      self.primitive_class_instances[name] = instance
119      self._convert_cache[(abstract.Instance, cls.pytd_cls)] = instance
121    self.none_type = self.primitive_classes[NoneType]
122    self.super_type = self.primitive_classes[super]
123    self.str_type = self.primitive_classes[str]
124    self.int_type = self.primitive_classes[int]
125    self.bool_type = self.primitive_classes[bool]
126    # TODO(b/195453869): get rid of unicode_type
127    self.unicode_type = self.str_type
128    self.bytes_type = self.primitive_classes[bytes]
130    self.list_type = self.constant_to_value(list)
131    self.set_type = self.constant_to_value(set)
132    self.frozenset_type = self.constant_to_value(frozenset)
133    self.dict_type = self.constant_to_value(dict)
134    self.type_type = self.constant_to_value(type)
135    self.module_type = self.constant_to_value(types.ModuleType)
136    self.function_type = self.constant_to_value(types.FunctionType)
137    self.tuple_type = self.constant_to_value(tuple)
138    self.generator_type = self.constant_to_value(types.GeneratorType)
139    self.iterator_type = self.constant_to_value(IteratorType)
140    self.coroutine_type = self.constant_to_value(CoroutineType)
141    self.awaitable_type = self.constant_to_value(AwaitableType)
142    if self.vm.python_version >= (3, 6):
143      self.async_generator_type = self.constant_to_value(
144          AsyncGeneratorType)
145    self.bool_values = {
146        True: self.true,
147        False: self.false,
148        None: self.primitive_class_instances[bool],
149    }
150    self.next_attr = "__next__"
152  def constant_name(self, constant_type):
153    if constant_type is None:
154      return "constant"
155    elif isinstance(constant_type, tuple):
156      return "(%s)" % ", ".join(self.constant_name(c) for c in constant_type)
157    else:
158      return constant_type.__name__
160  def _type_to_name(self, t):
161    """Convert a type to its name."""
162    assert t.__class__ is type
163    if t is types.FunctionType:
164      return "typing.Callable"
165    elif t is IteratorType:
166      return "builtins.object"
167    elif t is CoroutineType:
168      return "builtins.coroutine"
169    elif t is AwaitableType:
170      return "typing.Awaitable"
171    elif t is AsyncGeneratorType:
172      return "builtins.asyncgenerator"
173    else:
174      return "builtins." + t.__name__
176  def value_to_constant(self, val, constant_type):
177    if (abstract_utils.is_concrete(val) and
178        isinstance(val.pyval, constant_type or object)):
179      return val.pyval
180    name = self.constant_name(constant_type)
181    raise abstract_utils.ConversionError("%s is not of type %s" % (val, name))
183  def name_to_value(self, name, subst=None, ast=None):
184    if ast is None:
185      pytd_cls = self.vm.lookup_builtin(name)
186    else:
187      pytd_cls = ast.Lookup(name)
188    subst = subst or datatypes.AliasingDict()
189    return self.constant_to_value(pytd_cls, subst, self.vm.root_node)
191  def tuple_to_value(self, content):
192    """Create a VM tuple from the given sequence."""
193    content = tuple(content)  # content might be a generator
194    value = abstract.Tuple(content, self.vm)
195    return value
197  def build_none(self, node):
198    return self.none.to_variable(node)
200  def build_bool(self, node, value=None):
201    # pylint: disable=g-bool-id-comparison
202    if value is None:
203      return self.primitive_class_instances[bool].to_variable(node)
204    elif value is True:
205      return self.true.to_variable(node)
206    elif value is False:
207      return self.false.to_variable(node)
208    else:
209      raise ValueError("Invalid bool value: %r" % value)
211  def build_int(self, node):
212    i = self.primitive_class_instances[int]
213    return i.to_variable(node)
215  def build_string(self, node, s):
216    del node
217    return self.constant_to_var(s)
219  def build_content(self, elements):
220    if len(elements) == 1:
221      return next(iter(elements))
222    var = self.vm.program.NewVariable()
223    for v in elements:
224      var.PasteVariable(v)
225    return var
227  def build_slice(self, node, start, stop, step=None):
228    const_types = (int, type(None))
229    try:
230      if start:
231        start = abstract_utils.get_atomic_python_constant(start, const_types)
232      if stop:
233        stop = abstract_utils.get_atomic_python_constant(stop, const_types)
234      if step:
235        step = abstract_utils.get_atomic_python_constant(step, const_types)
236    except abstract_utils.ConversionError:
237      return self.primitive_class_instances[slice].to_variable(node)
238    return abstract.ConcreteValue(
239        slice(start, stop, step), self.primitive_classes[slice],
240        self.vm).to_variable(node)
242  def build_list(self, node, content):
243    """Create a VM list from the given sequence."""
244    # TODO(rechen): set T to empty if there is nothing in content
245    content = [var.AssignToNewVariable(node) for var in content]
246    return abstract.List(content, self.vm).to_variable(node)
248  def build_collection_of_type(self, node, typ, var):
249    """Create a collection Typ[T] with T derived from the given variable."""
250    ret = abstract.Instance(typ, self.vm)
251    ret.merge_instance_type_parameter(node, abstract_utils.T, var)
252    return ret.to_variable(node)
254  def build_list_of_type(self, node, var):
255    """Create a VM list with element type derived from the given variable."""
256    return self.build_collection_of_type(node, self.list_type, var)
258  def build_set(self, node, content):
259    """Create a VM set from the given sequence."""
260    content = list(content)  # content might be a generator
261    value = abstract.Instance(self.set_type, self.vm)
262    value.merge_instance_type_parameter(
263        node, abstract_utils.T, self.build_content(content))
264    return value.to_variable(node)
266  def build_map(self, node):
267    """Create an empty VM dict."""
268    return abstract.Dict(self.vm).to_variable(node)
270  def build_tuple(self, node, content):
271    """Create a VM tuple from the given sequence."""
272    return self.tuple_to_value(content).to_variable(node)
274  def get_maybe_abstract_instance(self, data):
275    """Get an instance of the same type as the given data, abstract if possible.
277    Get an abstract instance of primitive data stored as a
278    ConcreteValue. Return any other data as-is. This is used by
279    constant_to_var to discard concrete values that have been kept
280    around for InterpreterFunction.
282    Arguments:
283      data: The data.
285    Returns:
286      An instance of the same type as the data, abstract if possible.
287    """
288    if isinstance(data, mixin.PythonConstant):
289      data_type = type(data.pyval)
290      if data_type in self.primitive_class_instances:
291        return self.primitive_class_instances[data_type]
292    return data
294  def _create_new_unknown_value(self, action):
295    if not action or not self.vm.frame:
296      return abstract.Unknown(self.vm)
297    # We allow only one Unknown at each point in the program, regardless of
298    # what the call stack is.
299    key = ("unknown", self.vm.frame.current_opcode, action)
300    if key not in self._convert_cache:
301      self._convert_cache[key] = abstract.Unknown(self.vm)
302    return self._convert_cache[key]
304  def create_new_unknown(self, node, source=None, action=None, force=False):
305    """Create a new variable containing unknown."""
306    if not force and not self.vm.generate_unknowns:
307      # unsolvable instances are cheaper than unknown, so use those for --quick.
308      return self.unsolvable.to_variable(node)
309    unknown = self._create_new_unknown_value(action)
310    v = self.vm.program.NewVariable()
311    val = v.AddBinding(
312        unknown, source_set=[source] if source else [], where=node)
313    unknown.owner = val
314    self.vm.trace_unknown(unknown.class_name, val)
315    return v
317  def create_new_varargs_value(self, arg_type):
318    """Create a varargs argument given its element type."""
319    params = {abstract_utils.T: arg_type}
320    return abstract.ParameterizedClass(self.tuple_type, params, self.vm)
322  def create_new_kwargs_value(self, arg_type):
323    """Create a kwargs argument given its element type."""
324    params = {abstract_utils.K: self.str_type, abstract_utils.V: arg_type}
325    return abstract.ParameterizedClass(self.dict_type, params, self.vm)
327  def get_element_type(self, arg_type):
328    """Extract the element type of a vararg or kwarg."""
329    if not isinstance(arg_type, abstract.ParameterizedClass):
330      assert (isinstance(arg_type, class_mixin.Class) and
331              arg_type.full_name in ("builtins.dict", "builtins.tuple"))
332      return None
333    elif arg_type.base_cls is self.dict_type:
334      return arg_type.get_formal_type_parameter(abstract_utils.V)
335    else:
336      assert arg_type.base_cls is self.tuple_type
337      return arg_type.get_formal_type_parameter(abstract_utils.T)
339  def _copy_type_parameters(self, old_container, new_container_name):
340    new_container = self.name_to_value(new_container_name)
341    if isinstance(old_container, abstract.ParameterizedClass):
342      return abstract.ParameterizedClass(
343          new_container, old_container.formal_type_parameters, self.vm)
344    else:
345      assert isinstance(old_container, class_mixin.Class)
346      return new_container
348  def widen_type(self, container):
349    """Widen a tuple to an iterable, or a dict to a mapping."""
350    if container.full_name == "builtins.tuple":
351      return self._copy_type_parameters(container, "typing.Iterable")
352    else:
353      assert container.full_name == "builtins.dict", container.full_name
354      return self._copy_type_parameters(container, "typing.Mapping")
356  def merge_classes(self, instances):
357    """Merge the classes of the given instances.
359    Args:
360      instances: An iterable of instances.
361    Returns:
362      An abstract.BaseValue created by merging the instances' classes.
363    """
364    classes = set()
365    for v in instances:
366      cls = v.get_class()
367      if cls and cls != self.empty:
368        classes.add(cls)
369    return self.vm.merge_values(classes)
371  def constant_to_var(self, pyval, subst=None, node=None, source_sets=None,
372                      discard_concrete_values=False):
373    """Convert a constant to a Variable.
375    This converts a constant to a cfg.Variable. Unlike constant_to_value, it
376    can handle things that need to be represented as a Variable with multiple
377    possible values (i.e., a union type), like pytd.Function.
379    Args:
380      pyval: The Python constant to convert. Can be a PyTD definition or a
381        builtin constant.
382      subst: The current type parameters.
383      node: The current CFG node. (For instances)
384      source_sets: An iterator over instances of SourceSet (or just tuples).
385      discard_concrete_values: Whether concrete values should be discarded from
386        type parameters.
387    Returns:
388      A cfg.Variable.
389    Raises:
390      TypeParameterError: if conversion is attempted on a type parameter without
391        a substitution.
392      ValueError: if pytype is not of a known type.
393    """
394    source_sets = source_sets or [[]]
395    node = node or self.vm.root_node
396    if isinstance(pyval, pytd.NothingType):
397      return self.vm.program.NewVariable([], [], self.vm.root_node)
398    elif isinstance(pyval, pytd.Alias):
399      return self.constant_to_var(pyval.type, subst, node, source_sets,
400                                  discard_concrete_values)
401    elif isinstance(pyval, abstract_utils.AsInstance):
402      cls = pyval.cls
403      if isinstance(cls, pytd.AnythingType):
404        return self.unsolvable.to_variable(node)
405      elif (isinstance(pyval, abstract_utils.AsReturnValue) and
406            isinstance(cls, pytd.NothingType)):
407        return self.no_return.to_variable(node)
408      var = self.vm.program.NewVariable()
409      for t in pytd_utils.UnpackUnion(cls):
410        if isinstance(t, pytd.TypeParameter):
411          if not subst or t.full_name not in subst:
412            raise self.TypeParameterError(t.full_name)
413          else:
414            for v in subst[t.full_name].bindings:
415              for source_set in source_sets:
416                var.AddBinding(self.get_maybe_abstract_instance(v.data)
417                               if discard_concrete_values else v.data,
418                               source_set + [v], node)
419        elif isinstance(t, pytd.NothingType):
420          pass
421        else:
422          value = self.constant_to_value(
423              abstract_utils.AsInstance(t), subst, node)
424          for source_set in source_sets:
425            var.AddBinding(value, source_set, node)
426      return var
427    elif isinstance(pyval, pytd.Constant):
428      return self.constant_to_var(abstract_utils.AsInstance(pyval.type), subst,
429                                  node, source_sets, discard_concrete_values)
430    result = self.constant_to_value(pyval, subst, node)
431    if result is not None:
432      return result.to_variable(node)
433    # There might still be bugs on the abstract intepreter when it returns,
434    # e.g. a list of values instead of a list of types:
435    assert pyval.__class__ != cfg.Variable, pyval
436    if pyval.__class__ == tuple:
437      # This case needs to go at the end because many things are actually also
438      # tuples.
439      return self.build_tuple(self.vm.root_node, (self.constant_to_var(
440          v, subst, node, source_sets, discard_concrete_values)
441                                                  for i, v in enumerate(pyval)))
442    raise ValueError(
443        "Cannot convert {} to an abstract value".format(pyval.__class__))
445  def constant_to_value(self, pyval, subst=None, node=None):
446    """Like constant_to_var, but convert to an abstract.BaseValue.
448    This also memoizes the results.  We don't memoize on name, as builtin types
449    like str or list might be reinitialized under different names (e.g. "param
450    1"), but we want the canonical name and type.  We *do* memoize on the type
451    as well, to make sure that e.g. "1.0" and "1" get converted to different
452    constants.  Memoization is an optimization, but an important one - mapping
453    constants like "None" to the same AbstractValue greatly simplifies the
454    cfg structures we're building.
456    Args:
457      pyval: The constant to convert.
458      subst: The current type parameters.
459      node: The current CFG node. (For instances)
461    Returns:
462      The converted constant. (Instance of BaseValue)
463    """
464    node = node or self.vm.root_node
465    if pyval.__class__ is tuple:
466      type_key = tuple(type(v) for v in pyval)
467    else:
468      type_key = type(pyval)
469    key = ("constant", pyval, type_key)
470    if key in self._convert_cache:
471      if self._convert_cache[key] is None:
472        self._convert_cache[key] = self.unsolvable
473        # This error is triggered by, e.g., classes inheriting from each other.
474        if not self.recursion_allowed:
475          name = getattr(pyval, "name", None) or pyval.__class__.__name__
476          self.vm.errorlog.recursion_error(self.vm.frames, name)
477      return self._convert_cache[key]
478    else:
479      self._convert_cache[key] = None  # for recursion detection
480      need_node = [False]  # mutable value that can be modified by get_node
481      def get_node():
482        need_node[0] = True
483        return node
484      value = self._constant_to_value(pyval, subst, get_node)
485      if not need_node[0] or node is self.vm.root_node:
486        # Values that contain a non-root node cannot be cached. Otherwise,
487        # we'd introduce bugs such as the following:
488        #   if <condition>:
489        #     d = {"a": 1}  # "a" is cached here
490        #   else:
491        #     # the cached value of "a", which contains a node that is only
492        #     # visible inside the "if", is used, which will eventually lead
493        #     # pytype to think that the V->complex binding isn't visible.
494        #     d = {"a": 1j}
495        self._convert_cache[key] = value
496      return value
498  def _load_late_type(self, late_type):
499    """Resolve a late type, possibly by loading a module."""
500    if late_type.name not in self._resolved_late_types:
501      module, dot, _ = late_type.name.rpartition(".")
502      assert dot
503      ast = self.vm.loader.import_name(module)
504      if ast is not None:
505        try:
506          cls = ast.Lookup(late_type.name)
507        except KeyError:
508          if "__getattr__" not in ast:
509            log.warning("Couldn't resolve %s", late_type.name)
510          t = pytd.AnythingType()
511        else:
512          t = pytd.ToType(cls, allow_functions=True)
513      else:
514        # A pickle file refers to a module that went away in the mean time.
515        log.error("During dependency resolution, couldn't import %r", module)
516        t = pytd.AnythingType()
517      self._resolved_late_types[late_type.name] = t
518    return self._resolved_late_types[late_type.name]
520  def _create_module(self, ast):
521    data = (ast.constants + ast.type_params + ast.classes +
522            ast.functions + ast.aliases)
523    members = {val.name.rsplit(".")[-1]: val for val in data}
524    return abstract.Module(self.vm, ast.name, members, ast)
526  def _get_literal_value(self, pyval):
527    if pyval == self.vm.lookup_builtin("builtins.True"):
528      return True
529    elif pyval == self.vm.lookup_builtin("builtins.False"):
530      return False
531    elif isinstance(pyval, str):
532      prefix, value = parser_constants.STRING_RE.match(pyval).groups()[:2]
533      value = value[1:-1]  # remove quotation marks
534      if "b" in prefix:
535        value = str(value).encode("utf-8")
536      return value
537    else:
538      return pyval
540  def _constant_to_value(self, pyval, subst, get_node):
541    """Create a BaseValue that represents a python constant.
543    This supports both constant from code constant pools and PyTD constants such
544    as classes. This also supports builtin python objects such as int and float.
546    Args:
547      pyval: The python or PyTD value to convert.
548      subst: The current type parameters.
549      get_node: A getter function for the current node.
551    Returns:
552      A Value that represents the constant, or None if we couldn't convert.
553    Raises:
554      NotImplementedError: If we don't know how to convert a value.
555      TypeParameterError: If we can't find a substitution for a type parameter.
556    """
557    if isinstance(pyval, str):
558      return abstract.ConcreteValue(pyval, self.str_type, self.vm)
559    elif isinstance(pyval, bytes):
560      return abstract.ConcreteValue(pyval, self.bytes_type, self.vm)
561    elif isinstance(pyval, bool):
562      return self.true if pyval else self.false
563    elif isinstance(pyval, int) and -1 <= pyval <= MAX_IMPORT_DEPTH:
564      # For small integers, preserve the actual value (for things like the
565      # level in IMPORT_NAME).
566      return abstract.ConcreteValue(pyval, self.int_type, self.vm)
567    elif pyval.__class__ in self.primitive_classes:
568      return self.primitive_class_instances[pyval.__class__]
569    elif pyval.__class__ is frozenset:
570      instance = abstract.Instance(self.frozenset_type, self.vm)
571      for element in pyval:
572        instance.merge_instance_type_parameter(
573            self.vm.root_node, abstract_utils.T, self.constant_to_var(
574                element, subst, self.vm.root_node))
575      return instance
576    elif isinstance(pyval, (loadmarshal.CodeType, blocks.OrderedCode)):
577      return abstract.ConcreteValue(pyval,
578                                    self.primitive_classes[types.CodeType],
579                                    self.vm)
580    elif pyval is super:
581      return special_builtins.Super(self.vm)
582    elif pyval is object:
583      return special_builtins.Object(self.vm)
584    elif pyval.__class__ is type:
585      try:
586        return self.name_to_value(self._type_to_name(pyval), subst)
587      except (KeyError, AttributeError):
588        log.debug("Failed to find pytd", exc_info=True)
589        raise
590    elif isinstance(pyval, pytd.LateType):
591      actual = self._load_late_type(pyval)
592      return self._constant_to_value(actual, subst, get_node)
593    elif isinstance(pyval, pytd.TypeDeclUnit):
594      return self._create_module(pyval)
595    elif isinstance(pyval, pytd.Module):
596      mod = self.vm.loader.import_name(pyval.module_name)
597      return self._create_module(mod)
598    elif isinstance(pyval, pytd.Class):
599      if pyval.name == "builtins.super":
600        return self.vm.special_builtins["super"]
601      elif pyval.name == "builtins.object":
602        return self.object_type
603      elif pyval.name == "types.ModuleType":
604        return self.module_type
605      elif pyval.name == "_importlib_modulespec.ModuleType":
606        # Python 3's typeshed uses a stub file indirection to define ModuleType
607        # even though it is exported via types.pyi.
608        return self.module_type
609      elif pyval.name == "types.FunctionType":
610        return self.function_type
611      else:
612        module, dot, base_name = pyval.name.rpartition(".")
613        # typing.TypingContainer intentionally loads the underlying pytd types.
614        if (module not in ("typing", "typing_extensions") and
615            module in overlay_dict.overlays):
616          overlay = self.vm.import_module(module, module, 0)
617          if overlay.get_module(base_name) is overlay:
618            overlay.load_lazy_attribute(base_name)
619            return abstract_utils.get_atomic_value(overlay.members[base_name])
620        try:
621          cls = abstract.PyTDClass(base_name, pyval, self.vm)
622        except mro.MROError as e:
623          self.vm.errorlog.mro_error(self.vm.frames, base_name, e.mro_seqs)
624          cls = self.unsolvable
625        else:
626          if dot:
627            cls.module = module
628          cls.call_metaclass_init(get_node())
629        return cls
630    elif isinstance(pyval, pytd.Function):
631      signatures = [function.PyTDSignature(pyval.name, sig, self.vm)
632                    for sig in pyval.signatures]
633      type_new = self.vm.lookup_builtin("builtins.type").Lookup("__new__")
634      if pyval is type_new:
635        f_cls = special_builtins.TypeNew
636      else:
637        f_cls = abstract.PyTDFunction
638      f = f_cls(pyval.name, signatures, pyval.kind, self.vm)
639      f.is_abstract = pyval.is_abstract
640      return f
641    elif isinstance(pyval, pytd.ClassType):
642      if pyval.cls:
643        cls = pyval.cls
644      else:
645        # If pyval is a reference to a class in builtins or typing, we can fill
646        # in the class ourselves. lookup_builtin raises a KeyError if the name
647        # is not found.
648        cls = self.vm.lookup_builtin(pyval.name)
649        assert isinstance(cls, pytd.Class)
650      return self.constant_to_value(cls, subst, self.vm.root_node)
651    elif isinstance(pyval, pytd.NothingType):
652      return self.empty
653    elif isinstance(pyval, pytd.AnythingType):
654      return self.unsolvable
655    elif (isinstance(pyval, pytd.Constant) and
656          isinstance(pyval.type, pytd.AnythingType)):
657      # We allow "X = ... # type: Any" to declare X as a type.
658      return self.unsolvable
659    elif (isinstance(pyval, pytd.Constant) and
660          isinstance(pyval.type, pytd.GenericType) and
661          pyval.type.name == "builtins.type"):
662      # `X: Type[other_mod.X]` is equivalent to `X = other_mod.X`.
663      param, = pyval.type.parameters
664      return self.constant_to_value(param, subst, self.vm.root_node)
665    elif isinstance(pyval, pytd.UnionType):
666      options = [
667          self.constant_to_value(t, subst, self.vm.root_node)
668          for t in pyval.type_list
669      ]
670      if len(options) > 1:
671        return abstract.Union(options, self.vm)
672      else:
673        return options[0]
674    elif isinstance(pyval, pytd.TypeParameter):
675      constraints = tuple(
676          self.constant_to_value(c, {}, self.vm.root_node)
677          for c in pyval.constraints)
678      bound = (
679          pyval.bound and
680          self.constant_to_value(pyval.bound, {}, self.vm.root_node))
681      return abstract.TypeParameter(
682          pyval.name, self.vm, constraints=constraints,
683          bound=bound, module=pyval.scope)
684    elif isinstance(pyval, abstract_utils.AsInstance):
685      cls = pyval.cls
686      if isinstance(cls, pytd.LateType):
687        actual = self._load_late_type(cls)
688        if not isinstance(actual, pytd.ClassType):
689          return self.unsolvable
690        cls = actual.cls
691      if isinstance(cls, pytd.ClassType):
692        cls = cls.cls
693      if isinstance(cls, pytd.GenericType) and cls.name == "typing.ClassVar":
694        param, = cls.parameters
695        return self.constant_to_value(
696            abstract_utils.AsInstance(param), subst, self.vm.root_node)
697      elif isinstance(cls, pytd.GenericType) or (isinstance(cls, pytd.Class) and
698                                                 cls.template):
699        # If we're converting a generic Class, need to create a new instance of
700        # it. See test_classes.testGenericReinstantiated.
701        if isinstance(cls, pytd.Class):
702          params = tuple(t.type_param.upper_value for t in cls.template)
703          cls = pytd.GenericType(base_type=pytd.ClassType(cls.name, cls),
704                                 parameters=params)
705        if isinstance(cls.base_type, pytd.LateType):
706          actual = self._load_late_type(cls.base_type)
707          if not isinstance(actual, pytd.ClassType):
708            return self.unsolvable
709          base_cls = actual.cls
710        else:
711          base_type = cls.base_type
712          assert isinstance(base_type, pytd.ClassType)
713          base_cls = base_type.cls
714        assert isinstance(base_cls, pytd.Class), base_cls
715        if base_cls.name == "builtins.type":
716          c, = cls.parameters
717          if isinstance(c, pytd.TypeParameter):
718            if not subst or c.full_name not in subst:
719              raise self.TypeParameterError(c.full_name)
720            # deformalize gets rid of any unexpected TypeVars, which can appear
721            # if something is annotated as Type[T].
722            return self.vm.annotations_util.deformalize(
723                self.merge_classes(subst[c.full_name].data))
724          else:
725            return self.constant_to_value(c, subst, self.vm.root_node)
726        elif isinstance(cls, pytd.TupleType):
727          content = tuple(self.constant_to_var(abstract_utils.AsInstance(p),
728                                               subst, get_node())
729                          for p in cls.parameters)
730          return abstract.Tuple(content, self.vm)
731        elif isinstance(cls, pytd.CallableType):
732          clsval = self.constant_to_value(cls, subst, self.vm.root_node)
733          return abstract.Instance(clsval, self.vm)
734        else:
735          clsval = self.constant_to_value(base_cls, subst, self.vm.root_node)
736          instance = abstract.Instance(clsval, self.vm)
737          num_params = len(cls.parameters)
738          assert num_params <= len(base_cls.template)
739          for i, formal in enumerate(base_cls.template):
740            if i < num_params:
741              node = get_node()
742              p = self.constant_to_var(
743                  abstract_utils.AsInstance(cls.parameters[i]), subst, node)
744            else:
745              # An omitted type parameter implies `Any`.
746              node = self.vm.root_node
747              p = self.unsolvable.to_variable(node)
748            instance.merge_instance_type_parameter(node, formal.name, p)
749          return instance
750      elif isinstance(cls, pytd.Class):
751        assert not cls.template
752        # This key is also used in __init__
753        key = (abstract.Instance, cls)
754        if key not in self._convert_cache:
755          if cls.name in ["builtins.type", "builtins.property"]:
756            # An instance of "type" or of an anonymous property can be anything.
757            instance = self._create_new_unknown_value("type")
758          else:
759            mycls = self.constant_to_value(cls, subst, self.vm.root_node)
760            instance = abstract.Instance(mycls, self.vm)
761          log.info("New pytd instance for %s: %r", cls.name, instance)
762          self._convert_cache[key] = instance
763        return self._convert_cache[key]
764      elif isinstance(cls, pytd.Literal):
765        return self.constant_to_value(
766            self._get_literal_value(cls.value), subst, self.vm.root_node)
767      else:
768        return self.constant_to_value(cls, subst, self.vm.root_node)
769    elif (isinstance(pyval, pytd.GenericType) and
770          pyval.name == "typing.ClassVar"):
771      param, = pyval.parameters
772      return self.constant_to_value(param, subst, self.vm.root_node)
773    elif isinstance(pyval, pytd.GenericType):
774      if isinstance(pyval.base_type, pytd.LateType):
775        actual = self._load_late_type(pyval.base_type)
776        if not isinstance(actual, pytd.ClassType):
777          return self.unsolvable
778        base = actual.cls
779      else:
780        assert isinstance(pyval.base_type, pytd.ClassType), pyval
781        base = pyval.base_type.cls
782      assert isinstance(base, pytd.Class), base
783      base_cls = self.constant_to_value(base, subst, self.vm.root_node)
784      if not isinstance(base_cls, class_mixin.Class):
785        # base_cls can be, e.g., an unsolvable due to an mro error.
786        return self.unsolvable
787      if isinstance(pyval, pytd.TupleType):
788        abstract_class = abstract.TupleClass
789        template = list(range(len(pyval.parameters))) + [abstract_utils.T]
790        combined_parameter = pytd_utils.JoinTypes(pyval.parameters)
791        parameters = pyval.parameters + (combined_parameter,)
792      elif isinstance(pyval, pytd.CallableType):
793        abstract_class = abstract.CallableClass
794        template = list(range(len(pyval.args))) + [abstract_utils.ARGS,
795                                                   abstract_utils.RET]
796        parameters = pyval.args + (pytd_utils.JoinTypes(pyval.args), pyval.ret)
797      else:
798        abstract_class = abstract.ParameterizedClass
799        if pyval.name == "typing.Generic":
800          pyval_template = pyval.parameters
801        else:
802          pyval_template = base.template
803        template = tuple(t.name for t in pyval_template)
804        parameters = pyval.parameters
805      assert (pyval.name in ("typing.Generic", "typing.Protocol") or
806              len(parameters) <= len(template))
807      # Delay type parameter loading to handle recursive types.
808      # See the ParameterizedClass.formal_type_parameters() property.
809      type_parameters = abstract_utils.LazyFormalTypeParameters(
810          template, parameters, subst)
811      return abstract_class(base_cls, type_parameters, self.vm)
812    elif isinstance(pyval, pytd.Literal):
813      value = self.constant_to_value(
814          self._get_literal_value(pyval.value), subst, self.vm.root_node)
815      return abstract.LiteralClass(value, self.vm)
816    elif isinstance(pyval, pytd.Annotated):
817      return self.constant_to_value(pyval.base_type, subst, self.vm.root_node)
818    elif pyval.__class__ is tuple:  # only match raw tuple, not namedtuple/Node
819      return self.tuple_to_value([
820          self.constant_to_var(item, subst, self.vm.root_node)
821          for i, item in enumerate(pyval)
822      ])
823    else:
824      raise NotImplementedError("Can't convert constant %s %r" %
825                                (type(pyval), pyval))