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29 #include "pythonwriteimports.h"
31 #include <customwidgetsinfo.h>
32 #include <option.h>
33 #include <uic.h>
35 #include <ui4.h>
37 #include <QtCore/qtextstream.h>
41 static const char *standardImports =
42 R"I(from PySide2.QtCore import *
43 from PySide2.QtGui import *
44 from PySide2.QtWidgets import *
45 )I";
47 // Change the name of a qrc file "dir/foo.qrc" file to the Python
48 // module name "foo_rc" according to project conventions.
pythonResource(QString resource)49 static QString pythonResource(QString resource)
50 {
51     const int lastSlash = resource.lastIndexOf(QLatin1Char('/'));
52     if (lastSlash != -1)
53         resource.remove(0, lastSlash + 1);
54     if (resource.endsWith(QLatin1String(".qrc"))) {
55         resource.chop(4);
56         resource.append(QLatin1String("_rc"));
57     }
58     return resource;
59 }
61 namespace Python {
WriteImports(Uic * uic)63 WriteImports::WriteImports(Uic *uic) : m_uic(uic)
64 {
65 }
acceptUI(DomUI * node)67 void WriteImports::acceptUI(DomUI *node)
68 {
69     auto &output = m_uic->output();
70     output << standardImports << '\n';
71     if (auto customWidgets = node->elementCustomWidgets()) {
72         TreeWalker::acceptCustomWidgets(customWidgets);
73         output << '\n';
74     }
76     if (auto resources = node->elementResources()) {
77         const auto includes = resources->elementInclude();
78         for (auto include : includes) {
79             if (include->hasAttributeLocation())
80                 writeImport(pythonResource(include->attributeLocation()));
81         }
82         output << '\n';
83     }
84 }
writeImport(const QString & module)86 void WriteImports::writeImport(const QString &module)
87 {
89     if (m_uic->option().fromImports)
90         m_uic->output() << "from  . ";
91     m_uic->output() << "import " << module << '\n';
92 }
qtModuleOf(const DomCustomWidget * node) const94 QString WriteImports::qtModuleOf(const DomCustomWidget *node) const
95 {
96     if (m_uic->customWidgetsInfo()->extends(node->elementClass(), QLatin1String("QAxWidget")))
97         return QStringLiteral("QtAxContainer");
98     if (const auto headerElement = node->elementHeader()) {
99         const auto &header = headerElement->text();
100         if (header.startsWith(QLatin1String("Qt"))) {
101             const int slash = header.indexOf(QLatin1Char('/'));
102             if (slash != -1)
103                 return header.left(slash);
104         }
105     }
106     return QString();
107 }
acceptCustomWidget(DomCustomWidget * node)109 void WriteImports::acceptCustomWidget(DomCustomWidget *node)
110 {
111     const auto &className = node->elementClass();
112     if (className.contains(QLatin1String("::")))
113         return; // Exclude namespaced names (just to make tests pass).
114     const QString &importModule = qtModuleOf(node);
115     auto &output = m_uic->output();
116     // For starting importing PySide2 modules
117     if (!importModule.isEmpty()) {
118         output << "from ";
119         if (importModule.startsWith(QLatin1String("Qt")))
120             output << "PySide2.";
121         output << importModule;
122         if (!className.isEmpty())
123             output << " import " << className << "\n\n";
124     } else {
125         // When the elementHeader is not set, we know it's the continuation
126         // of a PySide2 import or a normal import of another module.
127         if (!node->elementHeader() || node->elementHeader()->text().isEmpty()) {
128             output << "import " << className << '\n';
129         } else { // When we do have elementHeader, we know it's a relative import.
130             QString modulePath = node->elementHeader()->text();
131             // Replace the '/' by '.'
132             modulePath.replace(QLatin1Char('/'), QLatin1Char('.'));
133             // '.h' is added by default on headers for <customwidget>
134             if (modulePath.endsWith(QLatin1String(".h")))
135                 modulePath.chop(2);
136             output << "from " << modulePath << " import " << className << '\n';
137         }
138     }
139 }
141 } // namespace Python