1 //! A JSON emitter for errors.
2 //!
3 //! This works by converting errors to a simplified structural format (see the
4 //! structs at the start of the file) and then serializing them. These should
5 //! contain as much information about the error as possible.
6 //!
7 //! The format of the JSON output should be considered *unstable*. For now the
8 //! structs at the end of this file (Diagnostic*) specify the error format.
10 // FIXME: spec the JSON output properly.
12 use rustc_span::source_map::{FilePathMapping, SourceMap};
14 use crate::emitter::{Emitter, HumanReadableErrorType};
15 use crate::registry::Registry;
16 use crate::DiagnosticId;
17 use crate::ToolMetadata;
18 use crate::{CodeSuggestion, SubDiagnostic};
19 use rustc_lint_defs::{Applicability, FutureBreakage};
21 use rustc_data_structures::sync::Lrc;
22 use rustc_span::hygiene::ExpnData;
23 use rustc_span::{MultiSpan, Span, SpanLabel};
24 use std::io::{self, Write};
25 use std::path::Path;
26 use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex};
27 use std::vec;
29 use rustc_serialize::json::{as_json, as_pretty_json};
30 use rustc_serialize::{Encodable, Encoder};
32 #[cfg(test)]
33 mod tests;
35 pub struct JsonEmitter {
36     dst: Box<dyn Write + Send>,
37     registry: Option<Registry>,
38     sm: Lrc<SourceMap>,
39     pretty: bool,
40     ui_testing: bool,
41     json_rendered: HumanReadableErrorType,
42     terminal_width: Option<usize>,
43     macro_backtrace: bool,
44 }
46 impl JsonEmitter {
stderr( registry: Option<Registry>, source_map: Lrc<SourceMap>, pretty: bool, json_rendered: HumanReadableErrorType, terminal_width: Option<usize>, macro_backtrace: bool, ) -> JsonEmitter47     pub fn stderr(
48         registry: Option<Registry>,
49         source_map: Lrc<SourceMap>,
50         pretty: bool,
51         json_rendered: HumanReadableErrorType,
52         terminal_width: Option<usize>,
53         macro_backtrace: bool,
54     ) -> JsonEmitter {
55         JsonEmitter {
56             dst: Box::new(io::BufWriter::new(io::stderr())),
57             registry,
58             sm: source_map,
59             pretty,
60             ui_testing: false,
61             json_rendered,
62             terminal_width,
63             macro_backtrace,
64         }
65     }
basic( pretty: bool, json_rendered: HumanReadableErrorType, terminal_width: Option<usize>, macro_backtrace: bool, ) -> JsonEmitter67     pub fn basic(
68         pretty: bool,
69         json_rendered: HumanReadableErrorType,
70         terminal_width: Option<usize>,
71         macro_backtrace: bool,
72     ) -> JsonEmitter {
73         let file_path_mapping = FilePathMapping::empty();
74         JsonEmitter::stderr(
75             None,
76             Lrc::new(SourceMap::new(file_path_mapping)),
77             pretty,
78             json_rendered,
79             terminal_width,
80             macro_backtrace,
81         )
82     }
new( dst: Box<dyn Write + Send>, registry: Option<Registry>, source_map: Lrc<SourceMap>, pretty: bool, json_rendered: HumanReadableErrorType, terminal_width: Option<usize>, macro_backtrace: bool, ) -> JsonEmitter84     pub fn new(
85         dst: Box<dyn Write + Send>,
86         registry: Option<Registry>,
87         source_map: Lrc<SourceMap>,
88         pretty: bool,
89         json_rendered: HumanReadableErrorType,
90         terminal_width: Option<usize>,
91         macro_backtrace: bool,
92     ) -> JsonEmitter {
93         JsonEmitter {
94             dst,
95             registry,
96             sm: source_map,
97             pretty,
98             ui_testing: false,
99             json_rendered,
100             terminal_width,
101             macro_backtrace,
102         }
103     }
ui_testing(self, ui_testing: bool) -> Self105     pub fn ui_testing(self, ui_testing: bool) -> Self {
106         Self { ui_testing, ..self }
107     }
108 }
110 impl Emitter for JsonEmitter {
emit_diagnostic(&mut self, diag: &crate::Diagnostic)111     fn emit_diagnostic(&mut self, diag: &crate::Diagnostic) {
112         let data = Diagnostic::from_errors_diagnostic(diag, self);
113         let result = if self.pretty {
114             writeln!(&mut self.dst, "{}", as_pretty_json(&data))
115         } else {
116             writeln!(&mut self.dst, "{}", as_json(&data))
117         }
118         .and_then(|_| self.dst.flush());
119         if let Err(e) = result {
120             panic!("failed to print diagnostics: {:?}", e);
121         }
122     }
emit_artifact_notification(&mut self, path: &Path, artifact_type: &str)124     fn emit_artifact_notification(&mut self, path: &Path, artifact_type: &str) {
125         let data = ArtifactNotification { artifact: path, emit: artifact_type };
126         let result = if self.pretty {
127             writeln!(&mut self.dst, "{}", as_pretty_json(&data))
128         } else {
129             writeln!(&mut self.dst, "{}", as_json(&data))
130         }
131         .and_then(|_| self.dst.flush());
132         if let Err(e) = result {
133             panic!("failed to print notification: {:?}", e);
134         }
135     }
emit_future_breakage_report(&mut self, diags: Vec<(FutureBreakage, crate::Diagnostic)>)137     fn emit_future_breakage_report(&mut self, diags: Vec<(FutureBreakage, crate::Diagnostic)>) {
138         let data: Vec<FutureBreakageItem> = diags
139             .into_iter()
140             .map(|(breakage, mut diag)| {
141                 if diag.level == crate::Level::Allow {
142                     diag.level = crate::Level::Warning;
143                 }
144                 FutureBreakageItem {
145                     future_breakage_date: breakage.date,
146                     diagnostic: Diagnostic::from_errors_diagnostic(&diag, self),
147                 }
148             })
149             .collect();
150         let report = FutureIncompatReport { future_incompat_report: data };
151         let result = if self.pretty {
152             writeln!(&mut self.dst, "{}", as_pretty_json(&report))
153         } else {
154             writeln!(&mut self.dst, "{}", as_json(&report))
155         }
156         .and_then(|_| self.dst.flush());
157         if let Err(e) = result {
158             panic!("failed to print future breakage report: {:?}", e);
159         }
160     }
emit_unused_externs(&mut self, lint_level: &str, unused_externs: &[&str])162     fn emit_unused_externs(&mut self, lint_level: &str, unused_externs: &[&str]) {
163         let data = UnusedExterns { lint_level, unused_extern_names: unused_externs };
164         let result = if self.pretty {
165             writeln!(&mut self.dst, "{}", as_pretty_json(&data))
166         } else {
167             writeln!(&mut self.dst, "{}", as_json(&data))
168         }
169         .and_then(|_| self.dst.flush());
170         if let Err(e) = result {
171             panic!("failed to print unused externs: {:?}", e);
172         }
173     }
source_map(&self) -> Option<&Lrc<SourceMap>>175     fn source_map(&self) -> Option<&Lrc<SourceMap>> {
176         Some(&self.sm)
177     }
should_show_explain(&self) -> bool179     fn should_show_explain(&self) -> bool {
180         !matches!(self.json_rendered, HumanReadableErrorType::Short(_))
181     }
182 }
184 // The following data types are provided just for serialisation.
186 // NOTE: this has a manual implementation of Encodable which needs to be updated in
187 // parallel.
188 struct Diagnostic {
189     /// The primary error message.
190     message: String,
191     code: Option<DiagnosticCode>,
192     /// "error: internal compiler error", "error", "warning", "note", "help".
193     level: &'static str,
194     spans: Vec<DiagnosticSpan>,
195     /// Associated diagnostic messages.
196     children: Vec<Diagnostic>,
197     /// The message as rustc would render it.
198     rendered: Option<String>,
199     /// Extra tool metadata
200     tool_metadata: ToolMetadata,
201 }
203 macro_rules! encode_fields {
204     (
205         $enc:expr,                  // encoder
206         $idx:expr,                  // starting field index
207         $struct:expr,               // struct we're serializing
208         $struct_name:ident,         // struct name
209         [ $($name:ident),+$(,)? ],  // fields to encode
210         [ $($ignore:ident),+$(,)? ] // fields we're skipping
211     ) => {
212         {
213             // Pattern match to make sure all fields are accounted for
214             let $struct_name { $($name,)+ $($ignore: _,)+ } = $struct;
215             let mut idx = $idx;
216             $(
217                 $enc.emit_struct_field(
218                     stringify!($name),
219                     idx,
220                     |enc| $name.encode(enc),
221                 )?;
222                 idx += 1;
223             )+
224             idx
225         }
226     };
227 }
229 // Special-case encoder to skip tool_metadata if not set
230 impl<E: Encoder> Encodable<E> for Diagnostic {
encode(&self, s: &mut E) -> Result<(), E::Error>231     fn encode(&self, s: &mut E) -> Result<(), E::Error> {
232         s.emit_struct("diagnostic", 7, |s| {
233             let mut idx = 0;
235             idx = encode_fields!(
236                 s,
237                 idx,
238                 self,
239                 Self,
240                 [message, code, level, spans, children, rendered],
241                 [tool_metadata]
242             );
243             if self.tool_metadata.is_set() {
244                 idx = encode_fields!(
245                     s,
246                     idx,
247                     self,
248                     Self,
249                     [tool_metadata],
250                     [message, code, level, spans, children, rendered]
251                 );
252             }
254             let _ = idx;
255             Ok(())
256         })
257     }
258 }
260 #[derive(Encodable)]
261 struct DiagnosticSpan {
262     file_name: String,
263     byte_start: u32,
264     byte_end: u32,
265     /// 1-based.
266     line_start: usize,
267     line_end: usize,
268     /// 1-based, character offset.
269     column_start: usize,
270     column_end: usize,
271     /// Is this a "primary" span -- meaning the point, or one of the points,
272     /// where the error occurred?
273     is_primary: bool,
274     /// Source text from the start of line_start to the end of line_end.
275     text: Vec<DiagnosticSpanLine>,
276     /// Label that should be placed at this location (if any)
277     label: Option<String>,
278     /// If we are suggesting a replacement, this will contain text
279     /// that should be sliced in atop this span.
280     suggested_replacement: Option<String>,
281     /// If the suggestion is approximate
282     suggestion_applicability: Option<Applicability>,
283     /// Macro invocations that created the code at this span, if any.
284     expansion: Option<Box<DiagnosticSpanMacroExpansion>>,
285 }
287 #[derive(Encodable)]
288 struct DiagnosticSpanLine {
289     text: String,
291     /// 1-based, character offset in self.text.
292     highlight_start: usize,
294     highlight_end: usize,
295 }
297 #[derive(Encodable)]
298 struct DiagnosticSpanMacroExpansion {
299     /// span where macro was applied to generate this code; note that
300     /// this may itself derive from a macro (if
301     /// `span.expansion.is_some()`)
302     span: DiagnosticSpan,
304     /// name of macro that was applied (e.g., "foo!" or "#[derive(Eq)]")
305     macro_decl_name: String,
307     /// span where macro was defined (if known)
308     def_site_span: DiagnosticSpan,
309 }
311 #[derive(Encodable)]
312 struct DiagnosticCode {
313     /// The code itself.
314     code: String,
315     /// An explanation for the code.
316     explanation: Option<&'static str>,
317 }
319 #[derive(Encodable)]
320 struct ArtifactNotification<'a> {
321     /// The path of the artifact.
322     artifact: &'a Path,
323     /// What kind of artifact we're emitting.
324     emit: &'a str,
325 }
327 #[derive(Encodable)]
328 struct FutureBreakageItem {
329     future_breakage_date: Option<&'static str>,
330     diagnostic: Diagnostic,
331 }
333 #[derive(Encodable)]
334 struct FutureIncompatReport {
335     future_incompat_report: Vec<FutureBreakageItem>,
336 }
338 // NOTE: Keep this in sync with the equivalent structs in rustdoc's
339 // doctest component (as well as cargo).
340 // We could unify this struct the one in rustdoc but they have different
341 // ownership semantics, so doing so would create wasteful allocations.
342 #[derive(Encodable)]
343 struct UnusedExterns<'a, 'b, 'c> {
344     /// The severity level of the unused dependencies lint
345     lint_level: &'a str,
346     /// List of unused externs by their names.
347     unused_extern_names: &'b [&'c str],
348 }
350 impl Diagnostic {
from_errors_diagnostic(diag: &crate::Diagnostic, je: &JsonEmitter) -> Diagnostic351     fn from_errors_diagnostic(diag: &crate::Diagnostic, je: &JsonEmitter) -> Diagnostic {
352         let sugg = diag.suggestions.iter().map(|sugg| Diagnostic {
353             message: sugg.msg.clone(),
354             code: None,
355             level: "help",
356             spans: DiagnosticSpan::from_suggestion(sugg, je),
357             children: vec![],
358             rendered: None,
359             tool_metadata: sugg.tool_metadata.clone(),
360         });
362         // generate regular command line output and store it in the json
364         // A threadsafe buffer for writing.
365         #[derive(Default, Clone)]
366         struct BufWriter(Arc<Mutex<Vec<u8>>>);
368         impl Write for BufWriter {
369             fn write(&mut self, buf: &[u8]) -> io::Result<usize> {
370                 self.0.lock().unwrap().write(buf)
371             }
372             fn flush(&mut self) -> io::Result<()> {
373                 self.0.lock().unwrap().flush()
374             }
375         }
376         let buf = BufWriter::default();
377         let output = buf.clone();
378         je.json_rendered
379             .new_emitter(
380                 Box::new(buf),
381                 Some(je.sm.clone()),
382                 false,
383                 je.terminal_width,
384                 je.macro_backtrace,
385             )
386             .ui_testing(je.ui_testing)
387             .emit_diagnostic(diag);
388         let output = Arc::try_unwrap(output.0).unwrap().into_inner().unwrap();
389         let output = String::from_utf8(output).unwrap();
391         Diagnostic {
392             message: diag.message(),
393             code: DiagnosticCode::map_opt_string(diag.code.clone(), je),
394             level: diag.level.to_str(),
395             spans: DiagnosticSpan::from_multispan(&diag.span, je),
396             children: diag
397                 .children
398                 .iter()
399                 .map(|c| Diagnostic::from_sub_diagnostic(c, je))
400                 .chain(sugg)
401                 .collect(),
402             rendered: Some(output),
403             tool_metadata: ToolMetadata::default(),
404         }
405     }
from_sub_diagnostic(diag: &SubDiagnostic, je: &JsonEmitter) -> Diagnostic407     fn from_sub_diagnostic(diag: &SubDiagnostic, je: &JsonEmitter) -> Diagnostic {
408         Diagnostic {
409             message: diag.message(),
410             code: None,
411             level: diag.level.to_str(),
412             spans: diag
413                 .render_span
414                 .as_ref()
415                 .map(|sp| DiagnosticSpan::from_multispan(sp, je))
416                 .unwrap_or_else(|| DiagnosticSpan::from_multispan(&diag.span, je)),
417             children: vec![],
418             rendered: None,
419             tool_metadata: ToolMetadata::default(),
420         }
421     }
422 }
424 impl DiagnosticSpan {
from_span_label( span: SpanLabel, suggestion: Option<(&String, Applicability)>, je: &JsonEmitter, ) -> DiagnosticSpan425     fn from_span_label(
426         span: SpanLabel,
427         suggestion: Option<(&String, Applicability)>,
428         je: &JsonEmitter,
429     ) -> DiagnosticSpan {
430         Self::from_span_etc(span.span, span.is_primary, span.label, suggestion, je)
431     }
from_span_etc( span: Span, is_primary: bool, label: Option<String>, suggestion: Option<(&String, Applicability)>, je: &JsonEmitter, ) -> DiagnosticSpan433     fn from_span_etc(
434         span: Span,
435         is_primary: bool,
436         label: Option<String>,
437         suggestion: Option<(&String, Applicability)>,
438         je: &JsonEmitter,
439     ) -> DiagnosticSpan {
440         // obtain the full backtrace from the `macro_backtrace`
441         // helper; in some ways, it'd be better to expand the
442         // backtrace ourselves, but the `macro_backtrace` helper makes
443         // some decision, such as dropping some frames, and I don't
444         // want to duplicate that logic here.
445         let backtrace = span.macro_backtrace();
446         DiagnosticSpan::from_span_full(span, is_primary, label, suggestion, backtrace, je)
447     }
from_span_full( span: Span, is_primary: bool, label: Option<String>, suggestion: Option<(&String, Applicability)>, mut backtrace: impl Iterator<Item = ExpnData>, je: &JsonEmitter, ) -> DiagnosticSpan449     fn from_span_full(
450         span: Span,
451         is_primary: bool,
452         label: Option<String>,
453         suggestion: Option<(&String, Applicability)>,
454         mut backtrace: impl Iterator<Item = ExpnData>,
455         je: &JsonEmitter,
456     ) -> DiagnosticSpan {
457         let start = je.sm.lookup_char_pos(span.lo());
458         let end = je.sm.lookup_char_pos(span.hi());
459         let backtrace_step = backtrace.next().map(|bt| {
460             let call_site = Self::from_span_full(bt.call_site, false, None, None, backtrace, je);
461             let def_site_span =
462                 Self::from_span_full(bt.def_site, false, None, None, vec![].into_iter(), je);
463             Box::new(DiagnosticSpanMacroExpansion {
464                 span: call_site,
465                 macro_decl_name: bt.kind.descr(),
466                 def_site_span,
467             })
468         });
470         DiagnosticSpan {
471             file_name: start.file.name.to_string(),
472             byte_start: start.file.original_relative_byte_pos(span.lo()).0,
473             byte_end: start.file.original_relative_byte_pos(span.hi()).0,
474             line_start: start.line,
475             line_end: end.line,
476             column_start: start.col.0 + 1,
477             column_end: end.col.0 + 1,
478             is_primary,
479             text: DiagnosticSpanLine::from_span(span, je),
480             suggested_replacement: suggestion.map(|x| x.0.clone()),
481             suggestion_applicability: suggestion.map(|x| x.1),
482             expansion: backtrace_step,
483             label,
484         }
485     }
from_multispan(msp: &MultiSpan, je: &JsonEmitter) -> Vec<DiagnosticSpan>487     fn from_multispan(msp: &MultiSpan, je: &JsonEmitter) -> Vec<DiagnosticSpan> {
488         msp.span_labels()
489             .into_iter()
490             .map(|span_str| Self::from_span_label(span_str, None, je))
491             .collect()
492     }
from_suggestion(suggestion: &CodeSuggestion, je: &JsonEmitter) -> Vec<DiagnosticSpan>494     fn from_suggestion(suggestion: &CodeSuggestion, je: &JsonEmitter) -> Vec<DiagnosticSpan> {
495         suggestion
496             .substitutions
497             .iter()
498             .flat_map(|substitution| {
499                 substitution.parts.iter().map(move |suggestion_inner| {
500                     let span_label =
501                         SpanLabel { span: suggestion_inner.span, is_primary: true, label: None };
502                     DiagnosticSpan::from_span_label(
503                         span_label,
504                         Some((&suggestion_inner.snippet, suggestion.applicability)),
505                         je,
506                     )
507                 })
508             })
509             .collect()
510     }
511 }
513 impl DiagnosticSpanLine {
line_from_source_file( sf: &rustc_span::SourceFile, index: usize, h_start: usize, h_end: usize, ) -> DiagnosticSpanLine514     fn line_from_source_file(
515         sf: &rustc_span::SourceFile,
516         index: usize,
517         h_start: usize,
518         h_end: usize,
519     ) -> DiagnosticSpanLine {
520         DiagnosticSpanLine {
521             text: sf.get_line(index).map_or_else(String::new, |l| l.into_owned()),
522             highlight_start: h_start,
523             highlight_end: h_end,
524         }
525     }
527     /// Creates a list of DiagnosticSpanLines from span - each line with any part
528     /// of `span` gets a DiagnosticSpanLine, with the highlight indicating the
529     /// `span` within the line.
from_span(span: Span, je: &JsonEmitter) -> Vec<DiagnosticSpanLine>530     fn from_span(span: Span, je: &JsonEmitter) -> Vec<DiagnosticSpanLine> {
531         je.sm
532             .span_to_lines(span)
533             .map(|lines| {
534                 // We can't get any lines if the source is unavailable.
535                 if !je.sm.ensure_source_file_source_present(lines.file.clone()) {
536                     return vec![];
537                 }
539                 let sf = &*lines.file;
540                 lines
541                     .lines
542                     .iter()
543                     .map(|line| {
544                         DiagnosticSpanLine::line_from_source_file(
545                             sf,
546                             line.line_index,
547                             line.start_col.0 + 1,
548                             line.end_col.0 + 1,
549                         )
550                     })
551                     .collect()
552             })
553             .unwrap_or_else(|_| vec![])
554     }
555 }
557 impl DiagnosticCode {
map_opt_string(s: Option<DiagnosticId>, je: &JsonEmitter) -> Option<DiagnosticCode>558     fn map_opt_string(s: Option<DiagnosticId>, je: &JsonEmitter) -> Option<DiagnosticCode> {
559         s.map(|s| {
560             let s = match s {
561                 DiagnosticId::Error(s) => s,
562                 DiagnosticId::Lint { name, has_future_breakage: _ } => name,
563             };
564             let je_result =
565                 je.registry.as_ref().map(|registry| registry.try_find_description(&s)).unwrap();
567             DiagnosticCode { code: s, explanation: je_result.unwrap_or(None) }
568         })
569     }
570 }