1 /// This file is not technically part of the ChaiScript API. It is used solely for generating Doxygen docs
2 /// regarding the ChaiScript standard runtime library.
4 /// \brief Items in this namespace exist in the ChaiScript language runtime. They are not part of the C++ API
5 namespace ChaiScript_Language
6 {
8 /// \page LangStandardLibraryRef ChaiScript Language Standard Library Reference
9 ///
10 /// ChaiScript, at its core, has some very functional programming-inspired habits. Few places show this off as clearly
11 /// as the prelude, itself a name taken as a nod to the popular functional language Haskell. This prelude is available
12 /// to all standard ChaiScript applications, and provides a simple foundation for using numbers, strings, and ranges
13 /// (the general category of Range cs and their iteration).
14 ///
17 /// \brief Generic concept of a value in ChaiScript.
18 ///
19 /// The Object type exists merely as a concept. All objects in ChaiScript support this concept
20 /// and have the following methods available to them. All objects are stored internally as chaiscript::Boxed_Value types.
21 ///
22 /// \sa chaiscript::Boxed_Value
23 class Object
24 {
25   public:
26     /// \brief Returns the Type_Info value for this Object
27     Type_Info get_type_info() const;
29     /// \brief Returns true if the Object is of the named type
30     bool is_type(string) const;
32     /// \brief Returns true if the Object is of the Type_Info passed in
33     bool is_type(Type_Info) const;
35     /// \brief Returns true if the Object is immutable
36     bool is_var_const() const;
38     /// \brief Returns true if the Object is a pointer and the pointer is null
39     bool is_var_null() const;
41     /// \brief Returns true if the Object is stored as a pointer
42     bool is_var_pointer() const;
44     /// \brief Returns true if the Object is stored as a reference
45     bool is_var_reference() const;
47     /// \brief Returns true if the Object does not contain a value is is undefined.
48     bool is_var_undef() const;
50     /// \brief Returns the registered name of the type of the object.
51     ///
52     /// \sa Type_Info::name();
53     string type_name() const;
54 };
56 /// \brief Item returned from a Range object from a Map
57 class Map_Pair
58 {
59   public:
60     /// \brief Returns the key of the Map entry
61     const string first();
63     /// \brief Returns the value Object of the Map entry
64     Object second();
65 };
68 /// \brief Maps strings to Objects
69 ///
70 /// ChaiScript has a built in shortcut for generating Map objects:
71 ///
72 /// Example:
73 /// \code
74 /// eval> var m = ["a":1, "b":2];
75 /// [<a,1>, <b,2>]
76 /// eval> m.count("a");
77 /// 1
78 /// eval> m.count("c");
79 /// 0
80 /// eval> m.size();
81 /// 2
82 /// \endcode
83 ///
84 /// Implemented as std::map<Boxed_Value>
85 ///
86 /// \sa Map_Pair
87 /// \sa chaiscript::bootstrap::standard_library::map_type
88 class Map
89 {
90   public:
91     /// \brief Returns an object that implements the Range concept for the Map_Pair's in this Map
92     Range range();
94     /// \brief Returns an object that implements the Const_Range concept for the Map_Pair's in this Map
95     Const_Range range() const;
97     /// \brief Returns the number of elements in the Map
98     int size() const;
100     /// \brief Returns the item at the given key, creating an undefined Object if the key does not yet exist in the map
101     Object operator[](string);
103     /// \brief Clears the map of all items
104     void clear();
106     /// \brief Returns the number of items in the Map with the given key. Returns 0 or 1 since this is not an std::multimap.
107     int count(string) const;
109     /// \brief Returns true if the map contains no items
110     bool empty() const;
112 };
115 /// \brief A concept implemented by string, Vector and Map. It is convertible to Range, default constructable and back_insertable
116 class Container
117 {
118   public:
119     void push_back(Object);
120     Range range();
121     Const_Range range() const;
122 };
125 /// \brief Converts o into a string.
126 ///
127 /// \code
128 /// eval> to_string(3).is_type("string") <br>
129 /// true<br>
130 /// \endcode
131 string to_string(Object o);
134 /// \brief Prints o to the terminal, without a trailing carriage return. Applies conversions to string automatically.
135 /// \code
136 /// eval> puts("hi, "); puts("there")
137 /// hi, thereeval>
138 /// \endcode
139 /// \sa to_string
140 /// \sa print
141 void puts(Object o);
144 /// \brief Prints o to the terminal, with a trailing carriage return. Applies conversions to string automatically
145 /// \code
146 /// eval> print("hello")
147 /// hello
148 /// eval>
149 /// \endcode
150 /// \sa to_string
151 /// \sa puts
152 void print(Object o);
154 /// \brief ChaiScript representation of std::string. It is an std::string but only some member are exposed to ChaiScript.
155 ///
156 /// Because the ChaiScript string object is an std::string, it is directly convertible to and from std::string
157 /// using the chaiscript::boxed_cast and chaiscript::var functions.
158 ///
159 /// With the exception of string::trim, string::rtrim, string::ltrim, all members are direct pass-throughs to the
160 /// std::string of the same name.
161 ///
162 /// \note Object and function notations are equivalent in ChaiScript. This means that
163 ///       \c "bob".find("b") and \c find("bob", "b") are exactly the same. Most examples below follow the
164 ///       second formation of the function calls.
165 /// \sa \ref keyworddef for extending existing C++ classes in ChaiScript
166 /// \sa chaiscript::bootstrap::standard_library::string_type
167 class string
168 {
169   public:
170     /// \brief Finds the first instance of substr.
171     /// \code
172     /// eval> find("abab", "ab")
173     /// 0
174     /// \endcode
175     int find(string s) const;
178     /// \brief Finds the last instance of substr.
179     /// \code
180     /// eval> rfind("abab", "ab")
181     /// 2
182     /// \endcode
183     int rfind(string s) const;
185     /// \brief Finds the first of characters in list in the string.
186     ///
187     /// \code
188     /// eval> find_first_of("abab", "bec")
189     /// 1
190     /// \endcode
191     int find_first_of(string list) const;
193     /// \brief Finds the last of characters in list in the string.
194     ///
195     /// \code
196     /// eval> find_last_of("abab", "bec")
197     /// 3
198     /// \endcode
199     int find_last_of(string list) const;
201     /// \brief Finds the first non-matching character to list in the str string.
202     ///
203     /// \code
204     /// eval> find_first_not_of("abcd", "fec")
205     /// 0
206     /// \endcode
207     int find_first_not_of(string list) const;
209     /// \brief Finds the last non-matching character to list in the list string.
210     ///
211     /// \code
212     /// eval> find_last_not_of("abcd", "fec")
213     /// 3
214     /// \endcode
215     int find_last_not_of(string list) const;
217     /// \brief Removes whitespace from the front of the string, returning a new string
218     ///
219     /// \note This function is implemented as a ChaiScript function using the def member function notation.
220     ///
221     /// \code
222     /// eval> ltrim("  bob")
223     /// bob
224     /// \endcode
225     ///
226     /// \sa \ref keyworddef
227     string lstrim() const;
229     /// \brief Removes whitespace from the back of the string, returning a new string
230     ///
231     /// \note This function is implemented as a ChaiScript function using the def member function notation.
232     ///
233     /// \code
234     /// eval> rtrim("bob  ") + "|"
235     /// bob|
236     /// \endcode
237     ///
238     /// \sa \ref keyworddef
239     string rtrim() const;
241     /// \brief Removes whitespace from the front and back of the string, returning a new string
242     ///
243     /// \note This function is implemented as a ChaiScript function using the def member function notation.
244     ///
245     /// \code
246     /// eval> trim("  bob  ") + "|"
247     /// bob|
248     /// \endcode
249     ///
250     /// Equivalent to rtrim(ltrim("  bob  "));
251     ///
252     /// \sa \ref keyworddef
253     string trim() const;
255     /// \brief Returns the character at the given index in the string, const version
256     const char &operator[](int t_index) const;
258     /// \brief Returns the character at the given index in the string
259     char &operator[](int t_index);
261     /// \brief Returns underlying const char * for C api compatibility
262     const char *c_str() const;
264     /// \brief Returns a pointer to the raw data in the string
265     const char *data() const;
267     /// \brief Resets the string to empty
268     void clear();
270     /// \brief Returns true if the string is empty
271     bool empty() const;
273     /// \brief Returns the size of the string in bytes.
274     ///
275     /// This function normally returns size_t in C++. In ChaiScript the return value is cast to int
276     /// for ease of use.
277     int size() const;
279     /// \brief Returns an object that implements the Range concept for the characters of this string
280     Range range();
282     /// \brief Returns an object that implements the Const_Range concept for the characters of this string
283     Const_Range range() const;
284 };
286 /// \brief A concept in ChaiScript that is implemented by \ref string, Vector and Map. It provides
287 ///        easy iteration over the elements in a container.
288 ///
289 /// Implemented by the template chaiscript::bootstrap::standard_library::Bidir_Range
290 ///
291 /// \sa Const_Range
292 class Range
293 {
294   public:
295     /// \brief Returns the last item of the range
296     Object back();
298     /// \brief Returns true if the front and back pointers have passed each other, if no items
299     ///        are left in the Range
300     bool empty() const;
302     /// \brief Returns the first item of the range
303     Object front();
305     /// \brief Moves the back pointer back one.
306     ///
307     /// \post back() returns the element at back() - 1;
308     void pop_back();
310     /// \brief Moves the front pointer forward one
311     ///
312     /// \post front() returns the element at front() + 1;
313     void pop_front();
315 };
317 /// \brief A concept in ChaiScript that is implemented by \ref string, Vector and Map. It provides
318 ///        easy iteration over the elements in a container. Contained values are const.
319 ///
320 /// Implemented by the template chaiscript::bootstrap::standard_library::Const_Bidir_Range
321 ///
322 /// \sa Range
323 class Const_Range
324 {
325   public:
326     /// \brief Returns the last item of the range
327     const Object back();
329     /// \brief Returns true if the front and back pointers have passed each other, if no items
330     ///        are left in the Range
331     bool empty() const;
333     /// \brief Returns the first item of the range
334     const Object front();
336     /// \brief Moves the back pointer back one.
337     ///
338     /// \post back() returns the element at back() - 1;
339     void pop_back();
341     /// \brief Moves the front pointer forward one
342     ///
343     /// \post front() returns the element at front() + 1;
344     void pop_front();
346 };
348 /// \brief A vector of Objects
349 ///
350 /// ChaiScript includes a shortcut for creating a Vector of Objects
351 ///
352 /// Example:
353 /// \code
354 /// eval> var v = [1,2,3,4]
355 /// [1, 2, 3, 4]
356 /// eval> v[0];
357 /// 1
358 /// eval> v.size();
359 /// 4
360 /// \endcode
361 ///
362 /// Implemented with std::vector<chaiscript::Boxed_Value>
363 ///
364 /// \sa chaiscript::bootstrap::standard_library::vector_type
365 class Vector
366 {
367   public:
368     /// \brief returns the Object at the given index. Throws an exception if the index does not exist
369     Object operator[](int t_index);
371     /// \brief returns a const Object at the given index. Throws an exception if the index does not exist.
372     const Object operator[](int t_index) const;
374     /// \brief returns the last item in the Vector
375     Object back();
377     /// \brief Clears the Vector of all items
378     void clear();
380     /// \brief Returns true if the Vector is contains 0 items
381     bool empty();
383     /// \brief Erases the element at the given index
384     void erase_at(int t_index);
386     /// \brief Returns the first item in the Vector
387     Object front();
389     /// \brief Inserts a new item in the Vector at the given index. The item is not cloned on insert
390     ///
391     /// \sa insert_ref
392     void insert_ref_at(int, Object);
394     /// \brief Inserts a new item in the Vector at the given index. The item is cloned on insert
395     ///
396     /// \sa insert_ref
397     void insert_at(int, Object);
399     /// \brief Removes the last item from the Vector
400     void pop_back();
402     /// \brief Adds an item to the end of the Vector. The item is not cloned.
403     ///
404     /// \sa push_back
405     void push_back_ref(Object);
407     /// \brief Adds an item to the end of the Vector. The item is cloned.
408     ///
409     /// \sa push_back_ref
410     void push_back(Object);
412     /// \brief Returns a Range object for the entire vector
413     Range range();
415     /// \brief Returns a Const_Range object for the entire vector
416     Const_Range range() const;
418     /// \brief Returns the number of elements in the Vector
419     int size() const;
421 };
423 class Type_Info
424 {
425   public:
426     /// \brief Compares this Type_Info object with another one and returns true if the two types are the same
427     ///        after const, pointer, reference are removed.
428     bool bare_equal(Type_Info t_ti) const;
430     /// \brief Returns the mangled C++ name for the type given by the compiler after const, pointer, reference is removed.
431     string cpp_bare_name() const;
433     /// \brief Returns the mangled C++ name for the type given by the compiler.
434     string cpp_name() const;
436     /// \brief Returns true if the type is const
437     bool is_type_const() const;
439     /// \brief Returns true if the type is a pointer
440     bool is_type_pointer() const;
442     /// \brief Returns true if the type is a reference
443     bool is_type_reference() const;
445     /// \brief Returns true if the type is undefined
446     bool is_type_undef() const;
448     /// \brief Returns true if the type is "void"
449     bool is_type_void() const;
451     /// \brief Returns the ChaiScript registered name for the type if one exists.
452     string name() const;
454 };
457 /// \brief Represents a function object in ChaiScript
458 ///
459 /// A function object may be one function, such as:
460 /// \code
461 /// var f = fun(x) { return x; }
462 /// \endcode
463 ///
464 /// Or it may represent multiple functions
465 /// \code
466 /// var f2 = `-`; // represents the unary - as well as the set of binary - operators
467 /// \endcode
468 ///
469 /// Guarded function example
470 /// \code
471 /// def f3(x) : x > 2 {
472 ///  return x;
473 /// }
474 /// \endcode
475 ///
476 /// Examples in the function definitions below will reference these examples
477 class Function
478 {
479   public:
480     /// \brief Returns the annotation description of the function
481     string get_annotation() const;
483     /// \brief Returns the arity of the function, -1 if the function takes a variable number of parameters
484     ///
485     /// Example:
486     /// \code
487     /// eval> f.get_arity()
488     /// 1
489     /// eval> f2.get_arity()
490     /// -1
491     /// \endcode
492     int get_arity() const;
494     /// \brief Returns a vector of the contained functions
495     ///
496     /// Example:
497     /// \code
498     /// eval> f.get_contained_functions().size()
499     /// 0
500     /// eval> f2.get_contained_functions().size()
501     /// 11
502     /// eval> var v = f2.get_contained_functions();
503     /// v[0].get_arity()
504     /// 2
505     /// \endcode
506     Vector get_contained_functions() const;
508     /// \brief Returns a function guard as function
509     ///
510     /// Example:
511     /// \code
512     /// eval> f.get_guard() // Throws exception
513     /// Function does not have a guard
514     /// eval> f3.get_guard().get_arity()
515     /// 1
516     /// \endcode
517     Function get_guard() const;
519     /// \brief Returns a vector of Type_Info objects that represent the param types for this function.
520     ///        The first value in the list is the return type.
521     ///
522     /// If this function is a conglomerate of several functions (get_contained_values().size() > 0)
523     /// then the function returns as many Type_Info objects as it can. If the functions contained all have
524     /// the same arity, then it represents the arity. If they have different arities, it returns only
525     /// one value - the return type.
526     ///
527     /// For each parameter that is the same type, the type is returned. If the types are different
528     /// then a Type_Info for Object is returned.
529     ///
530     /// Example:
531     /// \code
532     /// eval> f2.get_param_types().size(); // Returns a Type_Info for Object for the return type
533     /// 1
534     /// \endcode
535     Vector get_param_types() const;
537     /// \brief Returns true if the function has a guard to it. Always returns false for a conglomerate function
538     bool has_guard() const;
540     /// \brief Calls the function with the given set of parameters and returns the value;
541     ///
542     /// Example:
543     /// \code
544     /// eval> `-`.call([2,1]);
545     /// 1
546     /// \endcode
547     Object call(Vector t_params) const;
548 }
552 /// \brief Returns the max of a or b. Requires that operator>(a, b) exists
553 /// Equivalent to
554 /// \code
555 /// return a>b?a:b;
556 /// \endcode
557 ///
558 /// Example:
559 /// \code
560 /// eval> max(4, 10)
561 /// 10
562 /// \endcode
563 Object max(Object a, Object b);
565 /// \brief Returns the min of a or b. Requires that operator<(a, b) exists
566 ///
567 /// Equivalent to
568 /// \code
569 /// return a<b?a:b;
570 /// \endcode
571 ///
572 /// Example:
573 /// \code
574 /// eval> min(4, 10)
575 /// 4
576 /// \endcode
577 Object min(Object a, Object b);
579 /// \brief Returns true if x is an even integer.
580 ///
581 /// Will also work on any non-integer type for which an operator%(x, int) exists
582 ///
583 /// Example:
584 /// \code
585 /// eval> even(4)
586 /// true
587 /// \endcode
588 bool even(Object x);
590 /// \brief Returns true if x is an odd integer.
591 ///
592 /// Will also work on any non-integer type for which an operator%(x, int) exists
593 ///
594 /// Example:
595 /// \code
596 /// eval> odd(4)
597 /// false
598 /// \endcode
599 bool even(Object x);
602 /// \brief Applies the function f over each element in the Range c.
603 ///
604 /// Example:
605 /// \code
606 /// eval> for_each([1, 2, 3], print)
607 /// 1
608 /// 2
609 /// 3
610 /// \endcode
611 void for_each(Range c, Function f);
614 /// \brief Applies f over each element in the Range c, joining all the results.
615 ///
616 /// Example:
617 /// \code
618 /// eval> map([1, 2, 3], odd)
619 /// [true, false, true]
620 /// \endcode
621 Object map(Range c, Function f);
624 /// \brief Starts with the initial value and applies the function f to it and the first element of the Range c.
625 ///        The result is then applied to the second element, and so on until the elements are exhausted.
626 ///
627 /// Example:
628 /// \code
629 /// eval> foldl([1, 2, 3, 4], `+`, 0)
630 /// 10
631 /// \endcode
632 Object foldl(Range c, Function f, Object initial);
635 /// \brief Returns the sum total of the values in the Range c.
636 ///
637 /// Example:
638 /// \code
639 /// eval> sum([1, 2, 3, 4])
640 /// 10
641 /// \endcode
642 ///
643 /// Equivalent to:
644 /// \code
645 /// foldl(c, `+`, 0.0);
646 /// \endcode
647 Numeric sum(Range c);
650 /// \brief Returns the product of the value in the Range c.
651 ///
652 /// Example:
653 /// \code
654 /// eval> product([1, 2, 3, 4])
655 /// 24
656 /// \endcode
657 ///
658 /// Equivalent to:
659 /// \code
660 /// foldl(c, `*`, 1.0);
661 /// \endcode
662 Numeric product(Range c);
665 /// \brief Takes num elements from the Range c, returning them.
666 ///
667 /// Example:
668 /// \code
669 /// eval> take([1, 2, 3, 4], 2)
670 /// [1, 2]
671 /// \endcode
672 ///
673 /// \returns A container of the same type that was passed in
674 Object take(Range c, int num);
677 /// \brief Takes elements from the Range c that match function f, stopping at the first non-match, returning them as a new Vector.
678 ///
679 /// Example:
680 /// \code
681 /// eval> take_while([1, 2, 3], odd)
682 /// [1]
683 /// \endcode
684 ///
685 /// \returns A container of the same type that was passed in
686 Object take_while(Range c, Function f);
689 /// \brief Drops num elements from the Range c, returning the remainder.
690 ///
691 /// Example:
692 /// \code
693 /// eval> drop([1, 2, 3, 4], 2)
694 /// [3, 4]
695 /// \endcode
696 ///
697 /// \returns A container of the same type that was passed in
698 Object drop(Range c, int num);
701 /// \brief Drops elements from the Range c that match f, stopping at the first non-match, returning the remainder.
702 ///
703 /// Example:
704 /// \code
705 /// eval> drop_while([1, 2, 3], odd)
706 /// [2, 3]
707 /// \endcode
708 Object drop_while(Range c, Function f);
711 /// \brief Similar to foldl, this takes the first two elements as its starting values for f. This assumes Range c has at least 2 elements.
712 ///
713 /// Example:
714 /// \code
715 /// eval> reduce([1, 2, 3, 4], `+`)
716 /// 10
717 /// \endcode
718 Object reduce(Range c, Function f);
721 /// \brief Takes elements from Container c that match function f, return them.
722 ///
723 /// Example:
724 /// \code
725 /// eval> filter([1, 2, 3, 4], odd)
726 /// [1, 3]
727 /// \endcode
728 Object filter(Container c, Function f);
731 /// \brief Joins the elements of the Range c into a string, delimiting each with the delim string.
732 ///
733 /// Example:
734 /// \code
735 /// eval> join([1, 2, 3], "*")
736 /// 1*2*3
737 /// \endcode
738 string join(Range c, string delim);
741 /// \brief Returns the contents of the Container c in reversed order.
742 ///
743 /// Example:
744 /// \code
745 /// eval> reverse([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7])
746 /// [7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1]
747 /// \endcode
748 Container reverse(Container c);
751 /// \brief Generates a new Vector filled with values starting at x and ending with y.
752 ///
753 /// Works on types supporting operator<=(x, y) and operator++(x)
754 ///
755 /// Example:
756 /// \code
757 /// eval> generate_range(1, 10)
758 /// [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]
759 /// \endcode
760 Vector generate_range(Object x, Object y);
763 /// \brief Returns a new Range with x and y concatenated.
764 ///
765 /// Example:
766 /// \code
767 /// eval> concat([1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6])
768 /// [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
769 /// \endcode
770 Object concat(Range x, Range y);
773 /// \brief Returns a new Vector with x and y as its values.
774 ///
775 /// Example:
776 /// \code
777 /// eval> collate(1, 2)
778 /// [1, 2]
779 /// \endcode
780 Vector collate(Object x, Object y);
783 /// \brief Applies f to elements of x and y, returning a new Vector with the result of each application.
784 ///
785 /// Example:
786 /// \code
787 /// eval> zip_with(`+`, [1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6])
788 /// [5, 7, 9]
789 /// \endcode
790 Vector zip_with(Function f, Range x, Range y);
793 /// \brief Collates elements of x and y, returning a new Vector with the result.
794 ///
795 /// Example:
796 /// \code
797 /// eval> zip([1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6])
798 /// [[1, 4], [2, 5], [3, 6]]
799 /// \endcode
800 Vector zip(Range x, Range y);
803 /// \brief returns true if there exists a call to the Function f that takes the given parameters
804 ///
805 /// Example:
806 /// \code
807 /// eval> call_exists(`+`, 1, 2)
808 /// true
809 /// \endcode
810 bool call_exists(Function f, ...);
812 /// \brief Reverses a Range object so that the elements are accessed in reverse
813 Range retro(Range);
815 /// \brief Reverses a Const_Range object so that the elements are accessed in reverse
816 Const_Range retro(Const_Range);
819 /// \brief Raises the given object as an exception. Any type of object can be thrown.
820 ///
821 /// Example:
822 /// \code
823 /// eval> try { throw(1); } catch (e) { print("Exception caught: " + to_string(e)); }
824 /// Exception caught: 1
825 /// \endcode
826 ///
827 /// \sa \ref keywordtry
828 void throw(Object);
829 }