2 * Copyright 2001-2008 Artima, Inc.
3 *
4 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7 *
8 *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9 *
10 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14 * limitations under the License.
15 */
16package org.scalatest.matchers
18import org.scalatest._
20class ShouldBeSymbolSpec extends Spec with ShouldMatchers with EmptyMocks {
22  describe("The be ('symbol) syntax") {
24    it("should do nothing if the object has an appropriately named method, which returns true") {
25      emptyMock should be ('empty)
26      isEmptyMock should be ('empty)
27    }
29    it("should throw TestFailedException if no <symbol> or is<Symbol> method exists") {
30      val ex1 = intercept[TestFailedException] {
31        noPredicateMock should be ('empty)
32      }
33      ex1.getMessage should equal ("NoPredicateMock has neither an empty nor an isEmpty method")
34      // Check message for name that starts with a consonant (should use a instead of an)
35      val ex2 = intercept[TestFailedException] {
36        noPredicateMock should be ('full)
37      }
38      ex2.getMessage should equal ("NoPredicateMock has neither a full nor an isFull method")
39    }
41    it("should do nothing if the object has an appropriately named method, which returns true, even if the method contains operator characters") {
43      val opNames = new OperatorNames
45      opNames should be ('op_21_!)
46      opNames should be ('op_23_#)
47      opNames should be ('op_25_%)
48      opNames should be ('op_26_&)
49      opNames should be ('op_2a_*)
50      opNames should be ('op_2b_+)
51      opNames should be ('op_2d_-)
52      opNames should be ('op_2f_/)
53      opNames should be ('op_3a_:)
54      opNames should be ('op_3c_<)
55      opNames should be ('op_3d_=)
56      opNames should be ('op_3e_>)
57      opNames should be ('op_3f_?)
58      opNames should be ('op_40_@)
59      opNames should be ('op_5c_\)
60      opNames should be ('op_5e_^)
61      opNames should be ('op_7c_|)
62      opNames should be ('op_7e_~)
64      opNames should be (Symbol("!!!"))
65      opNames should be (Symbol("###"))
66      opNames should be (Symbol("%%%"))
67      opNames should be (Symbol("&&&"))
68      opNames should be (Symbol("***"))
69      opNames should be (Symbol("+++"))
70      opNames should be (Symbol("---"))
71      opNames should be (Symbol("/"))
72      opNames should be (Symbol(":::"))
73      opNames should be (Symbol("<<<"))
74      opNames should be (Symbol("==="))
75      opNames should be (Symbol(">>>"))
76      opNames should be (Symbol("???"))
77      opNames should be (Symbol("@@@"))
78      opNames should be (Symbol("\\\\\\"))
79      opNames should be (Symbol("^^^"))
80      opNames should be (Symbol("|||"))
81      opNames should be (Symbol("~~~"))
82    }
84    it("should do nothing if the object has an appropriately named method, which returns false when used with not") {
85      notEmptyMock should not { be ('empty) }
86      notEmptyMock should not be ('empty)
87      isNotEmptyMock should not { be ('empty) }
88      isNotEmptyMock should not be ('empty)
89    }
91    it("should throw TestFailedException if no <symbol> or is<Symbol> method exists, when used with not") {
92      val ex1 = intercept[TestFailedException] {
93        noPredicateMock should not { be ('empty) }
94      }
95      ex1.getMessage should equal ("NoPredicateMock has neither an empty nor an isEmpty method")
96      val ex2 = intercept[TestFailedException] {
97        noPredicateMock should not (be ('full))
98      }
99      ex2.getMessage should equal ("NoPredicateMock has neither a full nor an isFull method")
100      val ex3 = intercept[TestFailedException] {
101        noPredicateMock should not be ('empty)
102      }
103      ex3.getMessage should equal ("NoPredicateMock has neither an empty nor an isEmpty method")
104      val ex4 = intercept[TestFailedException] {
105        noPredicateMock should not be ('full)
106      }
107      ex4.getMessage should equal ("NoPredicateMock has neither a full nor an isFull method")
108    }
110    it("should do nothing if the object has an appropriately named method, which returns true, when used in a logical-and expression") {
111      emptyMock should ((be ('empty)) and (be ('empty)))
112      emptyMock should (be ('empty) and (be ('empty)))
113      emptyMock should (be ('empty) and be ('empty))
114      isEmptyMock should ((be ('empty)) and (be ('empty)))
115      isEmptyMock should (be ('empty) and (be ('empty)))
116      isEmptyMock should (be ('empty) and be ('empty))
117    }
119    it("should do nothing if the object has an appropriately named method, which returns true, when used in a logical-or expression") {
121      emptyMock should ((be ('full)) or (be ('empty)))
122      emptyMock should (be ('full) or (be ('empty)))
123      emptyMock should (be ('full) or be ('empty))
124      isEmptyMock should ((be ('full)) or (be ('empty)))
125      isEmptyMock should (be ('full) or (be ('empty)))
126      isEmptyMock should (be ('full) or be ('empty))
128      emptyMock should ((be ('empty)) or (be ('full)))
129      emptyMock should (be ('empty) or (be ('full)))
130      emptyMock should (be ('empty) or be ('full))
131      isEmptyMock should ((be ('empty)) or (be ('full)))
132      isEmptyMock should (be ('empty) or (be ('full)))
133      isEmptyMock should (be ('empty) or be ('full))
134    }
136    it("should do nothing if the object has an appropriately named method, which returns false, when used in a logical-and expression with not") {
138      notEmptyMock should (not (be ('empty)) and not (be ('empty)))
139      notEmptyMock should ((not be ('empty)) and (not be ('empty)))
140      notEmptyMock should (not be ('empty) and not be ('empty))
142      isNotEmptyMock should (not (be ('empty)) and not (be ('empty)))
143      isNotEmptyMock should ((not be ('empty)) and (not be ('empty)))
144      isNotEmptyMock should (not be ('empty) and not be ('empty))
145    }
147    it("should do nothing if the object has an appropriately named method, which returns false, when used in a logical-or expression with not") {
149      notEmptyMock should (not (be ('empty)) or not (be ('empty)))
150      notEmptyMock should ((not be ('empty)) or (not be ('empty)))
151      notEmptyMock should (not be ('empty) or not be ('empty))
153      isNotEmptyMock should (not (be ('empty)) or not (be ('empty)))
154      isNotEmptyMock should ((not be ('empty)) or (not be ('empty)))
155      isNotEmptyMock should (not be ('empty) or not be ('empty))
157      notEmptyMock should (not (be ('full)) or not (be ('empty)))
158      notEmptyMock should ((not be ('full)) or (not be ('empty)))
159      notEmptyMock should (not be ('full) or not be ('empty))
161      isNotEmptyMock should (not (be ('full)) or not (be ('empty)))
162      isNotEmptyMock should ((not be ('full)) or (not be ('empty)))
163      isNotEmptyMock should (not be ('full) or not be ('empty))
164    }
166    it("should throw TestFailedException if the object has an appropriately named method, which returns false") {
167      val caught1 = intercept[TestFailedException] {
168        notEmptyMock should be ('empty)
169      }
170      assert(caught1.getMessage === "NotEmptyMock was not empty")
171      val caught2 = intercept[TestFailedException] {
172        isNotEmptyMock should be ('empty)
173      }
174      assert(caught2.getMessage === "IsNotEmptyMock was not empty")
175    }
177    it("should throw TestFailedException if the object has an appropriately named method, which returns true when used with not") {
178      val caught1 = intercept[TestFailedException] {
179        emptyMock should not { be ('empty) }
180      }
181      assert(caught1.getMessage === "EmptyMock was empty")
182      val caught2 = intercept[TestFailedException] {
183        emptyMock should not be ('empty)
184      }
185      assert(caught2.getMessage === "EmptyMock was empty")
186      val caught3 = intercept[TestFailedException] {
187        isEmptyMock should not { be ('empty) }
188      }
189      assert(caught3.getMessage === "IsEmptyMock was empty")
190      val caught4 = intercept[TestFailedException] {
191        isEmptyMock should not be ('empty)
192      }
193      assert(caught4.getMessage === "IsEmptyMock was empty")
194    }
196    it("should throw TestFailedException if the object has an appropriately named method, which returns false, when used in a logical-and expression") {
197      val caught1 = intercept[TestFailedException] {
198        emptyMock should ((be ('empty)) and (be ('full)))
199      }
200      assert(caught1.getMessage === "EmptyMock was empty, but EmptyMock was not full")
201      val caught2 = intercept[TestFailedException] {
202        emptyMock should (be ('empty) and (be ('full)))
203      }
204      assert(caught2.getMessage === "EmptyMock was empty, but EmptyMock was not full")
205      val caught3 = intercept[TestFailedException] {
206        emptyMock should (be ('empty) and be ('full))
207      }
208      assert(caught3.getMessage === "EmptyMock was empty, but EmptyMock was not full")
209      val caught4 = intercept[TestFailedException] {
210        isEmptyMock should ((be ('empty)) and (be ('full)))
211      }
212      assert(caught4.getMessage === "IsEmptyMock was empty, but IsEmptyMock was not full")
213      val caught5 = intercept[TestFailedException] {
214        isEmptyMock should (be ('empty) and (be ('full)))
215      }
216      assert(caught5.getMessage === "IsEmptyMock was empty, but IsEmptyMock was not full")
217      val caught6 = intercept[TestFailedException] {
218        isEmptyMock should (be ('empty) and be ('full))
219      }
220      assert(caught6.getMessage === "IsEmptyMock was empty, but IsEmptyMock was not full")
221    }
223    it("should throw TestFailedException if the object has an appropriately named method, which returns false, when used in a logical-or expression") {
225      val caught1 = intercept[TestFailedException] {
226        notEmptyMock should ((be ('empty)) or (be ('empty)))
227      }
228      assert(caught1.getMessage === "NotEmptyMock was not empty, and NotEmptyMock was not empty")
229      val caught2 = intercept[TestFailedException] {
230        notEmptyMock should (be ('empty) or (be ('empty)))
231      }
232      assert(caught2.getMessage === "NotEmptyMock was not empty, and NotEmptyMock was not empty")
233      val caught3 = intercept[TestFailedException] {
234        notEmptyMock should (be ('empty) or be ('empty))
235      }
236      assert(caught3.getMessage === "NotEmptyMock was not empty, and NotEmptyMock was not empty")
237      val caught4 = intercept[TestFailedException] {
238        isNotEmptyMock should ((be ('empty)) or (be ('empty)))
239      }
240      assert(caught4.getMessage === "IsNotEmptyMock was not empty, and IsNotEmptyMock was not empty")
241      val caught5 = intercept[TestFailedException] {
242        isNotEmptyMock should (be ('empty) or (be ('empty)))
243      }
244      assert(caught5.getMessage === "IsNotEmptyMock was not empty, and IsNotEmptyMock was not empty")
245      val caught6 = intercept[TestFailedException] {
246        isNotEmptyMock should (be ('empty) or be ('empty))
247      }
248      assert(caught6.getMessage === "IsNotEmptyMock was not empty, and IsNotEmptyMock was not empty")
249    }
251    it("should throw TestFailedException if the object has an appropriately named method, which returns true, when used in a logical-and expression with not") {
253      val caught1 = intercept[TestFailedException] {
254        emptyMock should (not (be ('full)) and not (be ('empty)))
255      }
256      assert(caught1.getMessage === "EmptyMock was not full, but EmptyMock was empty")
257      val caught2 = intercept[TestFailedException] {
258        emptyMock should ((not be ('full)) and (not be ('empty)))
259      }
260      assert(caught2.getMessage === "EmptyMock was not full, but EmptyMock was empty")
261      val caught3 = intercept[TestFailedException] {
262        emptyMock should (not be ('full) and not be ('empty))
263      }
264      assert(caught3.getMessage === "EmptyMock was not full, but EmptyMock was empty")
265      val caught4 = intercept[TestFailedException] {
266        isEmptyMock should (not (be ('full)) and not (be ('empty)))
267      }
268      assert(caught4.getMessage === "IsEmptyMock was not full, but IsEmptyMock was empty")
269      val caught5 = intercept[TestFailedException] {
270        isEmptyMock should ((not be ('full)) and (not be ('empty)))
271      }
272      assert(caught5.getMessage === "IsEmptyMock was not full, but IsEmptyMock was empty")
273      val caught6 = intercept[TestFailedException] {
274        isEmptyMock should (not be ('full) and not be ('empty))
275      }
276      assert(caught6.getMessage === "IsEmptyMock was not full, but IsEmptyMock was empty")
277      // Check that the error message "short circuits"
278      val caught7 = intercept[TestFailedException] {
279        emptyMock should (not (be ('empty)) and not (be ('full)))
280      }
281      assert(caught7.getMessage === "EmptyMock was empty")
282    }
284    it("should throw TestFailedException if the object has an appropriately named method, which returns true, when used in a logical-or expression with not") {
286      val caught1 = intercept[TestFailedException] {
287        emptyMock should (not (be ('empty)) or not (be ('empty)))
288      }
289      assert(caught1.getMessage === "EmptyMock was empty, and EmptyMock was empty")
290      val caught2 = intercept[TestFailedException] {
291        emptyMock should ((not be ('empty)) or (not be ('empty)))
292      }
293      assert(caught2.getMessage === "EmptyMock was empty, and EmptyMock was empty")
294      val caught3 = intercept[TestFailedException] {
295        emptyMock should (not be ('empty) or not be ('empty))
296      }
297      assert(caught3.getMessage === "EmptyMock was empty, and EmptyMock was empty")
298      val caught4 = intercept[TestFailedException] {
299        isEmptyMock should (not (be ('empty)) or not (be ('empty)))
300      }
301      assert(caught4.getMessage === "IsEmptyMock was empty, and IsEmptyMock was empty")
302      val caught5 = intercept[TestFailedException] {
303        isEmptyMock should ((not be ('empty)) or (not be ('empty)))
304      }
305      assert(caught5.getMessage === "IsEmptyMock was empty, and IsEmptyMock was empty")
306      val caught6 = intercept[TestFailedException] {
307        isEmptyMock should (not be ('empty) or not be ('empty))
308      }
309      assert(caught6.getMessage === "IsEmptyMock was empty, and IsEmptyMock was empty")
310    }
312    describe("(for the different types that have implicit conversions for should methods)") {
314      // FOR: implicit def convertToCollectionShouldWrapper[T](o: Collection[T])...
315      it("should work on a scala.Collection") {
316        val emptySet = Set[Int]()
317        emptySet should be ('empty)
318        val nonEmptySet = Set(1, 2, 3)
319        nonEmptySet should not { be ('empty) }
320        val caught1 = intercept[TestFailedException] {
321          nonEmptySet should be ('empty)
322        }
323        assert(caught1.getMessage === "Set(1, 2, 3) was not empty")
324        val caught2 = intercept[TestFailedException] {
325          nonEmptySet should not { be ('hasDefiniteSize) }
326        }
327        assert(caught2.getMessage === "Set(1, 2, 3) was hasDefiniteSize")
328        val caught3 = intercept[TestFailedException] {
329          nonEmptySet should not { be ('happy) }
330        }
331        assert(caught3.getMessage === "Set(1, 2, 3) has neither a happy nor an isHappy method")
332      }
334      // FOR: implicit def convertToSeqShouldWrapper[T](o: Seq[T])...
335      it("should work on a scala.Seq") {
336        import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer
337        val emptyListBuffer = new ListBuffer[Int]
338        emptyListBuffer should be ('empty)
339        val nonEmptyListBuffer = new ListBuffer[Int]
340        nonEmptyListBuffer += 1
341        nonEmptyListBuffer += 2
342        nonEmptyListBuffer += 3
343        nonEmptyListBuffer should not { be ('empty) }
344        val caught1 = intercept[TestFailedException] {
345          nonEmptyListBuffer should be ('empty)
346        }
347        assert(caught1.getMessage === "ListBuffer(1, 2, 3) was not empty")
348        val caught2 = intercept[TestFailedException] {
349          nonEmptyListBuffer should not { be ('hasDefiniteSize) }
350        }
351        assert(caught2.getMessage === "ListBuffer(1, 2, 3) was hasDefiniteSize")
352        val caught3 = intercept[TestFailedException] {
353          nonEmptyListBuffer should not { be ('happy) }
354        }
355        assert(caught3.getMessage === "ListBuffer(1, 2, 3) has neither a happy nor an isHappy method")
356      }
358      // implicit def convertToArrayShouldWrapper[T](o: Array[T]): ArrayShouldWrapper[T] = new ArrayShouldWrapper[T](o)
359/* This no longer works as of Scala 2.8
360      it("should work on a scala.Array") {
361        val emptyArray = new Array[Int](0)
362        emptyArray should be ('empty)
363        val nonEmptyArray = Array(1, 2, 3)
364        nonEmptyArray should not be ('empty)
365        val caught1 = intercept[TestFailedException] {
366          nonEmptyArray should be ('empty)
367        }
368        assert(caught1.getMessage === "Array(1, 2, 3) was not empty")
369        val caught2 = intercept[TestFailedException] {
370          nonEmptyArray should not { be ('hasDefiniteSize) }
371        }
372        assert(caught2.getMessage === "Array(1, 2, 3) was hasDefiniteSize")
373        val caught3 = intercept[TestFailedException] {
374          nonEmptyArray should not { be ('happy) }
375        }
376        assert(caught3.getMessage === "Array(1, 2, 3) has neither a happy nor an isHappy method")
377      }
380      // FOR: implicit def convertToListShouldWrapper[T](o: List[T])...
381      it("should work on a scala.List") {
382        val emptyList = List[Int]()
383        emptyList should be ('empty)
384        val nonEmptyList = List(1, 2, 3)
385        nonEmptyList should not { be ('empty) }
386        val caught1 = intercept[TestFailedException] {
387          nonEmptyList should be ('empty)
388        }
389        assert(caught1.getMessage === "List(1, 2, 3) was not empty")
390        val caught2 = intercept[TestFailedException] {
391          nonEmptyList should not { be ('hasDefiniteSize) }
392        }
393        assert(caught2.getMessage === "List(1, 2, 3) was hasDefiniteSize")
394        val caught3 = intercept[TestFailedException] {
395          nonEmptyList should not { be ('happy) }
396        }
397        assert(caught3.getMessage === "List(1, 2, 3) has neither a happy nor an isHappy method")
398      }
400      // implicit def convertToMapShouldWrapper[K, V](o: scala.collection.Map[K, V])...
401      it("should work on a scala.Map") {
402        val emptyMap = Map[Int, String]()
403        emptyMap should be ('empty)
404        val nonEmptyMap = Map("one" -> 1, "two" -> 2, "three" -> 3)
405        nonEmptyMap should not { be ('empty) }
406        val caught1 = intercept[TestFailedException] {
407          nonEmptyMap should be ('empty)
408        }
409        assert(caught1.getMessage === "Map(one -> 1, two -> 2, three -> 3) was not empty")
410        val caught2 = intercept[TestFailedException] {
411          nonEmptyMap should not { be ('hasDefiniteSize) }
412        }
413        assert(caught2.getMessage === "Map(one -> 1, two -> 2, three -> 3) was hasDefiniteSize")
414        val caught3 = intercept[TestFailedException] {
415          nonEmptyMap should not { be ('happy) }
416        }
417        assert(caught3.getMessage === "Map(one -> 1, two -> 2, three -> 3) has neither a happy nor an isHappy method")
418      }
420      // implicit def convertToStringShouldWrapper[K, V](o: String): StringShouldWrapper = new StringShouldWrapper(o)
421      it("should work on a String") {
422        val caught3 = intercept[TestFailedException] {
423          "howdy" should not be ('happy)
424        }
425        assert(caught3.getMessage === "\"howdy\" has neither a happy nor an isHappy method")
426      }
428      // FOR: implicit def convertToJavaCollectionShouldWrapper[T](o: java.util.Collection[T])...
429      it("should work on a java.util.Collection") {
430        val emptySet = new java.util.HashSet[Int]
431        emptySet should be ('empty)
432        val nonEmptySet = new java.util.HashSet[Int]
433        nonEmptySet.add(1)
434        nonEmptySet.add(2)
435        nonEmptySet.add(3)
436        nonEmptySet should not { be ('empty) }
437        val caught1 = intercept[TestFailedException] {
438          nonEmptySet should be ('empty)
439        }
440        assert(caught1.getMessage endsWith "] was not empty")
441        val caught3 = intercept[TestFailedException] {
442          nonEmptySet should not { be ('happy) }
443        }
444        assert(caught3.getMessage endsWith "] has neither a happy nor an isHappy method")
445      }
447      // FOR: implicit def convertToJavaListShouldWrapper[T](o: java.util.List[T])...
448      it("should work on a java.util.List") {
449        val emptyList = new java.util.ArrayList[Int]
450        emptyList should be ('empty)
451        val nonEmptyList = new java.util.ArrayList[Int]
452        nonEmptyList.add(1)
453        nonEmptyList.add(2)
454        nonEmptyList.add(3)
455        nonEmptyList should not { be ('empty) }
456        val caught1 = intercept[TestFailedException] {
457          nonEmptyList should be ('empty)
458        }
459        assert(caught1.getMessage === "[1, 2, 3] was not empty")
460        val caught3 = intercept[TestFailedException] {
461          nonEmptyList should not { be ('happy) }
462        }
463        assert(caught3.getMessage === "[1, 2, 3] has neither a happy nor an isHappy method")
464      }
465    }
466  }
468  describe("The be matcher") {
470    describe("(for symbols)") {
472      // TODO: Make sure to write a test for each conversion, because some are using ShouldMethodsForAny instead
473      // of ShouldMethodsForAnyRef.
474      it("should be invokable from be a Symbol and be an Symbol") {
475        val emptySet = Set()
476        emptySet should be a ('empty)
477        emptySet should be an ('empty)
478        val nonEmptySet = Set(1, 2, 3)
479        nonEmptySet should not { be a ('empty) }
480        nonEmptySet should not { be an ('empty) }
481      }
483      it("should call empty when passed 'empty") {
484        class EmptyMock {
485          def empty: Boolean = true
486        }
487        class NonEmptyMock {
488          def empty: Boolean = false
489        }
490        (new EmptyMock) should be ('empty)
491        (new NonEmptyMock) should not { be ('empty) }
492        // (new NonEmptyMock) shouldNot be ('empty)
493      }
496      it("should call the Scala=style method if both an empty and an isEmpty method exist") {
497        class EmptyMock {
498          def empty: Boolean = true
499          def isEmpty: Boolean = false
500          override def toString = "EmptyMock"
501        }
502        class NonEmptyMock {
503          def empty: Boolean = false
504          def isEmpty: Boolean = true
505          override def toString = "NonEmptyMock"
506        }
507        (new EmptyMock) should be ('empty)
508        (new NonEmptyMock) should not { be ('empty) }
509      }
511      it("should access an 'empty' val when passed 'empty") {
512        class EmptyMock {
513          val empty: Boolean = true
514        }
515        class NonEmptyMock {
516          val empty: Boolean = false
517        }
518        (new EmptyMock) should be ('empty)
519        (new NonEmptyMock) should not { be ('empty) }
520      }
521    }
522  }
524  describe("the be ('empty) syntax") {
526    it("should call isEmpty") {
527      val emptySet = Set[Int]()
528      emptySet should be ('empty)
529      val nonEmptySet = Set(1, 2, 3)
530      nonEmptySet should not { be ('empty) }
531    }
533    it("should call empty when passed 'empty") {
534      class EmptyMock {
535        def empty: Boolean = true
536      }
537      class NonEmptyMock {
538        def empty: Boolean = false
539      }
540      (new EmptyMock) should be ('empty)
541      (new NonEmptyMock) should not { be ('empty) }
542      // (new NonEmptyMock) shouldNot be ('empty)
543    }
545    it("should throw TestFailedException if no empty or isEmpty method") {
546      class EmptyMock {
547        override def toString = "EmptyMock"
548      }
549      class NonEmptyMock {
550        override def toString = "NonEmptyMock"
551      }
552      val ex1 = intercept[TestFailedException] {
553        (new EmptyMock) should be ('empty)
554      }
555      ex1.getMessage should equal ("EmptyMock has neither an empty nor an isEmpty method")
556      val ex2 = intercept[TestFailedException] {
557        (new NonEmptyMock) should not { be ('empty) }
558      }
559      ex2.getMessage should equal ("NonEmptyMock has neither an empty nor an isEmpty method")
560    }
562    it("should call the Scala-style method if both an empty and an isEmpty method exist") {
563      class EmptyMock {
564        def empty: Boolean = true
565        def isEmpty: Boolean = false
566        override def toString = "EmptyMock"
567      }
568      class NonEmptyMock {
569        def empty: Boolean = false
570        def isEmpty: Boolean = true
571        override def toString = "NonEmptyMock"
572      }
573      (new EmptyMock) should be ('empty)
574      (new NonEmptyMock) should not { be ('empty) }
575    }
577    it("should access an 'empty' val when passed 'empty") {
578      class EmptyMock {
579        val empty: Boolean = true
580      }
581      class NonEmptyMock {
582        val empty: Boolean = false
583      }
584      (new EmptyMock) should be ('empty)
585      (new NonEmptyMock) should not { be ('empty) }
586      // (new NonEmptyMock) shouldNot be ('empty)
587    }
588  }
590  describe("The be 'defined syntax") {
592    it("should do nothing when used with a Some") {
593      val someString: Some[String] = Some("hi")
594      someString should be ('defined)
595      val optionString: Option[String] = Some("hi")
596      optionString should be ('defined)
597    }
599    it("should throw TestFailedException when used with a None") {
600      val none: None.type = None
601      val caught1 = intercept[TestFailedException] {
602        none should be ('defined)
603      }
604      assert(caught1.getMessage === "None was not defined")
605      val option: Option[Int] = None
606      val caught2 = intercept[TestFailedException] {
607        option should be ('defined)
608      }
609      assert(caught2.getMessage === "None was not defined")
610    }
612    it("should call defined") {
613      class DefinedMock {
614        def defined: Boolean = true
615      }
616      class NonDefinedMock {
617        def defined: Boolean = false
618      }
619      (new DefinedMock) should be ('defined)
620      (new NonDefinedMock) should not { be ('defined) }
621      // (new NonDefinedMock) shouldNot be ('defined)
622    }
624    it("should throw TestFailedException if no defined or isDefined method") {
625      class DefinedMock {
626        override def toString = "DefinedMock"
627      }
628      class NonDefinedMock {
629        override def toString = "NonDefinedMock"
630      }
631      val ex1 = intercept[TestFailedException] {
632        (new DefinedMock) should be ('defined)
633      }
634      ex1.getMessage should equal ("DefinedMock has neither a defined nor an isDefined method")
635      val ex2 = intercept[TestFailedException] {
636        (new NonDefinedMock) should not { be ('defined) }
637      }
638      ex2.getMessage should equal ("NonDefinedMock has neither a defined nor an isDefined method")
639    }
641    it("should call the Scala-style method if both a defined and an isDefined method exist") {
642      class DefinedMock {
643        def defined: Boolean = true
644        def isDefined: Boolean = false
645        override def toString = "DefinedMock"
646      }
647      class NonDefinedMock {
648        def defined: Boolean = false
649        def isDefined: Boolean = true
650        override def toString = "NonDefinedMock"
651      }
652      (new DefinedMock) should be ('defined)
653      (new NonDefinedMock) should not { be ('defined) }
654    }
656    it("should access an 'defined' val") {
657      class DefinedMock {
658        val defined: Boolean = true
659      }
660      class NonDefinedMock {
661        val defined: Boolean = false
662      }
663      (new DefinedMock) should be ('defined)
664      (new NonDefinedMock) should not { be ('defined) }
665      // (new NonDefinedMock) shouldNot be ('defined)
666    }
667  }