1{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
2{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
3{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
4{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
6module Data.Conduit.StreamSpec where
8import           Control.Applicative
9import qualified Control.Monad
10import           Control.Monad (MonadPlus(..), liftM)
11import           Control.Monad.Identity (Identity, runIdentity)
12import           Control.Monad.State (StateT(..), get, put)
13import           Data.Conduit
14import           Data.Conduit.Internal.Fusion
15import           Data.Conduit.Internal.List.Stream
16import           Data.Conduit.List
17import qualified Data.Foldable as F
18import           Data.Function (on)
19import qualified Data.List
20import qualified Data.Maybe
21import           Data.Monoid (Monoid(..))
22import           Data.Semigroup (Semigroup(..))
23import           Prelude
24    ((.), ($), (>>=), (=<<), return, (==), Int, id, Maybe(..), Monad,
25     Eq, Show, String, Functor, fst, snd)
26import qualified Prelude
27import qualified Safe
28import           Test.Hspec
29import           Test.QuickCheck
31spec :: Spec
32spec = describe "Comparing list function to" $ do
33    qit "unfold" $
34        \(getBlind -> f, initial :: Int) ->
35            unfold f initial `checkInfiniteProducer`
36            (Data.List.unfoldr f initial :: [Int])
37    qit "unfoldS" $
38        \(getBlind -> f, initial :: Int) ->
39            unfoldS f initial `checkInfiniteStreamProducer`
40            (Data.List.unfoldr f initial :: [Int])
41    qit "unfoldM" $
42        \(getBlind -> f, initial :: Int) ->
43            unfoldM f initial `checkInfiniteProducerM`
44            (unfoldrM f initial :: M [Int])
45    qit "unfoldMS" $
46        \(getBlind -> f, initial :: Int) ->
47            unfoldMS f initial `checkInfiniteStreamProducerM`
48            (unfoldrM f initial :: M [Int])
49    qit "sourceList" $
50        \(xs :: [Int]) ->
51            sourceList xs `checkProducer` xs
52    qit "sourceListS" $
53        \(xs :: [Int]) ->
54            sourceListS xs `checkStreamProducer` xs
55    qit "enumFromTo" $
56        \(fr :: Small Int, to :: Small Int) ->
57            enumFromTo fr to `checkProducer`
58            Prelude.enumFromTo fr to
59    qit "enumFromToS" $
60        \(fr :: Small Int, to :: Small Int) ->
61            enumFromToS fr to `checkStreamProducer`
62            Prelude.enumFromTo fr to
63    qit "enumFromToS_int" $
64        \(getSmall -> fr :: Int, getSmall -> to :: Int) ->
65            enumFromToS_int fr to `checkStreamProducer`
66            Prelude.enumFromTo fr to
67    qit "iterate" $
68        \(getBlind -> f, initial :: Int) ->
69            iterate f initial `checkInfiniteProducer`
70            Prelude.iterate f initial
71    qit "iterateS" $
72        \(getBlind -> f, initial :: Int) ->
73            iterateS f initial `checkInfiniteStreamProducer`
74            Prelude.iterate f initial
75    qit "replicate" $
76        \(getSmall -> n, getSmall -> x) ->
77            replicate n x `checkProducer`
78            (Prelude.replicate n x :: [Int])
79    qit "replicateS" $
80        \(getSmall -> n, getSmall -> x) ->
81            replicateS n x `checkStreamProducer`
82            (Prelude.replicate n x :: [Int])
83    qit "replicateM" $
84        \(getSmall -> n, getBlind -> f) ->
85            replicateM n f `checkProducerM`
86            (Control.Monad.replicateM n f :: M [Int])
87    qit "replicateMS" $
88        \(getSmall -> n, getBlind -> f) ->
89            replicateMS n f `checkStreamProducerM`
90            (Control.Monad.replicateM n f :: M [Int])
91    qit "fold" $
92        \(getBlind -> f, initial :: Int) ->
93            fold f initial `checkConsumer`
94            Data.List.foldl' f initial
95    qit "foldS" $
96        \(getBlind -> f, initial :: Int) ->
97            foldS f initial `checkStreamConsumer`
98            Data.List.foldl' f initial
99    qit "foldM" $
100        \(getBlind -> f, initial :: Int) ->
101            foldM f initial `checkConsumerM`
102            (Control.Monad.foldM f initial :: [Int] -> M Int)
103    qit "foldMS" $
104        \(getBlind -> f, initial :: Int) ->
105            foldMS f initial `checkStreamConsumerM`
106            (Control.Monad.foldM f initial :: [Int] -> M Int)
107    qit "foldMap" $
108        \(getBlind -> (f :: Int -> Sum Int)) ->
109            foldMap f `checkConsumer`
110            F.foldMap f
111    qit "mapM_" $
112        \(getBlind -> (f :: Int -> M ())) ->
113            mapM_ f `checkConsumerM`
114            Prelude.mapM_ f
115    qit "mapM_S" $
116        \(getBlind -> (f :: Int -> M ())) ->
117            mapM_S f `checkStreamConsumerM`
118            Prelude.mapM_ f
119    qit "take" $
120        \(getSmall -> n) ->
121            take n `checkConsumer`
122            Prelude.take n
123    qit "takeS" $
124        \(getSmall -> n) ->
125            takeS n `checkStreamConsumer`
126            Prelude.take n
127    qit "head" $
128        \() ->
129            head `checkConsumer`
130            Safe.headMay
131    qit "headS" $
132        \() ->
133            headS `checkStreamConsumer`
134            Safe.headMay
135    qit "peek" $
136        \() ->
137            peek `checkConsumer`
138            Safe.headMay
139    qit "map" $
140        \(getBlind -> (f :: Int -> Int)) ->
141            map f `checkConduit`
142            Prelude.map f
143    qit "mapS" $
144        \(getBlind -> (f :: Int -> Int)) ->
145            mapS f `checkStreamConduit`
146            Prelude.map f
147    qit "mapM" $
148        \(getBlind -> (f :: Int -> M Int)) ->
149            mapM f `checkConduitT`
150            Prelude.mapM f
151    qit "mapMS" $
152        \(getBlind -> (f :: Int -> M Int)) ->
153            mapMS f `checkStreamConduitT`
154            Prelude.mapM f
155    qit "iterM" $
156        \(getBlind -> (f :: Int -> M ())) ->
157            iterM f `checkConduitT`
158            iterML f
159    qit "iterMS" $
160        \(getBlind -> (f :: Int -> M ())) ->
161            iterMS f `checkStreamConduitT`
162            iterML f
163    qit "mapMaybe" $
164        \(getBlind -> (f :: Int -> Maybe Int)) ->
165            mapMaybe f `checkConduit`
166            Data.Maybe.mapMaybe f
167    qit "mapMaybeS" $
168        \(getBlind -> (f :: Int -> Maybe Int)) ->
169            mapMaybeS f `checkStreamConduit`
170            Data.Maybe.mapMaybe f
171    qit "mapMaybeM" $
172        \(getBlind -> (f :: Int -> M (Maybe Int))) ->
173            mapMaybeM f `checkConduitT`
174            mapMaybeML f
175    qit "mapMaybeMS" $
176        \(getBlind -> (f :: Int -> M (Maybe Int))) ->
177            mapMaybeMS f `checkStreamConduitT`
178            mapMaybeML f
179    qit "catMaybes" $
180        \() ->
181            catMaybes `checkConduit`
182            (Data.Maybe.catMaybes :: [Maybe Int] -> [Int])
183    qit "catMaybesS" $
184        \() ->
185            catMaybesS `checkStreamConduit`
186            (Data.Maybe.catMaybes :: [Maybe Int] -> [Int])
187    qit "concat" $
188        \() ->
189            concat `checkConduit`
190            (Prelude.concat :: [[Int]] -> [Int])
191    qit "concatS" $
192        \() ->
193            concatS `checkStreamConduit`
194            (Prelude.concat :: [[Int]] -> [Int])
195    qit "concatMap" $
196        \(getBlind -> f) ->
197            concatMap f `checkConduit`
198            (Prelude.concatMap f :: [Int] -> [Int])
199    qit "concatMapS" $
200        \(getBlind -> f) ->
201            concatMapS f `checkStreamConduit`
202            (Prelude.concatMap f :: [Int] -> [Int])
203    qit "concatMapM" $
204        \(getBlind -> (f :: Int -> M [Int])) ->
205            concatMapM f `checkConduitT`
206            concatMapML f
207    qit "concatMapMS" $
208        \(getBlind -> (f :: Int -> M [Int])) ->
209            concatMapMS f `checkStreamConduitT`
210            concatMapML f
211    qit "concatMapAccum" $
212        \(getBlind -> (f :: Int -> Int -> (Int, [Int])), initial :: Int) ->
213            concatMapAccum f initial `checkConduit`
214            concatMapAccumL f initial
215    qit "concatMapAccumS" $
216        \(getBlind -> (f :: Int -> Int -> (Int, [Int])), initial :: Int) ->
217            concatMapAccumS f initial `checkStreamConduit`
218            concatMapAccumL f initial
219    {-qit "mapAccum" $
220        \(getBlind -> (f :: Int -> Int -> (Int, [Int])), initial :: Int) ->
221            mapAccum f initial `checkConduitResult`
222            mapAccumL f initial-}
223    qit "mapAccumS" $
224        \(getBlind -> (f :: Int -> Int -> (Int, [Int])), initial :: Int) ->
225            mapAccumS f initial `checkStreamConduitResult`
226            mapAccumL f initial
227    {-qit "mapAccumM" $
228        \(getBlind -> (f :: Int -> Int -> M (Int, [Int])), initial :: Int) ->
229            mapAccumM f initial `checkConduitResultM`
230            mapAccumML f initial-}
231    qit "mapAccumMS" $
232        \(getBlind -> (f :: Int -> Int -> M (Int, [Int])), initial :: Int) ->
233            mapAccumMS f initial `checkStreamConduitResultM`
234            mapAccumML f initial
235    {-qit "scan" $
236        \(getBlind -> (f :: Int -> Int -> Int), initial :: Int) ->
237            scan f initial `checkConduitResult`
238            scanL f initial-}
239    {-qit "scanM" $
240        \(getBlind -> (f :: Int -> Int -> M Int), initial :: Int) ->
241            scanM f initial `checkConduitResultM`
242            scanML f initial-}
243    qit "mapFoldable" $
244        \(getBlind -> (f :: Int -> [Int])) ->
245            mapFoldable f `checkConduit`
246            mapFoldableL f
247    qit "mapFoldableS" $
248        \(getBlind -> (f :: Int -> [Int])) ->
249            mapFoldableS f `checkStreamConduit`
250            mapFoldableL f
251    qit "mapFoldableM" $
252        \(getBlind -> (f :: Int -> M [Int])) ->
253            mapFoldableM f `checkConduitT`
254            mapFoldableML f
255    qit "mapFoldableMS" $
256        \(getBlind -> (f :: Int -> M [Int])) ->
257            mapFoldableMS f `checkStreamConduitT`
258            mapFoldableML f
259    qit "consume" $
260        \() ->
261            consume `checkConsumer`
262            id
263    qit "consumeS" $
264        \() ->
265            consumeS `checkStreamConsumer`
266            id
267    qit "groupBy" $
268        \(getBlind -> f) ->
269            groupBy f `checkConduit`
270            (Data.List.groupBy f :: [Int] -> [[Int]])
271    qit "groupByS" $
272        \(getBlind -> f) ->
273            groupByS f `checkStreamConduit`
274            (Data.List.groupBy f :: [Int] -> [[Int]])
275    qit "groupOn1" $
276        \(getBlind -> (f :: Int -> Int)) ->
277            groupOn1 f `checkConduit`
278            groupOn1L f
279    qit "groupOn1S" $
280        \(getBlind -> (f :: Int -> Int)) ->
281            groupOn1S f `checkStreamConduit`
282            groupOn1L f
283    qit "isolate" $
284        \n ->
285            isolate n `checkConduit`
286            (Data.List.take n :: [Int] -> [Int])
287    qit "isolateS" $
288        \n ->
289            isolateS n `checkStreamConduit`
290            (Data.List.take n :: [Int] -> [Int])
291    qit "filter" $
292        \(getBlind -> f) ->
293            filter f `checkConduit`
294            (Data.List.filter f :: [Int] -> [Int])
295    qit "filterS" $
296        \(getBlind -> f) ->
297            filterS f `checkStreamConduit`
298            (Data.List.filter f :: [Int] -> [Int])
299    qit "sourceNull" $
300        \() ->
301            sourceNull `checkProducer`
302            ([] :: [Int])
303    qit "sourceNullS" $
304        \() ->
305            sourceNullS `checkStreamProducer`
306            ([] :: [Int])
308qit :: (Arbitrary a, Testable prop, Show a)
309    => String -> (a -> prop) -> Spec
310qit n f = it n $ property $ forAll arbitrary f
313-- Quickcheck utilities for pure conduits / streams
315checkProducer :: (Show a, Eq a) => ConduitT () a Identity () -> [a] -> Property
316checkProducer c l  = checkProducerM' runIdentity c (return l)
318checkStreamProducer :: (Show a, Eq a) => StreamConduitT () a Identity () -> [a] -> Property
319checkStreamProducer s l = checkStreamProducerM' runIdentity s (return l)
321checkInfiniteProducer :: (Show a, Eq a) => ConduitT () a Identity () -> [a] -> Property
322checkInfiniteProducer c l = checkInfiniteProducerM' runIdentity c (return l)
324checkInfiniteStreamProducer :: (Show a, Eq a) => StreamConduitT () a Identity () -> [a] -> Property
325checkInfiniteStreamProducer s l = checkInfiniteStreamProducerM' runIdentity s (return l)
327checkConsumer :: (Show b, Eq b) => ConduitT Int Void Identity b -> ([Int] -> b) -> Property
328checkConsumer c l = checkConsumerM' runIdentity c (return . l)
330checkStreamConsumer :: (Show b, Eq b) => StreamConsumer Int Identity b -> ([Int] -> b) -> Property
331checkStreamConsumer c l = checkStreamConsumerM' runIdentity c (return . l)
333checkConduit :: (Show a, Arbitrary a, Show b, Eq b) => ConduitT a b Identity () -> ([a] -> [b]) -> Property
334checkConduit c l = checkConduitT' runIdentity c (return . l)
336checkStreamConduit :: (Show a, Arbitrary a, Show b, Eq b) => StreamConduitT a b Identity () -> ([a] -> [b]) -> Property
337checkStreamConduit c l = checkStreamConduitT' runIdentity c (return . l)
339-- checkConduitResult :: (Show a, Arbitrary a, Show b, Eq b, Show r, Eq r) => ConduitT a b Identity r -> ([a] -> ([b], r)) -> Property
340-- checkConduitResult c l = checkConduitResultM' runIdentity c (return . l)
342checkStreamConduitResult :: (Show a, Arbitrary a, Show b, Eq b, Show r, Eq r) => StreamConduitT a b Identity r -> ([a] -> ([b], r)) -> Property
343checkStreamConduitResult c l = checkStreamConduitResultM' runIdentity c (return . l)
346-- Quickcheck utilities for conduits / streams in the M monad.
348checkProducerM :: (Show a, Eq a) => ConduitT () a M () -> M [a] -> Property
349checkProducerM = checkProducerM' runM
351checkStreamProducerM :: (Show a, Eq a) => StreamSource M a -> M [a] -> Property
352checkStreamProducerM = checkStreamProducerM' runM
354checkInfiniteProducerM :: (Show a, Eq a) => ConduitT () a M () -> M [a] -> Property
355checkInfiniteProducerM = checkInfiniteProducerM' (fst . runM)
357checkInfiniteStreamProducerM :: (Show a, Eq a) => StreamSource M a -> M [a] -> Property
358checkInfiniteStreamProducerM = checkInfiniteStreamProducerM' (fst . runM)
360checkConsumerM :: (Show b, Eq b) => ConduitT Int Void M b -> ([Int] -> M b) -> Property
361checkConsumerM  = checkConsumerM' runM
363checkStreamConsumerM :: (Show b, Eq b) => StreamConsumer Int M b -> ([Int] -> M b) -> Property
364checkStreamConsumerM  = checkStreamConsumerM' runM
366checkConduitT :: (Show a, Arbitrary a, Show b, Eq b) => ConduitT a b M () -> ([a] -> M [b]) -> Property
367checkConduitT = checkConduitT' runM
369checkStreamConduitT :: (Show a, Arbitrary a, Show b, Eq b) => StreamConduit a M b -> ([a] -> M [b]) -> Property
370checkStreamConduitT = checkStreamConduitT' runM
372-- checkConduitResultM :: (Show a, Arbitrary a, Show b, Eq b, Show r, Eq r) => ConduitT a b M r -> ([a] -> M ([b], r)) -> Property
373-- checkConduitResultM = checkConduitResultM' runM
375checkStreamConduitResultM :: (Show a, Arbitrary a, Show b, Eq b, Show r, Eq r) => StreamConduitT a b M r -> ([a] -> M ([b], r)) -> Property
376checkStreamConduitResultM = checkStreamConduitResultM' runM
379-- Quickcheck utilities for monadic streams / conduits
380-- These are polymorphic in which Monad is used.
382checkProducerM' :: (Show a, Monad m, Show b, Eq b)
383                => (m [a] -> b)
384                -> ConduitT () a m ()
385                -> m [a]
386                -> Property
387checkProducerM' f c l =
388    f (runConduit (preventFusion c .| consume))
389    ===
390    f l
392checkStreamProducerM' :: (Show a, Monad m, Show b, Eq b)
393                      => (m [a] -> b)
394                      -> StreamSource m a
395                      -> m [a]
396                      -> Property
397checkStreamProducerM' f s l =
398    f (liftM fst $ evalStream $ s emptyStream)
399    ===
400    f l
402checkInfiniteProducerM' :: (Show a, Monad m, Show b, Eq b)
403                        => (m [a] -> b)
404                        -> ConduitT () a m ()
405                        -> m [a]
406                        -> Property
407checkInfiniteProducerM' f s l =
408    checkProducerM' f
409        (preventFusion s .| isolate 10)
410        (liftM (Prelude.take 10) l)
412checkInfiniteStreamProducerM' :: (Show a, Monad m, Show b, Eq b)
413                              => (m [a] -> b)
414                              -> StreamSource m a
415                              -> m [a]
416                              -> Property
417checkInfiniteStreamProducerM' f s l =
418    f (liftM snd $ evalStream $ takeS 10 $ s emptyStream)
419    ===
420    f (liftM (Prelude.take 10) l)
422checkConsumerM' :: (Show a, Monad m, Show b, Eq b)
423                => (m a -> b)
424                -> ConduitT Int Void m a
425                -> ([Int] -> m a)
426                -> Property
427checkConsumerM' f c l = forAll arbitrary $ \xs ->
428    f (runConduit (sourceList xs .| preventFusion c))
429    ===
430    f (l xs)
432checkStreamConsumerM' :: (Show a, Monad m, Show b, Eq b)
433                      => (m a -> b)
434                      -> StreamConsumer Int m a
435                      -> ([Int] -> m a)
436                      -> Property
437checkStreamConsumerM' f s l = forAll arbitrary $ \xs ->
438    f (liftM snd $ evalStream $ s $ sourceListS xs emptyStream)
439    ===
440    f (l xs)
442checkConduitT' :: (Show a, Arbitrary a, Monad m, Show c, Eq c)
443               => (m [b] -> c)
444               -> ConduitT a b m ()
445               -> ([a] -> m [b])
446               -> Property
447checkConduitT' f c l = forAll arbitrary $ \xs ->
448    f (runConduit (sourceList xs .| preventFusion c .| consume))
449    ===
450    f (l xs)
452checkStreamConduitT' :: (Show a, Arbitrary a, Monad m, Show c, Eq c)
453                     =>  (m [b] -> c)
454                     -> StreamConduit a m b
455                     -> ([a] -> m [b])
456                     -> Property
457checkStreamConduitT' f s l = forAll arbitrary $ \xs ->
458    f (liftM fst $ evalStream $ s $ sourceListS xs emptyStream)
459    ===
460    f (l xs)
462-- TODO: Fixing this would allow comparing conduit consumers against
463-- their list versions.
465-- checkConduitResultM' :: (Show a, Arbitrary a, Monad m, Show c, Eq c)
466--                      => (m ([b], r) -> c)
467--                      -> ConduitT a b m r
468--                      -> ([a] -> m ([b], r))
469--                      -> Property
470-- checkConduitResultM' f c l = FIXME forAll arbitrary $ \xs ->
471--     f (sourceList xs .| preventFusion c $$ consume)
472--     ===
473--     f (l xs)
475checkStreamConduitResultM' :: (Show a, Arbitrary a, Monad m, Show c, Eq c)
476                           =>  (m ([b], r) -> c)
477                           -> StreamConduitT a b m r
478                           -> ([a] -> m ([b], r))
479                           -> Property
480checkStreamConduitResultM' f s l = forAll arbitrary $ \xs ->
481    f (evalStream $ s $ sourceListS xs emptyStream)
482    ===
483    f (l xs)
485emptyStream :: Monad m => Stream m () ()
486emptyStream = Stream (\_ -> return $ Stop ()) (return ())
488evalStream :: Monad m => Stream m o r -> m ([o], r)
489evalStream (Stream step s0) = go =<< s0
490  where
491    go s = do
492        res <- step s
493        case res of
494            Stop r -> return ([], r)
495            Skip s' -> go s'
496            Emit s' x -> liftM (\(l, r) -> (x:l, r)) (go s')
499-- Misc utilities
501-- Prefer this to creating an orphan instance for Data.Monoid.Sum:
503newtype Sum a = Sum a
504  deriving (Eq, Show, Arbitrary)
506instance Prelude.Num a => Semigroup (Sum a) where
507  Sum x <> Sum y = Sum $ x Prelude.+ y
509instance Prelude.Num a => Monoid (Sum a) where
510  mempty = Sum 0
511#if !(MIN_VERSION_base(4,11,0))
512  mappend = (<>)
515preventFusion :: a -> a
516preventFusion = id
517{-# INLINE [0] preventFusion #-}
519newtype M a = M (StateT Int Identity a)
520  deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad)
522instance Arbitrary a => Arbitrary (M a) where
523    arbitrary = do
524        f <- arbitrary
525        return $ do
526            s <- M get
527            let (x, s') = f s
528            M (put s')
529            return x
531runM :: M a -> (a, Int)
532runM (M m) = runIdentity $ runStateT m 0
535-- List versions of some functions
537iterML :: Monad m => (a -> m ()) -> [a] -> m [a]
538iterML f = Prelude.mapM (\a -> f a >>= \() -> return a)
540mapMaybeML :: Monad m => (a -> m (Maybe b)) -> [a] -> m [b]
541mapMaybeML f = liftM Data.Maybe.catMaybes . Prelude.mapM f
543concatMapML :: Monad m => (a -> m [b]) -> [a] -> m [b]
544concatMapML f = liftM Prelude.concat . Prelude.mapM f
546concatMapAccumL :: (a -> s -> (s, [b])) -> s -> [a] -> [b]
547concatMapAccumL f acc0 =
548    runIdentity . concatMapAccumML (\a acc -> return $ f a acc) acc0
550mapAccumL :: (a -> s -> (s, b)) -> s -> [a] -> ([b], s)
551mapAccumL f acc0 =
552    runIdentity . mapAccumML (\a acc -> return $ f a acc) acc0
554concatMapAccumML :: Monad m => (a -> s -> m (s, [b])) -> s -> [a] -> m [b]
555concatMapAccumML f acc0 =
556    liftM (Prelude.concat . fst) . mapAccumML f acc0
558scanL :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> [a] -> ([b], b)
559scanL f = mapAccumL (\a b -> let r = f a b in (r, r))
561scanML :: Monad m => (a -> b -> m b) -> b -> [a] -> m ([b], b)
562scanML f = mapAccumML (\a b -> f a b >>= \r -> return (r, r))
564mapFoldableL :: F.Foldable f => (a -> f b) -> [a] -> [b]
565mapFoldableL f = runIdentity . mapFoldableML (return . f)
567mapFoldableML :: (Monad m, F.Foldable f) => (a -> m (f b)) -> [a] -> m [b]
568mapFoldableML f = concatMapML (liftM F.toList . f)
570groupOn1L :: Eq b => (a -> b) -> [a] -> [(a, [a])]
571groupOn1L f =
572    Data.List.map (\(x:xs) -> (x, xs)) . Data.List.groupBy ((==) `on` f)
574mapAccumML :: Monad m => (a -> s -> m (s, b)) -> s -> [a] -> m ([b], s)
575mapAccumML f s0 = go s0
576  where
577    go s [] = return ([], s)
578    go s (x:xs) = do
579        (s', r) <- f x s
580        liftM (\(l, o) -> (r:l, o)) $ go s' xs
583-- Utilities taken from monad-loops package
585-- http://hackage.haskell.org/package/monad-loops
587-- |See 'Data.List.unfoldr'.  This is a monad-friendly version of that.
588unfoldrM :: (Monad m) => (a -> m (Maybe (b,a))) -> a -> m [b]
589unfoldrM = unfoldrM'
591-- |See 'Data.List.unfoldr'.  This is a monad-friendly version of that, with a
592-- twist.  Rather than returning a list, it returns any MonadPlus type of your
593-- choice.
594unfoldrM' :: (Monad m, MonadPlus f) => (a -> m (Maybe (b,a))) -> a -> m (f b)
595unfoldrM' f = go
596    where go z = do
597            x <- f z
598            case x of
599                Nothing         -> return mzero
600                Just (x', z')   -> do
601                        xs <- go z'
602                        return (return x' `mplus` xs)