1{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
2{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts      #-}
3{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
4{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings     #-}
5{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards       #-}
6{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables   #-}
7{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
8-- Load information on package sources
9module Stack.Build.Source
10    ( projectLocalPackages
11    , localDependencies
12    , loadCommonPackage
13    , loadLocalPackage
14    , loadSourceMap
15    , getLocalFlags
16    , addUnlistedToBuildCache
17    , hashSourceMapData
18    ) where
20import              Stack.Prelude
21import qualified    Pantry.SHA256 as SHA256
22import              Data.ByteString.Builder (toLazyByteString)
23import              Conduit (ZipSink (..), withSourceFile)
24import qualified    Distribution.PackageDescription as C
25import              Data.List
26import qualified    Data.Map as Map
27import qualified    Data.Map.Strict as M
28import qualified    Data.Set as Set
29import              Stack.Build.Cache
30import              Stack.Build.Haddock (shouldHaddockDeps)
31import              Stack.Build.Target
32import              Stack.Package
33import              Stack.SourceMap
34import              Stack.Types.Build
35import              Stack.Types.Config
36import              Stack.Types.NamedComponent
37import              Stack.Types.Package
38import              Stack.Types.SourceMap
39import              System.FilePath (takeFileName)
40import              System.IO.Error (isDoesNotExistError)
42-- | loads and returns project packages
43projectLocalPackages :: HasEnvConfig env
44              => RIO env [LocalPackage]
45projectLocalPackages = do
46    sm <- view $ envConfigL.to envConfigSourceMap
47    for (toList $ smProject sm) loadLocalPackage
49-- | loads all local dependencies - project packages and local extra-deps
50localDependencies :: HasEnvConfig env => RIO env [LocalPackage]
51localDependencies = do
52    bopts <- view $ configL.to configBuild
53    sourceMap <- view $ envConfigL . to envConfigSourceMap
54    forMaybeM (Map.elems $ smDeps sourceMap) $ \dp ->
55        case dpLocation dp of
56            PLMutable dir -> do
57                pp <- mkProjectPackage YesPrintWarnings dir (shouldHaddockDeps bopts)
58                Just <$> loadLocalPackage pp
59            _ -> return Nothing
61-- | Given the parsed targets and build command line options constructs
62--   a source map
63loadSourceMap :: HasBuildConfig env
64              => SMTargets
65              -> BuildOptsCLI
66              -> SMActual DumpedGlobalPackage
67              -> RIO env SourceMap
68loadSourceMap smt boptsCli sma = do
69    bconfig <- view buildConfigL
70    let compiler = smaCompiler sma
71        project = M.map applyOptsFlagsPP $ smaProject sma
72        bopts = configBuild (bcConfig bconfig)
73        applyOptsFlagsPP p@ProjectPackage{ppCommon = c} =
74          p{ppCommon = applyOptsFlags (M.member (cpName c) (smtTargets smt)) True c}
75        deps0 = smtDeps smt <> smaDeps sma
76        deps = M.map applyOptsFlagsDep deps0
77        applyOptsFlagsDep d@DepPackage{dpCommon = c} =
78          d{dpCommon = applyOptsFlags (M.member (cpName c) (smtDeps smt)) False c}
79        applyOptsFlags isTarget isProjectPackage common =
80            let name = cpName common
81                flags = getLocalFlags boptsCli name
82                ghcOptions =
83                  generalGhcOptions bconfig boptsCli isTarget isProjectPackage
84                cabalConfigOpts =
85                  loadCabalConfigOpts bconfig (cpName common) isTarget isProjectPackage
86            in common
87               { cpFlags =
88                     if M.null flags
89                         then cpFlags common
90                         else flags
91               , cpGhcOptions =
92                     ghcOptions ++ cpGhcOptions common
93               , cpCabalConfigOpts =
94                     cabalConfigOpts ++ cpCabalConfigOpts common
95               , cpHaddocks =
96                     if isTarget
97                         then boptsHaddock bopts
98                         else shouldHaddockDeps bopts
99               }
100        packageCliFlags = Map.fromList $
101          mapMaybe maybeProjectFlags $
102          Map.toList (boptsCLIFlags boptsCli)
103        maybeProjectFlags (ACFByName name, fs) = Just (name, fs)
104        maybeProjectFlags _ = Nothing
105        globals = pruneGlobals (smaGlobal sma) (Map.keysSet deps)
106    logDebug "Checking flags"
107    checkFlagsUsedThrowing packageCliFlags FSCommandLine project deps
108    logDebug "SourceMap constructed"
109    return
110        SourceMap
111        { smTargets = smt
112        , smCompiler = compiler
113        , smProject = project
114        , smDeps = deps
115        , smGlobal = globals
116        }
118-- | Get a 'SourceMapHash' for a given 'SourceMap'
120-- Basic rules:
122-- * If someone modifies a GHC installation in any way after Stack
123--   looks at it, they voided the warranty. This includes installing a
124--   brand new build to the same directory, or registering new
125--   packages to the global database.
127-- * We should include everything in the hash that would relate to
128--   immutable packages and identifying the compiler itself. Mutable
129--   packages (both project packages and dependencies) will never make
130--   it into the snapshot database, and can be ignored.
132-- * Target information is only relevant insofar as it effects the
133--   dependency map. The actual current targets for this build are
134--   irrelevant to the cache mechanism, and can be ignored.
136-- * Make sure things like profiling and haddocks are included in the hash
139    :: (HasBuildConfig env, HasCompiler env)
140    => BuildOptsCLI
141    -> SourceMap
142    -> RIO env SourceMapHash
143hashSourceMapData boptsCli sm = do
144    compilerPath <- getUtf8Builder . fromString . toFilePath <$> getCompilerPath
145    compilerInfo <- getCompilerInfo
146    immDeps <- forM (Map.elems (smDeps sm)) depPackageHashableContent
147    bc <- view buildConfigL
148    let -- extra bytestring specifying GHC options supposed to be applied to
149        -- GHC boot packages so we'll have differrent hashes when bare
150        -- resolver 'ghc-X.Y.Z' is used, no extra-deps and e.g. user wants builds
151        -- with profiling or without
152        bootGhcOpts = map display (generalGhcOptions bc boptsCli False False)
153        hashedContent = toLazyByteString $ compilerPath <> compilerInfo <>
154            getUtf8Builder (mconcat bootGhcOpts) <> mconcat immDeps
155    return $ SourceMapHash (SHA256.hashLazyBytes hashedContent)
157depPackageHashableContent :: (HasConfig env) => DepPackage -> RIO env Builder
158depPackageHashableContent DepPackage {..} = do
159    case dpLocation of
160        PLMutable _ -> return ""
161        PLImmutable pli -> do
162            let flagToBs (f, enabled) =
163                    if enabled
164                        then ""
165                        else "-" <> fromString (C.unFlagName f)
166                flags = map flagToBs $ Map.toList (cpFlags dpCommon)
167                ghcOptions = map display (cpGhcOptions dpCommon)
168                cabalConfigOpts = map display (cpCabalConfigOpts dpCommon)
169                haddocks = if cpHaddocks dpCommon then "haddocks" else ""
170                hash = immutableLocSha pli
171            return $ hash <> haddocks <> getUtf8Builder (mconcat flags) <>
172                getUtf8Builder (mconcat ghcOptions) <>
173                getUtf8Builder (mconcat cabalConfigOpts)
175-- | All flags for a local package.
177    :: BuildOptsCLI
178    -> PackageName
179    -> Map FlagName Bool
180getLocalFlags boptsCli name = Map.unions
181    [ Map.findWithDefault Map.empty (ACFByName name) cliFlags
182    , Map.findWithDefault Map.empty ACFAllProjectPackages cliFlags
183    ]
184  where
185    cliFlags = boptsCLIFlags boptsCli
187-- | Get the options to pass to @./Setup.hs configure@
188loadCabalConfigOpts :: BuildConfig -> PackageName -> Bool -> Bool -> [Text]
189loadCabalConfigOpts bconfig name isTarget isLocal = concat
190    [ Map.findWithDefault [] CCKEverything (configCabalConfigOpts config)
191    , if isLocal
192        then Map.findWithDefault [] CCKLocals (configCabalConfigOpts config)
193        else []
194    , if isTarget
195        then Map.findWithDefault [] CCKTargets (configCabalConfigOpts config)
196        else []
197    , Map.findWithDefault [] (CCKPackage name) (configCabalConfigOpts config)
198    ]
199  where
200    config = view configL bconfig
202-- | Get the configured options to pass from GHC, based on the build
203-- configuration and commandline.
204generalGhcOptions :: BuildConfig -> BuildOptsCLI -> Bool -> Bool -> [Text]
205generalGhcOptions bconfig boptsCli isTarget isLocal = concat
206    [ Map.findWithDefault [] AGOEverything (configGhcOptionsByCat config)
207    , if isLocal
208        then Map.findWithDefault [] AGOLocals (configGhcOptionsByCat config)
209        else []
210    , if isTarget
211        then Map.findWithDefault [] AGOTargets (configGhcOptionsByCat config)
212        else []
213    , concat [["-fhpc"] | isLocal && toCoverage (boptsTestOpts bopts)]
214    , if boptsLibProfile bopts || boptsExeProfile bopts
215         then ["-fprof-auto","-fprof-cafs"]
216         else []
217    , if not $ boptsLibStrip bopts || boptsExeStrip bopts
218         then ["-g"]
219         else []
220    , if includeExtraOptions
221         then boptsCLIGhcOptions boptsCli
222         else []
223    ]
224  where
225    bopts = configBuild config
226    config = view configL bconfig
227    includeExtraOptions =
228        case configApplyGhcOptions config of
229            AGOTargets -> isTarget
230            AGOLocals -> isLocal
231            AGOEverything -> True
233splitComponents :: [NamedComponent]
234                -> (Set Text, Set Text, Set Text)
235splitComponents =
236    go id id id
237  where
238    go a b c [] = (Set.fromList $ a [], Set.fromList $ b [], Set.fromList $ c [])
239    go a b c (CLib:xs) = go a b c xs
240    go a b c (CInternalLib x:xs) = go (a . (x:)) b c xs
241    go a b c (CExe x:xs) = go (a . (x:)) b c xs
242    go a b c (CTest x:xs) = go a (b . (x:)) c xs
243    go a b c (CBench x:xs) = go a b (c . (x:)) xs
245loadCommonPackage ::
246       forall env. (HasBuildConfig env, HasSourceMap env)
247    => CommonPackage
248    -> RIO env Package
249loadCommonPackage common = do
250    config <- getPackageConfig (cpFlags common) (cpGhcOptions common) (cpCabalConfigOpts common)
251    gpkg <- liftIO $ cpGPD common
252    return $ resolvePackage config gpkg
254-- | Upgrade the initial project package info to a full-blown @LocalPackage@
255-- based on the selected components
256loadLocalPackage ::
257       forall env. (HasBuildConfig env, HasSourceMap env)
258    => ProjectPackage
259    -> RIO env LocalPackage
260loadLocalPackage pp = do
261    sm <- view sourceMapL
262    let common = ppCommon pp
263    bopts <- view buildOptsL
264    mcurator <- view $ buildConfigL.to bcCurator
265    config <- getPackageConfig (cpFlags common) (cpGhcOptions common) (cpCabalConfigOpts common)
266    gpkg <- ppGPD pp
267    let name = cpName common
268        mtarget = M.lookup name (smtTargets $ smTargets sm)
269        (exeCandidates, testCandidates, benchCandidates) =
270            case mtarget of
271                Just (TargetComps comps) -> splitComponents $ Set.toList comps
272                Just (TargetAll _packageType) ->
273                    ( packageExes pkg
274                    , if boptsTests bopts && maybe True (Set.notMember name . curatorSkipTest) mcurator
275                        then Map.keysSet (packageTests pkg)
276                        else Set.empty
277                    , if boptsBenchmarks bopts && maybe True (Set.notMember name . curatorSkipBenchmark) mcurator
278                        then packageBenchmarks pkg
279                        else Set.empty
280                    )
281                Nothing -> mempty
283        -- See https://github.com/commercialhaskell/stack/issues/2862
284        isWanted = case mtarget of
285            Nothing -> False
286            -- FIXME: When issue #1406 ("stack 0.1.8 lost ability to
287            -- build individual executables or library") is resolved,
288            -- 'hasLibrary' is only relevant if the library is
289            -- part of the target spec.
290            Just _ ->
291              let hasLibrary =
292                    case packageLibraries pkg of
293                      NoLibraries -> False
294                      HasLibraries _ -> True
295               in hasLibrary
296               || not (Set.null nonLibComponents)
297               || not (Set.null $ packageInternalLibraries pkg)
299        filterSkippedComponents = Set.filter (not . (`elem` boptsSkipComponents bopts))
301        (exes, tests, benches) = (filterSkippedComponents exeCandidates,
302                                  filterSkippedComponents testCandidates,
303                                  filterSkippedComponents benchCandidates)
305        nonLibComponents = toComponents exes tests benches
307        toComponents e t b = Set.unions
308            [ Set.map CExe e
309            , Set.map CTest t
310            , Set.map CBench b
311            ]
313        btconfig = config
314            { packageConfigEnableTests = not $ Set.null tests
315            , packageConfigEnableBenchmarks = not $ Set.null benches
316            }
317        testconfig = config
318            { packageConfigEnableTests = True
319            , packageConfigEnableBenchmarks = False
320            }
321        benchconfig = config
322            { packageConfigEnableTests = False
323            , packageConfigEnableBenchmarks = True
324            }
326        -- We resolve the package in 4 different configurations:
327        --
328        -- - pkg doesn't have tests or benchmarks enabled.
329        --
330        -- - btpkg has them enabled if they are present.
331        --
332        -- - testpkg has tests enabled, but not benchmarks.
333        --
334        -- - benchpkg has benchmarks enablde, but not tests.
335        --
336        -- The latter two configurations are used to compute the deps
337        -- when --enable-benchmarks or --enable-tests are configured.
338        -- This allows us to do an optimization where these are passed
339        -- if the deps are present. This can avoid doing later
340        -- unnecessary reconfigures.
341        pkg = resolvePackage config gpkg
342        btpkg
343            | Set.null tests && Set.null benches = Nothing
344            | otherwise = Just (resolvePackage btconfig gpkg)
345        testpkg = resolvePackage testconfig gpkg
346        benchpkg = resolvePackage benchconfig gpkg
348    componentFiles <- memoizeRefWith $ fst <$> getPackageFilesForTargets pkg (ppCabalFP pp) nonLibComponents
350    checkCacheResults <- memoizeRefWith $ do
351      componentFiles' <- runMemoizedWith componentFiles
352      forM (Map.toList componentFiles') $ \(component, files) -> do
353        mbuildCache <- tryGetBuildCache (ppRoot pp) component
354        checkCacheResult <- checkBuildCache
355            (fromMaybe Map.empty mbuildCache)
356            (Set.toList files)
357        return (component, checkCacheResult)
359    let dirtyFiles = do
360          checkCacheResults' <- checkCacheResults
361          let allDirtyFiles = Set.unions $ map (\(_, (x, _)) -> x) checkCacheResults'
362          pure $
363            if not (Set.null allDirtyFiles)
364                then let tryStripPrefix y =
365                          fromMaybe y (stripPrefix (toFilePath $ ppRoot pp) y)
366                      in Just $ Set.map tryStripPrefix allDirtyFiles
367                else Nothing
368        newBuildCaches =
369            M.fromList . map (\(c, (_, cache)) -> (c, cache))
370            <$> checkCacheResults
372    return LocalPackage
373        { lpPackage = pkg
374        , lpTestDeps = dvVersionRange <$> packageDeps testpkg
375        , lpBenchDeps = dvVersionRange <$> packageDeps benchpkg
376        , lpTestBench = btpkg
377        , lpComponentFiles = componentFiles
378        , lpBuildHaddocks = cpHaddocks (ppCommon pp)
379        , lpForceDirty = boptsForceDirty bopts
380        , lpDirtyFiles = dirtyFiles
381        , lpNewBuildCaches = newBuildCaches
382        , lpCabalFile = ppCabalFP pp
383        , lpWanted = isWanted
384        , lpComponents = nonLibComponents
385        -- TODO: refactor this so that it's easier to be sure that these
386        -- components are indeed unbuildable.
387        --
388        -- The reasoning here is that if the STLocalComps specification
389        -- made it through component parsing, but the components aren't
390        -- present, then they must not be buildable.
391        , lpUnbuildable = toComponents
392            (exes `Set.difference` packageExes pkg)
393            (tests `Set.difference` Map.keysSet (packageTests pkg))
394            (benches `Set.difference` packageBenchmarks pkg)
395        }
397-- | Compare the current filesystem state to the cached information, and
398-- determine (1) if the files are dirty, and (2) the new cache values.
399checkBuildCache :: forall m. (MonadIO m)
400                => Map FilePath FileCacheInfo -- ^ old cache
401                -> [Path Abs File] -- ^ files in package
402                -> m (Set FilePath, Map FilePath FileCacheInfo)
403checkBuildCache oldCache files = do
404    fileTimes <- liftM Map.fromList $ forM files $ \fp -> do
405        mdigest <- liftIO (getFileDigestMaybe (toFilePath fp))
406        return (toFilePath fp, mdigest)
407    liftM (mconcat . Map.elems) $ sequence $
408        Map.mergeWithKey
409            (\fp mdigest fci -> Just (go fp mdigest (Just fci)))
410            (Map.mapWithKey (\fp mdigest -> go fp mdigest Nothing))
411            (Map.mapWithKey (\fp fci -> go fp Nothing (Just fci)))
412            fileTimes
413            oldCache
414  where
415    go :: FilePath -> Maybe SHA256 -> Maybe FileCacheInfo -> m (Set FilePath, Map FilePath FileCacheInfo)
416    -- Filter out the cabal_macros file to avoid spurious recompilations
417    go fp _ _ | takeFileName fp == "cabal_macros.h" = return (Set.empty, Map.empty)
418    -- Common case where it's in the cache and on the filesystem.
419    go fp (Just digest') (Just fci)
420        | fciHash fci == digest' = return (Set.empty, Map.singleton fp fci)
421        | otherwise = return (Set.singleton fp, Map.singleton fp $ FileCacheInfo digest')
422    -- Missing file. Add it to dirty files, but no FileCacheInfo.
423    go fp Nothing _ = return (Set.singleton fp, Map.empty)
424    -- Missing cache. Add it to dirty files and compute FileCacheInfo.
425    go fp (Just digest') Nothing =
426        return (Set.singleton fp, Map.singleton fp $ FileCacheInfo digest')
428-- | Returns entries to add to the build cache for any newly found unlisted modules
430    :: HasEnvConfig env
431    => Package
432    -> Path Abs File
433    -> Set NamedComponent
434    -> Map NamedComponent (Map FilePath a)
435    -> RIO env (Map NamedComponent [Map FilePath FileCacheInfo], [PackageWarning])
436addUnlistedToBuildCache pkg cabalFP nonLibComponents buildCaches = do
437    (componentFiles, warnings) <- getPackageFilesForTargets pkg cabalFP nonLibComponents
438    results <- forM (M.toList componentFiles) $ \(component, files) -> do
439        let buildCache = M.findWithDefault M.empty component buildCaches
440            newFiles =
441                Set.toList $
442                Set.map toFilePath files `Set.difference` Map.keysSet buildCache
443        addBuildCache <- mapM addFileToCache newFiles
444        return ((component, addBuildCache), warnings)
445    return (M.fromList (map fst results), concatMap snd results)
446  where
447    addFileToCache fp = do
448        mdigest <- getFileDigestMaybe fp
449        case mdigest of
450            Nothing -> return Map.empty
451            Just digest' -> return . Map.singleton fp $ FileCacheInfo digest'
453-- | Gets list of Paths for files relevant to a set of components in a package.
454--   Note that the library component, if any, is always automatically added to the
455--   set of components.
457    :: HasEnvConfig env
458    => Package
459    -> Path Abs File
460    -> Set NamedComponent
461    -> RIO env (Map NamedComponent (Set (Path Abs File)), [PackageWarning])
462getPackageFilesForTargets pkg cabalFP nonLibComponents = do
463    (components',compFiles,otherFiles,warnings) <-
464        getPackageFiles (packageFiles pkg) cabalFP
465    let necessaryComponents = Set.insert CLib $ Set.filter isCInternalLib (M.keysSet components')
466        components = necessaryComponents `Set.union` nonLibComponents
467        componentsFiles =
468            M.map (\files -> Set.union otherFiles (Set.map dotCabalGetPath $ Set.fromList files)) $
469                M.filterWithKey (\component _ -> component `elem` components) compFiles
470    return (componentsFiles, warnings)
472-- | Get file digest, if it exists
473getFileDigestMaybe :: MonadIO m => FilePath -> m (Maybe SHA256)
474getFileDigestMaybe fp = do
475    liftIO
476        (catch
477             (liftM Just . withSourceFile fp $ getDigest)
478             (\e ->
479                   if isDoesNotExistError e
480                       then return Nothing
481                       else throwM e))
482  where
483    getDigest src = runConduit $ src .| getZipSink (ZipSink SHA256.sinkHash)
485-- | Get 'PackageConfig' for package given its name.
487  :: (HasBuildConfig env, HasSourceMap env)
488  => Map FlagName Bool
489  -> [Text] -- ^ GHC options
490  -> [Text] -- ^ cabal config opts
491  -> RIO env PackageConfig
492getPackageConfig flags ghcOptions cabalConfigOpts = do
493  platform <- view platformL
494  compilerVersion <- view actualCompilerVersionL
495  return PackageConfig
496    { packageConfigEnableTests = False
497    , packageConfigEnableBenchmarks = False
498    , packageConfigFlags = flags
499    , packageConfigGhcOptions = ghcOptions
500    , packageConfigCabalConfigOpts = cabalConfigOpts
501    , packageConfigCompilerVersion = compilerVersion
502    , packageConfigPlatform = platform
503    }