1 /*****************************************************************************/
2 /* Software Testing Automation Framework (STAF)                              */
3 /* (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 2001                                              */
4 /*                                                                           */
5 /* This software is licensed under the Eclipse Public License (EPL) V1.0.    */
6 /*****************************************************************************/
8 #ifndef STAF_UnixUtil
9 #define STAF_UnixUtil
11 #include "STAFString.h"
13 /*****************************************************************************/
14 /* S_ISEXE - This macro takes the mode of a file (member of a struct stat)   */
15 /*           and determines whether the file has execute permissions or not. */
16 /*           The naming convention of this macro follows the naming          */
17 /*           convention of other macros used within sys/stat.h.              */
18 /*****************************************************************************/
19 #define S_ISEXE(mode) (mode & 0x49)
22 /*****************************************************************************/
23 /* STAFUtilUnixGetFilePath - Determines the path of a file as it is found in */
24 /*                           the PATH environment variable.  The path        */
25 /*                           returned will have no terminating "/", and, if  */
26 /*                           the file is not found in the PATH, an error     */
27 /*                           message will returned in the path string        */
28 /*                           instead.                                        */
29 /*                                                                           */
30 /* Accepts: (IN)  The file to find in the PATH                               */
31 /*          (OUT) Pointer to the path of the file                            */
32 /*          (OUT) Pointer to operating system return code                    */
33 /*                                                                           */
34 /* Returns:  0, if successful                                                */
35 /*          >1, if unsuccessul                                               */
36 /*                                                                           */
37 /*                                                                           */
38 /* Notes: 1) You are responsible for destructing the string returned for the */
39 /*           path                                                            */
40 /*****************************************************************************/
41 STAFRC_t STAFUtilUnixGetFilePath(STAFStringConst_t file, STAFString_t *path,
42                                  unsigned int *osRC);
44 #endif