1 #![allow(unused_imports)]
2 use wasm_bindgen::prelude::*;
3 #[wasm_bindgen]
4 #[doc = "The `ConsoleLogLevel` enum."]
5 #[doc = ""]
6 #[doc = "*This API requires the following crate features to be activated: `ConsoleLogLevel`*"]
7 #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)]
8 pub enum ConsoleLogLevel {
9     All = "All",
10     Debug = "Debug",
11     Log = "Log",
12     Info = "Info",
13     Clear = "Clear",
14     Trace = "Trace",
15     TimeLog = "TimeLog",
16     TimeEnd = "TimeEnd",
17     Time = "Time",
18     Group = "Group",
19     GroupEnd = "GroupEnd",
20     Profile = "Profile",
21     ProfileEnd = "ProfileEnd",
22     Dir = "Dir",
23     Dirxml = "Dirxml",
24     Warn = "Warn",
25     Error = "Error",
26     Off = "Off",
27 }