1 // This file is part of Eigen, a lightweight C++ template library
2 // for linear algebra.
3 //
4 // Copyright (C) 2014 Benoit Steiner <benoit.steiner.goog@gmail.com>
5 //
6 // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla
7 // Public License v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed
8 // with this file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
13 namespace Eigen {
14 namespace internal {
17 #if defined(EIGEN_USE_GPU) && defined(__CUDACC__)
18 // Full reducers for GPU, don't vectorize for now
20 // Reducer function that enables multiple cuda thread to safely accumulate at the same
21 // output address. It basically reads the current value of the output variable, and
22 // attempts to update it with the new value. If in the meantime another cuda thread
23 // updated the content of the output address it will try again.
24 template <typename T, typename R>
atomicReduce(T * output,T accum,R & reducer)25 __device__ EIGEN_ALWAYS_INLINE void atomicReduce(T* output, T accum, R& reducer) {
26 #if __CUDA_ARCH__ >= 300
27   if (sizeof(T) == 4)
28   {
29     unsigned int oldval = *reinterpret_cast<unsigned int*>(output);
30     unsigned int newval = oldval;
31     reducer.reduce(accum, reinterpret_cast<T*>(&newval));
32     if (newval == oldval) {
33       return;
34     }
35     unsigned int readback;
36     while ((readback = atomicCAS((unsigned int*)output, oldval, newval)) != oldval) {
37       oldval = readback;
38       newval = oldval;
39       reducer.reduce(accum, reinterpret_cast<T*>(&newval));
40       if (newval == oldval) {
41         return;
42       }
43     }
44   }
45   else if (sizeof(T) == 8) {
46     unsigned long long oldval = *reinterpret_cast<unsigned long long*>(output);
47     unsigned long long newval = oldval;
48     reducer.reduce(accum, reinterpret_cast<T*>(&newval));
49     if (newval == oldval) {
50       return;
51     }
52     unsigned long long readback;
53     while ((readback = atomicCAS((unsigned long long*)output, oldval, newval)) != oldval) {
54       oldval = readback;
55       newval = oldval;
56       reducer.reduce(accum, reinterpret_cast<T*>(&newval));
57       if (newval == oldval) {
58         return;
59       }
60     }
61   }
62   else {
63     assert(0 && "Wordsize not supported");
64   }
65 #else
66   assert(0 && "Shouldn't be called on unsupported device");
67 #endif
68 }
70 // We extend atomicExch to support extra data types
71 template <typename Type>
atomicExchCustom(Type * address,Type val)72 __device__ inline Type atomicExchCustom(Type* address, Type val) {
73   return atomicExch(address, val);
74 }
76 template <>
atomicExchCustom(double * address,double val)77 __device__ inline double atomicExchCustom(double* address, double val) {
78   unsigned long long int* address_as_ull = reinterpret_cast<unsigned long long int*>(address);
79   return __longlong_as_double(atomicExch(address_as_ull, __double_as_longlong(val)));
80 }
82 #ifdef EIGEN_HAS_CUDA_FP16
83 template <template <typename T> class R>
atomicReduce(half2 * output,half2 accum,R<half> & reducer)84 __device__ inline void atomicReduce(half2* output, half2 accum, R<half>& reducer) {
85   unsigned int oldval = *reinterpret_cast<unsigned int*>(output);
86   unsigned int newval = oldval;
87   reducer.reducePacket(accum, reinterpret_cast<half2*>(&newval));
88   if (newval == oldval) {
89     return;
90   }
91   unsigned int readback;
92   while ((readback = atomicCAS((unsigned int*)output, oldval, newval)) != oldval) {
93     oldval = readback;
94     newval = oldval;
95     reducer.reducePacket(accum, reinterpret_cast<half2*>(&newval));
96     if (newval == oldval) {
97       return;
98     }
99   }
100 }
101 #endif
103 template <>
atomicReduce(float * output,float accum,SumReducer<float> &)104 __device__ inline void atomicReduce(float* output, float accum, SumReducer<float>&) {
105 #if __CUDA_ARCH__ >= 300
106   atomicAdd(output, accum);
107 #else
108   assert(0 && "Shouldn't be called on unsupported device");
109 #endif
110 }
113 template <typename CoeffType, typename Index>
ReductionInitKernel(const CoeffType val,Index num_preserved_coeffs,CoeffType * output)114 __global__ void ReductionInitKernel(const CoeffType val, Index num_preserved_coeffs, CoeffType* output) {
115   const Index thread_id = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
116   const Index num_threads = blockDim.x * gridDim.x;
117   for (Index i = thread_id; i < num_preserved_coeffs; i += num_threads) {
118     output[i] = val;
119   }
120 }
123 template <int BlockSize, int NumPerThread, typename Self,
124           typename Reducer, typename Index>
FullReductionKernel(Reducer reducer,const Self input,Index num_coeffs,typename Self::CoeffReturnType * output,unsigned int * semaphore)125 __global__ void FullReductionKernel(Reducer reducer, const Self input, Index num_coeffs,
126                                     typename Self::CoeffReturnType* output, unsigned int* semaphore) {
127 #if __CUDA_ARCH__ >= 300
128   // Initialize the output value
129   const Index first_index = blockIdx.x * BlockSize * NumPerThread + threadIdx.x;
130   if (gridDim.x == 1) {
131     if (first_index == 0) {
132       *output = reducer.initialize();
133     }
134   }
135   else {
136     if (threadIdx.x == 0) {
137       unsigned int block = atomicCAS(semaphore, 0u, 1u);
138       if (block == 0) {
139         // We're the first block to run, initialize the output value
140         atomicExchCustom(output, reducer.initialize());
141         __threadfence();
142         atomicExch(semaphore, 2u);
143       }
144       else {
145         // Wait for the first block to initialize the output value.
146         // Use atomicCAS here to ensure that the reads aren't cached
147         unsigned int val;
148         do {
149           val = atomicCAS(semaphore, 2u, 2u);
150         }
151         while (val < 2u);
152       }
153     }
154   }
156   __syncthreads();
158   eigen_assert(gridDim.x == 1 || *semaphore >= 2u);
160   typename Self::CoeffReturnType accum = reducer.initialize();
161   Index max_iter = numext::mini<Index>(num_coeffs - first_index, NumPerThread*BlockSize);
162   for (Index i = 0; i < max_iter; i+=BlockSize) {
163     const Index index = first_index + i;
164     eigen_assert(index < num_coeffs);
165     typename Self::CoeffReturnType val = input.m_impl.coeff(index);
166     reducer.reduce(val, &accum);
167   }
169 #pragma unroll
170   for (int offset = warpSize/2; offset > 0; offset /= 2) {
171     reducer.reduce(__shfl_down(accum, offset, warpSize), &accum);
172   }
174   if ((threadIdx.x & (warpSize - 1)) == 0) {
175     atomicReduce(output, accum, reducer);
176   }
178   if (gridDim.x > 1 && threadIdx.x == 0) {
179     // Let the last block reset the semaphore
180     atomicInc(semaphore, gridDim.x + 1);
181   }
182 #else
183   assert(0 && "Shouldn't be called on unsupported device");
184 #endif
185 }
188 #ifdef EIGEN_HAS_CUDA_FP16
189 template <typename Self,
190           typename Reducer, typename Index>
ReductionInitFullReduxKernelHalfFloat(Reducer reducer,const Self input,Index num_coeffs,half2 * scratch)191 __global__ void ReductionInitFullReduxKernelHalfFloat(Reducer reducer, const Self input, Index num_coeffs, half2* scratch) {
192   eigen_assert(blockDim.x == 1);
193   eigen_assert(gridDim.x == 1);
194   if (num_coeffs % 2 != 0) {
195     half last = input.m_impl.coeff(num_coeffs-1);
196     *scratch = __halves2half2(last, reducer.initialize());
197   } else {
198     *scratch = reducer.template initializePacket<half2>();
199   }
200 }
202 template <typename Self,
203           typename Reducer, typename Index>
ReductionInitKernelHalfFloat(Reducer reducer,const Self input,Index num_coeffs,half * output)204 __global__ void ReductionInitKernelHalfFloat(Reducer reducer, const Self input, Index num_coeffs, half* output) {
205   const Index thread_id = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
206   const Index num_threads = blockDim.x * gridDim.x;
207   const Index num_packets = num_coeffs / 2;
208   for (Index i = thread_id; i < num_packets; i += num_threads) {
209     ((half2*)output)[i] = reducer.template initializePacket<half2>();
210   }
212   if (thread_id == 0 && num_coeffs % 2 != 0) {
213     output[num_coeffs-1] = reducer.initialize();
214   }
215 }
217 template <int BlockSize, int NumPerThread, typename Self,
218           typename Reducer, typename Index>
FullReductionKernelHalfFloat(Reducer reducer,const Self input,Index num_coeffs,half * output,half2 * scratch)219 __global__ void FullReductionKernelHalfFloat(Reducer reducer, const Self input, Index num_coeffs,
220                                     half* output, half2* scratch) {
221   eigen_assert(NumPerThread % 2 == 0);
223   const Index first_index = blockIdx.x * BlockSize * NumPerThread + 2*threadIdx.x;
225   // Initialize the output value if it wasn't initialized by the ReductionInitKernel
226   if (gridDim.x == 1 && first_index == 0) {
227     if (num_coeffs % 2 != 0) {
228       half last = input.m_impl.coeff(num_coeffs-1);
229       *scratch = __halves2half2(last, reducer.initialize());
230     } else {
231       *scratch = reducer.template initializePacket<half2>();
232     }
233     __syncthreads();
234   }
236   half2 accum = reducer.template initializePacket<half2>();
237   const Index max_iter = numext::mini<Index>((num_coeffs - first_index) / 2, NumPerThread*BlockSize / 2);
238   for (Index i = 0; i < max_iter; i += BlockSize) {
239     const Index index = first_index + 2*i;
240     eigen_assert(index + 1 < num_coeffs);
241     half2 val = input.m_impl.template packet<Unaligned>(index);
242     reducer.reducePacket(val, &accum);
243   }
245 #pragma unroll
246   for (int offset = warpSize/2; offset > 0; offset /= 2) {
247     reducer.reducePacket(__shfl_down(accum, offset, warpSize), &accum);
248   }
250   if ((threadIdx.x & (warpSize - 1)) == 0) {
251     atomicReduce(scratch, accum, reducer);
252   }
254   __syncthreads();
256   if (gridDim.x == 1 && first_index == 0) {
257     half tmp = __low2half(*scratch);
258     reducer.reduce(__high2half(*scratch), &tmp);
259     *output = tmp;
260   }
261 }
263 template <typename Op>
ReductionCleanupKernelHalfFloat(Op & reducer,half * output,half2 * scratch)264 __global__ void ReductionCleanupKernelHalfFloat(Op& reducer, half* output, half2* scratch) {
265   eigen_assert(threadIdx.x == 1);
266   half tmp = __low2half(*scratch);
267   reducer.reduce(__high2half(*scratch), &tmp);
268   *output = tmp;
269 }
271 #endif
273 template <typename Self, typename Op, typename OutputType, bool PacketAccess, typename Enabled = void>
274 struct FullReductionLauncher {
runFullReductionLauncher275   static void run(const Self&, Op&, const GpuDevice&, OutputType*, typename Self::Index) {
276     assert(false && "Should only be called on doubles, floats and half floats");
277   }
278 };
280 // Specialization for float and double
281 template <typename Self, typename Op, typename OutputType, bool PacketAccess>
282 struct FullReductionLauncher<
283     Self, Op, OutputType, PacketAccess,
284     typename internal::enable_if<
285       internal::is_same<float, OutputType>::value ||
286       internal::is_same<double, OutputType>::value,
287     void>::type> {
288   static void run(const Self& self, Op& reducer, const GpuDevice& device, OutputType* output, typename Self::Index num_coeffs) {
289     typedef typename Self::Index Index;
290     typedef typename Self::CoeffReturnType Scalar;
291     const int block_size = 256;
292     const int num_per_thread = 128;
293     const int num_blocks = divup<int>(num_coeffs, block_size * num_per_thread);
295     unsigned int* semaphore = NULL;
296     if (num_blocks > 1) {
297       semaphore = device.semaphore();
298     }
300     LAUNCH_CUDA_KERNEL((FullReductionKernel<block_size, num_per_thread, Self, Op, Index>),
301                        num_blocks, block_size, 0, device, reducer, self, num_coeffs, output, semaphore);
302   }
303 };
305 #ifdef EIGEN_HAS_CUDA_FP16
306 template <typename Self, typename Op>
307 struct FullReductionLauncher<Self, Op, Eigen::half, false> {
308   static void run(const Self&, Op&, const GpuDevice&, half*, typename Self::Index) {
309     assert(false && "Should not be called since there is no packet accessor");
310   }
311 };
313 template <typename Self, typename Op>
314 struct FullReductionLauncher<Self, Op, Eigen::half, true> {
315   static void run(const Self& self, Op& reducer, const GpuDevice& device, half* output, typename Self::Index num_coeffs) {
316     typedef typename Self::Index Index;
318     const int block_size = 256;
319     const int num_per_thread = 128;
320     const int num_blocks = divup<int>(num_coeffs, block_size * num_per_thread);
321     half2* scratch = static_cast<half2*>(device.scratchpad());
323     if (num_blocks > 1) {
324       // We initialize the output and the scrathpad outside the reduction kernel when we can't be sure that there
325       // won't be a race conditions between multiple thread blocks.
326       LAUNCH_CUDA_KERNEL((ReductionInitFullReduxKernelHalfFloat<Self, Op, Index>),
327                          1, 1, 0, device, reducer, self, num_coeffs, scratch);
328     }
330     LAUNCH_CUDA_KERNEL((FullReductionKernelHalfFloat<block_size, num_per_thread, Self, Op, Index>),
331                        num_blocks, block_size, 0, device, reducer, self, num_coeffs, output, scratch);
333     if (num_blocks > 1) {
334       LAUNCH_CUDA_KERNEL((ReductionCleanupKernelHalfFloat<Op>),
335                          1, 1, 0, device, reducer, output, scratch);
336     }
337   }
338 };
339 #endif
342 template <typename Self, typename Op, bool Vectorizable>
343 struct FullReducer<Self, Op, GpuDevice, Vectorizable> {
344   // Unfortunately nvidia doesn't support well exotic types such as complex,
345   // so reduce the scope of the optimized version of the code to the simple cases
346   // of doubles, floats and half floats
347 #ifdef EIGEN_HAS_CUDA_FP16
348   static const bool HasOptimizedImplementation = !Op::IsStateful &&
349       (internal::is_same<typename Self::CoeffReturnType, float>::value ||
350        internal::is_same<typename Self::CoeffReturnType, double>::value ||
351        (internal::is_same<typename Self::CoeffReturnType, Eigen::half>::value && reducer_traits<Op, GpuDevice>::PacketAccess));
352 #else
353   static const bool HasOptimizedImplementation = !Op::IsStateful &&
354                                                 (internal::is_same<typename Self::CoeffReturnType, float>::value ||
355                                                  internal::is_same<typename Self::CoeffReturnType, double>::value);
356 #endif
358   template <typename OutputType>
359   static void run(const Self& self, Op& reducer, const GpuDevice& device, OutputType* output) {
360     assert(HasOptimizedImplementation && "Should only be called on doubles, floats or half floats");
361     const Index num_coeffs = array_prod(self.m_impl.dimensions());
362     // Don't crash when we're called with an input tensor of size 0.
363     if (num_coeffs == 0) {
364       return;
365     }
367     FullReductionLauncher<Self, Op, OutputType, reducer_traits<Op, GpuDevice>::PacketAccess>::run(self, reducer, device, output, num_coeffs);
368   }
369 };
372 template <int NumPerThread, typename Self,
373           typename Reducer, typename Index>
374 __global__ void InnerReductionKernel(Reducer reducer, const Self input, Index num_coeffs_to_reduce, Index num_preserved_coeffs,
375                                          typename Self::CoeffReturnType* output) {
376 #if __CUDA_ARCH__ >= 300
377   typedef typename Self::CoeffReturnType Type;
378   eigen_assert(blockDim.y == 1);
379   eigen_assert(blockDim.z == 1);
380   eigen_assert(gridDim.y == 1);
381   eigen_assert(gridDim.z == 1);
383   const int unroll_times = 16;
384   eigen_assert(NumPerThread % unroll_times == 0);
386   const Index input_col_blocks = divup<Index>(num_coeffs_to_reduce, blockDim.x * NumPerThread);
387   const Index num_input_blocks = input_col_blocks * num_preserved_coeffs;
389   const Index num_threads = blockDim.x * gridDim.x;
390   const Index thread_id = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
392   // Initialize the output values if they weren't initialized by the ReductionInitKernel
393   if (gridDim.x == 1) {
394     for (Index i = thread_id; i < num_preserved_coeffs; i += num_threads) {
395       output[i] = reducer.initialize();
396     }
397     __syncthreads();
398   }
400   for (Index i = blockIdx.x; i < num_input_blocks; i += gridDim.x) {
401     const Index row = i / input_col_blocks;
403     if (row < num_preserved_coeffs) {
404       const Index col_block = i % input_col_blocks;
405       const Index col_begin = col_block * blockDim.x * NumPerThread + threadIdx.x;
407       Type reduced_val = reducer.initialize();
409       for (Index j = 0; j < NumPerThread; j += unroll_times) {
410         const Index last_col = col_begin + blockDim.x * (j + unroll_times - 1);
411         if (last_col >= num_coeffs_to_reduce) {
412           for (Index col = col_begin + blockDim.x * j; col < num_coeffs_to_reduce; col += blockDim.x) {
413             const Type val = input.m_impl.coeff(row * num_coeffs_to_reduce + col);
414             reducer.reduce(val, &reduced_val);
415           }
416           break;
417         } else {
418           // Faster version of the loop with no branches after unrolling.
419 #pragma unroll
420           for (int k = 0; k < unroll_times; ++k) {
421             const Index col = col_begin + blockDim.x * (j + k);
422             reducer.reduce(input.m_impl.coeff(row * num_coeffs_to_reduce + col), &reduced_val);
423           }
424         }
425       }
427 #pragma unroll
428       for (int offset = warpSize/2; offset > 0; offset /= 2) {
429         reducer.reduce(__shfl_down(reduced_val, offset), &reduced_val);
430       }
432       if ((threadIdx.x & (warpSize - 1)) == 0) {
433         atomicReduce(&(output[row]), reduced_val, reducer);
434       }
435     }
436   }
437 #else
438   assert(0 && "Shouldn't be called on unsupported device");
439 #endif
440 }
442 #ifdef EIGEN_HAS_CUDA_FP16
444 template <int NumPerThread, typename Self,
445           typename Reducer, typename Index>
446 __global__ void InnerReductionKernelHalfFloat(Reducer reducer, const Self input, Index num_coeffs_to_reduce, Index num_preserved_coeffs,
447                                               half* output) {
448   eigen_assert(blockDim.y == 1);
449   eigen_assert(blockDim.z == 1);
450   eigen_assert(gridDim.y == 1);
451   eigen_assert(gridDim.z == 1);
453   const int unroll_times = 16;
454   eigen_assert(NumPerThread % unroll_times == 0);
455   eigen_assert(unroll_times % 2 == 0);
457   const Index input_col_blocks = divup<Index>(num_coeffs_to_reduce, blockDim.x * NumPerThread * 2);
458   const Index num_input_blocks = divup<Index>(input_col_blocks * num_preserved_coeffs, 2);
460   const Index num_threads = blockDim.x * gridDim.x;
461   const Index thread_id = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
463   // Initialize the output values if they weren't initialized by the ReductionInitKernel
464   if (gridDim.x == 1) {
465     Index i = 2*thread_id;
466     for (; i + 1 < num_preserved_coeffs; i += 2*num_threads) {
467       half* loc = output + i;
468       *((half2*)loc) = reducer.template initializePacket<half2>();
469     }
470     if (i < num_preserved_coeffs) {
471       output[i] = reducer.initialize();
472     }
473     __syncthreads();
474   }
476   for (Index i = blockIdx.x; i < num_input_blocks; i += gridDim.x) {
477     const Index row = 2 * (i / input_col_blocks);
479     if (row + 1 < num_preserved_coeffs) {
480       const Index col_block = i % input_col_blocks;
481       const Index col_begin = 2 * (col_block * blockDim.x * NumPerThread + threadIdx.x);
483       half2 reduced_val1 = reducer.template initializePacket<half2>();
484       half2 reduced_val2 = reducer.template initializePacket<half2>();
486       for (Index j = 0; j < NumPerThread; j += unroll_times) {
487         const Index last_col = col_begin + blockDim.x * (j + unroll_times - 1) * 2;
488         if (last_col >= num_coeffs_to_reduce) {
489           Index col = col_begin + blockDim.x * j;
490           for (; col + 1 < num_coeffs_to_reduce; col += blockDim.x) {
491             const half2 val1 = input.m_impl.template packet<Unaligned>(row * num_coeffs_to_reduce + col);
492             reducer.reducePacket(val1, &reduced_val1);
493             const half2 val2 = input.m_impl.template packet<Unaligned>((row+1) * num_coeffs_to_reduce + col);
494             reducer.reducePacket(val2, &reduced_val2);
495           }
496           if (col < num_coeffs_to_reduce) {
497             // Peel;
498             const half last1 = input.m_impl.coeff(row * num_coeffs_to_reduce + col);
499             const half2 val1 = __halves2half2(last1, reducer.initialize());
500             reducer.reducePacket(val1, &reduced_val1);
501             const half last2 = input.m_impl.coeff((row+1) * num_coeffs_to_reduce + col);
502             const half2 val2 = __halves2half2(last2, reducer.initialize());
503             reducer.reducePacket(val2, &reduced_val2);
504           }
505           break;
506         } else {
507           // Faster version of the loop with no branches after unrolling.
508 #pragma unroll
509           for (int k = 0; k < unroll_times; ++k) {
510             const Index col = col_begin + blockDim.x * (j + k) * 2;
511             reducer.reducePacket(input.m_impl.template packet<Unaligned>(row * num_coeffs_to_reduce + col), &reduced_val1);
512             reducer.reducePacket(input.m_impl.template packet<Unaligned>((row + 1)* num_coeffs_to_reduce + col), &reduced_val2);
513           }
514         }
515       }
517 #pragma unroll
518       for (int offset = warpSize/2; offset > 0; offset /= 2) {
519         reducer.reducePacket(__shfl_down(reduced_val1, offset, warpSize), &reduced_val1);
520         reducer.reducePacket(__shfl_down(reduced_val2, offset, warpSize), &reduced_val2);
521       }
523       half val1 =  __low2half(reduced_val1);
524       reducer.reduce(__high2half(reduced_val1), &val1);
525       half val2 =  __low2half(reduced_val2);
526       reducer.reduce(__high2half(reduced_val2), &val2);
527       half2 val = __halves2half2(val1, val2);
529       if ((threadIdx.x & (warpSize - 1)) == 0) {
530         half* loc = output + row;
531         atomicReduce((half2*)loc, val, reducer);
532       }
533     }
534   }
535 }
537 #endif
539 template <typename Self, typename Op, typename OutputType, bool PacketAccess, typename Enabled = void>
540 struct InnerReductionLauncher {
541   static EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC bool run(const Self&, Op&, const GpuDevice&, OutputType*, typename Self::Index, typename Self::Index) {
542     assert(false && "Should only be called to reduce doubles, floats and half floats on a gpu device");
543     return true;
544   }
545 };
547 // Specialization for float and double
548 template <typename Self, typename Op, typename OutputType, bool PacketAccess>
549 struct InnerReductionLauncher<
550   Self, Op, OutputType, PacketAccess,
551   typename internal::enable_if<
552     internal::is_same<float, OutputType>::value ||
553     internal::is_same<double, OutputType>::value,
554   void>::type> {
555   static bool run(const Self& self, Op& reducer, const GpuDevice& device, OutputType* output, typename Self::Index num_coeffs_to_reduce, typename Self::Index num_preserved_vals) {
556     typedef typename Self::Index Index;
558     const Index num_coeffs = num_coeffs_to_reduce * num_preserved_vals;
559     const int block_size = 256;
560     const int num_per_thread = 128;
561     const int dyn_blocks = divup<int>(num_coeffs, block_size * num_per_thread);
562     const int max_blocks = device.getNumCudaMultiProcessors() *
563                            device.maxCudaThreadsPerMultiProcessor() / block_size;
564     const int num_blocks = numext::mini<int>(max_blocks, dyn_blocks);
566     if (num_blocks > 1) {
567       // We initialize the outputs outside the reduction kernel when we can't be sure that there
568       // won't be a race conditions between multiple thread blocks.
569       const int dyn_blocks = divup<int>(num_preserved_vals, 1024);
570       const int max_blocks = device.getNumCudaMultiProcessors() *
571                            device.maxCudaThreadsPerMultiProcessor() / 1024;
572       const int num_blocks = numext::mini<int>(max_blocks, dyn_blocks);
573       LAUNCH_CUDA_KERNEL((ReductionInitKernel<OutputType, Index>),
574                          num_blocks, 1024, 0, device, reducer.initialize(),
575                          num_preserved_vals, output);
576     }
578     LAUNCH_CUDA_KERNEL((InnerReductionKernel<num_per_thread, Self, Op, Index>),
579                        num_blocks, block_size, 0, device, reducer, self, num_coeffs_to_reduce, num_preserved_vals, output);
581     return false;
582   }
583 };
585 #ifdef EIGEN_HAS_CUDA_FP16
586 template <typename Self, typename Op>
587 struct InnerReductionLauncher<Self, Op, Eigen::half, false> {
588   static bool run(const Self&, Op&, const GpuDevice&, half*, typename Self::Index, typename Self::Index) {
589     assert(false && "Should not be called since there is no packet accessor");
590     return true;
591   }
592 };
594 template <typename Self, typename Op>
595 struct InnerReductionLauncher<Self, Op, Eigen::half, true> {
596   static bool run(const Self& self, Op& reducer, const GpuDevice& device, half* output, typename Self::Index num_coeffs_to_reduce, typename Self::Index num_preserved_vals) {
597     typedef typename Self::Index Index;
599     if (num_preserved_vals % 2 != 0) {
600       // Not supported yet, revert to the slower code path
601       return true;
602     }
604     const Index num_coeffs = num_coeffs_to_reduce * num_preserved_vals;
605     const int block_size = /*256*/128;
606     const int num_per_thread = /*128*/64;
607     const int dyn_blocks = divup<int>(num_coeffs, block_size * num_per_thread);
608     const int max_blocks = device.getNumCudaMultiProcessors() *
609                            device.maxCudaThreadsPerMultiProcessor() / block_size;
610     const int num_blocks = numext::mini<int>(max_blocks, dyn_blocks);
612     if (num_blocks > 1) {
613       // We initialize the outputs outside the reduction kernel when we can't be sure that there
614       // won't be a race conditions between multiple thread blocks.
615       const int dyn_blocks = divup<int>(num_preserved_vals, 1024);
616       const int max_blocks = device.getNumCudaMultiProcessors() *
617                            device.maxCudaThreadsPerMultiProcessor() / 1024;
618       const int num_blocks = numext::mini<int>(max_blocks, dyn_blocks);
619       LAUNCH_CUDA_KERNEL((ReductionInitKernelHalfFloat<Self, Op, Index>),
620                          1, 1, 0, device, reducer, self, num_preserved_vals, output);
621     }
623     LAUNCH_CUDA_KERNEL((InnerReductionKernelHalfFloat<num_per_thread, Self, Op, Index>),
624                        num_blocks, block_size, 0, device, reducer, self, num_coeffs_to_reduce, num_preserved_vals, output);
626     return false;
627   }
628 };
629 #endif
632 template <typename Self, typename Op>
633 struct InnerReducer<Self, Op, GpuDevice> {
634   // Unfortunately nvidia doesn't support well exotic types such as complex,
635   // so reduce the scope of the optimized version of the code to the simple case
636   // of floats and half floats.
637 #ifdef EIGEN_HAS_CUDA_FP16
638   static const bool HasOptimizedImplementation = !Op::IsStateful &&
639       (internal::is_same<typename Self::CoeffReturnType, float>::value ||
640        internal::is_same<typename Self::CoeffReturnType, double>::value ||
641        (internal::is_same<typename Self::CoeffReturnType, Eigen::half>::value && reducer_traits<Op, GpuDevice>::PacketAccess));
642 #else
643   static const bool HasOptimizedImplementation = !Op::IsStateful &&
644                                                  (internal::is_same<typename Self::CoeffReturnType, float>::value ||
645                                                   internal::is_same<typename Self::CoeffReturnType, double>::value);
646 #endif
648   template <typename OutputType>
649   static bool run(const Self& self, Op& reducer, const GpuDevice& device, OutputType* output, typename Self::Index num_coeffs_to_reduce, typename Self::Index num_preserved_vals) {
650     assert(HasOptimizedImplementation && "Should only be called on doubles, floats or half floats");
651     const Index num_coeffs = array_prod(self.m_impl.dimensions());
652     // Don't crash when we're called with an input tensor of size 0.
653     if (num_coeffs == 0) {
654       return true;
655     }
656     // It's faster to use the usual code.
657     if (num_coeffs_to_reduce <= 128) {
658       return true;
659     }
661     return InnerReductionLauncher<Self, Op, OutputType, reducer_traits<Op, GpuDevice>::PacketAccess>::run(self, reducer, device, output, num_coeffs_to_reduce, num_preserved_vals);
662   }
663 };
665 template <int NumPerThread, typename Self,
666           typename Reducer, typename Index>
667 __global__ void OuterReductionKernel(Reducer reducer, const Self input, Index num_coeffs_to_reduce, Index num_preserved_coeffs,
668                                      typename Self::CoeffReturnType* output) {
669   const Index num_threads = blockDim.x * gridDim.x;
670   const Index thread_id = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
671   // Initialize the output values if they weren't initialized by the ReductionInitKernel
672   if (gridDim.x == 1) {
673     for (Index i = thread_id; i < num_preserved_coeffs; i += num_threads) {
674       output[i] = reducer.initialize();
675     }
676     __syncthreads();
677   }
679   // Do the reduction.
680   const Index max_iter = num_preserved_coeffs * divup<Index>(num_coeffs_to_reduce, NumPerThread);
681   for (Index i = thread_id; i < max_iter; i += num_threads) {
682     const Index input_col = i % num_preserved_coeffs;
683     const Index input_row = (i / num_preserved_coeffs) * NumPerThread;
684     typename Self::CoeffReturnType reduced_val = reducer.initialize();
685     const Index max_row = numext::mini(input_row + NumPerThread, num_coeffs_to_reduce);
686     for (Index j = input_row; j < max_row; j++) {
687       typename Self::CoeffReturnType val = input.m_impl.coeff(j * num_preserved_coeffs + input_col);
688       reducer.reduce(val, &reduced_val);
689     }
690     atomicReduce(&(output[input_col]), reduced_val, reducer);
691   }
692 }
695 template <typename Self, typename Op>
696 struct OuterReducer<Self, Op, GpuDevice> {
697   // Unfortunately nvidia doesn't support well exotic types such as complex,
698   // so reduce the scope of the optimized version of the code to the simple case
699   // of floats.
700   static const bool HasOptimizedImplementation = !Op::IsStateful &&
701                                                  (internal::is_same<typename Self::CoeffReturnType, float>::value ||
702                                                   internal::is_same<typename Self::CoeffReturnType, double>::value);
703   template <typename Device, typename OutputType>
704   static EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC bool run(const Self&, Op&, const Device&, OutputType*, typename Self::Index, typename Self::Index) {
705     assert(false && "Should only be called to reduce doubles or floats on a gpu device");
706     return true;
707   }
709   static bool run(const Self& self, Op& reducer, const GpuDevice& device, float* output, typename Self::Index num_coeffs_to_reduce, typename Self::Index num_preserved_vals) {
710     typedef typename Self::Index Index;
712     // It's faster to use the usual code.
713     if (num_coeffs_to_reduce <= 32) {
714       return true;
715     }
717     const Index num_coeffs = num_coeffs_to_reduce * num_preserved_vals;
718     const int block_size = 256;
719     const int num_per_thread = 16;
720     const int dyn_blocks = divup<int>(num_coeffs, block_size * num_per_thread);
721     const int max_blocks = device.getNumCudaMultiProcessors() *
722                            device.maxCudaThreadsPerMultiProcessor() / block_size;
723     const int num_blocks = numext::mini<int>(max_blocks, dyn_blocks);
725     if (num_blocks > 1) {
726       // We initialize the outputs in the reduction kernel itself when we don't have to worry
727       // about race conditions between multiple thread blocks.
728       const int dyn_blocks = divup<int>(num_preserved_vals, 1024);
729       const int max_blocks = device.getNumCudaMultiProcessors() *
730                              device.maxCudaThreadsPerMultiProcessor() / 1024;
731       const int num_blocks = numext::mini<int>(max_blocks, dyn_blocks);
732       LAUNCH_CUDA_KERNEL((ReductionInitKernel<float, Index>),
733                          num_blocks, 1024, 0, device, reducer.initialize(),
734                          num_preserved_vals, output);
735     }
737     LAUNCH_CUDA_KERNEL((OuterReductionKernel<num_per_thread, Self, Op, Index>),
738                        num_blocks, block_size, 0, device, reducer, self, num_coeffs_to_reduce, num_preserved_vals, output);
740     return false;
741   }
742 };
744 #endif
747 } // end namespace internal
748 } // end namespace Eigen