1# -*- tcl -*-
2package require    msgcat
3namespace import ::msgcat::*
5mcset en end/open/list    "End of manpage reached, \[list_end\] missing"
6mcset en end/open/example "End of manpage reached, \[example_end\] missing"
7mcset en end/open/mp	  "End of manpage reached, \[manpage_end\] missing"
8mcset en mpbegin          "Command must be first of manpage"
9mcset en mptitle          "Spaces not allowed in manpage title"
10mcset en hdrcmd           "Command not allowed outside of the header section"
11mcset en bodycmd          "Command not allowed outside of the body of the manpage"
12mcset en body             "Plain text not allowed outside of the body of the manpage"
13mcset en reqcmd           "Command not allowed outside of header or requirement section"
14mcset en invalidlist      "Invalid list type \"@\""
15mcset en nolistcmd        "Command not allowed inside of a list"
16mcset en nolisthdr        "Command not allowed between beginning of a list and its first item"
17mcset en nolisttxt        "Plain text not allowed between beginning of a list and its first item"
18mcset en listcmd          "Command not allowed outside of a list"
19mcset en deflist          "Command restricted to usage in definition lists"
20mcset en bulletlist       "Command restricted to usage in itemized lists"
21mcset en enumlist         "Command restricted to usage in enumerated lists"
22mcset en examplecmd       "Command allowed only to close example section"
23mcset en listcmd          "Command not allowed outside of a list"
24mcset en nodonecmd        "Command not allowed after \[manpage_end\]"
25mcset en arg_list         "Command restricted to usage in argument lists"
26mcset en cmd_list         "Command restricted to usage in command lists"
27mcset en opt_list         "Command restricted to usage in option lists"
28mcset en tkoption_list    "Command restricted to usage in tkoption lists"
29mcset en depr_strong      "Deprecated command \"%s\".\n\tPlease consider appropriate semantic markup or \[emph\] instead."
30mcset en depr_lstitem     "Deprecated command \"%s\".\n\tPlease use \[def\] instead."
31mcset en depr_nl          "Deprecated command \"%s\".\n\tPlease use \[para\] instead."
32mcset en depr_bullet      "Deprecated command \"%s\".\n\tPlease use \[item\] instead."
33mcset en depr_ltype       "Deprecated list type \"%s\".\n\tPlease use \"%s\" instead."
34mcset en sectambig        "(Sub)Section title \"%s\" causes ambiguous section references."
35mcset en missingsect      "Referred (Sub)Section \"%s\" is not known."
37mcset en end/open/toc  "\[toc_end\] missing."
38mcset en toc/plaintext "Plain text beyond whitespace is not allowed."
39mcset en toc/begincmd  "Command not allowed here."
40mcset en toc/endcmd    "Command not allowed here."
41mcset en toc/titlecmd  "Command not allowed here."
42mcset en toc/sectcmd   "Command not allowed here."
43mcset en toc/sectecmd  "Command not allowed here."
44mcset en toc/itemcmd   "Command not allowed here."
45mcset en toc/nodonecmd "Command not allowed after \[toc_end\]"
47mcset en end/open/idx   "\[index_end\] missing."
48mcset en idx/plaintext  "Plain text beyond whitespace is not allowed."
49mcset en idx/begincmd   "Command not allowed here."
50mcset en idx/endcmd     "Command not allowed here."
51mcset en idx/keycmd     "Command not allowed here."
52mcset en idx/manpagecmd "Command not allowed here."
53mcset en idx/urlcmd     "Command not allowed here."
54mcset en idx/nodonecmd  "Command not allowed after \[index_end\]"