1% postlinebreak.w
3% Copyright 2006-2010 Taco Hoekwater <taco@@luatex.org>
5% This file is part of LuaTeX.
7% LuaTeX is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
8% the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
9% Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
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20@ @c
23#include "ptexlib.h"
25@ So far we have gotten a little way into the |line_break| routine, having
26covered its important |try_break| subroutine. Now let's consider the
27rest of the process.
29The main loop of |line_break| traverses the given hlist,
30starting at |vlink(temp_head)|, and calls |try_break| at each legal
31breakpoint. A variable called |auto_breaking| is set to true except
32within math formulas, since glue nodes are not legal breakpoints when
33they appear in formulas.
35The current node of interest in the hlist is pointed to by |cur_p|. Another
36variable, |prev_p|, is usually one step behind |cur_p|, but the real
37meaning of |prev_p| is this: If |type(cur_p)=glue_node| then |cur_p| is a legal
38breakpoint if and only if |auto_breaking| is true and |prev_p| does not
39point to a glue node, penalty node, explicit kern node, or math node.
41@ The total number of lines that will be set by |post_line_break|
42is |best_line-prev_graf-1|. The last breakpoint is specified by
43|break_node(best_bet)|, and this passive node points to the other breakpoints
44via the |prev_break| links. The finishing-up phase starts by linking the
45relevant passive nodes in forward order, changing |prev_break| to
46|next_break|. (The |next_break| fields actually reside in the same memory
47space as the |prev_break| fields did, but we give them a new name because
48of their new significance.) Then the lines are justified, one by one.
50The |post_line_break| must also keep an dir stack, so that it can
51output end direction instructions at the ends of lines
52and begin direction instructions at the beginnings of lines.
55#define next_break prev_break   /*new name for |prev_break| after links are reversed */
57/* the ints are actually halfwords */
58void ext_post_line_break(int paragraph_dir,
59                         int right_skip,
60                         int left_skip,
61                         int pdf_protrude_chars,
62                         halfword par_shape_ptr,
63                         int pdf_adjust_spacing,
64                         int pdf_each_line_height,
65                         int pdf_each_line_depth,
66                         int pdf_first_line_height,
67                         int pdf_last_line_depth,
68                         halfword inter_line_penalties_ptr,
69                         int inter_line_penalty,
70                         int club_penalty,
71                         halfword club_penalties_ptr,
72                         halfword widow_penalties_ptr,
73                         int widow_penalty,
74                         int broken_penalty,
75                         halfword final_par_glue,
76                         halfword best_bet,
77                         halfword last_special_line,
78                         scaled second_width,
79                         scaled second_indent,
80                         scaled first_width,
81                         scaled first_indent, halfword best_line,
82                         halfword pdf_ignored_dimen)
85    boolean have_directional = true;
86    halfword q, r;              /* temporary registers for list manipulation */
87    halfword k;
88    scaled w;
89    boolean glue_break;         /* was a break at glue? */
90    boolean disc_break;         /*was the current break at a discretionary node? */
91    boolean post_disc_break;    /*and did it have a nonempty post-break part? */
92    scaled cur_width;           /*width of line number |cur_line| */
93    scaled cur_indent;          /*left margin of line number |cur_line| */
94    int pen;                    /*use when calculating penalties between lines */
95    halfword cur_p;             /* |cur_p|, but localized */
96    halfword cur_line;          /*the current line number being justified */
98    dir_ptr = cur_list.dirs_field;
99    /* Reverse the links of the relevant passive nodes, setting |cur_p| to
100       the first breakpoint; */
101    /* The job of reversing links in a list is conveniently regarded as the job
102       of taking items off one stack and putting them on another. In this case we
103       take them off a stack pointed to by |q| and having |prev_break| fields;
104       we put them on a stack pointed to by |cur_p| and having |next_break| fields.
105       Node |r| is the passive node being moved from stack to stack.
106     */
107    q = break_node(best_bet);
108#if 0
109    used_discs = used_disc(best_bet);
111    /* |has_direction| */
112    cur_p = null;
113    do {
114        r = q;
115        q = prev_break(q);
116        next_break(r) = cur_p;
117        cur_p = r;
118    } while (q != null);
119    /* |cur_p| is now the first breakpoint; */
121    cur_line = cur_list.pg_field + 1;   /* prevgraf+1 */
123    do {
124        /* Justify the line ending at breakpoint |cur_p|, and append it to the
125           current vertical list, together with associated penalties and other
126           insertions;    */
127        /* The current line to be justified appears in a horizontal list starting
128           at |vlink(temp_head)| and ending at |cur_break(cur_p)|. If |cur_break(cur_p)| is
129           a glue node, we reset the glue to equal the |right_skip| glue; otherwise
130           we append the |right_skip| glue at the right. If |cur_break(cur_p)| is a
131           discretionary node, we modify the list so that the discretionary break
132           is compulsory, and we set |disc_break| to |true|. We also append
133           the |left_skip| glue at the left of the line, unless it is zero. */
135#if 0
136        tprint("BEGIN OF LINE ");
137        print_int(cur_break(cur_p));
138        breadth_max = 100000;
139        depth_threshold = 100000;
140        show_node_list(temp_head);
143        /* DIR: Insert dir nodes at the beginning of the current line; */
144        for (q = dir_ptr; q != null; q = vlink(q)) {
145            halfword tmp = new_dir(dir_dir(q));
146            halfword nxt = vlink(temp_head);
147            delete_attribute_ref(node_attr(tmp));
148            node_attr(tmp) = node_attr(temp_head);
149            add_node_attr_ref(node_attr(tmp));
150            couple_nodes(temp_head, tmp);
151            try_couple_nodes(tmp, nxt); /* \.{\\break}\.{\\par} */
152        }
153        if (dir_ptr != null) {
154            flush_node_list(dir_ptr);
155            dir_ptr = null;
156        }
158        /* Modify the end of the line to reflect the nature of the break and to
159           include \.{\\rightskip}; also set the proper value of |disc_break|; */
160        /* At the end of the following code, |q| will point to the final node on the
161           list about to be justified. In the meanwhile |r| will point to the
162           node we will use to insert end-of-line stuff after. |q==null| means
163           we use the final position of |r| */
164        r = cur_break(cur_p);
165        q = null;
166        disc_break = false;
167        post_disc_break = false;
168        glue_break = false;
170        if (r == null) {
171            for (r = temp_head; vlink(r) != null; r = vlink(r));
172            if (r == final_par_glue) {
173                /* This should almost always be true... */
174                /* TODO assert ? */
175                q = r;
176                /* |q| refers to the last node of the line (and paragraph) */
177                r = alink(r);
178            }
179            /* |r| refers to the node after which the dir nodes should be closed */
180        } else if (type(r) == glue_node) {
181            delete_glue_ref(glue_ptr(r));
182            glue_ptr(r) = right_skip;
183            subtype(r) = right_skip_code + 1;
184            incr(glue_ref_count(right_skip));
185            glue_break = true;
186            /* |q| refers to the last node of the line */
187            q = r;
188            r = alink(r);
189            assert(vlink(r) == q);
190            /* |r| refers to the node after which the dir nodes should be closed */
191        } else if (type(r) == disc_node) {
192            halfword a = alink(r);
193            halfword v = vlink(r);
194            assert(a != null);
195            assert(v != null);
196            switch (subtype(r)) {
197            case select_disc:
198                if (vlink_pre_break(r) != null) {
199                    flush_node_list(vlink_pre_break(r));
200                    vlink_pre_break(r) = null;
201                    tlink_pre_break(r) = null;
202                }
203                if (vlink_no_break(r) != null) {
204                    couple_nodes(a, vlink_no_break(r));
205                    couple_nodes(tlink_no_break(r), r);
206                    vlink_no_break(r) = null;
207                    tlink_no_break(r) = null;
208                }
210                assert(type(a) == disc_node && subtype(a) == init_disc);
211                flush_node_list(vlink_no_break(a));
212                vlink_no_break(a) = null;
213                tlink_no_break(a) = null;
214                flush_node_list(vlink_pre_break(a));
215                vlink_pre_break(a) = null;
216                tlink_pre_break(a) = null;
217                flush_node_list(vlink_post_break(a));
218                vlink_post_break(a) = null;
219                tlink_post_break(a) = null;
221                break;
222            case init_disc:
223                assert(type(v) == disc_node && subtype(v) == select_disc);
224                subtype(v) = syllable_disc;     /* not special any more */
225                flush_node_list(vlink_no_break(v));
226                vlink_no_break(v) = vlink_post_break(r);
227                tlink_no_break(v) = tlink_post_break(r);
228                vlink_post_break(r) = null;
229                tlink_post_break(r) = null;
230            default:
231                if (vlink_no_break(r) != null) {
232                    flush_node_list(vlink_no_break(r));
233                    vlink_no_break(r) = null;
234                    tlink_no_break(r) = null;
235                }
236                if (vlink_pre_break(r) != null) {
237                    couple_nodes(a, vlink_pre_break(r));
238                    couple_nodes(tlink_pre_break(r), r);
239                    vlink_pre_break(r) = null;
240                    tlink_pre_break(r) = null;
241                }
242            }
243            if (vlink_post_break(r) != null) {
244                couple_nodes(r, vlink_post_break(r));
245                couple_nodes(tlink_post_break(r), v);
246                vlink_post_break(r) = null;
247                tlink_post_break(r) = null;
248                post_disc_break = true;
249            }
250            disc_break = true;
251        } else if (type(r) == kern_node) {
252            width(r) = 0;
253        } else if (type(r) == math_node) {
254            surround(r) = 0;
255        }
257        /* DIR: Adjust the dir stack based on dir nodes in this line; */
258        /* TODO what about the previousparagraph ??? */
259        if (have_directional) {
260            halfword e;
261            halfword p;
262            for (e = vlink(temp_head); e != null && e != cur_break(cur_p);
263                 e = vlink(e)) {
264                if (type(e) != whatsit_node || subtype(e) != dir_node)
265                    continue;
266                if (dir_dir(e) >= 0) {
267                    dir_ptr = do_push_dir_node(dir_ptr, e);
268                } else if (dir_ptr != null
269                           && dir_dir(dir_ptr) == (dir_dir(e) + 64)) {
270                    dir_ptr = do_pop_dir_node(dir_ptr);
271                }
272            }
273            assert(e == cur_break(cur_p));
275            /* DIR: Insert dir nodes at the end of the current line; */
276            e = vlink(r);
277            for (p = dir_ptr; p != null; p = vlink(p)) {
278                halfword s = new_dir(dir_dir(p) - 64);
279                delete_attribute_ref(node_attr(s));
280                node_attr(s) = node_attr(r);
281                add_node_attr_ref(node_attr(s));
282                couple_nodes(r, s);
283                try_couple_nodes(s, e);
284                r = s;
285            }
286        }
287        if (passive_right_box(cur_p) != null) {
288            /* TODO: CHECK has |s| below a |alink| ? */
289            halfword s = copy_node_list(passive_right_box(cur_p));
290            halfword e = vlink(r);
291            couple_nodes(r, s);
292            try_couple_nodes(s, e);
293            r = s;
294        }
295        if (q == null) {
296            q = r;
297        }
298        /* Now [q] refers to the last node on the line */
300        /* FIXME from this point on we no longer keep alink() valid */
302        /* at this point |q| is the rightmost breakpoint; the only exception is
303           the case of a discretionary break with non-empty |pre_break|, then |q|
304           has been changed to the last node of the |pre_break| list */
305        /* If the par ends with a \break command, the last line is utterly empty.
306           That is the case of |q==temp_head| */
307        if (q != temp_head && pdf_protrude_chars > 0) {
308            halfword p, ptmp;
309            if (disc_break && (is_char_node(q) || (type(q) != disc_node))) {
310                p = q;          /* |q| has been reset to the last node of |pre_break| */
311                ptmp = p;
312            } else {
313                p = alink(q);   /* get |vlink(p) = q| */
314                assert(vlink(p) == q);
315                ptmp = p;
316            }
317            p = find_protchar_right(vlink(temp_head), p);
318            w = char_pw(p, right_side);
319            if (w != 0) {       /* we have found a marginal kern, append it after |ptmp| */
320                k = new_margin_kern(-w, last_rightmost_char, right_side);
321                delete_attribute_ref(node_attr(k));
322                node_attr(k) = node_attr(p);
323                add_node_attr_ref(node_attr(k));
324                try_couple_nodes(k, vlink(ptmp));
325                couple_nodes(ptmp,k);
326                if (ptmp == q)
327                    q = vlink(q);
328            }
329        }
330        /* if |q| was not a breakpoint at glue and has been reset to |rightskip|
331           then we append |rightskip| after |q| now */
332        if (!glue_break) {
333            /* Put the \.{\\rightskip} glue after node |q|; */
334            halfword r1 = new_glue((right_skip == null ? null : copy_node(right_skip)));
335	    glue_ref_count(glue_ptr(r1)) = null;
336	    subtype(r1) = right_skip_code+1;
337            try_couple_nodes(r1,vlink(q));
338            delete_attribute_ref(node_attr(r1));
339            node_attr(r1) = node_attr(q);
340            add_node_attr_ref(node_attr(r1));
341            couple_nodes(q,r1);
342            q = r1;
343        }
345        /* /Modify the end of the line to reflect the nature of the break and to
346           include \.{\\rightskip}; also set the proper value of |disc_break|; */
348        /* Put the \.{\\leftskip} glue at the left and detach this line; */
349        /* The following code begins with |q| at the end of the list to be
350           justified. It ends with |q| at the beginning of that list, and with
351           |vlink(temp_head)| pointing to the remainder of the paragraph, if any. */
352        r = vlink(q);
353        vlink(q) = null;
355        q = vlink(temp_head);
356        try_couple_nodes(temp_head, r);
357        if (passive_left_box(cur_p) != null && passive_left_box(cur_p) != 0) {
358            /* omega bits: */
359            halfword s;
360            r = copy_node_list(passive_left_box(cur_p));
361            s = vlink(q);
362            couple_nodes(r,q);
363            q = r;
364            if ((cur_line == cur_list.pg_field + 1) && (s != null)) {
365                if (type(s) == hlist_node) {
366                    if (list_ptr(s) == null) {
367                        q = vlink(q);
368                        try_couple_nodes(r,vlink(s));
369                        try_couple_nodes(s, r);
370                    }
371                }
372            }
373        }
374        /*at this point |q| is the leftmost node; all discardable nodes have been discarded */
375        if (pdf_protrude_chars > 0) {
376	    halfword p;
377            p = q;
378            p = find_protchar_left(p, false);   /* no more discardables */
379            w = char_pw(p, left_side);
380            if (w != 0) {
381                k = new_margin_kern(-w, last_leftmost_char, left_side);
382                delete_attribute_ref(node_attr(k));
383                node_attr(k) = node_attr(q);
384                add_node_attr_ref(node_attr(k));
385                couple_nodes(k,q);
386                q = k;
387            }
388        }
389        if (left_skip != zero_glue) {
390            r = new_glue(copy_node(left_skip));
391	    glue_ref_count(glue_ptr(r)) = null;
392	    subtype(r) = left_skip_code+1;
393            delete_attribute_ref(node_attr(r));
394            node_attr(r) = node_attr(q);
395            add_node_attr_ref(node_attr(r));
396            couple_nodes(r,q);
397            q = r;
398        }
399        /* /Put the \.{\\leftskip} glue at the left and detach this line; */
401        /* Call the packaging subroutine, setting |just_box| to the justified box; */
402        /* Now |q| points to the hlist that represents the current line of the
403           paragraph. We need to compute the appropriate line width, pack the
404           line into a box of this size, and shift the box by the appropriate
405           amount of indentation. */
406        if (cur_line > last_special_line) {
407            cur_width = second_width;
408            cur_indent = second_indent;
409        } else if (par_shape_ptr == null) {
410            cur_width = first_width;
411            cur_indent = first_indent;
412        } else {
413            cur_indent = varmem[(par_shape_ptr + 2 * cur_line)].cint;
414            cur_width = varmem[(par_shape_ptr + 2 * cur_line + 1)].cint;
415        }
416        adjust_tail = adjust_head;
417        pre_adjust_tail = pre_adjust_head;
418        if (pdf_adjust_spacing > 0) {
419            just_box = hpack(q, cur_width, cal_expand_ratio, paragraph_dir);
420        } else {
421            just_box = hpack(q, cur_width, exactly, paragraph_dir);
422        }
423        shift_amount(just_box) = cur_indent;
424        subtype(just_box) = HLIST_SUBTYPE_LINE;
425        /* /Call the packaging subroutine, setting |just_box| to the justified box; */
427        /* Append the new box to the current vertical list, followed by the list of
428           special nodes taken out of the box by the packager; */
429        if (pdf_each_line_height != pdf_ignored_dimen)
430            height(just_box) = pdf_each_line_height;
431        if (pdf_each_line_depth != pdf_ignored_dimen)
432            depth(just_box) = pdf_each_line_depth;
433        if ((pdf_first_line_height != pdf_ignored_dimen)
434            && (cur_line == cur_list.pg_field + 1))
435            height(just_box) = pdf_first_line_height;
436        if ((pdf_last_line_depth != pdf_ignored_dimen)
437            && (cur_line + 1 == best_line))
438            depth(just_box) = pdf_last_line_depth;
440        if ((vlink(contrib_head) != null))
441            if (!output_active)
442                lua_node_filter_s(buildpage_filter_callback, lua_key_index(pre_box));
443        if (pre_adjust_head != pre_adjust_tail) {
444            append_list(pre_adjust_head, pre_adjust_tail);
445            if (!output_active)
446                lua_node_filter_s(buildpage_filter_callback, lua_key_index(pre_adjust));
447        }
448        pre_adjust_tail = null;
449        append_to_vlist(just_box);
450        if (!output_active)
451            lua_node_filter_s(buildpage_filter_callback, lua_key_index(box));
452        if (adjust_head != adjust_tail) {
453            append_list(adjust_head, adjust_tail);
454            if (!output_active)
455                lua_node_filter_s(buildpage_filter_callback, lua_key_index(adjust));
456        }
457        adjust_tail = null;
459        /* /Append the new box to the current vertical list, followed by the list of
460           special nodes taken out of the box by the packager; */
462        /* Append a penalty node, if a nonzero penalty is appropriate */
463        /* Penalties between the lines of a paragraph come from club and widow lines,
464           from the |inter_line_penalty| parameter, and from lines that end at
465           discretionary breaks.  Breaking between lines of a two-line paragraph gets
466           both club-line and widow-line penalties. The local variable |pen| will
467           be set to the sum of all relevant penalties for the current line, except
468           that the final line is never penalized. */
469        if (cur_line + 1 != best_line) {
470            q = inter_line_penalties_ptr;
471            if (q != null) {
472                r = cur_line;
473                if (r > penalty(q))
474                    r = penalty(q);
475                pen = penalty(q + r);
476            } else {
477                if (passive_pen_inter(cur_p) != 0) {
478                    pen = passive_pen_inter(cur_p);
479                } else {
480                    pen = inter_line_penalty;
481                }
482            }
483            q = club_penalties_ptr;
484            if (q != null) {
485                r = cur_line - cur_list.pg_field;       /* prevgraf */
486                if (r > penalty(q))
487                    r = penalty(q);
488                pen += penalty(q + r);
489            } else if (cur_line == cur_list.pg_field + 1) {     /* prevgraf */
490                pen += club_penalty;
491            }
492            q = widow_penalties_ptr;
493            if (q != null) {
494                r = best_line - cur_line - 1;
495                if (r > penalty(q))
496                    r = penalty(q);
497                pen += penalty(q + r);
498            } else if (cur_line + 2 == best_line) {
499                pen += widow_penalty;
500            }
501            if (disc_break) {
502                if (passive_pen_broken(cur_p) != 0) {
503                    pen += passive_pen_broken(cur_p);
504                } else {
505                    pen += broken_penalty;
506                }
507            }
508            if (pen != 0) {
509                r = new_penalty(pen);
510                couple_nodes(cur_list.tail_field, r);
511                cur_list.tail_field = r;
512            }
513        }
514        /* /Append a penalty node, if a nonzero penalty is appropriate */
516        /* /Justify the line ending at breakpoint |cur_p|, and append it to the
517           current vertical list, together with associated penalties and other
518           insertions;   */
519        incr(cur_line);
520        cur_p = next_break(cur_p);
521        if (cur_p != null && !post_disc_break) {
522            /* Prune unwanted nodes at the beginning of the next line; */
523            /* Glue and penalty and kern and math nodes are deleted at the
524               beginning of a line, except in the anomalous case that the
525               node to be deleted is actually one of the chosen
526               breakpoints. Otherwise the pruning done here is designed to
527               match the lookahead computation in |try_break|, where the
528               |break_width| values are computed for non-discretionary
529               breakpoints. */
530            r = temp_head;
531            if (experimental_code[1]) {
532                /* hh-ls: This is a first step to improving symmetry and consistency in the node
533                list. This is normally no issue in tex, but in callbacks it matters. */
535                /* Normally we have a matching math open and math close node but when we cross a line
536                the open node is removed, including any glue or penalties following it. This is however
537                not that nice for callbacks that rely on symmetry. Of course this only counts for one
538                liners, as we can still have only a begin or end node on a line. The end_of_math lua
539                helper is made robust against this although there you should be aware of the fact that
540                one can end up in the middle of math in callbacks that don't work on whole paragraphs,
541                but at least this branch makes sure that some proper analysis is possible. (todo: check
542                if math glyphs have the subtype marked done). */
544                halfword m = null ;
545                halfword mp, mn, rn ;
546                while (1) {
547                    q = vlink(r);
548                    if (! q) {
549                        /* unlikely */
550                        break;
551                    } else if (q == cur_break(cur_p)) {
552                        /* quit */
553                        break;
554                    } else if (type(q) == glyph_node) {
555                        /* quit: is > math_code */
556                        break;
557                    } else if (type(q) == math_node) {
558                        /* we want to keep symmetry */
559                        surround(q) = 0 ;
560                        // fprintf(stdout,"KEEP MATH NODE\n");
561                        m = q ;
562                    } else if (type(q) == kern_node && subtype(q) != explicit) {
563                        /* quit: so we keep \kern but also auto kerns */
564                        break;
565                    } if (non_discardable(q)) {
566                        /* quit: < math_node */
567                        break;
568                    } else {
569                        /* skip: glue, penalty, (font)kern, noads, temp stuff, all kind of left-overs */
570                    }
571                    r = q;
572                }
573                if (m != null) {
574                    if (r == m) {
575                        /* [a] [b] [m=r] => [a] [b=r] */
576                        r = alink(m) ;
577                    } else {
578                        /* [a] [b] [m] [c] [r] [rn] => [a] [b] [c] [r] [m] [rn] */
579                        mp = alink(m) ;
580                        mn = vlink(m) ;
581                        rn = vlink(r) ;
582                        vlink(r) = m ;
583                        alink(m) = r ;
584                        if (rn) {
585                            alink(rn) = m ;
586                            vlink(m) = rn ;
587                        }
588                        vlink(mp) = mn ;
589                        alink(mn) = mp ;
590                    }
591                }
592            } else {
593                while (1) {
594                    q = vlink(r);
595                    if (q == cur_break(cur_p) || is_char_node(q))
596                        break;
597                    if (!((type(q) == whatsit_node) && (subtype(q) == local_par_node))) {
598                        if (non_discardable(q) || (type(q) == kern_node && subtype(q) != explicit))
599                            break;
600                    }
601                    r = q;
602                }
603            }
604            if (r != temp_head) {
605                vlink(r) = null;
606                flush_node_list(vlink(temp_head));
607                try_couple_nodes(temp_head, q);
608            }
609        }
610    } while (cur_p != null);
611    if ((cur_line != best_line) || (vlink(temp_head) != null))
612        confusion("line breaking");
613    cur_list.pg_field = best_line - 1;  /* prevgraf */
614    cur_list.dirs_field = dir_ptr;      /* |dir_save| */
615    dir_ptr = null;