1 // RUN: %clang_cc1 -std=c11 -fsyntax-only -verify -Wformat-nonliteral %s
3 // Test that -Wformat=0 works:
4 // RUN: %clang_cc1 -std=c11 -fsyntax-only -Werror -Wformat=0 %s
6 #include <stdarg.h>
7 typedef __SIZE_TYPE__ size_t;
8 #define __SSIZE_TYPE__                                                         \
9   __typeof__(_Generic((__SIZE_TYPE__)0,                                        \
10                       unsigned long long int : (long long int)0,               \
11                       unsigned long int : (long int)0,                         \
12                       unsigned int : (int)0,                                   \
13                       unsigned short : (short)0,                               \
14                       unsigned char : (signed char)0))
15 typedef __SSIZE_TYPE__ ssize_t;
17 typedef __PTRDIFF_TYPE__ ptrdiff_t;
18 #define __UNSIGNED_PTRDIFF_TYPE__                                              \
19   __typeof__(_Generic((__PTRDIFF_TYPE__)0,                                     \
20                       long long int : (unsigned long long int)0,               \
21                       long int : (unsigned long int)0,                         \
22                       int : (unsigned int)0,                                   \
23                       short : (unsigned short)0,                               \
24                       signed char : (unsigned char)0))
26 typedef struct _FILE FILE;
27 typedef __WCHAR_TYPE__ wchar_t;
29 int fscanf(FILE * restrict, const char * restrict, ...) ;
30 int scanf(const char * restrict, ...) ;
31 int sscanf(const char * restrict, const char * restrict, ...) ;
32 int my_scanf(const char * restrict, ...) __attribute__((__format__(__scanf__, 1, 2)));
34 int vscanf(const char * restrict, va_list);
35 int vfscanf(FILE * restrict, const char * restrict, va_list);
36 int vsscanf(const char * restrict, const char * restrict, va_list);
test(const char * s,int * i)38 void test(const char *s, int *i) {
39   scanf(s, i); // expected-warning{{format string is not a string literal}}
40   scanf("%0d", i); // expected-warning{{zero field width in scanf format string is unused}}
41   scanf("%00d", i); // expected-warning{{zero field width in scanf format string is unused}}
42   scanf("%d%[asdfasdfd", i, s); // expected-warning{{no closing ']' for '%[' in scanf format string}}
44   unsigned short s_x;
45   scanf ("%" "hu" "\n", &s_x); // no-warning
46   scanf("%y", i); // expected-warning{{invalid conversion specifier 'y'}}
47   scanf("%%"); // no-warning
48   scanf("%%%1$d", i); // no-warning
49   scanf("%1$d%%", i); // no-warning
50   scanf("%d", i, i); // expected-warning{{data argument not used by format string}}
51   scanf("%*d", i); // // expected-warning{{data argument not used by format string}}
52   scanf("%*d", i); // // expected-warning{{data argument not used by format string}}
53   scanf("%*d%1$d", i); // no-warning
55   scanf("%s", (char*)0); // no-warning
56   scanf("%s", (volatile char*)0); // no-warning
57   scanf("%s", (signed char*)0); // no-warning
58   scanf("%s", (unsigned char*)0); // no-warning
59   scanf("%hhu", (signed char*)0); // no-warning
60 }
bad_length_modifiers(char * s,void * p,wchar_t * ws,long double * ld)62 void bad_length_modifiers(char *s, void *p, wchar_t *ws, long double *ld) {
63   scanf("%hhs", "foo"); // expected-warning{{length modifier 'hh' results in undefined behavior or no effect with 's' conversion specifier}}
64   scanf("%1$zp", &p); // expected-warning{{length modifier 'z' results in undefined behavior or no effect with 'p' conversion specifier}}
65   scanf("%ls", ws); // no-warning
66   scanf("%#.2Lf", ld); // expected-warning{{invalid conversion specifier '#'}}
67 }
69 // Test that the scanf call site is where the warning is attached.  If the
70 // format string is somewhere else, point to it in a note.
pr9751()71 void pr9751() {
72   int *i;
73   char str[100];
74   const char kFormat1[] = "%00d"; // expected-note{{format string is defined here}}}
75   scanf(kFormat1, i); // expected-warning{{zero field width in scanf format string is unused}}
76   scanf("%00d", i); // expected-warning{{zero field width in scanf format string is unused}}
77   const char kFormat2[] = "%["; // expected-note{{format string is defined here}}}
78   scanf(kFormat2, str); // expected-warning{{no closing ']' for '%[' in scanf format string}}
79   scanf("%[", str); // expected-warning{{no closing ']' for '%[' in scanf format string}}
80   const char kFormat3[] = "%hu"; // expected-note{{format string is defined here}}}
81   scanf(kFormat3, &i); // expected-warning {{format specifies type 'unsigned short *' but the argument}}
82   const char kFormat4[] = "%lp"; // expected-note{{format string is defined here}}}
83   scanf(kFormat4, &i); // expected-warning {{length modifier 'l' results in undefined behavior or no effect with 'p' conversion specifier}}
84 }
test_variants(int * i,const char * s,...)86 void test_variants(int *i, const char *s, ...) {
87   FILE *f = 0;
88   char buf[100];
90   fscanf(f, "%ld", i); // expected-warning{{format specifies type 'long *' but the argument has type 'int *'}}
91   sscanf(buf, "%ld", i); // expected-warning{{format specifies type 'long *' but the argument has type 'int *'}}
92   my_scanf("%ld", i); // expected-warning{{format specifies type 'long *' but the argument has type 'int *'}}
94   va_list ap;
95   va_start(ap, s);
97   vscanf("%[abc", ap); // expected-warning{{no closing ']' for '%[' in scanf format string}}
98   vfscanf(f, "%[abc", ap); // expected-warning{{no closing ']' for '%[' in scanf format string}}
99   vsscanf(buf, "%[abc", ap); // expected-warning{{no closing ']' for '%[' in scanf format string}}
100 }
test_scanlist(int * ip,char * sp,wchar_t * ls)102 void test_scanlist(int *ip, char *sp, wchar_t *ls) {
103   scanf("%[abc]", ip); // expected-warning{{format specifies type 'char *' but the argument has type 'int *'}}
104   scanf("%h[abc]", sp); // expected-warning{{length modifier 'h' results in undefined behavior or no effect with '[' conversion specifier}}
105   scanf("%l[xyx]", ls); // no-warning
106   scanf("%ll[xyx]", ls); // expected-warning {{length modifier 'll' results in undefined behavior or no effect with '[' conversion specifier}}
108   // PR19559
109   scanf("%[]% ]", sp); // no-warning
110   scanf("%[^]% ]", sp); // no-warning
111   scanf("%[a^]% ]", sp); // expected-warning {{invalid conversion specifier ' '}}
112 }
test_alloc_extension(char ** sp,wchar_t ** lsp,float * fp)114 void test_alloc_extension(char **sp, wchar_t **lsp, float *fp) {
115   /* Make sure "%a" gets parsed as a conversion specifier for float,
116    * even when followed by an 's', 'S' or '[', which would cause it to be
117    * parsed as a length modifier in C90. */
118   scanf("%as", sp); // expected-warning{{format specifies type 'float *' but the argument has type 'char **'}}
119   scanf("%aS", lsp); // expected-warning{{format specifies type 'float *' but the argument has type 'wchar_t **'}}
120   scanf("%a[bcd]", sp); // expected-warning{{format specifies type 'float *' but the argument has type 'char **'}}
122   // Test that the 'm' length modifier is only allowed with s, S, c, C or [.
123   // TODO: Warn that 'm' is an extension.
124   scanf("%ms", sp); // No warning.
125   scanf("%mS", lsp); // No warning.
126   scanf("%mc", sp); // No warning.
127   scanf("%mC", lsp); // No warning.
128   scanf("%m[abc]", sp); // No warning.
129   scanf("%md", sp); // expected-warning{{length modifier 'm' results in undefined behavior or no effect with 'd' conversion specifier}}
131   // Test argument type check for the 'm' length modifier.
132   scanf("%ms", fp); // expected-warning{{format specifies type 'char **' but the argument has type 'float *'}}
133   scanf("%mS", fp); // expected-warning-re{{format specifies type 'wchar_t **' (aka '{{[^']+}}') but the argument has type 'float *'}}
134   scanf("%mc", fp); // expected-warning{{format specifies type 'char **' but the argument has type 'float *'}}
135   scanf("%mC", fp); // expected-warning-re{{format specifies type 'wchar_t **' (aka '{{[^']+}}') but the argument has type 'float *'}}
136   scanf("%m[abc]", fp); // expected-warning{{format specifies type 'char **' but the argument has type 'float *'}}
137 }
test_quad(int * x,long long * llx)139 void test_quad(int *x, long long *llx) {
140   scanf("%qd", x); // expected-warning{{format specifies type 'long long *' but the argument has type 'int *'}}
141   scanf("%qd", llx); // no-warning
142 }
test_writeback(int * x)144 void test_writeback(int *x) {
145   scanf("%n", (void*)0); // expected-warning{{format specifies type 'int *' but the argument has type 'void *'}}
146   scanf("%n %c", x, x); // expected-warning{{format specifies type 'char *' but the argument has type 'int *'}}
148   scanf("%hhn", (signed char*)0); // no-warning
149   scanf("%hhn", (char*)0); // no-warning
150   scanf("%hhn", (unsigned char*)0); // no-warning
151   scanf("%hhn", (int*)0); // expected-warning{{format specifies type 'signed char *' but the argument has type 'int *'}}
153   scanf("%hn", (short*)0); // no-warning
154   scanf("%hn", (unsigned short*)0); // no-warning
155   scanf("%hn", (int*)0); // expected-warning{{format specifies type 'short *' but the argument has type 'int *'}}
157   scanf("%n", (int*)0); // no-warning
158   scanf("%n", (unsigned int*)0); // no-warning
159   scanf("%n", (char*)0); // expected-warning{{format specifies type 'int *' but the argument has type 'char *'}}
161   scanf("%ln", (long*)0); // no-warning
162   scanf("%ln", (unsigned long*)0); // no-warning
163   scanf("%ln", (int*)0); // expected-warning{{format specifies type 'long *' but the argument has type 'int *'}}
165   scanf("%lln", (long long*)0); // no-warning
166   scanf("%lln", (unsigned long long*)0); // no-warning
167   scanf("%lln", (int*)0); // expected-warning{{format specifies type 'long long *' but the argument has type 'int *'}}
169   scanf("%qn", (long long*)0); // no-warning
170   scanf("%qn", (unsigned long long*)0); // no-warning
171   scanf("%qn", (int*)0); // expected-warning{{format specifies type 'long long *' but the argument has type 'int *'}}
173 }
test_qualifiers(const int * cip,volatile int * vip,const char * ccp,volatile char * vcp,const volatile int * cvip)175 void test_qualifiers(const int *cip, volatile int* vip,
176                      const char *ccp, volatile char* vcp,
177                      const volatile int *cvip) {
178   scanf("%d", cip); // expected-warning{{format specifies type 'int *' but the argument has type 'const int *'}}
179   scanf("%n", cip); // expected-warning{{format specifies type 'int *' but the argument has type 'const int *'}}
180   scanf("%s", ccp); // expected-warning{{format specifies type 'char *' but the argument has type 'const char *'}}
181   scanf("%d", cvip); // expected-warning{{format specifies type 'int *' but the argument has type 'const volatile int *'}}
183   scanf("%d", vip); // No warning.
184   scanf("%n", vip); // No warning.
185   scanf("%c", vcp); // No warning.
187   typedef int* ip_t;
188   typedef const int* cip_t;
189   scanf("%d", (ip_t)0); // No warning.
190   scanf("%d", (cip_t)0); // expected-warning{{format specifies type 'int *' but the argument has type 'cip_t' (aka 'const int *')}}
191 }
test_size_types()193 void test_size_types() {
194   size_t s = 0;
195   scanf("%zu", &s); // No warning.
197   double d1 = 0.;
198   scanf("%zu", &d1); // expected-warning-re{{format specifies type 'size_t *' (aka '{{.+}}') but the argument has type 'double *'}}
200   ssize_t ss = 0;
201   scanf("%zd", &s); // No warning.
203   double d2 = 0.;
204   scanf("%zd", &d2); // expected-warning-re{{format specifies type 'ssize_t *' (aka '{{.+}}') but the argument has type 'double *'}}
206   ssize_t sn = 0;
207   scanf("%zn", &sn); // No warning.
209   double d3 = 0.;
210   scanf("%zn", &d3); // expected-warning-re{{format specifies type 'ssize_t *' (aka '{{.+}}') but the argument has type 'double *'}}
211 }
test_ptrdiff_t_types()213 void test_ptrdiff_t_types() {
214   __UNSIGNED_PTRDIFF_TYPE__ p1 = 0;
215   scanf("%tu", &p1); // No warning.
217   double d1 = 0.;
218   scanf("%tu", &d1); // expected-warning-re{{format specifies type 'unsigned ptrdiff_t *' (aka '{{.+}}') but the argument has type 'double *'}}
220   ptrdiff_t p2 = 0;
221   scanf("%td", &p2); // No warning.
223   double d2 = 0.;
224   scanf("%td", &d2); // expected-warning-re{{format specifies type 'ptrdiff_t *' (aka '{{.+}}') but the argument has type 'double *'}}
226   ptrdiff_t p3 = 0;
227   scanf("%tn", &p3); // No warning.
229   double d3 = 0.;
230   scanf("%tn", &d3); // expected-warning-re{{format specifies type 'ptrdiff_t *' (aka '{{.+}}') but the argument has type 'double *'}}
231 }
check_conditional_literal(char * s,int * i)233 void check_conditional_literal(char *s, int *i) {
234   scanf(0 ? "%s" : "%d", i); // no warning
235   scanf(1 ? "%s" : "%d", i); // expected-warning{{format specifies type 'char *'}}
236   scanf(0 ? "%d %d" : "%d", i); // no warning
237   scanf(1 ? "%d %d" : "%d", i); // expected-warning{{more '%' conversions than data arguments}}
238   scanf(0 ? "%d %d" : "%d", i, s); // expected-warning{{data argument not used}}
239   scanf(1 ? "%d %s" : "%d", i, s); // no warning
240   scanf(i ? "%d %s" : "%d", i, s); // no warning
241   scanf(i ? "%d" : "%d", i, s); // expected-warning{{data argument not used}}
242   scanf(i ? "%s" : "%d", s); // expected-warning{{format specifies type 'int *'}}
243 }