1 // Clang on MacOS can find libc++ living beside the installed compiler.
2 // This test makes sure our libTooling-based tools emulate this properly with
3 // fixed compilation database.
4 //
5 // RUN: rm -rf %t
6 // RUN: mkdir %t
7 //
8 // Install the mock libc++ (simulates the libc++ directory structure).
9 // RUN: cp -r %S/Inputs/mock-libcxx %t/
10 //
11 // RUN: cp clang-check %t/mock-libcxx/bin/
12 // RUN: cp %s %t/test.cpp
13 // RUN: "%t/mock-libcxx/bin/clang-check" -p %t %t/test.cpp -- \
14 // RUN:     -stdlib=libc++ -target x86_64-apple-darwin \
15 // RUN:     -ccc-install-dir %t/mock-libcxx/bin
16 //
17 // ^ -ccc-install-dir passed to unbreak tests on *BSD where
18 //   getMainExecutable() relies on real argv[0] being passed
19 //
20 // UNSUPPORTED: enable_shared
21 #include <mock_vector>
22 vector v;