1 // RUN: %clangxx_asan -O1 -fsanitize-address-use-after-scope %s -o %t && \
2 // RUN:     not %run %t 2>&1 | FileCheck %s
4 volatile int *p;
main()6 int main() {
7   // Variable goes in and out of scope.
8   for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
9     int x[3] = {i, i, i};
10     p = x + i;
11   }
12   return *p;  // BOOM
13   // CHECK: ERROR: AddressSanitizer: stack-use-after-scope
14   // CHECK:  #0 0x{{.*}} in main {{.*}}use-after-scope-loop-bug.cpp:[[@LINE-2]]
15   // CHECK: Address 0x{{.*}} is located in stack of thread T{{.*}} at offset [[OFFSET:[^ ]+]] in frame
16   // {{\[}}[[OFFSET]], {{[0-9]+}}) 'x'
17 }