1// Copyright 2013 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
2// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
3// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
5package pointer_test
7// This test uses 'expectation' comments embedded within testdata/*.go
8// files to specify the expected pointer analysis behaviour.
9// See below for grammar.
11import (
12	"bytes"
13	"errors"
14	"fmt"
15	"go/parser"
16	"go/token"
17	"io/ioutil"
18	"os"
19	"regexp"
20	"strconv"
21	"strings"
22	"testing"
24	"llvm.org/llgo/third_party/gotools/go/callgraph"
25	"llvm.org/llgo/third_party/gotools/go/loader"
26	"llvm.org/llgo/third_party/gotools/go/pointer"
27	"llvm.org/llgo/third_party/gotools/go/ssa"
28	"llvm.org/llgo/third_party/gotools/go/ssa/ssautil"
29	"llvm.org/llgo/third_party/gotools/go/types"
30	"llvm.org/llgo/third_party/gotools/go/types/typeutil"
33var inputs = []string{
34	"testdata/a_test.go",
35	"testdata/another.go",
36	"testdata/arrayreflect.go",
37	"testdata/arrays.go",
38	"testdata/channels.go",
39	"testdata/chanreflect.go",
40	"testdata/context.go",
41	"testdata/conv.go",
42	"testdata/finalizer.go",
43	"testdata/flow.go",
44	"testdata/fmtexcerpt.go",
45	"testdata/func.go",
46	"testdata/funcreflect.go",
47	"testdata/hello.go", // NB: causes spurious failure of HVN cross-check
48	"testdata/interfaces.go",
49	"testdata/issue9002.go",
50	"testdata/mapreflect.go",
51	"testdata/maps.go",
52	"testdata/panic.go",
53	"testdata/recur.go",
54	"testdata/reflect.go",
55	"testdata/rtti.go",
56	"testdata/structreflect.go",
57	"testdata/structs.go",
58	"testdata/timer.go",
61// Expectation grammar:
63// @calls f -> g
65//   A 'calls' expectation asserts that edge (f, g) appears in the
66//   callgraph.  f and g are notated as per Function.String(), which
67//   may contain spaces (e.g. promoted method in anon struct).
69// @pointsto a | b | c
71//   A 'pointsto' expectation asserts that the points-to set of its
72//   operand contains exactly the set of labels {a,b,c} notated as per
73//   labelString.
75//   A 'pointsto' expectation must appear on the same line as a
76//   print(x) statement; the expectation's operand is x.
78//   If one of the strings is "...", the expectation asserts that the
79//   points-to set at least the other labels.
81//   We use '|' because label names may contain spaces, e.g.  methods
82//   of anonymous structs.
84//   From a theoretical perspective, concrete types in interfaces are
85//   labels too, but they are represented differently and so have a
86//   different expectation, @types, below.
88// @types t | u | v
90//   A 'types' expectation asserts that the set of possible dynamic
91//   types of its interface operand is exactly {t,u,v}, notated per
92//   go/types.Type.String(). In other words, it asserts that the type
93//   component of the interface may point to that set of concrete type
94//   literals.  It also works for reflect.Value, though the types
95//   needn't be concrete in that case.
97//   A 'types' expectation must appear on the same line as a
98//   print(x) statement; the expectation's operand is x.
100//   If one of the strings is "...", the expectation asserts that the
101//   interface's type may point to at least the other types.
103//   We use '|' because type names may contain spaces.
105// @warning "regexp"
107//   A 'warning' expectation asserts that the analysis issues a
108//   warning that matches the regular expression within the string
109//   literal.
111// @line id
113//   A line directive associates the name "id" with the current
114//   file:line.  The string form of labels will use this id instead of
115//   a file:line, making @pointsto expectations more robust against
116//   perturbations in the source file.
117//   (NB, anon functions still include line numbers.)
119type expectation struct {
120	kind     string // "pointsto" | "types" | "calls" | "warning"
121	filename string
122	linenum  int // source line number, 1-based
123	args     []string
124	types    []types.Type // for types
127func (e *expectation) String() string {
128	return fmt.Sprintf("@%s[%s]", e.kind, strings.Join(e.args, " | "))
131func (e *expectation) errorf(format string, args ...interface{}) {
132	fmt.Printf("%s:%d: ", e.filename, e.linenum)
133	fmt.Printf(format, args...)
134	fmt.Println()
137func (e *expectation) needsProbe() bool {
138	return e.kind == "pointsto" || e.kind == "types"
141// Find probe (call to print(x)) of same source file/line as expectation.
142func findProbe(prog *ssa.Program, probes map[*ssa.CallCommon]bool, queries map[ssa.Value]pointer.Pointer, e *expectation) (site *ssa.CallCommon, pts pointer.PointsToSet) {
143	for call := range probes {
144		pos := prog.Fset.Position(call.Pos())
145		if pos.Line == e.linenum && pos.Filename == e.filename {
146			// TODO(adonovan): send this to test log (display only on failure).
147			// fmt.Printf("%s:%d: info: found probe for %s: %s\n",
148			// 	e.filename, e.linenum, e, p.arg0) // debugging
149			return call, queries[call.Args[0]].PointsTo()
150		}
151	}
152	return // e.g. analysis didn't reach this call
155func doOneInput(input, filename string) bool {
156	var conf loader.Config
158	// Parsing.
159	f, err := conf.ParseFile(filename, input)
160	if err != nil {
161		fmt.Println(err)
162		return false
163	}
165	// Create single-file main package and import its dependencies.
166	conf.CreateFromFiles("main", f)
167	iprog, err := conf.Load()
168	if err != nil {
169		fmt.Println(err)
170		return false
171	}
172	mainPkgInfo := iprog.Created[0].Pkg
174	// SSA creation + building.
175	prog := ssa.Create(iprog, ssa.SanityCheckFunctions)
176	prog.BuildAll()
178	mainpkg := prog.Package(mainPkgInfo)
179	ptrmain := mainpkg // main package for the pointer analysis
180	if mainpkg.Func("main") == nil {
181		// No main function; assume it's a test.
182		ptrmain = prog.CreateTestMainPackage(mainpkg)
183	}
185	// Find all calls to the built-in print(x).  Analytically,
186	// print is a no-op, but it's a convenient hook for testing
187	// the PTS of an expression, so our tests use it.
188	probes := make(map[*ssa.CallCommon]bool)
189	for fn := range ssautil.AllFunctions(prog) {
190		if fn.Pkg == mainpkg {
191			for _, b := range fn.Blocks {
192				for _, instr := range b.Instrs {
193					if instr, ok := instr.(ssa.CallInstruction); ok {
194						call := instr.Common()
195						if b, ok := call.Value.(*ssa.Builtin); ok && b.Name() == "print" && len(call.Args) == 1 {
196							probes[instr.Common()] = true
197						}
198					}
199				}
200			}
201		}
202	}
204	ok := true
206	lineMapping := make(map[string]string) // maps "file:line" to @line tag
208	// Parse expectations in this input.
209	var exps []*expectation
210	re := regexp.MustCompile("// *@([a-z]*) *(.*)$")
211	lines := strings.Split(input, "\n")
212	for linenum, line := range lines {
213		linenum++ // make it 1-based
214		if matches := re.FindAllStringSubmatch(line, -1); matches != nil {
215			match := matches[0]
216			kind, rest := match[1], match[2]
217			e := &expectation{kind: kind, filename: filename, linenum: linenum}
219			if kind == "line" {
220				if rest == "" {
221					ok = false
222					e.errorf("@%s expectation requires identifier", kind)
223				} else {
224					lineMapping[fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", filename, linenum)] = rest
225				}
226				continue
227			}
229			if e.needsProbe() && !strings.Contains(line, "print(") {
230				ok = false
231				e.errorf("@%s expectation must follow call to print(x)", kind)
232				continue
233			}
235			switch kind {
236			case "pointsto":
237				e.args = split(rest, "|")
239			case "types":
240				for _, typstr := range split(rest, "|") {
241					var t types.Type = types.Typ[types.Invalid] // means "..."
242					if typstr != "..." {
243						texpr, err := parser.ParseExpr(typstr)
244						if err != nil {
245							ok = false
246							// Don't print err since its location is bad.
247							e.errorf("'%s' is not a valid type", typstr)
248							continue
249						}
250						mainFileScope := mainpkg.Object.Scope().Child(0)
251						tv, err := types.EvalNode(prog.Fset, texpr, mainpkg.Object, mainFileScope)
252						if err != nil {
253							ok = false
254							// Don't print err since its location is bad.
255							e.errorf("'%s' is not a valid type: %s", typstr, err)
256							continue
257						}
258						t = tv.Type
259					}
260					e.types = append(e.types, t)
261				}
263			case "calls":
264				e.args = split(rest, "->")
265				// TODO(adonovan): eagerly reject the
266				// expectation if fn doesn't denote
267				// existing function, rather than fail
268				// the expectation after analysis.
269				if len(e.args) != 2 {
270					ok = false
271					e.errorf("@calls expectation wants 'caller -> callee' arguments")
272					continue
273				}
275			case "warning":
276				lit, err := strconv.Unquote(strings.TrimSpace(rest))
277				if err != nil {
278					ok = false
279					e.errorf("couldn't parse @warning operand: %s", err.Error())
280					continue
281				}
282				e.args = append(e.args, lit)
284			default:
285				ok = false
286				e.errorf("unknown expectation kind: %s", e)
287				continue
288			}
289			exps = append(exps, e)
290		}
291	}
293	var log bytes.Buffer
294	fmt.Fprintf(&log, "Input: %s\n", filename)
296	// Run the analysis.
297	config := &pointer.Config{
298		Reflection:     true,
299		BuildCallGraph: true,
300		Mains:          []*ssa.Package{ptrmain},
301		Log:            &log,
302	}
303	for probe := range probes {
304		v := probe.Args[0]
305		if pointer.CanPoint(v.Type()) {
306			config.AddQuery(v)
307		}
308	}
310	// Print the log is there was an error or a panic.
311	complete := false
312	defer func() {
313		if !complete || !ok {
314			log.WriteTo(os.Stderr)
315		}
316	}()
318	result, err := pointer.Analyze(config)
319	if err != nil {
320		panic(err) // internal error in pointer analysis
321	}
323	// Check the expectations.
324	for _, e := range exps {
325		var call *ssa.CallCommon
326		var pts pointer.PointsToSet
327		var tProbe types.Type
328		if e.needsProbe() {
329			if call, pts = findProbe(prog, probes, result.Queries, e); call == nil {
330				ok = false
331				e.errorf("unreachable print() statement has expectation %s", e)
332				continue
333			}
334			tProbe = call.Args[0].Type()
335			if !pointer.CanPoint(tProbe) {
336				ok = false
337				e.errorf("expectation on non-pointerlike operand: %s", tProbe)
338				continue
339			}
340		}
342		switch e.kind {
343		case "pointsto":
344			if !checkPointsToExpectation(e, pts, lineMapping, prog) {
345				ok = false
346			}
348		case "types":
349			if !checkTypesExpectation(e, pts, tProbe) {
350				ok = false
351			}
353		case "calls":
354			if !checkCallsExpectation(prog, e, result.CallGraph) {
355				ok = false
356			}
358		case "warning":
359			if !checkWarningExpectation(prog, e, result.Warnings) {
360				ok = false
361			}
362		}
363	}
365	complete = true
367	// ok = false // debugging: uncomment to always see log
369	return ok
372func labelString(l *pointer.Label, lineMapping map[string]string, prog *ssa.Program) string {
373	// Functions and Globals need no pos suffix,
374	// nor do allocations in intrinsic operations
375	// (for which we'll print the function name).
376	switch l.Value().(type) {
377	case nil, *ssa.Function, *ssa.Global:
378		return l.String()
379	}
381	str := l.String()
382	if pos := l.Pos(); pos != token.NoPos {
383		// Append the position, using a @line tag instead of a line number, if defined.
384		posn := prog.Fset.Position(pos)
385		s := fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", posn.Filename, posn.Line)
386		if tag, ok := lineMapping[s]; ok {
387			return fmt.Sprintf("%s@%s:%d", str, tag, posn.Column)
388		}
389		str = fmt.Sprintf("%s@%s", str, posn)
390	}
391	return str
394func checkPointsToExpectation(e *expectation, pts pointer.PointsToSet, lineMapping map[string]string, prog *ssa.Program) bool {
395	expected := make(map[string]int)
396	surplus := make(map[string]int)
397	exact := true
398	for _, g := range e.args {
399		if g == "..." {
400			exact = false
401			continue
402		}
403		expected[g]++
404	}
405	// Find the set of labels that the probe's
406	// argument (x in print(x)) may point to.
407	for _, label := range pts.Labels() {
408		name := labelString(label, lineMapping, prog)
409		if expected[name] > 0 {
410			expected[name]--
411		} else if exact {
412			surplus[name]++
413		}
414	}
415	// Report multiset difference:
416	ok := true
417	for _, count := range expected {
418		if count > 0 {
419			ok = false
420			e.errorf("value does not alias these expected labels: %s", join(expected))
421			break
422		}
423	}
424	for _, count := range surplus {
425		if count > 0 {
426			ok = false
427			e.errorf("value may additionally alias these labels: %s", join(surplus))
428			break
429		}
430	}
431	return ok
434func checkTypesExpectation(e *expectation, pts pointer.PointsToSet, typ types.Type) bool {
435	var expected typeutil.Map
436	var surplus typeutil.Map
437	exact := true
438	for _, g := range e.types {
439		if g == types.Typ[types.Invalid] {
440			exact = false
441			continue
442		}
443		expected.Set(g, struct{}{})
444	}
446	if !pointer.CanHaveDynamicTypes(typ) {
447		e.errorf("@types expectation requires an interface- or reflect.Value-typed operand, got %s", typ)
448		return false
449	}
451	// Find the set of types that the probe's
452	// argument (x in print(x)) may contain.
453	for _, T := range pts.DynamicTypes().Keys() {
454		if expected.At(T) != nil {
455			expected.Delete(T)
456		} else if exact {
457			surplus.Set(T, struct{}{})
458		}
459	}
460	// Report set difference:
461	ok := true
462	if expected.Len() > 0 {
463		ok = false
464		e.errorf("interface cannot contain these types: %s", expected.KeysString())
465	}
466	if surplus.Len() > 0 {
467		ok = false
468		e.errorf("interface may additionally contain these types: %s", surplus.KeysString())
469	}
470	return ok
473var errOK = errors.New("OK")
475func checkCallsExpectation(prog *ssa.Program, e *expectation, cg *callgraph.Graph) bool {
476	found := make(map[string]int)
477	err := callgraph.GraphVisitEdges(cg, func(edge *callgraph.Edge) error {
478		// Name-based matching is inefficient but it allows us to
479		// match functions whose names that would not appear in an
480		// index ("<root>") or which are not unique ("func@1.2").
481		if edge.Caller.Func.String() == e.args[0] {
482			calleeStr := edge.Callee.Func.String()
483			if calleeStr == e.args[1] {
484				return errOK // expectation satisified; stop the search
485			}
486			found[calleeStr]++
487		}
488		return nil
489	})
490	if err == errOK {
491		return true
492	}
493	if len(found) == 0 {
494		e.errorf("didn't find any calls from %s", e.args[0])
495	}
496	e.errorf("found no call from %s to %s, but only to %s",
497		e.args[0], e.args[1], join(found))
498	return false
501func checkWarningExpectation(prog *ssa.Program, e *expectation, warnings []pointer.Warning) bool {
502	// TODO(adonovan): check the position part of the warning too?
503	re, err := regexp.Compile(e.args[0])
504	if err != nil {
505		e.errorf("invalid regular expression in @warning expectation: %s", err.Error())
506		return false
507	}
509	if len(warnings) == 0 {
510		e.errorf("@warning %s expectation, but no warnings", strconv.Quote(e.args[0]))
511		return false
512	}
514	for _, w := range warnings {
515		if re.MatchString(w.Message) {
516			return true
517		}
518	}
520	e.errorf("@warning %s expectation not satised; found these warnings though:", strconv.Quote(e.args[0]))
521	for _, w := range warnings {
522		fmt.Printf("%s: warning: %s\n", prog.Fset.Position(w.Pos), w.Message)
523	}
524	return false
527func TestInput(t *testing.T) {
528	ok := true
530	wd, err := os.Getwd()
531	if err != nil {
532		t.Errorf("os.Getwd: %s", err)
533		return
534	}
536	// 'go test' does a chdir so that relative paths in
537	// diagnostics no longer make sense relative to the invoking
538	// shell's cwd.  We print a special marker so that Emacs can
539	// make sense of them.
540	fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Entering directory `%s'\n", wd)
542	for _, filename := range inputs {
543		content, err := ioutil.ReadFile(filename)
544		if err != nil {
545			t.Errorf("couldn't read file '%s': %s", filename, err)
546			continue
547		}
549		if !doOneInput(string(content), filename) {
550			ok = false
551		}
552	}
553	if !ok {
554		t.Fail()
555	}
558// join joins the elements of multiset with " | "s.
559func join(set map[string]int) string {
560	var buf bytes.Buffer
561	sep := ""
562	for name, count := range set {
563		for i := 0; i < count; i++ {
564			buf.WriteString(sep)
565			sep = " | "
566			buf.WriteString(name)
567		}
568	}
569	return buf.String()
572// split returns the list of sep-delimited non-empty strings in s.
573func split(s, sep string) (r []string) {
574	for _, elem := range strings.Split(s, sep) {
575		elem = strings.TrimSpace(elem)
576		if elem != "" {
577			r = append(r, elem)
578		}
579	}
580	return