1 // RUN: %clang_cc1 %s -fsyntax-only -verify -Wcall-to-pure-virtual-from-ctor-dtor
2 struct A {
AA3   A() { f(); } // expected-warning {{call to pure virtual member function 'f' has undefined behavior; overrides of 'f' in subclasses are not available in the constructor of 'A'}}
~AA4   ~A() { f(); } // expected-warning {{call to pure virtual member function 'f' has undefined behavior; overrides of 'f' in subclasses are not available in the destructor of 'A'}}
6   virtual void f() = 0; // expected-note 2 {{'f' declared here}}
7 };
9 // Don't warn (or note) when calling the function on a pointer. (PR10195)
10 struct B {
11   A *a;
BB12   B() { a->f(); };
~BB13   ~B() { a->f(); };
14 };
16 // Don't warn if the call is fully qualified. (PR23215)
17 struct C {
18     virtual void f() = 0;
CC19     C() {
20         C::f();
21     }
22 };
24 template <typename T> struct TA {
TATA25   TA() { f(); }  // expected-warning {{call to pure virtual member function 'f' has undefined behavior; overrides of 'f' in subclasses are not available in the constructor of 'TA<float>'}}
~TATA26   ~TA() { f(); } // expected-warning {{call to pure virtual member function 'f' has undefined behavior; overrides of 'f' in subclasses are not available in the destructor of 'TA<float>'}}
28   virtual void f() = 0; // expected-note 2{{'f' declared here}}
29 };
31 template <> struct TA<int> {
TATA32   TA() { f(); }
~TATA33   ~TA() { f(); }
34   void f();
35 };
37 template <> struct TA<long> {
TATA38   TA() { f(); }         // expected-warning {{call to pure virtual member function 'f' has undefined behavior; overrides of 'f' in subclasses are not available in the constructor of 'TA<long>'}}
~TATA39   ~TA() { f(); }        // expected-warning {{call to pure virtual member function 'f' has undefined behavior; overrides of 'f' in subclasses are not available in the destructor of 'TA<long>'}}
40   virtual void f() = 0; // expected-note 2{{'f' declared here}}
41 };
43 struct TB : TA<float> { // expected-note {{in instantiation of member function 'TA<float>::TA' requested here}}
44   void f() override;    // expected-note@-1 {{in instantiation of member function 'TA<float>::~TA' requested here}}
45 };
46 TB tb;
48 struct TC : TA<int> {}; // ok
49 TC tc; // ok
51 struct TD : TA<long> {
52   void f() override;
53 };
54 TD td;