1 //===- Operation.h - MLIR Operation Class -----------------------*- C++ -*-===//
2 //
3 // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4 // See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
5 // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
6 //
7 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
8 //
9 // This file defines the Operation class.
10 //
11 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
16 #include "mlir/IR/Block.h"
17 #include "mlir/IR/BuiltinAttributes.h"
18 #include "mlir/IR/Diagnostics.h"
19 #include "mlir/IR/OperationSupport.h"
20 #include "mlir/IR/Region.h"
21 #include "llvm/ADT/Twine.h"
23 namespace mlir {
24 /// Operation is a basic unit of execution within MLIR. Operations can
25 /// be nested within `Region`s held by other operations effectively forming a
26 /// tree. Child operations are organized into operation blocks represented by a
27 /// 'Block' class.
28 class alignas(8) Operation final
29     : public llvm::ilist_node_with_parent<Operation, Block>,
30       private llvm::TrailingObjects<Operation, BlockOperand, Region,
31                                     detail::OperandStorage> {
32 public:
33   /// Create a new Operation with the specific fields.
34   static Operation *create(Location location, OperationName name,
35                            TypeRange resultTypes, ValueRange operands,
36                            ArrayRef<NamedAttribute> attributes,
37                            BlockRange successors, unsigned numRegions);
39   /// Overload of create that takes an existing DictionaryAttr to avoid
40   /// unnecessarily uniquing a list of attributes.
41   static Operation *create(Location location, OperationName name,
42                            TypeRange resultTypes, ValueRange operands,
43                            DictionaryAttr attributes, BlockRange successors,
44                            unsigned numRegions);
46   /// Create a new Operation from the fields stored in `state`.
47   static Operation *create(const OperationState &state);
49   /// Create a new Operation with the specific fields.
50   static Operation *create(Location location, OperationName name,
51                            TypeRange resultTypes, ValueRange operands,
52                            DictionaryAttr attributes,
53                            BlockRange successors = {},
54                            RegionRange regions = {});
56   /// The name of an operation is the key identifier for it.
getName()57   OperationName getName() { return name; }
59   /// If this operation has a registered operation description, return it.
60   /// Otherwise return null.
getAbstractOperation()61   const AbstractOperation *getAbstractOperation() {
62     return getName().getAbstractOperation();
63   }
65   /// Returns true if this operation has a registered operation description,
66   /// otherwise false.
isRegistered()67   bool isRegistered() { return getAbstractOperation(); }
69   /// Remove this operation from its parent block and delete it.
70   void erase();
72   /// Remove the operation from its parent block, but don't delete it.
73   void remove();
75   /// Create a deep copy of this operation, remapping any operands that use
76   /// values outside of the operation using the map that is provided (leaving
77   /// them alone if no entry is present).  Replaces references to cloned
78   /// sub-operations to the corresponding operation that is copied, and adds
79   /// those mappings to the map.
80   Operation *clone(BlockAndValueMapping &mapper);
81   Operation *clone();
83   /// Create a partial copy of this operation without traversing into attached
84   /// regions. The new operation will have the same number of regions as the
85   /// original one, but they will be left empty.
86   /// Operands are remapped using `mapper` (if present), and `mapper` is updated
87   /// to contain the results.
88   Operation *cloneWithoutRegions(BlockAndValueMapping &mapper);
90   /// Create a partial copy of this operation without traversing into attached
91   /// regions. The new operation will have the same number of regions as the
92   /// original one, but they will be left empty.
93   Operation *cloneWithoutRegions();
95   /// Returns the operation block that contains this operation.
getBlock()96   Block *getBlock() { return block; }
98   /// Return the context this operation is associated with.
99   MLIRContext *getContext();
101   /// Return the dialect this operation is associated with, or nullptr if the
102   /// associated dialect is not registered.
103   Dialect *getDialect();
105   /// The source location the operation was defined or derived from.
getLoc()106   Location getLoc() { return location; }
108   /// Set the source location the operation was defined or derived from.
setLoc(Location loc)109   void setLoc(Location loc) { location = loc; }
111   /// Returns the region to which the instruction belongs. Returns nullptr if
112   /// the instruction is unlinked.
113   Region *getParentRegion();
115   /// Returns the closest surrounding operation that contains this operation
116   /// or nullptr if this is a top-level operation.
117   Operation *getParentOp();
119   /// Return the closest surrounding parent operation that is of type 'OpTy'.
getParentOfType()120   template <typename OpTy> OpTy getParentOfType() {
121     auto *op = this;
122     while ((op = op->getParentOp()))
123       if (auto parentOp = dyn_cast<OpTy>(op))
124         return parentOp;
125     return OpTy();
126   }
128   /// Returns the closest surrounding parent operation with trait `Trait`.
129   template <template <typename T> class Trait>
getParentWithTrait()130   Operation *getParentWithTrait() {
131     Operation *op = this;
132     while ((op = op->getParentOp()))
133       if (op->hasTrait<Trait>())
134         return op;
135     return nullptr;
136   }
138   /// Return true if this operation is a proper ancestor of the `other`
139   /// operation.
140   bool isProperAncestor(Operation *other);
142   /// Return true if this operation is an ancestor of the `other` operation. An
143   /// operation is considered as its own ancestor, use `isProperAncestor` to
144   /// avoid this.
isAncestor(Operation * other)145   bool isAncestor(Operation *other) {
146     return this == other || isProperAncestor(other);
147   }
149   /// Replace any uses of 'from' with 'to' within this operation.
150   void replaceUsesOfWith(Value from, Value to);
152   /// Replace all uses of results of this operation with the provided 'values'.
153   template <typename ValuesT>
154   std::enable_if_t<!std::is_convertible<ValuesT, Operation *>::value>
replaceAllUsesWith(ValuesT && values)155   replaceAllUsesWith(ValuesT &&values) {
156     assert(std::distance(values.begin(), values.end()) == getNumResults() &&
157            "expected 'values' to correspond 1-1 with the number of results");
159     auto valueIt = values.begin();
160     for (unsigned i = 0, e = getNumResults(); i != e; ++i)
161       getResult(i).replaceAllUsesWith(*(valueIt++));
162   }
164   /// Replace all uses of results of this operation with results of 'op'.
replaceAllUsesWith(Operation * op)165   void replaceAllUsesWith(Operation *op) {
166     assert(getNumResults() == op->getNumResults());
167     for (unsigned i = 0, e = getNumResults(); i != e; ++i)
168       getResult(i).replaceAllUsesWith(op->getResult(i));
169   }
171   /// Destroys this operation and its subclass data.
172   void destroy();
174   /// This drops all operand uses from this operation, which is an essential
175   /// step in breaking cyclic dependences between references when they are to
176   /// be deleted.
177   void dropAllReferences();
179   /// Drop uses of all values defined by this operation or its nested regions.
180   void dropAllDefinedValueUses();
182   /// Unlink this operation from its current block and insert it right before
183   /// `existingOp` which may be in the same or another block in the same
184   /// function.
185   void moveBefore(Operation *existingOp);
187   /// Unlink this operation from its current block and insert it right before
188   /// `iterator` in the specified block.
189   void moveBefore(Block *block, llvm::iplist<Operation>::iterator iterator);
191   /// Unlink this operation from its current block and insert it right after
192   /// `existingOp` which may be in the same or another block in the same
193   /// function.
194   void moveAfter(Operation *existingOp);
196   /// Unlink this operation from its current block and insert it right after
197   /// `iterator` in the specified block.
198   void moveAfter(Block *block, llvm::iplist<Operation>::iterator iterator);
200   /// Given an operation 'other' that is within the same parent block, return
201   /// whether the current operation is before 'other' in the operation list
202   /// of the parent block.
203   /// Note: This function has an average complexity of O(1), but worst case may
204   /// take O(N) where N is the number of operations within the parent block.
205   bool isBeforeInBlock(Operation *other);
207   void print(raw_ostream &os, OpPrintingFlags flags = llvm::None);
208   void print(raw_ostream &os, AsmState &state,
209              OpPrintingFlags flags = llvm::None);
210   void dump();
212   //===--------------------------------------------------------------------===//
213   // Operands
214   //===--------------------------------------------------------------------===//
216   /// Replace the current operands of this operation with the ones provided in
217   /// 'operands'.
218   void setOperands(ValueRange operands);
220   /// Replace the operands beginning at 'start' and ending at 'start' + 'length'
221   /// with the ones provided in 'operands'. 'operands' may be smaller or larger
222   /// than the range pointed to by 'start'+'length'.
223   void setOperands(unsigned start, unsigned length, ValueRange operands);
225   /// Insert the given operands into the operand list at the given 'index'.
226   void insertOperands(unsigned index, ValueRange operands);
getNumOperands()228   unsigned getNumOperands() {
229     return LLVM_LIKELY(hasOperandStorage) ? getOperandStorage().size() : 0;
230   }
getOperand(unsigned idx)232   Value getOperand(unsigned idx) { return getOpOperand(idx).get(); }
setOperand(unsigned idx,Value value)233   void setOperand(unsigned idx, Value value) {
234     return getOpOperand(idx).set(value);
235   }
237   /// Erase the operand at position `idx`.
eraseOperand(unsigned idx)238   void eraseOperand(unsigned idx) { eraseOperands(idx); }
240   /// Erase the operands starting at position `idx` and ending at position
241   /// 'idx'+'length'.
242   void eraseOperands(unsigned idx, unsigned length = 1) {
243     getOperandStorage().eraseOperands(idx, length);
244   }
246   // Support operand iteration.
247   using operand_range = OperandRange;
248   using operand_iterator = operand_range::iterator;
operand_begin()250   operand_iterator operand_begin() { return getOperands().begin(); }
operand_end()251   operand_iterator operand_end() { return getOperands().end(); }
253   /// Returns an iterator on the underlying Value's.
getOperands()254   operand_range getOperands() { return operand_range(this); }
getOpOperands()256   MutableArrayRef<OpOperand> getOpOperands() {
257     return LLVM_LIKELY(hasOperandStorage) ? getOperandStorage().getOperands()
258                                           : MutableArrayRef<OpOperand>();
259   }
getOpOperand(unsigned idx)261   OpOperand &getOpOperand(unsigned idx) { return getOpOperands()[idx]; }
263   // Support operand type iteration.
264   using operand_type_iterator = operand_range::type_iterator;
265   using operand_type_range = operand_range::type_range;
operand_type_begin()266   operand_type_iterator operand_type_begin() { return operand_begin(); }
operand_type_end()267   operand_type_iterator operand_type_end() { return operand_end(); }
getOperandTypes()268   operand_type_range getOperandTypes() { return getOperands().getTypes(); }
270   //===--------------------------------------------------------------------===//
271   // Results
272   //===--------------------------------------------------------------------===//
274   /// Return the number of results held by this operation.
275   unsigned getNumResults();
277   /// Get the 'idx'th result of this operation.
getResult(unsigned idx)278   OpResult getResult(unsigned idx) { return OpResult(this, idx); }
280   /// Support result iteration.
281   using result_range = ResultRange;
282   using result_iterator = result_range::iterator;
result_begin()284   result_iterator result_begin() { return getResults().begin(); }
result_end()285   result_iterator result_end() { return getResults().end(); }
getResults()286   result_range getResults() { return result_range(this); }
getOpResults()288   result_range getOpResults() { return getResults(); }
getOpResult(unsigned idx)289   OpResult getOpResult(unsigned idx) { return getResult(idx); }
291   /// Support result type iteration.
292   using result_type_iterator = result_range::type_iterator;
293   using result_type_range = result_range::type_range;
result_type_begin()294   result_type_iterator result_type_begin() { return getResultTypes().begin(); }
result_type_end()295   result_type_iterator result_type_end() { return getResultTypes().end(); }
296   result_type_range getResultTypes();
298   //===--------------------------------------------------------------------===//
299   // Attributes
300   //===--------------------------------------------------------------------===//
302   // Operations may optionally carry a list of attributes that associate
303   // constants to names.  Attributes may be dynamically added and removed over
304   // the lifetime of an operation.
306   /// Return all of the attributes on this operation.
getAttrs()307   ArrayRef<NamedAttribute> getAttrs() { return attrs.getValue(); }
309   /// Return all of the attributes on this operation as a DictionaryAttr.
getAttrDictionary()310   DictionaryAttr getAttrDictionary() { return attrs; }
312   /// Set the attribute dictionary on this operation.
setAttrs(DictionaryAttr newAttrs)313   void setAttrs(DictionaryAttr newAttrs) {
314     assert(newAttrs && "expected valid attribute dictionary");
315     attrs = newAttrs;
316   }
setAttrs(ArrayRef<NamedAttribute> newAttrs)317   void setAttrs(ArrayRef<NamedAttribute> newAttrs) {
318     setAttrs(DictionaryAttr::get(newAttrs, getContext()));
319   }
321   /// Return the specified attribute if present, null otherwise.
getAttr(Identifier name)322   Attribute getAttr(Identifier name) { return attrs.get(name); }
getAttr(StringRef name)323   Attribute getAttr(StringRef name) { return attrs.get(name); }
getAttrOfType(Identifier name)325   template <typename AttrClass> AttrClass getAttrOfType(Identifier name) {
326     return getAttr(name).dyn_cast_or_null<AttrClass>();
327   }
getAttrOfType(StringRef name)328   template <typename AttrClass> AttrClass getAttrOfType(StringRef name) {
329     return getAttr(name).dyn_cast_or_null<AttrClass>();
330   }
332   /// Return true if the operation has an attribute with the provided name,
333   /// false otherwise.
hasAttr(Identifier name)334   bool hasAttr(Identifier name) { return static_cast<bool>(getAttr(name)); }
hasAttr(StringRef name)335   bool hasAttr(StringRef name) { return static_cast<bool>(getAttr(name)); }
336   template <typename AttrClass, typename NameT>
hasAttrOfType(NameT && name)337   bool hasAttrOfType(NameT &&name) {
338     return static_cast<bool>(
339         getAttrOfType<AttrClass>(std::forward<NameT>(name)));
340   }
342   /// If the an attribute exists with the specified name, change it to the new
343   /// value. Otherwise, add a new attribute with the specified name/value.
setAttr(Identifier name,Attribute value)344   void setAttr(Identifier name, Attribute value) {
345     NamedAttrList attributes(attrs);
346     if (attributes.set(name, value) != value)
347       attrs = attributes.getDictionary(getContext());
348   }
setAttr(StringRef name,Attribute value)349   void setAttr(StringRef name, Attribute value) {
350     setAttr(Identifier::get(name, getContext()), value);
351   }
353   /// Remove the attribute with the specified name if it exists. Return the
354   /// attribute that was erased, or nullptr if there was no attribute with such
355   /// name.
removeAttr(Identifier name)356   Attribute removeAttr(Identifier name) {
357     NamedAttrList attributes(attrs);
358     Attribute removedAttr = attributes.erase(name);
359     if (removedAttr)
360       attrs = attributes.getDictionary(getContext());
361     return removedAttr;
362   }
removeAttr(StringRef name)363   Attribute removeAttr(StringRef name) {
364     return removeAttr(Identifier::get(name, getContext()));
365   }
367   /// A utility iterator that filters out non-dialect attributes.
368   class dialect_attr_iterator
369       : public llvm::filter_iterator<ArrayRef<NamedAttribute>::iterator,
370                                      bool (*)(NamedAttribute)> {
filter(NamedAttribute attr)371     static bool filter(NamedAttribute attr) {
372       // Dialect attributes are prefixed by the dialect name, like operations.
373       return attr.first.strref().count('.');
374     }
dialect_attr_iterator(ArrayRef<NamedAttribute>::iterator it,ArrayRef<NamedAttribute>::iterator end)376     explicit dialect_attr_iterator(ArrayRef<NamedAttribute>::iterator it,
377                                    ArrayRef<NamedAttribute>::iterator end)
378         : llvm::filter_iterator<ArrayRef<NamedAttribute>::iterator,
379                                 bool (*)(NamedAttribute)>(it, end, &filter) {}
381     // Allow access to the constructor.
382     friend Operation;
383   };
384   using dialect_attr_range = iterator_range<dialect_attr_iterator>;
386   /// Return a range corresponding to the dialect attributes for this operation.
getDialectAttrs()387   dialect_attr_range getDialectAttrs() {
388     auto attrs = getAttrs();
389     return {dialect_attr_iterator(attrs.begin(), attrs.end()),
390             dialect_attr_iterator(attrs.end(), attrs.end())};
391   }
dialect_attr_begin()392   dialect_attr_iterator dialect_attr_begin() {
393     auto attrs = getAttrs();
394     return dialect_attr_iterator(attrs.begin(), attrs.end());
395   }
dialect_attr_end()396   dialect_attr_iterator dialect_attr_end() {
397     auto attrs = getAttrs();
398     return dialect_attr_iterator(attrs.end(), attrs.end());
399   }
401   /// Set the dialect attributes for this operation, and preserve all dependent.
402   template <typename DialectAttrT>
setDialectAttrs(DialectAttrT && dialectAttrs)403   void setDialectAttrs(DialectAttrT &&dialectAttrs) {
404     NamedAttrList attrs;
405     attrs.append(std::begin(dialectAttrs), std::end(dialectAttrs));
406     for (auto attr : getAttrs())
407       if (!attr.first.strref().contains('.'))
408         attrs.push_back(attr);
409     setAttrs(attrs.getDictionary(getContext()));
410   }
412   //===--------------------------------------------------------------------===//
413   // Blocks
414   //===--------------------------------------------------------------------===//
416   /// Returns the number of regions held by this operation.
getNumRegions()417   unsigned getNumRegions() { return numRegions; }
419   /// Returns the regions held by this operation.
getRegions()420   MutableArrayRef<Region> getRegions() {
421     auto *regions = getTrailingObjects<Region>();
422     return {regions, numRegions};
423   }
425   /// Returns the region held by this operation at position 'index'.
getRegion(unsigned index)426   Region &getRegion(unsigned index) {
427     assert(index < numRegions && "invalid region index");
428     return getRegions()[index];
429   }
431   //===--------------------------------------------------------------------===//
432   // Successors
433   //===--------------------------------------------------------------------===//
getBlockOperands()435   MutableArrayRef<BlockOperand> getBlockOperands() {
436     return {getTrailingObjects<BlockOperand>(), numSuccs};
437   }
439   // Successor iteration.
440   using succ_iterator = SuccessorRange::iterator;
successor_begin()441   succ_iterator successor_begin() { return getSuccessors().begin(); }
successor_end()442   succ_iterator successor_end() { return getSuccessors().end(); }
getSuccessors()443   SuccessorRange getSuccessors() { return SuccessorRange(this); }
hasSuccessors()445   bool hasSuccessors() { return numSuccs != 0; }
getNumSuccessors()446   unsigned getNumSuccessors() { return numSuccs; }
getSuccessor(unsigned index)448   Block *getSuccessor(unsigned index) {
449     assert(index < getNumSuccessors());
450     return getBlockOperands()[index].get();
451   }
452   void setSuccessor(Block *block, unsigned index);
454   //===--------------------------------------------------------------------===//
455   // Accessors for various properties of operations
456   //===--------------------------------------------------------------------===//
458   /// Returns whether the operation is commutative.
isCommutative()459   bool isCommutative() {
460     if (auto *absOp = getAbstractOperation())
461       return absOp->hasProperty(OperationProperty::Commutative);
462     return false;
463   }
465   /// Represents the status of whether an operation is a terminator. We
466   /// represent an 'unknown' status because we want to support unregistered
467   /// terminators.
468   enum class TerminatorStatus { Terminator, NonTerminator, Unknown };
470   /// Returns the status of whether this operation is a terminator or not.
getTerminatorStatus()471   TerminatorStatus getTerminatorStatus() {
472     if (auto *absOp = getAbstractOperation()) {
473       return absOp->hasProperty(OperationProperty::Terminator)
474                  ? TerminatorStatus::Terminator
475                  : TerminatorStatus::NonTerminator;
476     }
477     return TerminatorStatus::Unknown;
478   }
480   /// Returns true if the operation is known to be a terminator.
isKnownTerminator()481   bool isKnownTerminator() {
482     return getTerminatorStatus() == TerminatorStatus::Terminator;
483   }
485   /// Returns true if the operation is known to *not* be a terminator.
isKnownNonTerminator()486   bool isKnownNonTerminator() {
487     return getTerminatorStatus() == TerminatorStatus::NonTerminator;
488   }
490   /// Returns true if the operation is known to be completely isolated from
491   /// enclosing regions, i.e., no internal regions reference values defined
492   /// above this operation.
isKnownIsolatedFromAbove()493   bool isKnownIsolatedFromAbove() {
494     if (auto *absOp = getAbstractOperation())
495       return absOp->hasProperty(OperationProperty::IsolatedFromAbove);
496     return false;
497   }
499   /// Attempt to fold this operation with the specified constant operand values
500   /// - the elements in "operands" will correspond directly to the operands of
501   /// the operation, but may be null if non-constant. If folding is successful,
502   /// this fills in the `results` vector. If not, `results` is unspecified.
503   LogicalResult fold(ArrayRef<Attribute> operands,
504                      SmallVectorImpl<OpFoldResult> &results);
506   /// Returns true if the operation was registered with a particular trait, e.g.
507   /// hasTrait<OperandsAreSignlessIntegerLike>().
hasTrait()508   template <template <typename T> class Trait> bool hasTrait() {
509     auto *absOp = getAbstractOperation();
510     return absOp ? absOp->hasTrait<Trait>() : false;
511   }
513   //===--------------------------------------------------------------------===//
514   // Operation Walkers
515   //===--------------------------------------------------------------------===//
517   /// Walk the operation in postorder, calling the callback for each nested
518   /// operation(including this one). The callback method can take any of the
519   /// following forms:
520   ///   void(Operation*) : Walk all operations opaquely.
521   ///     * op->walk([](Operation *nestedOp) { ...});
522   ///   void(OpT) : Walk all operations of the given derived type.
523   ///     * op->walk([](ReturnOp returnOp) { ...});
524   ///   WalkResult(Operation*|OpT) : Walk operations, but allow for
525   ///                                interruption/cancellation.
526   ///     * op->walk([](... op) {
527   ///         // Interrupt, i.e cancel, the walk based on some invariant.
528   ///         if (some_invariant)
529   ///           return WalkResult::interrupt();
530   ///         return WalkResult::advance();
531   ///       });
532   template <typename FnT, typename RetT = detail::walkResultType<FnT>>
walk(FnT && callback)533   RetT walk(FnT &&callback) {
534     return detail::walk(this, std::forward<FnT>(callback));
535   }
537   //===--------------------------------------------------------------------===//
538   // Uses
539   //===--------------------------------------------------------------------===//
541   /// Drop all uses of results of this operation.
dropAllUses()542   void dropAllUses() {
543     for (OpResult result : getOpResults())
544       result.dropAllUses();
545   }
547   /// This class implements a use iterator for the Operation. This iterates over
548   /// all uses of all results.
549   class UseIterator final
550       : public llvm::iterator_facade_base<
551             UseIterator, std::forward_iterator_tag, OpOperand> {
552   public:
553     /// Initialize UseIterator for op, specify end to return iterator to last
554     /// use.
555     explicit UseIterator(Operation *op, bool end = false);
557     using llvm::iterator_facade_base<UseIterator, std::forward_iterator_tag,
558                                      OpOperand>::operator++;
559     UseIterator &operator++();
560     OpOperand *operator->() const { return use.getOperand(); }
561     OpOperand &operator*() const { return *use.getOperand(); }
563     bool operator==(const UseIterator &rhs) const { return use == rhs.use; }
564     bool operator!=(const UseIterator &rhs) const { return !(*this == rhs); }
566   private:
567     void skipOverResultsWithNoUsers();
569     /// The operation whose uses are being iterated over.
570     Operation *op;
571     /// The result of op who's uses are being iterated over.
572     Operation::result_iterator res;
573     /// The use of the result.
574     Value::use_iterator use;
575   };
576   using use_iterator = UseIterator;
577   using use_range = iterator_range<use_iterator>;
use_begin()579   use_iterator use_begin() { return use_iterator(this); }
use_end()580   use_iterator use_end() { return use_iterator(this, /*end=*/true); }
582   /// Returns a range of all uses, which is useful for iterating over all uses.
getUses()583   use_range getUses() { return {use_begin(), use_end()}; }
585   /// Returns true if this operation has exactly one use.
hasOneUse()586   bool hasOneUse() { return llvm::hasSingleElement(getUses()); }
588   /// Returns true if this operation has no uses.
use_empty()589   bool use_empty() {
590     return llvm::all_of(getOpResults(),
591                         [](OpResult result) { return result.use_empty(); });
592   }
594   /// Returns true if the results of this operation are used outside of the
595   /// given block.
isUsedOutsideOfBlock(Block * block)596   bool isUsedOutsideOfBlock(Block *block) {
597     return llvm::any_of(getOpResults(), [block](OpResult result) {
598       return result.isUsedOutsideOfBlock(block);
599     });
600   }
602   //===--------------------------------------------------------------------===//
603   // Users
604   //===--------------------------------------------------------------------===//
606   using user_iterator = ValueUserIterator<use_iterator, OpOperand>;
607   using user_range = iterator_range<user_iterator>;
user_begin()609   user_iterator user_begin() { return user_iterator(use_begin()); }
user_end()610   user_iterator user_end() { return user_iterator(use_end()); }
612   /// Returns a range of all users.
getUsers()613   user_range getUsers() { return {user_begin(), user_end()}; }
615   //===--------------------------------------------------------------------===//
616   // Other
617   //===--------------------------------------------------------------------===//
619   /// Emit an error with the op name prefixed, like "'dim' op " which is
620   /// convenient for verifiers.
621   InFlightDiagnostic emitOpError(const Twine &message = {});
623   /// Emit an error about fatal conditions with this operation, reporting up to
624   /// any diagnostic handlers that may be listening.
625   InFlightDiagnostic emitError(const Twine &message = {});
627   /// Emit a warning about this operation, reporting up to any diagnostic
628   /// handlers that may be listening.
629   InFlightDiagnostic emitWarning(const Twine &message = {});
631   /// Emit a remark about this operation, reporting up to any diagnostic
632   /// handlers that may be listening.
633   InFlightDiagnostic emitRemark(const Twine &message = {});
635 private:
636   //===--------------------------------------------------------------------===//
637   // Ordering
638   //===--------------------------------------------------------------------===//
640   /// This value represents an invalid index ordering for an operation within a
641   /// block.
642   static constexpr unsigned kInvalidOrderIdx = -1;
644   /// This value represents the stride to use when computing a new order for an
645   /// operation.
646   static constexpr unsigned kOrderStride = 5;
648   /// Update the order index of this operation of this operation if necessary,
649   /// potentially recomputing the order of the parent block.
650   void updateOrderIfNecessary();
652   /// Returns true if this operation has a valid order.
hasValidOrder()653   bool hasValidOrder() { return orderIndex != kInvalidOrderIdx; }
655 private:
656   Operation(Location location, OperationName name, TypeRange resultTypes,
657             unsigned numSuccessors, unsigned numRegions,
658             DictionaryAttr attributes, bool hasOperandStorage);
660   // Operations are deleted through the destroy() member because they are
661   // allocated with malloc.
662   ~Operation();
664   /// Returns the additional size necessary for allocating the given objects
665   /// before an Operation in-memory.
prefixAllocSize(unsigned numTrailingResults,unsigned numInlineResults)666   static size_t prefixAllocSize(unsigned numTrailingResults,
667                                 unsigned numInlineResults) {
668     return sizeof(detail::TrailingOpResult) * numTrailingResults +
669            sizeof(detail::InLineOpResult) * numInlineResults;
670   }
671   /// Returns the additional size allocated before this Operation in-memory.
prefixAllocSize()672   size_t prefixAllocSize() {
673     unsigned numResults = getNumResults();
674     unsigned numTrailingResults = OpResult::getNumTrailing(numResults);
675     unsigned numInlineResults = OpResult::getNumInline(numResults);
676     return prefixAllocSize(numTrailingResults, numInlineResults);
677   }
679   /// Returns the operand storage object.
getOperandStorage()680   detail::OperandStorage &getOperandStorage() {
681     assert(hasOperandStorage && "expected operation to have operand storage");
682     return *getTrailingObjects<detail::OperandStorage>();
683   }
685   /// Returns a pointer to the use list for the given trailing result.
getTrailingResult(unsigned resultNumber)686   detail::TrailingOpResult *getTrailingResult(unsigned resultNumber) {
687     // Trailing results are stored in reverse order after(before in memory) the
688     // inline results.
689     return reinterpret_cast<detail::TrailingOpResult *>(
690                getInlineResult(OpResult::getMaxInlineResults() - 1)) -
691            ++resultNumber;
692   }
694   /// Returns a pointer to the use list for the given inline result.
getInlineResult(unsigned resultNumber)695   detail::InLineOpResult *getInlineResult(unsigned resultNumber) {
696     // Inline results are stored in reverse order before the operation in
697     // memory.
698     return reinterpret_cast<detail::InLineOpResult *>(this) - ++resultNumber;
699   }
701   /// Provide a 'getParent' method for ilist_node_with_parent methods.
702   /// We mark it as a const function because ilist_node_with_parent specifically
703   /// requires a 'getParent() const' method. Once ilist_node removes this
704   /// constraint, we should drop the const to fit the rest of the MLIR const
705   /// model.
getParent()706   Block *getParent() const { return block; }
708   /// The operation block that contains this operation.
709   Block *block = nullptr;
711   /// This holds information about the source location the operation was defined
712   /// or derived from.
713   Location location;
715   /// Relative order of this operation in its parent block. Used for
716   /// O(1) local dominance checks between operations.
717   mutable unsigned orderIndex = 0;
719   const unsigned numSuccs;
720   const unsigned numRegions : 30;
722   /// This bit signals whether this operation has an operand storage or not. The
723   /// operand storage may be elided for operations that are known to never have
724   /// operands.
725   bool hasOperandStorage : 1;
727   /// This holds the result types of the operation. There are three different
728   /// states recorded here:
729   /// - 0 results : The type below is null.
730   /// - 1 result  : The single result type is held here.
731   /// - N results : The type here is a tuple holding the result types.
732   /// Note: We steal a bit for 'hasSingleResult' from somewhere else so that we
733   /// can use 'resultType` in an ArrayRef<Type>.
734   bool hasSingleResult : 1;
735   Type resultType;
737   /// This holds the name of the operation.
738   OperationName name;
740   /// This holds general named attributes for the operation.
741   DictionaryAttr attrs;
743   // allow ilist_traits access to 'block' field.
744   friend struct llvm::ilist_traits<Operation>;
746   // allow block to access the 'orderIndex' field.
747   friend class Block;
749   // allow value to access the 'ResultStorage' methods.
750   friend class Value;
752   // allow ilist_node_with_parent to access the 'getParent' method.
753   friend class llvm::ilist_node_with_parent<Operation, Block>;
755   // This stuff is used by the TrailingObjects template.
756   friend llvm::TrailingObjects<Operation, BlockOperand, Region,
757                                detail::OperandStorage>;
758   size_t numTrailingObjects(OverloadToken<BlockOperand>) const {
759     return numSuccs;
760   }
761   size_t numTrailingObjects(OverloadToken<Region>) const { return numRegions; }
762 };
764 inline raw_ostream &operator<<(raw_ostream &os, Operation &op) {
765   op.print(os, OpPrintingFlags().useLocalScope());
766   return os;
767 }
769 } // end namespace mlir
771 namespace llvm {
772 /// Provide isa functionality for operation casts.
773 template <typename T> struct isa_impl<T, ::mlir::Operation> {
774   static inline bool doit(const ::mlir::Operation &op) {
775     return T::classof(const_cast<::mlir::Operation *>(&op));
776   }
777 };
779 /// Provide specializations for operation casts as the resulting T is value
780 /// typed.
781 template <typename T> struct cast_retty_impl<T, ::mlir::Operation *> {
782   using ret_type = T;
783 };
784 template <typename T> struct cast_retty_impl<T, ::mlir::Operation> {
785   using ret_type = T;
786 };
787 template <class T>
788 struct cast_convert_val<T, ::mlir::Operation, ::mlir::Operation> {
789   static T doit(::mlir::Operation &val) { return T(&val); }
790 };
791 template <class T>
792 struct cast_convert_val<T, ::mlir::Operation *, ::mlir::Operation *> {
793   static T doit(::mlir::Operation *val) { return T(val); }
794 };
795 } // end namespace llvm
797 #endif // MLIR_IR_OPERATION_H