1 // RUN: %check_clang_tidy %s openmp-exception-escape %t -- -extra-arg=-fopenmp=libomp -extra-arg=-fexceptions -config="{CheckOptions: [{key: openmp-exception-escape.IgnoredExceptions, value: 'ignored, ignored2'}]}" --
thrower()3 int thrower() {
4   throw 42;
5 }
7 class ignored {};
8 class ignored2 {};
9 namespace std {
10 class bad_alloc {};
11 } // namespace std
parallel()13 void parallel() {
14 #pragma omp parallel
15   thrower();
16   // CHECK-MESSAGES: :[[@LINE-1]]:3: warning: an exception thrown inside of the OpenMP 'parallel' region is not caught in that same region
17 }
ignore()19 void ignore() {
20 #pragma omp parallel
21   throw ignored();
22 }
ignore2()24 void ignore2() {
25 #pragma omp parallel
26   throw ignored2();
27 }
standalone_directive()29 void standalone_directive() {
30 #pragma omp taskwait
31   throw ignored(); // not structured block
32 }
ignore_alloc()34 void ignore_alloc() {
35 #pragma omp parallel
36   throw std::bad_alloc();
37 }
parallel_caught()39 void parallel_caught() {
40 #pragma omp parallel
41   {
42     try {
43       thrower();
44     } catch (...) {
45     }
46   }
47 }
for_header(const int a)49 void for_header(const int a) {
50   // Only the body of the loop counts.
51 #pragma omp for
52   for (int i = 0; i < thrower(); i++)
53     ;
54 }
forloop(const int a)56 void forloop(const int a) {
57 #pragma omp for
58   for (int i = 0; i < a; i++)
59     thrower();
60   // CHECK-MESSAGES: :[[@LINE-1]]:5: warning: an exception thrown inside of the OpenMP 'for' region is not caught in that same region
61 }
parallel_forloop(const int a)63 void parallel_forloop(const int a) {
64 #pragma omp parallel
65   {
66 #pragma omp for
67     for (int i = 0; i < a; i++)
68       thrower();
69     thrower();
70     // CHECK-MESSAGES: :[[@LINE-5]]:3: warning: an exception thrown inside of the OpenMP 'parallel' region is not caught in that same region
71     // CHECK-MESSAGES: :[[@LINE-3]]:7: warning: an exception thrown inside of the OpenMP 'for' region is not caught in that same region
72   }
73 }
parallel_forloop_caught(const int a)75 void parallel_forloop_caught(const int a) {
76 #pragma omp parallel
77   {
78 #pragma omp for
79     for (int i = 0; i < a; i++) {
80       try {
81         thrower();
82       } catch (...) {
83       }
84     }
85     thrower();
86     // CHECK-MESSAGES: :[[@LINE-9]]:3: warning: an exception thrown inside of the OpenMP 'parallel' region is not caught in that same region
87   }
88 }
parallel_caught_forloop(const int a)90 void parallel_caught_forloop(const int a) {
91 #pragma omp parallel
92   {
93 #pragma omp for
94     for (int i = 0; i < a; i++)
95       thrower();
96     try {
97       thrower();
98     } catch (...) {
99     }
100     // CHECK-MESSAGES: :[[@LINE-5]]:7: warning: an exception thrown inside of the OpenMP 'for' region is not caught in that same region
101   }
102 }
parallel_outercaught_forloop(const int a)104 void parallel_outercaught_forloop(const int a) {
105 #pragma omp parallel
106   {
107     try {
108 #pragma omp for
109       for (int i = 0; i < a; i++)
110         thrower();
111       thrower();
112     } catch (...) {
113     }
114     // CHECK-MESSAGES: :[[@LINE-4]]:9: warning: an exception thrown inside of the OpenMP 'for' region is not caught in that same region
115   }
116 }
parallel_outercaught_forloop_caught(const int a)118 void parallel_outercaught_forloop_caught(const int a) {
119 #pragma omp parallel
120   {
121     try {
122 #pragma omp for
123       for (int i = 0; i < a; i++) {
124         try {
125           thrower();
126         } catch (...) {
127         }
128       }
129     } catch (...) {
130     }
131   }
132 }