1 //===- MainModule.cpp - Main pybind module --------------------------------===//
2 //
3 // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4 // See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
5 // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
6 //
7 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
9 #include <tuple>
11 #include "PybindUtils.h"
13 #include "Dialects.h"
14 #include "ExecutionEngine.h"
15 #include "Globals.h"
16 #include "IRModule.h"
17 #include "Pass.h"
19 namespace py = pybind11;
20 using namespace mlir;
21 using namespace mlir::python;
23 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
24 // Module initialization.
25 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
PYBIND11_MODULE(_mlir,m)27 PYBIND11_MODULE(_mlir, m) {
28   m.doc() = "MLIR Python Native Extension";
30   py::class_<PyGlobals>(m, "_Globals")
31       .def_property("dialect_search_modules",
32                     &PyGlobals::getDialectSearchPrefixes,
33                     &PyGlobals::setDialectSearchPrefixes)
34       .def("append_dialect_search_prefix",
35            [](PyGlobals &self, std::string moduleName) {
36              self.getDialectSearchPrefixes().push_back(std::move(moduleName));
37              self.clearImportCache();
38            })
39       .def("_register_dialect_impl", &PyGlobals::registerDialectImpl,
40            "Testing hook for directly registering a dialect")
41       .def("_register_operation_impl", &PyGlobals::registerOperationImpl,
42            "Testing hook for directly registering an operation");
44   // Aside from making the globals accessible to python, having python manage
45   // it is necessary to make sure it is destroyed (and releases its python
46   // resources) properly.
47   m.attr("globals") =
48       py::cast(new PyGlobals, py::return_value_policy::take_ownership);
50   // Registration decorators.
51   m.def(
52       "register_dialect",
53       [](py::object pyClass) {
54         std::string dialectNamespace =
55             pyClass.attr("DIALECT_NAMESPACE").cast<std::string>();
56         PyGlobals::get().registerDialectImpl(dialectNamespace, pyClass);
57         return pyClass;
58       },
59       "Class decorator for registering a custom Dialect wrapper");
60   m.def(
61       "register_operation",
62       [](py::object dialectClass) -> py::cpp_function {
63         return py::cpp_function(
64             [dialectClass](py::object opClass) -> py::object {
65               std::string operationName =
66                   opClass.attr("OPERATION_NAME").cast<std::string>();
67               auto rawSubclass = PyOpView::createRawSubclass(opClass);
68               PyGlobals::get().registerOperationImpl(operationName, opClass,
69                                                      rawSubclass);
71               // Dict-stuff the new opClass by name onto the dialect class.
72               py::object opClassName = opClass.attr("__name__");
73               dialectClass.attr(opClassName) = opClass;
75               // Now create a special "Raw" subclass that passes through
76               // construction to the OpView parent (bypasses the intermediate
77               // child's __init__).
78               opClass.attr("_Raw") = rawSubclass;
79               return opClass;
80             });
81       },
82       "Class decorator for registering a custom Operation wrapper");
84   // Define and populate IR submodule.
85   auto irModule = m.def_submodule("ir", "MLIR IR Bindings");
86   populateIRCore(irModule);
87   populateIRAffine(irModule);
88   populateIRAttributes(irModule);
89   populateIRTypes(irModule);
91   // Define and populate PassManager submodule.
92   auto passModule =
93       m.def_submodule("passmanager", "MLIR Pass Management Bindings");
94   populatePassManagerSubmodule(passModule);
96   // Define and populate ExecutionEngine submodule.
97   auto executionEngineModule =
98       m.def_submodule("execution_engine", "MLIR JIT Execution Engine");
99   populateExecutionEngineSubmodule(executionEngineModule);
101   // Define and populate dialect submodules.
102   auto dialectsModule = m.def_submodule("dialects");
103   auto linalgModule = dialectsModule.def_submodule("linalg");
104   populateDialectLinalgSubmodule(linalgModule);
105   populateDialectSparseTensorSubmodule(
106       dialectsModule.def_submodule("sparse_tensor"), irModule);
107 }