1 #pragma once
3 #include <wayfire/nonstd/optional.hpp>
4 #include <string>
6 namespace wf
7 {
8 namespace option_type
9 {
10 /**
11  * To create an option of a given type, from_string must be specialized for
12  * parsing the type.
13  *
14  * @param string The string representation of the value.
15  * @return The parsed value, if the string was valid.
16  */
17 template<class Type>
18 stdx::optional<Type> from_string(
19     const std::string& string);
21 /**
22  * To create an option of a given type, to_string must be specialized for
23  * converting the type to string.
24  * @return The string representation of a value.
25  *   It is expected that from_string(to_string(value)) == value.
26  */
27 template<class Type>
28 std::string to_string(const Type& value);
29 }
30 }