1 /* nasm.h   main header file for the Netwide Assembler: inter-module interface
2  *
3  * The Netwide Assembler is copyright (C) 1996 Simon Tatham and
4  * Julian Hall. All rights reserved. The software is
5  * redistributable under the licence given in the file "Licence"
6  * distributed in the NASM archive.
7  *
8  * initial version: 27/iii/95 by Simon Tatham
9  */
10 #ifndef YASM_NASM_H
11 #define YASM_NASM_H
13 #ifndef NULL
14 #define NULL 0
15 #endif
17 #ifndef FALSE
18 #define FALSE 0                        /* comes in handy */
19 #endif
20 #ifndef TRUE
21 #define TRUE 1
22 #endif
24 #ifndef FILENAME_MAX
25 #define FILENAME_MAX 256
26 #endif
28 #ifndef PREFIX_MAX
29 #define PREFIX_MAX 10
30 #endif
32 #ifndef POSTFIX_MAX
33 #define POSTFIX_MAX 10
34 #endif
36 #define IDLEN_MAX 4096
38 /*
39  * -------------------------
40  * Error reporting functions
41  * -------------------------
42  */
44 /*
45  * An error reporting function should look like this.
46  */
47 typedef void (*efunc) (int severity, const char *fmt, ...);
49 /*
50  * These are the error severity codes which get passed as the first
51  * argument to an efunc.
52  */
54 #define ERR_DEBUG       0x00000008      /* put out debugging message */
55 #define ERR_WARNING     0x00000000      /* warn only: no further action */
56 #define ERR_NONFATAL    0x00000001      /* terminate assembly after phase */
57 #define ERR_FATAL       0x00000002      /* instantly fatal: exit with error */
58 #define ERR_PANIC       0x00000003      /* internal error: panic instantly
59                                         * and dump core for reference */
60 #define ERR_MASK        0x0000000F      /* mask off the above codes */
61 #define ERR_NOFILE      0x00000010      /* don't give source file name/line */
62 #define ERR_USAGE       0x00000020      /* print a usage message */
63 #define ERR_PASS1       0x00000040      /* only print this error on pass one */
65 /*
66  * These codes define specific types of suppressible warning.
67  */
69 #define ERR_WARN_MASK   0x0000FF00      /* the mask for this feature */
70 #define ERR_WARN_SHR  8                /* how far to shift right */
72 #define ERR_WARN_MNP    0x00000100      /* macro-num-parameters warning */
73 #define ERR_WARN_MSR    0x00000200      /* macro self-reference */
74 #define ERR_WARN_OL     0x00000300      /* orphan label (no colon, and
75                                         * alone on line) */
76 #define ERR_WARN_NOV    0x00000400      /* numeric overflow */
77 #define ERR_WARN_GNUELF 0x00000500      /* using GNU ELF extensions */
78 #define ERR_WARN_MAX    5               /* the highest numbered one */
80 /*
81  * -----------------------
82  * Other function typedefs
83  * -----------------------
84  */
86 /*
87  * List-file generators should look like this:
88  */
89 typedef struct {
90     /*
91      * Called to initialise the listing file generator. Before this
92      * is called, the other routines will silently do nothing when
93      * called. The `char *' parameter is the file name to write the
94      * listing to.
95      */
96     void (*init) (char *, efunc);
98     /*
99      * Called to clear stuff up and close the listing file.
100      */
101     void (*cleanup) (void);
103     /*
104      * Called to output binary data. Parameters are: the offset;
105      * the data; the data type. Data types are similar to the
106      * output-format interface, only OUT_ADDRESS will _always_ be
107      * displayed as if it's relocatable, so ensure that any non-
108      * relocatable address has been converted to OUT_RAWDATA by
109      * then. Note that OUT_RAWDATA+0 is a valid data type, and is a
110      * dummy call used to give the listing generator an offset to
111      * work with when doing things like uplevel(LIST_TIMES) or
112      * uplevel(LIST_INCBIN).
113      */
114     void (*output) (long, const void *, unsigned long);
116     /*
117      * Called to send a text line to the listing generator. The
118      * `int' parameter is LIST_READ or LIST_MACRO depending on
119      * whether the line came directly from an input file or is the
120      * result of a multi-line macro expansion.
121      */
122     void (*line) (int, char *);
124     /*
125      * Called to change one of the various levelled mechanisms in
126      * the listing generator. LIST_INCLUDE and LIST_MACRO can be
127      * used to increase the nesting level of include files and
128      * macro expansions; LIST_TIMES and LIST_INCBIN switch on the
129      * two binary-output-suppression mechanisms for large-scale
130      * pseudo-instructions.
131      *
132      * LIST_MACRO_NOLIST is synonymous with LIST_MACRO except that
133      * it indicates the beginning of the expansion of a `nolist'
134      * macro, so anything under that level won't be expanded unless
135      * it includes another file.
136      */
137     void (*uplevel) (int);
139     /*
140      * Reverse the effects of uplevel.
141      */
142     void (*downlevel) (int);
143 } ListGen;
145 /*
146  * The expression evaluator must be passed a scanner function; a
147  * standard scanner is provided as part of nasmlib.c. The
148  * preprocessor will use a different one. Scanners, and the
149  * token-value structures they return, look like this.
150  *
151  * The return value from the scanner is always a copy of the
152  * `t_type' field in the structure.
153  */
154 struct tokenval {
155     int t_type;
156     yasm_intnum *t_integer, *t_inttwo;
157     char *t_charptr;
158 };
159 typedef int (*scanner) (void *private_data, struct tokenval *tv);
161 /*
162  * Token types returned by the scanner, in addition to ordinary
163  * ASCII character values, and zero for end-of-string.
164  */
165 enum {                                 /* token types, other than chars */
166     TOKEN_INVALID = -1,                /* a placeholder value */
167     TOKEN_EOS = 0,                     /* end of string */
168     TOKEN_EQ = '=', TOKEN_GT = '>', TOKEN_LT = '<',   /* aliases */
169     TOKEN_ID = 256, TOKEN_NUM, TOKEN_REG, TOKEN_INSN,  /* major token types */
170     TOKEN_ERRNUM,                      /* numeric constant with error in */
171     TOKEN_HERE, TOKEN_BASE,            /* $ and $$ */
172     TOKEN_SPECIAL,                     /* BYTE, WORD, DWORD, FAR, NEAR, etc */
173     TOKEN_PREFIX,                      /* A32, O16, LOCK, REPNZ, TIMES, etc */
174     TOKEN_SHL, TOKEN_SHR,              /* << and >> */
175     TOKEN_SDIV, TOKEN_SMOD,            /* // and %% */
176     TOKEN_GE, TOKEN_LE, TOKEN_NE,      /* >=, <= and <> (!= is same as <>) */
177     TOKEN_DBL_AND, TOKEN_DBL_OR, TOKEN_DBL_XOR,   /* &&, || and ^^ */
178     TOKEN_SEG, TOKEN_WRT,              /* SEG and WRT */
179     TOKEN_FLOAT                        /* floating-point constant */
180 };
182 /*
183  * The actual expression evaluator function looks like this. When
184  * called, it expects the first token of its expression to already
185  * be in `*tv'; if it is not, set tv->t_type to TOKEN_INVALID and
186  * it will start by calling the scanner.
187  *
188  * `critical' is non-zero if the expression may not contain forward
189  * references. The evaluator will report its own error if this
190  * occurs; if `critical' is 1, the error will be "symbol not
191  * defined before use", whereas if `critical' is 2, the error will
192  * be "symbol undefined".
193  *
194  * If `critical' has bit 8 set (in addition to its main value: 0x101
195  * and 0x102 correspond to 1 and 2) then an extended expression
196  * syntax is recognised, in which relational operators such as =, <
197  * and >= are accepted, as well as low-precedence logical operators
198  * &&, ^^ and ||.
199  */
200 #define CRITICAL 0x100
201 typedef yasm_expr *(*evalfunc) (scanner sc, void *scprivate, struct tokenval *tv,
202                            int critical, efunc error);
204 /*
205  * Preprocessors ought to look like this:
206  */
207 typedef struct {
208     /*
209      * Called at the start of a pass; given a file name, the number
210      * of the pass, an error reporting function, an evaluator
211      * function, and a listing generator to talk to.
212      */
213     void (*reset) (FILE *, const char *, int, efunc, evalfunc, ListGen *);
215     /*
216      * Called to fetch a line of preprocessed source. The line
217      * returned has been malloc'ed, and so should be freed after
218      * use.
219      */
220     char *(*getline) (void);
222     /*
223      * Called at the end of a pass.
224      */
225     void (*cleanup) (int);
226 } Preproc;
228 /*
229  * ----------------------------------------------------------------
230  * Some lexical properties of the NASM source language, included
231  * here because they are shared between the parser and preprocessor
232  * ----------------------------------------------------------------
233  */
235 /*
236  * isidstart matches any character that may start an identifier, and isidchar
237  * matches any character that may appear at places other than the start of an
238  * identifier. E.g. a period may only appear at the start of an identifier
239  * (for local labels), whereas a number may appear anywhere *but* at the
240  * start.
241  */
243 #define isidstart(c) ( isalpha(c) || (c)=='_' || (c)=='.' || (c)=='?' \
244                                   || (c)=='@' )
245 #define isidchar(c)  ( isidstart(c) || isdigit(c) || (c)=='$' || (c)=='#' \
246                                                   || (c)=='~' )
248 /* Ditto for numeric constants. */
250 #define isnumstart(c)  ( isdigit(c) || (c)=='$' )
251 #define isnumchar(c)   ( isalnum(c) )
253 /* This returns the numeric value of a given 'digit'. */
255 #define numvalue(c)  ((c)>='a' ? (c)-'a'+10 : (c)>='A' ? (c)-'A'+10 : (c)-'0')
257 /*
258  * Data-type flags that get passed to listing-file routines.
259  */
260 enum {
263 };
265 /*
266  * -----
267  * Other
268  * -----
269  */
271 /*
272  * This is a useful #define which I keep meaning to use more often:
273  * the number of elements of a statically defined array.
274  */
276 #define elements(x)     ( sizeof(x) / sizeof(*(x)) )
278 extern int tasm_compatible_mode;
279 extern int tasm_locals;
280 extern const char *tasm_segment;
281 const char *tasm_get_segment_register(const char *segment);
283 #endif