1// Copyright 2013 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
2// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
3// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
5package ssa
7// This file implements the BUILD phase of SSA construction.
9// SSA construction has two phases, CREATE and BUILD.  In the CREATE phase
10// (create.go), all packages are constructed and type-checked and
11// definitions of all package members are created, method-sets are
12// computed, and wrapper methods are synthesized.
13// ssa.Packages are created in arbitrary order.
15// In the BUILD phase (builder.go), the builder traverses the AST of
16// each Go source function and generates SSA instructions for the
17// function body.  Initializer expressions for package-level variables
18// are emitted to the package's init() function in the order specified
19// by go/types.Info.InitOrder, then code for each function in the
20// package is generated in lexical order.
21// The BUILD phases for distinct packages are independent and are
22// executed in parallel.
24// TODO(adonovan): indeed, building functions is now embarrassingly parallel.
25// Audit for concurrency then benchmark using more goroutines.
27// The builder's and Program's indices (maps) are populated and
28// mutated during the CREATE phase, but during the BUILD phase they
29// remain constant.  The sole exception is Prog.methodSets and its
30// related maps, which are protected by a dedicated mutex.
32import (
33	"fmt"
34	"go/ast"
35	"go/constant"
36	"go/token"
37	"go/types"
38	"os"
39	"sync"
42type opaqueType struct {
43	types.Type
44	name string
47func (t *opaqueType) String() string { return t.name }
49var (
50	varOk    = newVar("ok", tBool)
51	varIndex = newVar("index", tInt)
53	// Type constants.
54	tBool       = types.Typ[types.Bool]
55	tByte       = types.Typ[types.Byte]
56	tInt        = types.Typ[types.Int]
57	tInvalid    = types.Typ[types.Invalid]
58	tString     = types.Typ[types.String]
59	tUntypedNil = types.Typ[types.UntypedNil]
60	tRangeIter  = &opaqueType{nil, "iter"} // the type of all "range" iterators
61	tEface      = types.NewInterface(nil, nil).Complete()
63	// SSA Value constants.
64	vZero = intConst(0)
65	vOne  = intConst(1)
66	vTrue = NewConst(constant.MakeBool(true), tBool)
69// builder holds state associated with the package currently being built.
70// Its methods contain all the logic for AST-to-SSA conversion.
71type builder struct{}
73// cond emits to fn code to evaluate boolean condition e and jump
74// to t or f depending on its value, performing various simplifications.
76// Postcondition: fn.currentBlock is nil.
78func (b *builder) cond(fn *Function, e ast.Expr, t, f *BasicBlock) {
79	switch e := e.(type) {
80	case *ast.ParenExpr:
81		b.cond(fn, e.X, t, f)
82		return
84	case *ast.BinaryExpr:
85		switch e.Op {
86		case token.LAND:
87			ltrue := fn.newBasicBlock("cond.true")
88			b.cond(fn, e.X, ltrue, f)
89			fn.currentBlock = ltrue
90			b.cond(fn, e.Y, t, f)
91			return
93		case token.LOR:
94			lfalse := fn.newBasicBlock("cond.false")
95			b.cond(fn, e.X, t, lfalse)
96			fn.currentBlock = lfalse
97			b.cond(fn, e.Y, t, f)
98			return
99		}
101	case *ast.UnaryExpr:
102		if e.Op == token.NOT {
103			b.cond(fn, e.X, f, t)
104			return
105		}
106	}
108	// A traditional compiler would simplify "if false" (etc) here
109	// but we do not, for better fidelity to the source code.
110	//
111	// The value of a constant condition may be platform-specific,
112	// and may cause blocks that are reachable in some configuration
113	// to be hidden from subsequent analyses such as bug-finding tools.
114	emitIf(fn, b.expr(fn, e), t, f)
117// logicalBinop emits code to fn to evaluate e, a &&- or
118// ||-expression whose reified boolean value is wanted.
119// The value is returned.
121func (b *builder) logicalBinop(fn *Function, e *ast.BinaryExpr) Value {
122	rhs := fn.newBasicBlock("binop.rhs")
123	done := fn.newBasicBlock("binop.done")
125	// T(e) = T(e.X) = T(e.Y) after untyped constants have been
126	// eliminated.
127	// TODO(adonovan): not true; MyBool==MyBool yields UntypedBool.
128	t := fn.Pkg.typeOf(e)
130	var short Value // value of the short-circuit path
131	switch e.Op {
132	case token.LAND:
133		b.cond(fn, e.X, rhs, done)
134		short = NewConst(constant.MakeBool(false), t)
136	case token.LOR:
137		b.cond(fn, e.X, done, rhs)
138		short = NewConst(constant.MakeBool(true), t)
139	}
141	// Is rhs unreachable?
142	if rhs.Preds == nil {
143		// Simplify false&&y to false, true||y to true.
144		fn.currentBlock = done
145		return short
146	}
148	// Is done unreachable?
149	if done.Preds == nil {
150		// Simplify true&&y (or false||y) to y.
151		fn.currentBlock = rhs
152		return b.expr(fn, e.Y)
153	}
155	// All edges from e.X to done carry the short-circuit value.
156	var edges []Value
157	for range done.Preds {
158		edges = append(edges, short)
159	}
161	// The edge from e.Y to done carries the value of e.Y.
162	fn.currentBlock = rhs
163	edges = append(edges, b.expr(fn, e.Y))
164	emitJump(fn, done)
165	fn.currentBlock = done
167	phi := &Phi{Edges: edges, Comment: e.Op.String()}
168	phi.pos = e.OpPos
169	phi.typ = t
170	return done.emit(phi)
173// exprN lowers a multi-result expression e to SSA form, emitting code
174// to fn and returning a single Value whose type is a *types.Tuple.
175// The caller must access the components via Extract.
177// Multi-result expressions include CallExprs in a multi-value
178// assignment or return statement, and "value,ok" uses of
179// TypeAssertExpr, IndexExpr (when X is a map), and UnaryExpr (when Op
180// is token.ARROW).
182func (b *builder) exprN(fn *Function, e ast.Expr) Value {
183	typ := fn.Pkg.typeOf(e).(*types.Tuple)
184	switch e := e.(type) {
185	case *ast.ParenExpr:
186		return b.exprN(fn, e.X)
188	case *ast.CallExpr:
189		// Currently, no built-in function nor type conversion
190		// has multiple results, so we can avoid some of the
191		// cases for single-valued CallExpr.
192		var c Call
193		b.setCall(fn, e, &c.Call)
194		c.typ = typ
195		return fn.emit(&c)
197	case *ast.IndexExpr:
198		mapt := fn.Pkg.typeOf(e.X).Underlying().(*types.Map)
199		lookup := &Lookup{
200			X:       b.expr(fn, e.X),
201			Index:   emitConv(fn, b.expr(fn, e.Index), mapt.Key()),
202			CommaOk: true,
203		}
204		lookup.setType(typ)
205		lookup.setPos(e.Lbrack)
206		return fn.emit(lookup)
208	case *ast.TypeAssertExpr:
209		return emitTypeTest(fn, b.expr(fn, e.X), typ.At(0).Type(), e.Lparen)
211	case *ast.UnaryExpr: // must be receive <-
212		unop := &UnOp{
213			Op:      token.ARROW,
214			X:       b.expr(fn, e.X),
215			CommaOk: true,
216		}
217		unop.setType(typ)
218		unop.setPos(e.OpPos)
219		return fn.emit(unop)
220	}
221	panic(fmt.Sprintf("exprN(%T) in %s", e, fn))
224// builtin emits to fn SSA instructions to implement a call to the
225// built-in function obj with the specified arguments
226// and return type.  It returns the value defined by the result.
228// The result is nil if no special handling was required; in this case
229// the caller should treat this like an ordinary library function
230// call.
232func (b *builder) builtin(fn *Function, obj *types.Builtin, args []ast.Expr, typ types.Type, pos token.Pos) Value {
233	switch obj.Name() {
234	case "make":
235		switch typ.Underlying().(type) {
236		case *types.Slice:
237			n := b.expr(fn, args[1])
238			m := n
239			if len(args) == 3 {
240				m = b.expr(fn, args[2])
241			}
242			if m, ok := m.(*Const); ok {
243				// treat make([]T, n, m) as new([m]T)[:n]
244				cap := m.Int64()
245				at := types.NewArray(typ.Underlying().(*types.Slice).Elem(), cap)
246				alloc := emitNew(fn, at, pos)
247				alloc.Comment = "makeslice"
248				v := &Slice{
249					X:    alloc,
250					High: n,
251				}
252				v.setPos(pos)
253				v.setType(typ)
254				return fn.emit(v)
255			}
256			v := &MakeSlice{
257				Len: n,
258				Cap: m,
259			}
260			v.setPos(pos)
261			v.setType(typ)
262			return fn.emit(v)
264		case *types.Map:
265			var res Value
266			if len(args) == 2 {
267				res = b.expr(fn, args[1])
268			}
269			v := &MakeMap{Reserve: res}
270			v.setPos(pos)
271			v.setType(typ)
272			return fn.emit(v)
274		case *types.Chan:
275			var sz Value = vZero
276			if len(args) == 2 {
277				sz = b.expr(fn, args[1])
278			}
279			v := &MakeChan{Size: sz}
280			v.setPos(pos)
281			v.setType(typ)
282			return fn.emit(v)
283		}
285	case "new":
286		alloc := emitNew(fn, deref(typ), pos)
287		alloc.Comment = "new"
288		return alloc
290	case "len", "cap":
291		// Special case: len or cap of an array or *array is
292		// based on the type, not the value which may be nil.
293		// We must still evaluate the value, though.  (If it
294		// was side-effect free, the whole call would have
295		// been constant-folded.)
296		t := deref(fn.Pkg.typeOf(args[0])).Underlying()
297		if at, ok := t.(*types.Array); ok {
298			b.expr(fn, args[0]) // for effects only
299			return intConst(at.Len())
300		}
301		// Otherwise treat as normal.
303	case "panic":
304		fn.emit(&Panic{
305			X:   emitConv(fn, b.expr(fn, args[0]), tEface),
306			pos: pos,
307		})
308		fn.currentBlock = fn.newBasicBlock("unreachable")
309		return vTrue // any non-nil Value will do
310	}
311	return nil // treat all others as a regular function call
314// addr lowers a single-result addressable expression e to SSA form,
315// emitting code to fn and returning the location (an lvalue) defined
316// by the expression.
318// If escaping is true, addr marks the base variable of the
319// addressable expression e as being a potentially escaping pointer
320// value.  For example, in this code:
322//   a := A{
323//     b: [1]B{B{c: 1}}
324//   }
325//   return &a.b[0].c
327// the application of & causes a.b[0].c to have its address taken,
328// which means that ultimately the local variable a must be
329// heap-allocated.  This is a simple but very conservative escape
330// analysis.
332// Operations forming potentially escaping pointers include:
333// - &x, including when implicit in method call or composite literals.
334// - a[:] iff a is an array (not *array)
335// - references to variables in lexically enclosing functions.
337func (b *builder) addr(fn *Function, e ast.Expr, escaping bool) lvalue {
338	switch e := e.(type) {
339	case *ast.Ident:
340		if isBlankIdent(e) {
341			return blank{}
342		}
343		obj := fn.Pkg.objectOf(e)
344		v := fn.Prog.packageLevelValue(obj) // var (address)
345		if v == nil {
346			v = fn.lookup(obj, escaping)
347		}
348		return &address{addr: v, pos: e.Pos(), expr: e}
350	case *ast.CompositeLit:
351		t := deref(fn.Pkg.typeOf(e))
352		var v *Alloc
353		if escaping {
354			v = emitNew(fn, t, e.Lbrace)
355		} else {
356			v = fn.addLocal(t, e.Lbrace)
357		}
358		v.Comment = "complit"
359		var sb storebuf
360		b.compLit(fn, v, e, true, &sb)
361		sb.emit(fn)
362		return &address{addr: v, pos: e.Lbrace, expr: e}
364	case *ast.ParenExpr:
365		return b.addr(fn, e.X, escaping)
367	case *ast.SelectorExpr:
368		sel, ok := fn.Pkg.info.Selections[e]
369		if !ok {
370			// qualified identifier
371			return b.addr(fn, e.Sel, escaping)
372		}
373		if sel.Kind() != types.FieldVal {
374			panic(sel)
375		}
376		wantAddr := true
377		v := b.receiver(fn, e.X, wantAddr, escaping, sel)
378		last := len(sel.Index()) - 1
379		return &address{
380			addr: emitFieldSelection(fn, v, sel.Index()[last], true, e.Sel),
381			pos:  e.Sel.Pos(),
382			expr: e.Sel,
383		}
385	case *ast.IndexExpr:
386		var x Value
387		var et types.Type
388		switch t := fn.Pkg.typeOf(e.X).Underlying().(type) {
389		case *types.Array:
390			x = b.addr(fn, e.X, escaping).address(fn)
391			et = types.NewPointer(t.Elem())
392		case *types.Pointer: // *array
393			x = b.expr(fn, e.X)
394			et = types.NewPointer(t.Elem().Underlying().(*types.Array).Elem())
395		case *types.Slice:
396			x = b.expr(fn, e.X)
397			et = types.NewPointer(t.Elem())
398		case *types.Map:
399			return &element{
400				m:   b.expr(fn, e.X),
401				k:   emitConv(fn, b.expr(fn, e.Index), t.Key()),
402				t:   t.Elem(),
403				pos: e.Lbrack,
404			}
405		default:
406			panic("unexpected container type in IndexExpr: " + t.String())
407		}
408		v := &IndexAddr{
409			X:     x,
410			Index: emitConv(fn, b.expr(fn, e.Index), tInt),
411		}
412		v.setPos(e.Lbrack)
413		v.setType(et)
414		return &address{addr: fn.emit(v), pos: e.Lbrack, expr: e}
416	case *ast.StarExpr:
417		return &address{addr: b.expr(fn, e.X), pos: e.Star, expr: e}
418	}
420	panic(fmt.Sprintf("unexpected address expression: %T", e))
423type store struct {
424	lhs lvalue
425	rhs Value
428type storebuf struct{ stores []store }
430func (sb *storebuf) store(lhs lvalue, rhs Value) {
431	sb.stores = append(sb.stores, store{lhs, rhs})
434func (sb *storebuf) emit(fn *Function) {
435	for _, s := range sb.stores {
436		s.lhs.store(fn, s.rhs)
437	}
440// assign emits to fn code to initialize the lvalue loc with the value
441// of expression e.  If isZero is true, assign assumes that loc holds
442// the zero value for its type.
444// This is equivalent to loc.store(fn, b.expr(fn, e)), but may generate
445// better code in some cases, e.g., for composite literals in an
446// addressable location.
448// If sb is not nil, assign generates code to evaluate expression e, but
449// not to update loc.  Instead, the necessary stores are appended to the
450// storebuf sb so that they can be executed later.  This allows correct
451// in-place update of existing variables when the RHS is a composite
452// literal that may reference parts of the LHS.
454func (b *builder) assign(fn *Function, loc lvalue, e ast.Expr, isZero bool, sb *storebuf) {
455	// Can we initialize it in place?
456	if e, ok := unparen(e).(*ast.CompositeLit); ok {
457		// A CompositeLit never evaluates to a pointer,
458		// so if the type of the location is a pointer,
459		// an &-operation is implied.
460		if _, ok := loc.(blank); !ok { // avoid calling blank.typ()
461			if isPointer(loc.typ()) {
462				ptr := b.addr(fn, e, true).address(fn)
463				// copy address
464				if sb != nil {
465					sb.store(loc, ptr)
466				} else {
467					loc.store(fn, ptr)
468				}
469				return
470			}
471		}
473		if _, ok := loc.(*address); ok {
474			if isInterface(loc.typ()) {
475				// e.g. var x interface{} = T{...}
476				// Can't in-place initialize an interface value.
477				// Fall back to copying.
478			} else {
479				// x = T{...} or x := T{...}
480				addr := loc.address(fn)
481				if sb != nil {
482					b.compLit(fn, addr, e, isZero, sb)
483				} else {
484					var sb storebuf
485					b.compLit(fn, addr, e, isZero, &sb)
486					sb.emit(fn)
487				}
489				// Subtle: emit debug ref for aggregate types only;
490				// slice and map are handled by store ops in compLit.
491				switch loc.typ().Underlying().(type) {
492				case *types.Struct, *types.Array:
493					emitDebugRef(fn, e, addr, true)
494				}
496				return
497			}
498		}
499	}
501	// simple case: just copy
502	rhs := b.expr(fn, e)
503	if sb != nil {
504		sb.store(loc, rhs)
505	} else {
506		loc.store(fn, rhs)
507	}
510// expr lowers a single-result expression e to SSA form, emitting code
511// to fn and returning the Value defined by the expression.
513func (b *builder) expr(fn *Function, e ast.Expr) Value {
514	e = unparen(e)
516	tv := fn.Pkg.info.Types[e]
518	// Is expression a constant?
519	if tv.Value != nil {
520		return NewConst(tv.Value, tv.Type)
521	}
523	var v Value
524	if tv.Addressable() {
525		// Prefer pointer arithmetic ({Index,Field}Addr) followed
526		// by Load over subelement extraction (e.g. Index, Field),
527		// to avoid large copies.
528		v = b.addr(fn, e, false).load(fn)
529	} else {
530		v = b.expr0(fn, e, tv)
531	}
532	if fn.debugInfo() {
533		emitDebugRef(fn, e, v, false)
534	}
535	return v
538func (b *builder) expr0(fn *Function, e ast.Expr, tv types.TypeAndValue) Value {
539	switch e := e.(type) {
540	case *ast.BasicLit:
541		panic("non-constant BasicLit") // unreachable
543	case *ast.FuncLit:
544		fn2 := &Function{
545			name:      fmt.Sprintf("%s$%d", fn.Name(), 1+len(fn.AnonFuncs)),
546			Signature: fn.Pkg.typeOf(e.Type).Underlying().(*types.Signature),
547			pos:       e.Type.Func,
548			parent:    fn,
549			Pkg:       fn.Pkg,
550			Prog:      fn.Prog,
551			syntax:    e,
552		}
553		fn.AnonFuncs = append(fn.AnonFuncs, fn2)
554		b.buildFunction(fn2)
555		if fn2.FreeVars == nil {
556			return fn2
557		}
558		v := &MakeClosure{Fn: fn2}
559		v.setType(tv.Type)
560		for _, fv := range fn2.FreeVars {
561			v.Bindings = append(v.Bindings, fv.outer)
562			fv.outer = nil
563		}
564		return fn.emit(v)
566	case *ast.TypeAssertExpr: // single-result form only
567		return emitTypeAssert(fn, b.expr(fn, e.X), tv.Type, e.Lparen)
569	case *ast.CallExpr:
570		if fn.Pkg.info.Types[e.Fun].IsType() {
571			// Explicit type conversion, e.g. string(x) or big.Int(x)
572			x := b.expr(fn, e.Args[0])
573			y := emitConv(fn, x, tv.Type)
574			if y != x {
575				switch y := y.(type) {
576				case *Convert:
577					y.pos = e.Lparen
578				case *ChangeType:
579					y.pos = e.Lparen
580				case *MakeInterface:
581					y.pos = e.Lparen
582				}
583			}
584			return y
585		}
586		// Call to "intrinsic" built-ins, e.g. new, make, panic.
587		if id, ok := unparen(e.Fun).(*ast.Ident); ok {
588			if obj, ok := fn.Pkg.info.Uses[id].(*types.Builtin); ok {
589				if v := b.builtin(fn, obj, e.Args, tv.Type, e.Lparen); v != nil {
590					return v
591				}
592			}
593		}
594		// Regular function call.
595		var v Call
596		b.setCall(fn, e, &v.Call)
597		v.setType(tv.Type)
598		return fn.emit(&v)
600	case *ast.UnaryExpr:
601		switch e.Op {
602		case token.AND: // &X --- potentially escaping.
603			addr := b.addr(fn, e.X, true)
604			if _, ok := unparen(e.X).(*ast.StarExpr); ok {
605				// &*p must panic if p is nil (http://golang.org/s/go12nil).
606				// For simplicity, we'll just (suboptimally) rely
607				// on the side effects of a load.
608				// TODO(adonovan): emit dedicated nilcheck.
609				addr.load(fn)
610			}
611			return addr.address(fn)
612		case token.ADD:
613			return b.expr(fn, e.X)
614		case token.NOT, token.ARROW, token.SUB, token.XOR: // ! <- - ^
615			v := &UnOp{
616				Op: e.Op,
617				X:  b.expr(fn, e.X),
618			}
619			v.setPos(e.OpPos)
620			v.setType(tv.Type)
621			return fn.emit(v)
622		default:
623			panic(e.Op)
624		}
626	case *ast.BinaryExpr:
627		switch e.Op {
628		case token.LAND, token.LOR:
629			return b.logicalBinop(fn, e)
630		case token.SHL, token.SHR:
631			fallthrough
632		case token.ADD, token.SUB, token.MUL, token.QUO, token.REM, token.AND, token.OR, token.XOR, token.AND_NOT:
633			return emitArith(fn, e.Op, b.expr(fn, e.X), b.expr(fn, e.Y), tv.Type, e.OpPos)
635		case token.EQL, token.NEQ, token.GTR, token.LSS, token.LEQ, token.GEQ:
636			cmp := emitCompare(fn, e.Op, b.expr(fn, e.X), b.expr(fn, e.Y), e.OpPos)
637			// The type of x==y may be UntypedBool.
638			return emitConv(fn, cmp, types.Default(tv.Type))
639		default:
640			panic("illegal op in BinaryExpr: " + e.Op.String())
641		}
643	case *ast.SliceExpr:
644		var low, high, max Value
645		var x Value
646		switch fn.Pkg.typeOf(e.X).Underlying().(type) {
647		case *types.Array:
648			// Potentially escaping.
649			x = b.addr(fn, e.X, true).address(fn)
650		case *types.Basic, *types.Slice, *types.Pointer: // *array
651			x = b.expr(fn, e.X)
652		default:
653			panic("unreachable")
654		}
655		if e.High != nil {
656			high = b.expr(fn, e.High)
657		}
658		if e.Low != nil {
659			low = b.expr(fn, e.Low)
660		}
661		if e.Slice3 {
662			max = b.expr(fn, e.Max)
663		}
664		v := &Slice{
665			X:    x,
666			Low:  low,
667			High: high,
668			Max:  max,
669		}
670		v.setPos(e.Lbrack)
671		v.setType(tv.Type)
672		return fn.emit(v)
674	case *ast.Ident:
675		obj := fn.Pkg.info.Uses[e]
676		// Universal built-in or nil?
677		switch obj := obj.(type) {
678		case *types.Builtin:
679			return &Builtin{name: obj.Name(), sig: tv.Type.(*types.Signature)}
680		case *types.Nil:
681			return nilConst(tv.Type)
682		}
683		// Package-level func or var?
684		if v := fn.Prog.packageLevelValue(obj); v != nil {
685			if _, ok := obj.(*types.Var); ok {
686				return emitLoad(fn, v) // var (address)
687			}
688			return v // (func)
689		}
690		// Local var.
691		return emitLoad(fn, fn.lookup(obj, false)) // var (address)
693	case *ast.SelectorExpr:
694		sel, ok := fn.Pkg.info.Selections[e]
695		if !ok {
696			// qualified identifier
697			return b.expr(fn, e.Sel)
698		}
699		switch sel.Kind() {
700		case types.MethodExpr:
701			// (*T).f or T.f, the method f from the method-set of type T.
702			// The result is a "thunk".
703			return emitConv(fn, makeThunk(fn.Prog, sel), tv.Type)
705		case types.MethodVal:
706			// e.f where e is an expression and f is a method.
707			// The result is a "bound".
708			obj := sel.Obj().(*types.Func)
709			rt := recvType(obj)
710			wantAddr := isPointer(rt)
711			escaping := true
712			v := b.receiver(fn, e.X, wantAddr, escaping, sel)
713			if isInterface(rt) {
714				// If v has interface type I,
715				// we must emit a check that v is non-nil.
716				// We use: typeassert v.(I).
717				emitTypeAssert(fn, v, rt, token.NoPos)
718			}
719			c := &MakeClosure{
720				Fn:       makeBound(fn.Prog, obj),
721				Bindings: []Value{v},
722			}
723			c.setPos(e.Sel.Pos())
724			c.setType(tv.Type)
725			return fn.emit(c)
727		case types.FieldVal:
728			indices := sel.Index()
729			last := len(indices) - 1
730			v := b.expr(fn, e.X)
731			v = emitImplicitSelections(fn, v, indices[:last])
732			v = emitFieldSelection(fn, v, indices[last], false, e.Sel)
733			return v
734		}
736		panic("unexpected expression-relative selector")
738	case *ast.IndexExpr:
739		switch t := fn.Pkg.typeOf(e.X).Underlying().(type) {
740		case *types.Array:
741			// Non-addressable array (in a register).
742			v := &Index{
743				X:     b.expr(fn, e.X),
744				Index: emitConv(fn, b.expr(fn, e.Index), tInt),
745			}
746			v.setPos(e.Lbrack)
747			v.setType(t.Elem())
748			return fn.emit(v)
750		case *types.Map:
751			// Maps are not addressable.
752			mapt := fn.Pkg.typeOf(e.X).Underlying().(*types.Map)
753			v := &Lookup{
754				X:     b.expr(fn, e.X),
755				Index: emitConv(fn, b.expr(fn, e.Index), mapt.Key()),
756			}
757			v.setPos(e.Lbrack)
758			v.setType(mapt.Elem())
759			return fn.emit(v)
761		case *types.Basic: // => string
762			// Strings are not addressable.
763			v := &Lookup{
764				X:     b.expr(fn, e.X),
765				Index: b.expr(fn, e.Index),
766			}
767			v.setPos(e.Lbrack)
768			v.setType(tByte)
769			return fn.emit(v)
771		case *types.Slice, *types.Pointer: // *array
772			// Addressable slice/array; use IndexAddr and Load.
773			return b.addr(fn, e, false).load(fn)
775		default:
776			panic("unexpected container type in IndexExpr: " + t.String())
777		}
779	case *ast.CompositeLit, *ast.StarExpr:
780		// Addressable types (lvalues)
781		return b.addr(fn, e, false).load(fn)
782	}
784	panic(fmt.Sprintf("unexpected expr: %T", e))
787// stmtList emits to fn code for all statements in list.
788func (b *builder) stmtList(fn *Function, list []ast.Stmt) {
789	for _, s := range list {
790		b.stmt(fn, s)
791	}
794// receiver emits to fn code for expression e in the "receiver"
795// position of selection e.f (where f may be a field or a method) and
796// returns the effective receiver after applying the implicit field
797// selections of sel.
799// wantAddr requests that the result is an an address.  If
800// !sel.Indirect(), this may require that e be built in addr() mode; it
801// must thus be addressable.
803// escaping is defined as per builder.addr().
805func (b *builder) receiver(fn *Function, e ast.Expr, wantAddr, escaping bool, sel *types.Selection) Value {
806	var v Value
807	if wantAddr && !sel.Indirect() && !isPointer(fn.Pkg.typeOf(e)) {
808		v = b.addr(fn, e, escaping).address(fn)
809	} else {
810		v = b.expr(fn, e)
811	}
813	last := len(sel.Index()) - 1
814	v = emitImplicitSelections(fn, v, sel.Index()[:last])
815	if !wantAddr && isPointer(v.Type()) {
816		v = emitLoad(fn, v)
817	}
818	return v
821// setCallFunc populates the function parts of a CallCommon structure
822// (Func, Method, Recv, Args[0]) based on the kind of invocation
823// occurring in e.
825func (b *builder) setCallFunc(fn *Function, e *ast.CallExpr, c *CallCommon) {
826	c.pos = e.Lparen
828	// Is this a method call?
829	if selector, ok := unparen(e.Fun).(*ast.SelectorExpr); ok {
830		sel, ok := fn.Pkg.info.Selections[selector]
831		if ok && sel.Kind() == types.MethodVal {
832			obj := sel.Obj().(*types.Func)
833			recv := recvType(obj)
834			wantAddr := isPointer(recv)
835			escaping := true
836			v := b.receiver(fn, selector.X, wantAddr, escaping, sel)
837			if isInterface(recv) {
838				// Invoke-mode call.
839				c.Value = v
840				c.Method = obj
841			} else {
842				// "Call"-mode call.
843				c.Value = fn.Prog.declaredFunc(obj)
844				c.Args = append(c.Args, v)
845			}
846			return
847		}
849		// sel.Kind()==MethodExpr indicates T.f() or (*T).f():
850		// a statically dispatched call to the method f in the
851		// method-set of T or *T.  T may be an interface.
852		//
853		// e.Fun would evaluate to a concrete method, interface
854		// wrapper function, or promotion wrapper.
855		//
856		// For now, we evaluate it in the usual way.
857		//
858		// TODO(adonovan): opt: inline expr() here, to make the
859		// call static and to avoid generation of wrappers.
860		// It's somewhat tricky as it may consume the first
861		// actual parameter if the call is "invoke" mode.
862		//
863		// Examples:
864		//  type T struct{}; func (T) f() {}   // "call" mode
865		//  type T interface { f() }           // "invoke" mode
866		//
867		//  type S struct{ T }
868		//
869		//  var s S
870		//  S.f(s)
871		//  (*S).f(&s)
872		//
873		// Suggested approach:
874		// - consume the first actual parameter expression
875		//   and build it with b.expr().
876		// - apply implicit field selections.
877		// - use MethodVal logic to populate fields of c.
878	}
880	// Evaluate the function operand in the usual way.
881	c.Value = b.expr(fn, e.Fun)
884// emitCallArgs emits to f code for the actual parameters of call e to
885// a (possibly built-in) function of effective type sig.
886// The argument values are appended to args, which is then returned.
888func (b *builder) emitCallArgs(fn *Function, sig *types.Signature, e *ast.CallExpr, args []Value) []Value {
889	// f(x, y, z...): pass slice z straight through.
890	if e.Ellipsis != 0 {
891		for i, arg := range e.Args {
892			v := emitConv(fn, b.expr(fn, arg), sig.Params().At(i).Type())
893			args = append(args, v)
894		}
895		return args
896	}
898	offset := len(args) // 1 if call has receiver, 0 otherwise
900	// Evaluate actual parameter expressions.
901	//
902	// If this is a chained call of the form f(g()) where g has
903	// multiple return values (MRV), they are flattened out into
904	// args; a suffix of them may end up in a varargs slice.
905	for _, arg := range e.Args {
906		v := b.expr(fn, arg)
907		if ttuple, ok := v.Type().(*types.Tuple); ok { // MRV chain
908			for i, n := 0, ttuple.Len(); i < n; i++ {
909				args = append(args, emitExtract(fn, v, i))
910			}
911		} else {
912			args = append(args, v)
913		}
914	}
916	// Actual->formal assignability conversions for normal parameters.
917	np := sig.Params().Len() // number of normal parameters
918	if sig.Variadic() {
919		np--
920	}
921	for i := 0; i < np; i++ {
922		args[offset+i] = emitConv(fn, args[offset+i], sig.Params().At(i).Type())
923	}
925	// Actual->formal assignability conversions for variadic parameter,
926	// and construction of slice.
927	if sig.Variadic() {
928		varargs := args[offset+np:]
929		st := sig.Params().At(np).Type().(*types.Slice)
930		vt := st.Elem()
931		if len(varargs) == 0 {
932			args = append(args, nilConst(st))
933		} else {
934			// Replace a suffix of args with a slice containing it.
935			at := types.NewArray(vt, int64(len(varargs)))
936			a := emitNew(fn, at, token.NoPos)
937			a.setPos(e.Rparen)
938			a.Comment = "varargs"
939			for i, arg := range varargs {
940				iaddr := &IndexAddr{
941					X:     a,
942					Index: intConst(int64(i)),
943				}
944				iaddr.setType(types.NewPointer(vt))
945				fn.emit(iaddr)
946				emitStore(fn, iaddr, arg, arg.Pos())
947			}
948			s := &Slice{X: a}
949			s.setType(st)
950			args[offset+np] = fn.emit(s)
951			args = args[:offset+np+1]
952		}
953	}
954	return args
957// setCall emits to fn code to evaluate all the parameters of a function
958// call e, and populates *c with those values.
960func (b *builder) setCall(fn *Function, e *ast.CallExpr, c *CallCommon) {
961	// First deal with the f(...) part and optional receiver.
962	b.setCallFunc(fn, e, c)
964	// Then append the other actual parameters.
965	sig, _ := fn.Pkg.typeOf(e.Fun).Underlying().(*types.Signature)
966	if sig == nil {
967		panic(fmt.Sprintf("no signature for call of %s", e.Fun))
968	}
969	c.Args = b.emitCallArgs(fn, sig, e, c.Args)
972// assignOp emits to fn code to perform loc <op>= val.
973func (b *builder) assignOp(fn *Function, loc lvalue, val Value, op token.Token, pos token.Pos) {
974	oldv := loc.load(fn)
975	loc.store(fn, emitArith(fn, op, oldv, emitConv(fn, val, oldv.Type()), loc.typ(), pos))
978// localValueSpec emits to fn code to define all of the vars in the
979// function-local ValueSpec, spec.
981func (b *builder) localValueSpec(fn *Function, spec *ast.ValueSpec) {
982	switch {
983	case len(spec.Values) == len(spec.Names):
984		// e.g. var x, y = 0, 1
985		// 1:1 assignment
986		for i, id := range spec.Names {
987			if !isBlankIdent(id) {
988				fn.addLocalForIdent(id)
989			}
990			lval := b.addr(fn, id, false) // non-escaping
991			b.assign(fn, lval, spec.Values[i], true, nil)
992		}
994	case len(spec.Values) == 0:
995		// e.g. var x, y int
996		// Locals are implicitly zero-initialized.
997		for _, id := range spec.Names {
998			if !isBlankIdent(id) {
999				lhs := fn.addLocalForIdent(id)
1000				if fn.debugInfo() {
1001					emitDebugRef(fn, id, lhs, true)
1002				}
1003			}
1004		}
1006	default:
1007		// e.g. var x, y = pos()
1008		tuple := b.exprN(fn, spec.Values[0])
1009		for i, id := range spec.Names {
1010			if !isBlankIdent(id) {
1011				fn.addLocalForIdent(id)
1012				lhs := b.addr(fn, id, false) // non-escaping
1013				lhs.store(fn, emitExtract(fn, tuple, i))
1014			}
1015		}
1016	}
1019// assignStmt emits code to fn for a parallel assignment of rhss to lhss.
1020// isDef is true if this is a short variable declaration (:=).
1022// Note the similarity with localValueSpec.
1024func (b *builder) assignStmt(fn *Function, lhss, rhss []ast.Expr, isDef bool) {
1025	// Side effects of all LHSs and RHSs must occur in left-to-right order.
1026	lvals := make([]lvalue, len(lhss))
1027	isZero := make([]bool, len(lhss))
1028	for i, lhs := range lhss {
1029		var lval lvalue = blank{}
1030		if !isBlankIdent(lhs) {
1031			if isDef {
1032				if obj := fn.Pkg.info.Defs[lhs.(*ast.Ident)]; obj != nil {
1033					fn.addNamedLocal(obj)
1034					isZero[i] = true
1035				}
1036			}
1037			lval = b.addr(fn, lhs, false) // non-escaping
1038		}
1039		lvals[i] = lval
1040	}
1041	if len(lhss) == len(rhss) {
1042		// Simple assignment:   x     = f()        (!isDef)
1043		// Parallel assignment: x, y  = f(), g()   (!isDef)
1044		// or short var decl:   x, y := f(), g()   (isDef)
1045		//
1046		// In all cases, the RHSs may refer to the LHSs,
1047		// so we need a storebuf.
1048		var sb storebuf
1049		for i := range rhss {
1050			b.assign(fn, lvals[i], rhss[i], isZero[i], &sb)
1051		}
1052		sb.emit(fn)
1053	} else {
1054		// e.g. x, y = pos()
1055		tuple := b.exprN(fn, rhss[0])
1056		emitDebugRef(fn, rhss[0], tuple, false)
1057		for i, lval := range lvals {
1058			lval.store(fn, emitExtract(fn, tuple, i))
1059		}
1060	}
1063// arrayLen returns the length of the array whose composite literal elements are elts.
1064func (b *builder) arrayLen(fn *Function, elts []ast.Expr) int64 {
1065	var max int64 = -1
1066	var i int64 = -1
1067	for _, e := range elts {
1068		if kv, ok := e.(*ast.KeyValueExpr); ok {
1069			i = b.expr(fn, kv.Key).(*Const).Int64()
1070		} else {
1071			i++
1072		}
1073		if i > max {
1074			max = i
1075		}
1076	}
1077	return max + 1
1080// compLit emits to fn code to initialize a composite literal e at
1081// address addr with type typ.
1083// Nested composite literals are recursively initialized in place
1084// where possible. If isZero is true, compLit assumes that addr
1085// holds the zero value for typ.
1087// Because the elements of a composite literal may refer to the
1088// variables being updated, as in the second line below,
1089//	x := T{a: 1}
1090//	x = T{a: x.a}
1091// all the reads must occur before all the writes.  Thus all stores to
1092// loc are emitted to the storebuf sb for later execution.
1094// A CompositeLit may have pointer type only in the recursive (nested)
1095// case when the type name is implicit.  e.g. in []*T{{}}, the inner
1096// literal has type *T behaves like &T{}.
1097// In that case, addr must hold a T, not a *T.
1099func (b *builder) compLit(fn *Function, addr Value, e *ast.CompositeLit, isZero bool, sb *storebuf) {
1100	typ := deref(fn.Pkg.typeOf(e))
1101	switch t := typ.Underlying().(type) {
1102	case *types.Struct:
1103		if !isZero && len(e.Elts) != t.NumFields() {
1104			// memclear
1105			sb.store(&address{addr, e.Lbrace, nil},
1106				zeroValue(fn, deref(addr.Type())))
1107			isZero = true
1108		}
1109		for i, e := range e.Elts {
1110			fieldIndex := i
1111			pos := e.Pos()
1112			if kv, ok := e.(*ast.KeyValueExpr); ok {
1113				fname := kv.Key.(*ast.Ident).Name
1114				for i, n := 0, t.NumFields(); i < n; i++ {
1115					sf := t.Field(i)
1116					if sf.Name() == fname {
1117						fieldIndex = i
1118						pos = kv.Colon
1119						e = kv.Value
1120						break
1121					}
1122				}
1123			}
1124			sf := t.Field(fieldIndex)
1125			faddr := &FieldAddr{
1126				X:     addr,
1127				Field: fieldIndex,
1128			}
1129			faddr.setType(types.NewPointer(sf.Type()))
1130			fn.emit(faddr)
1131			b.assign(fn, &address{addr: faddr, pos: pos, expr: e}, e, isZero, sb)
1132		}
1134	case *types.Array, *types.Slice:
1135		var at *types.Array
1136		var array Value
1137		switch t := t.(type) {
1138		case *types.Slice:
1139			at = types.NewArray(t.Elem(), b.arrayLen(fn, e.Elts))
1140			alloc := emitNew(fn, at, e.Lbrace)
1141			alloc.Comment = "slicelit"
1142			array = alloc
1143		case *types.Array:
1144			at = t
1145			array = addr
1147			if !isZero && int64(len(e.Elts)) != at.Len() {
1148				// memclear
1149				sb.store(&address{array, e.Lbrace, nil},
1150					zeroValue(fn, deref(array.Type())))
1151			}
1152		}
1154		var idx *Const
1155		for _, e := range e.Elts {
1156			pos := e.Pos()
1157			if kv, ok := e.(*ast.KeyValueExpr); ok {
1158				idx = b.expr(fn, kv.Key).(*Const)
1159				pos = kv.Colon
1160				e = kv.Value
1161			} else {
1162				var idxval int64
1163				if idx != nil {
1164					idxval = idx.Int64() + 1
1165				}
1166				idx = intConst(idxval)
1167			}
1168			iaddr := &IndexAddr{
1169				X:     array,
1170				Index: idx,
1171			}
1172			iaddr.setType(types.NewPointer(at.Elem()))
1173			fn.emit(iaddr)
1174			if t != at { // slice
1175				// backing array is unaliased => storebuf not needed.
1176				b.assign(fn, &address{addr: iaddr, pos: pos, expr: e}, e, true, nil)
1177			} else {
1178				b.assign(fn, &address{addr: iaddr, pos: pos, expr: e}, e, true, sb)
1179			}
1180		}
1182		if t != at { // slice
1183			s := &Slice{X: array}
1184			s.setPos(e.Lbrace)
1185			s.setType(typ)
1186			sb.store(&address{addr: addr, pos: e.Lbrace, expr: e}, fn.emit(s))
1187		}
1189	case *types.Map:
1190		m := &MakeMap{Reserve: intConst(int64(len(e.Elts)))}
1191		m.setPos(e.Lbrace)
1192		m.setType(typ)
1193		fn.emit(m)
1194		for _, e := range e.Elts {
1195			e := e.(*ast.KeyValueExpr)
1197			// If a key expression in a map literal is itself a
1198			// composite literal, the type may be omitted.
1199			// For example:
1200			//	map[*struct{}]bool{{}: true}
1201			// An &-operation may be implied:
1202			//	map[*struct{}]bool{&struct{}{}: true}
1203			var key Value
1204			if _, ok := unparen(e.Key).(*ast.CompositeLit); ok && isPointer(t.Key()) {
1205				// A CompositeLit never evaluates to a pointer,
1206				// so if the type of the location is a pointer,
1207				// an &-operation is implied.
1208				key = b.addr(fn, e.Key, true).address(fn)
1209			} else {
1210				key = b.expr(fn, e.Key)
1211			}
1213			loc := element{
1214				m:   m,
1215				k:   emitConv(fn, key, t.Key()),
1216				t:   t.Elem(),
1217				pos: e.Colon,
1218			}
1220			// We call assign() only because it takes care
1221			// of any &-operation required in the recursive
1222			// case, e.g.,
1223			// map[int]*struct{}{0: {}} implies &struct{}{}.
1224			// In-place update is of course impossible,
1225			// and no storebuf is needed.
1226			b.assign(fn, &loc, e.Value, true, nil)
1227		}
1228		sb.store(&address{addr: addr, pos: e.Lbrace, expr: e}, m)
1230	default:
1231		panic("unexpected CompositeLit type: " + t.String())
1232	}
1235// switchStmt emits to fn code for the switch statement s, optionally
1236// labelled by label.
1238func (b *builder) switchStmt(fn *Function, s *ast.SwitchStmt, label *lblock) {
1239	// We treat SwitchStmt like a sequential if-else chain.
1240	// Multiway dispatch can be recovered later by ssautil.Switches()
1241	// to those cases that are free of side effects.
1242	if s.Init != nil {
1243		b.stmt(fn, s.Init)
1244	}
1245	var tag Value = vTrue
1246	if s.Tag != nil {
1247		tag = b.expr(fn, s.Tag)
1248	}
1249	done := fn.newBasicBlock("switch.done")
1250	if label != nil {
1251		label._break = done
1252	}
1253	// We pull the default case (if present) down to the end.
1254	// But each fallthrough label must point to the next
1255	// body block in source order, so we preallocate a
1256	// body block (fallthru) for the next case.
1257	// Unfortunately this makes for a confusing block order.
1258	var dfltBody *[]ast.Stmt
1259	var dfltFallthrough *BasicBlock
1260	var fallthru, dfltBlock *BasicBlock
1261	ncases := len(s.Body.List)
1262	for i, clause := range s.Body.List {
1263		body := fallthru
1264		if body == nil {
1265			body = fn.newBasicBlock("switch.body") // first case only
1266		}
1268		// Preallocate body block for the next case.
1269		fallthru = done
1270		if i+1 < ncases {
1271			fallthru = fn.newBasicBlock("switch.body")
1272		}
1274		cc := clause.(*ast.CaseClause)
1275		if cc.List == nil {
1276			// Default case.
1277			dfltBody = &cc.Body
1278			dfltFallthrough = fallthru
1279			dfltBlock = body
1280			continue
1281		}
1283		var nextCond *BasicBlock
1284		for _, cond := range cc.List {
1285			nextCond = fn.newBasicBlock("switch.next")
1286			// TODO(adonovan): opt: when tag==vTrue, we'd
1287			// get better code if we use b.cond(cond)
1288			// instead of BinOp(EQL, tag, b.expr(cond))
1289			// followed by If.  Don't forget conversions
1290			// though.
1291			cond := emitCompare(fn, token.EQL, tag, b.expr(fn, cond), token.NoPos)
1292			emitIf(fn, cond, body, nextCond)
1293			fn.currentBlock = nextCond
1294		}
1295		fn.currentBlock = body
1296		fn.targets = &targets{
1297			tail:         fn.targets,
1298			_break:       done,
1299			_fallthrough: fallthru,
1300		}
1301		b.stmtList(fn, cc.Body)
1302		fn.targets = fn.targets.tail
1303		emitJump(fn, done)
1304		fn.currentBlock = nextCond
1305	}
1306	if dfltBlock != nil {
1307		emitJump(fn, dfltBlock)
1308		fn.currentBlock = dfltBlock
1309		fn.targets = &targets{
1310			tail:         fn.targets,
1311			_break:       done,
1312			_fallthrough: dfltFallthrough,
1313		}
1314		b.stmtList(fn, *dfltBody)
1315		fn.targets = fn.targets.tail
1316	}
1317	emitJump(fn, done)
1318	fn.currentBlock = done
1321// typeSwitchStmt emits to fn code for the type switch statement s, optionally
1322// labelled by label.
1324func (b *builder) typeSwitchStmt(fn *Function, s *ast.TypeSwitchStmt, label *lblock) {
1325	// We treat TypeSwitchStmt like a sequential if-else chain.
1326	// Multiway dispatch can be recovered later by ssautil.Switches().
1328	// Typeswitch lowering:
1329	//
1330	// var x X
1331	// switch y := x.(type) {
1332	// case T1, T2: S1                  // >1 	(y := x)
1333	// case nil:    SN                  // nil 	(y := x)
1334	// default:     SD                  // 0 types 	(y := x)
1335	// case T3:     S3                  // 1 type 	(y := x.(T3))
1336	// }
1337	//
1338	//      ...s.Init...
1339	// 	x := eval x
1340	// .caseT1:
1341	// 	t1, ok1 := typeswitch,ok x <T1>
1342	// 	if ok1 then goto S1 else goto .caseT2
1343	// .caseT2:
1344	// 	t2, ok2 := typeswitch,ok x <T2>
1345	// 	if ok2 then goto S1 else goto .caseNil
1346	// .S1:
1347	//      y := x
1348	// 	...S1...
1349	// 	goto done
1350	// .caseNil:
1351	// 	if t2, ok2 := typeswitch,ok x <T2>
1352	// 	if x == nil then goto SN else goto .caseT3
1353	// .SN:
1354	//      y := x
1355	// 	...SN...
1356	// 	goto done
1357	// .caseT3:
1358	// 	t3, ok3 := typeswitch,ok x <T3>
1359	// 	if ok3 then goto S3 else goto default
1360	// .S3:
1361	//      y := t3
1362	// 	...S3...
1363	// 	goto done
1364	// .default:
1365	//      y := x
1366	// 	...SD...
1367	// 	goto done
1368	// .done:
1370	if s.Init != nil {
1371		b.stmt(fn, s.Init)
1372	}
1374	var x Value
1375	switch ass := s.Assign.(type) {
1376	case *ast.ExprStmt: // x.(type)
1377		x = b.expr(fn, unparen(ass.X).(*ast.TypeAssertExpr).X)
1378	case *ast.AssignStmt: // y := x.(type)
1379		x = b.expr(fn, unparen(ass.Rhs[0]).(*ast.TypeAssertExpr).X)
1380	}
1382	done := fn.newBasicBlock("typeswitch.done")
1383	if label != nil {
1384		label._break = done
1385	}
1386	var default_ *ast.CaseClause
1387	for _, clause := range s.Body.List {
1388		cc := clause.(*ast.CaseClause)
1389		if cc.List == nil {
1390			default_ = cc
1391			continue
1392		}
1393		body := fn.newBasicBlock("typeswitch.body")
1394		var next *BasicBlock
1395		var casetype types.Type
1396		var ti Value // ti, ok := typeassert,ok x <Ti>
1397		for _, cond := range cc.List {
1398			next = fn.newBasicBlock("typeswitch.next")
1399			casetype = fn.Pkg.typeOf(cond)
1400			var condv Value
1401			if casetype == tUntypedNil {
1402				condv = emitCompare(fn, token.EQL, x, nilConst(x.Type()), token.NoPos)
1403				ti = x
1404			} else {
1405				yok := emitTypeTest(fn, x, casetype, cc.Case)
1406				ti = emitExtract(fn, yok, 0)
1407				condv = emitExtract(fn, yok, 1)
1408			}
1409			emitIf(fn, condv, body, next)
1410			fn.currentBlock = next
1411		}
1412		if len(cc.List) != 1 {
1413			ti = x
1414		}
1415		fn.currentBlock = body
1416		b.typeCaseBody(fn, cc, ti, done)
1417		fn.currentBlock = next
1418	}
1419	if default_ != nil {
1420		b.typeCaseBody(fn, default_, x, done)
1421	} else {
1422		emitJump(fn, done)
1423	}
1424	fn.currentBlock = done
1427func (b *builder) typeCaseBody(fn *Function, cc *ast.CaseClause, x Value, done *BasicBlock) {
1428	if obj := fn.Pkg.info.Implicits[cc]; obj != nil {
1429		// In a switch y := x.(type), each case clause
1430		// implicitly declares a distinct object y.
1431		// In a single-type case, y has that type.
1432		// In multi-type cases, 'case nil' and default,
1433		// y has the same type as the interface operand.
1434		emitStore(fn, fn.addNamedLocal(obj), x, obj.Pos())
1435	}
1436	fn.targets = &targets{
1437		tail:   fn.targets,
1438		_break: done,
1439	}
1440	b.stmtList(fn, cc.Body)
1441	fn.targets = fn.targets.tail
1442	emitJump(fn, done)
1445// selectStmt emits to fn code for the select statement s, optionally
1446// labelled by label.
1448func (b *builder) selectStmt(fn *Function, s *ast.SelectStmt, label *lblock) {
1449	// A blocking select of a single case degenerates to a
1450	// simple send or receive.
1451	// TODO(adonovan): opt: is this optimization worth its weight?
1452	if len(s.Body.List) == 1 {
1453		clause := s.Body.List[0].(*ast.CommClause)
1454		if clause.Comm != nil {
1455			b.stmt(fn, clause.Comm)
1456			done := fn.newBasicBlock("select.done")
1457			if label != nil {
1458				label._break = done
1459			}
1460			fn.targets = &targets{
1461				tail:   fn.targets,
1462				_break: done,
1463			}
1464			b.stmtList(fn, clause.Body)
1465			fn.targets = fn.targets.tail
1466			emitJump(fn, done)
1467			fn.currentBlock = done
1468			return
1469		}
1470	}
1472	// First evaluate all channels in all cases, and find
1473	// the directions of each state.
1474	var states []*SelectState
1475	blocking := true
1476	debugInfo := fn.debugInfo()
1477	for _, clause := range s.Body.List {
1478		var st *SelectState
1479		switch comm := clause.(*ast.CommClause).Comm.(type) {
1480		case nil: // default case
1481			blocking = false
1482			continue
1484		case *ast.SendStmt: // ch<- i
1485			ch := b.expr(fn, comm.Chan)
1486			st = &SelectState{
1487				Dir:  types.SendOnly,
1488				Chan: ch,
1489				Send: emitConv(fn, b.expr(fn, comm.Value),
1490					ch.Type().Underlying().(*types.Chan).Elem()),
1491				Pos: comm.Arrow,
1492			}
1493			if debugInfo {
1494				st.DebugNode = comm
1495			}
1497		case *ast.AssignStmt: // x := <-ch
1498			recv := unparen(comm.Rhs[0]).(*ast.UnaryExpr)
1499			st = &SelectState{
1500				Dir:  types.RecvOnly,
1501				Chan: b.expr(fn, recv.X),
1502				Pos:  recv.OpPos,
1503			}
1504			if debugInfo {
1505				st.DebugNode = recv
1506			}
1508		case *ast.ExprStmt: // <-ch
1509			recv := unparen(comm.X).(*ast.UnaryExpr)
1510			st = &SelectState{
1511				Dir:  types.RecvOnly,
1512				Chan: b.expr(fn, recv.X),
1513				Pos:  recv.OpPos,
1514			}
1515			if debugInfo {
1516				st.DebugNode = recv
1517			}
1518		}
1519		states = append(states, st)
1520	}
1522	// We dispatch on the (fair) result of Select using a
1523	// sequential if-else chain, in effect:
1524	//
1525	// idx, recvOk, r0...r_n-1 := select(...)
1526	// if idx == 0 {  // receive on channel 0  (first receive => r0)
1527	//     x, ok := r0, recvOk
1528	//     ...state0...
1529	// } else if v == 1 {   // send on channel 1
1530	//     ...state1...
1531	// } else {
1532	//     ...default...
1533	// }
1534	sel := &Select{
1535		States:   states,
1536		Blocking: blocking,
1537	}
1538	sel.setPos(s.Select)
1539	var vars []*types.Var
1540	vars = append(vars, varIndex, varOk)
1541	for _, st := range states {
1542		if st.Dir == types.RecvOnly {
1543			tElem := st.Chan.Type().Underlying().(*types.Chan).Elem()
1544			vars = append(vars, anonVar(tElem))
1545		}
1546	}
1547	sel.setType(types.NewTuple(vars...))
1549	fn.emit(sel)
1550	idx := emitExtract(fn, sel, 0)
1552	done := fn.newBasicBlock("select.done")
1553	if label != nil {
1554		label._break = done
1555	}
1557	var defaultBody *[]ast.Stmt
1558	state := 0
1559	r := 2 // index in 'sel' tuple of value; increments if st.Dir==RECV
1560	for _, cc := range s.Body.List {
1561		clause := cc.(*ast.CommClause)
1562		if clause.Comm == nil {
1563			defaultBody = &clause.Body
1564			continue
1565		}
1566		body := fn.newBasicBlock("select.body")
1567		next := fn.newBasicBlock("select.next")
1568		emitIf(fn, emitCompare(fn, token.EQL, idx, intConst(int64(state)), token.NoPos), body, next)
1569		fn.currentBlock = body
1570		fn.targets = &targets{
1571			tail:   fn.targets,
1572			_break: done,
1573		}
1574		switch comm := clause.Comm.(type) {
1575		case *ast.ExprStmt: // <-ch
1576			if debugInfo {
1577				v := emitExtract(fn, sel, r)
1578				emitDebugRef(fn, states[state].DebugNode.(ast.Expr), v, false)
1579			}
1580			r++
1582		case *ast.AssignStmt: // x := <-states[state].Chan
1583			if comm.Tok == token.DEFINE {
1584				fn.addLocalForIdent(comm.Lhs[0].(*ast.Ident))
1585			}
1586			x := b.addr(fn, comm.Lhs[0], false) // non-escaping
1587			v := emitExtract(fn, sel, r)
1588			if debugInfo {
1589				emitDebugRef(fn, states[state].DebugNode.(ast.Expr), v, false)
1590			}
1591			x.store(fn, v)
1593			if len(comm.Lhs) == 2 { // x, ok := ...
1594				if comm.Tok == token.DEFINE {
1595					fn.addLocalForIdent(comm.Lhs[1].(*ast.Ident))
1596				}
1597				ok := b.addr(fn, comm.Lhs[1], false) // non-escaping
1598				ok.store(fn, emitExtract(fn, sel, 1))
1599			}
1600			r++
1601		}
1602		b.stmtList(fn, clause.Body)
1603		fn.targets = fn.targets.tail
1604		emitJump(fn, done)
1605		fn.currentBlock = next
1606		state++
1607	}
1608	if defaultBody != nil {
1609		fn.targets = &targets{
1610			tail:   fn.targets,
1611			_break: done,
1612		}
1613		b.stmtList(fn, *defaultBody)
1614		fn.targets = fn.targets.tail
1615	} else {
1616		// A blocking select must match some case.
1617		// (This should really be a runtime.errorString, not a string.)
1618		fn.emit(&Panic{
1619			X: emitConv(fn, stringConst("blocking select matched no case"), tEface),
1620		})
1621		fn.currentBlock = fn.newBasicBlock("unreachable")
1622	}
1623	emitJump(fn, done)
1624	fn.currentBlock = done
1627// forStmt emits to fn code for the for statement s, optionally
1628// labelled by label.
1630func (b *builder) forStmt(fn *Function, s *ast.ForStmt, label *lblock) {
1631	//	...init...
1632	//      jump loop
1633	// loop:
1634	//      if cond goto body else done
1635	// body:
1636	//      ...body...
1637	//      jump post
1638	// post:				 (target of continue)
1639	//      ...post...
1640	//      jump loop
1641	// done:                                 (target of break)
1642	if s.Init != nil {
1643		b.stmt(fn, s.Init)
1644	}
1645	body := fn.newBasicBlock("for.body")
1646	done := fn.newBasicBlock("for.done") // target of 'break'
1647	loop := body                         // target of back-edge
1648	if s.Cond != nil {
1649		loop = fn.newBasicBlock("for.loop")
1650	}
1651	cont := loop // target of 'continue'
1652	if s.Post != nil {
1653		cont = fn.newBasicBlock("for.post")
1654	}
1655	if label != nil {
1656		label._break = done
1657		label._continue = cont
1658	}
1659	emitJump(fn, loop)
1660	fn.currentBlock = loop
1661	if loop != body {
1662		b.cond(fn, s.Cond, body, done)
1663		fn.currentBlock = body
1664	}
1665	fn.targets = &targets{
1666		tail:      fn.targets,
1667		_break:    done,
1668		_continue: cont,
1669	}
1670	b.stmt(fn, s.Body)
1671	fn.targets = fn.targets.tail
1672	emitJump(fn, cont)
1674	if s.Post != nil {
1675		fn.currentBlock = cont
1676		b.stmt(fn, s.Post)
1677		emitJump(fn, loop) // back-edge
1678	}
1679	fn.currentBlock = done
1682// rangeIndexed emits to fn the header for an integer-indexed loop
1683// over array, *array or slice value x.
1684// The v result is defined only if tv is non-nil.
1685// forPos is the position of the "for" token.
1687func (b *builder) rangeIndexed(fn *Function, x Value, tv types.Type, pos token.Pos) (k, v Value, loop, done *BasicBlock) {
1688	//
1689	//      length = len(x)
1690	//      index = -1
1691	// loop:                                   (target of continue)
1692	//      index++
1693	// 	if index < length goto body else done
1694	// body:
1695	//      k = index
1696	//      v = x[index]
1697	//      ...body...
1698	// 	jump loop
1699	// done:                                   (target of break)
1701	// Determine number of iterations.
1702	var length Value
1703	if arr, ok := deref(x.Type()).Underlying().(*types.Array); ok {
1704		// For array or *array, the number of iterations is
1705		// known statically thanks to the type.  We avoid a
1706		// data dependence upon x, permitting later dead-code
1707		// elimination if x is pure, static unrolling, etc.
1708		// Ranging over a nil *array may have >0 iterations.
1709		// We still generate code for x, in case it has effects.
1710		length = intConst(arr.Len())
1711	} else {
1712		// length = len(x).
1713		var c Call
1714		c.Call.Value = makeLen(x.Type())
1715		c.Call.Args = []Value{x}
1716		c.setType(tInt)
1717		length = fn.emit(&c)
1718	}
1720	index := fn.addLocal(tInt, token.NoPos)
1721	emitStore(fn, index, intConst(-1), pos)
1723	loop = fn.newBasicBlock("rangeindex.loop")
1724	emitJump(fn, loop)
1725	fn.currentBlock = loop
1727	incr := &BinOp{
1728		Op: token.ADD,
1729		X:  emitLoad(fn, index),
1730		Y:  vOne,
1731	}
1732	incr.setType(tInt)
1733	emitStore(fn, index, fn.emit(incr), pos)
1735	body := fn.newBasicBlock("rangeindex.body")
1736	done = fn.newBasicBlock("rangeindex.done")
1737	emitIf(fn, emitCompare(fn, token.LSS, incr, length, token.NoPos), body, done)
1738	fn.currentBlock = body
1740	k = emitLoad(fn, index)
1741	if tv != nil {
1742		switch t := x.Type().Underlying().(type) {
1743		case *types.Array:
1744			instr := &Index{
1745				X:     x,
1746				Index: k,
1747			}
1748			instr.setType(t.Elem())
1749			instr.setPos(x.Pos())
1750			v = fn.emit(instr)
1752		case *types.Pointer: // *array
1753			instr := &IndexAddr{
1754				X:     x,
1755				Index: k,
1756			}
1757			instr.setType(types.NewPointer(t.Elem().Underlying().(*types.Array).Elem()))
1758			instr.setPos(x.Pos())
1759			v = emitLoad(fn, fn.emit(instr))
1761		case *types.Slice:
1762			instr := &IndexAddr{
1763				X:     x,
1764				Index: k,
1765			}
1766			instr.setType(types.NewPointer(t.Elem()))
1767			instr.setPos(x.Pos())
1768			v = emitLoad(fn, fn.emit(instr))
1770		default:
1771			panic("rangeIndexed x:" + t.String())
1772		}
1773	}
1774	return
1777// rangeIter emits to fn the header for a loop using
1778// Range/Next/Extract to iterate over map or string value x.
1779// tk and tv are the types of the key/value results k and v, or nil
1780// if the respective component is not wanted.
1782func (b *builder) rangeIter(fn *Function, x Value, tk, tv types.Type, pos token.Pos) (k, v Value, loop, done *BasicBlock) {
1783	//
1784	//	it = range x
1785	// loop:                                   (target of continue)
1786	//	okv = next it                      (ok, key, value)
1787	//  	ok = extract okv #0
1788	// 	if ok goto body else done
1789	// body:
1790	// 	k = extract okv #1
1791	// 	v = extract okv #2
1792	//      ...body...
1793	// 	jump loop
1794	// done:                                   (target of break)
1795	//
1797	if tk == nil {
1798		tk = tInvalid
1799	}
1800	if tv == nil {
1801		tv = tInvalid
1802	}
1804	rng := &Range{X: x}
1805	rng.setPos(pos)
1806	rng.setType(tRangeIter)
1807	it := fn.emit(rng)
1809	loop = fn.newBasicBlock("rangeiter.loop")
1810	emitJump(fn, loop)
1811	fn.currentBlock = loop
1813	_, isString := x.Type().Underlying().(*types.Basic)
1815	okv := &Next{
1816		Iter:     it,
1817		IsString: isString,
1818	}
1819	okv.setType(types.NewTuple(
1820		varOk,
1821		newVar("k", tk),
1822		newVar("v", tv),
1823	))
1824	fn.emit(okv)
1826	body := fn.newBasicBlock("rangeiter.body")
1827	done = fn.newBasicBlock("rangeiter.done")
1828	emitIf(fn, emitExtract(fn, okv, 0), body, done)
1829	fn.currentBlock = body
1831	if tk != tInvalid {
1832		k = emitExtract(fn, okv, 1)
1833	}
1834	if tv != tInvalid {
1835		v = emitExtract(fn, okv, 2)
1836	}
1837	return
1840// rangeChan emits to fn the header for a loop that receives from
1841// channel x until it fails.
1842// tk is the channel's element type, or nil if the k result is
1843// not wanted
1844// pos is the position of the '=' or ':=' token.
1846func (b *builder) rangeChan(fn *Function, x Value, tk types.Type, pos token.Pos) (k Value, loop, done *BasicBlock) {
1847	//
1848	// loop:                                   (target of continue)
1849	//      ko = <-x                           (key, ok)
1850	//      ok = extract ko #1
1851	//      if ok goto body else done
1852	// body:
1853	//      k = extract ko #0
1854	//      ...
1855	//      goto loop
1856	// done:                                   (target of break)
1858	loop = fn.newBasicBlock("rangechan.loop")
1859	emitJump(fn, loop)
1860	fn.currentBlock = loop
1861	recv := &UnOp{
1862		Op:      token.ARROW,
1863		X:       x,
1864		CommaOk: true,
1865	}
1866	recv.setPos(pos)
1867	recv.setType(types.NewTuple(
1868		newVar("k", x.Type().Underlying().(*types.Chan).Elem()),
1869		varOk,
1870	))
1871	ko := fn.emit(recv)
1872	body := fn.newBasicBlock("rangechan.body")
1873	done = fn.newBasicBlock("rangechan.done")
1874	emitIf(fn, emitExtract(fn, ko, 1), body, done)
1875	fn.currentBlock = body
1876	if tk != nil {
1877		k = emitExtract(fn, ko, 0)
1878	}
1879	return
1882// rangeStmt emits to fn code for the range statement s, optionally
1883// labelled by label.
1885func (b *builder) rangeStmt(fn *Function, s *ast.RangeStmt, label *lblock) {
1886	var tk, tv types.Type
1887	if s.Key != nil && !isBlankIdent(s.Key) {
1888		tk = fn.Pkg.typeOf(s.Key)
1889	}
1890	if s.Value != nil && !isBlankIdent(s.Value) {
1891		tv = fn.Pkg.typeOf(s.Value)
1892	}
1894	// If iteration variables are defined (:=), this
1895	// occurs once outside the loop.
1896	//
1897	// Unlike a short variable declaration, a RangeStmt
1898	// using := never redeclares an existing variable; it
1899	// always creates a new one.
1900	if s.Tok == token.DEFINE {
1901		if tk != nil {
1902			fn.addLocalForIdent(s.Key.(*ast.Ident))
1903		}
1904		if tv != nil {
1905			fn.addLocalForIdent(s.Value.(*ast.Ident))
1906		}
1907	}
1909	x := b.expr(fn, s.X)
1911	var k, v Value
1912	var loop, done *BasicBlock
1913	switch rt := x.Type().Underlying().(type) {
1914	case *types.Slice, *types.Array, *types.Pointer: // *array
1915		k, v, loop, done = b.rangeIndexed(fn, x, tv, s.For)
1917	case *types.Chan:
1918		k, loop, done = b.rangeChan(fn, x, tk, s.For)
1920	case *types.Map, *types.Basic: // string
1921		k, v, loop, done = b.rangeIter(fn, x, tk, tv, s.For)
1923	default:
1924		panic("Cannot range over: " + rt.String())
1925	}
1927	// Evaluate both LHS expressions before we update either.
1928	var kl, vl lvalue
1929	if tk != nil {
1930		kl = b.addr(fn, s.Key, false) // non-escaping
1931	}
1932	if tv != nil {
1933		vl = b.addr(fn, s.Value, false) // non-escaping
1934	}
1935	if tk != nil {
1936		kl.store(fn, k)
1937	}
1938	if tv != nil {
1939		vl.store(fn, v)
1940	}
1942	if label != nil {
1943		label._break = done
1944		label._continue = loop
1945	}
1947	fn.targets = &targets{
1948		tail:      fn.targets,
1949		_break:    done,
1950		_continue: loop,
1951	}
1952	b.stmt(fn, s.Body)
1953	fn.targets = fn.targets.tail
1954	emitJump(fn, loop) // back-edge
1955	fn.currentBlock = done
1958// stmt lowers statement s to SSA form, emitting code to fn.
1959func (b *builder) stmt(fn *Function, _s ast.Stmt) {
1960	// The label of the current statement.  If non-nil, its _goto
1961	// target is always set; its _break and _continue are set only
1962	// within the body of switch/typeswitch/select/for/range.
1963	// It is effectively an additional default-nil parameter of stmt().
1964	var label *lblock
1966	switch s := _s.(type) {
1967	case *ast.EmptyStmt:
1968		// ignore.  (Usually removed by gofmt.)
1970	case *ast.DeclStmt: // Con, Var or Typ
1971		d := s.Decl.(*ast.GenDecl)
1972		if d.Tok == token.VAR {
1973			for _, spec := range d.Specs {
1974				if vs, ok := spec.(*ast.ValueSpec); ok {
1975					b.localValueSpec(fn, vs)
1976				}
1977			}
1978		}
1980	case *ast.LabeledStmt:
1981		label = fn.labelledBlock(s.Label)
1982		emitJump(fn, label._goto)
1983		fn.currentBlock = label._goto
1984		_s = s.Stmt
1985		goto start // effectively: tailcall stmt(fn, s.Stmt, label)
1987	case *ast.ExprStmt:
1988		b.expr(fn, s.X)
1990	case *ast.SendStmt:
1991		fn.emit(&Send{
1992			Chan: b.expr(fn, s.Chan),
1993			X: emitConv(fn, b.expr(fn, s.Value),
1994				fn.Pkg.typeOf(s.Chan).Underlying().(*types.Chan).Elem()),
1995			pos: s.Arrow,
1996		})
1998	case *ast.IncDecStmt:
1999		op := token.ADD
2000		if s.Tok == token.DEC {
2001			op = token.SUB
2002		}
2003		loc := b.addr(fn, s.X, false)
2004		b.assignOp(fn, loc, NewConst(constant.MakeInt64(1), loc.typ()), op, s.Pos())
2006	case *ast.AssignStmt:
2007		switch s.Tok {
2008		case token.ASSIGN, token.DEFINE:
2009			b.assignStmt(fn, s.Lhs, s.Rhs, s.Tok == token.DEFINE)
2011		default: // +=, etc.
2012			op := s.Tok + token.ADD - token.ADD_ASSIGN
2013			b.assignOp(fn, b.addr(fn, s.Lhs[0], false), b.expr(fn, s.Rhs[0]), op, s.Pos())
2014		}
2016	case *ast.GoStmt:
2017		// The "intrinsics" new/make/len/cap are forbidden here.
2018		// panic is treated like an ordinary function call.
2019		v := Go{pos: s.Go}
2020		b.setCall(fn, s.Call, &v.Call)
2021		fn.emit(&v)
2023	case *ast.DeferStmt:
2024		// The "intrinsics" new/make/len/cap are forbidden here.
2025		// panic is treated like an ordinary function call.
2026		v := Defer{pos: s.Defer}
2027		b.setCall(fn, s.Call, &v.Call)
2028		fn.emit(&v)
2030		// A deferred call can cause recovery from panic,
2031		// and control resumes at the Recover block.
2032		createRecoverBlock(fn)
2034	case *ast.ReturnStmt:
2035		var results []Value
2036		if len(s.Results) == 1 && fn.Signature.Results().Len() > 1 {
2037			// Return of one expression in a multi-valued function.
2038			tuple := b.exprN(fn, s.Results[0])
2039			ttuple := tuple.Type().(*types.Tuple)
2040			for i, n := 0, ttuple.Len(); i < n; i++ {
2041				results = append(results,
2042					emitConv(fn, emitExtract(fn, tuple, i),
2043						fn.Signature.Results().At(i).Type()))
2044			}
2045		} else {
2046			// 1:1 return, or no-arg return in non-void function.
2047			for i, r := range s.Results {
2048				v := emitConv(fn, b.expr(fn, r), fn.Signature.Results().At(i).Type())
2049				results = append(results, v)
2050			}
2051		}
2052		if fn.namedResults != nil {
2053			// Function has named result parameters (NRPs).
2054			// Perform parallel assignment of return operands to NRPs.
2055			for i, r := range results {
2056				emitStore(fn, fn.namedResults[i], r, s.Return)
2057			}
2058		}
2059		// Run function calls deferred in this
2060		// function when explicitly returning from it.
2061		fn.emit(new(RunDefers))
2062		if fn.namedResults != nil {
2063			// Reload NRPs to form the result tuple.
2064			results = results[:0]
2065			for _, r := range fn.namedResults {
2066				results = append(results, emitLoad(fn, r))
2067			}
2068		}
2069		fn.emit(&Return{Results: results, pos: s.Return})
2070		fn.currentBlock = fn.newBasicBlock("unreachable")
2072	case *ast.BranchStmt:
2073		var block *BasicBlock
2074		switch s.Tok {
2075		case token.BREAK:
2076			if s.Label != nil {
2077				block = fn.labelledBlock(s.Label)._break
2078			} else {
2079				for t := fn.targets; t != nil && block == nil; t = t.tail {
2080					block = t._break
2081				}
2082			}
2084		case token.CONTINUE:
2085			if s.Label != nil {
2086				block = fn.labelledBlock(s.Label)._continue
2087			} else {
2088				for t := fn.targets; t != nil && block == nil; t = t.tail {
2089					block = t._continue
2090				}
2091			}
2093		case token.FALLTHROUGH:
2094			for t := fn.targets; t != nil && block == nil; t = t.tail {
2095				block = t._fallthrough
2096			}
2098		case token.GOTO:
2099			block = fn.labelledBlock(s.Label)._goto
2100		}
2101		emitJump(fn, block)
2102		fn.currentBlock = fn.newBasicBlock("unreachable")
2104	case *ast.BlockStmt:
2105		b.stmtList(fn, s.List)
2107	case *ast.IfStmt:
2108		if s.Init != nil {
2109			b.stmt(fn, s.Init)
2110		}
2111		then := fn.newBasicBlock("if.then")
2112		done := fn.newBasicBlock("if.done")
2113		els := done
2114		if s.Else != nil {
2115			els = fn.newBasicBlock("if.else")
2116		}
2117		b.cond(fn, s.Cond, then, els)
2118		fn.currentBlock = then
2119		b.stmt(fn, s.Body)
2120		emitJump(fn, done)
2122		if s.Else != nil {
2123			fn.currentBlock = els
2124			b.stmt(fn, s.Else)
2125			emitJump(fn, done)
2126		}
2128		fn.currentBlock = done
2130	case *ast.SwitchStmt:
2131		b.switchStmt(fn, s, label)
2133	case *ast.TypeSwitchStmt:
2134		b.typeSwitchStmt(fn, s, label)
2136	case *ast.SelectStmt:
2137		b.selectStmt(fn, s, label)
2139	case *ast.ForStmt:
2140		b.forStmt(fn, s, label)
2142	case *ast.RangeStmt:
2143		b.rangeStmt(fn, s, label)
2145	default:
2146		panic(fmt.Sprintf("unexpected statement kind: %T", s))
2147	}
2150// buildFunction builds SSA code for the body of function fn.  Idempotent.
2151func (b *builder) buildFunction(fn *Function) {
2152	if fn.Blocks != nil {
2153		return // building already started
2154	}
2156	var recvField *ast.FieldList
2157	var body *ast.BlockStmt
2158	var functype *ast.FuncType
2159	switch n := fn.syntax.(type) {
2160	case nil:
2161		return // not a Go source function.  (Synthetic, or from object file.)
2162	case *ast.FuncDecl:
2163		functype = n.Type
2164		recvField = n.Recv
2165		body = n.Body
2166	case *ast.FuncLit:
2167		functype = n.Type
2168		body = n.Body
2169	default:
2170		panic(n)
2171	}
2173	if body == nil {
2174		// External function.
2175		if fn.Params == nil {
2176			// This condition ensures we add a non-empty
2177			// params list once only, but we may attempt
2178			// the degenerate empty case repeatedly.
2179			// TODO(adonovan): opt: don't do that.
2181			// We set Function.Params even though there is no body
2182			// code to reference them.  This simplifies clients.
2183			if recv := fn.Signature.Recv(); recv != nil {
2184				fn.addParamObj(recv)
2185			}
2186			params := fn.Signature.Params()
2187			for i, n := 0, params.Len(); i < n; i++ {
2188				fn.addParamObj(params.At(i))
2189			}
2190		}
2191		return
2192	}
2193	if fn.Prog.mode&LogSource != 0 {
2194		defer logStack("build function %s @ %s", fn, fn.Prog.Fset.Position(fn.pos))()
2195	}
2196	fn.startBody()
2197	fn.createSyntacticParams(recvField, functype)
2198	b.stmt(fn, body)
2199	if cb := fn.currentBlock; cb != nil && (cb == fn.Blocks[0] || cb == fn.Recover || cb.Preds != nil) {
2200		// Control fell off the end of the function's body block.
2201		//
2202		// Block optimizations eliminate the current block, if
2203		// unreachable.  It is a builder invariant that
2204		// if this no-arg return is ill-typed for
2205		// fn.Signature.Results, this block must be
2206		// unreachable.  The sanity checker checks this.
2207		fn.emit(new(RunDefers))
2208		fn.emit(new(Return))
2209	}
2210	fn.finishBody()
2213// buildFuncDecl builds SSA code for the function or method declared
2214// by decl in package pkg.
2216func (b *builder) buildFuncDecl(pkg *Package, decl *ast.FuncDecl) {
2217	id := decl.Name
2218	if isBlankIdent(id) {
2219		return // discard
2220	}
2221	fn := pkg.values[pkg.info.Defs[id]].(*Function)
2222	if decl.Recv == nil && id.Name == "init" {
2223		var v Call
2224		v.Call.Value = fn
2225		v.setType(types.NewTuple())
2226		pkg.init.emit(&v)
2227	}
2228	b.buildFunction(fn)
2231// Build calls Package.Build for each package in prog.
2232// Building occurs in parallel unless the BuildSerially mode flag was set.
2234// Build is intended for whole-program analysis; a typical compiler
2235// need only build a single package.
2237// Build is idempotent and thread-safe.
2239func (prog *Program) Build() {
2240	var wg sync.WaitGroup
2241	for _, p := range prog.packages {
2242		if prog.mode&BuildSerially != 0 {
2243			p.Build()
2244		} else {
2245			wg.Add(1)
2246			go func(p *Package) {
2247				p.Build()
2248				wg.Done()
2249			}(p)
2250		}
2251	}
2252	wg.Wait()
2255// Build builds SSA code for all functions and vars in package p.
2257// Precondition: CreatePackage must have been called for all of p's
2258// direct imports (and hence its direct imports must have been
2259// error-free).
2261// Build is idempotent and thread-safe.
2263func (p *Package) Build() { p.buildOnce.Do(p.build) }
2265func (p *Package) build() {
2266	if p.info == nil {
2267		return // synthetic package, e.g. "testmain"
2268	}
2270	// Ensure we have runtime type info for all exported members.
2271	// TODO(adonovan): ideally belongs in memberFromObject, but
2272	// that would require package creation in topological order.
2273	for name, mem := range p.Members {
2274		if ast.IsExported(name) {
2275			p.Prog.needMethodsOf(mem.Type())
2276		}
2277	}
2278	if p.Prog.mode&LogSource != 0 {
2279		defer logStack("build %s", p)()
2280	}
2281	init := p.init
2282	init.startBody()
2284	var done *BasicBlock
2286	if p.Prog.mode&BareInits == 0 {
2287		// Make init() skip if package is already initialized.
2288		initguard := p.Var("init$guard")
2289		doinit := init.newBasicBlock("init.start")
2290		done = init.newBasicBlock("init.done")
2291		emitIf(init, emitLoad(init, initguard), done, doinit)
2292		init.currentBlock = doinit
2293		emitStore(init, initguard, vTrue, token.NoPos)
2295		// Call the init() function of each package we import.
2296		for _, pkg := range p.Pkg.Imports() {
2297			prereq := p.Prog.packages[pkg]
2298			if prereq == nil {
2299				panic(fmt.Sprintf("Package(%q).Build(): unsatisfied import: Program.CreatePackage(%q) was not called", p.Pkg.Path(), pkg.Path()))
2300			}
2301			var v Call
2302			v.Call.Value = prereq.init
2303			v.Call.pos = init.pos
2304			v.setType(types.NewTuple())
2305			init.emit(&v)
2306		}
2307	}
2309	var b builder
2311	// Initialize package-level vars in correct order.
2312	for _, varinit := range p.info.InitOrder {
2313		if init.Prog.mode&LogSource != 0 {
2314			fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "build global initializer %v @ %s\n",
2315				varinit.Lhs, p.Prog.Fset.Position(varinit.Rhs.Pos()))
2316		}
2317		if len(varinit.Lhs) == 1 {
2318			// 1:1 initialization: var x, y = a(), b()
2319			var lval lvalue
2320			if v := varinit.Lhs[0]; v.Name() != "_" {
2321				lval = &address{addr: p.values[v].(*Global), pos: v.Pos()}
2322			} else {
2323				lval = blank{}
2324			}
2325			b.assign(init, lval, varinit.Rhs, true, nil)
2326		} else {
2327			// n:1 initialization: var x, y :=  f()
2328			tuple := b.exprN(init, varinit.Rhs)
2329			for i, v := range varinit.Lhs {
2330				if v.Name() == "_" {
2331					continue
2332				}
2333				emitStore(init, p.values[v].(*Global), emitExtract(init, tuple, i), v.Pos())
2334			}
2335		}
2336	}
2338	// Build all package-level functions, init functions
2339	// and methods, including unreachable/blank ones.
2340	// We build them in source order, but it's not significant.
2341	for _, file := range p.files {
2342		for _, decl := range file.Decls {
2343			if decl, ok := decl.(*ast.FuncDecl); ok {
2344				b.buildFuncDecl(p, decl)
2345			}
2346		}
2347	}
2349	// Finish up init().
2350	if p.Prog.mode&BareInits == 0 {
2351		emitJump(init, done)
2352		init.currentBlock = done
2353	}
2354	init.emit(new(Return))
2355	init.finishBody()
2357	p.info = nil // We no longer need ASTs or go/types deductions.
2359	if p.Prog.mode&SanityCheckFunctions != 0 {
2360		sanityCheckPackage(p)
2361	}
2364// Like ObjectOf, but panics instead of returning nil.
2365// Only valid during p's create and build phases.
2366func (p *Package) objectOf(id *ast.Ident) types.Object {
2367	if o := p.info.ObjectOf(id); o != nil {
2368		return o
2369	}
2370	panic(fmt.Sprintf("no types.Object for ast.Ident %s @ %s",
2371		id.Name, p.Prog.Fset.Position(id.Pos())))
2374// Like TypeOf, but panics instead of returning nil.
2375// Only valid during p's create and build phases.
2376func (p *Package) typeOf(e ast.Expr) types.Type {
2377	if T := p.info.TypeOf(e); T != nil {
2378		return T
2379	}
2380	panic(fmt.Sprintf("no type for %T @ %s",
2381		e, p.Prog.Fset.Position(e.Pos())))