1dnsjava v2.0
3dnsjava provides several command line programs, which are documented here.
4For examples of API usage, see examples.html.
6- dig:
7	A clone of dig (as distributed with BIND)
8	dig @server [-x] name type [class] [-p port] [-k name/secret] [-t] \
9	[-i] [-e n] [-d]
10		-x  : reverse lookup, name must be a dotted quad
11		-k  : use TSIG transaction security
12		-t  : use TCP by default
13		-i  : ignore truncation errors
14		-e n: Use EDNS level n (only 0 is defined)
15		-d  : Set the DNSSEC OK bit
17- update:
18	A dynamic update client with some extra functionality.  This can be
19	used either interactively or by specifying a file containing commands
20	to be executed.  Running 'help' lists all other commands.
21	update [file]
24- jnamed:
25	A basic authoritative only (non-caching, non-recursive) server.  It's
26	not very good, but it's also a whole lot better than it used to be.
28	The config file (jnamed.conf by default) supports the following
29	directives:
30		primary <zonename> <masterfile>
31		secondary <zonename> <IP address>
32		cache <hintfile>
33		key [algorithm] <name> <base 64 encoded secret>
34		address <IP address>
35		port <port number>
37	If no addresses are specified, jnamed will listen on all addresses,
38	using a wildcard socket.  If no ports are specified, jnamed will
39	listen on port 53.
41	The following is an example:
42		primary internal /etc/namedb/internal.db
43		secondary xbill.org
44		cache /etc/namedb/cache.db
45		key xbill.org 1234
46		address
47		port 12345
49	To run:
50		jnamed [config_file]
52	jnamed should not be used for production, and should probably
53	not be used for testing.  If the above documentation is not enough,
54	please do not ask for more, because it really should not be used.
56- lookup:
57	A simple program that looks up records associated with names.
58	If no type is specified, address lookups are done.
60	lookup [-t type] name ...