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COPYINGH A D24-Nov-19978.3 KiB161132

MakefileH A D03-May-2022463 2816

READMEH A D24-Nov-1997788 2115

dns-lib.cH A D24-Nov-1997731 4223

dns-lib.hH A D24-Nov-1997563 2419

dns-rr.cH A D03-May-20221.2 KiB6632

dns-rr.hH A D24-Nov-19971.7 KiB5639

nsping.8H A D03-May-20223.2 KiB9997

nsping.cH A D03-May-202214.8 KiB762494

nsping.hH A D03-May-20221.1 KiB5041


1DNS PING v0.7
21997 Thomas H. Ptacek
5Included in this distribution is the source code to a DNS "ping"
6utility, intended to assist in the benchmarking of DNS servers.
7This code has been compiled and tested under 4.4BSD, including
8FreeBSD 2.x and OpenBSD 2.x.
10I have not attempted to port this software to any non-4.4BSD
11platform. Unlike a previous version, this does not rely on
12packet capture (don't ask) or forgery (don't ask). It shouldn't
13be too hard to port. If you do manage a port, please send me email.
15+ Ye gods, I got it to work on Solaris.
17There's a "man" page included with the distribution; read it if
18you have questions as to how this works.
20The author can be contacted at <tqbf@secnet.com>.