1 /* This file is part of the KDE project
2  * Copyright (C) 2007, 2009 Thomas Zander <zander@kde.org>
3  *
4  * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
5  * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
6  * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
7  * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
8  *
9  * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12  * Library General Public License for more details.
13  *
14  * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
15  * along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB.  If not, write to
16  * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
17  * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
18  */
22 #include <KoPrintJob.h>
23 #include <QList>
24 #include "komain_export.h"
26 class KoShapeManager;
27 class KoShape;
28 class KoPrintingDialogPrivate;
30 /**
31  * Dialog that will allow you to print any flake-based document, with full interaction and ability to stop.
32  * Using this class allows any application to print a set of shapes that are contained in the shapeManager()
33  * in a thread-safe manner, while ensuring that the full content is present before printing.  A requirement
34  * for any shape that may use the network or simply use a lot of processing power to prepare its content
35  * before it can be painted.
36  * This class is of the type of 'create and forget'. Meaning that you create the dialog, initialize it with
37  * data and then call show() on it.  It then continues to print and delete itself when ready.
38  * @code
39     KoPrintingDialog *dia = new KoPrintingDialog(myWidget);
40     dia->printer().setOutputFormat(QPrinter::PdfFormat);
41     dia->printer().setOutputFileName("output.pdf");
42     dia->printer().setResolution(600);
43     dia->printer().setFullPage(true); // ignore printer margins
44     dia->setShapeManager(m_canvas->shapeManager())
45     QList<int> pages;
46     pages.append(1);
47     dia->setPageRange(pages);
48     dia->startPrinting();
49     @endcode
50  * The dialog works by looping over all pages in the page-range and sequentially calling preparePage(int) and
51  * then using the shapeManager() to actually print the shapes.
52  *
53  * Since preparePage(int) is pure virtual the application wanting to implement printing should inherit from
54  * this class and make sure that after the preparePage returns a simple paint can be called on the shapeManager
55  * with the painter().
56  *
57  * XXX: preparePage(int) is no longer pure virtual! Only Calligra Sheets reimplements it -- what should be changed
58  *      to the docs? (BSAR)
59  *
60  * This typically means that the preparePage() makes sure the shapeManager is updated and the correct cliprect
61  * is set on the painter().
62  */
63 class KOMAIN_EXPORT KoPrintingDialog : public KoPrintJob {
64     Q_OBJECT
65 public:
66     /**
67      * Create a new dialog.
68      * @param parent the widget this dialog will use as a child.
69      */
70     explicit KoPrintingDialog(QWidget *parent);
71     ~KoPrintingDialog() override;
73     /**
74      * Set the shape manager that should be used to print.
75      * @param sm the shapeManager used for the next page(s)
76      */
77     void setShapeManager(KoShapeManager *sm);
78     /**
79      * Set a list of all the pages that should be used to loop over and print.
80      * Note that any calls made to this method after printing started are ignored.
81      * @param pages a list of page numbers that the preparePage() gets passed.
82      */
83     void setPageRange(const QList<int> &pages);
85     /**
86      * Return the printer used to print.
87      * @return the printer used to print.
88      */
89     QPrinter &printer() override;
91 public Q_SLOTS:
93     /**
94      * @see KoPrintJob::startPrinting
95      */
96     void startPrinting(RemovePolicy removePolicy = DoNotDelete) override;
98 protected:
99     /**
100      * Reimplement this method to setup the shapeManager and painter and maybe the shapes for
101      * printing the passed in page number.  The printing itself will not happen in this method.
102      * This method will be called in a thread that is not the main-thread. So the processing can take
103      * a reasonably long time within posing problems for user interaction.
104      * @param pageNumber the number of the page to prepare.
105      * @see isStopped() printPage()
106      * @returns a cliprect. If the rect is valid then it will be set on the painter right after
107      *   newPage is called.
108      */
109     virtual QRectF preparePage(int pageNumber);
111     /**
112      * This is a similar method to preparePage(), but is guaranteed to be called in the Ui thread.
113      * @param pageNumber the number of the page to prepare.
114      * @param painter the painter.
115      * @see isStopped()
116      */
117     virtual void printPage(int pageNumber, QPainter &painter);
119     /**
120      * Implement to return the shapes on the requested page.
121      */
122     virtual QList<KoShape*> shapesOnPage(int pageNumber) = 0;
124     /**
125      * @returns the shapeManager.
126      * Returns the shapeManager as it has been set on the setShapeManager()
127      * @see setShapeManager
128      */
129     KoShapeManager *shapeManager() const;
131     /**
132      * Return the painter that will be used to print the shape data.
133      */
134     QPainter &painter() const;
136     /**
137      * Return true if the user pressed stop.
138      * It is suggested to query this setting in long loops and abort the process as soon at it returns yes.
139      */
140     bool isStopped() const;
142     /**
143      * This virtual hook is called at the end of the printing process, either on success of on failure.
144      * The method is empty by default.
145      */
printingDone()146     virtual void printingDone() { }
148 private:
149     KoPrintingDialogPrivate * const d;
150     friend class KoPrintingDialogPrivate;
151     Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d, void preparePage(const QVariant &page))
152     Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d, void printPage(const QVariant &page))
153     Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d, void stopPressed())
154 };
160 #endif