1  Hexedit version 0.9.3 by Adam Rogoyski <apoc@laker.net> Temperanc on EFNet
2  Copyright (C) 1998, 1999 Adam Rogoyski
4  --- GNU General Public License Disclamer ---
5  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
6  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
7  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
8  (at your option) any later version.
9  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12  GNU General Public License for more details.
16  I forget to update this file.  The Texinfo or LaTeX documentation is what
17is really worth reading.  Look in docs/ direcotry.
20  Hexedit Version 0.9.3 is a full screen text mode Hex editor using the
21curses library.
23  Hexedit needs to be run in a screen with at least 80 columns or it will
24not look very good.  At least an 80x10 screen minimum.  It will look fine
25at any larger modes.  It should resize fine in an xterm.
27I've built and tested this on the following systems:
28   Linux 2.0.36 i386    ncurses 4.2 (gcc)
29   Linux 2.2.3  i386    ncurses 4.2 (gcc)
30   OpenBSD 2.4  i386    ncurses     (gcc)
31   SunOS 5.6    Sparc   curses      (gcc)
32   AIX 4.3.2    rs6000  curses      (gcc and cc)
33   AIX 4.3.2    ppc     curses      (gcc and cc)
34   DOS 6.22     i386    pdcurses    (djgpp gcc)
35   IRIX 6.3     mips    curses      (gcc)
36   HP-UX B.10.20        curses      (gcc)
37   SunOS 5.5.1  sparc   curses      (gcc)
38   OSF V4.0     alpha   curses      (gcc)
43  SunOS/Solaris:
44     For color, try TERM=AT386, else vt100.
46  AIX Users:
47     You can use TERM=aixterm for color, but when not in X it seems
48     to get the colors mixed up.
51     If the editor is not using the last line of the screen, you probably
52     didn't set your TERM environment to linux.
53     in bash:  export TERM=linux
54     in tcsh:  setenv TERM linux
55     Also try vt100 if linux doesn't work.  Color seems to work with
56     TERM=linux.
62Maneuver            Arrow Keys (or h,j,k.l), Home, End
63Page Up             Control-y, Control-b, Alt-v, Page Up, u, y
64Page Down           Control-v, Control-f, Page Down, v, space
65Bytes <=> Text      Tab, Control-i
66Insert/Add Byte     Control-a, Insert
67Delete byte         control-d, Delete
68goTo Offset         Control-t, t
69Offset + Jump       +, -, n (jump again)
70Help                Control-g
71Redraw Screen       Control-l
72Save                Control-o
73Save and Quit       Control-x
74Quit (no save)      Control-c
75viEw as text        Control-e
76Search              Control-w, w
77find Next           Control-n
78Undo                Control-u
79ASCII <=> EBCDIC    Control-R
80Switch Spacing      Control-P
81Binary Calculator   Control-/
84   NOTE:
85     - For some commands, Control-x, Control-g and Escape are cancel.
86       Escape may take a second to work.  This is normal, it is how curses
87       works and deals with input I believe.
88     - Viewing as text may seem messed up when looking at big binary
89       chunks (why do you want to view this as text anyways?), but
90       it's fine.  When looking at binary in text, I had to decide how
91       to display files with little or no newlines so that text
92       portions look ok and the same each time.  So it looks back to the
93       last new line and starts from there.  So the part you may want
94       to look at may not even be on the screen.  To me, this isn't
95       a problem - It's a binary file, look at it in hex!  Also, all non
96       printable characters, even newlines, are represented as "." even
97       in the full screen text mode.
98       NOTE: This only takes a snapshot of the current section, you cannot
99       use this feature as a fileviewer of text.  It just lets you see
100       a quick snapshot of what it would like like in text.
101     - Goto Offset command takes input as either Hex (i.e. 0xFF), Octal
102       (i.e. 0377) or Base 10 (i.e. 255).  I know what you're thinking,
103       but no, strtol () does this for you.
104     - I put a few different ways to page up and down because most
105       people are used to vi or emacs.  I personally like how pico is
106       set up.  Any other resemblances to pico are purely my doing.
107     - Year 2000 compliant. =)
108     - Searching uses the Boyer-Moore search algorith, and the whole
109       file is in memory, so it's fast.  Real fast.
110     - Changes are highlighted in bold.  If you insert or delete a byte,
111       all bold is removed until you change something else.  This seems
112       like the best thing to do here.  Or else I'd be highlighting all
113       the rest of the file.
114     - Undo: for undo, if the modified byte is on the screen, it is reverted
115       to it's previous state.  If it is not on the screen, you are brought
116       to the byte's location so it is viewable on the screen.  The next
117       Undo command will revert the byte back to it's previous state.
118     - Environment variable HEXEDIT can be used to save your command line
119       options.  Example, export HEXEDIT=-8r would put hexedit into
120       readonly mode with 8-bit printing on by default.
124      - You currently can only edit files and disks up to 4.2 gigs.
125      - On SunOS if you use control-v for page down you have to do it
126        twice.  This has to do with the terminal driver interpreting
127        Control-v for it's purposes.  If there is a portable way to
128        changes this let me know.
129        *** I've been informed that this is a normal terminal driver thingy.
130        Still, how do I get around it?
131      - I've had different results with older versions of ncurses.  Tell
132        me if anything breaks.  It should work though.
135   If there are any problems and bugs please send me mail so I can fix
136   them.  If you have any extra computer stuff, money, guitar stuff,
137   or anything Stevie Ray Vaughan that you don't want please contact me.
140   Shameless plugs:
141      Video Game Expresss! http://www.vgeonline.com
142      Lisa Loeb Web Shrine http://www.lisaloeb.org
144   Author:
145      Adam Rogoyski <apoc@laker.net>
146      As of January 1999, I am a sophomore of Computer Science at the
147      Univeristy of Texas at Austin.