1object SyntAnal17: TLibSyntAnalyzer
2  Formats = <
3    item
4      DisplayName = 'Comment'
5      Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
6      Font.Color = clGray
7      Font.Height = -13
8      Font.Name = 'Courier New'
9      Font.Style = [fsItalic]
10    end
11    item
12      DisplayName = 'Comment doc'
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16      Font.Name = 'Courier New'
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22      Font.Color = clNavy
23      Font.Height = -13
24      Font.Name = 'Courier New'
25      Font.Style = [fsBold]
26    end
27    item
28      DisplayName = 'Symbol operator'
29      Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
30      Font.Color = clRed
31      Font.Height = -13
32      Font.Name = 'Courier New'
33      Font.Style = []
34    end
35    item
36      DisplayName = 'Symbol single'
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38      Font.Color = clMaroon
39      Font.Height = -13
40      Font.Name = 'Courier New'
41      Font.Style = [fsBold]
42    end
43    item
44      DisplayName = 'String'
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46      Font.Color = clTeal
47      Font.Height = -13
48      Font.Name = 'Courier New'
49      Font.Style = []
50    end
51    item
52      DisplayName = 'String exec'
53      Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
54      Font.Color = clFuchsia
55      Font.Height = -13
56      Font.Name = 'Courier New'
57      Font.Style = []
58    end
59    item
60      DisplayName = 'Var'
61      Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
62      Font.Color = clGreen
63      Font.Height = -13
64      Font.Name = 'Courier New'
65      Font.Style = []
66    end
67    item
68      DisplayName = 'Id'
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70      Font.Color = clBlack
71      Font.Height = -13
72      Font.Name = 'Courier New'
73      Font.Style = []
74    end
75    item
76      DisplayName = 'Id keyword'
77      Font.Charset = ANSI_CHARSET
78      Font.Color = 12615680
79      Font.Height = -13
80      Font.Name = 'Arial Rounded MT Bold'
81      Font.Style = [fsBold]
82    end
83    item
84      DisplayName = 'Id standard types'
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86      Font.Color = clPurple
87      Font.Height = -13
88      Font.Name = 'Courier New'
89      Font.Style = []
90    end
91    item
92      DisplayName = 'Id standard const'
93      Font.Charset = ANSI_CHARSET
94      Font.Color = clNavy
95      Font.Height = -13
96      Font.Name = 'Arial'
97      Font.Style = []
98    end
99    item
100      DisplayName = 'Id standard class'
101      Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
102      Font.Color = clBlue
103      Font.Height = -13
104      Font.Name = 'Courier New'
105      Font.Style = []
106    end
107    item
108      DisplayName = 'Id modifier'
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110      Font.Color = clOlive
111      Font.Height = -13
112      Font.Name = 'Courier New'
113      Font.Style = []
114    end
115    item
116      DisplayName = 'Heredoc begin'
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121      Font.Style = [fsBold]
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129      Font.Style = []
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131      FormatType = ftBackGround
132    end>
133  TokenRules = <
134    item
135      DisplayName = 'Comment block empty'
136      StyleName = 'Comment'
137      Expression = '/\*\*/'
138      ColumnFrom = 0
139      ColumnTo = 0
140    end
141    item
142      DisplayName = 'Comment doc'
143      StyleName = 'Comment doc'
144      Expression = '(?s)/\*\*.*?(\*/|\Z)'
145      ColumnFrom = 0
146      ColumnTo = 0
147    end
148    item
149      DisplayName = 'Comment block'
150      StyleName = 'Comment'
151      Expression = '(?s)/\*.*?(\*/|\Z)'
152      ColumnFrom = 0
153      ColumnTo = 0
154    end
155    item
156      DisplayName = 'Attrib begin'
157      StyleName = 'Symbol single'
158      TokenType = 5
159      Expression = '\#\['
160      ColumnFrom = 0
161      ColumnTo = 0
162    end
163    item
164      DisplayName = 'Comment line 2'
165      StyleName = 'Comment'
166      Expression = '\#.*'#13#10
167      ColumnFrom = 0
168      ColumnTo = 0
169    end
170    item
171      DisplayName = 'Comment line'
172      StyleName = 'Comment'
173      Expression = '// .* (?=\?>) | //.*$'
174      ColumnFrom = 0
175      ColumnTo = 0
176    end
177    item
178      DisplayName = 'Float'
179      StyleName = 'Number'
180      TokenType = 2
181      Expression =
182        '\d[\d_]* \.? (\d[\d_]*)? e[\+\-]? \d[\d_]* \b |'#13#10'(\d[\d_]*)? \. ' +
183        '\d[\d_]* e[\+\-]? \d[\d_]* \b |'#13#10'(\d[\d_]*)? \. \d[\d_]*\b'
184      ColumnFrom = 0
185      ColumnTo = 0
186    end
187    item
188      DisplayName = 'Integer'
189      StyleName = 'Number'
190      TokenType = 2
191      Expression = '0x\h[\h_]*\b |'#13#10'0b[01][01_]*\b |'#13#10'0o[0-7][0-7_]*\b |'#13#10'\d+\b'
192      ColumnFrom = 0
193      ColumnTo = 0
194    end
195    item
196      DisplayName = 'Symbol ,'
197      StyleName = 'Symbol single'
198      TokenType = 9
199      Expression = ','
200      ColumnFrom = 0
201      ColumnTo = 0
202    end
203    item
204      DisplayName = 'Symbol ;'
205      StyleName = 'Symbol single'
206      TokenType = 8
207      Expression = ';'
208      ColumnFrom = 0
209      ColumnTo = 0
210    end
211    item
212      DisplayName = 'Symbol {}'
213      StyleName = 'Symbol single'
214      TokenType = 7
215      Expression = '[\{\}]'
216      ColumnFrom = 0
217      ColumnTo = 0
218    end
219    item
220      DisplayName = 'Symbol ()'
221      StyleName = 'Symbol single'
222      TokenType = 10
223      Expression = '[\(\)]'
224      ColumnFrom = 0
225      ColumnTo = 0
226    end
227    item
228      DisplayName = 'Symbol op'
229      StyleName = 'Symbol operator'
230      TokenType = 4
231      Expression = '[!/\+\-\*:=<>&/\|\^~\@\%\?]+|\.\.\.'
232      ColumnFrom = 0
233      ColumnTo = 0
234    end
235    item
236      DisplayName = 'Symbol single'
237      StyleName = 'Symbol single'
238      TokenType = 5
239      Expression = '[\(\)\[\]\.,\\]'
240      ColumnFrom = 0
241      ColumnTo = 0
242    end
243    item
244      DisplayName = 'Heredoc begin'
245      StyleName = 'Heredoc begin'
246      TokenType = 13
247      Expression = '(?<=<<<\x20*) ([a-z_]\w*|'#39'[a-z_]\w*'#39'|"[a-z_]\w*")'
248      ColumnFrom = 0
249      ColumnTo = 0
250    end
251    item
252      DisplayName = 'Heredoc end'
253      StyleName = 'Id'
254      TokenType = 12
255      Expression = '(?<=^[\x20\x09]*)[a-z_]\w*(?=[;,\)\n])'
256      ColumnFrom = 0
257      ColumnTo = 0
258    end
259    item
260      DisplayName = 'String'
261      StyleName = 'String'
262      TokenType = 3
263      Expression = '(?s)(["'#39'])(\\\1|\\\\|.)*?\1'
264      ColumnFrom = 0
265      ColumnTo = 0
266    end
267    item
268      DisplayName = 'Var'
269      StyleName = 'Var'
270      TokenType = 6
271      Expression = '\$\w*'
272      ColumnFrom = 0
273      ColumnTo = 0
274    end
275    item
276      DisplayName = 'Id after ::'
277      StyleName = 'Id'
278      TokenType = 11
279      Expression = '(?<=::)[a-z_]\w*'
280      ColumnFrom = 0
281      ColumnTo = 0
282    end
283    item
284      DisplayName = 'Id'
285      StyleName = 'Id'
286      TokenType = 1
287      Expression = '[a-z_\x7f-\x{ffff}][a-z_0-9\x7f-\x{ffff}]*'
288      ColumnFrom = 0
289      ColumnTo = 0
290    end
291    item
292      DisplayName = 'String exec'
293      StyleName = 'String exec'
294      TokenType = 3
295      Expression = '`.+?`'
296      ColumnFrom = 0
297      ColumnTo = 0
298    end>
299  BlockRules = <
300    item
301      DisplayName = 'keywords'
302      StyleName = 'Id keyword'
303      BlockType = btTagDetect
304      ConditionList = <
305        item
306          TagList.Strings = (
307            '__halt_compiler'
308            'and'
309            'as'
310            'break'
311            'case'
312            'catch'
313            'class'
314            'clone'
315            'const'
316            'continue'
317            'declare'
318            'default'
319            'die'
320            'do'
321            'echo'
322            'else'
323            'elseif'
324            'empty'
325            'end'
326            'enddeclare'
327            'endfor'
328            'endforeach'
329            'endif'
330            'endswitch'
331            'endwhile'
332            'enum'
333            'eval'
334            'exit'
335            'extends'
336            'finally'
337            'for'
338            'foreach'
339            'from'
340            'function'
341            'global'
342            'goto'
343            'if'
344            'implements'
345            'import'
346            'include'
347            'include_once'
348            'instanceof'
349            'insteadof'
350            'interface'
351            'isset'
352            'list'
353            'match'
354            'namespace'
355            'new'
356            'or'
357            'parent'
358            'print'
359            'require'
360            'require_once'
361            'return'
362            'self'
363            'switch'
364            'throw'
365            'trait'
366            'try'
367            'use'
368            'var'
369            'while'
370            'xor'
371            'yield')
372          TokenTypes = 2
373          IgnoreCase = True
374        end>
375      HighlightPos = cpAny
376      IgnoreAsParent = False
377    end
378    item
379      DisplayName = 'std types'
380      StyleName = 'Id standard types'
381      BlockType = btTagDetect
382      ConditionList = <
383        item
384          TagList.Strings = (
385            'array'
386            'binary'
387            'bool'
388            'boolean'
389            'callable'
390            'double'
391            'false'
392            'float'
393            'int'
394            'integer'
395            'iterable'
396            'mixed'
397            'never'
398            'null'
399            'numeric'
400            'object'
401            'real'
402            'resource'
403            'string'
404            'true'
405            'unset'
406            'void')
407          TokenTypes = 2
408        end>
409      HighlightPos = cpAny
410      IgnoreAsParent = False
411    end
412    item
413      DisplayName = 'std const'
414      StyleName = 'Id standard const'
415      BlockType = btTagDetect
416      ConditionList = <
417        item
418          TagList.Strings = (
419            '__CLASS__'
420            '__COMPILER_HALT_OFFSET__'
421            '__DIR__'
422            '__FILE__'
423            '__FUNCTION__'
424            '__LINE__'
425            '__METHOD__'
426            '__NAMESPACE__'
427            '__TRAIT__'
428            'DEFAULT_INCLUDE_PATH'
429            'E_ALL'
430            'E_COMPILE_ERROR'
431            'E_COMPILE_WARNING'
432            'E_CORE_ERROR'
433            'E_CORE_WARNING'
434            'E_DEPRECATED'
435            'E_ERROR'
436            'E_NOTICE'
437            'E_PARSE'
438            'E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR'
439            'E_STRICT'
440            'E_USER_DEPRECATED'
441            'E_USER_ERROR'
442            'E_USER_NOTICE'
443            'E_USER_WARNING'
444            'E_WARNING'
445            'FALSE'
446            'NULL'
447            'PEAR_EXTENSION_DIR'
448            'PEAR_INSTALL_DIR'
449            'PHP_BINARY'
450            'PHP_BINDIR'
451            'PHP_CONFIG_FILE_PATH'
452            'PHP_CONFIG_FILE_SCAN_DIR'
453            'PHP_DATADIR'
454            'PHP_DEBUG'
455            'PHP_EOL'
456            'PHP_EXTENSION_DIR'
457            'PHP_EXTRA_VERSION'
458            'PHP_FD_SETSIZE'
459            'PHP_FLOAT_DIG'
460            'PHP_FLOAT_EPSILON'
461            'PHP_FLOAT_MAX'
462            'PHP_FLOAT_MIN'
463            'PHP_INT_MAX'
464            'PHP_INT_MIN'
465            'PHP_INT_SIZE'
466            'PHP_LIBDIR'
467            'PHP_LOCALSTATEDIR'
468            'PHP_MAJOR_VERSION'
469            'PHP_MANDIR'
470            'PHP_MAXPATHLEN'
471            'PHP_MINOR_VERSION'
472            'PHP_OS'
473            'PHP_OS_FAMILY'
474            'PHP_PREFIX'
475            'PHP_RELEASE_VERSION'
476            'PHP_SAPI'
477            'PHP_SHLIB_SUFFIX'
478            'PHP_SYSCONFDIR'
479            'PHP_VERSION'
480            'PHP_VERSION_ID'
482            'PHP_WINDOWS_EVENT_CTRL_C'
483            'PHP_ZTS'
484            'TRUE')
485          TokenTypes = 2
486        end>
487      NotCollapsed = True
488      DisplayInTree = False
489      DynHighlight = dhBound
490      HighlightPos = cpAny
491      TreeItemStyle = 'Id standard const'
492      IgnoreAsParent = False
493    end
494    item
495      DisplayName = 'std classes'
496      StyleName = 'Id standard class'
497      BlockType = btTagDetect
498      ConditionList = <
499        item
500          TagList.Strings = (
501            '__PHP_Incomplete_Class'
502            'AMQPConnection'
503            'AMQPExchange'
504            'AMQPQueue'
505            'APCIterator'
506            'AppendIterator'
507            'ArgumentCountError'
508            'ArithmeticError'
509            'ArrayAccess'
510            'ArrayIterator'
511            'ArrayObject'
512            'AssertionError'
513            'Attribute'
514            'BadFunctionCallException'
515            'BadMethodCallException'
516            'CachingIterator'
517            'CachingRecursiveIterator'
518            'Collator'
519            'Collection'
520            'CompileError'
521            'Countable'
522            'CURLFile'
523            'CURLStringFile'
524            'DateInterval'
525            'DatePeriod'
526            'DateTime'
527            'DateTimeImmutable'
528            'DateTimeInterface'
529            'DateTimeZone'
530            'Directory'
531            'DirectoryIterator'
532            'DivisionByZeroError'
533            'DomainException'
534            'DOMAttr'
535            'DomAttribute'
536            'DOMCdataSection'
537            'DOMCharacterData'
538            'DOMComment'
539            'DOMConfiguration'
540            'DOMDocument'
541            'DOMDocumentFragment'
542            'DOMDocumentType'
543            'DOMDomError'
544            'DOMElement'
545            'DOMEntity'
546            'DOMEntityReference'
547            'DOMErrorHandler'
548            'DOMException'
549            'DOMImplementation'
550            'DOMImplementationList'
551            'DOMImplementationSource'
552            'DOMLocator'
553            'DOMNamedNodeMap'
554            'DOMNameList'
555            'DOMNameSpaceNode'
556            'DOMNode'
557            'DOMNodeList'
558            'DOMNotation'
559            'DOMProcessingInstruction'
560            'DOMStringExtend'
561            'DOMStringList'
562            'DOMText'
563            'DOMTypeinfo'
564            'DOMUserDataHandler'
565            'DOMXPath'
566            'DomXsltStylesheet'
567            'EmptyIterator'
568            'Error'
569            'ErrorException'
570            'Exception'
571            'Fiber'
572            'FiberError'
573            'FiberExit'
574            'FilesystemIterator'
575            'FilterIterator'
576            'finfo'
577            'GlobIterator'
578            'Gmagick'
579            'GmagickDraw'
580            'GmagickPixel'
581            'HaruAnnotation'
582            'HaruDestination'
583            'HaruDoc'
584            'HaruEncoder'
585            'HaruFont'
586            'HaruImage'
587            'HaruOutline'
588            'HaruPage'
589            'HttpDeflateStream'
590            'HttpInflateStream'
591            'HttpMessage'
592            'HttpQueryString'
593            'HttpRequest'
594            'HttpRequestPool'
595            'HttpResponse'
596            'Imagick'
597            'ImagickDraw'
598            'ImagickPixel'
599            'ImagickPixelIterator'
600            'InfiniteIterator'
601            'InternalIterator'
602            'IntlDateFormatter'
603            'InvalidArgumentException'
604            'Iterator'
605            'IteratorAggregate'
606            'IteratorIterator'
607            'JsonException'
608            'JsonSerializable'
609            'KTaglib_ID3v2_AttachedPictureFrame'
610            'KTaglib_ID3v2_Frame'
611            'KTaglib_ID3v2_Tag'
612            'KTaglib_MPEG_AudioProperties'
613            'KTaglib_MPEG_File'
614            'KTaglib_Tag'
615            'LengthException'
616            'LimitIterator'
617            'Lob'
618            'Locale'
619            'LogicException'
620            'Memcache'
621            'Memcached'
622            'MessageFormatter'
623            'Mongo'
624            'MongoBinData'
625            'MongoCode'
626            'MongoCollection'
627            'MongoCursor'
628            'MongoDate'
629            'MongoDB'
630            'MongoDBRef'
631            'MongoGridFS'
632            'MongoGridFSCursor'
633            'MongoGridFSFile'
634            'MongoId'
635            'MongoInt32'
636            'MongoInt64'
637            'MongoRegex'
638            'MongoTimestamp'
639            'MultipleIterator'
640            'mysqli'
641            'mysqli_driver'
642            'mysqli_result'
643            'mysqli_stmt'
644            'mysqli_warning'
645            'NoRewindIterator'
646            'Normalizer'
647            'NumberFormatter'
648            'OCI'
649            'OuterIterator'
650            'OutOfBoundsException'
651            'OutOfRangeException'
652            'OverflowException'
653            'ParentIterator'
654            'ParseError'
655            'PDO'
656            'PDOStatement'
657            'Phar'
658            'PharData'
659            'PharFileInfo'
660            'php_user_filter'
661            'PhpCompilerAttribute'
662            'PhpToken'
663            'RangeException'
664            'RecursiveArrayIterator'
665            'RecursiveCachingIterator'
666            'RecursiveDirectoryIterator'
667            'RecursiveFilterIterator'
668            'RecursiveIterator'
669            'RecursiveIteratorIterator'
670            'RecursiveRegexIterator'
671            'RecursiveTreeIterator'
672            'Reflection'
673            'ReflectionClass'
674            'ReflectionEnum'
675            'ReflectionEnumBackedCase'
676            'ReflectionEnumUnitCase'
677            'ReflectionException'
678            'ReflectionExtension'
679            'ReflectionFiber'
680            'ReflectionFunction'
681            'ReflectionFunctionAbstract'
682            'ReflectionMethod'
683            'ReflectionObject'
684            'ReflectionParameter'
685            'ReflectionProperty'
686            'Reflector'
687            'RegexIterator'
688            'ResourceBundle'
689            'RRDCreator'
690            'RRDGraph'
691            'RRDUpdater'
692            'RuntimeException'
693            'SAMConnection'
694            'SAMMessage'
695            'SCA'
696            'SCA_LocalProxy'
697            'SCA_SoapProxy'
698            'SDO_DAS_ChangeSummary'
699            'SDO_DAS_DataFactory'
700            'SDO_DAS_DataObject'
701            'SDO_DAS_Relational'
702            'SDO_DAS_Setting'
703            'SDO_DAS_XML'
704            'SDO_DAS_XML_Document'
705            'SDO_DataFactory'
706            'SDO_DataObject'
707            'SDO_Exception'
708            'SDO_List'
709            'SDO_Model_Property'
710            'SDO_Model_ReflectionDataObject'
711            'SDO_Model_Type'
712            'SDO_Sequence'
713            'SeekableIterator'
714            'Serializable'
715            'SimpleXMLElement'
716            'SimpleXMLIterator'
717            'SNMP'
718            'SoapClient'
719            'SoapFault'
720            'SoapHeader'
721            'SoapParam'
722            'SoapServer'
723            'SoapVar'
724            'SphinxClient'
725            'SplBool'
726            'SplDoublyLinkedList'
727            'SplEnum'
728            'SplFileInfo'
729            'SplFileObject'
730            'SplFixedArray'
731            'SplFloat'
732            'SplHeap'
733            'SplInt'
734            'SplMaxHeap'
735            'SplMinHeap'
736            'SplObjectStorage'
737            'SplObserver'
738            'SplPriorityQueue'
739            'SplQueue'
740            'SplStack'
741            'SplString'
742            'SplSubject'
743            'SplTempFileObject'
744            'SQLite3'
745            'SQLite3Result'
746            'SQLite3Stmt'
747            'SQLiteDatabase'
748            'SQLiteException'
749            'SQLiteResult'
750            'SQLiteUnbuffered'
751            'stdClass'
752            'streamWrapper'
753            'Stringable'
754            'SVM'
755            'SVMModel'
756            'Swish'
757            'SwishResult'
758            'SwishResults'
759            'SwishSearch'
760            'tidy'
761            'tidyNode'
762            'TokyoTyrant'
763            'TokyoTyrantQuery'
764            'TokyoTyrantTable'
765            'Transliterator'
766            'Traversable'
767            'TypeError'
768            'UnderflowException'
769            'UnexpectedValueException'
770            'UnhandledMatchError'
771            'V8Js'
772            'V8JsException'
773            'ValueError'
774            'WeakMap'
775            'WeakReference'
776            'XMLReader'
777            'XMLWriter'
778            'XSLTProcessor'
779            'ZipArchive')
780          TokenTypes = 2
781          IgnoreCase = True
782        end>
783      HighlightPos = cpAny
784      IgnoreAsParent = False
785    end
786    item
787      DisplayName = 'std vars'
788      StyleName = 'Id standard const'
789      BlockType = btTagDetect
790      ConditionList = <
791        item
792          TagList.Strings = (
793            '$_COOKIE'
794            '$_ENV'
795            '$_FILES'
796            '$_GET'
797            '$_POST'
798            '$_REQUEST'
799            '$_SERVER'
800            '$_SESSION'
801            '$argc'
802            '$argv'
803            '$GLOBALS'
804            '$HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA'
805            '$http_response_header'
806            '$php_errormsg'
807            '$this')
808          TokenTypes = 64
809        end>
810      HighlightPos = cpAny
811      IgnoreAsParent = False
812    end
813    item
814      DisplayName = 'modifiers'
815      StyleName = 'Id modifier'
816      BlockType = btTagDetect
817      ConditionList = <
818        item
819          TagList.Strings = (
820            'abstract'
821            'final'
822            'private'
823            'protected'
824            'public'
825            'readonly'
826            'static')
827          TokenTypes = 2
828        end>
829      HighlightPos = cpAny
830      IgnoreAsParent = False
831    end
832    item
833      DisplayName = 'class'
834      ConditionList = <
835        item
836          TagList.Strings = (
837            '{')
838          TokenTypes = 128
839        end
840        item
841          CondType = tcSkip
842          TokenTypes = 63
843        end
844        item
845          TagList.Strings = (
846            'class'
847            'enum'
848            'interface'
849            'trait')
850          TokenTypes = 2
851        end
852        item
853          TagList.Strings = (
854            'new')
855          CondType = tcNotEqual
856          TokenTypes = 2
857        end>
858      BlockOffset = -1
859      BlockEnd = '}'
860      EndOfTextClose = True
861      NameFmt = '%s-1 %s-2'
862      RefToCondEnd = True
863      HighlightPos = cpAny
864      CancelNextRules = True
865      CollapseFmt = '%sz-1'
866      TreeItemImage = 0
867      IgnoreAsParent = False
868    end
869    item
870      DisplayName = 'func'
871      ConditionList = <
872        item
873          TagList.Strings = (
874            '{')
875          TokenTypes = 128
876        end
877        item
878          CondType = tcSkip
879          TokenTypes = 1663
880        end
881        item
882          TagList.Strings = (
883            'function')
884          TokenTypes = 2
885        end>
886      BlockEnd = '}'
887      EndOfTextClose = True
888      NameFmt = '%s0~[(]1'
889      RefToCondEnd = True
890      HighlightPos = cpAny
891      CancelNextRules = True
892      CollapseFmt = '%sz0'
893      TreeItemImage = 5
894      IgnoreAsParent = False
895    end
896    item
897      DisplayName = '{'
898      ConditionList = <
899        item
900          TagList.Strings = (
901            '{')
902          TokenTypes = 128
903        end>
904      BlockEnd = '}'
905      DisplayInTree = False
906      RefToCondEnd = True
907      HighlightPos = cpAny
908      CancelNextRules = True
909      DrawStaple = True
910      CollapseFmt = '{ ... }'
911      Pen.Color = clRed
912      Pen.Style = psDot
913      IgnoreAsParent = False
914      AutoCloseMode = acmCloseNearest
915      AutoCloseText = '}'#13#10
916    end
917    item
918      DisplayName = '}'
919      BlockType = btRangeEnd
920      ConditionList = <
921        item
922          TagList.Strings = (
923            '}')
924          TokenTypes = 128
925        end>
926      HighlightPos = cpAny
927      GroupIndex = 1
928      IgnoreAsParent = False
929    end
930    item
931      DisplayName = 'include'
932      ConditionList = <
933        item
934          TagList.Strings = (
935            'include'
936            'include_once'
937            'require'
938            'require_once')
939          TokenTypes = 2
940        end>
941      NameFmt = '%sz0'
942      GroupFmt = '\Includes'
943      RefToCondEnd = True
944      HighlightPos = cpAny
945      NoEndRule = True
946      TreeItemImage = 4
947      IgnoreAsParent = False
948    end
949    item
950      DisplayName = 'heredoc begin'
951      StyleName = 'Heredoc BG'
952      ConditionList = <
953        item
954          TokenTypes = 8192
955        end>
956      BlockEnd = 'heredoc end'
957      NotCollapsed = True
958      DisplayInTree = False
959      DynHighlight = dhRange
960      HighlightPos = cpAny
961      CollapseFmt = '%sz0 ...'
962      IgnoreAsParent = False
963    end
964    item
965      DisplayName = 'heredoc end'
966      BlockType = btRangeEnd
967      ConditionList = <
968        item
969          TokenTypes = 4096
970        end>
971      SameIdent = True
972      HighlightPos = cpAny
973      IgnoreAsParent = False
974    end>
975  CodeTemplates = <>
976  SubAnalyzers = <
977    item
978      DisplayName = 'Heredoc HTML'
979      StartExpression = '<<<HTML\b'
980      EndExpression = '^HTML;$'
981      SyntAnalyzer = SyntAnal10
982    end
983    item
984      DisplayName = 'Heredoc CSS'
985      StartExpression = '<<<CSS\b'
986      EndExpression = '^CSS;$'
987      SyntAnalyzer = SyntAnal7
988    end>
989  SampleText.Strings = (
990    '//Example'
991    '/** Doc comment */,  /* Comment */'
992    '__CLASS__, __LINE__, ArrayObject, Directory,'
993    '`string`, '
994    '<<<ID'
995    'heredoc'
996    'ID;'
997    ''
998    'include "os.php";'
999    'include_once $path."/os2.php";'
1000    'include("math.php");'
1001    'include_once("math2.php");'
1002    ''
1003    'function outer1(int $a){'
1004    '  $a = 10 + 10.10 + 0xAF + 0b1100;'
1005    '  $this?->var = 100;'
1006    '  echo [ $a, $b, $aa ]'
1007    '  echo '#39'test'#39'."\\";'
1008    '  if (a){'
1009    '  }'
1010    '  else {'
1011    '  };'
1012    '}'
1013    ''
1014    'class c1 {'
1015    '  function a(){'
1016    '    $n = 10;'
1017    '    if (a) { a++; }'
1018    '    i++;'
1019    '  }'
1020    '  function b(){'
1021    '  }'
1022    '}'
1023    ''
1024    'class c2 extends f {'
1025    '  function a(){'
1026    '    i++;'
1027    '  }'
1028    ''
1029    '  function b(){'
1030    '    if (a>b) {'
1031    '      a++;'
1032    '    }'
1033    '  }'
1034    '}'
1035    ''
1036    'function outer2($a, $b){'
1037    '  $i++;'
1038    '  if ($a){'
1039    '  }'
1040    '}'
1041    ''
1042    '?>')
1043  TokenTypeNames.Strings = (
1044    'Comment'
1045    'Id'
1046    'Number'
1047    'String'
1048    'Symbol op '
1049    'Symbol single'
1050    'Var'
1051    'Symbol {}'
1052    'Symbol ;'
1053    'Symbol ,'
1054    'Symbol ()'
1055    'Id after ::'
1056    'Heredoc end'
1057    'Heredoc begin')
1058  LexerName = 'PHP_'
1059  Notes.Strings = (
1060    'Created by 480499497 from forum.wincmd.ru (named PHP_dev)'
1061    'Big rework by Alexey (CudaText)'
1063      'Removed link to HTML, now it'#39's pure PHP lexer, HTML/CSS/JS will ' +
1064      'link to it')
1065  Internal = True
1066  RestartFromLineStart = True
1067  LineComment = '//'
1068  Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET