1 {
2     Copyright (c) 1998-2011 by Florian Klaempfl and Jonas Maebe
4     Generate assembler for constant nodes for the JVM
6     This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
7     it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
8     the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
9     (at your option) any later version.
11     This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14     GNU General Public License for more details.
16     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
17     along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
18     Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
20  ****************************************************************************
21 }
22 unit njvmcon;
24 {$i fpcdefs.inc}
26 interface
28     uses
29        globtype,aasmbase,
30        symtype,
31        node,ncal,ncon,ncgcon;
33     type
34        tjvmordconstnode = class(tcgordconstnode)
35           { normally, we convert the enum constant into a load of the
36             appropriate enum class field in pass_1. In some cases (array index),
37             we want to keep it as an enum constant however }
38           enumconstok: boolean;
pass_1null39           function pass_1: tnode; override;
docomparenull40           function docompare(p: tnode): boolean; override;
dogetcopynull41           function dogetcopy: tnode; override;
42        end;
44        tjvmrealconstnode = class(tcgrealconstnode)
45           procedure pass_generate_code;override;
46        end;
48        tjvmstringconstnode = class(tstringconstnode)
pass_1null49           function pass_1: tnode; override;
50           procedure pass_generate_code;override;
emptydynstrnilnull51           class function emptydynstrnil: boolean; override;
52        end;
54        tjvmsetconsttype = (
55          { create symbol for the set constant; the symbol will be initialized
56            in the class constructor/unit init code (default) }
57          sct_constsymbol,
58          { normally, we convert the set constant into a constructor/factory
59            method to create a set instance. In some cases (simple "in"
60            expressions, adding an element to an empty set, ...) we want to
61            keep the set constant instead }
62          sct_notransform,
63          { actually construct a JUBitSet/JUEnumSet that contains the set value
64            (for initializing the sets contstants) }
65          sct_construct
66          );
67        tjvmsetconstnode = class(tcgsetconstnode)
68           setconsttype: tjvmsetconsttype;
pass_1null69           function pass_1: tnode; override;
70           procedure pass_generate_code; override;
71           constructor create(s : pconstset;def:tdef);override;
docomparenull72           function docompare(p: tnode): boolean; override;
dogetcopynull73           function dogetcopy: tnode; override;
74          protected
emitvarsetconstnull75           function emitvarsetconst: tasmsymbol; override;
76           { in case the set has only a single run of consecutive elements,
77             this function will return its starting index and length }
find_single_elements_runnull78           function find_single_elements_run(from: longint; out start, len: longint): boolean;
buildbitsetnull79           function buildbitset: tnode;
buildenumsetnull80           function buildenumset(const eledef: tdef): tnode;
buildsetfromstringnull81           function buildsetfromstring(const helpername: string; otherparas: tcallparanode): tnode;
82        end;
85 implementation
87     uses
88       globals,cutils,widestr,verbose,constexp,fmodule,
89       symdef,symsym,symcpu,symtable,symconst,
90       aasmdata,aasmcpu,defutil,
91       nutils,ncnv,nld,nmem,pjvm,pass_1,
92       cgbase,hlcgobj,hlcgcpu,cgutils,cpubase
93       ;
96 {*****************************************************************************
97                            TJVMORDCONSTNODE
98 *****************************************************************************}
tjvmordconstnode.pass_1null100     function tjvmordconstnode.pass_1: tnode;
101       var
102         basedef: tcpuenumdef;
103         sym: tenumsym;
104         classfield: tsym;
105       begin
106         if (resultdef.typ<>enumdef) or
107            enumconstok then
108           begin
109             result:=inherited pass_1;
110             exit;
111           end;
112         { convert into JVM class instance }
113         { a) find the enumsym corresponding to the value (may not exist in case
114              of an explicit typecast of an integer -> error) }
115         sym:=nil;
116         sym:=tenumsym(tenumdef(resultdef).int2enumsym(int64(value)));
117         if not assigned(sym) then
118           begin
119             Message(parser_e_range_check_error);
120             result:=nil;
121             exit;
122           end;
123         { b) find the corresponding class field }
124         basedef:=tcpuenumdef(tenumdef(resultdef).getbasedef);
125         classfield:=search_struct_member(basedef.classdef,sym.name);
127         { c) create loadnode of the field }
128         result:=nil;
129         if not handle_staticfield_access(classfield,result) then
130           internalerror(2011062606);
131       end;
tjvmordconstnode.docomparenull134     function tjvmordconstnode.docompare(p: tnode): boolean;
135       begin
136         result:=inherited docompare(p);
137         if result then
138           result:=(enumconstok=tjvmordconstnode(p).enumconstok);
139       end;
tjvmordconstnode.dogetcopynull142     function tjvmordconstnode.dogetcopy: tnode;
143       begin
144         result:=inherited dogetcopy;
145         tjvmordconstnode(result).enumconstok:=enumconstok;
146       end;
149 {*****************************************************************************
150                            TJVMREALCONSTNODE
151 *****************************************************************************}
153     procedure tjvmrealconstnode.pass_generate_code;
154       begin
155         location_reset(location,LOC_FPUREGISTER,def_cgsize(resultdef));
156         location.register:=hlcg.getfpuregister(current_asmdata.CurrAsmList,resultdef);
157         thlcgjvm(hlcg).a_loadfpu_const_stack(current_asmdata.CurrAsmList,resultdef,value_real);
158         thlcgjvm(hlcg).a_load_stack_reg(current_asmdata.CurrAsmList,resultdef,location.register);
159       end;
162     { tcgstringconstnode }
tjvmstringconstnode.pass_1null164     function tjvmstringconstnode.pass_1: tnode;
165       var
166         strclass: tobjectdef;
167         pw: pcompilerwidestring;
168         paras: tcallparanode;
169         wasansi: boolean;
170       begin
171         { all Java strings are utf-16. However, there is no way to
172           declare a constant array of bytes (or any other type), those
173           have to be constructed by declaring a final field and then
174           initialising them in the class constructor element per
175           element. We therefore put the straight ASCII values into
176           the UTF-16 string, and then at run time extract those and
177           store them in an Ansistring/AnsiChar array }
178         result:=inherited pass_1;
179         if assigned(result) or
180            (cst_type in [cst_unicodestring,cst_widestring]) then
181           exit;
182         { convert the constant into a widestring representation without any
183           code page conversion }
184         initwidestring(pw);
185         ascii2unicode(value_str,len,current_settings.sourcecodepage,pw,false);
186         ansistringdispose(value_str,len);
187         pcompilerwidestring(value_str):=pw;
188         { and now add a node to convert the data into ansistring format at
189           run time }
190         wasansi:=false;
191         case cst_type of
192           cst_ansistring:
193             begin
194               if len=0 then
195                 begin
196                   { we have to use nil rather than an empty string, because an
197                     empty string has a code page and this messes up the code
198                     page selection logic in the RTL }
199                   exit;
200                 end;
201               strclass:=tobjectdef(search_system_type('ANSISTRINGCLASS').typedef);
202               wasansi:=true;
203             end;
204           cst_shortstring:
205             strclass:=tobjectdef(search_system_type('SHORTSTRINGCLASS').typedef);
206           cst_conststring:
207             { used for array of char }
208             strclass:=tobjectdef(search_system_type('ANSICHARARRAYCLASS').typedef);
209           else
210            internalerror(2011052401);
211         end;
212         cst_type:=cst_unicodestring;
213         paras:=ccallparanode.create(self.getcopy,nil);
214         if wasansi then
215           paras:=ccallparanode.create(
216             genintconstnode(tstringdef(resultdef).encoding),paras);
217         { since self will be freed, have to make a copy }
218         result:=ccallnode.createinternmethodres(
219           cloadvmtaddrnode.create(ctypenode.create(strclass)),
220           'CREATEFROMLITERALSTRINGBYTES',paras,resultdef);
221       end;
224     procedure tjvmstringconstnode.pass_generate_code;
225       begin
226         location_reset(location,LOC_REGISTER,def_cgsize(resultdef));
227         location.register:=hlcg.getaddressregister(current_asmdata.CurrAsmList,resultdef);
228         case cst_type of
229           cst_ansistring:
230             begin
231               if len<>0 then
232                 internalerror(2012052604);
233               hlcg.a_load_const_reg(current_asmdata.CurrAsmList,resultdef,0,location.register);
234               { done }
235               exit;
236             end;
237           cst_shortstring,
238           cst_conststring:
239             internalerror(2012052601);
240           cst_unicodestring,
241           cst_widestring:
242             current_asmdata.CurrAsmList.concat(taicpu.op_wstring(a_ldc,pcompilerwidestring(value_str)));
243           else
244             internalerror(2012052602);
245         end;
246         thlcgjvm(hlcg).incstack(current_asmdata.CurrAsmList,1);
247         thlcgjvm(hlcg).a_load_stack_reg(current_asmdata.CurrAsmList,resultdef,location.register);
248       end;
tjvmstringconstnode.emptydynstrnilnull250     class function tjvmstringconstnode.emptydynstrnil: boolean;
251       begin
252         result:=false;
253       end;
256     {*****************************************************************************
257                                TJVMSETCONSTNODE
258     *****************************************************************************}
tjvmsetconstnode.buildsetfromstringnull260     function tjvmsetconstnode.buildsetfromstring(const helpername: string; otherparas: tcallparanode): tnode;
261       var
262         pw: pcompilerwidestring;
263         wc: tcompilerwidechar;
264         i, j, bit, nulls: longint;
265       begin
266         initwidestring(pw);
267         nulls:=0;
268         for i:=0 to 15 do
269           begin
270             wc:=0;
271             for bit:=0 to 15 do
272               if (i*16+bit) in value_set^ then
273                 wc:=wc or (1 shl (15-bit));
274             { don't add trailing zeroes }
275             if wc=0 then
276               inc(nulls)
277             else
278               begin
279                 for j:=1 to nulls do
280                   concatwidestringchar(pw,0);
281                 nulls:=0;
282                 concatwidestringchar(pw,wc);
283               end;
284           end;
285         result:=ccallnode.createintern(helpername,
286           ccallparanode.create(cstringconstnode.createunistr(pw),otherparas));
287         donewidestring(pw);
288       end;
tjvmsetconstnode.buildbitsetnull291     function tjvmsetconstnode.buildbitset: tnode;
292       var
293         mp: tnode;
294       begin
295         if value_set^=[] then
296           begin
297             mp:=cloadvmtaddrnode.create(ctypenode.create(java_jubitset));
298             result:=ccallnode.createinternmethod(mp,'CREATE',nil);
299             exit;
300           end;
301         result:=buildsetfromstring('fpc_bitset_from_string',nil);
302       end;
tjvmsetconstnode.buildenumsetnull305     function tjvmsetconstnode.buildenumset(const eledef: tdef): tnode;
306       var
307         stopnode: tnode;
308         startnode: tnode;
309         mp: tnode;
310         len: longint;
311         start: longint;
312         enumele: tnode;
313         paras: tcallparanode;
314         hassinglerun: boolean;
315       begin
316         hassinglerun:=find_single_elements_run(0, start, len);
317         if hassinglerun then
318           begin
319             mp:=cloadvmtaddrnode.create(ctypenode.create(java_juenumset));
320             if len=0 then
321               begin
322                 enumele:=cloadvmtaddrnode.create(ctypenode.create(tcpuenumdef(tenumdef(eledef).getbasedef).classdef));
323                 inserttypeconv_explicit(enumele,search_system_type('JLCLASS').typedef);
324                 paras:=ccallparanode.create(enumele,nil);
325                 result:=ccallnode.createinternmethod(mp,'NONEOF',paras)
326               end
327             else
328               begin
329                 startnode:=cordconstnode.create(start,eledef,false);
330                 { immediately firstpass so the enum gets translated into a JLEnum
331                   instance }
332                 firstpass(startnode);
333                 if len=1 then
334                   result:=ccallnode.createinternmethod(mp,'OF',ccallparanode.create(startnode,nil))
335                 else
336                   begin
337                     stopnode:=cordconstnode.create(start+len-1,eledef,false);
338                     firstpass(stopnode);
339                     result:=ccallnode.createinternmethod(mp,'RANGE',ccallparanode.create(stopnode,ccallparanode.create(startnode,nil)));
340                   end
341               end
342           end
343         else
344           begin
345             enumele:=cordconstnode.create(tenumsym(tenumdef(eledef).symtable.symlist[0]).value,eledef,false);
346             firstpass(enumele);
347             paras:=ccallparanode.create(enumele,nil);
348             result:=buildsetfromstring('fpc_enumset_from_string',paras);
349           end;
350       end;
tjvmsetconstnode.pass_1null353     function tjvmsetconstnode.pass_1: tnode;
354       var
355         eledef: tdef;
356       begin
357         { we want set constants to be global, so we can reuse them. However,
358           if the set's elementdef is local, we can't do that since a global
359           symbol cannot have a local definition (the compiler will crash when
360           loading the ppu file afterwards) }
361         if tsetdef(resultdef).elementdef.owner.symtabletype=localsymtable then
362           setconsttype:=sct_construct;
363         result:=nil;
364         case setconsttype of
365 (*
366           sct_constsymbol:
367             begin
368               { normally a codegen pass routine, but we have to insert a typed
369                 const in case the set constant does not exist yet, and that
370                 should happen in pass_1 (especially since it involves creating
371                 new nodes, which may even have to be tacked on to this code in
372                 case it's the unit initialization code) }
373               handlevarsetconst;
374               { no smallsets }
375               expectloc:=LOC_CREFERENCE;
376             end;
377 *)
378           sct_notransform:
379             begin
380               result:=inherited pass_1;
381               { no smallsets }
382               expectloc:=LOC_CREFERENCE;
383             end;
384           sct_constsymbol,
385           sct_construct:
386             begin
387               eledef:=tsetdef(resultdef).elementdef;
388               { empty sets don't have an element type, so we don't know whether we
389                 have to constructor a bitset or enumset (and of which type) }
390               if not assigned(eledef) then
391                 internalerror(2011070202);
392               if eledef.typ=enumdef then
393                 begin
394                   result:=buildenumset(eledef);
395                 end
396               else
397                 begin
398                   result:=buildbitset;
399                 end;
400               inserttypeconv_explicit(result,cpointerdef.getreusable(resultdef));
401               result:=cderefnode.create(result);
402             end;
403           else
404             internalerror(2011060301);
405         end;
406       end;
409     procedure tjvmsetconstnode.pass_generate_code;
410       begin
411         case setconsttype of
412           sct_constsymbol:
413             begin
414               { all sets are varsets for the JVM target, no setbase differences }
415               handlevarsetconst;
416             end;
417           else
418             { must be handled in pass_1 or otherwise transformed }
419             internalerror(2011070201)
420         end;
421       end;
423     constructor tjvmsetconstnode.create(s: pconstset; def: tdef);
424       begin
425         inherited create(s, def);
426         setconsttype:=sct_constsymbol;
427       end;
tjvmsetconstnode.docomparenull430     function tjvmsetconstnode.docompare(p: tnode): boolean;
431       begin
432         result:=
433           inherited docompare(p) and
434           (setconsttype=tjvmsetconstnode(p).setconsttype);
435       end;
tjvmsetconstnode.dogetcopynull438     function tjvmsetconstnode.dogetcopy: tnode;
439       begin
440         result:=inherited dogetcopy;
441         tjvmsetconstnode(result).setconsttype:=setconsttype;
442       end;
tjvmsetconstnode.emitvarsetconstnull445     function tjvmsetconstnode.emitvarsetconst: tasmsymbol;
446       var
447         csym: tconstsym;
448         ssym: tstaticvarsym;
449         ps: pnormalset;
450       begin
451         { add a read-only typed constant }
452         new(ps);
453         ps^:=value_set^;
454         csym:=cconstsym.create_ptr('_$setconst'+tostr(current_module.symlist.count),constset,ps,resultdef);
455         csym.visibility:=vis_private;
456         include(csym.symoptions,sp_internal);
457         current_module.localsymtable.insert(csym);
458         { generate assignment of the constant to the typed constant symbol }
459         ssym:=jvm_add_typed_const_initializer(csym);
460         result:=current_asmdata.RefAsmSymbol(ssym.mangledname,AT_DATA);
461       end;
tjvmsetconstnode.find_single_elements_runnull464     function tjvmsetconstnode.find_single_elements_run(from: longint; out start, len: longint): boolean;
465       var
466         i: longint;
467       begin
468         i:=from;
469         result:=true;
470         { find first element in set }
471         while (i<=255) and
472               not(i in value_set^) do
473           inc(i);
474         start:=i;
475         { go to end of the run }
476         while (i<=255) and
477               (i in value_set^) do
478           inc(i);
479         len:=i-start;
480         { rest must be unset }
481         while (i<=255) and
482               not(i in value_set^) do
483           inc(i);
484         if i<>256 then
485           result:=false;
486       end;
490 begin
491    cordconstnode:=tjvmordconstnode;
492    crealconstnode:=tjvmrealconstnode;
493    cstringconstnode:=tjvmstringconstnode;
494    csetconstnode:=tjvmsetconstnode;
495 end.