1 {
2  *****************************************************************************
3   See the file COPYING.modifiedLGPL.txt, included in this distribution,
4   for details about the license.
5  *****************************************************************************
7   Author: Mattias Gaertner
9   Abstract:
10     IDE interface to the IDE compiler options.
11 }
12 unit CompOptsIntf;
14 {$mode objfpc}{$H+}
16 interface
18 uses
19   Classes, SysUtils,
20   // LazUtils
21   LazMethodList, LazUTF8,
22   // BuildIntf
23   IDEOptionsIntf;
25 type
27   { TLazBuildMacro
28     Every package/project can define build macros / ide macros. A build macro
29     has a name, a description, a list of possible values and a default value.
30     The default value can be an expression using other build macros.
31     The IDE defines basic macros like TargetOS and TargetCPU.
32     The LCL package defines the macro LCLWidgetType. }
34   TLazBuildMacro = class
35   protected
36     FDefaultValue: string;
37     FIdentifier: string;
38     FDescription: string;
39     FValueDescriptions: TStrings;
40     FValues: TStrings;
41     procedure SetIdentifier(const AValue: string); virtual; abstract;
42     procedure SetDescription(const AValue: string); virtual; abstract;
43     procedure SetValueDescriptions(const AValue: TStrings); virtual; abstract;
44     procedure SetValues(const AValue: TStrings); virtual; abstract;
45   public
46     procedure Assign(Source: TLazBuildMacro); virtual; abstract;
47     property Identifier: string read FIdentifier write SetIdentifier;
48     property Description: string read FDescription write SetDescription;
49     property Values: TStrings read FValues write SetValues;
50     property ValueDescriptions: TStrings read FValueDescriptions write SetValueDescriptions;
51   end;
53   { TLazBuildMacros
54     The list of build macros of a package/project.
55     They are stored in the compiler options. }
57   TLazBuildMacros = class
58   private
59     FOwner: TObject;
60   protected
GetItemsnull61     function GetItems(Index: integer): TLazBuildMacro; virtual; abstract;
62   public
63     constructor Create(TheOwner: TObject); virtual;
Addnull64     function Add(Identifier: string): TLazBuildMacro; virtual; abstract;
65     procedure Delete(Index: integer); virtual; abstract;
66     procedure Move(OldIndex, NewIndex: integer); virtual; abstract;
IndexOfIdentifiernull67     function IndexOfIdentifier(Identifier: string): integer; virtual; abstract;
VarWithIdentifiernull68     function VarWithIdentifier(Identifier: string): TLazBuildMacro; virtual; abstract;
Countnull69     function Count: integer; virtual; abstract;
70     procedure Clear; virtual; abstract;
71     property Items[Index: integer]: TLazBuildMacro read GetItems; default;
72     property Owner: TObject read FOwner;
73   end;
75   { TLazCompilerOptions }
77   TCompilationExecutableType = (
78     cetProgram,
79     cetLibrary
80     );
82   TCompileReason = (
83     crCompile,  // normal build current project/package
84     crBuild,    // build all
85     crRun       // quick build before run
86     );
87   TCompileReasons = set of TCompileReason;
89   TCompilerDbgSymbolType = (dsAuto, dsStabs, dsDwarf2, dsDwarf2Set, dsDwarf3);
91   TCompilerOptionsParseType = (
92     coptUnparsed,  // no macros resolved
93     coptParsed,    // all macros resolved
94     coptParsedPlatformIndependent // all but platform macros resolved
95     );
97   TCompilerFlagValue = (
98     cfvNone,  // default, do not pass the flag
99     cfvHide,  // pass the flag, e.g. -vm5000
100     cfvShow   // pass the -flag, e.g. -vm-5000
101     );
103   TAbstractCompilerMsgIDFlags = class(TPersistent)
104   protected
GetValuesnull105     function GetValues(MsgId: integer): TCompilerFlagValue; virtual; abstract;
GetModifiednull106     function GetModified: boolean; virtual; abstract;
107     procedure SetModified(AValue: boolean); virtual; abstract;
108     procedure SetValues(MsgId: integer; AValue: TCompilerFlagValue); virtual; abstract;
109   public
110     procedure Clear; virtual; abstract;
111     property Values[MsgId: integer]: TCompilerFlagValue read GetValues write SetValues; default;
112     property Modified: boolean read GetModified write SetModified;
113   end;
115 const
116   crAll = [crCompile, crBuild, crRun];
118 type
119   TLazCompilerOptions = class;
121   { TLazCompilationToolOptions }
123   TLazCompilationToolOptions = class
124   private
125     FOwner: TLazCompilerOptions;
126     FCommand: string;
127   protected
128     FParsers: TStrings;
129     FCompileReasons: TCompileReasons;
GetHasParsernull130     function GetHasParser(aParserName: string): boolean; virtual;
131     procedure SetHasParser(aParserName: string; const AValue: boolean); virtual;
132     procedure SetParsers(const AValue: TStrings); virtual;
133     procedure SetCommand(AValue: string); virtual;
134     procedure SetCompileReasons(const {%H-}AValue: TCompileReasons); virtual;
135   public
136     constructor Create(TheOwner: TLazCompilerOptions); virtual;
137     destructor Destroy; override;
138     procedure Clear; virtual;
139     procedure Assign(Src: TLazCompilationToolOptions); virtual;
140   public
141     property Owner: TLazCompilerOptions read FOwner;
142     property Command: string read FCommand write SetCommand;
143     property CompileReasons: TCompileReasons read FCompileReasons write SetCompileReasons;
144     property Parsers: TStrings read FParsers write SetParsers;
145     property HasParser[aParserName: string]: boolean read GetHasParser write SetHasParser;
146   end;
148   TLazCompilationToolClass = class of TLazCompilationToolOptions;
150   { TLazCompilerOptions }
152   TLazCompilerOptions = class(TAbstractIDEOptions)
153   private
154     FOnModified: TNotifyEvent;
155     fOwner: TObject;
156     SetEmulatedFloatOpcodes: boolean;
GetDebugInfoTypeStrnull157     function GetDebugInfoTypeStr: String;
158     procedure SetAllowLabel(const AValue: Boolean);
159     procedure SetAssemblerStyle(const AValue: Integer);
160     procedure SetCMacros(const AValue: Boolean);
161     procedure SetConfigFilePath(const AValue: String);
162     procedure SetCPPInline(const AValue: Boolean);
163     procedure SetCStyleOp(const AValue: Boolean);
164     procedure SetCustomConfigFile(const AValue: Boolean);
165     procedure SetDebugInfoType(AValue: TCompilerDbgSymbolType);
166     procedure SetDontUseConfigFile(const AValue: Boolean);
167     procedure SetExecutableType(const AValue: TCompilationExecutableType);
168     procedure SetGenDebugInfo(const AValue: Boolean);
169     procedure SetGenGProfCode(const AValue: Boolean);
170     procedure SetHeapSize(const AValue: Integer);
171     procedure SetIncludeAssertionCode(const AValue: Boolean);
172     procedure SetInitConst(const AValue: Boolean);
173     procedure SetIOChecks(const AValue: Boolean);
174     procedure SetLinkSmart(const AValue: Boolean);
175     procedure SetOptLevel(const AValue: Integer);
176     procedure SetOverflowChecks(const AValue: Boolean);
177     procedure SetPassLinkerOpt(const AValue: Boolean);
178     procedure SetRangeChecks(const AValue: Boolean);
179     procedure SetRelocatableUnit(const AValue: Boolean);
180     procedure SetShowAll(const AValue: Boolean);
181     procedure SetShowCompProc(const AValue: Boolean);
182     procedure SetShowCond(const AValue: Boolean);
183     procedure SetShowDebugInfo(const AValue: Boolean);
184     procedure SetShowExecInfo(const AValue: Boolean);
185     procedure SetShowHints(const AValue: Boolean);
186     procedure SetShowHintsForSenderNotUsed(const AValue: Boolean);
187     procedure SetShowHintsForUnusedUnitsInMainSrc(const AValue: Boolean);
188     procedure SetShowLineNum(const AValue: Boolean);
189     procedure SetShowNotes(const AValue: Boolean);
190     procedure SetShowTriedFiles(const AValue: Boolean);
191     procedure SetShowUsedFiles(const AValue: Boolean);
192     procedure SetShowWarn(const AValue: Boolean);
193     procedure SetSmallerCode(const AValue: boolean);
194     procedure SetSmartLinkUnit(const AValue: Boolean);
195     procedure SetStackChecks(const AValue: Boolean);
196     procedure SetStackSize(const AValue: Integer);
197     procedure SetStaticKeyword(const AValue: Boolean);
198     procedure SetStopAfterErrCount(const AValue: integer);
199     procedure SetStripSymbols(const AValue: Boolean);
200     procedure SetSyntaxMode(const AValue: string);
201     procedure SetTargetFilenameAppplyConventions(const AValue: boolean);
202     procedure SetTrashVariables(const AValue: Boolean);
203     procedure SetUncertainOpt(const AValue: Boolean);
204     procedure SetUseAnsiStr(const AValue: Boolean);
205     procedure SetUseCommentsInCustomOptions(AValue: Boolean);
206     procedure SetUseExternalDbgSyms(const AValue: Boolean);
207     procedure SetUseHeaptrc(const AValue: Boolean);
208     procedure SetUseLineInfoUnit(const AValue: Boolean);
209     procedure SetUseValgrind(const AValue: Boolean);
210     procedure SetVarsInReg(const AValue: Boolean);
211     procedure SetVerifyObjMethodCall(const AValue: boolean);
212     procedure SetWin32GraphicApp(const AValue: boolean);
213     procedure SetWriteFPCLogo(const AValue: Boolean);
214   protected
215     FChangeStamp: int64;
216     FSavedChangeStamp: int64;
217     fOnChanged: TMethodList;
218     // Paths:
219     // conditionals / build modes
220     FConditionals: string;
221     fBuildMacros: TLazBuildMacros;
222     // Parsing:
223     // assembler style
224     fAssemblerStyle: Integer;
225     // syntax options
226     FSyntaxMode: string;
227     fCStyleOp: Boolean;
228     fIncludeAssertionCode: Boolean;
229     fAllowLabel: Boolean;
230     fUseAnsiStr: Boolean;
231     fCPPInline: Boolean;
232     fCMacros: Boolean;
233     fInitConst: Boolean;
234     fStaticKeyword: Boolean;
235     // Code generation:
236     fSmartLinkUnit: Boolean;
237     fRelocatableUnit: Boolean;
238     fIOChecks: Boolean;
239     fRangeChecks: Boolean;
240     fOverflowChecks: Boolean;
241     fStackChecks: Boolean;
242     FEmulatedFloatOpcodes: boolean;
243     fHeapSize: LongInt;
244     fStackSize: LongInt;
245     fVerifyObjMethodCall: boolean;
246     fTargetOS: String;
247     fTargetCPU: string;
248     fTargetProc: string;
249     fOptLevel: Integer;
250     fVarsInReg: Boolean;
251     fUncertainOpt: Boolean;
252     FSmallerCode: boolean;
253     // Linking:
254     fGenDebugInfo: Boolean;
255     FDebugInfoType: TCompilerDbgSymbolType;
256     fUseLineInfoUnit: Boolean;
257     fUseHeaptrc: Boolean;
258     fTrashVariables: Boolean;
259     fUseValgrind: Boolean;
260     fGenGProfCode: Boolean;
261     fStripSymbols: Boolean;
262     fLinkSmart: Boolean;
263     fPassLinkerOpt: Boolean;
264     fLinkerOptions: String;
265     FWin32GraphicApp: boolean;
266     FExecutableType: TCompilationExecutableType;
267     FUseExternalDbgSyms : Boolean;
268     fTargetFileExt: string;
269     fTargetFilename: string;
270     FTargetFilenameAppplyConventions: boolean;
271     // Messages:
272     fShowWarn: Boolean;
273     fShowNotes: Boolean;
274     fShowHints: Boolean;
275     fShowLineNum: Boolean;
276     fShowAll: Boolean;
277     fShowDebugInfo: Boolean;
278     fShowUsedFiles: Boolean;
279     fShowTriedFiles: Boolean;
280     fShowCompProc: Boolean;
281     fShowCond: Boolean;
282     fShowExecInfo: Boolean;
283     fShowHintsForUnusedUnitsInMainSrc: Boolean;
284     fShowHintsForSenderNotUsed: Boolean;
285     fWriteFPCLogo: Boolean;
286     fStopAfterErrCount: integer;
287     // Turn specific types of compiler messages on or off
288     fMessageFlags: TAbstractCompilerMsgIDFlags;
289     // Other tools:
290     fExecuteBefore: TLazCompilationToolOptions;
291     fExecuteAfter: TLazCompilationToolOptions;
292     // Other:
293     fDontUseConfigFile: Boolean;
294     fCustomConfigFile: Boolean;
295     fConfigFilePath: String;
296     fUseCommentsInCustomOptions: Boolean;
297   protected
GetCompilerPathnull298     function GetCompilerPath: String; virtual; abstract;
GetCustomOptionsnull299     function GetCustomOptions: string; virtual; abstract;
GetDebugPathnull300     function GetDebugPath: string; virtual; abstract;
GetIncludePathsnull301     function GetIncludePaths: String; virtual; abstract;
GetLibraryPathsnull302     function GetLibraryPaths: String; virtual; abstract;
GetModifiednull303     function GetModified: boolean; virtual;
GetNamespacesnull304     function GetNamespaces: String; virtual; abstract;
GetObjectPathnull305     function GetObjectPath: string; virtual; abstract;
GetSrcPathnull306     function GetSrcPath: string; virtual; abstract;
GetUnitOutputDirnull307     function GetUnitOutputDir: string; virtual; abstract;
GetUnitPathsnull308     function GetUnitPaths: String; virtual; abstract;
309     procedure SetCompilerPath(const AValue: String); virtual; abstract;
310     procedure SetConditionals(AValue: string); virtual; abstract;
311     procedure SetCustomOptions(const AValue: string); virtual; abstract;
312     procedure SetDebugPath(const AValue: string); virtual; abstract;
313     procedure SetIncludePaths(const AValue: String); virtual; abstract;
314     procedure SetLibraryPaths(const AValue: String); virtual; abstract;
315     procedure SetLinkerOptions(const AValue: String); virtual; abstract;
316     procedure SetModified(const AValue: boolean); virtual; abstract;
317     procedure SetNamespaces(const AValue: String); virtual; abstract;
318     procedure SetObjectPath(const AValue: string); virtual; abstract;
319     procedure SetSrcPath(const AValue: string); virtual; abstract;
320     procedure SetTargetCPU(const AValue: string); virtual; abstract;
321     procedure SetTargetFileExt(const AValue: String); virtual; abstract;
322     procedure SetTargetFilename(const AValue: String); virtual; abstract;
323     procedure SetTargetOS(const AValue: string); virtual; abstract;
324     procedure SetTargetProc(const AValue: string); virtual; abstract;
325     procedure SetUnitOutputDir(const AValue: string); virtual; abstract;
326     procedure SetUnitPaths(const AValue: String); virtual; abstract;
327   public
328     constructor Create(const TheOwner: TObject); virtual;
329     destructor Destroy; override;
IsActivenull330     function IsActive: boolean; virtual;
TrimCustomOptionsnull331     function TrimCustomOptions(o: string): string; virtual; abstract;
CreatePPUFilenamenull332     function CreatePPUFilename(const SourceFileName: string): string; virtual; abstract;
CreateTargetFilenamenull333     function CreateTargetFilename: string; virtual; abstract;
GetUnitOutputDirectorynull334     function GetUnitOutputDirectory(RelativeToBaseDir: boolean): string; virtual; abstract;
335   public
336     property Owner: TObject read fOwner write fOwner;
337     property Modified: boolean read GetModified write SetModified;
338     property OnModified: TNotifyEvent read FOnModified write FOnModified;
339     property ChangeStamp: int64 read FChangeStamp;
340     procedure IncreaseChangeStamp;
InvalidChangeStampnull341     class function InvalidChangeStamp: int64;
342     procedure AddOnChangedHandler(const Handler: TNotifyEvent);
343     procedure RemoveOnChangedHandler(const Handler: TNotifyEvent);
344   public
GetEffectiveTargetOSnull345     function GetEffectiveTargetOS: string; virtual; abstract;
GetEffectiveTargetCPUnull346     function GetEffectiveTargetCPU: string; virtual; abstract;
GetEffectiveLCLWidgetTypenull347     function GetEffectiveLCLWidgetType: string; virtual; abstract;
GetUnitPathnull348     function GetUnitPath(RelativeToBaseDir: boolean;
349                          Parsed: TCompilerOptionsParseType = coptParsed;
350                          WithBaseDir: boolean = true): string; virtual; abstract;
GetNamespacesParsednull351     function GetNamespacesParsed(Parsed: TCompilerOptionsParseType = coptParsed): string; virtual; abstract;
GetIncludePathnull352     function GetIncludePath(RelativeToBaseDir: boolean;
353                             Parsed: TCompilerOptionsParseType = coptParsed;
354                             WithBaseDir: boolean = true): string; virtual; abstract;
GetSrcPathnull355     function GetSrcPath(RelativeToBaseDir: boolean;
356                         Parsed: TCompilerOptionsParseType = coptParsed;
357                         WithBaseDir: boolean = true): string; virtual; abstract;
GetDebugPathnull358     function GetDebugPath(RelativeToBaseDir: boolean;
359                           Parsed: TCompilerOptionsParseType = coptParsed;
360                           WithBaseDir: boolean = true): string; virtual; abstract;
GetLibraryPathnull361     function GetLibraryPath(RelativeToBaseDir: boolean;
362                             Parsed: TCompilerOptionsParseType = coptParsed;
363                             WithBaseDir: boolean = true): string; virtual; abstract;
GetObjectPathnull364     function GetObjectPath(RelativeToBaseDir: boolean;
365                            Parsed: TCompilerOptionsParseType = coptParsed;
366                            WithBaseDir: boolean = true): string; virtual; abstract;
367   public
368     // search paths:
369     property IncludePath: String read GetIncludePaths write SetIncludePaths; // alias IncPath
370     property Libraries: String read GetLibraryPaths write SetLibraryPaths; // alias LibraryPath
371     property OtherUnitFiles: String read GetUnitPaths write SetUnitPaths; // alias UnitPath
372     property Namespaces: String read GetNamespaces write SetNamespaces;
373     property ObjectPath: string read GetObjectPath write SetObjectPath;
374     property SrcPath: string read GetSrcPath write SetSrcPath;  // alias SrcPath
375     property DebugPath: string read GetDebugPath write SetDebugPath;
376     property UnitOutputDirectory: string read GetUnitOutputDir write SetUnitOutputDir;
378     // conditional / build modes
379     property Conditionals: string read FConditionals write SetConditionals;
380     property BuildMacros: TLazBuildMacros read fBuildMacros;
382     // target:
383     property TargetFileExt: string read FTargetFileExt write SetTargetFileExt; // empty for default
384     property TargetFilename: string read fTargetFilename write SetTargetFilename; // empty for default
385     property TargetFilenameApplyConventions: boolean read FTargetFilenameAppplyConventions write SetTargetFilenameAppplyConventions;
387     // parsing:
388     property SyntaxMode: string read FSyntaxMode write SetSyntaxMode;
389     property AssemblerStyle: Integer read fAssemblerStyle write SetAssemblerStyle;
390     property CStyleOperators: Boolean read fCStyleOp write SetCStyleOp;
391     property IncludeAssertionCode: Boolean
392                          read fIncludeAssertionCode write SetIncludeAssertionCode;
393     property AllowLabel: Boolean read fAllowLabel write SetAllowLabel;
394     property UseAnsiStrings: Boolean read fUseAnsiStr write SetUseAnsiStr;
395     property CPPInline: Boolean read fCPPInline write SetCPPInline;
396     property CStyleMacros: Boolean read fCMacros write SetCMacros;
397     property InitConstructor: Boolean read fInitConst write SetInitConst;
398     property StaticKeyword: Boolean read fStaticKeyword write SetStaticKeyword;
400     // code generation:
401     property IOChecks: Boolean read fIOChecks write SetIOChecks;
402     property RangeChecks: Boolean read fRangeChecks write SetRangeChecks;
403     property OverflowChecks: Boolean read fOverflowChecks write SetOverflowChecks;
404     property StackChecks: Boolean read fStackChecks write SetStackChecks;
405     property SmartLinkUnit: Boolean read fSmartLinkUnit write SetSmartLinkUnit;
406     property RelocatableUnit: Boolean read fRelocatableUnit write SetRelocatableUnit;
407     property EmulatedFloatOpcodes: boolean read SetEmulatedFloatOpcodes
408                                            write SetEmulatedFloatOpcodes;
409     property HeapSize: Integer read fHeapSize write SetHeapSize;
410     property StackSize: Integer read fStackSize write SetStackSize;
411     property VerifyObjMethodCall: boolean read FVerifyObjMethodCall
412                                           write SetVerifyObjMethodCall;
413     property TargetOS: string read fTargetOS write SetTargetOS;
414     property TargetCPU: string read fTargetCPU write SetTargetCPU; // general type
415     property TargetProcessor: String read fTargetProc write SetTargetProc; // specific
416     property OptimizationLevel: Integer read fOptLevel write SetOptLevel;
417     property VariablesInRegisters: Boolean read fVarsInReg write SetVarsInReg;
418     property UncertainOptimizations: Boolean read fUncertainOpt write SetUncertainOpt;
419     property SmallerCode: boolean read FSmallerCode write SetSmallerCode;
421     // linking:
422     property GenerateDebugInfo: Boolean read fGenDebugInfo write SetGenDebugInfo;
423     property DebugInfoType: TCompilerDbgSymbolType read FDebugInfoType write SetDebugInfoType;
424     property DebugInfoTypeStr: String read GetDebugInfoTypeStr;
425     property UseLineInfoUnit: Boolean read fUseLineInfoUnit write SetUseLineInfoUnit;
426     property UseHeaptrc: Boolean read fUseHeaptrc write SetUseHeaptrc;
427     property TrashVariables: Boolean read fTrashVariables write SetTrashVariables;
428     property UseValgrind: Boolean read fUseValgrind write SetUseValgrind;
429     property GenGProfCode: Boolean read fGenGProfCode write SetGenGProfCode;
430     property StripSymbols: Boolean read fStripSymbols write SetStripSymbols;
431     property LinkSmart: Boolean read fLinkSmart write SetLinkSmart;
432     property PassLinkerOptions: Boolean read fPassLinkerOpt write SetPassLinkerOpt;
433     property LinkerOptions: String read fLinkerOptions write SetLinkerOptions;
434     property Win32GraphicApp: boolean read FWin32GraphicApp write SetWin32GraphicApp;
435     property ExecutableType: TCompilationExecutableType
436                                      read FExecutableType write SetExecutableType;
437     property UseExternalDbgSyms: Boolean read FUseExternalDbgSyms write SetUseExternalDbgSyms; // -Xg
439     // messages:
440     property ShowWarn: Boolean read fShowWarn write SetShowWarn; // -vw
441     property ShowNotes: Boolean read fShowNotes write SetShowNotes; // -vn
442     property ShowHints: Boolean read fShowHints write SetShowHints; // -vh
443     property ShowLineNum: Boolean read fShowLineNum write SetShowLineNum; // -vl
444     property ShowAll: Boolean read fShowAll write SetShowAll; // -va
445     property ShowDebugInfo: Boolean read fShowDebugInfo write SetShowDebugInfo; // -vd
446     property ShowUsedFiles: Boolean read fShowUsedFiles write SetShowUsedFiles; // -vu
447     property ShowTriedFiles: Boolean read fShowTriedFiles write SetShowTriedFiles; // -vt
448     property ShowCompProc: Boolean read fShowCompProc write SetShowCompProc; // -vp
449     property ShowCond: Boolean read fShowCond write SetShowCond; // -vc
450     property ShowExecInfo: Boolean read fShowExecInfo write SetShowExecInfo; // -vx
451     property ShowHintsForUnusedUnitsInMainSrc: Boolean
452       read fShowHintsForUnusedUnitsInMainSrc write SetShowHintsForUnusedUnitsInMainSrc;
453     property ShowHintsForSenderNotUsed: Boolean
454       read fShowHintsForSenderNotUsed write SetShowHintsForSenderNotUsed;
455     property WriteFPCLogo: Boolean read fWriteFPCLogo write SetWriteFPCLogo;
456     property StopAfterErrCount: integer read fStopAfterErrCount write SetStopAfterErrCount;
457     property MessageFlags: TAbstractCompilerMsgIDFlags read fMessageFlags;
458     // other tools
459     property ExecuteBefore: TLazCompilationToolOptions read fExecuteBefore;
460     property ExecuteAfter: TLazCompilationToolOptions read fExecuteAfter;
461     // other
462     property DontUseConfigFile: Boolean read fDontUseConfigFile write SetDontUseConfigFile;
463     property CustomConfigFile: Boolean read fCustomConfigFile write SetCustomConfigFile;
464     property ConfigFilePath: String read fConfigFilePath write SetConfigFilePath;
465     property CustomOptions: string read GetCustomOptions write SetCustomOptions;
466     property UseCommentsInCustomOptions: Boolean read fUseCommentsInCustomOptions
467                                                 write SetUseCommentsInCustomOptions;
468     // execute
469     property CompilerPath: String read GetCompilerPath write SetCompilerPath;
470     // disable normal compile and call this instead
471     procedure SetAlternativeCompile(const Command: string; ScanFPCMsgs: boolean); virtual; abstract;
472   end;
474 implementation
476 { TLazCompilationToolOptions }
478 constructor TLazCompilationToolOptions.Create(TheOwner: TLazCompilerOptions);
479 begin
480   FOwner:=TheOwner;
481   FCompileReasons:=crAll; // This default can be used in some comparisons.
482   FParsers:=TStringListUTF8Fast.Create;
483 end;
485 destructor  TLazCompilationToolOptions.Destroy;
486 begin
487   FreeAndNil(FParsers);
488   inherited Destroy;
489 end;
491 procedure TLazCompilationToolOptions.Clear;
492 begin
493   Command:='';
494   FCompileReasons := crAll;
495   FParsers.Clear;
496 end;
498 procedure TLazCompilationToolOptions.Assign(Src: TLazCompilationToolOptions);
499 begin
500   Command:=Src.Command;
501   FCompileReasons := Src.CompileReasons;
502 end;
GetHasParsernull504 function TLazCompilationToolOptions.GetHasParser(aParserName: string): boolean;
505 begin
506   Result:=FParsers.IndexOf(aParserName)>=0;
507 end;
509 procedure TLazCompilationToolOptions.SetHasParser(aParserName: string;
510   const AValue: boolean);
511 var
512   i: Integer;
513 begin
514   i:=FParsers.IndexOf(aParserName);
515   if i>=0 then begin
516     if AValue then exit;
517     FParsers.Delete(i);
518   end else begin
519     if not AValue then exit;
520     FParsers.Add(aParserName);
521   end;
522   Owner.IncreaseChangeStamp;
523 end;
525 procedure TLazCompilationToolOptions.SetParsers(const AValue: TStrings);
526 begin
527   if FParsers.Equals(AValue) then Exit;
528   {$IFDEF VerboseIDEModified}
529   debugln(['TCompilationToolOptions.SetParsers ',AValue.Text]);
530   {$ENDIF}
531   FParsers.Assign(AValue);
532   Owner.IncreaseChangeStamp;
533 end;
535 procedure TLazCompilationToolOptions.SetCommand(AValue: string);
536 begin
537   if FCommand=AValue then exit;
538   FCommand:=AValue;
539   FOwner.IncreaseChangeStamp;
540 end;
542 procedure TLazCompilationToolOptions.SetCompileReasons(const AValue: TCompileReasons);
543 begin
544   raise Exception.Create('TLazCompilationToolOptions does not support CompileReasons.'
545                         +' Use an inherited class instead.');
546 end;
548 { TLazBuildMacros }
550 constructor TLazBuildMacros.Create(TheOwner: TObject);
551 begin
552   FOwner:=TheOwner
553 end;
555 { TLazCompilerOptions }
557 procedure TLazCompilerOptions.SetLinkSmart(const AValue: Boolean);
558 begin
559   if fLinkSmart=AValue then exit;
560   fLinkSmart:=AValue;
561   IncreaseChangeStamp;
562 end;
564 procedure TLazCompilerOptions.SetOptLevel(const AValue: Integer);
565 begin
566   if fOptLevel=AValue then exit;
567   fOptLevel:=AValue;
568   IncreaseChangeStamp;
569 end;
571 procedure TLazCompilerOptions.SetOverflowChecks(const AValue: Boolean);
572 begin
573   if fOverflowChecks=AValue then exit;
574   fOverflowChecks:=AValue;
575   IncreaseChangeStamp;
576 end;
578 procedure TLazCompilerOptions.SetPassLinkerOpt(const AValue: Boolean);
579 begin
580   if fPassLinkerOpt=AValue then exit;
581   fPassLinkerOpt:=AValue;
582   IncreaseChangeStamp;
583 end;
585 procedure TLazCompilerOptions.SetRangeChecks(const AValue: Boolean);
586 begin
587   if fRangeChecks=AValue then exit;
588   fRangeChecks:=AValue;
589   IncreaseChangeStamp;
590 end;
592 procedure TLazCompilerOptions.SetShowAll(const AValue: Boolean);
593 begin
594   if fShowAll=AValue then exit;
595   fShowAll:=AValue;
596   IncreaseChangeStamp;
597 end;
599 procedure TLazCompilerOptions.SetShowCompProc(const AValue: Boolean);
600 begin
601   if fShowCompProc=AValue then exit;
602   fShowCompProc:=AValue;
603   IncreaseChangeStamp;
604 end;
606 procedure TLazCompilerOptions.SetShowCond(const AValue: Boolean);
607 begin
608   if fShowCond=AValue then exit;
609   fShowCond:=AValue;
610   IncreaseChangeStamp;
611 end;
613 procedure TLazCompilerOptions.SetShowDebugInfo(const AValue: Boolean);
614 begin
615   if fShowDebugInfo=AValue then exit;
616   fShowDebugInfo:=AValue;
617   IncreaseChangeStamp;
618 end;
620 procedure TLazCompilerOptions.SetShowExecInfo(const AValue: Boolean);
621 begin
622   if fShowExecInfo=AValue then exit;
623   fShowExecInfo:=AValue;
624   IncreaseChangeStamp;
625 end;
627 procedure TLazCompilerOptions.SetShowHints(const AValue: Boolean);
628 begin
629   if fShowHints=AValue then exit;
630   fShowHints:=AValue;
631   IncreaseChangeStamp;
632 end;
634 procedure TLazCompilerOptions.SetShowHintsForSenderNotUsed(const AValue: Boolean);
635 begin
636   if fShowHintsForSenderNotUsed=AValue then exit;
637   fShowHintsForSenderNotUsed:=AValue;
638   IncreaseChangeStamp;
639 end;
641 procedure TLazCompilerOptions.SetShowHintsForUnusedUnitsInMainSrc(
642   const AValue: Boolean);
643 begin
644   if fShowHintsForUnusedUnitsInMainSrc=AValue then exit;
645   fShowHintsForUnusedUnitsInMainSrc:=AValue;
646   IncreaseChangeStamp;
647 end;
649 procedure TLazCompilerOptions.SetShowLineNum(const AValue: Boolean);
650 begin
651   if fShowLineNum=AValue then exit;
652   fShowLineNum:=AValue;
653   IncreaseChangeStamp;
654 end;
656 procedure TLazCompilerOptions.SetShowNotes(const AValue: Boolean);
657 begin
658   if fShowNotes=AValue then exit;
659   fShowNotes:=AValue;
660   IncreaseChangeStamp;
661 end;
663 procedure TLazCompilerOptions.SetShowTriedFiles(const AValue: Boolean);
664 begin
665   if fShowTriedFiles=AValue then exit;
666   fShowTriedFiles:=AValue;
667   IncreaseChangeStamp;
668 end;
670 procedure TLazCompilerOptions.SetShowUsedFiles(const AValue: Boolean);
671 begin
672   if fShowUsedFiles=AValue then exit;
673   fShowUsedFiles:=AValue;
674   IncreaseChangeStamp;
675 end;
677 procedure TLazCompilerOptions.SetShowWarn(const AValue: Boolean);
678 begin
679   if fShowWarn=AValue then exit;
680   fShowWarn:=AValue;
681   IncreaseChangeStamp;
682 end;
684 procedure TLazCompilerOptions.SetSmallerCode(const AValue: boolean);
685 begin
686   if FSmallerCode=AValue then exit;
687   FSmallerCode:=AValue;
688   IncreaseChangeStamp;
689 end;
691 procedure TLazCompilerOptions.SetSmartLinkUnit(const AValue: Boolean);
692 begin
693   if fSmartLinkUnit=AValue then exit;
694   fSmartLinkUnit:=AValue;
695   IncreaseChangeStamp;
696 end;
698 procedure TLazCompilerOptions.SetRelocatableUnit(const AValue: Boolean);
699 begin
700   if fRelocatableUnit=AValue then exit;
701   fRelocatableUnit:=AValue;
702   IncreaseChangeStamp;
703 end;
705 procedure TLazCompilerOptions.SetStackChecks(const AValue: Boolean);
706 begin
707   if fStackChecks=AValue then exit;
708   fStackChecks:=AValue;
709   IncreaseChangeStamp;
710 end;
712 procedure TLazCompilerOptions.SetAllowLabel(const AValue: Boolean);
713 begin
714   if fAllowLabel=AValue then exit;
715   fAllowLabel:=AValue;
716   IncreaseChangeStamp;
717 end;
TLazCompilerOptions.GetDebugInfoTypeStrnull719 function TLazCompilerOptions.GetDebugInfoTypeStr: String;
720 begin
721   WriteStr(Result, FDebugInfoType);
722 end;
724 procedure TLazCompilerOptions.SetAssemblerStyle(const AValue: Integer);
725 begin
726   if fAssemblerStyle=AValue then exit;
727   fAssemblerStyle:=AValue;
728   IncreaseChangeStamp;
729 end;
731 procedure TLazCompilerOptions.SetCMacros(const AValue: Boolean);
732 begin
733   if fCMacros=AValue then exit;
734   fCMacros:=AValue;
735   IncreaseChangeStamp;
736 end;
738 procedure TLazCompilerOptions.SetConfigFilePath(const AValue: String);
739 begin
740   if fConfigFilePath=AValue then exit;
741   fConfigFilePath:=AValue;
742   IncreaseChangeStamp;
743 end;
745 procedure TLazCompilerOptions.SetCPPInline(const AValue: Boolean);
746 begin
747   if fCPPInline=AValue then exit;
748   fCPPInline:=AValue;
749   IncreaseChangeStamp;
750 end;
752 procedure TLazCompilerOptions.SetCStyleOp(const AValue: Boolean);
753 begin
754   if fCStyleOp=AValue then exit;
755   fCStyleOp:=AValue;
756   IncreaseChangeStamp;
757 end;
759 procedure TLazCompilerOptions.SetCustomConfigFile(const AValue: Boolean);
760 begin
761   if fCustomConfigFile=AValue then exit;
762   fCustomConfigFile:=AValue;
763   IncreaseChangeStamp;
764 end;
766 procedure TLazCompilerOptions.SetDebugInfoType(AValue: TCompilerDbgSymbolType);
767 begin
768   if FDebugInfoType = AValue then Exit;
769   FDebugInfoType := AValue;
770   IncreaseChangeStamp;
771 end;
773 procedure TLazCompilerOptions.SetDontUseConfigFile(const AValue: Boolean);
774 begin
775   if fDontUseConfigFile=AValue then exit;
776   fDontUseConfigFile:=AValue;
777   IncreaseChangeStamp;
778 end;
780 procedure TLazCompilerOptions.SetExecutableType(
781   const AValue: TCompilationExecutableType);
782 begin
783   if FExecutableType=AValue then exit;
784   FExecutableType:=AValue;
785   IncreaseChangeStamp;
786 end;
788 procedure TLazCompilerOptions.SetGenDebugInfo(const AValue: Boolean);
789 begin
790   if fGenDebugInfo=AValue then exit;
791   fGenDebugInfo:=AValue;
792   IncreaseChangeStamp;
793 end;
795 procedure TLazCompilerOptions.SetGenGProfCode(const AValue: Boolean);
796 begin
797   if fGenGProfCode=AValue then exit;
798   fGenGProfCode:=AValue;
799   IncreaseChangeStamp;
800 end;
802 procedure TLazCompilerOptions.SetHeapSize(const AValue: Integer);
803 begin
804   if fHeapSize=AValue then exit;
805   fHeapSize:=AValue;
806   IncreaseChangeStamp;
807 end;
809 procedure TLazCompilerOptions.SetStackSize(const AValue: Integer);
810 begin
811   if fStackSize=AValue then exit;
812   fStackSize:=AValue;
813   IncreaseChangeStamp;
814 end;
816 procedure TLazCompilerOptions.SetIncludeAssertionCode(const AValue: Boolean);
817 begin
818   if fIncludeAssertionCode=AValue then exit;
819   fIncludeAssertionCode:=AValue;
820   IncreaseChangeStamp;
821 end;
823 procedure TLazCompilerOptions.SetInitConst(const AValue: Boolean);
824 begin
825   if fInitConst=AValue then exit;
826   fInitConst:=AValue;
827   IncreaseChangeStamp;
828 end;
830 procedure TLazCompilerOptions.SetIOChecks(const AValue: Boolean);
831 begin
832   if fIOChecks=AValue then exit;
833   fIOChecks:=AValue;
834   IncreaseChangeStamp;
835 end;
837 procedure TLazCompilerOptions.SetStaticKeyword(const AValue: Boolean);
838 begin
839   if fStaticKeyword=AValue then exit;
840   fStaticKeyword:=AValue;
841   IncreaseChangeStamp;
842 end;
844 procedure TLazCompilerOptions.SetStopAfterErrCount(const AValue: integer);
845 begin
846   if fStopAfterErrCount=AValue then exit;
847   fStopAfterErrCount:=AValue;
848   IncreaseChangeStamp;
849 end;
851 procedure TLazCompilerOptions.SetStripSymbols(const AValue: Boolean);
852 begin
853   if fStripSymbols=AValue then exit;
854   fStripSymbols:=AValue;
855   IncreaseChangeStamp;
856 end;
858 procedure TLazCompilerOptions.SetSyntaxMode(const AValue: string);
859 begin
860   if FSyntaxMode=AValue then exit;
861   FSyntaxMode:=AValue;
862   IncreaseChangeStamp;
863 end;
865 procedure TLazCompilerOptions.SetTargetFilenameAppplyConventions(
866   const AValue: boolean);
867 begin
868   if FTargetFilenameAppplyConventions=AValue then exit;
869   FTargetFilenameAppplyConventions:=AValue;
870   IncreaseChangeStamp;
871 end;
873 procedure TLazCompilerOptions.SetUncertainOpt(const AValue: Boolean);
874 begin
875   if fUncertainOpt=AValue then exit;
876   fUncertainOpt:=AValue;
877   IncreaseChangeStamp;
878 end;
880 procedure TLazCompilerOptions.SetUseAnsiStr(const AValue: Boolean);
881 begin
882   if fUseAnsiStr=AValue then exit;
883   fUseAnsiStr:=AValue;
884   IncreaseChangeStamp;
885 end;
887 procedure TLazCompilerOptions.SetUseCommentsInCustomOptions(AValue: Boolean);
888 begin
889   if fUseCommentsInCustomOptions=AValue then Exit;
890   fUseCommentsInCustomOptions:=AValue;
891   IncreaseChangeStamp;
892 end;
894 procedure TLazCompilerOptions.SetUseExternalDbgSyms(const AValue: Boolean);
895 begin
896   if FUseExternalDbgSyms=AValue then exit;
897   FUseExternalDbgSyms:=AValue;
898   IncreaseChangeStamp;
899 end;
901 procedure TLazCompilerOptions.SetUseHeaptrc(const AValue: Boolean);
902 begin
903   if fUseHeaptrc=AValue then exit;
904   fUseHeaptrc:=AValue;
905   IncreaseChangeStamp;
906 end;
908 procedure TLazCompilerOptions.SetTrashVariables(const AValue: Boolean);
909 begin
910   if fTrashVariables=AValue then exit;
911   fTrashVariables:=AValue;
912   IncreaseChangeStamp;
913 end;
915 procedure TLazCompilerOptions.SetUseLineInfoUnit(const AValue: Boolean);
916 begin
917   if fUseLineInfoUnit=AValue then exit;
918   fUseLineInfoUnit:=AValue;
919   IncreaseChangeStamp;
920 end;
922 procedure TLazCompilerOptions.SetUseValgrind(const AValue: Boolean);
923 begin
924   if fUseValgrind=AValue then exit;
925   fUseValgrind:=AValue;
926   IncreaseChangeStamp;
927 end;
929 procedure TLazCompilerOptions.SetVarsInReg(const AValue: Boolean);
930 begin
931   if fVarsInReg=AValue then exit;
932   fVarsInReg:=AValue;
933   IncreaseChangeStamp;
934 end;
936 procedure TLazCompilerOptions.SetVerifyObjMethodCall(const AValue: boolean);
937 begin
938   if FVerifyObjMethodCall=AValue then exit;
939   FVerifyObjMethodCall:=AValue;
940   IncreaseChangeStamp;
941 end;
943 procedure TLazCompilerOptions.SetWin32GraphicApp(const AValue: boolean);
944 begin
945   if FWin32GraphicApp=AValue then exit;
946   FWin32GraphicApp:=AValue;
947   IncreaseChangeStamp;
948 end;
950 procedure TLazCompilerOptions.SetWriteFPCLogo(const AValue: Boolean);
951 begin
952   if fWriteFPCLogo=AValue then exit;
953   fWriteFPCLogo:=AValue;
954   IncreaseChangeStamp;
955 end;
TLazCompilerOptions.GetModifiednull957 function TLazCompilerOptions.GetModified: boolean;
958 begin
959   Result:=(FSavedChangeStamp=InvalidChangeStamp)
960        or (FSavedChangeStamp<>FChangeStamp);
961 end;
963 constructor TLazCompilerOptions.Create(const TheOwner: TObject);
964 begin
965   inherited Create;
966   fOnChanged:=TMethodList.Create;
967   FChangeStamp:=InvalidChangeStamp;
968   FSavedChangeStamp:=FChangeStamp;
969   FTargetFilenameAppplyConventions:=true;
970   FOwner := TheOwner;
971 end;
973 destructor TLazCompilerOptions.Destroy;
974 begin
975   FreeAndNil(fOnChanged);
976   inherited Destroy;
977 end;
IsActivenull979 function TLazCompilerOptions.IsActive: boolean;
980 begin
981   Result:=false;
982 end;
984 procedure TLazCompilerOptions.IncreaseChangeStamp;
985 begin
986   if fChangeStamp<High(ChangeStamp) then
987     inc(fChangeStamp)
988   else
989     fChangeStamp:=Low(int64)+1;
990   if fOnChanged<>nil then fOnChanged.CallNotifyEvents(Self);
991 end;
TLazCompilerOptions.InvalidChangeStampnull993 class function TLazCompilerOptions.InvalidChangeStamp: int64;
994 begin
995   Result:=Low(int64);
996 end;
998 procedure TLazCompilerOptions.AddOnChangedHandler(const Handler: TNotifyEvent);
999 begin
1000   fOnChanged.Add(TMethod(Handler));
1001 end;
1003 procedure TLazCompilerOptions.RemoveOnChangedHandler(const Handler: TNotifyEvent);
1004 begin
1005   fOnChanged.Remove(TMethod(Handler));
1006 end;
1008 end.