1 {
2  ***************************************************************************
3  *                                                                         *
4  *   This source is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify   *
5  *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
6  *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
7  *   (at your option) any later version.                                   *
8  *                                                                         *
9  *   This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but      *
10  *   WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of            *
12  *   General Public License for more details.                              *
13  *                                                                         *
14  *   A copy of the GNU General Public License is available on the World    *
15  *   Wide Web at <http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html>. You can also      *
16  *   obtain it by writing to the Free Software Foundation,                 *
17  *   Inc., 51 Franklin Street - Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1335, USA.   *
18  *                                                                         *
19  ***************************************************************************
21   Author: Mattias Gaertner
23   Abstract:
24     An Atom is the smallest unit for a parser. Usually a word or a symbol.
25     An Atom is defined by the Start- and Endposition in the code (TAtomPosition)
27     An TAtomRing is a ring of TAtomPosition
29 }
30 unit CodeAtom;
32 {$ifdef FPC}{$mode objfpc}{$endif}{$inline on}{$H+}
34 interface
36 {$I codetools.inc}
38 { $Define CheckAtomRing}
40 uses
42   MemCheck,
43   {$ENDIF}
44   SysUtils,
45   // Codetools
46   FileProcs, KeywordFuncLists;
48 type
49   TCommonAtomFlag = (
50     cafNone, // = none of the below
51     cafSemicolon, cafEqual, cafColon, cafComma, cafPoint,
52     cafRoundBracketOpen, cafRoundBracketClose,
53     cafEdgedBracketOpen, cafEdgedBracketClose,
54     cafAssignment,
55     cafWord, cafEnd,
56     cafOtherOperator // = other operator
57     );
58   TCommonAtomFlags = set of TCommonAtomFlag;
60 const
61   AllCommonAtomWords = [cafWord, cafEnd];
62   CommonAtomFlagNames: array[TCommonAtomFlag] of shortstring = (
63       'None',
64       'Semicolon', 'Equal', 'Colon', 'Comma', 'Point',
65       'RoundBracketOpen', 'RoundBracketClose',
66       'EdgedBracketOpen', 'EdgedBracketClose',
67       'Assignment',
68       'Word', 'End', 'Operator'
69     );
71 type
72   TAtomPosition = record
73     StartPos: integer; // first char of Atom
74     EndPos: integer;   // char behind Atom
75     Flag: TCommonAtomFlag;
76   end;
77   PAtomPosition = ^TAtomPosition;
79 const
80   StartAtomPosition: TAtomPosition = (StartPos:1; EndPos:1; Flag:cafNone);
81   CleanAtomPosition: TAtomPosition = (StartPos:0; EndPos:0; Flag:cafNone);
83 type
85   { TAtomRing }
87   TAtomRing = class
88   private
89     FMask: integer;
90     FSize: integer;
91     FCur: integer;
92     FFirst: integer;
93     FLast: integer;
94     FItems: {$ifdef FPC}^{$else}array of {$endif}TAtomPosition;
95     FSrcLen: integer;
96        // ring of TAtomPosition
97     procedure SetSize(NewSize: integer);
IndexToRelativePosnull98     function IndexToRelativePos(Index: integer): integer;
RelativeToIndexnull99     function RelativeToIndex(RelativePos: integer): integer; inline;
100   public
Emptynull101     function Empty: boolean; inline;
102     procedure Add(const NewAtom: TAtomPosition); inline;
GetCurrentnull103     function GetCurrent(var Atom: TAtomPosition): boolean;
IsCurrentnull104     function IsCurrent(const Atom: TAtomPosition): boolean;
SetCurrentnull105     function SetCurrent(const Atom: TAtomPosition): boolean;
HasPriornull106     function HasPrior: boolean; inline;
GoBacknull107     function GoBack(var Atom: TAtomPosition): boolean;
108     procedure UndoLastAdd; inline;
109     procedure AddReverse(const NewAtom: TAtomPosition); inline; // used when reading backwards
GetPriorAtomnull110     function GetPriorAtom: TAtomPosition; inline;
GetAtomAtnull111     function GetAtomAt(RelativePos:integer): TAtomPosition;
112           // 0=current=last added
113           // -1=prior current, added before current ...
114           // 1=next first undo item, ...
GetValueAtnull115     function GetValueAt(ReverseRelativePos:integer): TAtomPosition; inline; deprecated 'use GetAtomAt(-1-index)'; // Laz 1.9
IndexOfnull116     function IndexOf(StartPos: integer; out RelativePos: integer): boolean;
117     procedure SetIndex(RelativePos: integer);
Countnull118     function Count: integer; inline; deprecated 'use HasPrior or PriorCount instead'; // Laz 1.9
PriorCountnull119     function PriorCount: integer; inline;
NextCountnull120     function NextCount: integer; inline;
HasNextnull121     function HasNext: boolean; inline;
MoveToNextnull122     function MoveToNext(var Atom: TAtomPosition): boolean;
123     property Size: integer read FSize write SetSize; // rounded up to next power of 2
124     procedure Clear;
125     procedure ClearCurrent; // clear current and next, keep previous
126     procedure WriteDebugReport;
127     procedure ConsistencyCheck;
128     property SrcLen: integer read FSrcLen write FSrcLen;
129     constructor Create;
130     destructor Destroy; override;
CalcMemSizenull131     function CalcMemSize: PtrUInt;
132   end;
134   TAtomList = class
135   private
136     FCapacity: integer;
137     FCount: integer;
138     FItems: {$ifdef FPC}^{$else}array of {$endif}TAtomPosition;
GetItemsnull139     function GetItems(Index: integer): TAtomPosition;
140     procedure SetCapacity(const AValue: integer);
141     procedure SetItems(Index: integer; const AValue: TAtomPosition);
142     procedure Grow;
143   public
144     procedure Add(NewAtom: TAtomPosition);
145     procedure Clear;
146     constructor Create;
147     destructor Destroy; override;
148     property Capacity: integer read FCapacity write SetCapacity;
149     property Count: integer read FCount;
150     property Items[Index: integer]: TAtomPosition read GetItems write SetItems; default;
151   end;
153 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
154 // useful functions
AtomPositionnull155 function AtomPosition(StartPos, EndPos: integer): TAtomPosition; overload;
AtomPositionnull156 function AtomPosition(StartPos, EndPos: integer; Flag: TCommonAtomFlag): TAtomPosition; overload;
dbgsnull158 function dbgs(const a: TAtomPosition): string; overload;
161 implementation
164 { useful functions }
AtomPositionnull166 function AtomPosition(StartPos, EndPos: integer): TAtomPosition;
167 begin
168   Result.StartPos:=StartPos;
169   Result.EndPos:=EndPos;
170   Result.Flag:=cafNone;
171 end;
AtomPositionnull173 function AtomPosition(StartPos, EndPos: integer; Flag: TCommonAtomFlag
174   ): TAtomPosition;
175 begin
176   Result.StartPos:=StartPos;
177   Result.EndPos:=EndPos;
178   Result.Flag:=Flag;
179 end;
dbgsnull181 function dbgs(const a: TAtomPosition): string;
182 begin
183   Result:=CommonAtomFlagNames[a.Flag]+'['+dbgs(a.StartPos)+'-'+dbgs(a.EndPos)+']';
184 end;
186 { TAtomRing }
188 procedure TAtomRing.SetSize(NewSize: integer);
189 var i: integer;
190 begin
191   Clear;
192   if NewSize<2 then NewSize:=2;
193   if NewSize>$FFFFFFF then NewSize:=$FFFFFFF;
194   i:=0;
195   while (i<30) and (NewSize>(1 shl i)) do inc(i);
196   NewSize:=(1 shl i);
197   if FSize=NewSize then exit;
198   FSize:=NewSize;
199   FMask:=FSize-1;
200   ReAllocMem(FItems,FSize * SizeOf(TAtomPosition));
201   Clear;
202 end;
IndexToRelativePosnull204 function TAtomRing.IndexToRelativePos(Index: integer): integer;
205 begin
206   if FCur<0 then
207     RaiseCatchableException('IndexToRelativePos');
208   if FCur>=FFirst then begin
209     if Index>=FFirst then begin
210       Result:=Index-FCur;
211     end else begin
212       Result:=Index+FSize-FCur;
213     end;
214   end else begin
215     if Index>=FFirst then begin
216       Result:=Index-FSize-FCur;
217     end else begin
218       Result:=Index-FCur;
219     end;
220   end;
221 end;
RelativeToIndexnull223 function TAtomRing.RelativeToIndex(RelativePos: integer): integer;
224 begin
225   Result:=(FCur+FSize+RelativePos) and FMask;
226 end;
Emptynull228 function TAtomRing.Empty: boolean;
229 begin
230   Result:=FCur>=0;
231 end;
233 constructor TAtomRing.Create;
234 begin
235   inherited Create;
236   FItems:=nil;
237   Size:=16;
238 end;
240 destructor TAtomRing.Destroy;
241 begin
242   if FItems<>nil then FreeMem(FItems);
243   inherited Destroy;
244 end;
TAtomRing.CalcMemSizenull246 function TAtomRing.CalcMemSize: PtrUInt;
247 begin
248   Result:=PtrUInt(InstanceSize)
249        +PtrUInt(FSize)*SizeOf(TAtomPosition);
250 end;
252 procedure TAtomRing.Add(const NewAtom: TAtomPosition);
253 begin
254   if FCur>=0 then begin
255     if (FCur=FLast) then begin
256       FCur:=(FCur+1) and FMask;
257       FLast:=FCur;
258       if FFirst=FLast then
259         FFirst:=(FFirst+1) and FMask;
260     end else
261       FCur:=(FCur+1) and FMask;
262   end else begin
263     FCur:=0;
264     FFirst:=0;
265     FLast:=0;
266   end;
267   FItems[FCur]:=NewAtom;
268   {$IFDEF CheckAtomRing}ConsistencyCheck;{$ENDIF}
269 end;
GetCurrentnull271 function TAtomRing.GetCurrent(var Atom: TAtomPosition): boolean;
272 begin
273   if FCur>=0 then begin
274     Atom:=FItems[FCur];
275     Result:=true;
276   end else
277     Result:=false;
278 end;
IsCurrentnull280 function TAtomRing.IsCurrent(const Atom: TAtomPosition): boolean;
281 var
282   p: PAtomPosition;
283 begin
284   if FCur<0 then exit(false);
285   p:=@FItems[FCur];
286   Result:=(Atom.StartPos=p^.StartPos) and (Atom.EndPos=p^.EndPos)
287     and (Atom.Flag=p^.Flag);
288 end;
TAtomRing.SetCurrentnull290 function TAtomRing.SetCurrent(const Atom: TAtomPosition): boolean;
291 var
292   Item: PAtomPosition;
293 begin
294   if Atom.StartPos>=Atom.EndPos then begin
295     Clear;
296     exit(false);
297   end;
298   Result:=true;
299   if FCur>=0 then begin
300     if FCur<>FFirst then begin
301       Item:=@FItems[(FCur+FSize-1) and FMask];
302       if Item^.EndPos>Atom.StartPos then begin
303         Clear;
304         Add(Atom);
305         exit;
306       end;
307     end;
308     if FCur<>FLast then begin
309       Item:=@FItems[(FCur+1) and FMask];
310       if Item^.StartPos<Atom.EndPos then begin
311         ClearCurrent;
312         Add(Atom);
313         exit;
314       end;
315     end;
316     FItems[FCur]:=Atom;
317   end else begin
318     Add(Atom);
319   end;
320 end;
HasPriornull322 function TAtomRing.HasPrior: boolean;
323 begin
324   Result:=FCur<>FFirst;
325 end;
TAtomRing.GoBacknull327 function TAtomRing.GoBack(var Atom: TAtomPosition): boolean;
328 begin
329   if FCur<>FFirst then begin
330     FCur:=(FCur+FSize-1) and FMask;
331     Atom:=FItems[FCur];
332     Result:=true;
333     {$IFDEF CheckAtomRing}ConsistencyCheck;{$ENDIF}
334   end else
335     Result:=false;
336 end;
338 procedure TAtomRing.AddReverse(const NewAtom: TAtomPosition);
339 begin
340   if FFirst>=0 then begin
341     if (FCur=FFirst) then begin
342       FCur:=(FCur+FSize-1) and FMask;
343       FFirst:=FCur;
344       if FFirst=FLast then
345         FLast:=(FLast+FSize-1) and FMask;
346     end else
347       FCur:=(FCur+FSize-1) and FMask;
348   end else begin
349     FCur:=0;
350     FFirst:=0;
351     FLast:=0;
352   end;
353   FItems[FCur]:=NewAtom;
354   {$IFDEF CheckAtomRing}ConsistencyCheck;{$ENDIF}
355 end;
357 procedure TAtomRing.UndoLastAdd;
358 begin
359   if FCur<>FFirst then begin
360     FCur:=(FCur+FSize-1) and FMask;
361   end else begin
362     Clear;
363   end;
364   {$IFDEF CheckAtomRing}ConsistencyCheck;{$ENDIF}
365 end;
GetPriorAtomnull367 function TAtomRing.GetPriorAtom: TAtomPosition;
368 begin
369   if (FCur<>FFirst) then begin
370     Result:=FItems[RelativeToIndex(-1)];
371     exit;
372   end;
373   Result:=CleanAtomPosition;
374 end;
TAtomRing.GetAtomAtnull376 function TAtomRing.GetAtomAt(RelativePos: integer): TAtomPosition;
377 // 0=current -1=prior current ...
378 var
379   i: Integer;
380 begin
381   if (FCur>=0) then begin
382     if RelativePos>=0 then begin
383       i:=(FLast+FSize-FCur) and FMask;
384       if RelativePos<=i then begin
385         Result:=FItems[RelativeToIndex(RelativePos)];
386         exit;
387       end;
388     end else begin
389       i:=((FCur+FSize-FFirst) and FMask)+1;
390       if -RelativePos<=i then begin
391         Result:=FItems[RelativeToIndex(RelativePos)];
392         exit;
393       end;
394     end;
395   end;
396   Result:=CleanAtomPosition;
397 end;
TAtomRing.GetValueAtnull399 function TAtomRing.GetValueAt(ReverseRelativePos: integer): TAtomPosition;
400 begin
401   Result:=GetAtomAt(-1-ReverseRelativePos);
402 end;
IndexOfnull404 function TAtomRing.IndexOf(StartPos: integer; out RelativePos: integer): boolean;
405 var
406   p, l, r, m: Integer;
407 begin
408   //writeln('TAtomRing.IndexOf StartPos=',StartPos,' FCur=',FCur,' FFirst=',FFirst,' FLast=',FLast);
409   if FCur<0 then exit(false);
410   if FItems[FFirst].StartPos>StartPos then exit(false);
411   if FItems[FLast].StartPos<StartPos then exit(false);
413   if FFirst<=FLast then begin
414     l:=FFirst;
415     r:=FLast;
416   end else begin
417     l:=FFirst;
418     r:=FLast+FSize;
419   end;
420   //writeln('TAtomRing.IndexOf l=',l,' r=',r);
421   while l<=r do begin
422     m:=(l+r) shr 1;
423     p:=FItems[m and FMask].StartPos;
424     if StartPos>p then
425       l:=m+1
426     else if StartPos<p then
427       r:=m-1
428     else begin
429       // found
430       RelativePos:=IndexToRelativePos(m);
431       exit(true);
432     end;
433   end;
434   Result:=false;
435 end;
437 procedure TAtomRing.SetIndex(RelativePos: integer);
438 begin
439   FCur:=(FCur+FSize+RelativePos) and FMask;
440   {$IFDEF CheckAtomRing}ConsistencyCheck;{$ENDIF}
441 end;
TAtomRing.Countnull443 function TAtomRing.Count: integer;
444 begin
445   Result:=PriorCount;
446 end;
448 procedure TAtomRing.Clear;
449 begin
450   FFirst:=-1;
451   FLast:=-1;
452   FCur:=-1;
453   {$IFDEF CheckAtomRing}ConsistencyCheck;{$ENDIF}
454 end;
456 procedure TAtomRing.ClearCurrent;
457 begin
458   if FCur<0 then exit;
459   if FCur=FFirst then
460     Clear
461   else begin
462     FCur:=(FCur+FSize-1) and FMask;
463     FLast:=FCur;
464   end;
465   {$IFDEF CheckAtomRing}ConsistencyCheck;{$ENDIF}
466 end;
PriorCountnull468 function TAtomRing.PriorCount: integer;
469 begin
470   if FCur>=0 then
471     Result:=((FCur+FSize-FFirst) and FMask)+1
472   else
473     Result:=0;
474 end;
NextCountnull476 function TAtomRing.NextCount: integer;
477 begin
478   if FCur>=0 then
479     Result:=(FLast+FSize-FCur) and FMask
480   else
481     Result:=0;
482 end;
TAtomRing.HasNextnull484 function TAtomRing.HasNext: boolean;
485 begin
486   Result:=FCur<>FLast;
487 end;
MoveToNextnull489 function TAtomRing.MoveToNext(var Atom: TAtomPosition): boolean;
490 begin
491   if FCur<>FLast then begin
492     FCur:=(FCur+1) and FMask;
493     Atom:=FItems[FCur];
494     Result:=true;
495     {$IFDEF CheckAtomRing}ConsistencyCheck;{$ENDIF}
496   end else
497     Result:=false;
498 end;
500 procedure TAtomRing.WriteDebugReport;
501 var i: integer;
502   p: TAtomPosition;
503 begin
504   DebugLn(['[TAtomRing.WriteDebugReport] Size=',FSize
505     ,' Cur=',FCur,' First=',FFirst,' Last=',FLast,' PriorCount=',PriorCount,' NextCount=',NextCount]);
506   if FCur>=0 then begin
507     DbgOut('ValuesAt: ');
508     for i:=1-PriorCount to NextCount do begin
509       p:=GetAtomAt(i);
510       DbgOut(' '+dbgs(i)+'='+dbgs(p.StartPos)+'-'+dbgs(p.EndPos));
511     end;
512     DebugLn('');
513   end;
514 end;
516 procedure TAtomRing.ConsistencyCheck;
518   procedure E(Msg: string);
519   begin
520     WriteDebugReport;
521     Msg:='TAtomRing.ConsistencyCheck: '+Msg;
522     debugln('ERROR: ',Msg);
523     RaiseCatchableException(Msg);
524   end;
526 var
527   i, Next: Integer;
528 begin
529   if FSize<2 then exit;
530   if FSize<>FMask+1 then E('invalid FMask');
531   if (FCur<-1) or (FCur>FMask) then E('invalid FCur');
532   if (FFirst<-1) or (FFirst>FMask) then E('invalid FFirst');
533   if (FLast<-1) or (FLast>FMask) then E('invalid FLast');
534   if FCur<0 then begin
535     if FFirst<>FCur then E('FFirst<>FCur');
536     if FLast<>FCur then E('FLast<>FCur');
537   end else begin
538     if FFirst<0 then E('FFirst<0');
539     if FLast<0 then E('FLast<0');
540     if FFirst<=FLast then begin
541       if FCur<FFirst then E('FCur<FFirst<=FLast');
542       if FCur>FLast then E('FCur>FLast>=FFirst');
543     end else begin
544       if (FCur>FLast) and (FCur<FFirst) then E('FLast<FCur<FFirst');
545     end;
546     i:=FFirst;
547     repeat
548       if FItems[i].StartPos>=FItems[i].EndPos then begin
549         if (i=FLast) and (FItems[i].StartPos=FItems[i].EndPos)
550         and (FItems[i].StartPos>SrcLen) then
551           // src end
552         else if (i=FFirst) and (FItems[i].StartPos=FItems[i].EndPos)
553         and (FItems[i].StartPos<1) then
554           // src start
555         else
556           E('StartPos>=EndPos at '+IntToStr(i));
557       end;
558       if i=FLast then break;
559       Next:=(i+1) and FMask;
560       if FItems[i].EndPos>FItems[Next].StartPos then E('FItems['+IntToStr(i)+'].EndPos>FItems['+IntToStr(Next)+'].StartPos');
561       i:=Next;
562     until false;
563   end;
564 end;
566 { TAtomList }
TAtomList.GetItemsnull568 function TAtomList.GetItems(Index: integer): TAtomPosition;
569 begin
570   Result:=FItems[Index];
571 end;
573 procedure TAtomList.SetCapacity(const AValue: integer);
574 begin
575   if FCapacity=AValue then exit;
576   FCapacity:=AValue;
577   if FItems<>nil then begin
578     if FCapacity>0 then begin
579       ReallocMem(FItems,SizeOf(TAtomPosition)*FCapacity);
580     end else begin
581       FreeMem(FItems);
582       FItems:=nil;
583     end;
584   end else begin
585     if FCapacity>0 then
586       GetMem(FItems,SizeOf(TAtomPosition)*FCapacity);
587   end;
588 end;
590 procedure TAtomList.SetItems(Index: integer; const AValue: TAtomPosition);
591 begin
592   FItems[Index]:=AValue;
593 end;
595 procedure TAtomList.Grow;
596 begin
597   Capacity:=Capacity*2+10;
598 end;
600 procedure TAtomList.Add(NewAtom: TAtomPosition);
601 begin
602   if FCount=FCapacity then Grow;
603   inc(FCount);
604   Items[Count-1]:=NewAtom;
605 end;
607 procedure TAtomList.Clear;
608 begin
609   FCount:=0;
610   Capacity:=0;
611 end;
613 constructor TAtomList.Create;
614 begin
615   inherited Create;
616 end;
618 destructor TAtomList.Destroy;
619 begin
620   Clear;
621   inherited Destroy;
622 end;
624 end.